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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1960, p. 18

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PAGE ZG~TTEEN TIHURSDAY, JUNE Gth, lUI TRE CANADTÂW RTATU~MAt UflWMATVTT.7.~ sonage o!- Canton United vice, it wil be held at 2:31), I Lands and ForestsMake First Communion in St. Joseph's Church rnoreyofPontyir uhtsa evcswlbhla I. - ~ ~~~~~~ ~~married with Rev. WN g t o- a g a ad n t e atr o i I. W eekly Keport eaI r30fiiatig ot ater Fish and lVldlife \% îng spread of(ifîx feet in and est.Wearegld o se r ;'Conservation Offîcer Jîm length Young birds hav~e Vstoreepeetfo lrneCabso oot black heads but on adults the VsiBr ethnywenbcki or ilaeag Stott of Haliburton relates distinguishing red head may! L.O.vL. e and Bifsglrmn r aehsr two interesting occurrences be seen at close range. Stron8gel is e in the Halîburton area o'ver thy meeting on mensa h omrHcwo the past holiday weekend This bird isa truesaen'vnng;prymvninortewe - On May 23rd. Bernard Tre- caving flesh and very seldom aiy relkvn 1 panier of Minden, while ang- f ver attacking a living ani- shire, England. iby pln iatatdtareetm tngo in Clear Lake, Havelock mal$ couple of weef lsahp JL44 Township, was successful in ing you will have ; rn e landing a 35 inch lake trout Two features are outstand-uno i-v<rrenJan' Analysis of the scale sam pl marvelously keen evesight and M n U n~l ' 1 T ? T ? weîgîng n at20 pundsîng n th x utui famly, heiri f~"~'! -~relatives therr. " m Af nLL showd tht itwas en yars y maing uil se o theairian soldierti nj(r/e,(jht h laken trorn the large fish their amazing powr of fliht.! oid. Also on May 23rd, a pair currents, these great birds canlatWr )rrnadLurCmpe. of turkey vultures were re- climb thousands of feet, orDrcorhîiy a. 's t Fr, î.ie a r.LewHl pçprted seen by a number o~f soar for hours at a time on people near Jim Beef Lake, hi in usrthdwns presented at th( y~'ufChr 'iel~ about three miles from Hali- without once flapping their dnPry<nTui'a 'p. M.adMs .Lpaj n burton. On May 29th. another \ings. ingh.',Bwmnilea r nne of these giant birds xvas Eariy Season Boating Very Mr. and Mr's Roy jMci>:t <>rlFrows spotted on Wren Lake, justy HAadusIwrolday vjjistrs rttewekn thm north of the Ontario Ranger R Hntbati a taltieui vile. 'Mr andMrs Albrt Roge S ch ool. R c n o t n a a i i s inA n v r a v S r î r - w ' jf d f m l t M h t a s the Lindsay District have hl An te r.sterviuh~ ulda Turkey vultures have been pointed out once again ail too !-Wudy Te"vAfe tedd aoi e observed in increasing iium- vividly the danger involved in' mo'n te rîrîg 1--r in the' last few years 111 early season boating. Trhe On-' wSuntak.e byr omr I U t etnileSna parts of the Lindsay Forest tario Safetv League has listed wstknb .Sn District . Altjiù h j) seldom several worthwhile points sco tm st .2 Thienw seen in this part of the coun- wiicîi should always be prac- (msedof2 chllasrdn R LE FO try a few yers ago, they flow tised while boating, particu- " The' children did a wncf secrm to be extending their larly at this time of \,ear. job and also assisted i t rag frhe orhars 1. Make sure your boat patsOf the service. They are very large black and motor are thoroughlv in- 11) the Cvenirig RvDuI f EUAC birds, ugly to the ultimate de-, spected and overhauled, if re- »-j preach ed a fine serm n w grec. with "two toned" black-' ciuired, betore launching forPotplmaecirnthr M U er r oiebylgtri h cide h aeKnoll, Cara Knoll, uaylsual good form ad Mr.m m . îshwîns (theflghtfeah-*ealyrprigefshng.I -- Te hilrRnwho madosteMryolaMr. R Potea undy Shoo teirFirt Cmmuio inSt.'Liyoimhrdsniaongaint.VSt.M crs are. ntemabite in 2nth i1tba tpo equipped with authorized their First Communion on, llo be Sheehan, Helena teacher, who was in charge John s Mission Church, New- Rev. Duff mentioned cn color).Theymayattan athe season, take it easy until if,-.saving equipment. Sunday morning, May 29th in Wisniewski, Valerie Thomp- of the preparation of the chil- Icsi nSna ee:Lod ierbeo h itiyo h'*1 yougetthefee o!~'or bat 4. The weather is usually St. Joseph's Roman Catholie son, Ralph Sharron, John dren for their First Commun-,IMthll pe Mitchl ilcl lurhdtîgbakt Air, Rail or Steamship an îdxu e es cool enoughi for heavy cloth- 1 Church, Liberty Street South, Brine. Back row, Mrs. Ron ihonh. reorlFrctlnglaChrd181 hen wee nnet T 1CK E TS 3. Winds, vaves and cur- ing and footwear. This is an 1 pictured above readîng frorn Haynes, a Sunday Sehool tea- Tlree cîilren, wh made reosraîy Maliewicz StelCardwît871then Cîare Dsrc IeA TO;EYHR rents are tîequently high at additional hazard in case of! left to right are: Front row, cher, who assisted in prepar- their First Communion onRsm Maîkiiz tll ihte lreDs TO EERYWERE thîs time of '1ear and the wa- overturned boats. Neyer wear 1 Leon Curtin, David Passant, ing the bidren for their First Sunday mornîng in St. Jos- ' kewicz, William Verdrug- presenit building w&soee Consuli !ter is always cold. Use extra heavy rubber boots in a boat. Lynne Farrow, Ellen Cowan, Communion; Rev. F.*K.» Ma- eph's Church, Theresa Kîitney , à han nr' edugeD-ii 98 hnads J1U RY & L O VELIL caution and leave an extra! 5. Do not stand up to cast Jane Noble. Kathy Poste, Ju- lane, the parish priest; Den:- Mich?'ael Cole, and George Me- n Goodwin, and Lynn su h-ad destroyed a lot oftevl KN FMN 15 King Sti. W. mA 3 _3 1 margîn of safcty ini the load- or land a fish in an open boat1 dy Britton,,Kathy Curtin, and nis Krachuck, Dominic Gol- Kinley, were absent whnM h therland. lage. The Serviceswilcn Bowmanville ngad petng Of your' and do not change seats on1 Michael Cowles, Second row, 1 elo Barry Krachuk. Barry above phiotograph was taen.Photo hy Rîîdi Gerber. Det Pry boat. Be - sure -y our boat is the open water. IJoanne- Denouden, Christiane Stoch,__Gerry__Dentinger andi The 10 children who made, ueI next Sundadn I6. Watch the weather. At __jlt being_ CommuninSr the first indication of bad *'fIN but God's opportunity". district annual convention. The' - l_ For Best Resuits setrdwae meN E vv i wV IL L E Newtonville w.î. roll cail was, *'The first sehool ,4 Mmz'- ? TRsUR7heltrdwtrimdaey i The regular W.I. meeting I attended", and everyone res-, ! WA H let OURdlvî Masons Attend Churcli n-co-operative se hope for was held Wed., evening. Mav ponded, many with extrain arDurhc1~' a d ea mte d d service n geN .W rl aed. Jim G nier ote Hope- s, w t M s W l o d rain ab tthe happy soor NEffl GOOD L010K are, c n goodcoly ndon. 66 ýas hostess and an attendance conditions. N E E D~~ PfR~ O N A LJin gS m lt o i i n . 6 6r e u il a e n i n g , e r vcJ u n 5th w h a yrs. ie wnmt b e p i e s i n . P o rgtp.Ho p PROM 35-55 Sb ml Fsiza Peq'l tonville United Churclh on Sun- assisted the choir and sang in M cB-dthu tehsesan ro ---dsrvge N EE .1PERennedy, Sda , , apprecia'tion of thehm es- wit C .the ons i e p de L ords u prize hw se sato M r o0. ON ) C I~~~~~R ~Park o0-o tt n a c b t f~ a d tet with Mrs. C. M. Jon s. conducted the meeting openinig served refreshments. The luckv _1he v r h El PrpqnUazainPr"Vil.'i2I P2ric I ionWM tnh wnt pr h' sage . - _ rayer aRndC - M--irv Y OLWaIrf mi-1ms is;ermen at Presqu'ile lesn e.Bo . C. Fishersaerugtb Re,.CJet MsMSmica th Park enjoyed several good led ini prayer.1 White 1 woîild like to say thatl minutes and financial report.' catches of smelt this spring. Th esg a eieo trn messages of h cian' Several matters of bsns As in past years, people turn- Tfemssgexasdeher d re dtoa o îon, is buecde.Tw fsinress cd ot wth he uualcoîec-by Rev. Bro. R. C. White, pas- a r eddtda o nywr eie.Togfsaet ed ot wth he uualcolec-be purchascd for the Golden tio'j of homemade contrap- tor and was baseci on Hcb. 8, fraim our pulpîts but from men Plough Locige birthday parties. 'tio ns, pots and pans and seine 5,. 'Sec that you make evcry- o! faith in the business world, Two docllars vas donated for net t ty tei lck t ath-thing according to the pattern the political field, the Press etc. each of the Red Cross and Can- nets toofy his duclcitchhch- ing enough fti eiiu ih was shown you on the etc. In fact in ail walks of lifej cer Society, and a brie! case species for a fish fry. Mountain". The Master Builder there are still large numbers is to be purchased fer oui' sec- Three fishermen did not en- lays down plans or d'esigns for of men of God who must ne retary's use. The question of joy the results of their smelt the workmen on the Divine longer remain quiet but speak drapes for some of the win- fishing trip to Presqu'ile as Trestle-board. The foundatiori out to ,-uide our yout'h. Grop- dows in the new sehool was they werc apprehendcd by must be of soi andi lasting ing through the smog largely discussed, andi it xvas decideci Park staff andi chargcd with structure. The inner or hidden of his own making man may te raise funcis for this bY holci- taking smelt with a seine net parts carefully attendeci to as become confused. If he ha, the inc a bake sale. without the authority of a evidenced by hinges of gold iin courage and faith to rise above The group convener Mrs. T. license. Two of these men were Solomon's Temple. Adornment, this unhealthy atmosphere he Hendersen then presenteci the fineci $18.00 andi costs and outsidé the Temple were er- finds the sun still shining andi programme. Mrs. G. McCull- one was fined $25.00) andi ection of two pillars, Joachinm the Creator's blue-prints clear ough gave a reading, "A Trick1 costs in court on May 19th. and Boaz or Strength andi Es- and unhlurred. God is net con- of Fate" andi Mrs. R. C. White,i Thisappars o b a eryc-tbihnn.H mentioned the fuseci, but use.s even man's accompianicci by Mrs. Gilmer,i pensive gamble to take, as a would-be master builders of' wickcdness andi confusion Io sang, "The Et-i of tîhe Road". license foi' a seine net of this 1960 wvho found the plans had further His plans- "When Mrs. H. Ormiston gave a full sîze costs only $.00. ' been dstriyec and workmen mnan reaches is extremity t is and intcresting report of thei The car wash that gives you that glearning wax finish. LUBRICATION OIIL CHANGE CAR WASH FISK TIRES and BATTERIES PONTYPOOL !t was a great pleasure for tlis writer to receive a letter from Rev. Victor Bowins o! Ga'insborough, Sask. Travelling over 70 miles on Sunday, he preaches at four charges. He had hopeci to have been visit- ing here in dune, but due to heav-v duties on biis charge, he will corne here in July. He reports that his mnother, Whe is 82. is in 'good health and will lie coming with himn to visit thcir many friend's herc',. It is now 40 years since Victor left Our village su ad Pontypool is prouci o! ils boy andi is'look- îng forward to seeing him in July. Anothci' wedding or local interest teok place at the Pr-I Each one o! our custonrs s someone special" and every garment cleaned is Our special attention. given Corne Cliffcres t Cie an ers 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-7061 P for PICK-UIP AND DELIVERY LORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. SATISFACTION C914 l NU * lm UNITED x GUARANTEED h u o l 710 CLE N . . SA E .. LO W C O ST HEA DO.OR HARDWARE f)#«i(gM37/u# - foId~doars OVER 40 YEARS 0F A ;I .r ..d CAREFUILLY BUILDING A BuSINES TL, n WO O WINDIOWS* THE- HAS FINEST JJolq1ze a PAIN UTS mmd PROD 031 u AGENCIES PuAE Mcony,' fYS# *&ASONITE MA M 8L S SHEPPARD SHEETROCK T.M. Reg. ina Canada The Firoproof Gypsum wallboard & FOR UN INSULATE N@W ýwithRED TOP U, 'IAT iN C,.N i(eAL WoOt l<ýBLANKET SATTS, GILL COMPANY LIMITED 96 KING STREET EAST US THE LUMBER - - - - 3. W W W W MArIc~t L.~1RR SIDIPdGSINGIJS ZONOLITE' MASONRY FILL INSULATION_ TRADE LODER or CANADIAN HOME PLANNING AGENCIES (~QMR cSTATION.- C. G.C. SUPERSEAL ASPHALT SHINGLES PAGE EIGIPMEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOWIL&Nvnlx- omT,&l:tlrn R &&MW v wa jy dwouào

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