PAO~ s~ ? CAftAmAW trM~MA1#, flOWUA#VtLE~ oeI1A~1o tarians of seeingth mes Oive M6raai')u Ch*~rdTh Verne Chaint ieîfis btroo« i§setaside Mw'eff- Mait l ory of thôse Who fought and M a i t t died for our country in the t O Wotd làr. ithe mid- R otairy Membe>rs 61 &Me' UM.IW le10 àI .names, and ftund the walsfrom Tyrone, was convicted of O f tta a v sital the important battiee ll#Iîangi«to e *0 . Yiefr* mêtax wttéI~ceWi l <m tlitteit nip dfd carved mýfk*f «1-#iy ,r fhé Bownmanvîlle Rotary & b tem of g eràet, ut"zIAfer ouy fô'ùr wé wert *a c6mté6e$5.49.1 Mthé Plylhàg Dtchnimi'iMo-' tional Capit&l, Ménd OW fdutie§ s Mdtôte Ràil*'ay COM, 1 Thornhbeck ieaded liai guilty 1 fét-Itoel n Pida a raphic aM dobligations a*e citteng et tho - fd o Romre a M. dethe ce: àecount Of his fout day ;iait. ana4a. ne FAfrd1ioô'gh, the Miffis-faêb*no n*o 16 Ottawa, whîch hY en ot hài200 teftotste d 6f izeilship and avebeé u h e De-fl go(msored by the club, WàS, from al over Canéd Wt- o,>eentedeae <>< ý atifei E ~S bY t De- given by Verne Cht, u- eipst&l M theé oJect Mr Oviid u Ciêl2l ~elii 0f *tnlfg a doe- dent at Bowmanville Iligh! Chant stàtati. The sudni e. Mr. Ch~ant Mid that eoien.Tyhae oe jéhol. rai»iii mot eater'.' nt hé fù tgfé'cerehoâouréd me out cd i TA They in introducing the young was trotn Cotyier Btýk eo ý uéss àt VeM a àdll- haveurt ht toha e for am gpielçaerL. W. th foýund!&Mahd is , s«znet dance and concét t r .Te ae ocdm fiiiaI of owrnanviIfi Wh counterparui wet frofn Carni>- nii lih ~ ha-v'e sent four moâths gcïhôol, said! Verne Chant is19 l <iol,ý .'n<'tiésdày~ and Wedinesday î~ntgtti i prt 6utstanding studelit, who 1,young Mr. CMt ffl iROtI'flgs were spefit i i n?.. M at reê sd 1amn éklxg 1~~.mâ f el1~ isetié5ioh groupa at Cér.. out a living. I suppose this i. CI wo n a nuraber of Ptizéslhîs tr&hn trp frai om gwri#-etoti Uflversity' concheted by g raràlicst"e the gôvérninent MI Latin and Ôther subieCts. ville to the capital. 1A 0Oua- o 0lisIt*sf. Od-ha ctfere wenhy ffè is a son of Mt. anid MSs. wa most of the students Were usOit> maftteOfsSOr . W. dié hétoo e poi>peed heo thmey Ir. M. Chant, 1HamPton. biIletieel in RoârCIom s aia latta?. ransgr fi'cmtotma roetyfo mr mi. 1)îppell told the Rotar- but 29 cd thé boys re éloclg.:ca italpnihmegntad g. -pIaeaCongatdt taris that Verne's brother, ed at the Lauiénlimn'retace gtion o ibb n~aa ih'eaCongatdt Roy, is president of the Stu- for their stay, b. iaid. tuesday alternoon wé were ed 1839, hére tg a receipt ol my dent ouncl, ad an thé e- "Out tight sebédule Started gue.ts of the RCMP Training gtaridIgther", dàted 1 et thér Gary Chant, now a pilot on Monday moriing Wilh a St&tinad ewrent-Torn.Myfnlyaet *Ith TCA, hàd aise been an welcominï meeting itt he, tainéd anld amazed by à very johnny-come-latelies. Wè have excellent stUdelftt and prizé Chateau Laurier where we well po1iled précision sqtaad, been héré K good number of ,winner when at Ëowmanvillelheard àdâresses weflmes, 6 gnmnaastiC5 display, and an years. To the béat of my )ff cfh Sehool. and insttuýetiona k01m th# pro- Oitdoor banld concert. We were knowledge we have always Rissite Caal Ms. oh gam chaiian onCiut served a buffet lunch, and la- been law-tsbiding citlzene and Hissrter Ohaar, tMr de-the rsietofteOttawa ter shown around thé station have always p*iti aur taxésa. In gteas a dental hYgienligt at Rotary Club, M. Grier a pat- b Oleo h fiii.Ti at h noetxpol thre lj'niversity of Toronto, and ticipant in thé firgt Adventure hand a particular interest for owé me $100 for n-y 1956 tg now in practicé with Dr. in CitizenshiP 10 yearg 8go, me beeause 1 have two firgt taxes. pouglas Langiac in Oshawa. and a professer of Canetfon cousins who trained thèse and III p!eeded noôt gUilty, bé- T.M 1hn, Vrne'. father, University. are now servingý Canada in Causé I Still think there la tg a former iliber of thé "At noon wa..were served thé. West. oféUIi l ticonr Mrihani Côunty District Hligh with a banquet mneal In thé '<Wednesdày afftrnoan we somewllere. Sehool Doad, and had served balliroôo i thé Chateau Lau- were guests of the Netional 1"1 could understand It If théy thé. area for Many yeans, Mr. rier at thé i'égular weskl Capital Commission, which Is wanted my property for a Dîthicl stated. meeting of the Ottawa Ro- set up by thé governnient to railroad, a highway, or an air- Verne Chant told bis âudi- tary Club. The ininister of beautify Ottawa. Thèy show- port. They didn't. They want- eticè thât hé cousdeséd it an Finance, Hmn. Donald Flei- ed us araund Gatineau Park, ed il for subsldized low rentai hôtnor andl a p'rivilège to gpeak ing, delivered an interest- a project they are wanlcîng rhouss. I asto aubidie ta ta àuch a dlstlnguished grdip ing speech on parlIsîientary on that will eventually bé a gus.Iakdapiett 41A§ you know 1 -spent May; traditions an d héritage, Hé national park o(. soine 75,000, 1 wouldn't have taken from a oth to May 12th In Otawa as explained whére our systéni acres set aside for sikht see- private persan. They g ave me a gugto their Rotary Club. origlnated anid sorie of thé ing.ft Mr. Chant told of th, haîf of It. They had it ail The occasion was called "An practiceg performed in oiir plenie lunch enjoyed by the thelr ewn way. AdVenture in Citizenshlp". It parliament. boys In the park al a place. "They stantèd proceedlngs was thé ith annual program ",dHe éxplained the meaning oveslooking t he Ottawa River ini 1953. Thèy kickéd me aut opôniored by you and othèr o the Mace, thé bras, 'bar at fram the Quebec side. Ini 1957 aind they haven't done Rot*sy Clubs of Canada to one end of the Rouse which Later that afternoon the vis. anything wlth the property hleh yaung people Éil ovér the shows the right of the Housé Itors were gîvén a bus tour yeot Jus rlèst, thy l counry udersand ndhé- ta act as a court against any of Ottawa andi they saw thé cab iyuout fnls. Hr thè coutr udertad nd of Its méxnbers, and thé rea- primé Minitér's résidence, hcan kThk yoisemofeyour n 1son that no sovereign or his the Mint, thé French Embas- hue h rmssnaeo N ON yreprésentative is dever allowed py, andi other places o! inter- théeCrwn grant ta my grand- M O nthé House of Commons. HeéetMr. Chant said. parents mean nothing." also mentioned thé unwnîttén ~ The Magistrate pointed out AVAILABLE FOR rlghts we Inhénltéd from Bni- He told thé Rotarians that that those pracéedings hati tain, such as Magna Carta and an Wednesday evéning thé nothIng to do with thé In-C SHabeas Corpus," Ms.Chant boys enjoyed 'another fahu- corné'Tax Act andi registéred a INOITUAM E SI told the clu%. ' ll té o us banquet' al thé Chateau conviction. AMtér thé ucenteby Laurier when Dr' J. A. Cor- Fernand LaRocque, age 34, wére given a guided tour o! ry, vice-principal of Queen's beveragé room waitér, o! 840 the, paliamént buildings, Mr. University gave an atidréss Dundas St., Toronto, had a RALPH S. JONES Chant said. Hé was particu- on 'The Opportunities andi Ob- case of impairéd driving dis-'L larly interestéti in tibé magni- ligations o! Citizenship. "For missed.6 Barristér and Solicitor ficent Parliamentary. Library this banquet dinnér éach stu- Jack Duguay, 446 Fairleigh 130 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e yIgS.E ssawih otishi ilo dent was. honourédti t have Ave.,, Oshawa. paid $7.00 for books deàling with parliaméent their own Mémber o! Parlia- défective lights. Norman Eîs- LA8-6246 and history. ment dine with him," Mr. sein, 41 Ashwinck Drivé, Hé aise told thé local Ro- Chant stateti. Hé saiti this Scarborough, paid $12.00 for proveti intéresting andi infor- faiing te sto p for a stop sign. mative. Hé aise telti thé local Wilbert E. Carter, 65 Grant Suprême Court of Canada on proper passing. Gordon Ma- B.W A TLL thé last day cf thé visit. thèws, 1161 O'Connor Drive, ]R O Yx A L MA 3-5589 "Thé Ativenturé in Citizen- paid $12 for driving without _______________________________________ ship is te thé minds of 200 stu- plates for thé current year. dents acrosa Canada thé most William Shérnin paid $12 for ig worthwhile anti interesting opérating a truck without THIS ITHURS. TO SAT., JUNE 9 11 pne èmin e ives s ar_50 rs andi I'arn> sure for many Marcel Joseph LeBlond, 497 MATINEE SAT. 2 P.M. years te come. Net enîy did Queen St. E., Toronto, paid $7 we have an enjoyabié time, for no tail-iight. Walter Joss, wé learnèti many kértinènt R.R. 4, Camphèllford, was - facts regartiing eus govérn- assessèd $17 for spéèdîngf TO YDE NJANET ment, thé functions of différ- Williarn Chanles Wood, 6 Mal- MA TN EIH ent depantmnents, and cur du- muta St., Toronto, $12, no. eges of citizenship. I sincère- ren North, 5 Dunlop Ave., ly thank thé Bowmanvilie Ro- Scarborough, $12 for speèdingC tary Club for sponsoring me, at 40 in théernunicipaiity. An-1 M ANOWGE&U -CfflMODCKX ^,CO^*IANMi this program," Mr. Chant other spééder, Edward Hough- stateti gratefully and closed e n cf Newtonville, paid $17.C Extra: "CHAIRMAKER AND THE BOY" his address with an apprepri- Clifford A. Justus, 380 Sèy- été Latin quotatien from thé mnour Avé., Toronto, age 50, a Complet. shows at 7 and 9:20 p.m philosopher Cicèro., truck driver, was convicteti cf ____________________________________ Moving a vote cf thanks te impaireti dniving and paiti7 thé young speaker for his ex $75 anti costs o! $3. On a cellent address Walter Rey- second charge cf having liquor nolds statéti that he bèlieves in a place ethér than a rési- 4 M O . -WED - JUN 13- 1 ~ éon a!thébet pegrms ,èhé pi $13 foronC MON.- W D. -JUN 13 15 theAtiventure in Citizènship bottle of béer. Thé béer was icononecatedhanti thé driver PFvtGt s o ii rsponsored by Rotary. R. P. cicen h die' Rickaby, thé îst vice-presi- lcne was suspéndéd for six T ive G ate to eildent, h presideti, aise ex- menths. He hati previously l (Aduit) presseti appréciation of the beén cenvictet inii1%55, but thé interésting account Mn. Chant Magistrate noteti hé had ne Delores Michaels, Patricia Owens and hati given o! his trip. On be- covitin for five yéars. Neville Brand haîf e! thé club hé presentèd oad McGregor cf Bèth- gift te thé youthful speaker. any was convicteti of fishing X fer suckers during thé closed0 Duning thté past two weéks day gaci terrn will be handeti Ose to 1.69 1 sal, Vacuum Jug 2.90 60e - 1.25 thé exécutive e! thé Bow- eut. This type of thing must Vacuum Bottles-..- l9e manvillé and District Branch bé stamuped eut". of thé Canadian Reti Cross David Billion, 17, af 121 Tl Nives 73o sise Nozzema 2/1.09 Sun Glasses havé been inundatèti with Larindale Drive, Oshawa, ap- phone-cails andi questions ré- pearéti for sentence on a chargé Lotion 980 sise Pepsodent Paste os arding te ecnt"Hbb of breaking anti éntering thé 1.5 Free Brush anid Comb 1.00 -1.98 show" helti in thé Lions Burléy Bus Lines. Policé in- 73esis_______ Cea Commnunlty Centre. We féel fatMed thé court that hé was 78emié WldootCrama public explanation is nécés- inI & car with smre youngC Nxe& 011 - Free, 48e ise Plri sary. people on May 26th. Hé hadn't Lotion 9se sise OId The "Hlobby Show" hati ne- ftndrinkng. Loin Celgates Toeth Paiste Sun Glassés thing te do with thé local "I arn nOt gaing ta placé Branch. Thé exécutive wéeeycu an prObatiaif. Ycu are 60 -1.0 Frée - 2 cakes Soap 2.49 -3.49 net approachéti at an y time, gelng t hé i at night, as seen - with t hé viéw in min deof us- as you are through work, eith- Odo-o-noStik Etque Rolt __ 98 in the Canadien Redi Cross at homne, at Kingston Peni- eOdorn tiek E89eetRoretativértisîng anti canvassing tentiary, Burwash or soe oth.-- Mennen Spray Arrfi Roil-on ne, 1.19 purpoiés. The use o! thé namé er reformatory. Maybe it is of thé Canadian Redi Cross emibarrasming ta tell your Déodorant ____'5e Old Opice Déoderant 1.25 for canvassing without auth- frièntis that you have bée cur Trig for Men- 79c ority is stnictly illégal. feweti by thé Magltrate. I8 Ban Roll Ott - 1.25 Hum Cream 65e, 715ce As You know wé havé ýwould be more ernbarrassing Ard Creami - 5e, 78e Odo-ro-no Spray _M n canvas per year for mon- ta have to write themn fromn thé __________________ _________________ duning thé month o! penitentlary. If yau are going March. Two canvasses per year tO live w1ttl your brother, Hazel Bishop LIPSTICKS, new shades - 1.00, 1.50 for blooti donations. We have 1 YOUr brother will have te put receiveti pnivaté donations other than tiuring March, anti ane cf the lRed Cross execu- _ will continue te do so when tive, or thé Town Hall and a t1onation-is matie. they will hé able ta informn C O W L I .G S lI an emergéncy we might YOOs15té the legality of thé 14 hé forced to canvass fer funtis, C8flvcsS. 1 PHONE Wa~ SOR I but enly in an emergency such i Yaurs truly, MA 4M DRUG SO E TUUOSSI as a major disastér iité i-Dcn Marstien, M 4fUI3trlct . In thé évent cf anyemore President, cavssing, when net Positive Helen Rudéil, of its lesabitjpléu" pV"Vice..presmdet. te's Court ft éoevy't gugréet Nom. You wtt nf o«J'or dnle, a au tî f i t etimie. Il peu do Mt J e tua this finie, you cms Wek foro&rrd ta a ugay in> thé telolmatory or thée pet- tentwerv. Be bock hoe on lime 2Uh." Milton Cerson, 67 lCm si. Z., fiOW'nanVilk pfeadel n.à Oultytosichageo! alewtng d1og to runat1arge, The efedénce was thaft te d«g catcher chaseti thé dog hèe. on Aepil 28th. The dog catch- èr Pied heen warned on a Pl«- #toûg occasion névés ftoset icet on Carson's propérty, er hWr wotvld bé kic éd btck to the street end thé dog catch- él wouid ýnover catch any more doga in the Town af Bowynanvillé. "I do flot care wh'ether It lé thé high psiest cfai y or- gânization os the dog catche«, ho l9 entitled fo respect. The, by-lawg mrust hé enforceti. 1 havé observéd Mr. Hoskin In court anti hé la courteous anti has treated thé pensons hé ba$ p1rasecuted with respect. lié doesn't, havé te take thig abuse. Anyo-né who wanto to abuse the dog-catchér will Sy for ItL Thé penaty wilI a fine o! $50 andti tb costs are $9, or 30 days, was thé rnaglstrate's décision. Mn. Corson askéd for time ta pay. Hé was given two weéks. Leonarti Downey, Est Beach, Bowmanville, was con- victeti o! starting an addition ta his dweiling without thé authonity of a Building Per- mit frorn thé Town of Bow- Business Directory ACCOUnfancy RAT Z. DILLING Certlfled Public Acceuntant 93 Chusch Street MfArkét 3-3861 WK J. EL COGGINS Chartereti Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King anti Tempérance St. Phone MAnket 3-3612 TALE, .FRIEDLANDER 13UNTER & CO. Accountants anti Auditora Licénseti Trustée in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontarip B. L. Yale, C.A. P. Fiédander, B. Cern., C.P.A. MONTEfTE - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartèreti Accountants 135 Simcoè St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville Cail ZEnith 45750 Partuiers: Hon. J. W. Montéith, F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Cern., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. (Licénséti Trustée) G. E. Trèthewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. C h ir opr ac fi c G. EDWIN MANN. D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor o! Herséy St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hurs: By Appointnent D en tal DI. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. 40 King St. W. Bowmanviile O)ffice Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. tiaily Cleseti Saturtiay anti Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 lieuse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Weinésday - Sundaysý DR. C. F. CATTRAN, U.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. tiaily Closeti Satunday anti Sunday Téléphoné: Office MA 3-5459 Le gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barnistens, Solicitors Notariés Public W. R. Stnike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Be vrnanville Téléphoné MA 3-5791 .JAWIRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanvillé Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Résidence MA 3-5553 MISS AP13A L HODGINS Barristes, Solicitor Notary Public Tempérance St. - Bowmanvlle ERICHARD LOVEKIN U. .A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle PLioné Newcastle 2246 Consultation b y appeintmént only. W. KAY LYCETT, H.A. Barristes anti Solicitor lu thé offices of R. R. Waddéil, Q.C. Vain Street, Oreno, Ontar1o Morigages 8ADIE IRAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 Flrst Mortgagé Fuotis Résidences - Farms Business Properties M;1T1 A.BILLETW, 0.0. Optornétnlst 141 King St. E. - Bownianville office Heurs: By appoîntméntl Téléphone MArkét 3-3252 9 a.m. te 5 Montiay te Saturday Wednesdays: 9 to là Thursday .veninga - - Nang Juné meeting of thé W.M.S. was heiti Wetinestiay tafternaen, June lst, in thé home of Mrm. Arnold Wadé. Mrs. C. Burley had charge o! worsip service and she used thé adtiress givén te Bay o! Quinte Confenencé Branchi by Miss Doris Edwards, "Launoh eut inta thé Deep". Mms. C. Roebinson ais e ati-an item on Christian Stewardship. Mss. R. C. White gavé soe information on union o! al church wo'men in thé near fu- ture. Séveral pairs a! useti ny- lons were receivéa wlth more promiseti before sentiing oves- seat> néxt week. Mrs. G. W. Jones réporteti sending a year's useti Christ- mas cands te a missiainary in Formas. anti reati a letton o! thanks. Thése had been posted as uséti carda andi cot but a féw cents postage. Thé Baby Band Plcnie will hé helti Wednéaday, Aug., 3rti, et the home o! Mss. Webster of Part Granby. Lunch oom- niittee Mss. Roy' Beet, Mss. C. Robinson, Mrs. Webster. Mrs. Kireball, Baby Bandi Sécrétary andi Mss. Raymond Bruce, Cra- dle Rail Supt, anti Mss. R. C. White in charge o! invitatlomr etc with Mn.. Lancaster amsit- lIng wlth Programme. A car- bo.4 was plamned for NEbenezer SUPPlIY Tea. Mss. A. Wade is going toa ttendi S<hool o! Lea- ders again this Ysar anti other nviers Planned anc day. Thé meeting cloiet witf Mtzpah Bénédiction. W.A. Kéets lune lot. Thé Wonian's Association o! NewtanvMe Unitedi Churh met in thé Sundai' School hll an Wedriesday évértlng, June bat, wlth Mn,. A. Wade Prosi- dent li the cýW Msis. Zen Wadkéy hati charte o!flthe wor- shlP service with Mru. Wllis ger McDuff, Wayne Mitehefl, Farrow assisting. Ronrue Good, Don Lees andi ?Prâ, George Stapetf led G<ardoil Allin were the mAin- a "lôr & N*wotle gchýoî bfrs of "f Irtesent. Lufleh diil"r hi the IolIoWIng gong e hingre o UWii "kn iIlrle, "ne Ash e ndte accompaftying Grave", "Now Thiank w. al friends to return earlier. our God" med thé "Crirnod", The uecretary read omne aIl Of thom clghtfuI. "Thànk Yôu" notes. flte trea- Iýtei1da Brown, BevèrIleY'RI. sufer reportod approx., $470.00 ckard, Darlene Bowen, Mari- proceeds f rom Sunday Anni- &nn. Tendamn, Hila Tandain, erâûry Services and supper. g1ea r MCtateen, Candy mim. C. nrliy, Mrs. M. Kiln- SIra haron Bardedf- 1bel and Mas. J T. Pearce wore, ?HUIÉSDAIt, JUNE 9th, Z»& *ppointed :a comwaittee to IoOk for and price su"bble pic for front o Sunday 9d4 The exeutiv'e was a*hed to meet the Churoh Roard of Ma- nagers to talk over lifOting problemin norder that chutcli could be used in colci Weather. A report from both these Co~ mittees are ta be r'ecelved regular meeting diâte, 1J 29t*i. Meeting closed withb Mz- pah -Benediction. mwa*IWl. lIe ww ffiven twe wEEks td feise a fine af $10 plus $3 court ceats. - Viw? iwtv 6w ch~'s 'owy fwff le Ad# Md tpéal- fwe lM»Med amonu to t Comat dionnid ut 4:16 Mi Id M. muaIcIiffi- btlt hvé am* du"nlo the tern bftl& a*thé 11« orthe mi. and lWrs J. C, i4ore cd fftamlfn upent lb woék#nd "fth '.adM.CIld a heurt atfack on rktmyand la M>W inMmOrwalHospital, Bêwnuanvflle. Msr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmér J Md lamouy of port Hope, spent Sunday Wlth his parente, Mr. wbd Uns. Frank Gilmor. Mr. and Mns. non# Brown attendeti the Preuton-Taylor we«dng ut Toronto on &Mtur- Mr. anti Mss. Sld Lancaster andi <aughte on roo1 attmndeti Salein Annlvérsary on Sundoy and wore g.iests o! Mr. and bmr. Sam uttery. Mss. Bertha Marihail and two tiaughtess af Toronto vis- ied Mss. G. W. Jones en Sat- urtiay. Mr. icJtor Bourgerié frein Sunnybrook hospItal, Tenonto, andi Mrs. Bourgerie fram Osh- awa arniveti home on Fniley. Ms. andi M&s. Raymiond Bruce atténdeti thé wétiting of thiiel nephéw Mr. Morris Bruce at Bancroft on Saturday. Mrs. Willis Jones éntèreti Mémorial Hospital, Bowman- villeé, Wétinestiay evening for a major opération w1hich teck placé Thuratay mornlng of! last wéék. At timé of writing, Mss. Jones is seported ta hé progrés- uing favex'abby. Mrs. Alex Irwin anti Miss Helen Prngle a!Peterborough andi Mr. anti MTs. Gea. Hénder- son o! Port Hope were Sunday visitera with Mr. anti Mm. Ar- nald Wade. Ms. Henry Reichrath of Monitreal was calieti hère 0w- ing to thé cnitical illness id his mabther who la in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillé, anti his father's ililness who is at home. Mrs. Gordon Hopkins o! Oshawa, Mss. Hugh Espie o! Port Penny anti Miss Mnnié Cornish o! Orono visgitéti Mr. anti Mrs. C. M. Jones on Wéd- nesday. Mn. anti Mm. Alfred Looqnis anti MT. andi Mss. Orvihie Hen- derson of Tarante, Miss Dore- thy Stapleton o! Kingston anti Miss SandTiae Bragg a! Bow- manville were Sund-ay visitors with Ms. ant irs. Gea. Staple- tan. Mr. Johnnié Milligan. is hoXné for a !ew days. Mu sBérniéce Milligan la home !rarn Mem- oniai Hospital, Bowmanvillé anti is able ta move about with a walking cast on lier ankie. Misses -Margaret anti Blanche Flumerfeit o! Toronte anti Ms. Fred Leaf of Gornrley were ré- cent visitera with Ms. anti Mrs. Siti Brown. Mrs. Wàm. Nichols of Port Hope spent a few deays with Mnr. andi Mss. Sid, Lancaster. Mn. andi Mss. Rod Gi]Tnur, Michael andi Michélé of Toran- te visitéti Mss. Gée. Ovéns on Tuestiay. About noon on Friday a pri- vaté plane travelling fnom Québéecte Toronto was forcéti d!own on account o!flog. It landeil on the new 401 high- way just 9soutli o! Mn. Cecil Robinsons. A new permit hati te hé obtaineti before hé coulti take off a-gain. Mrs. Cecil Burléy attendéti thé funeral ef Mm. Edua Zea- Waler Zealanti on Satunday in Port Hope. Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Stapbeten - £Procluce Fuil of Juice - CALIFORNIA ORANGES 51bL.bag 5 5c" Swéet, Tender CORNCO 6 for39C Ontario Hothousé - Extra Large CUCUMBERS 1.2for 2 5c Economical - Nutritious - GREEN CABBAGE perIL.)08 c FROZEN FOODS Frasérvale - 24 oz. pkg. 115H and CHIPS - -59C1 Sunkist White or Pick - 6 oz. tin LENONADE 4For45c Bircis Eye - Cut - 10 oz. pkg. GREEN BEANS-- 27c1 - feats- Rib Roaist 3 - 3% lb. average IL.39c Tenderloin Roast 3 - 3% lb. average 1.49c Centre Cut Roast lb.,59qc SWIFT'S - Thé New Taste Tréat BARBECUE FRANKS Lb. 45c SWIFT'S DUTCH LUNCH SALAM CHUBS- Lb. 49C SWIFT'S POLISH IKEILDASA SAUSAGE l"b. 69C FEATURE - SAVE 4c FEATURE - SAVE 12e Appieford's K.V.P. - 100 f t. rail 4c Off Pack W A XEDB PAàPE1 29c CONET CLEANSER 2T,--S31c I FEATURE - SAVE 19e FMATURE - SAVE 15e Simoniz - Non Scuff - Quart Tin Sunspun - 16 oz. jar LIBRUID WAX $1.00 ALAD DRESSING 2 For 59C FEATURE - SAVI Clark's - 15 oz.1 IRISER STEW - E 7c FEATURE - SAVE Ilc I B York -20 oz. tic For 59c UNS wilh PORK 4 For 59c 25f.rol b g SARAN WRAP A LUMINUN Rea God -6%oz. tin LAWN HA1RbiZýOrange Concenirale é% * r m 1 . Freshie omwwFRUIT DRINKS- M a WHR a Smu ly 39c 2 re. 39o 5 Fer 29. a 0 19; THERE'S A RED.AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU MAPLE GROVE ORONO BLACKSTOCK -Maple Grove Groceteriaé - Cornisb Marketeria . Blyth's Market Aunt Mary's - 24 oz. loaf SLICED BREAD Beaver Brand - 5 IL bag MI~T sur am ScISPAGHETTI5 for69 Sa ve EST 13UY -Pue Cane Granulg *III!ID PURE CANE $ . IOc SUCARh .99VLTE 50 1b. bag 3 9 BEST HUY -Delsé Save TeTss 9 4c Tile ssue for C hit or Coloured 2 1 - Mi L- -1 * - - N 1 1 L i 1 "M CMAMAIt grk"SUAX, UGWUA»= OMAM-