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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1960, p. 10

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TME CANADfl STATMSMAN, EOWMAKNVILL!,ONTAUG THURSDAY, JUNI xoth, 1960 - Soit, Grand md Glorlous sàn\be\yo ur$~w ith \tWATER\,SOFTENER 7ACK BROUGH, :PLEMBING and HEATING ,àDivision Street South 1 443-5615 BOWMANVILLEi VIGOR OI BEST QIALIY... FUEL OIL STr AT MOST REASC For Del PHONE OSHAM 78 BOND ST. W. 'n (lldsnîobile s'aîuîuies votîr hankerig tor luxury. purriig precision, silent, instant response. fi i superli quality ai a verv icasoinuble price that nakes Olisiobile such a practical bux . &&?1zAÂMý Fxira-wýcW' trame. superb suspension, twa ways Oldsmahile engineering excecs al4 others. Tnvestment Oldsmobile's unique qualities make k hoi its value. yow 'investmen4., over more years of motoring pleasupe. LEýDS ITS CLASS IN SALES. QUkALITY.. .AND LAS1i'NG VALUE! O-LD SMOBILE MIIT VOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QIALITY DEALER ROY W. NICHOLS 50 WMAN VILLE COURTICE Masty Wr11Onc day recently. liard Bristow apd son Allan, cribed :as the City of Thî'ee r Mr. and Mrn$. Wm. Staple- accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jer- Cs_ Churches, Cadillýacs andi an sieent thle weekcnd with 'ry Bristow ta Craokstouî an Canes; andi again the City ofi, ?&.,and Mrs. Lennox: Vasey of Saturda), ard were guests ral Three R's-- Religioni, Romnanccý Port lWeNioJ. the wedding of Gary Davis auid Rlheumuatismn", Mrs. Jr>hn-1 Mr. Jini Caswel isl not we)l and Miss Beverley Wilkins, ston said. and is in Memarial Hospital.i which troa'k place in Crook'ston .Bow-nianville, for an opera- United Church. Mrs. S. L. Spellet asud .Mrs. lion. get ihM' n William Duf! sanîg two lovely i 1Su-ndaY get ihMnadduets "HoId Thou.iMy Raid."' Mirs. Wm Milligan and Mr. Mrs.WalIter Neais were Mr. and and "Teach Me to Pruy" ar- I anud Mirs. Roy Hall attended tht Mrs. Herb. Neals, Mr. 9sud Mrs.1 comrpanied by Mes, Clarence Robinson-Lax wedding at Wel- Perry Neals, Mn. a'nd Mrs. WiT. Rwn corne on Saturday. Roseson and their sous Allan Rwn Mir. and, Murs. Onville Cuibeni and Neal af Peterborough;- Mrs. The sci'itpure lessou read' o! Lindsay wiith Mrs. G. W. Donald, 'Cailîcari anîd Neal by Mrs. Adrdi.son Scott, witlî Joncs on Suaday. Cathcart of Springville. Mirs. Wiiînifred Spencer pro-i Mu'.ant Mes WiliamMarirgrain convener, gi-ving the les- Weekend viisitons With Ms r.adMr.Wlso ar:-,n thou'ght.. ouithe to-)piç i Geo. Ovensl were Mur. and Murs. chenkaof o!Tronto ax-e visitingl "Fruits ai The Spirit" wýlîih Keith, Stephenson and jill of with M1&. and Mns. Griot Wri- -are love. joy, peace longsu ffer- Clarkson, Ms-s. Ken Ware andi ght.1 ing, gentleuîess. goodness, iaith, Mn. Stephenson, Sr. of Ton- Mr. auîd Mrs. 'Creigh ton Carr ri meekness andi temperance onito. spent the weekend with, !riends Mrs. Man-sel Finuiey chaired Mrs Willis Jones was able ai Golden Lake. the business session auîd gave, te leave Mémrial Hospital, recoro ehn ntdredn -o HwTSg' Bowîmainville, on Saturdtay andi h choir o! etheanyuied readrugon HowTo in la convalescing *at the homne Cuc upidtemscfrHrn of Mî'. and Mirs. Melville Jounes. the AnniversarY service of! Plans were made for !ihc- Mrs Laur Hikeyo!Ton IJanetville United Church on annual Gardenî Partîy which enta spenuth wkendofTor Sund'ay evening. wi Il be helti an Weduiesdav, her sisteur Mrs. Wm. Milligan. Mr. and Murs. Mansel Wright dune 29 Mrs. T. Jennings re-i Mn. andi Mrs. Willis Farrow spent the weekend at their cot- ported some new dishes pur-ý were Su-n-day visitars with Mr. tage on Lake Seugog. chrased For the church kitchen..i andi Mrs. Roy Buiiey ai Osh- The Bethauiv Comun1uitl ' Membei-s %weure îrecesteal b' *w IBaud led the Parade ait the save discau'ded telt hats, nylonu' Mrs. Wim. Pound and, son Oat Millbrook Agriculturai Socie j alstof kings auîr Ch'-sent trds 'Peterborough, weTe on hand ta Fair on Wednesdey a! ternoan. i ah 0f whn ich ii snt sso greet bier father, Mir. Fred Ms ila ikomsin Sauder wea' li arivtiWomen's Asisociation Meeting ýatmy at Formosa, to aid in her i home fnam. Mémorial Hospital, Mr.Gog1orsgaea aktlte Bowmaanvi-le on Mondlay. tah'k in The Foster Parent Plan The financial report was giv- i Msrs. Ted Watt and family afi i m. ta the Women's Assodia-i en by Mrs. Walter Neals. Pont Hope spent Sunday w ith ti on af the United Church ai' MT. andi Mrs. Arnold Wade. the home of Mrs. (Dr.) -S. L. Folll'wi>îg the closing devn- D. Merrill and son Mvr. Speller on Tuesday evening. , lions, lunch was served liv tii Wal.lace Menril Of Wrarkworth. Two yearls aýgaMr. andi MrS.' visirtOtiMnr. WËI.s on o Moores adopted a littie Korean: Sunday. ' girl t-hrugh this plan and Murs., After only a short illness, Moores described this as one; Mrs. Anud'new Reichratih passeti o! thelir richesi andi mosi re- 1 away in Memorial Hospita, wardig expeniences. She read' BOmnileo atra n.ecrpsfo ltesrwevd her 87th y'ear. T.he synipathy a! from. W¶Iang Young Sook aidlI NEW the coninuunity is extended ta ber fam'ily. She §howed Pic-i 1%&. Reichrath and taniîy. tures of the schooi and the, Mr. and Ms-s. Geo. Skelding church she attends and tldr o! Prince AIbert apent Suxiday something of their living con- with Mi&. and, -Ms-. Wtn. Skeld- ditions. "Tbey have so, little-.-j îng. we harve so much!" she Mii.. Band Mrs. Moornes receuxtly return- Misson Bâand met June Il t ed froin a holiday in Flonrida,, with eleven memrbens present. also spake briefly o! church: %llwng heMisio Bnd wr with which she was af- upe aMdssion s !iliated in Lakelanti. Prayer, Mer. White ahowed twa As a result of Mrs. Maux-es' filim strips. Election o! officers tialk, it was agreeti that Belli-, resulted in Jante Staeey as Pi-e- anY W.A. jain with five other aident andi Audrney Teengs for groupa in the Manvers .Parish Secretary. Audrey andi Jane andtinlerecognition o! Wo-rld elso took part in the Wonship Refugee Year, would becomne sevce Brenda Hendensyon re responsible for thie adoption O! ceived the offeaing. The atudy a KOreen child, sharing thte ex - book Bologi andi Olc i Hppo" Pense of foodi, clothing and Isix B1 which is mtin A-tricia was comn- lucatiOn. pleteci. World Fnientis were Mrs. Florence Johnstm)n. who' (oef passeti out and a lunchcoclu-1 had also beeîî in St, Peters- <oe f ded the meeting. Murs. White burg. FIa.. descu'ibed some ai wiàte iib *0emuse. the *uglight4 o! ber holiday - MzTE!n - 1 ... -. ý .. 1 *-,*-. . - ,- . * - 7 - open K s AT QUINTE DISTRICT CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION, BELLE VILLE Every Sunday AllerRooR During June FROM 2:010 P.M. TO 4:30O P.M. Visit Our LABORATORIES - see wbere our products are processed. OFFICES - see how our records are maintained. PHIONE ROOIMS - sec hlow your service calis are received. COLLECTION ROOIMS - sec how semien is collcctcd. SEMEN STORAGE - sec how frozen semien is stored. SIRES - sce our sires, tbey are here for your inspection and ust REFRESHMENTS . . . Yes - tbat's right - FREE REFRESHMENTS Bring the Whole Family. . . and bring y'our neighbour Directors and Staff memnbers wiII be on hand to explain our business to you. We'II sce you in June! -.00004 ance nt meetings, makini a . hostess assisted by Mis. Ad-r church, at the family resid- Long Branch and Joha ,N ew D airy Productsoalo1,0pon.o!B r ub e i T m es dison Scott,.Mrs.Herb:- Coppns~ ence, 209 Centre street north, Oshawa. any as te hih meber nj Jeningsexprssedthecurred of Mirs. Mabel Sleight- . Mrs. A. Hawes, of Whitb n the luwth a scomre i o!r ub e 907m to s 1;Mrs. Jnig xpesdteholm. She was in lier 76th three brothers. Mark, o ot A vailabl in Junewhile Donald Winslaw placed tsnserthag esyzrmofidcppr pe thanks of the group ta Mrs.I er Bay: Sidney of Hamptnd iTraditionally, June is dairy trated skim milk and bath second with 899. The ather te produce a high yield of cial tomato dusts, which oftenl hdt alto e homa- e:fre aelCrih Frederick,ofBrie morth and this year. as though products keep well under nor- members in order were as: tomatoes. But producing a'cantain fungicides as well as adt i hs h a s The formerMabel ornîsh to cmrnorate the levent in follows:-Janice Timnis, Be- good looking fruit is another insecticides, are available. Iwîîî be no metetinogs . helddr- the lecased Mr.adauMrs FW. C. Town FuncralHoe prootr sty le. a number of new nmai refrigeratiofl. eliminating: thany, 898, Glen Smith, Ca-i matter. wl en etnshl u ftelt r n r.F hty o evc dar rdcsaeaalbe h edt u ika r-van, 8Ç6. Paul Winslow, Ida, Horticulturists with the On-:cMprae aiream and fed a in Ag th ot hsa J ndCri sh . As aie nAl ai hitbvSaints* orrc e i i Ontario Departrnent of Agri- quently. The cancentrate it- 885; Marion McCamus, Cavan, tario Department of Agricul- capaeas aktda uui h vsmridi i Saints'Sa intChrche dnewsdy I 82;Ros easBetan, 74 trehav tie sveal prov-, The aid favourite - A h etigo u Anglican Church, Whitby, in e8Inrm twain s- culture dairy science special- sel[ (an be whipped for top- 82 MsCeas Btay" 84 tr. hv . dseea po-bardeaux -- causes blossom. orAuhxeing of Ste Paul1'11.a iinCeee thee nw poduts.pîns o diute haf ad bl'AllenMcCamus, C~avan, 874, en remedies for unsightly drop, but can be used safely Curch, edi n v f t.Parl ' s . l moî vsad-Armstrong, rector o i wsshv.tist a bu ith orw iter aforofenrder ha ro lln Gli Millbrook, 871; fruit. Sprays and dusts headatr h dutsese Si- ' Curhcodteth wihwtrfrcfe rcr hrn Bigelow, Bethany, the list, they are effective Hall, four girls- Patrioiz voted niember of All Saints' services._______ First of aIl. thai popular eal cream. 86 lieSeFaevle gis ugsdsae uh Blossom-end rot is caused Green. Kathleen Morton. Shar-AnlcnCuh.Sevase st db.eaprte ik.hs In powdered milk, there isI862; David Staples, Bethanyl as early blight, anthracnose by a moisture upset in the on McGill and Barbara Wilson,1 cretary of the Womeii's Aux- bei'n irnproved. The -improved an insant skim milk choco- 855; Richard Staples, Cavan, septoria leaf spot and, late fruit. A deep mulch and a tried their test ori Churchnian-I iliary of the church and a past P D I qfVu : pouthsescokdfl-late drink on the market noiv. 854, Rôtert MeCamus, Cavan,l blight. Make sure that thie en- adequate wvater supply are the shp ndwrama. cesfu n reidn Ax vour and its colour more It re-constitutes readily in 851; Rager Gillis, Millbrook, tire plant is covered. Repeat ibest safeguards against this th1x 1ain Thywllb(iiary'o h hrhadapsiDA.OD&CIPE thelxonnail. he relbe l omteles thnaapat EA. ol& RI flseresh ribe rnîk.of cold water and is ideal for 847; Mary Strong, Bethany,. applications every ten days. disorder.aare wih hirCuh- president of the parish guild.; FABM STOCK fres mik-,picnies and camping. Soon ta' 847; Billy Clarke, Cavan, 843;l Dusts are more canvenientý Last, but net least, is the manship badges at a later date.; She was also an active merm- Removed Free of Chrg Thciî there îs the -ne-,w type appear in the stores is instant Briane Gillîs, Millbrook, 824; than sprays in the home gar- ever-present green tomato ber of the Whitby Lawn Bowl-. Immediate 24-11r. Sevc of fi esh concentrate, which milk powder made from part- Marlene Timms, Bethany, 824.' den. The mast effective dusts hrwr.Uea5 DTerlae r.Ne odigCu n okpr n %vill bc found under trade ysimd ik.Rcntu- The winner of the tray don-. are those containing inaneb, dust te control this pest._ gave a talk on "Ghana" for i many tournaments., Ask Your Operator o naines. It is fresh miik which ed. it is somewhat like the, ated by the Royal Bank of the missionary study period!Bsdsle ubn h sZ nt has been pasteurized and then popular 2 ý; milk introduced Cnd nPtroog a and a new subject was started surv iverbytwo dughters E i 6. hiad about two-thirds of the a few months aga. Janice Timms, while Paul inl nature studi . Mrs. J. Annan (Eunice) and, No Toli Charge waier rývino\,ed under v'acuum. Winslow was the winner of Eleven meibers answered; Lois, of Whitby and three sons. Nick Peconi Peterbot g Due Io the processing proce- a halter danated by Mervin lie roll caîl. At the coîîclusioný Clarence, ai Whitby; EarI, ai dur. this new concentrate hasSmthe4HCuLadr of the meeting a circlews ber e ing q Taitei ha B thany G JniceTi-m an De lii o irmd1iands joined andj - - 'He ds 4-HMillbrook Cal! Club atth H a s 4 Hchampionship showmanship 1Pushing Our Boundary North; stock and some of the hardier competition at Orono Fair onl' When the first 'French cal- sorts of flowers and vegetables -bf * CO L D. C if ClbSaturday, September lOth. i ofli5ts came te this country in planted as soon as possible,' OBITUARY The actual' Achievement the 1600's- they must have but the main sowings are best, a'- Ou atîdy un 4h tDay was under the supervision been very dubious about any postponed until around this'l RICHARD TRIMBLE One Mîllrodair run ds, atof the club leader, Mervin success with a garden. In factI time or even later. o, hedahccî'datsh cORCKco ,' theMilbrok Fir roudsSmith, Cavan, A. 0. Daîryni- many of them neyer did plant Spreading the plantings o,.TedahcurdaiOs-MC W NMc the members of the Millbrook ple, Agricultural Representa- a seed, but simply took ta the over a fairly *long period, righti awa General Hospital onp J 1 4-H- Cal! Club held theirie, omavleadRbwod an trddwt h up ta early July in the warm-, Tuesday, dune 7, 1960. of'i "A I cuveetDa. Nneenert Cotnam, Assistant Agri- Indians -for virtually ail of er parts ai Canada, is always Richard Trimble, beloved 1eetà,00 fee.t voung people entered the club cultural Representative, Bow- their food. Even later when advîsable. In this way the har- husband of the former Gladys i prbail Per botie aîîd again as in 1959 they had manville. settlers from the British Isles vest o! flowers anîd vegetables Snwe. The deceased, who ip, n 100% Completion with ail o! 06a**? ebesbeiîigpest The yaung peaple did bring and the revolting New Eng- is spread out too. had been in hospital for three MMthe ir caes for e Ach out their caives ta the actual land States moved in they More Thau A lVeed Killer 1 months, was in his 78th year I 'O1V E O I I îevement Day. The judge for fair on Wednesday, June 8th, probably thought theïe was guar cultiv graton inmthe' ofthe laie Mr. aT rinîbieson the show wvas Mr. Hubie Mc- where they were paraded in no chance of any real garden gadnde ra elmr ftelt r îdMsGo uEE Gi. t ieldman o teOtai rder of club standing. The; ni aur rugged climate. 1 than merelv keeping down the Trimble, was born in Darling- INABLE PRICES Live Stock Branch in Toronto. two juniors, Philip Winslow' What a change since then! weeds. Actuaily that enîd ai ton Township and had been,1 f'îH - W N and Harold Strong alsoa xhi- Last year Canadiani agricul- the business is onîy part ai a resident of that area for the lievThe club mnembers were bited their calves at that time. tural scientists actuaîîy pro- the service. Cultivation keeps' whole of his life. He was a1 is mutdrn.d to your needs?. 1ieyscored on their year's work, duced a thriviîîg vegetable the sali open and fine and' well-kîoxvn fariner in the, with 400 points being alloted and flower garden away thus mnakes if capable ai ah- Maple Grove district ai-id re-, for the entry at the fair, 100 "down" north at Aklavik,12 sorbing and retaining mois- tired five vears ago. He was1 I you poat up heaviest baies, get McCor-miek t1 .n VA H 5-109 pintseachforns- Jr. rarrrers miles north of the Arctic Cir-! ue etn i citiiaouta eîe fMpeGove Un-! IN THE RED WRAPPER. Safely holds.let, up wers te questions, shwmn-cie, and practicaliy on the aiar,î aigi is ited Church. ' to loepounds. OSHAWA i ship, care and feeding meth- U & shores ai the Arctîe Ocean. class medium foi plant' Besides his wite lie is Sur-j If you put up average size baies, for ecônoiuysa ods noted at the timie of visit, I I~ eil Several years ai persistent growth. And it is amaziiîg viveci bY three daugliters, igtMCraktwn NTEB.U R »" ___ ______monthly reports and attend- H l M eetin summer cultivation drove the what a' simple job it, is ta runi Mrs. Lawvrence Staples (Veri W eomc wn NT EBU RP prarost from 13 inclies tae over the flower and vegetable ai Bethany, Mrs. Allan Clarke Wésfly bales ap to W0 pounds. nearly two yards below the' garden once a week in the (Ethelka> Bowmanville, Mrs. One baie* of McCormick '9,000 feet' twine ties i TAt a etigoOuharonhnf ueo H aallu Ultri ul udAguiWt shw n on euTim wn ie 5 ae. ncte csyulIbl o- ~~ob 1sutrOono Hal during the growing! growing season and Iess oiten, Robert Wallace (Phyllis) o* heavy baie. One baie* of MeCormick '10,000 Junior Farmers was held inI gust and big crops ai potatoes, a rake or cultivator. Il is not ble at home. wntis55bl.Inehrcayo' ae the I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono, with turnips, carrots and cauli- necessary 10 stir deeply, the hyfrls oei h euewyyu'ý j8 L k ~~~~~w i ~~Vice-President Bb Carru- flower were grown, as were shallowe r the bettex' as the Also sur'iving are a sister, hafolesn nynthseuewy4i nti seaon dvnce. Bt eguarMISS Aliie Trimble. Bow-, tied-and get smooth, trouble-free nerforrancefri iiso ie bu É ce thers presiding. Secretary also xnany flawers. the l t eaon advances. B thegla manx'ille. txwo brotiiers, Gea., yourhaler. Helen Knox read the minutes. We can thankcutato wil ee irs BwiavieadAhu'Iokbyn the plant, hn uig .ie.rm that half-a-dozen passengers Roll Calwas answered b1rees o o g h a-Igrowing and heaithy and add ai iVîa .le ae d ixArathu r e egh tegh n nfriy vne need ta truly enjoy the ridt. "Where 1 would like te go on den belt north. By producing, much ta the neat appearance lcohildrnanegro eatsixgrand-, arknot s Orengtwian ni meity. Cand f eur annual bus trip". leanlier and hardier varieties, ko! the garden.e s mdeinCoad Buies rsn fo nte nt ta mention better toci, they! BarriersTh anfoltr- P W Rminutes included the billeting have enabled Canadians ta, Saue perennials wnnl't slay bueniaiie' om ly oîaiti' *2 ue ibe. losfeè h"uha~kt~ and etertanmento! th Mid-garden almost anywhere. With: put.. A tiny patch ai mint, btsxeefo eaie, ' al qii ae A toe-touch calis out big dlesex Jr. Farmers in July. new and improved varieties placed by the dooryard, soion r izations, reserves ta power you OtJ The annual sports programi we can naw grow corn, toma- takes over the whoie cornier! fuuieralservice vas held 0 81 Lt<ehimehns, etemergenoël, anif s bu oneof be aheThdfuntalGsrvdenwaHilld of ighay merencies Wk. dun e h at GnpHiSinsn olus and a hast of other gressive p e ren ni a i sthat at the Morris Fuuîeral Chapel in mg or n ax jkw Quanhy ob a MU~~~~ue2 w as led 0 by.BobnOsbo n g th lowers and vegetables in spreads by undergrounid 510- r lTiusay ue9 ad was 0 d aneas where oniy a few ai the Ions. If leit untamied. they cari condLicted by Rev. -i. Stain- rIbnBruce Bowman ai the plano hardiesi plants wouid thrive, ruin a îîice planting plan. Me- ton, mînister af Maple Grove u- edlmon"D e riving i et Hases a few generations ago. tal grass barriers, designed United Chuuch. Interment was j P~OIP11111V sd Mldsmobile'§ Quadri-balanced Ride was enjoyed. Marie Kent led ~iITm oSat rt eptelw nhe ati~Bwaiul eeey CUSTOM Don*t worry if you haven't these crawliuig pereuîuials. Pailbeaiers were Mes. t1nhig akes e bumpsro iths u dn game and wa ee s lngai your garden started yet.' Squar'e off the area li which Harvey Br ooks, R. B.Browvn, S[ WN % as a s:: sae dnivng :: deed there are several quick and then insert the barriers Ross Stevens and Stuart Mor- 134 3- as soWromflor.growing things which will according ta directions. Ifr ton. 11 1make abundant bloom or fine sunken te ground level. il wili - - - thr f «t o sbgmOlsoilNE WTON VILLE mIeals for the table lyen if stop the stolons.KIG T EEQ IP ENT CO TD E ngne lay nuremad t mi. an Mis. liton Rbb pete, incideuitally. always, can lie divided b lîrevent Ma'.andrriold Wade tht spring wea- Sfein eatatak, 14KNGS.E the Major League Bail Game re one should gel_îursery lax anîd Enjoy. _________h rtune fom *URAUILI'UV e~t New York over the week- cours@'___________________________ Oldsmobile is firsi in ils fieW end. bccause ît's builit toIasl. holds it ' Congratulations ta M%' Wm. E H N value high over the ear& HaUweUwlowa91 yeaB ET rsN Ys!.i J st a R e i d r eldon edlesday.Ju-e 1th- HoýyCommunion was obseÀr- During thie rive nonths pn J st a R mde Mr. an.d Mrs. Frank Reader veci in the United Church On there, Mis lohnston haid ioined' o! Oshaa spen Sunday hS nclmorning with Rexv îo~c cu gop n Mr. and àMsS. Clint.on Farrow. Wm. Dufi in charge.toldai %the ct ivles ndt, Mrs. Win. Uglow suffered a, Mis. Fluena Davis, Ma' Hul- letrsu0F THE-etme ds

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