TEE CANADIAN STAT~MANJ, DOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO ?W!7WMflAY ~nuu mn~ w D1iu1n LL-Bnce and Betty (nec l1e) arc happy ta announce birth of a daughter, Cyn- sDianne, on Sunday, June at Mernorial Hospital, manville. A wce sister for rcy. 23-1* .LARD - Brenda Mlarlene les ta announce the arrivai baby sister, Heather Eliza- at Memorial Hospital, anviile, on Frlday, June ,1960. Wight 9 lbs. 9 Proud parents are Ralph 1 Marlene Ballard (néec ,pleton) . 23-1* FBE-Michael and Winni- ( nec Stacey) wish ta an- ince the arrivaI of a son, ýael Daniel, 6 lbs. 15 ozs., shawa General Hospital, y30, 1960. 23-1 r E RRY-Ted and Joy- are appy ta announce the arriva' cftheir daughter Donna Lynn, May 26, 1960, at Memoriall Hospital, Bowrnanvile. A sister for Patti. 23-1 Engagementsý- The engagement ls announc- ed of Rose Wilbelmina, daugbt- er of Mrs. Groca and the late Mn. John Groen ta Mn. Pier Sikrna, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Sikma of Orona on Satunday, -June 25th at 2:30 p.m. in the Rehoboth Chistian Reformed Church of Bowrnanville. 23-1*ý Mr. and Mrs. Colin Currie ,01 Toronto announce the en- gagement of ber daughter june Reid, ta Mn. Clarence Leo Mutton, son of Mn. Leo Mutton and the late Mrs. Mutton of Bowrnanville. The marniage ta take place Saturday, June 25tb, 1960, at 3 o'clock, in the Salvation Army Citadel, Bow- inanville. 23-1 Mr. and Mrs. Royden Floyd Hartman of Enterprise, an- nouxice the engagement of their daughter, Louise Marie, ta Allan Grant Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Talinage Taylor, Enfield. The wedding will, take place at 2:30 p.m., Satur- day, Juiy 2nd, 1960, in Enter- prise United Church, Enter- prise. 23-1; Deaths TrRIMBLE-At Oshawa Gen.- eral Hospital on Tuesday, June 7, 1960, Richard Trimble, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie, aged 78 years. Beloved husband of Gladys Snowden and dear father of four daughters and orne son. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowrnanville. Service ini the chapel on Thurs- day, June 9th at 2 o'clock. In- terment Bowmanville Cerne- ,tery. 23-1 Cards of Thanks The Wornen'u Service Com- raittee of the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society extend grateful thanks ta the women of this area for their help in making dressings. HRope to see ybu ail again first Tuesday in September. 23-1 We wish to express our thanks to ail our neighbors and friends for the letters, cards, flowers and visits while in Florida and at home and a special thanks to the Irwins, Knowltons, Ashtons, Sehoon- derbeeks and Bowmans for the ift of fruits. Thank you ail. randl Mrs. Lomne D. Simpson 23-1 The family of the late Mr. Chas. Rusk would like to thank the friends and neighbours, J.O.L. No. 444, L.O.L. No. 82, L.O.B.A. No. 1314, the flower bearers, ail those who took part in the L.O.L. service, those who sent sympathy cards or helped in any way, a special thanks to ail. Mrs. Chas. Rusk and family. 23-i[ I take tbis opportunity thank my relatives, triei and neighbors for the mi cards, flowcrs and baskets :fruit I ncceived, and a spe( thanks ta Dr. Hubbardz nurses who belpcd make stay a pîcasant one wbile I % a patient ha Memoriai Haspi Bowmanville. Sandra Gibson. 2 We wisb to tbank our frici and neighbors fan the lav cards, tlowens and gift sent us. on the occasion of our 5 Wedding Anniversany. Mi thanks also ta aur farnili ta Mm. and Mns. F. C. Vanstc Mrs. Lewis and family, 1 and Mms. Morley Vanstanez family, Mr. and Mns. By: Vanstone snd family, Mn.j Mrs. Ken Palmner and fant Mr. and Mrs. R. Dykstna,: and Mns. Stu Candlen Sandra, Mayor and Menai cf Council. Elizabeth snd Luke Hilder] Money to Loan MONEY fer ail types of ni gages; for tirst sud secq mortgages on all types oft estate including vacant la] short terni mortgages for bu ecrs ffrst and second mortga cals for salej e AppVép.M. Swa ct the pa E~~t ast, Os p pe - &W uommg LvSflIS Free transportation for Bap- tist Church Sunday Services.1 Phone MA 3-3844 Saturday ev-, enings. 23-tf, Dance in Sauina Community Hall, Saturday, June 11. Jim Fisher's Orchestra. $1 per person. Everyone welcome. 23-11 L.O.L. 764 Annual Churchi Parade, Tyrone, Sunday, June 12. Service il arn. Ail L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. members wel- corne. 23-1 Fishing memberships open for stocked trout fish pond, $10 per season. Contact J. K. Graham, Enniskillen, Satur- days. 22-2* Annual Service at Clarke Church on Sunday, June l9th at 7:30 p.m. Newcastle Choir, Organist and Minister. Every- one welcome. 23-1 Dance at Tyrone Hall, Sat- urday, June 11. Last dance of season. Clara Nesbitt's Music- makers. Sponsored by Hall Board. Admission 75c. Alsoi chicken draw. 23-11 Kendal Sunday School An- niversary, June 19 at 11:15 arn. Rev. Harold Turner, B.A., of St. Paul's Church, rBowmanville, will be the guest speaker. A children's choir wîll be led by Mrs. Westhaus- er. 23-21 Woodview CornmunIty Centre -Monister B i n g o. Twenty gares-twenty dollars; five gares-thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door pnizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Ebenezer Sunday School An- niversary, Sunday, June 12. Services at 2 and 7:30. Guest speaker Rev. H. R. MacDonald, B.A., B.D., Thornbiil. Guest soloist, Mitchell Giecoff. Wed- nesday, June 15 at 8:15, Min- strel Show pnovided by Mili- brook W.A. Aduits 50c, chiid- ren 25c. 23-11 APARMENT. Phone MArket 3-3349. 23-2* HOUSE in Hampton. MlArket 3-7091. 23-1 FURNISHED light housekeep- ing room. MA 3-7201. 23-1* PASTURE for cattie or horses. Phone CO 3-2452. 23-1 TWO-bedroom heated apart- Iment. Phone MA 3-5542. 23-1 31 LIBERTY N., tbree roams, bath, separate entrance. MA 3-5796. 23-1 ONE-haîf duplex, six-rooms, modern conveniences. Phone Newcastle 2376. 23-1 FOUR-roomed a p art m ent, newiy decorated. Phone MA 3-5578, evenings M\A 3-3102. 23-1 UNFURNISHED, threc raams- pnivate bath; beat, hydro and water supplied. Phone MA 3-5079. 23-1 FOUR-rooni heated apantmcnt, heavy wiring, separate en- trance, suitable ton couple. Cal] MA 3-3259. 23-1ý THREE - noomed apartment, bath, beated, heavy wiring, seif-containcd. MA 3-3186, 205 King East. 23-1* FURNISHED bed-sitting room and kitchenette, available im- mediately. Phone MA 3-3591 any evening after 7 p.rn. 23-1 GROUND faonr apantment, four rooms and bath. Im- mediate possession. Appiy Samuel Annis, 10 Division St., Bowmanville. 23.1* APARTMENT, 3 rooms, bcd- roam, kitchenette, large living- room, modemn bath, shower. 23 Temperance, downtown Bowmanville. 22-tf DUPLEX, self-contained, 'four rooms. All conveniences, tiled floors, garden; Solina Road. Haîf way between Bowman- ville and Oshawa. Close ta Church, school and store. CO 3-2531. 2- APARTMENT, 2nd faonr, rear, in Victor Manor, King Street West; kitchen, living-room, bedroom and full bathroom, beavy wiring, electrie water beater. Available immediate- ly. Contact Bill Curtis MA 3-7035. 23-tf ___Notices to The offices of Dr. H. B. nds Rundie and Dr. K. W. Slemnon ýany will be closed for the week of ;Of June l3th - l9th, inclusive. andi 3 my North Arnerican Life In-: was surance Co. Please 'phone or tai, cal at 7 Duke St. for any service you need for your present policies witb aur com- 231ipany. Your premium is only a small percentage of your nds estate whicb you cmate. 'Yours ely respectfully, John Cox, agent. t to 23-1 50thI FOR COMPLETE id 26 CONCESSION ST. W. ýr. MA 3-3048 id Fire - Theit - Automobile rs Travel - Lite Y. 22-tf' - Personal _OLD, Rundowvn? Ostrex Ton-ý ,ic Tabiets hclp "pep-up" thous-1 d ands of men, womnen past 40.,,,, a, Only 69c. Atail drugghsts. s; 23-1 d- HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber esigoods) mailed postpaid in plain r- sealed envelope with price list. z, Six samples 25c, 24 samp.ies a- $1.90. Mail Order Dept. T-28, INo'V -Rubber C ; 1% ZWmt zI Acies or bw GOOD quality baled hay. Tele- phone CO 3-2024. 15-tf JUNIOR Miss C.C.M. bicycle, reasonable. MA 3-5913. 23-1 zuucies ior a±ef_.tucies l0 i ba MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle. MA 3-7178. 23-' TEN h.p. outboard motor.'Tele- phone AM 3-7264. 23-1* ROTO-TILLER, haif pnice, PIANO in good condition. Tele-ý $65. Phone MA 3-3477. 23-,phone MA 3-3138. 23-1 SEVEN acres pure alfalfa hay, standing. MA 3-3938. 23.1*ý FRIGIDAIRE 4-burner heavy duty stave. Phone MýA 3-2323. 23-1 COAL and wood stove, free for taking away. 59 Wellington St. 23-1* ELECTRIC stove, 4-burner, good condition. Phone Orono 3 r 3. 23-1*1 VEGETABLE plants for sale. Caîl Hertzberg, Salem, COlfax 3-2584. 23-1 RODNEY seed oats, cieaned and treated. Cheap. MArket 3-3090. 23-1 ELECTRIC refrigerator, suit- able for summer cottage, $25. 1MA 3-2625. 23-1 THOR roto lawn mower, 2 cycle, $20. Used two seasons. Phone MA 3-5219. 23-1 14' PLYWOOD boat, 71/2 b.p. Scott motor and boat trailer. Sel reasonably. Newcastle 2571. 23-1 KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowrnanville. 46-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from mil ta you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17 r 11. 13-tf GOOD selection used TV sets for reasonabie prices. The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond St. East, Oshawa. il-tf BOXED plants, tomatoes, car- nations, asters, etc. Mrs. WVil- liams' Greenhouses, corner Base Line and Hunt St. 22-2 ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service to electricai appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43 -tf PAINTING and Decorating. For quality materials and g u ar a nt e e d workmanship. Lander Hardware & Electrie Ltd. 9-tf DO your own floors and rugs -Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner shampoc, meth- od). We sand floors. Lander Hardware. 5-tf COURSES at Bowmanville Business School for office positions of your choice. Reg- istrations now being accepted for fail term. Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf WORK boots and shoes at bar- gain prices, brown and black, ail sizes. Bowmanville Shoe Repair, 80 King St. W., Bow- manville. East of Bowmanville Cleaners. 42-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electnie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-3305. 7-tf 7L 10-f THREE, four and five-ton wagons; 7.00 x16 6-ply truck tires, anc pair, $45; rubber- tircd ail steel wheelbarrows, $26.95; Ford tractor $575, barb xirc, 80 rod hcavy mail, $8.75; fcncing supplies and fence stretcher; rotary lawn mawcrs, $45 and up; 100 and 125 bush- ci sprcaders; piough shares for most ploughs; cedar posts 7 ta 30 feet; 24 foot bale elevator, $125; 8 foot extensions inI stock; aiuminurn steel roofing; cernent seal bond and wccping tile, 2-whcci heavy trailer with 12' piatform. Hoskin's, Phone Biackstock 2. 23-1 MA 3-5516 BOWMANVILLE PIANO, Dominion upright. Phone MA 3-2558. 23-1* 71/2 H.P. outboard motor, in good condition. MA 3-2591. 23-1* FORD tractor and loader, $600 complete. Telephone' COlfax 3-2387. 23-1* ALSCO aluminum windows, doors, awnings and railings. Lorne Allun, 1 Prince St. 23-1* FOUR-piece bedroom suite, one heavy duty Moffat stove, both in gond condition. Phone MA 3-5079. . 23-1 124" McCLARY electric range, tautomatic; see-through oven door. Good condition. MA 3-3990. 23-1 INSULATION, blowing meth- 1od, with rock wool. Work- manship guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf COMPLETE line of used shop equipment 'includes: compres- sor, air - powered greasing equipment, testing equipment, etc. Graham's Garage, Hay- don. Phone CO 3-2233. 23-1 5EALEY mattresses, button- free, $39.95; step and coffee tables, $9.95; one third off al chairs, hassocks, smokers, pictures and chesterfields. We need to clear the floor for re- decorating. No down pay- ment, 2 years to pay. Murphy Furniture, King W., Bowman- ville. MA 3-3781. 23-1* ANY KN Ceramie - Plastic - Rubber Vinyl - Asbestos Supplied and Instaiied H. G. HEAL COlfax 3-2531 21-tf GENERAL HOME FREEZERS SOMETHING NEW! A large 28 cu. ft. FREEZER for tise large family, c1: thel tarm kitchen. 28 cu. t. Freezer 379.95 22 eu. fI. Freezer 329.95 17 eu. ft. Freezer- 269.95 12 cu. fI. Freezer 239.95 10 cu. ft. Corouado Frig. 199.95 TWO used refrigerators, suit- able for home or>sumnier cot- tage, $45.00 each. Cowan Equipment Co., MA 3-5689. 23-1 LAWN and Garden Fertllzers (with or without P~ieldrin or Aidrin for Cut Worms). Lawn grass and bulk garden seeds of highest quality, lowest price. Visit your seed headquarters. Stewart's Seeds, Division St.. Bowmanville. 14-tf ALUMINUM Doors and Windows at economical prices. Buy now and save! Estimates given on inquiry. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St East, Bowmanviile. MArket 3-5689. 23-tf TRACTORS - International "W-4", completely overhauled, $795; Farmail "Super A", with one-row scuffler, $795; Mas- sey-Harris "22"', exceptionally good condition, $395; Allis- Chalmers "VF", wUl hydraul-, ic scufflers, $525; Allhs-Chal- mers "B", with mounted plow, $425. Machinery-Internation- al 15-tooth cultivator, $35; 3- section spring-tooth harrows wîth draw bar, one year old, $75; International power take-, off 7 ft. mower, excellent con- dition, $175; Otaco tractor spreader, $150.' Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. MA 3-5689. 23-1 Cars for Sale '55 PONTIAC, 4-door sedan, radio. Blackstock 111J. 23-1* 1953 CHEVROLET '/2-ton truck in good condition. Phone MA 3-5516. 23-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay.1 For personal service at your1 home caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 Klug St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.) ' OSHAWA 10-tf NINE pigs, 10 weeks 3-3123. old. MA 23-1* TWO Yorkshire sows due July l st, 1 Yorkshire sow, due right away. CO 3-2512. 23-1 ,Pets for Sale 51HOME for two part Persian 51kittens, 31/ months. 84 High Street, Bowmanville. 23-2 PUREBRED German Shepherd pups, black and silver, not registcred. P. Finney, MA -Llul JI-& U-UUI - â>UDjU. 231 Bowmanville Auction Sales Efects ofth aeHnh Frigd LokerSystm Saples, Bethany, Wednesday, 23-1 June l5th at 1:30 p.rn. Furni- ARE YOU A turc, dishes, antiques, car- cetrs' and plasterers' tools, TripleAA Diveret This will be an excellent 1 AM sale and worthy of your at- tendance. Sec auction bis I have 1956 Chrysier Hardtop for complete list of articles. Coverage $100,000 Section A Cierk, Walter Neals; Auction- third Party iiabiiity. Legal enr, Ted Spenceley. 23-1 Liability for Bodily Injury anor___ Death or Damage te Property Auction sale of household of Othens includiug Passeuger furnitune, antiques, etc. I bave Hazard--------------- $30.24 been favoured with instruc- Rebate for 5 Years Acci- tin rmMsEdhHees dent fre dr _______ 04ta sel by public auction ber 2 2Oentire bouschold effects includ- $2.0ing antiques, home - made If ou re ayig mre hanquilts, fancy work, Pensian If en re aylg mre hanLamb coat and rnany other the aboya amount I wiii be articles at ber residence in glad te haudie your Insurance, Yelvcrton on Ilighway 7A, 3 aIse Collision, Section C. This miles west of Higbway 35 on~ insurance is net canceiied afterl Saturday, June 25th, 12:30 yen have accidents or for beiug Ip.m. sharp. Ted Spenceley,~ ovr70 years of age.j clerk; R. J. Payne, auctioncer. TX fi DEflT7,ATU À I I123-2 t 'l WITZ A V TMTà rTiA) Conditioning YOUR HAY for Faster Curiug, 'in the big taik these days, and McKee Bras. are FIRST again, with the most efficient sud acouamical way af doing IL IF yen owned a MMKE HARVESTER yen could cut, condition sud windrow your hay lu one operation, then with thse same machine, yen could pick up sud store your hay Iu the barn ail alone, with- out any hand work. hu addition ta this yen eau Harvest VYOUR GRAIN CROP Fill Your Silo WITH CORN OR GRASS Zero Graze FOR CHEAPER GAINS Corne sud sec us on Saturday, June 18 1960, at cur Farm East of Lindsay U-21 TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE AUCTION SALE Under the provisions of the Police Act of Ontario, The Bowmanviiie Police Depart- muent wili offer for sale by .public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1960 at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Bowmanvllle, certain articles which have corne Into 'the possession cf the Bowman- ville Police Departmcnt, name- ly: bicycles, etc. This sale may be adJourned troim tijue ta time until al articles are disposed of. Dated at Bowmanville, Ont., June 2, 1960. B. R. KITNEY, Chief of Police. 23-2 kneîp warnea I - -MEN or women-Pleasant out- -door work, average $2 to $3 iper hour. No experience neces-1 sary. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. LF-140-VV 4005 Richelieu, Mont- sreal. 23-1 rPOSITIONS in offices open to iyou alter completing a course fat Bowmanville Business School. Registrations for Faîl term now being accepted. ýTelephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf fSTART your own business, 1selling household and farm -products. High commission, sbonus, free samples with each iorder, monthly specials, etc. Details on request. F'amilex tProduets, Dept. B 1600 Delor- fimier, Montreal. 23-1 1Part Time - Full Time WAITRE SSE S iTHE FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL Bowmanville J1. Bourke, Mgr. * For appolntment Phone MArket 3-3373 23-1 Bookkeeper with stenographie experience. Five day week. Local retail establishment. Write Adver- tiser 42, c/o Canadian States- man, P.0. Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ontario. 23-1 SELL TV ADVERTISED AVON Tise way is paved for you. Yeu will find a steady demand for Avon. Let us explain how others are earnlng $6 ta $10 daiiy in spare time. A fcw immediate openings, area be- tween Oshawa and Peterboro. For locations, please 'phone col- leet or write to Miss K. Mac- Kean, 528 Gilmour Street, Pet- erboro - RI 3-4006. 23-1 THERE'S A MAN'S JOB WAITING FOR YOU. If yen are between 17 and 25 and eau meet enrolment stand- ards, thlnk over what the Army Offers yen. Good Pay FINE PROSPECTS TRAEL ndADVENTURE 0OD F RED Get details cf Army career opportunities frein your near- est Army Rccruitlng Station. St ation 220 Murray Street Pet erborough Telephone RI 2-7147 or mail this coupon to the above address: Please send me, wlthout obli- gation, details on career opitor- tunities in the Canadian Army. Name____________ Age Address _________ City/Town Telephone Province_________ 22-2 Repairs RADIO and television repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEEI) television and radio service, ta ail makes. Same day service. Televisior. Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. .49-ti REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, toalal makes of electrie motors. Higgon Elec- trie, 38 King East. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS to all makes of sew- ing machines. Free pickuip and delivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Telephone MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAIRS ta al makes of te- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; mlking coolers. Hig- gon Electnic Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf TENDERS wil be jrcceived by the undersigacd u*itil July 9, 1960, ton bbc edecoration et the walls, windows and ceiliag of the auditorium et the Unit- ed Church at Kirby. The work te be donc during tbc month W anted to Buy Raymond Chapman, Scc'y, Orono, R.R. No. 2, Ont. WOODEN combination doon, 23-2 36" x 84". Phone CO 3-2357. 23-1 BOWMANVILLE HIGHEST pnices paid ton used HIGH SCHOOL funniture, appliances, bale- Tenders ton work ta be dane vision, sewing machinas, etc. between July lst snd Aug. 15. Also saîl and exehanga. 59 (a> Decorate bhmee classrooms-; King St. W. Phone MArket (b) Hardwood floor - 1 class- 3-7231. 42-t rooni 25' x 33'. Nontheru bard A - id tIepuîy maple, No. 1 Grade. fathens ofw'gose psu duck1T60dans 10 be la by June 21, faes we oo and. 1 60,6p.m. aloold teathen ticks atd For specitications contact Higbest pnices pahd. M. Flatt, L. W. Dippel, Schooi Phone Betbany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13MA-83.2 2 colct. 21-t__MA __3-583 ___.__ 23-2_ HIGHEST prices paid for live 'W anted poultry, goose teathars, tcath- an ticks, scrap iron, rags,IDEAD sud cripplad fanm stock, nictals and raw furs. Phone picked np pnomptly. Telephone RA 3-2043 Oshawa collcct. COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur 48-ti Parn, Tyrorak 37-til worjc Wanteci SIXTEEN-year-old high schoo1 boy desires fuil time sumnmer1 Ijob. Phone CO 3-2027. 23-1* YOUNG lady desîres employ ment for household duties,ý immediately. Phone MArket 3-9290. 23.1*1 NOW is the time to have your garden roto-tilled. For free estimate cali Byron Brunt, MA 3-3971. 23-1 PLUMBING, heatlng, caves- troughing, free estirnates. Han- 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf FOR chincey work, new or nepair or any brick, block or concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Cal L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tfi YOUNG lady, Grade X, Com- mercial student, requines f ull or part time summer cmpioy- ment. Typing, cither at homeý or ln office. Phone MArket 3-2897. 23-1 Bulldozing and Excavating Gordon Strong & Son Burketon - Phone Blackstock 118 r 12 Colleet 22.5* I lLL3 GENERA1L CONTRACTOR Brick, Block, Concrete and Carpentry New Work and Repaira PHONE MArket 3-3694 7 Mill Laue 5-tf Plasf ering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf Plumbing - Heating Eavestroughing A. BAARS 68 Klng St. W., Bowmanvllle Free Estimate 18-tf CONCREE WORK Brick - Bloek - Carpentry New Work and Rep;.irs George Mutton 22 Albert St. MA 3-5981 21btf IVAN MOUNTJOY Blackstock 87 r 4 before 8 a.m. or siter 5 p.m. 15-tf FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanvile * 8 'n I-eai Estate for Salel TWO choice lots in Village '01 Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672. 1 7-t! EIGHT-roomed dwelling in gaod condition, heavy duty wiring, 1/ acre garden. For pariclas ppl1,by appoint- ment W. . Prter, Manvens Station, Ont. 22-2* 10-ACRE BUILDING LOTS bctween OSHAWA &. BOWMANVILLE Close ta Highway 401 and New Golf Course. $4,000 with $1,000 down Contact Lloyd Metcalf MEAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 Klnt St. E. RA 8-4678 Oshawa: t Leask Real Estale 6i room bungalow, hot water heating with oil, extra large living-room, 3 bedrooms, rec. room, double garage, on 3/4 acre. $11,000. Terms. 6 room new brick bungalow, oil furnace, 3 bedrooms, under N.H.A. Terms. 5 room bungalow, 3 bcd- rooms, attached garage. $8,500 wîth $1,500 cash. 10 room brick bouse, central, recreation room, new furnace. Upstairs apartment. We have cottages, houses, bungalows. etc. Consult us before buying. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowvmanv1lle MArket 3-5919 23-1 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. 52 King St. W. 'MA 3-5868 MA 3-24531 Speclal 2 acres! 140' frontage on pavcd road, near school, $1,300. 97 acres with 10 room brick house. Streamn. Sod possibili- ties. $8,750.00. Good beef farm. 6 room brick bungalow re- duced for quick sale, $12,400. Low down payment. 6% mort- gage. 5 acre farm with 6 room 13/ storey bouse, in immaculate condition. AUl conveniences. Good chieken barn. Garage. $12,000.00. In Maple Grove. 160 acre farm in Newcastle. Very suitable for tobacco fanm or beef. Good 8-raarn house. Stream. Terms availabie. 5 room furnished cottage at1 Cedar Crest Beach, $4,000.00,1 $1,000.00 down. 1 5-roorn bungalow on Libertyc St. N. Very attractive in every w..ay. Suit retired couple.s Reasonable price. Terms. E 24 acres with nice 4-room i bungalow. Good trout stream.r Priced very reasonable. f Lot, quite central, $1,200.00.s Salesmen: J. A. Barton- MA 3-3098 C. Soper - MA 3-2624 23-1 CORNIER KING & ONTARIOI 50 Acre farm, located 7 miles 24-tiftram Bowrnanville on paved _______ -road, stream, L-shapcd bank WHÏTEWASHÏNG barn, drive shed, etc.; 9 raorn- cd home with all modern con.- * STABLES, ETC. veniences. Price $13,500. Tcrms BERT TOMPKINS arranged.frm 0 ilsta PHONE CLARKE 4721 Bowrnanvilie, wîtb barn, 8 * NEWTONVILLE noomied brick borne, aIl mod- ______16-tf en conveniences. Extra 5 2 ---roomed bungalow witb cil OSHAWA T furnace. Price and terms an- ranged. -TELEVISION AERIAL SALES 60 Acre tarm. near Bethany, INSTALLATION & REPAIRS 7 roomed, 80' x 45' biprooted Phone barn, watcr an pressure, beavy tBowmnanville Oshawa wired. Pnice $6,500. Balance MfDA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 at 4%. BILL AND BOB LEASK 130 Acre farm, 120 acres *39-tf workable, L-shaped bank barn, ri drive shed, garage, etc.; 7 Anger Construction ,raomed home, running watar. CONCRTE - RICK 200 Acre tarrn, 160 acre s CONCETE - BICK workable, large stream, 37' x i f 48' bank barn, drive sbed, etc.; BLOCK CHIMNEYS 8 noomed brick bouse, hcavy wired. Pnice $14,500. Ternis ROY NGER100 Acre tarrn near Mili- brook, 10 acres bardwood, L- M A3-273shaped bank barn, drive shed, MA 32273garage; 7 moomed trame home, c 15-tf 3-piece bath, water on pres- f sure. Asking $13,000. Easy ARENDS terms. O]S 4 Roomed cottage lu Ponty- ELECTRIC MOTOR pool, hydro, good well. Pnice $2,200 with $500 down. REPAIRS snd REWINDING to 6 Roomed brick home lu al your Electnical Equlpinent Newcastle With 2 extra lots, Sales & Service MA 3-3058 ail modern canveniences. Nice 43 Third St. Bowmanvllle location. Price and ternis an- 19-tf ranged. W anted to Rent rosi Btay.Pie 350 FIVE or six-room bhouse in Terms atranged. Bowmanville by July 1. Phone 2 Bedroorn home In Bow- MA 3-2050. 23.1* manville witb ail modern con- veniences, fnll basement. Ask- THREE-bedroom bhouse la ing $8,500 with $1,500 down. Bowrnanville ares. Telaphone 5 Roomed brick bungalow in >Dave Spence at Robson Matons, Bowmanville with all modemn MA 3-3321, or evcnings, MlA conveniences aud 2 extra lobs. 3-3044. 23-1 Garage. Asking $11,000. Tenus. 2 Bedrooni bungalow lu Furished Newcastle wibb ah modern conveniences, cil furuace, fnll Apartment basement. Garage. Asking IN BWMANILLE $10,000 with $2,000 down. IN BWMANILLE 6 Roomed bungalow lu New- W1TI1W astle with modern conven- icuces, close te scboal. Pnîce By couple with $8,500 witb ternis arranged. 6-year-old Daughter 1 or 2 Bedroons John F De Wilh NEEDED IMMEDIATELY F 8 to 5 - PHONE Realtar and General nrac Newcastle Phone 3341 MA 3-3303 (aemn Atter 5 - PHONE Donald Mountjoy, Bowusanvllo M A 3-7201 Roms Davidson, Rethanr &SK FOR MIL YEUEX Phone 2 I 4% 22,.# A. 1 ~- - Real Estate for S@4>*xý Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROUIE 100 acres, 4 roomcd brtà house, small barn, 35,000 Christmas trees planted. Price $10,500. Terms. 50 acres wlth 1320 fI. lake frontage, shade trees, sandy beach. A real buy at $7,000. 4%~ acres with twa self-con. tained apartments. Priced te sell. Sec us for information. 2 acres with 2 bedroora bungalow, bath, furnace, arnal barn, on good road. A real buy at $5,500. Terrns. 2 acres on Highway No. 2. Nice shade trees. Price $2,000. $500 down. Lot 90 x 280. Nice view. Priced at only $600.00. 3 bedroom bungalow, Muly modern, near sehool. Price anly $10,500. Terms. 191 Scugog st. Bowmanvill. Call MA 3-3644 Salesman: G. Blyleven Phone MA 3-5300 23-1 AT 89 Church Street, Bow. manville, large 7-room brick 2-storey home on Y4 acre, central, newly decorated, ail heat, ncw turnace, ail cou- veniences, 3-piece bath, also stool-roorn off main hall, screens and stonnis, spaciaus screened sunroorn witb bard. waod floor at near with an additional screened parch, and verandah, large clothes closets, plenty of cupboards with sbelving tbrougbout, large brick garage with cernent floor, overhead doors and electrie ligbts. Ready for inspection in atternoon and by appoint- ment only. Open for offers. Apply 307 King Street East, Oshawa, or Phone RA 3-3617. 23-1 Fred Cook Realtor Ltd. Representative, MARVIN NESBITT, Nestletoin Phone Blackstock 44 r i $4,000 down, 100 acre tanin 90 workablc. A dry clay boai fairly level tanm with 2-storey 8-nooni bouse; hydre, pressure systern, lange barns, steel roofs, water bowls, hog pen, drive shed. A real buy at $13,000 full pnice. Blackstock district $5,000 dowu, 100 acre farm 90 workable. A Icvcl gaod tanin with I ¼-storey*,&-room bouse, hydrobahr -f, hip- roof barn 104'x30,log pan,, sheep pen, drive shed, ganag! Yelverton district. a $10,500 full pnice, 100, 4(- tarmn, 75 wonkablc, ç1 loani, fairly leveI with bWick bouse, 7 rooms, ydro, lange barn, drive shed, ucan 35 Highway. $2,000 down, lovely lake shore cottagd at Scugog Point 6 rooms, 4 bedrooms, nice sun- room, wcIll urnished with Inearly ne* clectnie stave, ne. frigenator, pressure system, in- side tog1ct, boat bouse, a good beach., 23-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members et Osbawa & District Real Estate Board Land Bargalus 20 acres, 3/4 mile off 113 Higbway, nean Newcastle, only $2,500 with $1,000 down 90 acre tarin wlth good buildings. Trout stnearn. 12 miles tram Bowmanvlilce, $11,. 500 witb $4,000 down. 1230 acre fanm witb good buildings, on paved bigbway iwith stnearn. $32,000 with down payment arrangcd. Brick ranch bungalow wlth attacbed garage. Lot 100 x 200, on highway. Tbis home bas many extras and miust be seen to be appreciatcd. 1 ½-storey brick witb rnany extras, on Simpson Ave. Pric. cd for quick sale. Summer nesort on Rice Lake. F'uily aquipped. Only $15,000 full price. We bave a large selection of fanrns, homes, acreages and businesses. Cail WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3392 Bowmanville 23-1 L. S. Snelgrove Co. 43 Park td . Ubhaws Sld Martyn and eKlth Peterg 100 acre tanin, 70 acres good wonkablc land, 10 noom,, 2. storey tamily borne with %Wê. and tunnace, goad barnîr sud out buildings with hydre and running watcn, nice brout stream, located near Black. stock, $2,500 gives posusslesm, Cali Keith Petons RA 3-870 or eveuings RA 5-4162. 99 acre tanin, 85 acres gaod wonkable land, excellent front stream, 2 famlly beome with hydre and runulug waber, good bank barn wibh bydro and ruuning water, located near Tyroe,.oen t anoffer wltht Martyn, RA 3-9810. Cales 4 noam bungalow, cas", cOin. fertable and modern, oâ beat. ing, large lot, 2 ta choasz tram Pnice sud tennis ar.,anfgect Call RA 3-9810 or RA 5-4 162 eveninga. $800 0en 5 acres, elCellent oplit-level building lot, laflc in bush, saine cedar, $2,,15. Hamipton, large 10 rr'n !amily home lu good condP., , double garage with worksh, above; double lot bandcnrin( three streets, siail streain open taottfer on price sun cermu. Cal! RA 8-9810 or RA "-761 eveningia. 1 - NEW DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday. 4:30 p.m. lu.«mw4u.m 1 1 4ýý 1 «2ý1- 1 ]%-4k:-l- 9-- C-1- 1 lLlr-1- 117-à-1 1 IV% 1 V% . . 1 1 7 1 1 - 1 1 ý 1 '12 -1: .1ý il- - 1 1 1- 1 1 - i 1 1 il' 1 :jý 1 - bi: -Ir S ý, 1 -- : 1 1 1 mi l'ý 1 . 1 TIM CAWADIM STATEMM. BOWMAUVnýL& ONTAMO Timu SDAT. 3MR OUL lm m 1- &J-IZ'