Coathain, S. S. No. 8, Antioch, f. and Mrs. J. R. Oranîston, En. w»i and John, Torot; uniyvitdInd r il' 1", 2nd Gail Brown, S. S. J ; >~~niskillen. were eM W. B- Frd ateTrto ptOhw nStrdy C larke Tow nship Lews, . N.12. Orono; !/ 13' ' 1 UffWS h ekn it r.A a- sry t eott~a n By stEi ualS.SNo1Mr. aMd IMîra. W. Sndrinter.FrnkM2tu sliPotjy Boy-lt Ere DuailS. S No.221. Trent St. E. bad, but the bad, uneducated for unwillhng readers. WhenM Mr. Murr Sanderson aild 4r. .ad Mis. K. G olnCmulyHefs.Te<n Fi ld D a es U18, Antioch 10' 2": 2nd Peter Whitby, Ont., use of il. Simplex Munditins»?did anyone last aseepa vehike,i frtid, Coumbus, weie at L. are spending a week'yctonmnt ise l F e d D y R s l sWestheuser, S. S. No. 10, 190jrmg Cdrn'.i Starkville: 3rd Steven West, Dear Sir: of a fine man of family in through Hampton under flfty? Mr. and Mns. C. Lee, AI- Mrs. E. M.e~ m The following are the re- Under 14 Girl - Ist Viki S. S. No. 9. Lockharts. Mr. Harvey Finney has'trouble through flot insuring Vet we pay for police, doctor; monds were with !1h0 E. Lee's. spent the' weekendwthM. Mi.s s.LR.Age zuits of the recent Clarke Chard. S. S. No. 3, Newcastle; Under 12 GirIst Darlelle kindly sent me copies of the'against alcoholismn? Ever hear and undertaker. 'i Mr. and MMs. Keth Vavey *and Mr. W. G. Breck adtm idfiiyvat r i- TonsipFel Dy hldetý2n Rtaaaron . . ic, 10'7: n d D » oris3,llead news' report you printed re- 1 of a brewery going broke Then, Itow we stand on and Maine, Tyrône, were with fly, Kirigston.imMtcl u Ptyol? Waltoria Park, Newcastle:10'27":rono;D3rdsChristina garding the Assembly of Je- through charity? We tax poor guard for equity in democra- kur. and les.w. Pascoe.GlttarptthtM'..Sudy Rcsrtense. S. S.- No. 21, Sixth ý S S No. 19. Enterprise: 3rd hovah 's ffItnesses at Ux- Peter to pay rich Paul,-Mr. cy: Yet one hears of a leader! Mir'. and Mrs. W. Bowmian Hughes has recoverédfrmh M.CaesGamlaoe Unde 8 GI--s: RthLine. Boy-lst Terry Graham'Linda Greenwood, S. S. No. bridge. Stock-holder or Government. being fined,-in absentia,- i were guests on Saturcl.y et the recent iilness andis el a r.aanta eiwa optl UottdS.S.8o. 2. larke t un-', SS No. 12, Orono; 2nd Gun- 21, Sixth Line. Boy-lst Bob Please accept my thanks We raise prices and lose for driving' in, into and fron Brn-Huhs edig ntr oeaan.gat epth lporesg Scott, ~ ~ ~ ~ erTahnkl S. S. No.2.CakUn 3 Best. S. S. No. 12, Orono. 1"I rw uhswdigi unhn mn ion; 2nd Caroline Johnson, ;tewTcstle: r S.RîcS.K No 1"; 2nd George Konyk, S -S lfor your fine co-operation. We markets and friends. Then. a hurtful situation. while forlHamilton. Little Kathy Abbot.Bwcaorby cela Chad. S. S. No. 3, Newwn so helpful to many that are: to live by eatiflg OUI' owfl Ontario commoner was arrest-; held a faniily gatheriing on the ~~~+*Mir. and MiHo rd erSudyget iMnad geatie . oS. S. TiNo. ,Nw-, Under 17 Girl-lst Lynda Meadows. S. S. No. 3, New-, worried by world news. The flesh and grow fatter. We ed and fined plenty. Mostly oc o !te8t itdyAOt.t'r.CclBui rgtu caton, BoS. S. Nç. 3 N wcatle TvrrelI, S. S. No. 12, Orono' cas* de. Gr s ik Gospel bas al that we need* seem to dream that men get- we were tonoaicyt r.ocso o h 0hbrha bot toden o R.ei.nstr, eaS S. 2N No r4araetnvileto3rdS.oS. UChar1S.S.GN.l3,Newst ce to give us peace of mind and' ting two cents an hour can tests. P oft Mrs. Cochrane's uncle, Mri . and Mrs. HarrySrtEa 2nd Meno Reintra, S S. No'No 4 ewtonvlle: 3r Dor- hard, . S. N. 3, Nwcaatl,,CtheassuraneamhapGta wat ae wereonaeeke',rankuestsngMn.mpao*10 Mis.. Aru weel een Mitchell, S.tS. No.S3, New- 13' '";2nd Ruth Sharron, S. h suac htGdhs u htw aeo 2 Please excuse the sarcasm, Toeatnigwre Mr-. and;'if M&. and Mins. Richaditadaniyhv eundh 14,Kiry;3rdStehe S eare icelSfSlo 3Nwot lost control o! earth's a!-, wage,-while even we buy* u ecu okofa ,lot as Haward Cing , i' ndad ani10agan S. S. No. 1, Port Granby. castle. Boy-lst Brian Ishi 'S. No. 12. Orono; 3rd Nancv baiut heNewWold s er-evrytinroncodff Afat olft. Mrs.Hoard Cwlýing, Mri. aadnMi'.a~dmi. R .Hre i.adMs ereCre Under 10 Grl-lst Chyreli S.S No. 22. Clarke Union; Simpson. S. S. No. 5, Browns. tain and the signs of it are idea. Ms a M.-n r.R Coatham, S. S. No. 8, Antioch; 2 nd Aif ie Alldreadi. S. S. No' Boy-lst Terry Graham, S. S. alreadv here. We put up road signs-Why? 1 Yours truly, .Ma-s. H. McKeown and family, and faînily were Sundygetmn aiy onevie r 2nd Judy Powell, S. S. No. 3, 3 'Newcastle: 3rd Jim Soh No. 12, Orono. 13' 9 211d Fe . edW .t Mr. and Mirs. K. Hob- oi Mi'. and Mrs. J. A. TriuladMs oetCre n Newcastlc: 3rd Diane Lîttie.ayne . No.r10S.CSarNo. 1o Îh Yours sincerlély, Slowv, School, 30 are too hard 1____J. edenad aniyKnae;Mr adtmly amsy htb.wreSna Newcastle; 3rd Diane,Trevor Down.dnadtmlKnalM.adfm'Y S. S. No. 13, Kendal. Boy-lst Standing Broad Jump McLeans; 3rd Gordon Cowl- PublicE R and Mrs. E. Hockaday, Mis. S. Mr. and DMus. Glen oryget ! I.A atr Eric Duvaîl, S. S. No. 8. An- ing. S. S. No. 22, Clarke Un-,Pblc elation s, u r * L E Hockaday, Solina; Mi'. and Mrs. tioch: 2nd Keith Allin. S. S. Under 8 Giri-Ist Caroline, ion. (Circuit 0-14B) E . F IE- . Cowlinsg. Oshawa; Mr. and ,Npo. 9, Lockharts: 3rd Donald Johnson. S. S. No. 12, Orono, Under 17 Girl-lst Lyndca!MsBilCran ed, NicKenziel, S. S. No. 12, Orono. 4' 10"; 2nd Angela Chard. S. Tyrreil, S. S. 12, Orono. l1'ý Hampton, Ont., (Intended for lest week) Morniing service,% at nine- MongS. iar. and Brenda, Undr 1 Grl-stLnd 5 No 3 Necatle 3d Hl-4": 2nd Anne Danchuk. S. S.'n 1,190 Rev. William Mustard o! AI- thirty have begun for the su ogSal; r.E Greenwood. S. S. No. 21, Sixth ga Soren sen, S. S. No. 9, Lock- 1 No. 21, Sixth Line: 3rd Bar: Dear Mi. James, derwond Upited Chui'ch, Tor- mer . L .etpno and Roiyan W n. ak Un: îI uanG1b~. zS. harts. Boy-lst Timmy Wal-.bara Stapleton, S. S. No. 4, Recently Mr'. Gregory onto, was guest speaker at our Our' W.A. met at the home Visiting with Mr. andi Mrs.' No. 12. Orono: 3rd Joyce Elli- ton,. S. S. No. 3, Newcastle,: Newtonville. Boy-lsi How- Clarke wrote o! the measures, Anniversary Services h e r e, of Mrs. A. Stableford, Wed- M. Samis andi Miss Elsie Swnis~ ott, S. S. No. 17, McLe ';~ 2r'd Philip Nichols. S. S.j ard Stapleton. S. S. No. 22, of the fat in our heads. ItlJune 5th. Bath services were nesday evening. There was a werc: Mir'. an-d AMis. Ceci.l Sic- 13oy-lst Bob Best, S. S. No' No. 1. Port Granby, 3rd Wil-; Clarke Union. 14' 5"; L2nd Rp.y'does bulge somewhat, and we well attendcd. The chidren large attendance. mrs. G. Bow- mon, Haydon; 1/fr. L. Bradley. 12, Orono; 2nd Ian Wi, iiam WilFon, S. S. No. 7, Croo-1 Couroux. S. S. No. 17, Mc- are not caring too much. sang hree numbers at the a!- crs and Mis. W. Bowinan con- Mr. and Ma-s. E. Osborne, Bow-' S. S., No. 7. Crooked Creek; ked Crcek. Leans: 3rd Fred Parker, S. S. The reai sufferers from in- ternoon services, and five local ducfed tihe devotiona. Msianie;i' n i.R.O- Acquire, new sklladknwdg. etnery .rd Douglas Farrow, S. S. No. Running Broad Jump I No. 2, Lakeshore. flation and taxes, are mostlyi ladies sang two special num- Elsie Sais gave a read'ing mistoin Enniskilen. start on an offieplto.E~yastsyn 3, Newcastle. - Under 10 Girl-lst Chyri'el High Jump those who worked long and bers andi assisted the school in and Mrs. G. Bowman sang a Mrs L. Pascoe and Miss Bes- Sen9 o civmn Under 8 Girl - Ist Rth honestly for littlc, or fought the eve-in. humerous songacmaidsePsoOhwwr tG Scott, S. S. No. 22. Clarke Un-- for Canada,-and now live on by Mrs. F. g, acCo.Mps Lae ie ase shwawer atG.AT OC,-I o-do ion, 3': 2nd Caroline Johnson, a $55 pension. The while Nsfeo tto Fielder outlinad a d'ay's activ -______ S.S. No. 12, Orono: 3rd Janet fromn oui' V.I.P. down we wi- etto Sain ities in a camp for chiidren, Jacobson, S. S. No. 3. New- den and thicken oui' own where site is a councillor, I B U N R SH G L SE castie. Boy-Ist David Man- 1Plenteous fringes. Butter and IMa-s. Johi, McCalden arrived showmng pictures and literasRKETONATH ning. S. S. No. 12, Orono, 3'; spread, to liking. home last week !rom a visit ture used to instruct. tr- 2nd Kenny Br'andt, S. S. No. We lack the skilled and in Scotianti and is now enjoy- Mr. anti Mrs. Ray Smith and Don't !orget oui' sumnier S A A B SN S O L G 15, Leskard: 31,d Garfield cducated and fear for the fu inghrsturhm tSu hldeNwate r n ceiuefrcuc os tO H W Payne, S. S. No. 1 , Port Gran- turc usefulness and livelihood g Pin t. sme1hoeat:c-c30trnNecste:M. and sceuefrcuch arS-hp a by. o! such as lack ithr,-yct gg oit. M Ir. H anith, sono. rc. t1:30 a.m niSudyScol Choose from thefloag Sorhn yug Under 10 Girl --lst Chyrreli1 we lure from school, mere Mrs. John Watson o! Caes- wMrh Do. and Mis. D.ePPescott. at 11:30 a.mB -o-hm-S.S.No-8 Atic boys with fists full o! dollars. area spent the pasi week with Mr. andi Mrs. Edgar Prescott Relations Departmenl. of the Subjects. 3' 4"; 2nd Judy Powell, S. S. ' A fat idea? ber sister Mrs. Jas. Forder, and Glenn attcntied the grad- Bell Telephone et Oshawa will Lewis, S N.astle; We havq. an indefinite num- also visiteti the Hai'ry MéLau- uation ceremonies eat Kempt- show two films on "Safety InAs Fo FreLt aue LewsS. . o. 2,Oroo.ber o! unemploycd. How many ghlin fantily. ville Agricultural School whe- the Home", and "Mr'. Sun" in s 1 Boy-lst Neil Allin, S. S. No.I are jobless by choice, and how Mr. and Mrs. Russel Nesbitt re Glenn was a graduate. Con- the church on Monday even- Ifyu edaRvew rRfesronEgsh 9, Loc'kharts, 3' 7"; 2nd JIohn much we help theni by funds oft Toronto wcre dînner guests gratulations Glenn. Mr,. and ing, June 27th, et 8:15 p.m.Ifyuné a Simpson. S. S. No. 16, Cowan-' i5 not cleai'. Yet we know of, o! the Nesîbitt family on their Mis. Prescott and Glenn also Don't forget the Faml Pc*Spelling, RapdCluain rtmtc vle3dGereLees, S. S. those who hold down two'VStdteG i fmletncnera yPe- Fwell-payîng jobs. Then these wyta vîsit Mins. Levi McGl iieiteG ief'ii ificudrMtes elwhpPnasi No. 3. Newcastle. WolMIsand.~o un 8h Under 12 girl --- 1lst Susan 1 en n hr uplMwret. eexbruhonSna. oi and . Norval Wotten Sacrament o! Holy Commun-i Gilbrt.S. . N. 1, Oono upunnedcd boards and com- Mii'. andi MIrs. Ross Curtis o! andi Francis Wottcuü, Solina; ion will be observed on Sun- FN w I or potnt 3' 9%/"; 2nd Idska Reinstra missions, who tell us aftcr Orîllia visited ?&. and Mrs. Mr. anti Mns. Nbr'moan Porter, dey, .lune 26th, at 10:3Hom, S. S. No. 14, Kirby; 3rd Linda wiewa veyn nw, Bruce Heaslip. The Heaslips Manvers Sta., Iurs. Bob Stin- A cordial invitation is extcnd-I er:991..t :0pm Greenwood, S. S. No. 21, Sixth 1 --or we hure some public re- speni.a couple of deys with her son, Barbara and Micheal, Miss cd tb ail. Rgsrtosa Line. Boy-lst Bob Best, Or- ilattons staff, etc. e sistera nd family Mr'. andi Mrs. Vera Stinson, Toronto, were at The C.G.I.T. girls accompan- R egsrtosas cepe o o aiT ono, S. S. No. 12, 3' il:1 n We went into f its onre Wiley MicKeown of Mono Roati. the Sisnhm.ldb hi w edrMr..utDa A537 e h at GogBeay.e Sar. S.! ports o! a fcw rabies cases, isnhm.edbteï wlaerM NoG5e 3Vorge Hanm. es . ni iacd atretcnd .'n uis odo aei Mr. anti Mrs. L. Asbton, Ron- L. R. Argue and Mrs. J. ia No. 95.3d L o Hart.tol u w ii iepesn all on Mi' ndMs. Jas. aid anti Ray, Haydon; Mx. ani Turnbull, enjoyed a hike on Unde 14Girllstp.ggy and injure two hundred and H'£ar'is on Sunday cvening. Mrs. A. Hilis, Mrs. S. Hoar, Saturday aftcrnoon. I>SMO TNRHOH W .OT S Hancock, S. S. No. 12. Orono, thix'ty in the 660 highway ac- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace TrickMi.HMllo TyneM'. r.adus.enthCr- 4' 1 ", 2nd Nancy Simpson, cidents reported,-this daiiy. of Lindsay were guesta o! the S. S. No. 5, Browns; 3rd Vio- A legion are unreported-yet George Bowers faanily. la Robinson, S. S. No. 3, New- '.v ittle do we stir? Too fat. castlc. Boy-lst Terry Graham Everyonc says of most ac- Mis. Pence Philp o! Highland T _ S. S. No. 12, Orono, 4' 9 j, cidents, "must have been driv- J Creek and) Ma-s. Roytion CurnieS a99 OU IAEU THEDXLLIN BU NO I nd ed nak S.S. No. j: I ing fon fast" or "had a fcw I0o1 RichTnonti Hill. vis-itcd dur- YOU IIE H I LN U ONewcastle: 3rd Wayne Foster, ton many". Vef one Board ing the week with the Grant S. S. No. 17, McLeans. ' ups' tbe speeds and another Thompsons. HEDLG U EO TH D SHUnder 1i7 5Gir-It Lynda opens a few more convenient Mr nIw.Lre y T EOLG U EO TH A TyrrellIS N.1, Orono, ý faucets. Mr.Lame H- B AR H S PR NG A EA ! 4-,2nd Margie Tayor, S S. ý ce to be ai 40 ! and familsof BaUdu ad AG re a i Couldn't haPPen here! We're always "'looklng for Stapleton. S. S. No. 4, New-i Whosc are these roads that wePcrorugvitighman I troule' 'wih te Iea f soppng f bfor Itatat~ onville. Boy - 1sf Garfield! finance! Surely we can'b cal, Sunday, troule" wit theIde ofstopingIt efor Ilstats. Miller. S. S. No. 3.' Newcastle! OUI' own, 'ours'. A multitude Ma-s. NeLson Marlow enjoved In thecking your car we overlook nothing. That'à w hy 4' 9";2nd Howard Stapleton,1 of sub-governments hatch-out Sunday afternoon at the Alvin yoii con drive out of here with the assurance of safe, !S. S. No. 22. Clarke Unioll ilaws that we may not vote Marlow cottage Caesarea. qmooh moorig ahad!3rd Jim Soucb, S. S. No. 10' I upon or debate. Are we toon Clarke. '1 fattv ho preserve oui' demo- wus retHro vsIcay laeit aehran us Softball Throw w r mr.Oi ed Jemison anti her cousin M rs. 63' 2"; 2nd Barbara Horner,, other architect, so we can get Thui'sdiay. S. S. No. 18. Oak; 3rd Susan'more govcrnmcnt grants. Truc Roger Herron eelebrated bis uigorpen w knds nay forfinsvstd SH L L Bal. S. S. No. 14, Kirby. Boy j we don't need the extrava- cighth birthday on Friday witb gfshayste hfw aws awiht xrs u icr prcain h G A RA G E ~~~~~~~~~~-st Clive Johnson, S. S. "NO. ganc(es, and a set plan would 1a few schnoot triends who en- ogts ayàos-ta e ows ows oepesn G A ~ E12, Orono, 122' 3': 2nd Peter, do, etc. But its fot out of joyd a brha at- AND SERICESTAIONi Wsthuse, S S.No.10our pockcbs,-oniy the smalbrha ary epne a atgatifying andi we received s50 many complimens nth ap arn.ota etrv ll Ne Aluin,S debentures,-or if l oil-slick? Mr. Herron was guest speak - '72 Suo St. MA 3-3231 DLRN S. No. 9, Lockharts. A recent leffer in the Globe ci' at Ja'netville United Church store Ihai we are very happy indeed. W. hoe.yau wiIl corne ta e sotn SMcugogDUfý Under 12 Grl-lst Nancy;telîs us that alcohiol is not Anniversary services on Sun-1 Gaines .S. No. 3, Ncwcas-: day and Maf-. Jas. Summervillel _________________________________________________________ tic 67' 4", 2nd Laurna Burlcy, supplieti on the Nesticton-Bal-' e u!ay o pr n S. S. No. 14, Kirby; 3rd Lin- lyduf! circuit. S eO rM n da Grecnwood, S. S. No. 21, Mr. and Ma-s. Perey Huibert i Sixth Line. Boy-lst Victor'reburnedti t Toronto afterme Hane. S. S. No. 9, Lockharf spe 1 sm ie ihb s um Y u'I ea 68' 5". 2nd Gordon Alldrcad, father Arthur i-fulbert. Friendsi S. S. No. 19, Entcrpi'isc; 3rd wiîî be glad te know Perey is ÏL Brian Foster, S. S. Np. 17, Mc- elnogt bi wr Leans. wan cll eub ts ein work Festival Under 14, Grl-Ist PeggyM he Hancock, S. S. No. 12, Orono, Sympathy is extended to the: 131': 2nd Christina 'Maar- relatives and f!îiends o! thc late bense, S. S. No. 21 Sixth Line; Mrs. Stella Rouiston, wbo pas- S eilf, 3rd Judy Hancock, S. S. sed away suddeniv following] P RO C A M AIO NNo. 9, A'nioch.Boy-lsb Ralph an operation in a Toronto hos-j P R O C LA A T O NKennedy, S.S. No. 12,Oronoir pifal on Satuî'day. Mrs. Roui. 8 x-e Mor tan uehunrei ear aa areelue rop o p1ner5ost;, SNd o. 17 Means . S tamCarnu i .wo weeksri. n iMixcd (1RPral)- 1 S. S. No. 1gînia staYed in- Whitby wîth 1 19, Enterprise: 2 S. S. No. 8,!F Mr. anti Mrs. Elmer HaxTrs'u !iunday, June I9th A22ich; 3r. S.o. 1,Si. :- _ Ant a ch . S. o. No.iry 3:00 P.M. 1Bcst Urban School--S.. 5 No. 12, Orono. Best Two Room School-- News... u1 e S. S. No. 9, Lockharts. TO FUE19 tn ho Highest Boy under 8-Tim- my Walton, S. S. 3, Newcas- W£ AV NeVa 1' t Sae a 'Higbcst Girl under 8-Car- TU1E PRIZE oline Johnson, S. S. No. 12, Decoatio DayOrono. Decorat ion Day Dughes. Boy under 0.Erici iHeel Shapes $2.99 V ST U T. Chyrreil Coatham, S. S. N.! wAL 8. Antîoch.1 IT u s A Highest Boy under 12-Bob j Bcst, S. S. No. 12, Orono. Highest Girl under 12, Lin- Bowman ville Cemetery :da Greenwood, S. S. No. 21, Thosie parading to the Cemetery are asketi to assemble in frontI Terry Grahamn, S. S. No. 12, Orono. of the Tow.n Hall, Temperance Street, et 2:15 p.m. Service at the Cemetery Highest Girls under 14 - at 3:00 p.rn., ini charge of Ris Worship the Mayor, Town Council and 1 Vieki Chard, S. S. No.3, New-W Brancb 178, Canadien Legion.cas.l12,Pegrnock Boindrl-HwHATNtIL KE0TR WD.CruhrRosSeesR. B. Renod ard Stapîcton, S. S. No. 22,~ GASOLINL-MOTOROLS.I Clarke Union. h L. MyrCvcCmiteCekHighest Girl under 17 - # KING ST. oE, BO W M ANI L Mayo Civc Cmmite. CerkLynda Tyrreil, 9. S. No.12 Onono, PiNGE TWO THE CANAI)I" STATESMAN, BOWIIANVMU, ONTARIO TaMbAY, JM 16th. 1060