TFfl'RSÂYJUNE 9h. logo f~ 7 ular meeting of the Rot.ary l** pumip would cost $4,500, and to, and two years ltrfud oteree hw nCn terest as Mr. Cole's youngest Vmre. suction hse, a 24 x 12 bears his naine.araofcidesshscr- .ýCsn Herb Cale well known IN af9foot ladder, booster reel, 200 1.I addition to giigteflyslce yMhrst Fi r o aacietof this district, has eet tii or S wefeet of hase and a nozzîe, twoP y T iun destmny personally a i hesi vr at n vr been president of the club for~ hooks, one crowbar, and fau organization, Mr. Mhri oktok Ph7e M -3 3the past vear. As his father, in A petition signed by 78 per Street South. He said no work. axes wvould cost a further $6,-j tmml nie for many ohratv. akdbchecetv i h:s characteristic modesty had cent of the residents of Liber-, would be done until final ap-: 000. Other basic extras woul dI-erzb r S ties. As ChairmanofteM-adpdutnfaiiesa -1________ neyer attended a service club ty Street North asking that a1 proval is given by the De- amount t anoer $,4.Tnj meeting, Dr. Jamnes was par- sanitary sewer be installed, partment of Municipal Af- 1coats, 10 pairs of boots, coatsBoardhe has madesaetanibleeMaher Shosdembody super Mrs. W. L. Paterson. Con- of the Council of Business and ticularly happy* that he was there was presented ta the' fairs. and helmets for the fireme n th ue su f h e contribution ta thersdns]tv au n usadn ~~~sio Sree. iasreurnd rofssina Woens Cub of ale o idue hm o ated. eeingofBowmanville Town He moved, secanded by would cost $500.gianary, the National Maga- of the greater Tornoae.syiganthplsheid Ioia three-week vacation i ïMetropolitan Toronto at OId Presîdent Herb was surprised -Council an Maîîday evening Councillor O. J. Presson, that It was stated that in addi-! ineanar thce eCaadingLeionan ebiesswr eosragfadalottnintevr iemda. jMl restaurant. Toronto, on and happy ta welcomne his by Alexander Alexander. Mr.i the Town Clerk, R. B. Rey- ien ta the costs quoted by in ane rtis eadn mm ime of the Shoe Manu- hety iakes it possibleit Mrs. C. H. Mitchell. Burling- SLiday, June th. father. It is interesting ta note Alexander owns a sub-divi-; nolds, and the Superinten- Councillor Smith there would! bersthf famie s for haedfanCtures Acition:Cn-plaete teacigby ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. At the lO8th Annual Session that Dr. James had a share in i sien west of North Liberty dent of the Warks Depart- 1 have ta be added expenditure wn er sa.m.eawrds orRa-R dhiardCunilof isr ibuin rseeyfowa ei G. Morrison. Church Street. lof the Synod ofthe iocee ofgetting Rotary started in Whît- Street. ment, T. K. Stewart, lie au- for sanie other equipment! very. manvilertzbse tionR.oR. Torhe t;ar Di0 reothCiy Th e Bwmnll -over the weekcnd. 1Toronto, Anglican Church of by back in 1932 when he ws Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers thorized ta oroceed with eatthehfr al n ad. PBwanilwaret on-ofTryont er o h rnc v oniu ne sa i te t n g h sa n c r i d orthas et im ae d h a a unt d e. P o e t w e s s o i t o , t e p r o a a a e e t Mr. William Clarke. Oshawa, Canada. held in the Diocesain president of the Bowihanville 1 stated that a petîtian had alsa oltsig hswscrid.I a siae h mut The editor wrote: "Perhaps the Canadian Natinlh-M.Sa orsn aal qisited his sister, Mrs. Cora centre, Toronto. fram Tuesday. Club. been submitted ta the Bow- needed ta start a Volunteer Ucms usadn aeo iin n teBySot n xeine hea h AllUn, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken' May 3lst. ta Thursday, June _______ manville Municipal Council g .Fre 'Department for the Cour-' recos thaut ft he tre o iation. asbannatrig athefot P a li r a d f m il .2 d. r . M .o f S . o n i o f n -th e in Nla eme r 1954. t T h etim - r e c v s l ca e a w o$3 0ba00 0x.- H e rtz b e rg b ro th e rs, w h o a il H e la s a lw a y s b e n i t r w ar e u rent ofo - Mrs. Roy Swindells, Edmon- vllPas of St John inBofn te tabu $3,0.Th te xvs mtly$0,0won the Military Cross in ested in good waeoemnil n ititfl i ton, Alta., is spending a moni th vleselEected a mmer o!Mis-010pha r ab ou 3500. haebetn's914,-.-Warld War 1, the late Major- sport, and throughteeaseaîo!Mhrhe.Sre r.senExeautiaedCAudittee. Mis- 0shaen d havos e te e$4- 'C erificate RGeneral H. F. H. Hertzberg, has spansared tea;sprii ic 96 w.iR.her, arts e Mr. dMrtee of tle Diocese. O - O f ie s idents a little ver $10,000 as Graduation,.,. BT AC., .MG DS. wh paignco et died in M arch of this year), basebal and socce. H is a d by a c p l, c ur au Mrs. R. Myers has returned M..nd.r. auic Cn-an assessment under Local! c e r'e imaonies the ate lie f the GrntClbsafaofeteitligt wit Toronto after ,a r. and îsiw . and Mr. aug e ri Con- provements. have b e e n *M RS. BESSIE CORY Md or-Gnerl - o f Ton tor a n à Mrs. Russell Hayes and fami'x. spent a few days last week in Le ave Forcdiae during World War Il) lace. ber of the EmpireCu !hsbltMhrSo trs Ottawa where they attendedmoe th ar xaidat heU- year Bessie McLelland, wi«dow and Lieut. Olaf Hertzberg: Canada: the Print dadeval euain a Engineering Officer Everson th, nurses' graduation exer- Constable Jack Rîcard, and but painted out that the whole vers o o ~ f John R. Cary, died at Fa ir- now residing at Bowmanville, Yacht Club, and a itemn-finl n odpaei of B.O.A.C., Ayr. Scotland, VS ie !Otw ii optiCîsal o oîstv development west of NorthïToronto and ber o theTorL Liberty Street depends on the: one o hsy.., de hty rdy n. e of the oot unessheht hp ited with his cousins. Mr. and %when their daughter Pat was popular members of the Baw- sani4As aDireàor a theNatio-1Mr6M.he peronallia! 'end recently. on he eken eei Ln-1Otai*rv a sewer would service the area Alex Hendry e ltya.iU ai Sanitariuni whicadis-vey ebeo!hewol ontewe nd~reino-IOnaiaPrvncial Police, left nrht h deo hecr ecsl.1ý;A kaughter of the late M r.'tr h ukk o t dM aito Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ham-' don. Ont., w.hen their daughte-ri the service during the îast nrt t heede !th cr-Nwatl H ndMr. onthLeln, hespa or an in air g mTond and family. on pn Igi eevdhrdpoa we asatvla ite paratian and ta the west, lhe s u c c e sstully ad as bh MLelad, thetuberculosis, the ,etnSn-.ta1heielo ~hc i Ton pn!nrdr1ie e ilm n wee testar ciili e ie. eceased w abrn a a y- ialn n h nt.bsns one amn ,Stre ihM.adMsDprmn fPbi eih ad on ee ton, Ont., and was married atý (Continued from page one) iaage andjh .Orville Hammond and family, Nursing at Western University. Cosal iadlfon AexH dyMoeil n182tth a wh C oit n n .W o n i h h r r l t v s S n ta ble icrdh e ft s o n i C o n cillar K eu n i cks. e - tute, r q uhem ebaso f h erther exe m pli-of O h aw aear s Ma.aahistustilis ainn -effcct ta-at Hamilon, nt. e lon wit her relaives Lakes district w here hie plans Lathangue, m oved that Proc-!ing Course in Business and w as A r s d n f O h w o 0 tin next ta m ore efficient dis- interest in his fell w ctz nQ AL TT AT E O L Mr. and Mrs. Chas, AlIdlred, 'and triends in Durham County ta start a gas and ail delivery ter Redfern, Engineers, give presented with his certificate years, Mvrs. Cary had been for tribution. He reasoned that if by giving freely a i u'DSREA RCSTE *Newcastle, Mrs. F. W. Bowen. b i extending cordial congrai.- business ta sumrmer resorts in an estimated cast for the pro- at Convocation Hall. Alex many years an active member shoes could be sold directliand talents ta this motn ATT A."OD Orono, and Mr. S. C. Otton,!ulations to Miss Gloria Purdy,, the area. Constable Foulds posed sanitary sewcr. no ate esne eio! King Street United Church, 1 ram factory ta wearer, the work. Tornt. ereviitrswith Mr.<la ughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Hl. aiso left at the end of the that it be referred Io the l)artimeit of G.M.C. ad hangbeamebrwni saving couîd be passed along, New BoivmanvileSoe ATS COR OR M - end iMrs. Wallace Holmnes. E. Purdy. Campbellville. On-i wveek for Owen Sound where Board o! Works. T'sa hs h islaOhwt the church was known as Met- ta cansumers, and the logîcal Ils Modern and Bih YRFNE" Mr. J hn M~ on, t. L w taia, O~ beng eected pres- I e pla s ta go ita th con caried. oînpete n ext nded cours cale Mehodisanhlirch answ r waohirowe c ain ! Th new awma vill A stict dher nce tThei fai rence University Cantî-n. N.Y.,, dent o! the Student Cvurcil af tracting business with his ira-' Councillor Lathangue spoke of study under the Salary Eni- Predeceased by ber busband retail stores.i brancb is -typical ofohcr-brSo trs udeso 'is spending the summer monthS1 Milton High School foi- 1960.1 ther, James Foulds. o the matter of necessary sal oloyees Tuition Refund Plqn in 1910, she is survivedi by a Putting the theory into prac- cent Maher installtosadhuans!stnc fred withbisparnts Mr an Mr. Gloria is no strangert o-___ testing in cannection with the n. ý-ý e effective in General~ son, Orley E. Cary, o! Oshawa. tice, the yaung company began features a modemrn ultp i vr at !Otra Mhrls A. GManue.Street- grandrnotas he Mr s.i) leB.planned paving of Liberty 'lv.;cors during 1959. i Aso surviving is a sister, opening its own stores and front. A terrazzosi bl vIs .G ereý- e-i rninteMs D. .B Mrs. Emma Drury, ai Dray- tbrougbout subsequent years pravîdes an entranet h ..dowview. attended the wed-I Zilliams, and is a summer res-V ernon SingeriWA Pton, two grandsons, Arthur' a cantinuous palicy ai expan- store, and the entiefots C U x lingv of Jak Cry oiOshwaandsinand improvenient bas an attractive biend isan ricia Ahlers, and Mr. ThomasîLake Scugog. m euIs Ailxiliary i six great-grandcbAtdrhn. eca main aineel pnvitra- Jarvis in Toronto last Satur-ý Congratulations te vjctorîYy ii IAddres s JThe memorial service wvas: ent time, Maher Shoe Stores lite.MA33 3 day. Hall, R.R. 1 Orono, Glenn Pres-'v :. held at the Armstrong Fun- operate a total o! 97 conven- The interior Is fnse i Mrs. Wallace Hoinies cott, R.R. 2 Burketon and Wil- r.6RseiCsseathePonco!nar. oktriadsbtedna Mr. and Mrs Gadon Marin ian To linon ! Oono xvh Lib e a iv eei~ .u u u e e ~ eral Home on Monday. June iently located stores trovugh- sft pastel toiles wt i e attende the TafalgasServiatgKingteStreetriculuretalFounder, President and Gen- glow of ligbts trambakso N i a i emalManager o Maher She flushKfuorescent fixtuits ;in the chapel ai Ontario La. Kemptville Agricultural Sehool E. R. Lovekin. Presi- e hrh odce e- es, aae f ae efus loecn cles' Clee hty udygauto exercises an Satur- dent 'of the Durham Clourt o oIi a s vices. Interment was in Osh- trs James Patterson Ma- Plenty ai chromechisn Colleng e. W i y u da yJuegradC gauationt ieil A scato ,1aw no C m r er, whose parents came froinimatching color assuruti e v e n n g . d a , J u e 4 t . C n g r a u l a t o n s t y L b e r l A s o c i a i o n I a a U n o n e m e t r y .I r e l a n d , s p e n t i s b o y h o o d e r c o m f o r t w h i l e b e1 i t d Rev. Wallace S. Bragg , also ta Donald Brown, Bow today announced that the Plans ta hold à cookingiMrs. George Young, and Ms. Tepabarrs were A. days in the tawn af Picton, Vsiosttbne Mar Spoan. Wshngtnhasben1manville, David Cornish, R.R. Association wilI be hold- 'scbool in the autumn were dis-iDuncan i th h uig ar,..Cr.R Coppin. G. Ontario. In 1909 whule still a Shoe Store will 1idaca rSoa e l antve, Mrasend2 M.llbrook. Grant Down, R.R. sîîg a meeting in1 Orono 'cused at the meigothCo ite cnvor reCane, G. Coppin and B. Cap- younig manî lie set out ta seek the largest and fîetee- M'.OtoBragg and farnilv2 Bowvnanville and Garth Me- on Mandar, June 27, 1960,. Women's Auxiliary of MenaH-authorized Io make necessary! pin, a career for hiniselfI n Toron- tien ai men's and oe' Sha's a.d is ise , i Io! R.R 1 Enniskillen whose at which the guest speak- 'la] Hospital held on Fridaylpurchases during the summeri Leaws and Ruby Bstrg, MTown. names appear in :the pass list er wilI be Vernon Singer, jafternoon. The President, Mms.1months. Hmlto, of Junior Agricultural Students M.P.P. Lawrence C. Mason, gave a: Mrs. R. HannahHlo, at Kemptville Agricultu r alI .Sne safre report on the last meeting of lias been visiting ber parents. sehool. i.Snerth Va orm ujera ircor1 e *M.a-dMs .Mss abs Bv invitation of Mrs. Alanl i presently a member of morial Hospital. M r Cao is Oshwa Gen1%Moea opietin sborne. mothers of lier nurs- the Ontario Legisiature Mirs. W. M. Rudeil. conven- rs a. M. plorsptl s ery school pupils attended for that Riding. or of the Bootee Proect Con,l Tw Mrs A.M.Chartran, Mrs. morning last week wben they NMm. Lovekin said that lîand knit boottes have been' rne McQuarrie and Mrs. were àble ta observe the var- . Singer's addThis would a Ross Stuitt left bv motor last jaus activities carried ion dur- be entitled "Current Mun- ci lee. hs work T Icipai robienq". ;donc by many o! the Auxilia^r. a i week for a vacation in Ken- ing a regulai' sehool mornin.g. calPbem members and by soie o! their tucky. Mrs. Stutt will remain A highlight was the children's ---- friends. Mrs. Duncan Smith'oi onto--How many weigbt- for -a vîsit wth relatives there. amazing vocal abihity show-n in- convenor o! the Buying Com-j watching Canadians count the, Mr-. and Mrs. Clive Lamb a sang program uander the verv 'mittee, reparted that tbe Blaodý calories in what they drink And Christina, Town, and Miss' capable direction of Mrs. Ross B e c Bank refrigerator for the hos--i as well as in what they eat,?i Aud'rey Lamb af London. Ont..,1-allowell, Mrs. Osborne's as- potne ro aeoe ita lit d eiv ere nd wt i 1Thounatioi ResearchSPECIAL VALUTES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK leave bv rmotor next Mondav, sistant. Ta conclude the niorn 1o- -e rmpg ne ib eiee wti 0 onaio steatoi June 1.3th.. foi- a rnonth's ho]'i-ing, the mothers enjoyed a de- .three or foui' cbildren would weekS. for the statement that thereI dayt.nBrts Clîbaad lightful coffee parts' with hos-; have ta pay $16 a month taxi 0 twsdeie a adte.are reCalresltaber Calj..'rnia. 1tsse Mrs. soieaîdMr1 fare. wlîich maîîY could -notj annual meeting in OctoberIorî a double whiskey than in Mi-r. and Mrs. Keith Snitit Hallawell. afford taecia, he added. H e 1960, instead o! January, 1961'1 that extra piece o! apple pic, id Ki'm. Gaît, and 'Miss Edna 1 iM. an-d Mrs. A. Adamis and a - so cdained tbat aý taxi car- This was the Jast meeting o!l a creain put!. an order aiM n y S vigS E I ViugesOttwa, ereweeendfamiy ad Ms. ewar Do-1 ies"six ta sixteen"' cbildren1th Women's Hospital Aux- 1 riddle cakes, or a candy biar.1 Xests a!fMr. and Mrs. W.<frli son. Lamb's Lane, were guests' per tî'ip. It would lie disas- iliary af Memorial Haspîtali Yet how many business e74081 I.D.A. Brand - 2 oz.. 6 on.. reg. 45a, 75a Carruthers and attended the! at the 45th wedding annivers- ýtosi hr evrwsa i-ttlSpebr.Tsrr ed. - pa uslyimedesserthand ha A Carruthers-Foster wedding ati ary o! Mr'. and Mrs. Hildon cident, hie assere.alnhi dsrtndap o aî C cr 3 , K<enclal last Saturday. Johnson, Janetville. on Satur- Mi'. Marshall also informed A P pily toss down their accus-I.DA. Brand - 4 oz., 16 es., reg. 98c, 2.49 Mr. .E.Las an Msday. The Adamîs famnily spentî cauncil that tbrough the win- HAM TON alcoho .N Gordon Martin attendied the! with ber mothei', Mrs. ter a lot af children fi-arn the' o ayldiscgrysP Graduation Exercises on Mon-j Ber! McMullen and family beach cannot attend scboal aU 1-Hampton Women's Tstitute a martial alt the bridge table ..-Stomach Powder - 79c, 1.9 dlay at Ontario Ladies' C ollege. and Mrs. Dowson with ber ail due taeliad weather. Hie'met Tuesday afternoon with even as they virtuously dis- imoweSet Reg si Whitby. Miss Doris Mar'tin re- niece. Mrs. Johnson andi Mr. i said the sebool cbildren are about forty in attendance. It' cuss their latest dietary de- APUNnMBekH i turned home with Niem aiteî'îJohnson, and a number ofIfram bath the East and West wsrpre htttInt-ipiain adShake theirSet ii &euccssfully campleting Gradte friends fî'om Toronta.' A gi'ft Beaches. He stated that the tute short plays had been pretty heacis a! the saated of 12 Tub"es XII. the bride of 45 years ago ap ublic School Board bad presented ta thiet Jocalities. fluts? Re.22 Mi. ndMr. usei Ohanepreciated veî'y mucb was a ly turned daown a request for Mtta was "Buried seeds !3v taking ini anly 100 'c'al- eg2.2 elv bouquet of red roses from, buses fo hlrnfa h Twbtbre aents neyer J aies per' day mare than onte ~Sionelle ""'gnmDoodorant 1e And iMr. a'nd Mrs. Gordon M'ar'- tht Orange Order o! wbich i beaches. but suggested that grow", taken by Miss Johas.! neecis, tht medical scientists! S*EI ~Rol-o tin, motored ta Hamilton te Mrs. Johnson is Pas! Grand itht People there approachl n O. T P&i 's for lc attedrte.ÊoBa-Isons readingnthemater.The 1 sas', a persan mas' gain as, FMEHS Oî U£39 att nd th A'ovn - ùg esMistreSsso! tht Eastern Ontaria o uni n tt fite.Truc Story o! a Deck o! Cards"!I nuch as 10 punds o! lextr20L J & -J o AAon .u U or onlv weddingand therose Uinite Orange Order.1 Mayor Wilfridt Carruthers Iwas unusual and inspiring. i weight in a year. And in ri- with the purchase of any of the followig theScttishRite Club on Sat- Last Sunclav Mrs. Carmen said that it is definitels' a Msc w eetosb udfrclre r x a yS ljrday. Barrett and Mmrs. Clive Laib Scbool Board matter. It asks Mrs. K. Shackleton and bMr .remely easy ta swallow -- Baby o dr7 , Mm.Ralh H Carutersattended the Mothei' and Dau- counicil for thet moîey ta caver Tws it isIG hcle-' eight ounices a!fliter adds 1015110TIISBb 75,87 Pfew York City', visited bis par- 1 ghter Tea a! Taranto Western the scbool needs o! at tht pino wasverniei calories, 1I1 2 ounces oa! g .100 TABLETs 2O* 24 TABLiTs 32' J JBaa - i 7c, lens, r. ndMrs W.H.Car-I Hospital for tht nurses' gradua- Ht said if there is anythin.' îSdled.YongW eotalashvig t Ls:hesey10 calories 2an esai um 1 r e s, Mi.and o Mh r . W. H. of 1tien cass aîd thel mothers. th t couricil canIn or £ Sl M s yaMun po plge visit orunce s kefy ort10 calories,tw I his faiily l'as! w-tek a-ia-Mrs. Lanib's daug'hter Christ- do it would lie dont. MFsAT. aunEoyEgveJhcJouces ! poto10ocalriec,'~ ada- report on tht Public Rela-: two ounces o! sherry 76 cal-E IFJ& J ayLto - - 7c 8 tencied .the Carruthers-Fosbter mca -iasa memer ai tht class. Deputs'-Reeve Ivan Habbs, tions Officers' Conftrencc heîd aries. four ounces af chani- ~f ADACH.IS C0NP@TS MJ&JChOFns hmo 7c O wedldi-ng a!, Kendal on Satr On Mondas' Mr. Clive Lamb stconded. by Reeve Sidney at the O.A.C.i pagne 120 calories. =OS, NEURITS, NEURAWMA,J J hlrnsSa po7c1 clay, June 4th attended the Father anîd Dan- Little, movedi that the Town Cake and ice creani was Calories arc units af energy, N U AIMRichard Hudaut - Reg. 1.25 Mr. nd rs. ame Murhy, ghter noon dlinner at the Park Clemk be instructed ta write1 served. It will lie Grandrno- derived tram bnrning food orci- iUATS M re nt du ss M ' li h u b M . a d M s a b a dMs. Jquest ai tht residents o- 1. t t p mttndal' e e'y îe s, nd nyR l e f- . ..J. . ..... £', i aAin 1 r ria îgnd future installation of ont marrita S- W. Sîsson, (Continnec fî'om page ont> egIos _ __ -- 2 _ . jIstau'm sewers would lie chai-g- son of Mr'. and Mrs. Michael I ~ 74C Reg. 45e ______________________________________________ e ta ht gnera rat. MrSisson, Bethans'. Shortîs' a!teî' -is eLontîact be cbanged 5 RIw Smd zm Hannan was tod that councî theirming hs ae ata h township would have Men's Rair Brush with 65e size could flot bind future Muni- a fanm near Bethans'. Mr. Sis-' ta replace topsoil that had ta'£f.I.: *Siz i iplCanilorgarnetjson in addition t en emvc hntkn rv l efl f75 TabICts 34# wbpat thues or ud o. ntiner, as a ac in'abe noiHsov ad ntat hcn - btI. f 20 Tolets$1 moRe. 6 e PHOSPSSO.*.- f EHOBOTH CHRISTIAN ~~~~sucb installation or pavin'gi and a pioncer in tht telephone, tract dots flot bave ans' quai--hmatahw ucA ,. ary-am iv aserSaeL io 5ic WkJ RE O O H C RS I N 1during this teriniwould blit n af Bethans' . atej o i a t owmch1Away u rryPamoi uferS have Lotiona assessed partialîs't residents A is own expense be built1 gravel the township will take i________________________'A PL of te aea n qustin uderthetii-s t telephone line in thet' Il could take ane yard or 1,- REF RM E CH RCHLocal Impi-ovenents unless ai-ta frani tht aId railway sta- 000. iMr. Jeffers' said. - Icounicil should change its tion ta tht village. Later he, As there was nat a montionj ' I I P FA T H ER S D A YN0 Scugog Street, Bowmanville i mind, it was stated. built a cantinuing line ta j. made concerning tht matteî EýV*m June lSth strein otu an; b ay mm$250'IP i Lenar Dow ne y Ba! inîaled swtchla is hmecil Reve iekrdft oM.î*m OUG $5 - ~~~~Beach, addressed counicil and i Mrs. Sisson is remembered Jetters' that "s'ou'd better se i LI L Lt's only days away! Shop here now for mm«wmmni said that tht building af ne-' in tht ai-ta for ber faithtul bow it develops thus sumnier.: in- -- -haea i sletonicld 4ONIG SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. . Englisb cessai-s washroams at bis service rclas'ing telephone' Then we will know haw much faou IdSpc Mns oieris EVEINGSERICE- 130 .m.- Dlc. jta what tht Town Solicitor badi for hem bospitalits' during ber now is anIs' guessing." i EVEINGSERICE- 730 .m.- Dtch called technicalities, ane lit-' usband's mans' years of ser- - Victor Bell, Bell Telephone' ing the wrong lot number ofl vice in Manvers Township as Company', appcared befare: Sunday School immediately after b is documents. On notion of! cauncillor, deputy-recve, and:- counicil with an offer train Sunday morning service. Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, second-,- reeve. bis firm for tht installationPR S ITON A SECA Y 1. d by Councillor O. J. Pi-es-eî Members o! tht Sîsson tam- o! a fire alaî'm system. Ht.PRS ITON A EC U son, il was decided ta ask tht ils' had militai-s service in tht explaineci that a suitable type , Town Solicitor ta clear up tht, Fenian Raids, the Northwest, witb six telephanes witbin a: technicalities and theui put the Rebellion, Boter War, World' radius a! thi-te miles ai each niatter in the hands of tht War 1 and World War Il.) other wouîd cast anis' $50 Ix c G reg o r D n "Bac To od our" roadcast building inspectai-. P our o!f'Mrs. Sisson's great nianth. Counicil askcd M. i-. Bell1Ge g o Tht Town Clerk, R. B. Rey. grandchildren wei-e baptized ta pi-avide turther informa- CKLB Osawa at3 pm. ver Sudaynolds was autborized ta attend' by Dr. R. P. Bowles, Black- tion before the ofier us con- 8:30 Ohaarn t . every Sunday tht meeting o! the Clerks and stock, foi-mer chancellor o! sidereci. Smhrpotd"" I>viA 359 8.3 a.. ver Suda, CRBFinance Offîcers' Association' Victoria College. Toronto. Cauncillar Sihrpre We Deliver Your Local ID.A Dr Store ..n Convention tr i e held in Hon. 1 during a famils' celebration of that tht rosi of a standard ____________________________________-ey' arbour,, June Igth to 22nd. b er 951h birthcjay. lir. enguue. with 500 gallon:J THE CANADIAIN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVE11 Y, 1 ý