i TEE CANAIDTN STATESMAN, BOWMLANVILE ONTAIUO VEDNESDAY. JUNE 29, 19M6 head ta throw the feed out of and then we ail learned howexlrth oesasmke th aae.Rsl:this staff to put in a zipper and how ta " tmlt temreigo R c i e P o o aworks weUl with a shallow-. do the slip stitch. The "home LIV aito e M swe tl fmne nassignment" was taken and fOtrafr rdcstr feed alley. lunch was served by Jean Ba- ME.hectvisofhe ar. Whntecwi eeyker and Jean Piggott. 11j f 4<ngDvso o!he ep - Vifhich May Setle "standither ea imoerl itxor ta ding, hhedis oe lLIf~ et E vassac position' IÀO ftx o stimlte ab ivnpodcrmaktn she cannot move too far ahead MORRISH eemnd t tmlIe aewl omc intesal"sy h xe-the sale of Ontario farm pro-' our overseas trade anathe elaspiterdetd- Ea e e t P o l m inegne.Mr. and Mrs. Schoone and ducts in the overseas market, sanie time be of mateila-vipadetn uit Milne, who recently visit- famiiy of Port Hope, were! particularly that of the Unit-, sistance to the farminidu-Oaioamprucs Toronto-"We have the pro- this to our members, but8 ed Vineland district farmers unagessoMr. and Mrs.: dKndm o.W1. r ngeea. hudicesdoesa poaifo stieen o heprliiar radn idiatswho were using the system, John Egar, 'Goodfellow, Minister of Agri-! Indicating the impracird atraie tee i easmenepm blm, ropOnotateydr, sfgvenussen-rporshtatfarersarrma-hr. nd rs Stake ouTo cltue, nnuncdotdtstht f te oereastrae o teaone posiiliy tatcTnid tario Hydro." reported Jack eral desirable features." 'ing adaptations of the basic ronto, are visiting Mrs. D.he oudhd agru o!Pvic, M. Godlow rtin ayaetobgin Ferguson. St. Thomas, Chair- The OFA. Negotiating Comn-'untlaetino ffciais and re-fPrvne, M. j uit.Haines and Mrs. M. J. Os- mreigofcasadr-pointed outhonelhunde eiotefraino pca man of the Ontario Federa- mittee, consisting of Mr. Fer-, '"In two stables, the single borne this weekend, Mrs. Stra- presentatives of commodity cent o h ikp~dcs rnhwti h aktn tio o Ariulur'sLad c-guon Lonrd Laenur, ea-rail pipe was also used ker is a sîster o! Mrs. Haines.: 'groups on a trip to Britain canned fruits and vetaesDison oc-prae it quisition Committce. "The Glasgow Station, Roy Coulter,' as the vacuum lîne of the Mr. and Mrs. Dunk O! this year. The group will make > dry beans, tobacco oapouesadtevrossc proposai was presented Io us Campbellviile and William mle ytm tsvdo Campbell!ord, were visitors of!' an export marketing study in beans, winter wheatadf!tin o!hearctuai- today by James S. Duncan, Oswa Id. Chesley and the Hy- investment. In another instal- Mrs.-William McHolmonS-te interests o! Ontario pro-, ty per cent o! alli etpo1dsr navnigtesl CaraofteOntario Hy- dro Commission had reached lation this pipe acted as a wa- day. ducers. duets exported from aaajornai rdcs bt dro. and is Hydros policy on agrer:ment some time ago on;ter pipe." N It is reparted that the wea- 1 The study group will mnclude'originated in Ontaria.Ic sfl vresada oe th anlngo tecotn-svea ohr moratpoints, One objection ta using it as Health authorities warn that this will be a bad yearý then-vane recently taken representatives of the newly, that f urther expansiocabe Prnelothstdgou tiaus easerrient problem xvhich dealing with the land awners i a water pipe is that water ý!or poison ivy, -due ta heavy spring rains which boosted' down from aur church steeple,j created marketing service Of! braught about follovngdsr ilbeaoucd talae we have been negotiating for problems when Hydro re-, condenses on the pipe. A'irrowth of the weed. Illustration above shows how to iden-' is missing. Naw who would the Department of Agricul- cussions with Unite Kngdaew ncnpetplsfo the past two years. We have quires land for high tension'! drawback of using the head- Li covet such a thing? The vane i ture, and representatives O! 1dam importers. flot yet had a chance ta take lines. The question o! suitableI rail as a vacuum uine is that ify plant. Plant often varies ini shape and size but brigbt,i is the prop,-ty o! the United the Ontario meat, dairy. the market srveyoareheoImu agreement forms was settled! cattle sometimes turn an the lossy green leaves are usually in bunches of three. Effectsî Church o! Canada, it was gîv- bacco, fruit and vegetable, and earl'ier ad r 1sion f ±the tpok uigmlkn;am knvr fo io osvr.en and dedicated ta the Giary cash crop industries. schedule of payments for tow- protectîve shield welded over ) knvr rr io osvr.of God and should have been Chief objective of the dele- 4' \ ~ ,ers and other Hydro struc-, the stopcocks is needed, saysreaed ndgvnitsf- gation will be ta enquire inta o turcs on farmers' lands has1 Milne. keeping until such times when the possîbilities of increased ben ad several times since - L it inay again be raised for its export trade in Ontario's agri- 1958. The only main problem v ria l original purpose. We trust it cultural products in Great Bni- left xvas the question a! case- U l has only been misiaid. tain and elsewhere. Expansion ment. ad whthe thel O SunayJune26t we ofthe vereas arkt isnov ments. ndntvhehermthe woul beon 20 earrecr- A ric ltu al C lle dur were present at the morning possible as a result a! the re- rn aio aeinpre-service at 11:00 a.m. held ta cent removal of trade restnic- uPyust(oi i 3.. a rflcommemarate the Centenniai tions by the British Govcrn- Ul Y. 0C)sfr.ncUme rni Hydro's proposai contaîns Thursday, June 30, 7.30 p terborough Memorial Centre, fa Weslcyville Church. There ment against dollar imports7 aelerct o ernai e ns yOtai -Durham 4-H Swine Club as, many more in comfortablei port o! Canadian consumne For Last Year iGhin Clubmeeting o hhte adwe a eateto! giulue Meeting. seats under the shade -of state- goods. acecpt. The O.F..A. xiii take Ontario farmers had a to- Board Roaîr., Bowmanville. Tuesday, .iîdy 19. 7:30 p.nî. iy xide spreading maples, '"With the eliminatiori of "Ir ipeiniii these to county representa-. tai farm cash incomc of $867,-' Tuesday, July 5, 7:30 p.m. _Durham Holstein Club Twi- where thanks tu loud speak- port contrais against dollLi Qtives within the ncxt 10 days~ 302,()00 in 1959. -Port Hope 4-H Cal! Club light Meeting. Farmn of Bruce ers, the wholc service could i caunitries I feel tÏhat there i ta diseuss them in detail. : What werp the sources Of Meeting. Place to be announc-. Tink. Also Hope 4-H Cal! Club: be heard and enjoycd. a splendid apportunity ta ex - te ntaiafarer~ cshdol*ed. and Durham 4-H Dairy Club! The musical part o!fservice pand aur averseas trad lar during the year? ' Wdedy ue6 :0Meig was well chosen including the fan as farm praducts are con to The Farm Economics and: p.m.-Durham 4-H Sbeep Club Wedncsday. July 20-Offi- hymns which were aid fa- cerned," said Mr. Goodfellov, READ A DURO PUMP ýNew VVay t Statistics Braneh of the On- final meeting. iloeigGreHilPk.vutsan thogly n-nanucn i neto YU Means Bettr Living ! Stable rio PDepatmto Agricul- TusaJl ,73 .n Thursday, July 21-Peter- joycd by ail present. The sol- ta survey the overseas mar OTAI Mean BeterLivng urehasjus mae te fg- Durham 4rH Tractor Club borough County 4-H Club cmn dedication by the Rev. ket. "Ontario products havtc ,\RDRUV r S table OVIS tires available. !Meeting. Ontario DepartnîcntiJmemrbers tour o! Durham A. W. Harding a! the beauti- enjoycd great acceptance by HOSPITAL 1 URmgieus farespr ietc euîedteget fArclurBxmnil.Cut.fuI gifts presented, many o! the Bitish consumer in the INSURANCE -~ ate whie aus ixere wpue A new type af chain-tie est share o! the dollar, with Monday, Juîy 1l, 8:00 p.m. Wedniesday, August 3 - whicb wcre given in loving past and it is now up ta us GUIDE water wen and here we stail for mîlk caws is stirring 45c; lhvcstoek products had a i Durham 4-H Sheep Club, Durham Couinty Souls and memnory o! departed fricnds, ta bring ta the attention o! need it .. . adds ta aur con- u a lot o! interest among' value of 28c: and other farîni chemeient Day. Orono Fair 1 Land Use Judging Competi- as werc also the baskets O! new generatian the attractive- -if you hoven't ce ai venience and comfort of dailv Ontario's dpiry farmers. products totalled 27e in 'value; Groun ds. tion and Field Day. lavely flowcrs, the inspiring ness, quality, and value of your employer oriteW o .OT life. Latest ta report is Oxford ta the fariner.1 Wednesday, July 13, 7:30 Friday, August 5-7 - Mid- sermon of the giiest preacher, Ontario farm products. 1 am _____________________________ DUROPunii ae avil- Cotînty extension engineer, The figures in detail: Cat- 1pm.-Durharn 4-H Bec! Club diesex Junior Farmers ex- Dr. C. C. Oke, and the Ben- convinced that the study ta be __________ able i ailsiz e avee - Bob Milne, who says that sanie tic, calves and sheep, 24c;l Meeting. change visit ta Durham and ediction by Rev. A. W. Hard- dbinallneei. e c your m- Oxford County farmers may hops, 14c; poultry, 7c; dairy Thursday, July 14-DurhamNorthumberlad andHarab ig cle wrsip th servie - Plube o DRObe putting in the singlc-head- products, 21c: eggs, 7c; veget- Sou and Crop Improvement j ad Hstins îg o cludwrig tervit cm- for uil frmo or Odealer rail chain tic staîl. ables and other field produets, Association Sunirise Tour. Wednesday, August 10 - Before making aur xvay s ab u thB 4, foer2; ufuclJuio hmenforjmatagritnon a ouore .AN o NI NT EA frFREE folder. unn«,ng What is it? Basically it 11e; tobacco, 1c fruit,2c Saturday, Jl 16-DistrietJno Day, Peterborough hm eejydagetn si» consists o! a single l½/', ta 2" wheat, le; other grains, seeds, Junior Farmer Field Day, Pc-! Fair. and fiendly hand-shake with Water, the Farm Neceaaty L.D. steel pipe used as a bead and bay, le; and miscellancous Wread w. .C.e nbd rail and placed 36" above the farmi produits 2c. other fnicnds. leweunorbe ý îcow platform; thus the name:, The figures foi' farmers in L U ta remain forluc orb singie-beadrail chain tic staîl. all ai Canada during the sami h T te Fa 'iulv rsetatteevcning service The headrail is supported perîad werc: Cattie, caives, u *1S UI but we feel assured the spirit apverialevery 4 feet by: and shccp. 21c; hogs, 12c; of this happy occasion would prveralpiesta Milne feels it's, poultry. 5c; dairy produets, beprsntthogiutteqa preferable t have 3 pipes 18c: eggs, 5c: vegetables and How of ten bave yau felt alI Annual Sow Thistlcs. until the echo o! the finalF a!ui sspaccd at 9" centres and cm- field crops, 8c; tobacea, 3e; sharp pain ad pluckcd ai In old pastures, iow in cia-1 hymn was lost in the twilight. curb and welded ta tbc hcad' grains, seeds. and boy. 6e; and Annoying, isn't it? The odds 2,4-D low volatile ester acid to the Rev. A. W. Harding, the Vt rail. From the centre anc o! îmiscellaneous farm produets, arc that you will experlence in 5 ta 20 gallons o! water official board, the Woman's Y 8i IIUI The modern ppoah cu these vertical supports, a bent 2e. Total cash incarne o! Can- this !requently because, ac- per acre, applîed in late spring, Association, in fact the entine OhLI<EIhî horizontal pipe then runs back adian farmers was $2,808,- cordîng ta the Field Crops will contraI thîsties. In new community o! Wcsleyville who Proa rdtNes andint th cocree foor 09, 00. ranh, ntaioDepartment Isecings and mature meadows, workcd together for so rnany ain o the cl h on rizfoor-09f 00.rculOtria mbr of higil in alfalfa, 20 ta 24 oun- months ta make the loOtil an- Proa ing opite sprtali.the horizon-ho thistie family are numer- ces of 2,4-DB (trade namec nivcrsary o! thein village i tll ndatsa abac.BA E LIEous and wcll distributed in "Embutox E") acid in at least church an outstanding succcss. wt sAilndets as aobrace. un-i.i1 Ontario. 15 gallons af water per acre is wt a Iow-cost BfM LfEisrdLa I d elded of o the un-rilhod Mrs. Cynil Luke and Mr. The aristoJrats o! this no- gives goad contrai. Thistiest PU P S F EN R ýaot 6"pec f hinJ'h uk er alestistriu fmlyae aad ndmy echcedi cr, n Orpiecew aebu h PUM S & STE NER82i dvit sna oth iîaeanls John Luiek w rea rs tus or'us !amly anCanada Titgan may be ededin on, band OuIrema ow r e butite L 0 MN i CAE N APFD'A rintheasnp hat fastens tah Ie k witm.h i' adMus.R a ul histi e Canaa histline s ot s,-D aed wncbid oie, or heeornllsso L igie chaiarund The rnC a r p. ly is a hmga rypEri e wieh5 ou lln s ! o,4-D ae acd pe, o! th ecral laws, saG IT AM DIN I E Ntmueh ta it", says Mine ingoa the Base Line No. 3 Good pioncer days. It bas running acre applied when the corn or James A._Fraude.______ A C K B1 0UGI A }'eadrail, vertical supports' 1Ncighrbour Club met at the root stalks which make cradi- grain is six inehes high. A CK BR UU llitaî dîde an bace an ~hone aof*Mrs. Rex Fowler on cation veny difficuit. The Bullý For more detailed informa- PLUMBINGan ETN i How docs ît work? When enjoyable alternoon and sev- relative o! the Canada This- Jo! Agriculture Circular 75A- N V R B A C E . E P E AE Division Street South the animai is fecding, bier hcad eral gonod ccîntests. Winners o! tic It grows ta a height o! 3 "Your Guide ta Chemical MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE is under the headrail and At the eantests were, Mrs. K. Jta «4 teet and produces woolly Weed Control in Field Crops" C fI~ P ~ ~ T A fR D F M U -%T dnKUP mWI. HEUW W LD- prevents ber fnom tassing1 ONTARtO LEG!SLATIVE ASSEMBLT Select Committee on Crop Insurance On Api'd 54h, 19(14), the Legsiative Assembiy oi Ontario apponea i Seket Commtîe "ta enquire into ail matera relating to insur- once &f agriculturai crops produced in Ontario aganst hazards te hofe erops during the- growing season," and, wthout limiting the generalitv of the foregoing. to inquire ino the- following maters: 1. The- hazards afiecting tach crop dursng the growing seasan, %has hail, droughî. fro'.î, wnd, excessive raînfall, flood, disease, in,,ect pets t..tc.; 2. The- annuail o%es sustaned by the producers froni each hazard: 3. The insurance, if .sny, pre.sently availahie fur crop inaur. ance i respect et each hazard; 4. The rates charged or ihat might be charged by insurance againct any or ail hazdrds; 5. The- appbst aton of the Crop Irisurance Act (Canada) to Ontario, or partic'ular art-as thereof. or in respect of par- tcular crops or otherwise: -aW te make smwh ret-oimendati<,ns as. are' deemed advisaahe with respect thereto, l'he CommitteetInvites represt-'tatioris trorm parties interested in ,ior ail aspects of the- loregoing ierms of rs'ferenc'. Sut-h repre. ýenations shouid be in the- Iorin oait n nbriefs. iteen copies of whch ,hould be, ,ubirnîtted ta th e etretary of' the Commîîîtee tat later than September I3th, 19b0. Ani opportunity wili he givent t a later date for those maiîg submissions te appear in person efm'e ihe Comintie.- 4G. R. Bagg, t ilham A Srwat, M.P.P.; haîrman ,une lbt]h. 1960. Secretary, Box 27, Parbament Mldp.; Toronto 2, Ontario. 9 GA AT1 Reasor 78 BOND Wi r Hopkins àld Mrs.1 A. Timble. hairs on the' unctersicle of its r -avaiiît ve Iroîiiyouuu ngî- The gnab-box meeting will be leaves. Othen relatives: the cultural Representative or In- held at the home o! Mrs. John Nodding Thistle, the Scotch formation Brancil, Panliament Turkovicb an July 2.1zd. Thistle, and the Perennial and Buildings, Toronto. Mr. J. R. Meteal! left on Thursda.v ta spcnd same holi- Mrs. Bruce Stevenson in Det- T RN roit MIfich. Service will be held ncxt j Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Bow- Mr'. and Mrs. Lloyd Peel, Sunday witb your new pas- manville, Mrs. N. Hackncy, Du.nbar,ton, and Mn. and Mrs. ton Rcv. Geerlof Lokhonst, Highland Cr., Mns. K. Hardy, Thomas Comfbei', Bowïnaivillc, B.A,, B.D., in the puipit. Rev.; were surprise guests o! Mrs. were recent visitons with Mn. and Mns. F. J. Jackson and W. Miller, last Thunsday. Con- and Mns. George Coomhs, Bill John who have been on the' gratulations ta Mrs. Miller on anîd Jac'k. Tyrone circuit for six ycars, celcbratiîg lber hirthday Sun- 1Mrs.' Charles Dcpexv visitcd lest this week for bis new day. Mn. and Mrs. R. Row- ýMn. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp charge at Stroud. They will an, Donna, Marilyn and on Tbursday. be greatly misscd. Doniald, Enniskilcn, called Mn. Merton Hill. Part Hope, Mn. Lokhorst's înductiorn on Mrs. W. Mîller. and Mr'. and Mns. Francis John- will take place next Thurs- tives and !iends and wene stan, Sauina, were guests of day evening, June 30 at 8:00 Mr. and Mrs, Elmen Farrell, Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Meteal! and p.m. with Rev. Walter Logan New Toronto, called on rela- Mr. Ross Meteaîf. o! Enniskillen in charge O! gucsts at Mnr. and Mrs. Ken Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Battams service. Rev. P. Romenil a! Hardy's last week. and ehildren spent Sunday Blackstock will give the Several froro bere attcnded with his parents Mr'. and Mrs. charge ta the minister and the funenal o! Mrs. Howard Sanm Battams. 1 congregation, whiîe Rev. John Cale on Monday. Mn. Sam VanCamp and Tamn-j Smith o! Whitby, chaîrman o!f r .H alr an my, Mn. Neil Brawnili and Ted Pneshytery, will induet Mn. Ms WandaloDan Baresspnt atrdy a MnkLokhonst ta bis newchre an Duane, spent the week- Lake. There xiii be no joint mcci- D eal, G eenank.e, rs Mr. and Mrs. Lee WoodwardJ ings of the W.A. in July or Dn. G.eal, illnand Dle Toronto. were the weekend August. r.GMiloan Dle visitons o! Mr. and Mrs. George Miss Lauraine Cook spent Miss June Taylor, Mrs. L. Coomils, Bill and Jack. the v7eekend with Anne Bal-! Phillip and children, ancebhl- Mrs. S. Tyler and Mns. Lloydj son, Hampton, and attcnded: daying this week at Canning Snowden, Maple Grave, and A'nniversany Service.,Lawthterssr, rs Mrs. J. R. Meteal! were Fn- - Mr. R. Glaspeli, Mns. A. D. Real and cbildren. day afternoon isiost Hamnilton, Mrs. A. Hoar, at- M.ad Ms.Lwec Mrs. Roy VanCamp. tcnded the W. A. executive, Knoxvlton and family, Osh- meeting at Whitby United awa, were Sunday caliens o! Mr. and Mrs. John Trimble j Mr. and Mrs. A. Kniowiton. and Kelly, Mir. and Mrs. Curtis IChurch last weck. Fe ,u- Mn. and Mrs. G. Pbilp and Vanstone and Cherry, Bow-I Mr. and Mrs. Dennis soFBhMognson M.in mavlewre the ýweekend1snvstdM.adMs i Mrs. H. Mutton, Camnpbell- guets f M. nd rs.Moranchard Goutnierne, Natrona, !oî'd, wenc Sunday guests o! guhie, s !Mn.nt . MngnPenn. M n Vî.H hl n Mr.teoAsle, Ont.a guest Mr. and Mrs. H. Kellock Mi.anss Je hip n Mi' RssMeeaf as and childrcn, Brooklin, visit-;MssJan Phîli,. soloist at Hayden Annîversary1 cd Mn. and Mrs K. Coîbary! Misses Betty and Barbara Services and he and bis mother Mns. Alan Anderson, Pie -:Phillip is halidaying this week *Mrs. J. R. Meteal! were enter- ering Beach, wa s a Satunday r with their aunt, Miss Florence i tained at the home A! Mn. and visiton o! Mrs. G. MacDonald, Gardiner at ber cottage on j Mrs.. Don Cameron a!tcr Vihe an Sunday. Mrs. E. MacDon- r Hall's Lake. i services. aid, Mr. and Mns. W. Dahmen Mrs. Annie Hathcnly re- on Satwrday Mn. and Mî's. Richmond Hill, wene gucstsý tunned home, Sunday, after Roy anCap hd astheioa!Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Mac spendîng six wecks with re- diA'ner guests Mn. and Mns.S- Donald. latives at Fart Erie and To- Beggs and grandson, Toronto,- ronto' Jand Mns. Ethel Reynolds !rom Mn. Walten Devitt, Mr. and Leeds,_En-. BL IflAil Mrs. 'Donald Devitt and fam- Mn ad Mr Geoge Wkeily, Peck, Michigan, spent the Mr. nd rs.Geore Wkeweckend with Mrs. O. Vîrtue. Ajax, and their grandsan Lan- 1Mn. Percy Byers, Bowman- - ny Horton, o! St. Catharines, ville, visitcd at ber haine on FA R MMn. and Mrs. Charles Palmer'jSunday. A . uand !amily o! Peterboroughl, 1 Lauraine Cook is spending 1wene guests witb Mrs. Ina' the summer wîth Mr'. and Palmer on Sunday. Mns. Alan Ban!ield, Lakei S O L I N ESunday visitons with M. , Simcac. Sn O L I Niad BiEtw M. and tae . W. Banks and Ir THE MOST Majonie Bristow, Mrs. Ma-, Mrs. G. Rahm and Helen, bel Winslow and Norman Dun- Saint!icld, were Sunday even- bar, ail o! Peterboraughl. ing callers o! Mn. and Mrs. 'îable Price gu~sand Mrs. Howard Scott W. Rahnnwshedo iable P rice o! MLindsay were Sunday The sixth meeting o! aur Walte Neas. ,22 at Tyrone Sunday Scilool. CALL The 4-H was nepeated and 'terlALL aste ns,,r YAui SERVICE e d by 13 girls, Sheiagh Mur- phy read the minutes a! the D R O LFARM STOCK meeting will be an July 6th1 124 EST OSHAWA Removed Free of Charge at the Sunday School and i Immediate 24-Hr. Service Hennie Reyenga and Elainej Ask ourOpertorFor Annis will take lunch. Mrs. .EPHONE sYorO rarFr M. Yeo informed us that aur r ZEnth 6550 -H dresses and books anc ta 7£nith66550 be banded in by July 26. Sa r i o qNe Toil Charte the "Home Economist" can 5 .1 1 0Pl"c Peconi - Peterborough mark thent We discussed our mm w ff-e.>â aa'8 CH54 ciL TONIC WATER The well-kxiown Maxi froni Schweppes insisted on playimg hirnself down in this picture to point out that a bottie (or more) of Schweppes Tonic Water is al- ways the really big thmng t keep i mid for delicious thirst-quenching. The essence for Schweppes is superbly prod- uoed i London, England. The prioe is conveniently kept at a reasonable level by doing the bottling here. Only Schweppes bas achieved that aniaz- ing locked-in carbonation called Schweppervescence ..-. which means the bubbles don't pop away in the bottie or glass. ..- only burst deliciously on your tongue. This raises the curiously bitter- sweet flavour of Schweppes to a ma- gnificent crescendo of refreshment. Ask for Schweppes Tonic Water by the bttle, by the carton, or by the case. Je Ç'O syo Retailers may obtain supplies by calling SMITH DEVERAGES LINITED Cburch St. Bowmanville, Ont. Telephone MA 3-5530 AUTHORIZED BOTTLER OF SCHWEPPES AND PEPSI-COLA IN THE BOWMANVILLE AUa& 't" * Aar. 'T'V% TAUM TANKS AVAILABLE TEL RA