?N!IRSDAY, lUNE îoth, 1900 TEE CANADIAN STATFSMAN, ROWMANVULZ~ ONTABIO tome Are Five Years Behind Council Plans Court Action To Cie an Up Tax Arrears Newcastle - A resolution ed ta have an apartruent ln the i write ta the deamient tell- was passed at the June meet- building and, when assessing, ing theni the co1cilwil igu Ing oi the -village eauncil au- j i md had beendoe the agreement wben the work tlxarizixxg the Finance commit- asuea1n oe agreed to ha. been completed. tee ta turu in ta the Division Mn. Glanville said he didn't The resignation afiWim. Court the accounts ai alI tax- think the assesson should as- Storkçs irom- the Recreatian payer. lnx arrears af up ta the ses ny property until ha bad Commlttee was reiuctantly enid ai 1958 who have failcd seen it. accepted and the appointinent ta make arrangements fon the M.Rcadapae h iascesrwsli vi payment of these arrears. Tax M. ik r peldteo ucso a eto arreans have been piling upj generai assessment on his pro- for a montb. A letter witb over the years with some tax- perty at the corner ai King cheque enclosed was received payers being as far as five and Beaver streets last faîl from the Liquan Contrai yeans behind and the coun- and the appeai court bad re- Board ai Ontario reganding cil bas, in the past, tricd van- jected the appeal and piaced the village rebate an the gal- loua mathads ta collect these bis frontage assassment at $10 lonage tax was neceived. This arreurs lncludiug letters thnea- per foot, which le $4 per foot chaque was in the amaunt ai teing court action without higher than any athar comn- $926.40. naticeable recuits, hanca Mon- mencial proparty on the street. A resolutian was passad au- dlay's nesolution. Mr. Rickard said ha bad ar- tboriziug the Police Commit- ranged ta appeal ta the Judge tee ta makçe an agreement Tax Rebaten but had bean advisad ta ask witb Constable Tilîson, similar Tax rekatas wcre granted for a rebate and have the ta the ana the village had with to Chas. Gianville ln the assessinent adjusted lcoally Constable Rickard for the pal- amounit of $34.50 and R, B. this year. Ha bad ban told lcing ai the, village. Conota- Xickard in the amaunt ai tbe appeal court didu t have ble Ricard leit the police fonce $9.54 te caver errons in their the autbority ta raise bis as- lest week. assessments. sessinent a ven others in the Thera was considerable dis- Mn. Glanville Wu& assessed mnunieî'pllity. cussion by council regardiug for a filnlhed apantmnent above 'In answen ta a latter frain planning in the village but his taxi office and work bas the Department ai Higbways no action was tal<en. The flo t tetd on turning the requesting an agreement be council basu reccived no reply seconlet loor into an apart- signed with the departinant tram the Dept. ai Planning Inent. The Asgessor said be taking back the upkeep ai old and Developmcnt, to their had been talking ta Mr'. Glan- Highway 35 from King Street letter requesting a meetin 'vile when ho took over the North ta the village lirits, with the minister on ti building end lie said ho iutend-1 council instructed the clerk ta question. Plant Thief Steals Asters During Night Newcastle - We have often hoard ef thieves s tealing the fruits oi a garden but the story we heard last week top. them all, a thief entered the maien o! D. G. Waltan and waked aff with two doz- en freshly pianted aster plants. Accordkg to Mr. Walton, the plants had been freshly pla nted by bis wiie and dur- ig the night the 4bg had awakernsd hlm, presurnabiy disturbed by the prawler and inx the morning the plants were znlssirrg, Mr'. WValtan said'Ibe foot prints were quite Visibr %and were those of a go .jnan who had neatly 1lug up the plants and filled the hales nice and smooth- Girls Hold Draw for New Uniforms Newcastle - A draw was made at theo Ladies' Soi tball ,ga me in the local park on a barbecue and portable picnic table with Hilda Perry R. R. 3, Newcastle, beingothe lucky winner ai the lovely prige. The re-vamped Ladies' Soit- baIl has been dolng pretty weil this year. They have bad live wlns in eight starts and would like ta see more local tans at their home games in the. local park each Wednes- day evenlng at 7 o'clock. The Ladies have been hav- lnp real success in selling tickets for their draw having raiued approximately $85 for new unifarins, and according to cur Information are going to be forced ta find some othier means of raising funds unless their fans corne out in flli force and raise the iund through collections at the gaines.-1 Newcast le Sand end Gravel Supplies DULLDOZING AND EIXCAVATING P'hone Newcastle 3136 Gordon Heatlie WEI ,All residents and Village ai Newcastle, ti +~liuice with the Weed weeds must be destnoye day of June, 1960. The owner, isi weeds cut1 occupant, or responsible fo throughaut 'th Persons shofid fa!i rag weed, responsible fc hay fever victims, and to public health and to found. Anonyrnous comp, cannot be entertained, c resence of weeds shoulc the attention of the m 1 Dog Control Big Headache For Council Newegtle-Dag Contralinii the village has become the number ane headache for menibers af the village coun- cil and one member at the June meeting an Monday evenlng jokingiy suggested council adverti ea roward ta te person givlng information leadng ta thxe appointinent ai a Dog Catcher. The couneil have investiga- ted a number ai solutions ta the dog contrai problemIn l the village thîs year, includ- ing the possibility of joining wîth the Bawmanvilie dog contrai systein but have faund the variaus methods too ex- pensive for the finances ai the Village. Reeve Cunningham had ai'- ranged for a man ta appear at the council meeting an Manday ta take aver the Dog Catcber's job but, when ha did nat appear, contacted humn by telephone, only ta find he had changed bis mind and did nat want the position. Due ta the lack af sale ofi license.i for dogs in the village a resolution was passed in- structIng the village assessor ta list ail dogs on the assess- ment rall sa that licence tees may be collected with the taxes next year. Thus no action bas yet been taken for the appaintment af a dog control officer for the village for this year. IThis Weekend Recreation Comm ittee Plans Registration s For Summer Activities Newcastle - The Newcastle Recreation Committac in plan- ning registration fon thein summer playgrouiids and swimming lasses in the vil- lage toinonrow and Saturday. Tomorrow, Friday evening, Mn. Bill Bagnell ai the Bow- manville and District Red Cross wîll be at the Commun- ity Hall ta axplain the ar- rangements for the Red Cross Swimming classes which will be held this year lu the new poiol at Waltoua Park wben it is hoped children frain New- tonvilla and the No. 9 school District will participate. Registrations will be taken for childrcn seven years ai age as oi June 1, 1960, and each child muet be accompan- led by anc parent for the re- gistration. The registration fee is ana dollar per cbild and ecd swimmer will be ex- pacted to supply bis (or ber) own bathing suit and towcl. Cbildran wishing ta particl- pate in thase classes must ne- gîster on Friday avening, June 17th at 7:00 o'clock at the communîty hall. The Reçreation Committee's Playgrouud will be conductcd lu the Community Park froin July 4th ta August l2th for cbildreu five years Qi aeaend over and registrations ion thîs playground period wili be taken at the community hall on Saturday znorning, Jurie Ilewca st/e Socîa/ and'£Persona/ Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare on Saturday. spent a few days last week Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lack visiting with Dr. and Mrs. of Port Hope, visitol with Mr. J. H. Hare and family in St. and Mrs. H. C. 'Dennis on Thomas. Monday. Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Taylor of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Megit Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. and Wayxje were Sunday Cormor and Mr. and Mrs. Ai- guests with M r. and Mrs. vin Pollard ai Oshawa, were Chas. Gilkes and family at weekend visitors with Mr. and Shaw's. Mrs. H. C. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gould Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Magili and famlly visited with rela- and family af Woodstock are tives in Newmarket on Sun- visiting with hier parepts, Mr. day. and Mrs. George Allun. Mrs. Dorothy McDougal and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew M r TovM Widdifield of Queens- of Peterborough visited with ile viited with Mrs. C. G. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew Gould on Monday. Horticultural Soc, Announces Winners Essays and Posters Newcastle - The Newcastle1 tion was divided into two Horticultural Society le pleas- 1 groups, junior and senior, and 'éd ta announce the winners duplicate prizes will be award- ai their Poster and Esa Con- cd for cach. tests sponsored fon the Public Junior winners were: first, Scbool pupils lu this district. Judy Alldread, grade 5; sec- Due ta the large number ai ond, Danny IvcLean, grade 5; entnias, the Poster Competi- and third, Bcverly Alldread, - - grade 5,. all froin Newcastle Public School. Senior winners: first, Vieki Cbard, grade 8, Newcastlc P. ESS.;scond Rl k Mkoi. E D -Sgrade 8, Shaw's, and third, iroin Shaw's. AIl of the posters will be property awners In the on display ta advertizc the ;aenotice that in com- Annuel Flowar and Vegetable Contrai Act, ail noxiaus Show lu August. Be sure and ~d a or efor the25th watch ion thcm. ýd o or efoe th 25t Esays wcre ta ba writtcn about an 'Ontario Woodland Flowen, Sbnub on Trac, and if unoccupied, then the congratulations go ta Bill Kent or keeping ail naxiaus grade 8, ai No. 9 School. Hie àe balance of the season. winning essay bas already beau iorwarded ta Toronta niliarize themselves with ta compete in the Province- muchsufcnin by widc contact for a grand prize or so aihsfein y o $100 donatcd by the To- other weeds detrimental routa Star. Second pnîze went destroy them wherever Ita Mary Dean, grade 8, New- castle, and third ta Domanie Gallello, grade 6 ai Shaw's. >laits egadingwees iAll pnizes will be awarded ?Iaits rgardng weds at the Flawcr and Vagetable complaints regarding the Show wbîch will be bcld lu i be subnitted in writing the Newcastle Commuuity Hall weed inspector. au Auguet 24th. The Society wisbcs ta tbank ahl those who KEITH F. AIKEN; enterad or wbo halpcd lu any way, and ta the anas vho were Weed Inspector. not fortunate e.'ough ta în: a pnize, we 'Y b -hthein betten' lAuck next year. 18th fain 10 ta 12 lu the morning. Any child nat 5 yeana ai age at the beginning af the season and wbo neaches bis or her 5tb birthday during the six week period may registar for the playground aiter the birtb- day occasion. Parents, wishing their chil- dren ta panticipate ln aither the swimming classes or the playground sbould make sra registration is made on the dates listed above. Witb the transportation problein salved this year with the opening ai a local pol for the swimming classes every cbild sbould take advantage ai these Red Cross classes and learu ta swim. YELVERTON 1,7/I& /Vewc44e91!?: [Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phono 3621 Students of Ballet Give Fine Recital ln Community Hall Newcastle-A nice crowd ai Minuet in G was presented by citizens was present at the Debbie Budeau and Susan Newcastle Cammunity hall on Walton. Frlday evenirlg when the pu- A Ballet Demonstration was pils ai Miss Bannie Crouter presented by Glenda Johnson, of Oshawa, presenteci their Janice Rickard and Elizabeth Ballet Recital, The ballet Pearce. classes which have beGn held Mrs. Stanley Brown on be. throughout the winter seasan bh alfo the Recreation Corn. were sosred by the New- nilttee welcomed the audience castle 'Recreatian Committee. and expressed appreciatian ta The graup and sola nuin- the children for their fine dis. bers presented on Friday glay and ta Miss Crouter for evening <tshowed the results e or with the children. obtained from the hours afi he aust Ballet was present- tranin ad pactceputIned by Mary Grace Patersan, byrpupins and pate tcn Arhie May Munro, Jennifer and preiseante abeautiful Gray, Betty *Anne Hackin, Di- and resnte a bautfulane Embley and Susan Wal. scene as the girls went ton. The "Le Secret" by Glen- through their steps dressed in da Johnson, Janice Rickard ballet costumes in various pas- and Elizabeth Pearce. tel colours. The final number on the The program n included pragram, the Valse Inipromp- "Country Gardens", presented tu was presented by the tea. by Glenda Johnsan, Janice cher, Miss Bannie Crauter. Riekard and Elizabeth Pearce. Mr. R. Crauter of Oshawa, Mazurka by Mary Grace Pat- father ai the instructress was ersan, Arlie May Munro, Jen- the Master ai Ceremanies for nifer Gray, Betty Anne Hoc- the recital which was an out- kmn and Diane Embley. The standing success. W.A. Will Send Gîft To. New Missionary Newcastle - The June meeting ai the United Church Woman's Association was held in th-ý Sunday School room on Thursday aiternoon with Mrs. C. P. Carveth apening the warship service with a reading entxtled "'The Fruit ai the Spirit" whlch is Love, Klndness, Faithfuness, Peace, MIE QUALITY MONUMNTS AND) BRARKEES OF STAFF"ORD Siafford Dro. MNmmemlal Works 318 DundasSrlE. Whitby Phone Whitb3' MObawk 8-3552 Patience and Goodues. The Scripture lessan taken from Galatians 5:19-26 was read by Mns. T. G. Sowden 'who gave a reading explain- ing the passage. Mrs. E. C. Hoan led lu prayer. Presidant Mrs. G. Riekard taok aven the meeting, giving saine wehl warded opening thaughtÈ saying the ladies sbould ail try ta visualize wbat It sight be like in this wanld îf there wene no churches. She sald generations ai people have worked and warked aver the years ta buiid up th. church and its organizatlans and ail sbould strive ta do their best to keep and expand what wc already bave. A report ai the May meet- ing was given by Mrs. C. Fo- thergîi and the. treasurens' re- part was given by Mrs. R. Diekinson. A motion by Mr'.. Allin and Mns. Colwill was passed that the association join wlth oCher associatlobs in seudiug a git ta Miss Mur- !el Stevens, a missianary re- cently commlssianed. Mrs. C. Magit, president af the friend- ahi» club reported ber grou~p Dominion Stores Sales Show 90/o Increuse Expansion Continues Deepout aympathy iextend- ed to the Lawrence Staples of Lduidni the recent Paming et VuS's father who hm beau aling for severail moUis. MWsaEm Hwnders elcanie aiter Ilazel Clubine ei AIberte for a viuit as mixe renewi aid acquaintances In thelix.cinityr. Yelverton's Gardon Party wua coodered quite suoesg- fu with over 300 tickets 1er suppesa old. Entertahsment by Bridgenorth COF. in lors» of a minstrel show. tixeir 1SUx presentation was wefl recelved. Musses'Pamela Stincon and Mltzl Malcolm» particl¶at d li the. Mut d'ancingr- vue "'Talexted Feet" inPetr. borougix on Frlday evendng. Glad to sec Mr. anxd MTs.. Hugh McGUI back home inx Yelverton on Sunday. Mr'. and Mro. Cliii Syndérs were Sunday visitor.- Wi. and Mii. Doni Berry and famnliy visitei wlth their esint tan Ienders. ELIZABETH VILLE The W.A. held liheir meeting on Thursday eveuing at Mn. Vernion PeacoclC hom. Presi- dent Mn.. Trew opened the meeting in the usual way. The minutes 01 the last meeting were read and approved. It wal declied ta have a supper 1ater In the summer.- Mrs. C. Mercer prepared the chapters and gave them. It w'as deoided to study Estiher for 1th next meeting and Rev. G. Wright was agked ta 'give a film on ht, if lie could get one. The next meeting ta be at Mary Pow- ell's home. Lunch was served. Rev. and Mrs. Wright attendoci the meeting. Sunday Sebool aind churcb were head as usual. )uir Sun- day Sob-ool anniversary ser- vics are ta b. held next Sun- day, June 19 àt 2:30. Mrs. Violet Walters spent a week in Oshawa visiting the Mluldrews. Mr. and MVrs. W. Muldrrew and Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew, Oshawa, have started to buiid their new summer homne as Sunnyside le to b. toim cown ta inake noom for aur new bigbway. They along witb Marilyn and bier fiance spent the weekend i the village. Ivfr. andi Mrs. W. Lewko left ta visit their son Joe and his wie in Calgary rn Wednesday. Mr. and Mis. H. Thiakeari, MXs. Lockwood end Wi.fl Moore are clbing their dhoreu and looking aiter the place. Tbey expect ta b. away at heast two weeks. Mcr. andi Mrs. Gerald Ken- nedy and tan-mily, Piart Ho>pe, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Ogden, Fredy aind' two friends, Toron- to, spent Sundcay at Thicksan's. Gaodness attains the dem- anstratian ai Truth. - Mary Baker Eddy. «" cap't do it" neer yet ac. comphished anything: 'I will try" bhas performed wonders. -George P. Burahain. Home is the place wbere, when you bave ta go there, they bave ta take yau in.- Robent Frost. CANPSELL'S s 0up s A - 8 Candy Feature - Dominion Milk Chocolate - 71/2 oz. cello pkg. BUDS, MACAROONS, WAFERS, NIBBLES COATED PEANUTS 3 for Add Variety bo Your Table Sweet Mixed Pickles, 12 or. Sweet Mustard Pickles, 12 oz. Sweet Wafer Green Relish, 12 oz. Garlic Sliced Dilis, 15 oz. Plain Dilîs, 15 oz. or Stuffed Manz. Olives, 8 oz. jar NCéLARENA PICKCLES 4 for Delicious Served on Toast Your Choice: Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple, Cherry, Grape, Blueherry, Apple Jelly, 3 Fruit Marmalade, Plum or Orange Marmalade- 9 oz. jar ST. WILLIAMS 5fo JAÀNMsJfo RED RIPE AND SWEET, FLORIDA No. 1 Large Size - SPECIAL Watermelon S89C each SWEET AND JUICY - CALIFORNIA Sunkist Oranges Size 138's4 9c doz. FIRST 0F THE SEASON - ARIZONA No. 1 Ca nta loupes Jumbo 45's 2 for 49C FIRST 0F THE SEASON - ONT. GROWN Arriving Fresh Daily Strawberries Attractively Priced Ail merchandise sold at your Dlominion Stores Ltd. is uncondltlonaUly guaranteed to give 100%/0satisfaction Values effective in Bowmanville until closing tin» Saturday, June lSth, 1960 DOMINION STORES LIMITED cuir FooD COeTs-At ceeded $19,000,000 during the year. Current assets oi $35,. 291,679, Including cash and short term investments of $10.. 254,348, are 1.9 times curresit liabilities oi $18,1O4U94. T. ventories of $17,040,010 ropre- sent less than three weeks' supply. Shareholders ' equty increased $3,994,987 ta S38- M.2310. Earned surplus vwu $23,W4,381 at March 19. GUARANTEIED QUALITY MEATS Sweet Pickled - Vàe. Pack %'sA COTTAGE ROLL a a lb.d4..,c Deon 1 lb. pkg. (Rot. 61. lb.) SINDLESS SIDE BACON M4aple Leaf 1 lb. pkg. (Reg. 51c lM.) PURE POUK SAUSAGE Hlandy for Sandwiches, *e. Wald's Boneless - 7 oz. tin CANNED CHICKEN Serve Oflen Dole Brand PINEAPPLE JUICE 3for. - 48 oz. tin 3for' Tender and Sweet Oakleaf - Cream Style - 20 o&. tin CHOICE COIN 7for Special Purcha.. Muskateer Std. 28 or. tin HALVES APRICOTS 3for Stock up at this price Devoni Brand - Std. - 15 oz. tin GREEN PEAS 9forj Add Zest te Your Meals Pure Tomato - il oz. bettle SNITHIS KETCHUP 6for Serve with Richmello 1ce Creani Dole Fancy - 15 oz. tin FRUIT COCKTAIL d4 for, Serve Chilled Martin's Choice - 4U oz. fin APPLE JUICE d4for For Wrapping Sandwiche. - Leftovers Lunchmaster - 100 fI. rolls WAX, PAPER 4for Sot Absorbent - Green, Blue., Pink or Yellow -2 rofllpkg. BALLET OMINIONTISSUES 4for, Lee Brand - Crushed, Sliced or ý1id Bits - 20 oz. tin PINEAPPLE .J«5for Serve Soup'N Sandwiches Tomato or Vegetable - 10 oz. Tin cet Tour Pricei tui Tour Liveulc thrquch STATESMAN C L AS S 1F 1ED8 Fboiie MArket 3-3303 i r t F SDAT, zum lm, 1980 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIL&NVn£X., ONTAMO PAGM 1