r**'... - - ~ ~ PAGE StXTEEN TIM CANADIAN STATESMN. O'WMAIIVILLE. OerrUO THMMRDAY, JUNE I@th, 19«S Births :;UNALD - Margaret and M1e <nee Stacey> are happy ta announce the birth of a, ~laughter L!nn Susan, 7 Ibs.1 i ozs., on Saturday, May 28 at Dýalgary, Alberta. 24-1* TENSEN-Mr. and Mrs. Chest- ,eZ Jensen are happy to an- -iounce the birth of their son lohn Chester, on Tuesday, June 7th, 1960, at Memorial qIospital, Bowmanville. 24-1* DeathsI BRUCE-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Satur- dlay, June 11, 1960, Isabella' Jane Bruce, aged 75 years, wife of the late Ephriamn Bruce and dear father of James E. Bruce, 96 Ontario St., Bow- manville. Mrs. Bruce rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service was held in Herman United Church on Monday, June 13 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Herman Cerne- tery. 24-1 HOOYER, John-Suddenly at his residence, Hampton, on Tuesday, June 14, 1960, John Hooyer, beioved husband of Neliie Hooyer and dear father of Mrs. John Verhoog (Mary Ann), Barnard, Mrs. JohnI McLean (Josephmne), aged 56 years. Resting at Northcutt & Smnith Funeral Home, 53 Di- vision St., Bowmanville. Serv- ice on Saturday, June l8th at 2 p.m. Interment Hampton Cemetery. 24-1 PORTER, Neil F.-At Memor- il Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, June 14, 1960, Neil F. Porter, Orono, Ont., belovedt husband of Ruby Oliver and1 dear father o! Shirley (Mms. John Bail), Aylmer, in his 64th vear. Resting at the Barlow Funeral Homne, Orono, until Friday, June 17 at 11 a.m. then ta Orono United Church1 for service at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Orono Cemetemy. 24-1 REICHRATII, Marie-At Me- marial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Satumday, June 11, 1960, Marie Reichrath, beloved wife of Andrew Reichrath and dear mother of Eleanore (Mrs. Jas. Adams), Toronto, and Henry of Montreal, in her 87th year. Resteçl at Northcutt & Smith Funemal Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville, where service was heid on Tuesday, June 14 at 2 p.m. Interment Lakeview THORN4 Mrs. Annie - In Plummer'. Memorial Hospital, Sault Ste. Marie, on Tuesday, June 7th, in her 94th year, Mrs. Marion Annie Thorne, widow of!'the late Francis Thorne, England. She leaves ta moumn hem loss thmee daught- ers, Mrs. Lilian Dudley, Bow- inanville; Mrs. Bertha Hunt, England; Mms. Ivy Coutu, Sauit St. Marie; seven grand- childmen, eleven great grand- children. Interment was in Geenwood Cemetery, Sault Ste. Marie. 24-1* Engagements Mr. and Mrs. William Jack- son, Kendal, announce the en- gagement o! their daughter Phyllis Arlene, ta Terence Manuel Price, son o! Mm. and Mms. Sidney Price, Bowman- ville. The wedding will take pl1ace on Saturday, July l6th, 960, at 3 o'clock ln Kendal United Church. 24-1 Mr. and Mms. Chjarles Smith, Oshawa, wish ta announce the engagement o! their yaungest daughter Anna Marie, ta Mm. Allîson Basil Leeman, son o! Mrs. Arnold Wilson of Monc- ton, N.B. Marmiage ta take place quietly June 24, 1960. 24-1 Me~ and Mrs. Clarence Ross Goodman annaunce the en- gagement o! their daughter, Mary Judith, ta M. Brian Smith Damant, sali o! Mm. and Mrs. Arnold Damant, Bowman- ville. The marriage ta take place Saturday, July 9th, 1960, at 4 o'clock in Trnity United Church, Bowmanville. 24-1* Notices FOR COMPLETE Insurance Coverage See Bill Morrison 26 CONCESSION ST. W. MA 3-3048 Pire - Theft - Automobile Travel - Lile 22-tf' ATTENTION r VETERANS Ex-Service Men and Womeu and Dependents The Canadian Leglon Service Bureau Officer will bc viiti Branch 178, BO WMALNVILLE Tues., June 21, 19601 from 7:00 ju. Anycue wishlug information, advlce or assistance regardlng War Disability Pensions, Treat- ment, Ailowancesetc., il ne- qucsted to contact thse Service Offlcer, or Secretary cft the local brandi, R. E. Richards, 10 Sothwy Drive, Bowmau- ville.24-1 Coming tvents 1 Free transportation for Bap- tist Church Sunday Services. ïPhone MA 3-3844 Saturday ev- enings. 23-t! The Annual Bazaar and Home Baking Sale of the Long Sault Club 50 will be held on June 22nd in Tymone Sunday School roorn. 24-1 Anyone wishing ta spend« July 29th weekend in Detroit. Reservations arranged. Phone Port Hope TU 5-2527 collect Go by chartered bus. 24-1 Anyone wishing ta go ta Gananoque and a trip ta the kThousand Islands, Sunday, June l9th, telephone Port Hope TU 5-2527, collect. Go by chartered bus. Rowe Travel Agency. 24-1 The W.A. of Oronr Church will have a s Wednesday, June 29 sisting of cold meal and strawberries. Kin this date in mnd. $1.00, under 12, 50c. tKendal Sunday ScI niversary, June 19 arn. Rev. Harold B.A., of St. Paul's Bowmanville, will be1 speaker. A children will be led by Mrs. V er. Woodview Communi -Monster B i n g o. games-twenty doUla games-thirty dollar jackpot, and two jac $250. Door prizes. Monday, 8 p.m., Re, Oshawa. Oshawa and District tion for Retarded Chil tend a cordial invit; attend the official ap Glenholme School for ed Chîldren on Satur elghteenth day of Juni p.m., ta be held at th( 1356 Simcoe St. S., Ontario. lOOth Anniversary ville United Church, June 26. Morning, 11 Guest preacher Rev. Oke, M.A., D.Th., ci Centre; evening at '7: A. W. Harding,i Special music. Anr supper, Wednesday, at the church. Corne new old, friendships. 1Articles tor Sale PIANO, in good condition.' Phone MA 3-3138. 24-1*ý MAýN'S bicycle, like new.1 Phone MA 3-7260. 24.1*1 GOOD quality baled hay. Tele- phone CO 3-2024. 15-tf LADY'S bicycle, C.C.M., good1 condition. MAU 3-2061. 24.1*i GIRL'S clothes, size 10 years, coat, jacket, suit, etc. Phonel MIA 3-5718. 24-.1* BICYCLE, boy's racer, likel new. Owen Scott. Telephonel MA 3-3345. 24-21 MIXED hay, standing, or by the bale in the field. Phone Orono 1 r 1. 24-2* ORDERS taken for Rawleigh, poducts and delivered. Tele-i phone MA 3-5753. 24-3*1, Articles toi Sale I Articles toi Sale1 GIRL'S bicycle. Cal MArket BALER, International No. 45.1 3-5898. 24-1 Ralph )L. Hilîs, Enniskillen. VTV "-*-.-l - Phone CO 3-2448. 24-11 !FIELDjLofastanding rnîxea nay, and cedar posts. MA 3-3394. 1 24-2* 30 ACRES choice mixed hay. D. S. Moffat. Phone 9 r 12, Orono. 24-.1* VEGETABLE plants for sale. Cail Hertzberg, Salem. CO 3-2584. 24-1 ACETYLENE cutting outfit. 13-2572. welding a n d Phone COl:fax 24-1 CUT flowers for Decorat ionî Day. Mrs. C. Passant, Phone1 MA 3-3527. 24-1* TEN acres of excellent stand-' ing alfalfa and brome grass.1 Trewin Scott, Tyrone. 24-1*1 ao Unitedj14~TTP.~ supper on KEYS cut automatically, whilel 4 MCAR leti range. 9th, con- yOu wait, at Mason & Dale1 Automatic. See-through aven t, salads Hardware, 36 King St. E door. Good condition. MAc ndly keep Bowrnanville. 46-tf 33991 24 1.Aduits M.-H. PONY tractor with fullI-HAY, standing or baled in the 24-2 ,,, ,field. Merlin Suggitt, R.R. 2, 242range impiements. Will selllNestleton. Phone Blackstock 'hool An- mower separately. Telephone1 7r1.2- aTunr 111-ecate366 41INSULATION, blowing meth- TunrSAVE on lumber, direct fromn od, with rock wool. Work- Church, mill ta you. Phillips Lumberjanhpgrned.Feesi the guest Ca., Kinmount, Ont. Phone1 mates.Hip ary Le. Wadeeet-S ristas chi 7r 113~phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf 23stu- GOOD selection used TV setsDOMINION appiiances -(ar 232for reasonable prices. Te1division of Beatty Bras.), now ty Centre Dutcb Merchant, 171 Bond St. $oda ad's~akt ap Twenty East, Oshawa. i-tson. At compic ýakt Ž neoap-a is; five ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt Ipliances at bard ta beat prices.v rs 10service ta ciectrical appliances, CO 3-2241. 24-4*$ ekpots at large and small. Lander Hard-IJAS. S. Next ware. Phone MA 3-5774. hi A. Werry in pursuit of!0 ed Barn f hishobbies has a variety o! 46-tf -43-temnto hoes for sale and invites yours ONE .2 eigo pump inspection as well as his gard-r t Associa- with teiescopic sight. Three ening practice. Danish bacs1 idren ex- months aid. New, $160. Sell ta order. Enniskillcn. Phone tation ta for $130. Phone MA 3-5478. ýCO 3-2176. 24-2 pening o! 24-1* LAW N and Garden Fertilizers ýr Retaird- PAINTING and Decorating. (witb or without Dicidrin or irday, the For quality materials and.Aldrin for Cut Worms). Lawn, ne at 2:15 g u ar a nt e e d workmanship. grass and bulk garden seeds o! e School, Lander Hardware & Electric highest quaiity, lowest price. Osbawa,1 Ltd. 9-tf Visit your secd headquarters.U 241DO youm own floors and rugs Stewart's Seeds, Division St.. t Wesley- -Rent a sander, floor polisheri Bowmanville. 14-tf3 Sunday,1 or mug cleaner (shampoc, meth- ALUMINUM D o o rs a n d1 i 'clock. cd). Wc sand floors. LanderWidw teomcapresr C. Clare H-ardware. 5-tfiynowa at enomîca rîes.p ,fDover COURSES at Bowmanville given on inquiry. Cowan :30, Rev. Business School for office Equipment Ca., 134 King St Welcone. positions o! your choice. Reg- East, Bowmanville. Arket iniversamy istrations naw being accepted 3-5689. 23-tf - Ju ne 29- for faîl terni. Telephone MA 9ànd * 135434 23 -tf LUNDELLhay harvester with COLT DERBY 9 Heats of Racing ORONO, SAT., JUNE 18 1 p.m. 24-1 Hampton Sunday> Schooi Anniversary SUNDAY SERVICES June 26th' wlth Rev. Horace Burkhoider, Sec. Ontario Council of Christ- Ian Education as guest min- Ister, afternoon and eveuing. Afternoon service wili be held at 2:30 p.m. ln the Christian Education Auditorium. Guest soloist, Mr. Steve Lawson, Long Branch, Soprano Gold Medalisi Peel County Festival. Special music by the Sunday School unden the leadership of Mrs. Albert Bothwell. Even- Ing Service wiii be held ai 7:30 p.m. ln the ehurch. Speclal Music by the Choir under the leadership cf Mn.. Kenneth Caverly. The Ànniversary Supper i wll be heid on -Wednesday, June 29 commencing ai 4:30 p.m. untill ail are served. Admission- Aduits, $1.25; Childnen, 50c (ln-' cludes ail public ichool child- ren) . 24-2 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In thc Estate a! Olga Louise Tod. Ail persans having dlaims against the estate o! Olga Louise Tod, late o! the Town o! Bowrnanville, dccased, who dicd on or about the 3Oth day o! April, 1960, are hcreby noti- fied ta send in ta Strike & Strike, Solicitors for the Ex- ecutor, Bawmanville, Ontario, on or before the 23rd day o! July, 1960, full particulars of their cdaim. Immediately a!ter the said 23rd day o! July, 1960, the assets o! the testator will be distributcd amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regardl only ta dlaims a! which the1 said solicitors for the Executor shall then have notice. DATED et Bowmanville, Ontario, this l4tb day o! June, A.D. 1960. STRIKE & STRIKE, Barristers, etc., 38 King St. West, Bowmanville, Ont., Solicitors for Estate o! Olga Louise Tod. 24-3 Money ta Loan MONEY for ail types o! mort- gages; for first and second, manigages on ail types o! real estate including vacant lands; short tern mortgages for build-, crs; first and second mortgages' and agreemnents for sale pur- chased. APlY M. Swartz, 26% King Street East, Osha- wa, telephone RA 3-4697. 22-3 Room and Boar ROOM and board avallable. Men prefcrrcd. Phone MA 3-5030. 24-1l -WORK boots and shoes at bar-1 gain prices, brown and black, ail sizes. Bowmanvilie Shoe Repair, 80 King St. W., Bow- manvilie. East of Bowmanville Cieaners. 42-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-3305. 7-tf HI-FI record player and stand, four speeds, twin speakers, treble and bass contrai, plays twelve records and cost $169.95 four months ago. Will sacrifice for $90. Phone MA 3-3755. 24-1* 14 FOOT aluminum boat, windshieid, life jacket, lights, paddies, steering, with 10 h.p. Scott motor and full contrais. Teenee trailer with winch. Bought all this year. Aira 9 x 12 tourist tent, camp cots and air mattresses. Telephone Newcastle 4153. 24.1* I TIR ES New -Retreaded .JAMESON TIRE 10-t! SPECIAL-Clearing out rasp- berry canes, $22.50 per 1,000 (all varieties). Strawberries: special $22.50 per 1,000, (Sena- tom Dunlop plus everbearing varieties. For Decoration Day -Brookdaie-Kings.way Nurs- eries have a large selection o! geraniums in bloom and tub- erous begonias. Order now at Brookdale-Kingswtty Nurseries, Bowmanville. 24-1 See the new Cxerman STEREO. HI-FI SETS S e B e a u t i f u l Swedlsh Walnut LOWEST PRICES THE Dufch Merchant 1 171 Bond St. East OSHAWA RA 8-6051 il-tf The first man-made wrlting matenlal was papyrus, from; wilich cornes the word "paper." The stems a! the reed-hike papyrus plant were peeled apart and flattened. Then tbey were laid crosswise and pressed dawn with muddy Nile water or with a wbeat-fiour paste. When hammcred and dried in the sun they forrned a sheet of papyrus, a fine writing surface. -Encdopac&la Brîtanaics auxiliary 35 fip. mator. Aisa gaod for shredding straw and sweet corn stalks. John Deere forage biower with pipes. Choice of John Deere poweri take-off wire baler or Case1 wire hand-tie baler with aux- iliary motor. Phone COlfax1 3-2486. 24-1j Wals - Floors A KIND Ceramie - Plastic - Rubben Vinyl - Asbestos Supplied and Installed H. G. HEAL COlfax 3-2531 21-t! ARE YOU A Triple AAA Driver? I AM I have 1956 Chrysler Handtop Covenage $100,000 Section A third party liability. Legal Liability for Bodily Injury or Death or Damage to Propenty of Othens lncludlng Passenger Hazard $30.24 Rebate for 5 Years Acci- dent free drivlng - 5.04 $25.20 If yon are paylng more than the above amount I wiii bc glati to handie your Insurance. aise Collision, Section C. This Insurance is net canceiied after you have accidents or for being over 70 years of age. H. C. BONATHAN NEWCASTLE General Insurance Agent since 1920 16-tf HAY IN A DAY Condiiioning TOUR RAT for Faster Curing, is the big talk these days, and McKee Bros. are FIRST again, with the most efficient and economical way of doing it. IF you owned a McKEE HARVESTER you couid eut, condition and windrow your Isay lu one operation, then with the saine machine, you couid pick up and store your hay ln the barn ail alone, with- out any haud work. lu addition te this you eau Harvesi TYOUR GRAIN CROP Fi Your Silo WITH COIN 0R GRASS Zero Graze FOR CHEAPER GAINS Come and sec us on Saiurday, June 18 1960, at our Farm East of Lindsay WE WVILL BE demonsiraiing ail day W. R. ""Bud" McI R.R. 5. Lindsay P130NE FA 4-241 APPROXIMATELY 15 acres of standing hay. Edgar Cator. Phone MA 3-2360. 24-1 GURNEY combination electric stove. Good as new. Austin Turner, Newcastle, 3891. 24-1* TRICYCLE, $2; boy's bicycle, new condition, 5-7 years; play pen as new. Pull-out bed chesterfield, cheap. MArket 3-2216. 24-1* FLOOR Clearing Specials: Sea- ley mattresses, button-free, $39.95; step and coffee tables, $9.95; 6 transistor portable radios wîth earphones and case $29.95; one-third off all chairs, hassocks, smokers, pictures, chesterfields and vacuums. No down payment, 2 years to pay. Murphy Furniture, King W., Bowmanville. MýA 3-3781. 24-1 * TRACTORS - International "W-4", completely overhauled, $795; Farmail "Super A", with one-row scuffier, $795; Mas- sey-Harris "22", exceptionally good condition, $395; Allîs- Chalmers "VF", with hydraul- ic scufflers, $525; Allis-Chal- mers "B", with mounted plow, $425. Machinery-Internation- al 15-tooth cultivator, $35; 3- section spring-tooth harrows with draw bar, one year oid, $75; International power take- off 7 ft. mower, excellent con- dition, $175; Otaco tractor spreader, $150. Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. MA 3-5689. 24-1 Cars for Sale '52 OLDS. 88, automnatic, sedan. Reasonable price. MA 3-4. '47 MERCURY and '38 Dodge, ta seli cheap. Phone COifax 3-2572. 24-1 1957 FORD V8, automatic, radia and extras, $1,350. Tele- phone MA 3-3436. 24-1 STATION wagon, '55 Chev. V-8, real good condition, $1050. ,Phone MA 3-5219. 24-1 '55 PONTIAC, 4-door sedan, good condition. Apply V. As- seistine, R.R. 3, Burketon. 24-1 '52 METEOR-To anyone wihi- ing to take over payments. In, Bowmanville Phone MArket 3-5813. In Blackstock, Phone 14 r 11. 24-1* ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. F'or personal service at your h1ome caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802, BUY][NG OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf Help Wanted STRAWBERRY pickers. Tele- phone MA 3-5426. 24-1* GIRL, for part-time work In coffee shop. Phone MArket 3-5030. 24-1 MAN, as hotel night clemk and general duty. Phone MArket 3-5030. 24-1 STRAWBERRY pickers, start- ing about June 20. Apply Fred Stevens, MA 3-2234. 24-2 NURSES' aids required. South- aven Nursing Home, New- castle. Phone 4441. 24-1 PART-time help for snack bar. Appiy Mell's B.A. Service Sta- tion, Highway 115, Newcastle. 24-1* EXPERIENCED clerk - typist, good saiary and working con- ditions. Apply S. H. Wilkins, Administrator, Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. 24-1 HOUSEKEEPER wanted for came of home and two school- aged children. Write or tele- phone G. Maybee, 33 John St., Part Hope. TUrner 5-5771. 24-1* POSITIONS in offices open ta you after completing a course at Bowmanville B us in es s School. Registrations for Fal term now being accepted. Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf ACT Now! Make Money! Sel household necessities, cosmet- ics, farm speciaities. No duli season. Commission and bon- us, trial pemiod, a business o! your awn. Familex Pmoducts, Dept. C 1600 Delorirnier, Mont- real. 24-1 WANTED: Man for steady travel among cansumers in Bowmanville. Permanent con- nection with large manufactur- er. Only rellable hustler con- sidered. Write today. Raw- leigh's, Dept. F-140-131 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 24-11 Work Wante SIXTEEN-year-old boy work, full or part-time 13-3622. sMIDDLE-aged womani -babysitting or other wc 1day or hour. Phone h~ 3-5514. PLUMBING, heating, troughing, free estimates vey Partner, Tyrone. 3-2281 or Orono 1782. QUALIFIED teacher wil, public school pupils up including Grade 5 durir summer months. Pho: Killeen, MA 3-5068. FOR chimney work, ni repair or any brick, bl( cancrete work. P.O. Ho: Caîl L. Turner, Phone i 3-5820 or 3-5605. Bulldozing ani Excavating Gordon Sirong & Burketon - Phone Blac] 118 r 12 Collect [lerman Van De GENERAL CONTRACI Brick, Block, Concrete Carpentry New Work and Repa PHONE MArket 3-361 7 Miii Lane 21dFor Rent ,Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sae desresAPARTIRN. PoneMAreTWO1-acre lot and used lurn- MýA 3-3349. 23-2-1 Peter Feuuema. ber. COlfax 3-2047. 24-1* 24-1 THREE ooms in Tymone. Tele- REAL ESTATE BROKER TWO choice lots ÏiVillage a! desires phone CO 3-2645. 24-1 100 acres, 4 moom brick Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672. ,rk byTO eromapartrnent. Tele- 1 house, small barn, 35,0001 741c~ \lArket 41Christmnas trees planted. Pmice EIGHT acres, 5-room bi 24.1* phone MA 3-5542. 241$050 Terms. house, modemn convenienceÉ, eaves- HOUSE, 1 mile north-east o! 50 acres wîth 1,320 foot lakelsinll barn, four miles froni S a-Hampton. Phone CO 3-2495. frontage, nice shade trees,I Bowrnanville; under V.L.k. COfx24-1 excellent for summer resart. Phone Orono 5 r 6. 24-2 37-fx N-omd rm hu Price $7,000.00. Leask R alEsa' 37-t SEEN-rornd frme ous, 20 acres with 6 roorn fully airA I tutor 181 King St. E. Phone MA modemn bungalow. A-i omch- ta and 3-3503. 241 rd, 1,100 trees planted, a real 6 rooni brick bungalow under ýng the TWO apartments, newly dec- investment. Price $25,000. N.H.A. Oil fumnace, 3 bed. ýne M. orated, centrally located. Ap- Terms. rooms, roomy lot, asphalt 24-1 ply 143 Qucen. 24-1* 25 acres, 6 moom house, bamnidrive. $2,500 cash, balance 30 x 80, impiement shed, gar- terms. tew or MODERN six-roamed bunga- age. Owner will sell or trade. 6 moorn bungalow, hot water bck or low. Available July lst. Tele- Sec us for information. heating, sunroom, double gar- x 1083. phone MA 3-3440. 24-1 10 acres with never-failing age. Immaculate. Patio. Full VlArket temgo loain rc rc$1,0.Tms 30-tf FOUR - roorned apartment,1ste,0 good lcations. 1ricepac res2,00.Th ema.oke newly decorated. Phone M A 2 $ a cresa asy terms. 17 ½ acnd, res wit el se Id 3-5578, evenings MA 3-3102. 2 Pricres at0 MapleGrave0 . trou pdrout tream runs 24-1 L o9x 280, near New- modemn cottage, extra cabin, THREE-roomed apartment on castle. Price $600. tool shed, 30,000 Christmas Ontario St., heated. Avaîlable. 2 bedroom bungalow atitrees. On paved road. Suit- !'Juy lst, $55. Phone MArket Newcastle, bath, full base-!abie for club or private me. S)onl 3-2383. 24-1 ment, furnace. Price $7,500. treat. Terms. terms. We have bouses, incarne ,kstock THREE - roomed apartment, oeltec 22-5* bath, heated, heavy wiring, 191 Scugog St. Bowmanville 'h Mes .otEt. ES self-contaîned. MA 3-3186, Caîl MA 3-3644M.ELAS Bell 205 King East. 24-tf Salesman: G. Blyleven Real Estate Broker ~ 1+A ,,~Phone MA 3-5300 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvllle and ;94 5-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. CONCREE WORK Brick - Block - Carpentry New Work and Repairs MA 3-50301 16-tf1 George 22 Albert St. Piumbing - Heatingl Eavestroughing A. BAARS MA 3-7127 66 King St. WV., Bowmanviiie Free Estimate 24-tf BACKHOE WOHK Trenchlag - Backfilling Septic Tanks New Equipment IVAN MOUNTJOY Blackstock 87 r 4 before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. 15-tf Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bownxanville CORNER KING & ONTARIO 24-tf WHITE WASHING STABLES, ETC. BERT TOMPKINS PHONE CLARKE 4721 NE WTON VILLE 16-tf OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SALESI INSTALLATION & REPAIRSý Bowmanvill Pe Oshaixa1 MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180i BILL AND BOB LEASK 39-t! Anger Constructioni CONCRETE - BRICK BLOCK - CHIMNEYS ROY ANGER MA 3-2273 -ARENDS ELECTRIC MOTORS1' REPAIRS and REWINDING t 11 ai youn Electnicai Equipmenl Sales & Service MA 3-3058 43 Third St. Bowmanville 1 19-tf Repairs RADIO and television mepairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and idelivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-t! GUARANTEED television and radia service, to ail makes. Same day service. Televîsion Service Ca. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-t! IREPAIRS and rewinding-, arm- t> S .rooflS a rea .W'a OJÂ*Sr .ATme heavy wiring, separate en- trance, suitable for couple. Cail MA 3-3259. 24-1 FURNISHED bed-sitting moom and kitchenette. Available im- nîediately. Phone MA 3-3591: any evening after 7 p.m. 24-1 MODERN !aur-moorn apart- ment with bath, beated, central location, immediate possession. Apply 14 Division St., Bow- manville. 24-1* TWO-bedroom apartmcnt, liv- ing-room, kitchen with heavy wiring, bathroom, laundry. Apply Harold Watson, King St._W., MA 3-5893. 24-1* APARTMENT, 3 rooms, bcd- raom, kitchenette, large living- roam, modern bath, shawem. 23 Temperance, downtown Bowmanvilic. 22-tfl DUPLEX( self-contained four oorns, ah canveniences, tîled floors, garden, Sauina Rd. Hal!- way betwcen Bowrnanville and Oshawa. Close ta church, school and store. Ca 3-2531. 1 24.1 APARTMENT, 2nd floor, rear, in Victor Manor, King Streetý West; kitchen, living-room, bedroom and full bathroom, f heavy wiring, electric v ,der heater. Availabie immed'-ýte- ly. Contact Bill Curtis MA 3-7035. 23-tf COTTAGES-Kil Kare house- keeping cottages, Pine Lake and Redstone Lake. Season or weekly, modemn canven- iences, $50 per week including new boat; good safe, sandy rbeach. Write Mrs. L. C. Mor- rison, West Guildford, Ontario. Phone West Guildford 2204 or Bowmanville MA 3-7191. 24-2 Wanted ta Buy JUNIOR Miss C.C.M. bicycle, reasonable. MA 3-5913. 24-1 CHILDREN'S swing set (us- ed). MA 3-7283. 24-1* EIGHT or 10-foot binder, must be, power operated. Telephone Biackstock 103 r 13. 24-1 RUG, approximately 10 x 10, must be in good condition. CO 3-2584. 24-1* HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances, tele- vision, sewing machines, etc. Aiso seUl and exchange. 59 i King St. W. Phone MArket 3-7231. 42-tf ALL kinds of hive poultry, feathers, new goose and duck aiso aid feather ticks wanted. [Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 collect. ".-f HIGHEST prices pald for u'. e pouitry, goose feathers, feath- er ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 48-t! Nursing Home SOUTH Haven Nursing Homei -Accommodation for privatet a nd semi-private patients, lounge TV. Fullylicensed, new building, modern. Visitors welcome. Reasonabie rates. Phone Newcastle 4441. 8-tf Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS ]ID Ki To O' art tic un A. et a uretuned, ta all makes o! C Mrs. von Cstome electmic motars. Higgon Elec-1 Yen have used Avon Cosmet- tric, 38 King East. Phone MAq les. Yeu know their qualîty 3-3305. 7-tf 1 b and guarantee. There Is a big REPAIRS ta all makes o! sew- demand for Avon Service ili ing machines. Free pickup and- several areas between O)shawa delivery. Laverty's Bargain and Peterboro. If >'ou need Centre, 59 King W. Telephone money - eaU colleet or write1 MA 3-7231. 44-tf at once for more Information. R( Miss K. MacKean, 528 Gilmour REPAIRS toa al makes of re- m; Street, Peterboro. RI 3-40u6. frigerators, domestic and comn- in, 24-1 mercial; milking coolers. Hig- :î Iàvestock for Sale 60 LAYING hens, $1 each; %k-ton car traller. MA 3-7037. 24-1 * pi Notice To Crediiors É the estate of JESSIE .EPPY PARKER, laie of the rownship of Darlington, Wid- >W- Creditors and others having .aims against the above estate re requircd ta send full par- iculars o! such dlaims ta the mdersigncd Executar on or )fore the lOtb day of July, .D. 1960, a!ter wbicb date the state's assets will be distrub- 1, baving regard only ta aims that bave been received. [he Canada Trust Company [oronto, Ontario, Executor, q Apha L Hodgins, Solicitor, Bowmanville, Ontario.. 22-3 Wanted tOOM and board for young nan. Phone MA 3-7178. -:-,en- ags and Saturday. )EAD and crippled farr., toclc,j Lcked up promptly. Telephone Olfax 3-2721. MargwillFur ram Tvrone. 37-tf Personal 1I-' 1 RKV *-- -4 10 - --lI1% ed0 Acre farm, goad L-shap- McQuay and Kidd edbank barn, water bowls, steel stanchions, implement REALTORS shed, etc.; 7 roomed brick Mtembers of Oshawa & District house, ail modern conveniences. Real Estate Board Price $14,000. Down, $7,000. 92 Acre farm, good soul, 2 i 50 acre farm with excellent ponds, L-shaped bank barn. trout stream. 10 acres planted drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed in asparagus, 6 miles from home, running water, heavy Bowmanviile. Asking only wired. Close ta school. Price $10,500 with 10w down pay- $16,000 with $5,000 down. ment. 100 Acre farm near Oshawa, Modern homes on Simpson 95 acres workable, 80' x 36' Avenue, Jane Street and bank barn, water bowls, milk Meadowview ahl priced for house, etc.; 7 roomed home, quick sale. heavy wired. Down, $5, 000' 4 bedroom home on large Price arranged. lot, $9,500, with goad terms. 60 Acre farm near Bethany, Land Bargain - 20 acres 7 roomed house, 80' x 45' hip- level garden land near New- roofed bank barn, water an castle. Only $2,500 full price. pressure, heavy wired. Price Summer properties on Lake $6,500. Haîf cash. Ontario, Rice Lake, Lake 200 Acre DAIRY FARM with Scugog and Pigeon Lake. ail machînery, milk cows, etc., Cal as going concern. Good barn, WLE RN buk oledrive shed, etc.; 17 Church St. MA 3-3398 8 roomed brick home, running water. Price $30,000. Terms. Bowmufle 200 Acre DAIRY FARM with 24-1 ail machinery, milk caws, etc., Pe V as a going concern. Modern Peer Aowal barn, bulk cooler, silo, machine REAL ESTATE BROIER shed, etc. 10 roomed house GE RA N RAC with ail modern conveniences. GNRLNUAC Price $35,500. Terms. 99 King St. E. 52 King, j.Wi 6 Roomed brick home, New- MA 3-3868 MA 3498 modemn conveniences. Nice best materials and expert location. Price and terms ar- warkmanship. Cal! for par.W ranged. ticulars. 6 Roomed home, east New., 5eom I~-oe rc cse,3-piece bath, running house, very central. 011 heat- water. Price $3,500. ing. Nicely decorated. Semi. 4 Roomed home, east New- detached. $9,000.00. Terms. castle, with small barn, kitch- 5 acres wîth beautiful 1 %. en cupboards. Price $3,500 storey house with all eon. with $700 down. . veniences. Chicken barn. Or. 5 Roomed brick bungalow in chard, 2-car garage. Priced Bowmanville with ail modern ta sell at $12,000.00. conveniences, ail furnace, etc. Lot In Maple Grave, 2 acres, Price $13,000. - Terms arrang- $1300.00. ed. $1,700.00 down will buy yon 2 Bedroom bungalow In a i ½-stomey brick house, six Newcastle with ail modern rooms, ail heating. Only conveniences. Garage. Ask- $8,0)00.00(. ing $10,000 with $2,000 down. 160 acre farm near New. Frame home With 4 bed.. castle. G ood land. Stream. rooms in Bethany. Price $3,500- Good buildings. Priced to Terms. el 4 Roomed cottage In Ponty-sel pool, hydro, good weiI. Price galesmen: $2,200 with $500 down. L1 A. Barton MA 3-3098g 8 Roomed homne, Pontypool, C. Soper . MA 3-2624 with 4-piece bath. Price $4,000 24-1 with $500 down. MArket 3-5919 John F. De Wiih Realtor and General Insurance Newceastle Phone 3341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bownianville MA 3-3950 Ross Davidson, Bethany Phone 21 r 6 Tenders Wanted TENDERS will be receivcd by the undcrsigned until July 9, 1960, for the redecoration o! the walls, windows and ceiling o! the auditorium o! the Unit- cd Church at Kirby. The work te be donc during the month of August. Raymond Chapman, Sec'y, Orono, R.R. No. 2, Ont. 23-2 BO WMAN VILLE 'IGH SCHOOL Tender., for work to be doue between Juiy ist and Aug. 15. (a) Decorate three classrooms. (b) Hardwood floor - 1 class-, moorn 25' x 33'. Nortbern hardi niaple, No. 1 Grade. Tenders ta be in by June 21, 1960, 6 p.m.. For specifications contact L. W. Dippeli, School Phone MA 3-5834. 23-2 DURHAM COUNTY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Tenders Courtice High School Scaled tenders VUdl be recelv- cd by the Durham County District Hlgh Schooi Board, cane of the Architecte, until 4:00 p.m. E.D.S.T., WEDNES- DAY, JULY fith, 1960, for the construction of Courtice HI.gh School on part of Lot 29, Con- cession 2. Dalilntton Town- ship. Drawlngus ad specifications may bc ebtained et the office of the Architecte, Pentiand and Baker, 490 Jarvis St., Toronto, on deposit cf $50.00. TWENY-TW Hoîtei bei-' HOME.iLfor îwo part rersian '1WNT-W Hacn oe n lte st ei- kittens, 3% months. 84 High HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber Mechanicai a n d Electnical Kee ens, vciae n lo et Street, Bowmanville. 23-2 goods) mailed postpaid in plain1 trades arc duc ai the Toronto cd. A dlean herd. Freshen- sealed envelape with pnice lisi. Bld Dcpositony. 1104 Bar St., ing soan. Alsa Masey-Harris PUREBRED German Shepherd Six samples 25c, 24 samples Toronto, by 4:00 p.m. E.D.S.T., hav-loaden, good condition,1 pups, black and silver, not $1,00. Mail Order Depi. T-28, TUESDAY, JULY Sth, 1960. cheep. Phone Blackstock 87r4.!registered. P. Finney, MArket Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- Lowest on ani tender nmet 23-2- 2441* j35058. 24.1 - ion, O46 1-521neoessaniljaccepted. 34-1, Pedwell Real Esiale 200 acres, ail womkable, si t- uated on Na. 35 Highway, Lindsay area, 8 roorn brick hoguse, all conveniences, large painted barns, being sold only' on accaunt o! aged awnem. Will accept $30,000 for quick sale. Easy terms. 200 acres on paved road, bank barn 40' x 80', frame bouse, ail level fields, well fenced and seedlng finlsbed, farm pond. $15,000, amei down payment. 150 acres, brick house, ahl conveniences, bank barn 40' x 80' on a good road close ta scbaol. Will consider a bouse as dawn payment. $20,000, easy ternis. 50 acres, good buildings, with good gravel pit that wil pay for the farm. $12,000.00, terms. 10 acres wltb trout utream, close ta Bowmanville. This is ane o! the bcst in tbis dist- rict. A good building site. $4,000, easy terms. 10 acre pear orchard, fuil bearing. Can be divided ini lots. Close ta school. $6,500, ternis. 5 acres, new buildings, over. iooking No. 2 and No. 4 High. ways, joining good village, with beautitul 6-room bunga-, low, cbicken pens, etc. $10.000, easy terms. 100 acres on Pigeon Lake, 2-storey cernent block bouse, fumnishcd, ail convenie-g& 2,000 feet lake frontage.$1- 000, ternis, 18 acres, sub-divIsion, ap- proximately 35 lots, 1,500 feet on Pigeon Leke, $20 per foot. Ternis. Also sevemal single lots on Pigeon Lake. Wc have 30 good building lots in Newcastle and 10 g~~ lots In Orono. ý 6 rooni insul-stone bouse ons Duchesa St., Orono, with tiI. and hardwood faoons, il furn- ace, bath, garage, 1/4 acre lot. Askl.ng $8,000. Terms. New 6 rooni ranch bouse lit Bownianville, ahl modern con- venlences, $ 12,500. Ternis. 60 acres gaod pasture lant close to Newcastle, $5,0 O small down payment. We al have 100 acre pasture ranch close te Port Perry, for quick sale. HAEOLD C. PlEDWELL & DrokeT - Newoeutie .Ph. M N CD NEW DEADL1NE NMIFOR CLASSIFIED, Tuesday. 4:30 p.m Mution MA 3-5981 21-tf gan rEle-ctricLinîe,8 ig St.E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tfl Pets for Sale i 8 AMI 9m à w .. 1 0 ým m a w .. la & ý m a - . 0- . - -1 41 ý 1 l 1 -1, 1 -1 . i: - i-ý ýDe Wilh Real Esfaieil, 1 -) - 1 v 1 -1 :1 ,Il -là -1 -1ý 'il -1 1 i ::l i - 1 -. 0 .- TT-4-11 24-1-1 Ig Si E s F Il Ci