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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1960, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TECNDA TTSABWAVLZ NAU THTRSDY. TTU. ZOUI, 10* Run Fast to Sta y Put-M Br C. J. Harris worker in the middle-incomei terpart pays nearly twice that bracket in 1939 has had ta much' in a week, at $601 for Any one who was warking, pramate hirnself into the high- the year. No doubt the fact for a living in 1939 and is stili, er-incame bracket in 1959 that the maney is collected at at it probably wonders from just ta stay put. The $5,000-a- the source and neyer actually time ta time how he is doing' year. twa-child family man gets inta the warker's pocket taday, income-wise, as com- in 1939 paid $96 incarne tax has been one factor in help- pared to that earlier time. and had a net incarne of $4,- ing higher gavernment spend- Wages and salaries are away 904; ta live an the samne scale ing escape natice as a main up but, because of inflation, in 1959 he needed ta earn $11,- element in higher living costs. so are prices. And, ta an ex- 576, out of which he paid $1,- tent probably unrealized, s0 759 incarne tax. The $l0,000- i are taxes. In the Toronta a-year man of 1939 needed Globe and Mail a financial $26,781 by 1959. I O id writer bas worked out some Beasthtxanarig dallar-by-dollar comparisons .BRace Fora o ernng that are most enlightening. In 'is progressive, any ane who R c o the matter of incarne, he finds, was in the high-income brac- Canadians have had ta run ket in 1939 had to promate hîs pretty fast ta stay where they incarne ta astronomical heights ýTh ird Ti mel 1959. The $25,000-a-year Twenty years ago a married. meno 99afwo hr The Bowmanville Racing man with two children and' were 1,852 in that year-need- Pigeon Club flew their third an incarne of $3,000 paid d $7 5,0,n15. atya' Old Bird race on Saturday income tax, leaving him a re- tax records have not yet been from Parry Sound, Ont., a sidue of $2,993. In 1959, to published but it would be a!distance of 120 miles air uine achieve the equivalent in pur- reasonably good wager that. ta Bowmanville. chasing power of 1939's $2,- there were fewer Canadians The weather was clear with 993, a married man with two, in this group in 1959 than. light winds resulting in a children had ta earn a total there.were in 1939. Therein, good race. of $6,588. Incarne tax took conceivably, is an explana- Resuts:î1st C. Lernon, 2nd $61 n 95 cmpre t 7 tion of why so manyoth1T $6in 19 9 dbcomausethisyea most able Canadians m*f thejL. Richards, 3rd Piper and in 199 and becase tms grate Woolacott, 4th Mavin Bros., dollar bas only haîf the buy- ta the greener fields south of S5th Jack Brown, 6th Bob Fre- ing power of the prewar dol- the border.1 dricks, 7th Bill White. lar, the remaining $5.9871I It is surprising that the tax _________ would buy what $2,993 bought'factor in the higher cost of in 1939. The loss ta inflation living receives so little atten- was $2,993 and the loss ta tion. The pre-war $60-a-week J tn higher taxes was S594. earner . paid $7 tax for the YVitnesses By the same formula,_ the whole year; bis modern coun- ne=àlk. 1 Court Peterborough with dire 'YELVERTurN results for the locais. Umpteen ta 3 in favour of Peterborough. Congratulations ta Mr. Flem Thursday night game vs. Nes- Thompson, aur Cadmus neigh- tieton called off "on account bour wbo celebrated his 9th of rain". birthday on June 2nd. Mr. Durhm County Fed., of Ag- Thompson iis stili very active ncdretr intl et andmaitais alivly nteesting was beld here at Malconia in whatever happens to be go- on Thursday evening, June ing on. Our wishes for many 2nd. more birtbdays and continued Anmbro evroin good healVh. Aenjoydte of den Prtisa Mr. Wm. McCale underwent eBalyeduthe adNes tien t eye surgeny in Toronto this RlyufadNsltnti week. His friencks and neigh- week. bours wish hlm a speedy re- Mr. Ted Spenceley was one covery. ýof the three auctioneers who Mr. Howard Malcolm enjay- particîpated in a recent pony ed a motor trip as passenger sale of 150 pondes at Kitchener ta Manitoulin Islands thi s on Saturday, May 28, under Week. management of Huglh Stewart The C.O.F. dance in Janet- Of Peterboro. Top price ne- 'Ville on Frid'ay evening was alized for these dwarf imita- well attended and a social ev- t ions of an equine ranged from ering was pleasantly spent $1,000 for negistered, $700 for daningto usc b ToMYtop grade. Mr. Sear's berng Teatro orchestra, Lindsay. consulted in the wild pony Mr. and Mrs. Art IRowan roundup planned for Sable Is- and girls attended Brooklin land in the future. Fair on Saturday while Mrs. We at Malconia, accompan- Mabel Rowan and Miss Annie ied by the parents- the Rae enjayed a visit with the Dick Mahcolms, enjoyed a day with Row.ans at Enniskillen. the Ralph Malcolms at their Court Manvers first bail new abode in Scarborough on game was played last Monday Sunday and a brief visit with nieht in Peterborough vsi the Roy Wrigbts there. "PUT THE DAMAGE ON NY CREDIT CARD"I You've already "parked" that car where it belongs, ma'am! Our top mechanics, using the best equipment and parts, will soon have youn car hoaking and nunning like new. Fan any service job - large or small - you can caunt on us ta do the job at the ight pnice! GE SHELL TATIONq 1 DEALER IN MA 3.3231 SHEI.L PRODUCTS %iI ier aid 'Uxbrid-ge The population of Uxbridge swelled aven the weekend as 506 attended the semi-annual circuit convention of Jehovahs' Witnesses. Delegates fnom eight other aneas gathened for the event, the finst of its kind ta be held in the town. Six montbs ago a similar con- fenence was held in Whitby. The Town Hall convenîentlyi senved as the centre of acti- vity for the three-day meet whene the delegates witnessed talks, demonstratian and pan- tomimes that were designed ta belp them in thein inten- sive pneaching campaign. Friday evening Mn. Victor White struck the theme of the assembly by speaking on the subject "Seek Peace and Pur- sue It" before intmaducing the mînistny scbool and service meeting. Congregation over- seers fnom eight other congre-1 gations bad praminent parts on the two boum programme that followed. Saturday saw much local advertising of the public talk for Sunday, "Finding peace in1 this Troubled Wonhd." The c Baptism service was also fea- tured on the Satunday pro- gramme. The convention was bnougbt ta a conclusion an Sunday asf Mn. Victor White spoke toaa packed audience an the sub- ject "Finding Peace in this Traubled World." Tbis assembly served as a1 prelude ta the annual district assembly of Jehovah's Wit- nesses ta be beld in the To-f ronto Exhibition Park next month. HAMPTON G irls Play First Game Here on Friday Night* Bowmanville Juvenile girls' team will have their Marjorie Fogg; middle row, Greta Crawford, Pat first game of the season -on Friday night at Central Carter, Betty Piekard, Nancy Kelly, Diane Ormiston, School grounds when they will meet Port Hope at Sharon Cully, Bonny Mutton and Pat Kilpatrick; bachk 6:45 p.m. The Ontario's are in a first place tie with row, Keith Groen, Ai Johnston, Gord Kilpatrick, Bruce Orono at the moment. The locals, playing their second Coiweil and John Kilpatrick. The team is sponsored year in organized softball, include from left to right, by W. A. Kiipatrick, Plumbing and Heating. Absent, front row: Sharon Burgess, Lenora Fowler, Carol Ann Martin, Kathy Hooey, Shirley Tamlinson, and Smith, Sandra Johnston, Judy Paeden, Carol Creland, Bey Sleep. Who's In Contrc Power mowers . .-ta many thousands of home-owners the name means "igrass cutting made easy". What a relief after pushing that heavy hand- mower, ta change places and let the mower do the work! But wait*'* have they quite changed places? The man stihi controls the machine. And whihe the machine has developed in camphexity ta the point where it can neariy do the whole job, man, who guides it, is stihi his same oid-fashioned, pre-autamation self. This combination gives rise ta a brand new set of prob- lems, but don't worry, there's an easy solution to them . by streamlinîng the man to match! This fisn't as complicated as it sounds. In fact it's easy. Man has ahready matched wits with fan more complex inventions, with fair success. The power mower is a relatively easy apponent, and man is already equipped ta grapple with it. ,Here's ail you do: Count up alh. the potential problems with power mawers; fhying abjects, injured hands and feet, and Mrs. T. C. Glaspell, Zion. Mn. and Mns. Lorenzo Trull visited Mn. and Mns. Carl Bradley, Zion, on Sunday. Dr. and Mns. Wallace Homn, Montneal, Que., visited bis father, W. W. Horn, an Satur- day. Mn. and Mrs. S. Kensey weneý Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mns. Ken Poaler and famnily, Oshawa. 7- Rev. and Mns. Ted Kensey, Mn. and Mns. Athur Palmer, Jim, Susan, Donna and Paul, Toronto, were guests of Mn. Scarborough, and Mn. and Mns. and Mms. J. A. Burraws on Harold Ashton, Clame and Saturday. Douglas, Enniskillen, were OurWomn' IntitteladesSunday visitons with Mn. and pnesented thein plays hast week Ms akLo n aiy at Soina an Monday night- Mn. and Mrs. Merwîr Bunketon on Wednesday even Mountjioy visited Mn. and Mrs. ing and Ballyduff on Tbunsday E. Stnong, Bowmanville. evening. Mrs. Keith Branton and Cangratuatians ta Mn. R.j. daugbter Melanie, Kingston, Hadgson wbo an Tbursday spent last week witb ber sister last reacbed bis 82nd birthday Mns. J. A. Bunnaws and Mn. wbicb was celebnated quietly at Bunnows. bis borne witb their son Dean Mn. and Mns. Harland Trull, and wife of Bowmanville and Bowmanville, visited Mn. and daugbter and busband, Mn. Mns. Lorenzo Trull at their and Mrs. Raymond Clapp, cottage, Williams' Point, an Tynone, dropping in ta enjay Saturday.0 evening dînner witb their par- Miss Florence Wenny spent ents. We trust he may be last week witb ber sisten, Mrs, spared ta enjay mare of such Clarence Rowan, Bethany. occasions. Mn. and Mrs. T. Wray wene Tbe Dewell family held their Sunday evening dinnen guests picnic in aur park on Satur- of Mn. and Mns. Jackson Wnay day, wbich was tbe finst of and daugbtens, Oshawa. the season. Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Petens efet'and son Ralpb, Toronto, visited The sale of hausebald efcsthe Saltens during the week- of the late Wilma Leach beld end. on Saturday was very hangely Mn. and Mns. Glen Hodgson attended. land sons, Bowmanville, visited Mn. and Mrs. Harold Salten ibis gnandpanents, Mn. and Mns. were Sunday guests of Mr.R. J. Hodgson an Sunday. MOONLIGHT OVER SCUGOG The moon shone sa blissfully bright Stars shîmnmered sa wistfully white, Surely Atropos cut the thread of ife For as darkness deepened, gone was strife. A wihiow wept, shed just one tean, 1 heard a footstep, Oh, s0 near, My heant was happy for I touched God's hand, As I prayerfully kneit on that sacred strand. il -Marion Ford. ehectnic shoc campensate and it bails offered byt 1. Begin mower inspe 2. Fhyini and itter fr( ing. 3. Injuri well away fi dlean debnis nunning. W footing. Ke( mawing, and mower runni 4. Flashf mower is nu:. fihl up befo gasoline inn 5. EhectÈ wet it's best power mowE mower and( That's al match for yc ENNISI Mns. R. J. Ormistan recent- ly visited with ber brother Gondan Werry, Toronto, who bas been very sick in the bas- pital. We wisbhlm a speedy necoveny. KEDRON don, were with Mn. and Mrs. A? Fred Toms. Mrs? Te GelH arold We st e rn, Guephvistedwith the A. L. )cks and flash fires. Te Weanns and attended the gra- for ail these possibilities, duation of ber niece, Miss .s down to these feW tips, Lorna Wearn, Toronto. the Ontario Safety League. Mr. and Mns. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, were Sun- ri the season with complete day visitons of Mn. and Mrs. iection and senvicing. Hugh Degeer, Bethany. kg objects: Remove stones Mn. and Mrs. George Brad- ^om your lawn before mow- ley, Bunwash, spent the week- end with Mn. and Mrs. John E. Gniffin, also visited othen ies: Start motor with feet relatives. nom blade and don't try to Mn. and Mns. Harold Ash- from blade while motor is ton and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon, Hampton, Jear sturdy shoes for sure and also attended the Scout ep children off iawn while and Brownie Parade at Camp d don't go away and leave Samac. ing. Mrs. A. L. Weamn and Su- san, and Mis§ Betty Jane Wer- fires: Neyer refuel when ry, wene with Mn. and Mrs. ýhning or even hot. Instead, A. M. Wearn, Clanemont, Sun- ore each mowing. Store day. rnarked, tightly sealed tin. Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis- ton accompanied Mn. and Mns. ric shocks: When grass is Wilfred Bowman of Enfield, ;t not to use an electnic to Hamilton Saturday, and rer unhess you are certain were guests at the Hughes- Brow wedingin Melrose cord are in perfect order. Unfted Church and the ne- 1hl there is. Now you're a ception at the Scottisb Rite rour mower! Club. Mr. and Mns. Allan Wen- ry, Mn. and Mns. H. J. Mc- Gill, attended an executîve K IL L E N meeting Satunday evening at Mr. . Mlls Por Per 'the borne of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Mn.C.MiîsPat enY, 's Werry, Oshawa, ta make visiting witb Mr. and Mrs. L. plans for the 87th Wenny pic. Stainton. nic ta be beld July 16 at El- SMrs. Gordon Shunk, Port liott Memonial Park, Hamp- Penny, Mn. and Mns. Cecil ton. Milîs, Maple Grave, accampan- Mr. and Mns. Cameron 'Oke, ied Mn. and Mrs. E. W. Beg- Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Rab- ley, wha visited Edgar Bush, ent Preston, Maple Grave, 1 Castletan. were callers at A. Oke's. t r t Contact us for A NEW HOME ON N.H.A. Approved Lots Re.R .Lvwbo is Mn. and Mns. Allan Werny, ilvst vaLe tîaiu Serviced with: Water, Sanitary and ev.R. H Lov, stn, spent Monday with Mn.: chairman of Information and Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Loisa, and Mrs. J. E. Gniffin. 1Stewardship in Oshawa Pres- Misses Elenor Heard and Ma- Mn' and Mrs. Wm. Heming-i Storm Sewers abytery, conducted the negulan ry Griffin, attended the grad- tonan miyOswMr 1 Sunday morning service and uation of Miss Lamna Wearn , GrvWta and fa iy Oha a,Mn- or - prace o heyers ,,eewhich was beld at St. An- 1 M rvWtcmn n Lna preaced o theyeans thmerM and Mns. Harold Patter " Into ail the wonld tagether",. drew's United Cbuncb, Toron-1 and~ family, Hampton, witb a New. Home on Your Own Lot Alan Francis and Keitb Tre- ta, an June 1. Lamna was ane! C Fenguson's. gunna assisted, by displaying of 14 nunses who gnaduated 'Mn. and Mns. A. M. Wean; Cosfrm urlgesecin fpas posters on 'the theme. iVrs. fnomn Grace Hospital. Clmnacm anid n. Murray Mountjoy and Jeanine Mr. and Mrs. Inwin Cook, n n.A .Wan b or we wihh buihd fnom yaurs. Wer otiue oa uet Mrs. Effie Lutes and Gary, attended the graduation of accornpanied by Mrs. R. E. Lee Scanbamaugb, were Friday 1 their daughten, Miss Lamaa at the ongan. callers at Clarence Avery's. 1 Wearn beld at St. Andnew's Teenergetic Board of Ste- Mn. and Mrs. Wilbuy Vance,1 United Church, Toronto. Lor- Je aJe FL E T T wars t edronan afew Part Penny, Mn. and Mrs. na and her chum., Miss Mil- 29 Centre St. Bowmanville members of the WA spent sev- Jack Simmons, Pickering, Mn. dned Fisher, have accepted ai eral houns on Saturdiay in a and Mrs. Lloyd Sleman, Hay- position at Bowmanville Mem -____________________________ the W.A. at Kedron spentse -___ _______ _______ ___ __________________________ tspecial cdean-up session. ________ ________------___ _______ Practising of anniversany music is taking much of the Sunday School hour these Sun- days with-itbe special anniver- 7sany service for Kedron Sun- day School ta be held on June...... ;19 at 2:30 pm.,, wben Rev. Wal- lter A. Logan B.A., B.D, will DYu Ne pneach. On Sunday, June 26, recep- tion of new membens will be beld prior to the Sacrament of the Lond's supper. Rev. R. B. Sm e p Kedron Couples Club met on Saturday evenirig wîth June convenons, Mr. and Mns. Alvin Spencer, in charge. Mrs. FrankHepW ne? fyo haeajb o Hancock led in worship. Lamne epW n d? Iyo haeai o Tregunna pnesided for busin- ess. Showing of pictures of the Anctic, taken by Mr. Clarence offer, or need mny type of help your- Bell and sbown by hlm, pro- vided fine entertainment. Miss Dorothy Bisbop Otta- wa, was a weekend guest of self, firsi look Io the WANT AUS!O Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bishop. Mrs. H. Werry was a guest af Mrs. W. G. McKay. Oshawa, on Tuesday evening when Mrs. This newspapen's classîfied ads are the best McKay and daughters Susan and Laurie ententaind at an ev- 'l'il ahe helpers" in town! They'ih find just the ening party and linen sho'wem file cherk or salesman you may need; mere3ý Kedron W.A. Kedron Woman's Association state your requinements in the "Help vvanteu met on Wednesday evening at the borne of Mirs. Percy Mount- columns. Or - if YOU need hehp, help in joy for the negular June meet- ing. Devotions were led by shigo uigo epi iigu h Mrs. Harold Werry, assisted eln orbyn orhpinfxngu te by IL. HamRse,i oste is oka i h feig Guest speaker, Ms-s. Charles hue hnfrtlo talteofrnsi4 Naylor of Zion was introdticed by Mirs. H. Werry. Mrs. Naylor uc Acinth lsigsnorW NT DS spk n"The Contribution ofQuc Aci ,th litnsnarW NTAS teyears". The timely address Fast Resulis When was greathy appreciated, and gratitude of W.A. memnbers was verbe]ly expressed by Mnrs. o -R a an Us Wiliarn werry ta the speakerYuRa n s w bo is st Vice-President of ' 1 wPr s e tv C s o eii Osbawa Presbytery W.A. Our vvanî t us. Read by 25,000Prsetv uom o Following a business session, bostesses Ms-s. R. Dale, Mrs. DA Akt330 M. Walters, Ms-s. W. Woodward DA Akt330 and Mrs. P. MQuntjoy served___j refreshmenjts. An invitation ta meet in July at the home of -______ Un. Roms Lee was accepted. W__ __ _ __ _à__ _ _ FRANK< GARA( AND SERVICE Sr 72 Scugog St. You'Il enjoy the tangy rfrsmn of True Lemo. Flavor SIX 10 12 oz BOUTLES .41 (More for Your Mon.y) PLUSDEPOSIT * WL-I IMagistrate's CourtJ Tuesday, lune 7th, 1960 by Fred Lasille, 45, of Mat'_ Donald Tenant, 35, Orono mora. Lasille was fined $20 trucker, was assessed a total and casts of $3 for assaulting o$1.0for failing ta yid Tenant.with a pop bottle after tertof $ 13.00rafi onthe accident. The assault re- athrigh of way oretmaffc nquired three stitches ta close a in collision with a car driven edlcrto.Lsl' cuse, "I was deeply shckê,> analHosptalstarîng uîyand angered at this accident. lst. Arthur Kilpatrick, 76, of 25 Recent callers at Allan Jane St., was acquitted on a Werry's were Mrs. Brian Lee, similar charge at Silver and Kedron, and Mrs. Grant Far- King Streets. It was brought raw, Port Credit. out that the parking meteW' are located toa close ta the Mrs. Lloyd Slernon, Hay- corner and vision is obstruct- don, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, ed. attended Brooklin Fair Sat- urday. William Veitch, age 19, of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, 1 Meadows Drive, Agincount, O~hwa wih r. ndMn a clerk, lost bis license until Clarence Avery Sunday.. July 26th after a conviction of careless driving. Panalty will Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Par- be decided on July 26th. "The rott and Allan, Myrtle, were reason for your walking, is-sô with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. that you remember what the Wearn. pnivilege is like," commented Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, the Bench. "Maybe hie needs Betty and Lawnence were a rest from driving," said As- weekend guests at Frank sistant Crown Attorney Har- Spry's, Rochester, N.Y., and vey Brent, "there is no excuse caming home called on Miss for this type of driving". Marguerite Wright and ther Ply rynwoth Iparents, N. E. Wright, S.Five PointerrynOwaothe intsinasraanesrm Cathaines.erîy of Hampton, pleaded Miss Elsie Oke, Mr. Albert guilty ta driving while bis Oke, were visitons with Mr. license was under suspension. and Mns. Frank Dorland, Bow- He received a further six tmanville. months suspension of his Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis- license and warned the next ton attended the afternoon time lie would go ta gaol with- and evening Anniversary. Ser- out the option of a fine. vices at Enfield and called Wayne Carr Transport was on the Milton Samis' and W. fined $200 and casts of $3 for Bowmn's.carrying goods on their trucks Ennîskillen W. A. met at that they are flot licensed for. the borne of Mrs. Lloyd Ash- tan an Tuesday evening, May Other charges disposed of 31. Mrs. G. Yeo apened the were: speeding, 4; defective meeting with the Motta and lights, 5; fail ta stop at stop Creed. Mrs. R. Seymour was sign, 1; wrong license plate on inb.charge of the Devotional vehicle, 2; averloads, 5; fail ta which apened with Hymn 50à stop for red light, 1; and and the 23rd Psalm repeated bogtpnliso 35 in unison. A charge of illegal possession Mrs. Seymour gave an in- of liquor was remanded for teresting theme and closed one week. A charge of taking wîth a hymn and the Lord's a car without the owner's Prayer. Minutes were read consent was adjourned two and appnaved. Roll call was weeks. answered with "A Favourite Salad". Treasuner's report was given by Mrs. M. J. Hobbs A tea towel showen for If ou'reTIRED Five Oaks wilI be held at the June meeting. One hundred ALL THE lIME dollars was donated ta current Now and then everybody getsaa cburch funds. Mrs. R. Sten- "tired-out"' feeling, and may b. ger gave a repart on United botbered by backacbes. Perbaps noth. Nations. ing seriously wrong, juat a temnporarp Mrs. R. McGill taok charge condition caused hy urinary irritation «r of the pragram which opened hladder discomnfort. Tbat's the time te with a piano sala by Ray Ash- take Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Doddsa help ton. A tape recardîng an the stimulate the kidneys (o relie,. thi. union of the W.M.S. and W.A. condition wbich may often cause back. was enjoyed by ail, followed ache and tired feeling. Then you feel by a brief report from the better, rest better, work better. Get Presbytery meeting at Part Dodd's Kidney Pulis now. Look for the Perry given by Mrs. F. Toms. i blue box witb the red band at il drug Meeting closed witb Theme' counters. You can depend on Dedd'a. oo Song and Prayer. Are You Planning a New Home? TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVII.J..X ONTARIO TERMDAY. JUNE 9th. 1M m

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