?HURDAY JUE îOh, 960______________________________THE CANADIAN STATLSMAR, BOWMANVnlLE, ONTAIUO ~A ]On their returnth el CARTHR llcst- Recvvy ea in 'C.obourg corsage of Pink carnations Mauve and white iastu wedded couple will reside in lips and iris decorated Ken- Oshawa. dal United Church en Satur- ~W eddings 4 aJn ,frte-edn The bride was guest of of Ptsy une oste, dagh-honor at several pre-nuptialý Foster of Kendal, and Rob-Mr.JJ.ariOsa, ert Russell Carruthers, son ofMs .J agif saa Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Carru- was hostess for a niiscellan- ther, Bomanvlle.The evcous shower and a similar> ther, Bomanvle. he Rv ~shower was given by Mrs. R. C. White officiated at the Kenneth Living and Miss Ro-' doublerinegieemnyi berta Fernadez, both of Osh-1 Th rie ivnmmar- . awa. Miss Mary Ann Smale niage by hier father, chose a adMs rhrMrersn full length gown of gardenia andboth o Arthomaie eren white organza and lace. The 'C o-h otsss or a ie wan- STUART STUTT i ting in Trinity United Church, empire bodice of Alencon lace cous hoesfr. amseln DeiaeprkadwieCbug nStraMy2,wsfashioned with long fit- Tus hero h tafo h Ddcae ik ndwit Cbur, n auray ay21'ted sleeves forming points ThCanainlanof e Cafomtere ____ for e tet- 1960, at 3:00 o'clock when 1 over the hand, and the sculp- sawatede pnrye ~prgnRevi. E. C. Kellow ay united in tured neckline was embroid- O ~shawer atthenhoed of Mnrs marrigge Virginia Stutt, dau- ered with iridescent sequins MrGer MKsi.shw ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Rai h and pearîs. The very bouf- Geoge ea nOhw.A edical Mirrol M. Stutt of Cobourg, former- fant skirt of organza over net wa ctup and saucer showerwa ____________ly of Bowmanville, and Dr.Iand taffeta, bîllowing oe held at the home of Mrs. Gor-1 R. Ken Stuart. The gro ot oc h lor a o oti Toronto. teson of Dr. and Mrs.K. appliques of lace. Her elbow- Floig te rhasl for Baby tuart of Streetsville. iength veil was gathered to a ~ ebr ftebia Snoes o B b The bride, given in mar-', scalloped crown of lace and wereeertaindoa the homeipat 0 Unwanted Hair riage by hier father, wore a she carried a cascade bouquet of Mr. and Mrs. Thmas John- street-length gown of blush of Sweetheart roses in tones son, . mnvle Q. hen ahould the average Pink silk organza fashioned Of pink in which lily-of-the-___ Lay start wearing shos? along pincess lines. The bo- valley, stephanotis and camna- Wlaat type o!f ootwear should dice wvas designed with a scoop tion petals were mingled. SheDA - T AR A; Aon ifn ih omlfe neckline and short sleeves, wore a single pearl drop neck- A TWR sol ir owa hs hnand accented by a bow at the Ilctegf ftegom Zion United Church was the' ihul <at awer heswhnwaistline. Hem shoulder- Attending the bride was scene of a pretty wedding on they are needed. that is, when he vi fpl iktlehen iser Mis arlynFo- Saturday afternoon, June 4 starls walking. Shoes are simply feu frvlofalter-piten er, asteMissof honwthFeoSnrs-nSewr e protective and there is no p odrsan h arealiritrMssJ articu- fl rmamhhro-er era ado oor ih........... .. .. hnadaAnSeatb lar time that can be set for a hdrs n h are itrMs uyFse came the bride of Morris Wil- bab tastrt eaingshes.Ifcascade of wvhite 'mumis and and Miss Phyllis Jackson aslamDy the footwear is big enaugh and pink tea roses. brdsmaids. Their street Tebiei h agie bas a straight inner borderi e ttnat r.Terry lnghtrsss fm Pint greene r adMr.R.Kn t 'S Hratnat r. organza over tffeta were Ptre abvaeD.adMsRKnStart of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stew- immaterial whether shoes or boots Masters of Bowmanville, was fashîoned identically with whose marriage took place in Trinity United Church, art of Hampton and the! arewor. I an çsea lallinsteet-length pwe blue scoop necklines and full skints, Cobourg, on Saturday, May 21, 1960, at 3 o'clock. The bridegroomn is the son of Mr.! bec] is more comfortable. silk organza with sleeveless the waist accented with a and Mrs. Ralph Day of Osh- Q. 1 hare a jew rather long bodice featuring a wide shawl swirled flowver of Matchn bride is the former Virginia Stutt, daughter of Mr. awa. black hairs arounel my nipples. collar. Her hat was of match- organza. They carried baskets and Mrs. Ralph M. Stutt of Cobourg and formoaerly of The Reverend F. J. Reedi Would rutring or sh<uing them ing blue silk organza and she of pale pink carnations with Bowmanville. Dr. Stuart is the son of Dr. and Mrs. officiated. Mms. Charles Nay- Make matters ,vorse? -From carried a cascade of yellow Shasta 'mumis in pink andCK.SurofSetsie.orpadthwdinmsc un unsig'ned letter. and white 'mums. ivory, and ribbon bows in soft -PhotoStbyrtUdfarhelyi Studi or andaconed the solongmuit , ure . t s pre sumd h the nip n- f h Mr. Micheal Spence of King- nunt green. Their headdmesses ________________________________ Mr. Ross Metcalf, who sang quer rees ta Thesnies i theun ston was best man and the were bandeaux of miniature "The Wedding Prayer'" and femmle b rreas Th ss of lo u- usher was Mr'. John Stutt, Ca- carnations in white net, with MTeLr'sPae" cation, is flot made thicker or bourg, brother of the bride. white gloves and shoes Coim- MGiven in mammiageUnytbe stiffer bv cutting or shaving. The eception was held inj Mr. Termy Price of Bowm;àz- S father the bride wome a faoo- Note: zsy nsigned etr goth Ladies' Palu of the 1 ville attended the groom as eghow wi aflskr snanswered in these columns. Church Hall where the b rides best man, and 1&. Gary Nes- of shinmed net with lace inser- Regders are reminded that napnes mather received the guests in, bitt and Mr. Wayne, Fos-- tions aven satin. The bodice, of persons n'-ho submit questions Dior blue silk with corsage af ter, the bride's brotherwr was styled with a scalloped V- Io Science Edîtars are never re- white 'munis and red sweet- ushers. The bide's aunt, Mrs. with ines lcen sus.A vealed. When initiais are used heant rases. She was assisted Allen Foster, played the wed- f mhme s A'd she ae msîalen crm bedîaby the graom's mother who ding music and accampanied O Olrhe as eweadleserginalt chose pale green silk and con- the' soloist, Mrs. Keith Smith, . peanis held hier fingertip veili letters subinîuied ta Science Edi- sage of yellow Talisman mas- the gmaam's bothe-in-law, adsecaro csaeo lors-confidential secret aries and es. wha sang "The Wedding Pmay-. - I pink roses. the edftri1 ~cec .or h xedigtn aen befome the ceremony, and I oossRae Boston, Mass., the bride wore WakBsdYo"urStlng 'QuestioncsEdi a pale gneen sheath with ing the signing of the regis- fhnr ae tetlnt Iog, PF0. Box 396, Madison Sq. tchngdu -t.,N. Y. 10, N. Y. will bcio mat ig uter, bone straw ter. lace ov der ft ledhanithy -torporated n"--- . .,.' hat, ivony accessonies and cor- lacen the bride and groomit sage af yellow Talisman roses. left the church following thein a bertha callan and a fl Dr. and Mns. Stuart wiîî e-' arae hyfudaatn skirt. The headdmess wvas a NIA 3-33Q1ý side in London, Ont. them an honoun guard of little cm ntime wth sd boys and girls, members of peanîs covered with a short DîS~NSIUGThe bride attended Baw- the bide's Sunday Schooi el isBrnaSeat ýpXeM81"i E*1 *àn manv*ie High Schooi and Dr- class, who had planned thesstnfthbrdadMs E O I WAV L tart is a graduate of West- surprise geeting. The girls Stanley -Lukow, cousin af the ern- University. held nosegays aI lilacs and bride, weme the ather attend- the boys showemed the couple ants gowned identicaily ta the with confetti.madahoa.Alcmedas %r.2 ~,4çGuests we eceived o h were on X(4-cades af tinted bitte chrysan- church lawn by the bridai teus party and thein parents be- fore entering the church hall Receivîng at the receptioni for the wedding suppen. The held in the Hampton commun- bide's mathen wome a dmess thaltebrdsmhr1 of navy nubbed crepe with wore a sheath of silk omganza Al~S lmatching jacket, a small bat ovrabieforlsl -n oftee ht ibnand wîth mthn cesre n wiegoe.Hem corsage a cosage af Lestra Hîbberd jwas af pink roses. The groom's roses. The bridegraom's math. SENATON ~ - ~ mather bad chosen a dress cassing was in a foa 17VW, hâimtn. .rakbemancf sot rose shantung with -* silk print with white acces- sprin*w, shoç (exasiontand ubekbl -)matching lvs a bine flow- -- aisand acraea ht spn, uur xantn ad $3575 er petal hat and corsage of- chrysanthemnums. carnations in blue tits. M ~ The W.A. of Zion United Baskets of ganden fiowens - -'- Chumch catemed for the recep- %L -r decked the church hall and tio. epînk candles and flowers de- -A h opelI o h .coated the tables, the bridaith :~-table centmed with a three tien Shown signing the register foliowing their wedding trip the bride was IR, cake made by the bide's aunt, marriage on Saturday, June 4, 1960, in Kendal United wearing a sheath and coat en- Mivrs. Roy Faster. Cousins aICurh are: Mn. and Mrs. Robent Russell Carruthers. shebl t ie a n green l ....................... ..~ the biride assisted in serving. 1îe Wîibig an gen were the rid's r uot, The bride, former Patsy June Foster, is the daughter accessories and a corsage of .-eth rdesgrnmthr of Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Foster of Kendal and the Lestra Hibbemd roses. The newly wedded pair will live Mrs. M. E. Foster, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Carruther, in Oshawa. groom's gandparents, Mr. and Bowmanville. totwnee Mms. William H. Carruthers. Ouiol tw guests wr The cauple's honeymoon plans -ht yRhe presentfrmBleieH- included a visit to the bride's, jir rnton, Iltn la maternai gnandmother, Mrs.: president cf the Junior Farm- emy accented the slim badice sburg, Stirling, Springbrook, J. E. Gasney in Danville, Vin- ers, when fellow members which was offset with long, Marmora, Camp Petawawa, /~ginia, who was unable ta at- presented Mr. Carruthers with i lily sleeves, and the hooped Bowmanviile, Courtice, Scar- tend the wedding. twa TV benches. 'skirt featumed an insert of net boraugb, Arnipriar, Hamilton, J 1,For travelling the bride1 A miscellaneous sîîowen ar-j accented with motifs of the and ROAF Centralia. 7 ~ ~ LIj~ .. j chose a beige suit with pale ranged by Miss Rae Howell of lace with sequin centres. Hem: _________ beig accssaies nd sallOshawa and the bride's sister, l inger tip veil, accente(wt flower hat of mass green. Hem Miss Caralyn Foster of Ken: embossed lace, was_ held by 11e - ( orsage was of Shasta 'mumis dal, was beld at the home afi. a jewelled crown and she car- ln te ~"in l delicate green tanes. Mrs. H. S. White, Oshawa, an ried a cascade~ of white camna- _______ fmack of w hite embroidemed- - ________________________ ahadbwkoBEUY NOVV... AND SAVE! o' - C Edy ven aqua taffeta __ _ headdress of aqua taffeta, - ISt. Gregony's RomanCah with short white glaves, and _____ ~~ 0dfc Church '. Oshawa, with se carried a basket aIoif_____________ f chnysanthemums on the altars, and aqua chrysanthemumns.I _____ was the scene of a wedding' Mr. Kennetis Living af Osb- ~ Il1~1fl ~ I' t~ k K...on Saturday morning, June awa, perfarmed the duties of., S um w m - - m 4th, when Marilyn Margaret; best man and the ushers weme i Mary Ciement ivas united in i Mr. Morley Richards, Bow-!BNLS NOW EFCTV ON mamiage with Robent Tho-! manville, Mn. Don Fleming'BNL S mas Johnson. The bride is tise:cf Columbus and Mn. Robent 1ROUND daugisten cf Mrs. Patricia i Fainey af Bawmanville. Clement cf Oshsawa, and the:ý The reception was iseld In and Fam ous R eading A nthracite bride nom nis the son cf Mr. ' the U.A.W. Hall, Bond Street, Ul>I an Toms ohso o Oh wa, seme the bride'si OIT (LOWEST PIUCES I1W YEARS) omnil.TeRvrd otr received tise guests __________ L. McCough perfonmed the wearing a short sieeved pnin- Tou man be sure you are getting thse world's finest hard coul! double ring cenemany and cess lime dress cf deep acua Rt . oasi Remeber iser lu coismy u qulity Askfor t toay'said tise nuptial mass. Present' Chantilly lace over satin, with KL Benebe ter l eonmyinqalty Ak oritteay i tesanctuary was tise Vemy white. pictume bat, whsite ac -_____________ STr~I -NUT- EAReverend Dean Paul Dwyen. cessories, and a corsage cf pinik I ONELSS STOVE N TplayTed wedding music was' carnations. Assisting was the plydby Mr. Jack Dniscoli; bridegmoom's motiser, wiso R " BO T L wmho accampanied the soloist, chose mint green silk organza iMrs. William Kinsman, wha; over flawered silk on sheatis S te ii n l e s RADsang "Ave Maria", "On This hunes witly beige hat and cor- S te p e n F è lsDay O Beautiful Mothen" and, sage cf ydllow rases. Ffl "Sweet Sacrament Divine." For thse honeymaaon trip ta "5 CALL US TO-DAY Given in manrage by hem tise Laurentians, the bride VJISIT TELEa-ONe__u1fl uncle, Mm. Jack Meaghen af tnavelled in a white sheath i R OFIE T M"- nl Osisawa, the bride ware a fll dress, embroidered inb3a , E MAS-M ,C.N.IL YARDS lngth' gown of blssmavien t trequarter length glue 1ý &U k file. Sequin embroid- J matching acceesories, jd Mr. M s C.BellFete Mn.Godon VanCarmp and MTr. and Mn. Sam an Pi Camp. Mrn. and Mors. Sain VanCamp 1,ý n 2 th nni ers ry enteirtained Mr. and Mns. Gor- On ~tl ~nuersry don VanCamp and Mn. aM On June 8th, 1960, on the; mireor fromn the group. Mn. Roy VanCamp at dis-mer occasion cf their 25th Wedding1 Mr. Charles Bicle made a! on Satuîdy evening and Mnr. Anniversary, Mm. and ?&s. few apprapriate remanks prier' and MiraU. Neil Bmownell and riClarence J. Bell (24 Liberty ta the presentation by Mrs. Ianilv on Sunday evening ini St. S.) were dinnen guests at Hemis Gibson and Mrs. Lame i boùr ofI Ires. Sidney Lodge. the hame cf their son Mn. and Kerr, of a pair of table lampsj and Mn. Sidney Lodge Jr, Mrs. James R. Bell, Oshawa. from' another group of friends i.~Mr.HaodWlo~ Alten dinnen they were tak- and. neighbauns. During the -I.adMr.Hrl isn en to the home af Mm. and Mirs. evening# the guests cf honour visited Mrs. Wilson's sister, Mn. Bert Jolînston. Concession St., wemc tise recipients af several and M.rs. Phili-p Ducan and Bowmanviile, where relatives gifts cf maney.fasl.Coug had gathemed ta surprise. them Bath Daisy and Clarence' Mr. anid Mina. Edgax Wright,-" *with furtbem recognition of managed te regain tisein coim- Betty and Lawren were Sun-- the happy event. pasure sufficiently ta express day evernng callers wîtb Mr.'7 Upon their arrivai their sn thei heantfelt tisanks ta and Mins. Fred Wright and fas- James pinned a white cana- everyone who had helped ily. tian boutonniere on bis fath- make tiseir annivemsary sucis M- adjvh er's lapel and their youngen' a memanabie occasian. i i.ac is. Robt. Farin- 1 auhtr Jli, rsete ir Floin j rfsca dale,. Oshawa, were Sa-turday i dugherJula, reentd hm! oliwig abnif scia Ievening callers with Mr. and mother witb a bouquet aI pinkI time spent cbatting and ne- jMirs. H. Wilson. carnations arranged similarly miniscing, lunch was served. ta tise wedding bouquet car- Tali white tapers shsed tisein Mr. and Mins. Charles Van- 7 r ied 25 yeams aga. Au arci s f at light on the hand cr0- atonie, Marnion and Debbie, .Mri,, cedars and spimea, Irom wisich1 cbeted table clatis which cov- an~id Mira. Curtis Vanstone and ý- hung a wisite wedding bell, ered the dining table. Centmed Cherry spent Sunday eveising" decamated tise living-room. an tise table was a tismee- with Mr.nd M.rs. John Trim-. Wben tise "bride and' tiered wedding cake whics hie and fansily. - groom" weme seated beneathi had been'decarated as nearly Mr. an-d Mirs. A. Bannes and"ý tise arcis <an exact duplicate like tise original as close scru- Ted spent Sunday afternon of tise one beneath wisich thein tiny oI 25 year aid wedding tise guests of Mr. and Ms. AX ,wedding vows were made) the pictures cculd reveai. Tise C. Wein, Peterberougi prettily wrapped pancels nean- cake was tcpped witis a crys- by weme pmesented and open- tai vase containing lily-af-tse- ------- ed, disclosing a lovely silver vaiiey and bine lorget-me -_____________ cntree disis in gadroan pat- nats, and dainty sprigs afI Ne , e e en tern, silver deposit salad bowl tisese flowers were tucked into with matching silver servers the tulle sumraunding tise cake. I*JU i and coffee service in rmelonI present fmom Toronto, Port -ei isad a teapot stand ini Hope, Tyrone and Campbell- KLSISC pierced silver. croft. Laten in tise eveîsîng mnany PESTS - - frîends and neighbours anriv- ee rarn FYTX4.. edta add their best wisises: B SE LINE mal aew giant container. fon nsany years of continued 1 &fight pressure on the - happiness.a Tie ma etn fo te button releases a ,4 g A cn a s sfni eîs Mn, San r a scol yeax 1959-60- cf.thse ist that kMIS McurtefmfrensceM.d aot Base Line No. 3 in tiers was éhousehold insect pesta their years of association with edii ecsolc Mnao otc. the rid andgrom, fter; evenntg. ti bride ack grom, LL Mr..K. C. Hopkins attended HOUSEHOLD sented tisem with a beautiful a W.M.S. meeting at Tyrone onSPA Wednesday. Mise Munns was New SpReaY guest and FLY. GeorgeaLaw- LONG SAULT etsakr staining. Sale to renoe cof Merriten Ont., spent - e-oes net Y&n. and Mrs. Colin Brown thse weekend' with M.fn otinDTs and Miss Lynda Tlsonpson, Mis. Cliflord Wilson. ather harmfal Lesisard, were Sunday visitons Mina. Sidney Lodge and Mr. igeine cf MNf. laid Mrs. Wm. Brown. Sidney Liodge Jr., of Waâshdig- Mm. W. Penwarden was a tJoni, DiC., are visiting with -Mn. vlthIn,1,or2o.<m. Sunday visitor of Mn. and. Mrs. antd Mrs. Roy Van amp; Mm. Clayton, Broawn and Linda. ______________________ HAV Y U EA.Rk C.I t NE A trugting husband returned canly from work one day and '- opened his front doon to find his wife in the arma of anothen. man.- to the stranger. "lHere'u Old - MrS. tfadIIs. fihîD. s.arnfroIl andi famlýly were Sunday sup- per guests cf Min. and Mina. Moneiey Kellett, .Janîetvi-Ue. Mns. MécLaggan, Heather and Victor, Mrs. J. Sowden, Heaths- ci' and Jean. were Th-ursday visitors of Mn. a.nd Mina. A. J. MicLaggan Sr., Part Penny. Mr. and Min. Wm. Oarn and Bneinda were Sundilay supper guests of Minr. and Mrs. L. Cocis- ran, Enfield. Mme. Smale, Mr. and Mms. Lamont and children, Bow- mianville; inE. J .Joh-nson, Os- awa, were Ssandiay visitons cf Mr. andi Mie. Bert Julinsôni-. M:n. and Mirs. Bill Johnson and Ianily, Lifford, were Thu- rsday visitons cf tise Bei-t John- sons. M4r. and Mme. Harold DeMille and family, Bomanville; Mr. and Mrs. C. Penivarden and family, Miss J. Rosevear were Sunday callens cf Mrn. and irs. W. V'ane'yk. lMfn. andi Mirs. J. Parkinson and family, Tynone; Min. Nor- nman Davis, Hamîpton, were Sunday dinner guestis cf Mn. and Mina. Rye Gibson. Miss Gail MicQuald and ir. Nick Skir- loff, Oshawa, were Wedhesday evening visitios--sof Miss Sandra Gibson. I'd just like ta spread the news that we specialize in only tise finest dry cleaning care know. Anîd tbat's quite a specialty these days . . . knowing the came and treatment aI ail tise wanden fabrics naw flooding tise market. For expert, guar- anteed womkmansisip, send yeur dry cieaning ta us- Yoin won't be disappointed. DECORATION DAY SERVICE Bewmanville Cemetery - Sunday, June 19 ~~ Km SrW. A3- S ETSa as'Pepsi-Cala! For tadayls "PeLpsi ges 'with modemn ideas ahotu sti m good looks. Neyer heavy, nevep too sweet, it refreshes without filin8, Put Pepsi on yoiir shopping list Buy it in the handly 6.bottle car-ton SMITH BIIVEKA<ES LTD., 124 Church St, Bowmanville, Ont. RED & BLUE itupendous Steak Sale STEAK l,69 c é, BINII lb.69c ~Sirloin Tip IL.79c 0LOVE RS IBORLESS 75c 1STEW DEEF Imm CIGAR rFIRTH BROS. AND CEIVE FREE GIFT CIGAR, FOR DAD Lb. 59C 1 HANDIJRG 3 Lbi. 1.00 FIRTH BROS. QUALITY MEATS 47 King St. E. MA 8-5081 TEWUDAT. JUNE 18th, 1960 PAGE IMM Ed. Leslle (Ree,ýIi MA e5M