-Flow WEDNMSAY, JUNE 29, 1960 TEE CM~!ADAN ~TAT~MAN. flflWIEAMVTY.T.IL flWPAUTfl e~~cajtio ~ ~ Woman DiesTh OrnNesorno ÀIn Crash T h e Gaît, Mis. "D One woman was klled and A ;4~.Ms ei oes four people were injured in Mvrs. James E RicaMdt&hlo a two car accident on 11ilà,j i ndMs m GoronAgnwEdiorPhon 3621 Highway near Tîickey's Cor- ners on Wednesday aftenono M.wadekendarr witjahvsMn. andad Mis ay June 22nd. Mis. Elizabeth La- Lnc a n Mi. Harry R . Mxitell Mi. anday.Mrs. a . LuxKit adsns tS vinie Hamilton, age 82, Bel-,Lnh Dwsiw iie m icelo Sna. Ms .LxoBb o ays instantly from a broken neck. Stray. TrotIr and Mis. Frank HaryMercer,Ms.Jcbean Wlodlvite t/ 9 R egisfso, rationsn-aw and 1!Mr. and Mis. Lewis Wood, Werry, Tyrone, vîsited Mr. cen, Steven andJrn t i n i.HnyMre g s r to st others injuied in the ac. Bowmanville, visited Mi. and1 and Mis. D. G. Hooper. tended the VirtuAnalPc Snay 'l w a tecident are patients in Memu- Mis. Chas. Wood on Sunday. Miss Marilyn King, Toronto, uic ineld in SprigHl ak Dne usswt i n For S wim Classes ~~~William John Hamilton, age man, Bowmanville, visitedl Ms. Geo. Richards is newý Miss Nancy Jg1 i tnSndy eeM.ac 59, Ottawa, sustained facial Mis. Fred Tamblyn Saturday at South Haven Rest Home, ployed at TalFieHg-MsFrdTtoon,.M S o ià n f e s n l laceistions, severe shock, and eveniug. Newcastle. lands of HalibutnfrteadMi ebSih en 50 for Playground c > c a n 1 £ e s n bruises. His wife, Rhea Aune Mi. Tomn Aiken, Millbrook Orn1nte udy colsMr.end i.Muiee. usel itIi u Mrs Marie Hamilton, age 43, also spent the weekend with Mr: is holding tiieir annual picnicIbeogM.ad isFan FnensetM. e Blsy sdchlie rtrndhoesufteied bad cuts on hen face and Mus. Orville Challice and1 today' June 30th at the Lake seTrno NecslI twsa- red fM.TdBl ad hlrnrtre oeand bruises.Fred G. Carstedt, family. View Park in Oshawa.itchel unon uri o sau omesdNm nounced at the June meeting mittee wss iustiucted on be- is a patient in Memorial Hos- IMr. Matthews has been sta- cerations, sud bis wife, Jean Tyrone, Mr. sud Mis. D. G. sud tamiîy, Oshawa, visited Deoain udavstos onaBwl]Vlee c om te thewatle79 cheidin hait et the committee sud pital, Bowmauville and will 1tioned for the past thmee ya avy Cîtdae7,st oprvste u i.M.adMs let Mitchell'j. .Syorwr an etyî saa i had eisteed for the Red coaches et the Pee Wee bal join with us in wishing himu with the RCAF. M .dMusdfer e an nj y te br ig t W Mo at u y.sua d family, Suday. Mi. sudM is. H nl S y agae opi ud br Crs9wmigCass ob lbt rt etese pr-asedy sud complete îecev- Matthews are enjoyiug a vist leg, n nurou cts sud sihck .Mr.oHubent SCobbledick, Miss Ctern owr o ua, Misa ulONiKnso, ucttesn ceuducted in the new swim- ciatien te Messrs. Lorue John- ery. with their parents, Mn. sud Just prier te the accident Leamiugtor peu h ek ot, spent the weedwthM.sdi.HebJniK-eujied itte mnig pool at Waltona Park son, Howard Quiuuey sud Mr. sud Mis. Henry Bowen Mis. D. M. Bernard, Newcastle, Mr. Carstedt was driving eneethbi-mthreMs.nteM.,uds. Garewekdon Pewer.rn d CyMis l Sy tMs. Her umysa~ durnug the summer months Geo. W. Grahamu tor outfit- sud Danlene and Mi. Stan. sud Mi. sud Mis. Ivison Muu- north on Highway 115. He Cobbledick. Cvn 'ad ha 0 hidrnha bentngth by wthswaer. ownweîe Sunday guests day, ,Bowmanville, betone tak- pulled eut te pass a nerth- Mr. sud Mus. Carl Billiugs Ms, OlGrabamunnn, hyMr.und M. ,alySyor nna incwow registeied for the playgrounds It was aise aunounced that with Mi. sud Mus. Carl Todd ing up residence in Trenton, bouud transport theu noticed have returned home from at- awa, Mis. Robt. Batty, Brook- al et ToroutoMs .P u u.Abr a(l-~ te bc couducted iu the comn- pensons whe wished te douate at Starkville. wbere Mn. Mattbews will be su onceming small car. Mr. teuding tbe Drummond- Mac- lin, visited Mu. sud Mis. M. Neals, Oakville, n u i.sdMs ent adû~n munity park. pizes for special eveuts days Mr. and Mis. Dave Hender- stationed. Canstedt swenved te bis left Arthur wedding in SussexKato udy'e rmoLkeilM.cideM.sdMs Committee chairnian Sam held each Fîiday duiing the sou of Tornto, visited last Mm. and Mus. William Wal- Mn H t tth aetieN ,Kes nSudy edCimn Biereton annouuced that any playground peuiod, should cou- week with Mis. Dave Shaw. lis et Bowmanville, visited Mr amilton, the driver et Mn. suad Mis. Ronald Han- Mr. sud Mis. Orville Chal- Carl Hall sgand chdenBoksdSaMssLrr parents who wished thein chl -tact the supervisons, Susan Mi. sud Mis. Bill Luxton wi*th Mn. and Mis. Harold a southbound Volkswagen, cock sud daughten have mev- lice sud tamily, speut Satur- Bowmanviile. Rnal m n u.Jn aciite utmsedoton Aconsfo h mnhand the two cars met head-ou lyu's bouses north et Orono. Mis. Milton Challice, Mill- tertou sud CarosetSnieyn jx i u u actvites utmised uton ccontsfo th mothwene Suuday guests with Mn. Mr. sud Mus. Gordon Buit- on the west shoulden et the Mr. sud Mis. Jim Linton brook. day witb Mr. sdMs m aioFec n hlrt the registratious may stili get 1 amouuting te $54.04 weie or- sud Mrs. Bill Couch sud tam- ton ef Ballyduff visited with highway. Constable Bruce sud Carol, Don Milîs, spent Mn. sud Mis. Frank Arduon Riha hi otaea ls sas registration foims at his home deîed paid on motion Mus. ily. MRsdMs .M eur iîoOF uetgtd h eku ihM.sdTruo netie tt eicak er ondiattre Fnth red CucnhamfaandyMou M.dandy . BraccTllo, iden t es G. M. Lditn. hom foronohner couins as a surLaMn.suMi.osTalr on ingsftreeinte mm-Iire Cuuham ud M. Miasd Mis. Ivan Matthews 1sud fmironoruldacdet AppGl.ianco oe o hrcosnsa asr- M. n M. Miss Joyce Jones spent Sat- prise panty for ber mother Dale sud Diau taa Letter to the Editor umday witb ber gneat aunt, Mis. Madison Hall on Suuiday. spent the weekedwt i K EN D A L Mis. Win. Uglow, Newton- Amoug the guests were Mr. and Mis. Cha. Tyor Residens fnomKcndaî ud un he memîng at 0:15. ~ . vile. Jaessd Mis. Horace Best, Ronnie Mis. Emu Gibsn saa ahTdy Reietsfo ena ndiQh mrig tl:5.Ms JmsE Richards was jasd Bob, Orono, Miss Edra visited Mn. sdMsaii hog oommunity weme arnong the Mis. E. Couroux, Mis. H. I a e,~ " ' a dinner gLest of Mi. sud Mis. i Best, Miss Anu Best sud Mr. Middletou. many ~bo atende DecoationFoste sud is. Cathart e R O U l 5*J~55 E ecil etchsCdesns, Pnt WaneaHdeysoTsotooMis Mrs.nphrim Evas wboroTnAToE SM A Credit, ou Monday. Hall retuîned te Omoaodthis ba beeu a patient in Memon- C L A SoSeI F I E D S q Day at Orono cemetery Sun- Kendal Institute wene guests I IIad. G. o oer . altede e e tuhmrne. eOoot' a enapt da.o h lwavleWI tMis. Fmed Bowen sud Mus. week sud will speud the sumu- iaî Hospital, Bwavle hn Akt330 We are ari-v t learu hatMthi. banqet Thuîday evn- fl the__mer__________home.______________on.' Wear srr e ean.thtthirbaqutThteryevn funeral et Mus. Ethel Cole iu Mis. Kate Kilîmasten, De-wsmvdo audyt h John Carscadden suffered a ing when they celebratecl their n O r n o s a t r y s e E Bowmauville ou Monday. In- troit, Mu. sud Mus. Henry Jun- heant attack and bas been at Sixtieth Annivemsary. The la- terment was iu Hampton. ken, Freston, Mn. Fred u Jack Reid's this hast e pk evhgl tteOooOt pee lvn nkvlaen-d t lhe 1. Congratulations te Mn. and ken sud daugbter Carol Au: We hopepeakris feeR.ingPebetter' Harry Rowe. who cele- caster, spent DecorationSu- .L 'Gm l ausgseke.Mi.R.J Fu June 27, 1360. ther than a town or city. et Omono sud we hope the brated their 49tb Wedding day witb thein cousin, Miss ~~5iili. n~iev of Kingston snd soloist Iu repîy t odnSimp- Many taxpayeus in Omono, problem can be solved with- Auvnayo ue2 u iaCtei Duiing the month of July MssVivian Sadleu sud the fine t odn îs. du oewo i netgîgi ettn aven hersolon day 2 w Ala n ud Mu.CleceD- the service in Kendal United. dinner. son's letter that was publis0f thdngsoe weîsyse ieel1aouter eg itoa milionfolrs, eR teow7hiîhday ar. Mcand Otta a r etangc' ik tDryontn-drs lZtew.5 Shudchool llbe as sua j DveiaunttoeudCeuloletesa r s I suld er sovengl het d te ehadhi obnen.i eo i Hespian OtalMw . wilson.alngi Il ke eveming, starting at 7:30. The Mrs. Dv loat adC cl espap yeandoulder s tou glyav tenhat a t e as itfout inconveine i Ms au Taylor is a patient weekend with Mu. sd1s.C h jZes-ywud ieilto attended the Ceutenjal cele- iuteuested parties that we termine if the majoîity et peo- Many home owuers in Or- maî'ille. Miss Leneen Raudal, Wlit- arnm" biation held at Wesleyville agîce witii Gordon, that moue pie would be in faveur et s eue have spent bundreds of aMiss Douotby Henry, Tenon- by, speut several dsys with 0 NwaîeChurch Suncay. taxpayes should attend our Naer systemn before $7,000 tax dollars baving wells drilled te, visîted Mr. sud Mis. Jimu ber aunt, Mus. Heub u iay . Muuht ffo yJ > Suuay en Mn Bi Lcet bu u unildollars was speut on test wells. with geed nesults. an rsRurnrunay. ,L Qf' L S îSna eeM.B1 yetbtu nti ecentîy, we nev 0 Cwant ejepi-Ms. R. R. Waddelspeut the Mi. sud Mus. Henb Duvalsud ( LAGIER 1itBEER EIE Sand and Gravel and bis mothen Mis. Jimu Ly- hsd little cause te criticize anorA ~ D weekend with Mn. sud Mus. fsmily, Mu. sud Mus. Gemry /_% cett, aise Mis. Chas. Thom»p- intenteme with the wouk they Bruce Thomupson, Cobourg.. Duvalsud fanrilly, visited Mr.j Suple son snd Arthur. bave been doing, but neyer luH AD O Mr. and Mus. Wm. Joîdon, and Mis. Earl Duvall on Sun- Mr. ennfeeof Nwcatlethe histomy of Orono bas a i .uun is visiting Bert Ho1landý cele- question came up that bas The Suuday School Anni- Mi. Keuueth Graham was » BULLuUwb rtngBrtsbrtdy caused se much contention as 1veisaîy Service, which was Sunday tes guest st Mi. sud brain Brts irhdy. the praposed public waten sys- eld in the chuîch shed on Mus. Leslie Grahsm's. AND M is. Bill Turaunsky let Sun- temu. Sunday was well attended. Suuday guests at Mr. and day foi a month's visit with oersdnsi uvi.Tepafr a ieyd-M.Athrrwn' r, EXC V TN irmteMs onNvle sincerely believe that a corsted with floweîs sud tlags Mn. sud Mis. Harold Ashton, Phnenwcst3o ndynws gngby jet . u licae n yt wudb etc. Rev. H. A. Mellow, B.A., Clara sud Douglas, Enniskil- ansy was nig b je foinpuaiwder ssete oui vil- Oshawa Noîthminsteu United len, Mr. sud Mis. David Mal- A R S Motralsu xpctd ebe lage, new sub-divisions might Chumch was the guest speaker colin. Gordon Heatlie in London 3 a.m. oui time (on be opened, sud it would en- at bath services. Singing by Mr. sud Mis. Lorue Griffin, -8a.m. ondon time). It is about courage new industries te le- the Sunday Sehool dinected Biackstock; Mu. Frank Den- CANADA 0cate bene. by Mis. Payne, assisted iu the by, Bowmauville; Mu. sud Onth opoit sde atternoon by the Enuiskillen MX:s. Alfred Garrard were READ. Y TO SERVE YOU THIS * I B Ah opsie id aeDouble Maie Quartette, sud Sua e ussa i u i. C K V' th~~ose who are convinced that ithMl MaeGoe.Sd e guests at Mn. sud l wM-UN- -M - LU KS , ,it would be a grave mistake iosshe evening service, Mu. Mis. C. Garard's.M WEVU * N' Onar ofe Orone with sucb heavy debt We would like te express oui Mis. Walter Loveridge's weue, Phone 081 tebuOdetvillag sîze ecint s a uuMs.Ela Ashton, E E wcastle ~~~~~~~as the installation et a waten paprecatiothe hsecs takn t .hla boMpe Al Foodï Prices Effective June 29, 30, July 2. W. Reserve the Right te Limi uniis Pee fcy utn rp systemu would incun. Haittepîta h erie.A the Grove; Miss Sans Dalton, New Perc "Lcky Luton Phpoee wners in oui village close Rev. Jackson, who wiil York; Miss Eleanon Leightou, LURsuTONae widows sud pensioneus 1 be moviug this week, gave a Bowmauville; Mi. Grant Wen- WITH MEAT BALLS « 15 oz. tins sud sôme aue having an in- faeell message te bis con- ry, Mn. sud Mis. E. A. Wen -_ MINOR REPAIRS TOWING cîeasingly difficuit time tagigaionsd Betty Jane, Mr. aud ý ake ends meet. Many of Rev. GeerIof Lokhorst our 1Mus. HavyMGlM. sud IGiA Spaghetti 2 for4 5 c 1P1 10-MINUTE CAR WASH settled lu Queue because we inewpastor will b ntepl *pit Sunday evening service at Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar *fourteen yeairs since Dorothy 7:30. Wright, Enniskillen. PEAR SHAPED - 1% Ml. tin *last saw hier folks so we ail Mr. Lokhorst's induction Mr. and Mis. Ross Ashton pwish her a very pleasant visit. will be held Thursday even- and family, Mr. and Mrs. B e- Mr. and Mis. Clarence Ther- ing (this evening) at Tyrone. Lloyd PAthton and family at- B R S HM teilandfamly ttened he nniersay Vsitrs: tended a family gathering at tellandfarily ttededthe nniersry Vsitrs: Mr. and Mis. Russell Ormis- Legion Dniead service at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith ton's on Friday night, the oc- YORK SWEET - 16 oz. jars Hastings Suniay and there met and daughters, Buiketon; Mr. casion Mr. and Mrs. Roýss th rstofth Tereïl amlYand Mrs. D. Cameron, were Ashton's lOth wedding anni- M e i k e for thei,. fam.ily pienic. Sunday supper guests of Mr. versary. They were presented i e i k e Mr. iand Mrs. Orval Zeala*nd and Mis. I. Potts and family. with some lovely gifts. A ga- and family were guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mis. Farewell thering was held at Mr. and IGA MAGIC LIQUID - 24 oz. tins Mary Luxon and ail were to Blackburn and family, Mr. Mrs. Harold McLaughlin's on Decoration Day at Orono cern- and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton Sunady, June l9th, for Mr etery. and family, Mrs. M. Black- and Mrs. Ross Ashton when D ETERG EN T Mis. Roy Foster and daugh- bumn, Saleim, at Mr. and Mrs. they were presented with ters and Mis. A. Foster were! W. Blackburn's Sunday. some lovely gifts also. to Delhi for the weekend. MrÉ.1 Mrs. Edna McLaughl i n, Sympathy is extended to Fresh - Grade A - Oven Ready R. Foster and girls attended Burketon, at Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. Preston and family a wedding. Ross Ashton's. on their recent bereavement. ROASTING OR FRYING Mr. anil Mis. Russo and sons Mis. Ralph Vanstone and Sorry to hear Mrs. J. Lip- 2% - 3 lb. av. of Buffalo vistted the Foster Garry, Whitby; Mr. and Mis. tay had an accident while famiies over the weekend. Fred Cowling and Roy, Black- working at the hay, and is in Charlie rem.ained for a holiday stock, visited Mrs. R. MeNeil Memorial Hospital, Bowman- witih Wayne and Tommy. Sunday. ville, wish her a speedy re- Ci kn 1Mis. Benny Ricketts, Anne Mis. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, covery. and Garland visited the Fos- Union, were Siunday supper Mi. and Mrs. T. Tabb, Or- Neck and Giblets, Removed ters the first part of the week. guests at Mr. and Mis. Clem ono, visited Mrs. R. McNeil Mi. and Mis. Van3ce Allen Rahms. Tuesday supper gue- and Mis. H. Crossman. Fresh - Grade A - Half or Quartei visited Sunday evening with! sts were, Mrs. Fred Griffin, Rev. and Mrs. Jackson and UC NBA -lB C S Mis. WM. Mercer andMr and! Miss Laura Fielder, Union, son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tom s, CR C E ARBQ C T Mis. Eddie Couroux.j Mr. and Mrs. George Bert- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Aylward and Mlec Little rim and family, Taunton, at Doreen and Donald, Ennîskil- CR IZI! L GS 01 DDP2 spent Satuîday with Mrs. Neya Mi. and Mis. M. Beîtrim's. len; Mr. and Mis. Arthur Hy- l e EE W mE Little and ail were up to Orono Sunday visitors with Mr. land, Nestieton; Mi. and Mis. cemetery Sunday morning. and Mis. Lloyd Ashton and Sandy Moore, Shirley, were Pkg. of 6 10" Sunbeam Pkg. of 6 12" Tal This vicinity was visited Fril- famlly were Mrs. James Bro- Sunday tea guests at Mi. and R il Wieieri dey morning by a very severe wn, Mr. and Mis. Gerald Mrs. Lloyd Slemon's. WiemrBl ieners electrical storma. One very close Brown, Newcastle; Mr. and The public school teacher, crack of tlhiunder made mosti M.rs W. Brown, Bruce, Laura Mr. M. Rainey and pupils folks hop out of bed and look and Erie, Mr. and Mis. R. held a pîcnic at Cedar Park __________________ M aîound. Percy Burley's tele- Ormiston, Mi. and Mis. Ivan on Tuesday afternoon. School phone and Ray Little's TV Sharp and Linda, Enniskillen. will close on Wednesday for Fiery Red - Ideal for the FamilyJ were both put out of woîking Mr. and Mis. Bert Ashton, the long summner holiday. US. No. 1 - 18-lb. av. order.9 Eddie and Lea, Toronto; Mi. lu site0f he ainFîiay ere Sundayes ests at Mi.r Inspt o hevanFrdyKee nne tovreneze r. N Y O LW A T R E O morning the pupils of Me- and Ms. Athur Reads. P N Y O L1 A E D E O Leans, Kendal and Sixth Line schools went on their bus trip Loeithfuilngoth The Annual Church Parade SA RY ROI LFAV R h as schdued.oAt Marmora gey aw- it is grace, mercy, and sponsored by L.O.L. 82 andý d a e w erlnt hW mnrn ustice.-Mary Baker Eddy. L.O.B.A. 1314 was la'rgely at- h ed oe terboluch there tuin Naturalness in its deepest tended. Headed bit Kendal ANS ed t Peerbroug wbre heysense is the criterion of woîth Flute Band aibout 125 members went through the Quaker Oat in tlis word.-Samn Camp- Of the L.O.L., L.O.B.A., and FIRST 0F THE SEASON - HOME Plant, the Coca-cola plantan1 el J.O.L. put onl a very coloiful saw them making boats etc. bll paradie. J.O.L. 444 pi2aradeci30 C LERY at the Peterborough Canoe srn n looked eysat plant. In the evening they at- EN This is the first parade for this LUSCIOUS JUICY CLUSTERS' tended a show anîd arrived SEDIN6 new Juvenile Lodge and theyrd n l G A home about 10:30 a ti.red and SMNEV aedsrigo o fce i.~ happy bunch. MTh ae adesinof a hlstof rdgt The .A.meetng as eld I4A WE is Sister Jean Rusk who has1 Wed., July 22 at tihe home of EALEFUSJKE4 put a lot of time anid effort inj Mis. Lloyd Glass with G. Cath- MOI>%UE iN 9 te make this Lodge go. Al cwIt Presiding, Mrs. L. Glass i members listened to la wonder-' gave the scriPture reading and R fui sermon by M.W. Bro. 5,E. Mis. Cathcart the devotional - -- (Rev.) J. A. Steed Past Grand 5 5 I Thank you notes were iead from Mmu. W. Elliott and Miss cho». iu weie ail mernbeis of the FREE FOR IGA CASH REGISI L.O.B.A. with Sister Lily Rich-I MarjOr-y Luxon and hiem broth- v ardson as organist. CATALOGUE TODAY FOR A er. Plans were made for Miss Wedding Bells rang Saturday PhygLis J'ackson's wedding re- when a lovely church weddin ception, "ls for inviting the was held in the United Chureh. CL Bowmanville Choral Society to Gloria Wiilis daughter ef Mr. put on a musical program.Mi.an Mrs. 1ixn WillA NDW5 Stokr gve nterstig tpieted in marriage te Mr. Mitchell on the 'Have-nots of Religion" sno i ila icel metonn he______ ssn fM. ilamMthelîB ow m ai mentonig te vaiou sets _____________Our very best wishes to, you thet have been formed as thiera oh iMennordtes, Doukabours, Mer- Jnorth iland pesho nions, Seventh Day Adventists, chlidren with tei motheis etc. Mis. H. Fosteî îead a poem e lTsG< were taken t Orono for a "Take Time te Think." Msis za E .. w, I t Fote, is Cthax ad His: SE I&-orRLs Picnic by Mrs. Reg Edrnunds Glass served a tast,- lunch, and ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and. M m. Clifford Fallis on Fri- os G afl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # ejec ti.uuloaday On Tuesday oider pupils all enjyed th usuaisocialwill be taken on a bustrip te os G Free Pick-up and Delivery Next to Elmhurst Hotel WALTrONA PARK NEWCASTLE 200 yards South of Mill St. Cloverleaf Iust off 401 FILTERED SWIMKING' POOL (Lifeguard in atteudance) ACCOMM~ODATION FOR PICNICS - BARBECUES CAMPING and TRAILERS RESERVATIONS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 3261 or 2376 1559 FORD FAIRLANE "#50#" Autonîatic transmission, radio, fully equipped. Only - $700 Downs 1958 14ETEOR 4-Dr. Excellent condition. Only - $425 Dowa 1956 FORD 2-Dr. in top condition. Only - $375 Dowi, Mf6 ETEOR RIDEAU 4-Dr. 28,000 miles, excellent shape. Ouly - $400 Down MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET Cowan Equipment Company lu4 fang st. E. Bowinanville MA 3-5689 $1,291 2for49c Ifor 89C I37C es lb.47c LSTS IL 59c ablerite ALL 65 16 oz. Jar 2 for 89C 46 or. tins 4 O016South LEMONADE 3 6uks ORANGE JUICE Ail For $1.00 Aylmer Boston Brown 15 oz. tins BEANS with PORK _ /2_ 32 oz. bottie MAZOLA6 OIL 69_C Pllisbury Double Dutcb 19 oz. pkg. DE VILS FOOD ___29c Se Off Granules Large sizo FELS 0 NAPTHA 38 Deluze Asst. - 3-lb. pkg. MANNINGS 5 BISCUITS 5C s For Summer Fun!1, TRTAPES AND BONUS BOOSTER TAPES. CHECK YOUR WIDE RANGE 0F SUMMER iTEMS. iAVE AT . iville IGA Market kMarketIWASL.OARO I p pienie L 1Oc E GROWN LExtra Large 'ES lb. 23c lý- - £ 4 - i ' 1 TM CALTAMAR STATESUM. BOWMANVffix ONTARTO WbAfflý ý% ea.69c.