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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1960, p. 12

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'~PAGE TWELVU TMN CANqADIAN WrATEUAN, oaeMm@ ~ ~ âz WW.L'r UAXmmUI'K 31 1Ir NEW DALN FOR LASIIE -Tuesday 43 pm 011 11W 1 uLUAJJy LveL1L LLISON-Joan and Mervep Woods Faînily Picnic wil be Mt happy to announce thelheld at Hampton Park, July 6.E blrth of a son, born June 2lst, 25-2 i96, a Mnctn, .B 261* Free transportation for Bap-C ~RI-Herb and Sonia (nee tist Church Sunday Services. -$eAobson) are thrilled to an- Phone MA 3-3844 Saturday ev-f6 .uounce the birth of twins, enings. 23-tf Stephen Jacob, 5 lbs. 14 ozs., Reserve Friday, Sept. 23rd p ihd Linda Marie, 7 lbs. 1 Oz., for Rebekah Lodge Penny Sale ja Saturday, June 18 at Osha- at the Lions Comnaunitye a.Ta General Hospital. 26-1 Centre. 26-1 ,lt"EISBERGER - Arnold and Anyone wishing to spend c )oris (nee Park), are happy July 29th weekend in Detroit. Joannounce the arrivai of their Reservations arranged. Phone *son Ronald Water, boru on Port Hope TU 5-2527, collect. C Ofuesday, June 21, 1960, at Go by chartered bus. 26-3E Z)shawa General Hospital. A Carwright District L.O.L. eaby brother for Lynda and Annual Church Service, Black- *Paul. 26-1 stock United Church, July 3ý , .00 ~7:30 p.m. Lodge, 7 o'clock. 3 2;OVAK-Frank and Lynda Speaker, Rev. P. Romeril. 2. jnee Miller) are proud to an- 26-1* ir ,qmounce the arrivai of a son 3 à# lbs. 11/2 ozs., at Memoriai Pearson's Smoke Shop girls ~iospital, Bowmanvîlle, ongils' play a top Peterborough E Wune 25, 1960. 26-1 grs team here, Friday, July 1, c _______ Cream of Barley, 6 p.m. Draw E fiRIGG-Carolyn Rigg wouid for dlock radio and $5 cash. É ike to announce the arrivai of Tickets 25c, S for $1.00. 26-1 g ,'3er baby sister, Nancy Lor- Barn Dance-Bob Spencer's P ulamne at Memorial Hospital, Chicken - Coopers Orchestra.à qBowmanville, on June 28, 1960. Modern, old time and rock and, f:other and father doing fine. roll music, Saturday, July 2, P 9 p.m., at Jake Van Dam's ~AYLOR-Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Farm, 4 miles East of Ponty-0 Miaylor (nee Reynolds), Blyth, pool. 26-1 ,!mntario, wish to announce the ZiPUie hrhCm-- ~ ith f asonon on day, tery Boardi wll hold their an- ;une 20, 1960, at Clinton Hos- nual Decoration Day Service 91 upital, Clinton, Ontario. 26-1 <on Sndav. ul2 3 t 11:1 ani I Deaths ÉCLE thel-At Strathaven umLsiug Home, on Fiday, *dJune 24, 1960, Ethel Colo, be- Wloved wife cf the late Howard e dgar Cole, in bier 8lst year. ,1ested at Northcutt & Smiith w'uneral Home, 53 Division St., e8owmanville, wheme service eas beld on Monday, June 27th t3:45 p.m. Interment Hamp- .,ton Cemetery. 26-1 !PUM AS, Ada S.-At North eaOnt., on Thunsday, June e23, 1960, Ada S. Dumas, beiov- bed wife cf the late Romaine *Vumas sud dean mother cf Z,7ean (Mrs. James Milligan), >eorth Bay, and Leon, Bright- mon, R.R. No. 6, in hem 93rd year. ,ffested at Northcutt & Smith aunomal Home, 53 Division St., q;Bowmanviile, wbere service *was heid on Monday, June 27thi .at2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- ~'an ville Cemtory. 26-11 ARROW, Ivan-At bis late: dresidence, Cbumch St., Orono, *Ôt. Monday, Jane l3th, 1960, *pvan Farrow, beioved husband ,4of Hazel Harness, aged 76 eears. 26-1* TON - Suddenly, ou ighway 115, on Wednesday, une 22nd, 1960, Elizabeth avinla Hamilton: aged 81 ears, beloved mother cf - iliam John Hamilton, Otta- wUa. Mns. Hamilton rested at Io the' Morris Funeral Chapol, j* owmanville, until Saturday * norning. Cremation Toronto *Crematorium. Interment Fali's aRoad Cemetery, Belfast, Nortb ;[reland. 26-i é WcGILL, Hugh-Suddeniy, at "the Community Hospital, Port Perry, on Tbursday, Jane 23, ý960, Hugh McGill, dearly 1ev- oed busband cf Eva Porter, dear fathor cf Aida (Mms. S. C. Snydem) cf Toronto; Clifford1 f Petemboro and Laura (Mrs.1 . .Carnegie) of Port Perry, .ln bis 9th yoar. Rested at .the chapel cf McDermott-Pana- Iaakem, Port Penny, untii Mon-i *day neon. Service was held1 lu Yelverton United Church on Mouday at 2 p.m. Interment , V,.elverton Cemetery. 26-i !POOLEY-At Marnwood Nurs- IgHome,, Bowmanville, on *rloda, une 27th, 1960, ~arah Prout, in hem 83md yoam, Ywife cf the late Richard Poo- loy, and dean mother cf Doris LMrs Charles Carey) and tss, botb cf Oshawa; dear sistor of Dora (Mrs. Thomas 'Norton), Makham, and Alex PruNewcastle. Resting at heMorris Funeral Chapel, anvillo. Service in the .'Chapel on Thursday, Jane 3th, 'ý"ht 2 c'clock. Interment Bow- > nanviIlo Cemetery. 26-i :-ofice to Creditors AND OTHERS r1i~~stateof Olga Louise o rd. "Ail pensons having dlaims >gainst the estate cf Olga J.ouise Tod, late cf the Town o f Bewmanvîlle, deceased, wbo t idled on or about the 3th- day -. f Apnil, 1960, are bemeby noti- led tk send lu to Strike & ïtie, Solicitors for the Ex- « eutor, Bcwmanville, Otro butmor befone the 23rd day cf ý * ju1y, 1960, fall paticulars cfs .heim dlaim. e.Immodiately after the said1 3rd day cf JuIy, 1960, the Cessts cf the testator will bea ,.iistributed amongst the parties1 4 ientitled thereto, having regardÉ 4 .anly te dlaims of whicb thec )m>id soicitors for the ExecutorE :hall thon bave notice. t gDATED at Bowmanville, 0 oOntario,lthis l4th day cf Jane, 1960. STRIKE & STRIKE, t .*,Barrister-s, etc.,t 38 King St. West, t J Solicitors for Estate cf Olga Louise Ted. 24-3 ~:Cars for Sale ALLSTATEAuto Insurance. ,4ae205v. Six months te pay. pe~0,rsonal service at your ýîoecail Oshawa RA 5-2802, ,t robet. 2-tf ::ym DUIOR*SELLING rhe Hon. Michael Starr, Min- ister of Labour, wil be the guest speaker. 2671 Woodview Community Centre -Monstor B i n g o. Tweuty games-twenty dollars; five games-thimty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door pnizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf The 87th annual picnic cf the Werry Clan wiil be held the thîrd Saturday in July iný Hampton Memonial Park. The main meal wîli be at 12:30, followed by sports and supper for those who wisb te stay. Re- member the date, July 16 and plan te corne. 26-21 On Jaly lst at Haydon ai supper wiil be served from 4:30 p.m. until ail are served. A variety concert consisting cf the Junior Members cf the Salvation Anmy Band aud the Pegg Famiiy cf Greenwood; comedy, accordionist, tap danc- ing, piano duets aud soloists. Price $1.25, aduits, tea and concert; 50c, concert only. Childnen 12 years and under, 75c, tea and concert; 25c, con- cert only. 25-2 ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE AT THE ROSERY Owned aud eperated by AL FLETCHER 73 Queeu St. - Bowmanvile startlug SATURDAY sud SUNDAY JULY 2 and 3 We cordially invite ail flower levers to visit our nursery oui these dates or any time dumlug the bloomiug soason. Roses wiil be st their peak this woek- end. It's a sight yeu realiy will enJey when our roses are lu full bleoom.- 26-i COMING! JULY 7th - 8th sud 9th OUR isf BIRTHDAY S AL E FREE GIFTS FREE DRAW! sud SPECIALS GALORE! Watch for Our Handbiiis sud Advertisement Noxt lVeek! DYKSTRA'S VARIETY FOODS 77 Klug St. W, Bowmanviiiei Notice to Creditors AN» OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM DAVID SEXSMITH, late of the Town- ship of Manvers, in the County cf Durham, Restaurant Pro- prietor, deceased. Ail Persons having CLAIMS against the Estate of the said William David Sexsmith, wbo died on or about the 3th day of April, A.D. 1960, are requir- ed to file proof cf same with the undersigned Solicitors on, or before the 15th day cf July,l' A.D. 1960. After such last mcntioned date, the Execu- trices wil procced to distribute the estate, having regard only to the Claims cf which they then shail have had notice. DATED this 20th day cf June, A.D. 1960. ALICE MATILDA SEXSMITH and MARY ALICE EILEEN MUCHA By FARQUHARSON & DALY, 328%k Water Street, Peterborough, Ontario, Their solicitors herein. 26-3 Nursing Home SOUTH Haven Nursing-Home -Accommodation for private lounge TV. Fully licensed, new building, modern. Visitora welcomne. Reasonable rates. Phiono Newcastla 4441. 8-21, ZUUU1ies LUI r I-ja ie aiUU15 Lior aie lneîp W oeea - - - .- -. I - I i~onces Ix.t foir ale. Cecil CO 3-2119. MOW cf loose straw. CO 3-2074. iTWO C.C.M. bicycles. 16 Bradshaw St. .KaUII,l 26-1* Phone 26-1 * Apply l 26-1. STANDING hay, cheap. Tele- phono CO 3-2186. 26-1* STRAWBERRIES. Orders tak- en. 3 weeks. CO 3-2229. 25-2' ASTRAL refrigerator, good condition. Phone MA 3-3468. 26-1 QUANTITY cf buckwheat. G. Kovacs, Tyrone. Orono 12r10. 26-1* MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle, good condition. Phene MA 3-3098. 26-1* ' 1GIRLS' summer coat and dresses, sizes 10 and 12. MA 3-3970. 26-1 POULTRY feeders, wateers and nests for sale, reascuabie. CO 3-2549. 26-1l DELIVERY boy. Apply 101 Liberty North. 26-i MAN for general wood work- ing. Wm. M. Allin, 19 Scugog St. 26-1* CHRISTMAS tree pmuners, to start Tuesday, July 5th. Con- tact Walker Perry, MA 3-5796. 26-1* FLrTýL time and week-end wor;-. Apply Meli's Snack Bar, Higbway 115, Newcastle. CUT flowems. Mrs. E. PassantGNRLEete401flyM Duke St., Phono MA 3-3527. EERMEecrc40 u il" 25-2 automatic steve. Like new. ________________- MA 3-3669. 26-1 TOP soil, $8 per load, deliver- ed. Phono Hampton COifax ALFALFA hay by the acre on EA 3-2307. 26-1 by the bale. J. Malette. Tele- yoi 27 ACRES cf mixed hay, stand- phono CO 3-2417. 26-1 ne( ing. Phono after 6 p.m., C O W: -2745. 26-1 QUANTITY of standing Brome F-1 grass and alfaifa hay. Arthur rea HIAY loader and mcwer, good Trewin. CO 3-2596. 26-1 - ondition. Phono M\A 3-3709. PC H. L. Anderson. 26-1 QUANTITY cf mixed hay, yci BUILDING in four sectins baled or standing. Apply to at good for a garage om cottage: Harold Ormiston, CO 3-2095. Sel PoeMA 3-5026. 26-i 26-1 ter EIYDRAULIC scufflen for John VIKING outboard motor, 3-e )eere M tracter. Reasonabie. h.p., good condition. 5 Prince oc Phone CO 3-2434. 26-1 St. or MA 3-3600 after 5 p.m. tea ORDERS taken for Rawleigi 26-i wil Pc] products and delivened. Tele- PETERBOROUGH boat, fuiiy vo; phone MA 3-5753. 24-3* equipped, 25 h.p. Johnson Soi FRIGIDAIRE, medium size, good condition. Phono Bob Hancock, Orono 1142. 26-1 THREE-quarter steel bed and spring mattress. Cheap fori ýquick sale. \M 3-2706. 26-1 aALSCO aluminum windows, idoors, awnings and railings. aLorne Aluin, 1 Prince St. 26-1 )KEYS cut automaticaliy, while tyou wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 46-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from mill to you. Philiips Lumnber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phonel 17 r 11.1-t QUANTITY of standing ciov- rer, alfalfa and timothy hay. John Johnston, Tyrone. CO 3-2644. 26-1 CEEAscooter, 1959, excel- ilEntcodition. Appiy B A ,Station, Highway 115, New- ,castie 4566. 26-1* G OOD selection used TV sets for reasonabie prices. The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond St. East, Oshawa. il-tf ONE good rangette with oven control; one jacket heater with pipes to tank, less tank. Tele- phone MA 3-7268. 26-1* -9,000' PINE lumber: 2 x 4's, 12' 1and 8' lengths; 2 x 6's, 2 x 8's, 2 x 10's, ahl 12'. Quantity of sheathing. CO 3-2244. 26-2* ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service te electrical appliances, large and smail. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf PAINTING and Decorating.; For quality materials and g u ar a nt e e d workmanship. Lander Hardware & Electrici Ltd., 9-tf, DO your own floors and rugsI -Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoc, meth- od). We sand floors. Lander Hardware. 5-tf COURSES at Bowmanville Business School for office positions of your choice. Reg- istrations now being accepted for fail term. Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf WORK boots and shoes at bar- gain prices, brown and black, ail sizes. Bowmanvilie Shoe Repair, 80 King St. W., Bow- manville. East of Bowmanviile Cleaners. LOCAL service station andj motor, perfect condition. MA 3-3970. 26-1 ONE used International T45 baier, P.T.O.; eue used 130 Case baler with engino. W. H. Brown, MA 3-5497. 25-2 13-QUART pressure cocker, i bamnel sprayer, complote; 1 ceai brooder steve, largo size. Tele- phono Newcastle 2521. 26-1 INSULATION, blowing meth- cd, with rock wooi. Womk- mansbip guaranteed. Free esti-1 mates. Hamry L. Wade. Tele-1 phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf1 fDOMINION appliances (al division of Beatty Bros.), now sold at Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton. A compiete line of ap- pliances at hard to beat prices. CO 3-2241. 24-4* ALUMINUM Doors and Windows at economical prices. Buy now and save! Estimatesi given on inquiry. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St East, Bowmanville. MArket 3-5689. 23-tf TILE Wals - Floors AYKIND Ceramie - Plastic - Rubber Vinyl - Asbestos Suppied and Installed Hà. G. HEAL COlfax 3-2531 21-tf TRACTORS - International "W-4", completely overhauled, $795; Farmail "Super A", with one-row scuffier, $795; Ailis- Chalmers "VF", with hydraul- ic scufflers, $525. Machinery- 3-section spring-tooth harrows with draw bar, one year oid, $75; Otaco tractor spreader, $150; International 50-T baier, motor drîven. Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134 King St.' E., Bowmanviile. MA 3-5689. Dominion Day SPECIAL BARBECUE CHICKENS $1.05 W: 49 1. [AN for cleaning and general iaintenance duties. Apply to I.D. Pickard, Memorial Hos- lai, July 4, 1960 or later. 26-1 ARN $30 te $50 a week in ur spare time. No expemience ýcssary. We will train you. rrite today. Rawleigb's, Dept. -140-LL 4005 Richelieu, Mont- ml. 26-iý )SITIONS in offices open to )u after completing a course SBowmanvilie Business iool. Registrations for Fal *m now being accepted. -lephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf CCASIONAL opportunity for acher or intelligent bouse- ife, to interview on Gallup ill and public opinion sur- ýys. Use of car desirable. :me evening work required. 'ite Canadian Facts Limited, Wellington St. W., Toronto 25-2, SHORT 0F CASH ? Work mornings or afternoons lu your own neighborhood. Housewives preferred, no ex- perience necessary. Write or 'Phone Miss K. MacKean, Avon Manager, 528 Gilmour Street, Peterboro, RI 3-4006. 26-1 THERE'S A MAN'S JOIB WAITING FOR. YOU ... IN TODAY'S CANADIAN ARMY If you are single and between1 17 aed 25 and can meet enrol- ment standards, think over what the Army offers you. Good Pay FINE PROSPECTS TRAVEL and ADVENTUREI LOADS 0F FRIENDS An Early Pension Get details of Army career opportunities from your noar- est Army Recruiting Station. Army Recruiiing 1 Siation 220 MURRAY STREET Pef erborough Telephone 1RI 2-7147 Sor mail this coupon te, the D Io yen dread school vacations?1 above address: Please send me, without obli- gation, details ou career epper- tunities lu the Canadian Army. Name ________- Age. _ _ _ _ _ - Address ____ __- City/Town-- Telephone -______ ]Province- 26-2 Tenders Wanted garage business. Complote ALL THIS IVEEK TENDERS wil be received by stock and equipmeut.. Home the undemsigued until Juiy 6, available. For funther infor- PLEASE PHONE MA 3-5578 1960, for the installation cf mation write P.O. Box 1348, nflush toilets, iucluding 2 bowls, Bowmanville, Ontario. 25t B0owmaflle 2 toilets and 1 tmough in Kinby HEARING aid service. Testing School, S.S. No. 14, Clarke, service -sud complote stock o f rigid Locker Svsiem aise the removal cf old toilets. batteries and cords at Higgon Work te be doue during schol Electric Limîted, 38 King St. E., 26-1 hoiidays. For specifications Bowmanviloe. Phono MArket contact: Mrs. Doris P. Wannan, 3-3305.,7-tf Tenders W anted Sec'y of School Board, Orono. SEALED Tenders, addressed RUG, imported, faim condition, SEALED Tenders, addressed te: The Administrator, Mo- ulue by tweive with underfeit; te- The Administrator, Me- meniai Hospital, P.O. Box 820, double porcelain sink with moniai Hospital, P.O. Box 820, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, wil ho lead connections. Write ad- Bowmanville, Ontario, will be received until Mouday, Juiy ventiser 45, c/o The Canadian received until Monday, July 11, 1960, for the pointing cf the Saman .O. 2ox 90,Bo il1, 1960, for the cutside paint- brickwork and stouewomk cf manvile. 2-1*ing of the Nurses' Residence the Nurses' Residence sud the and the Engineer's Residence. Engineer's Residence. Cern- Complete details and descrip- pléte details and description cf TIRES ion cf work te ba done mayl the work te ho doue, may be Ne be obtained from the Ad minis-1 obtained from the Adminis- Nw -Retreaded ;trater's office at the hespitaiItrator's office at the bospital. Used The Board reserves the right!The Board reserves the rightl JAMIESON TIRE to reject any or ail tenders, to eje ct any or a]ltnes -Izu ing mev... 1ff LARGE QUANTITY GOOD GRAVEL ON GOOD ROAD G. Kovacs, Tyrone PHONE ORONO 12 r 10 26-1* G. E. POLISHERS, $35.95; Eureka v a cuu m cleaners, $64.50; pocket radios, 6 trans- istor, complote with earphones and case, $29.95; coffee and step-tables, $9.95; 2-pce. chest- erfield suites, from $129. Murphy Furniture, 47 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3781. 26-1* S«e the new German STEREO HI-FI SETS Beautiful Swedlsh Walnut LOWEST PRICES THE Duich Nerchant 11Bond St. East OSHAWA IRA 8-605 THnv.E-room apartment wiLfl priva te bath, hardwood floors. Cent 'ai. Immediate posses- ien. Phone MA 3-3801. 26-1 71V! -roomed heated, self-con- taineli apartment, corner On- tario and Church. Possession August lst. Phono MA 3-5336. 26-1 MODERN four-room apart-9 ment witb bath, beated, centrai location, immediate possession. g Appiy 14 Division St., Bow- manville. 26-1* APARTMENT, 3 reoms, bed- room, kitchenette, large living- room, modemn bath, shower. 23 Temperance, downtown Bowmanviile. 22-tf APARTMENIT, Zud floor, rear,1 iu Victor Manor, King Street West; kitchen, living-room, ibedroom aud full batbmoom, heavy wiring, electric water heater. Available Immediate- Iy. Contact Bil Curtis MA 3-7035. 23 -tf Livestock for Sale TWO purebred Yorkshire sews.1 MA 3-2927. 26-1 100 LAYING liens. Phono MfA IReci kstate for SaIeal Estate for Scale1Recl Estate for Dr. Dinniweil's office wfll be 11f1 Ta closed Imom July lst te July Leask nec-d staie 25th. 26-2* 7 room brick bungalow on The office cf Dr. W. M. Ru- Queen St., large sun rcom, deil wrnl be closed freni Jane uew col fumnace, garage. 29 te August 1 inclusive. 26-1 Terms. 1 Dr. E. L. Ewert's office will 6-room bungalow on 3/4 acre' be closed for hol-days from at Maple Grove, bot water July 6th te July 24th inclusive. heating with cil, patio, double :26-2 garage. This is a lovely home. --$12,000. Terms. Dr. K. W. Slemon's office We bave cottages, farms, wrnl be closed for holidays business locations, bouses, etc. frem July iOth te August l4tb tee numerous te ist. Caîl at inclusive. 26-3 * the office. M. E. LEASK Rosi Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. flowmauville MArket 3-5919 26-1 Work Wanted- BRICK work. Norman Pingle, 72 Elgin St., Phono MA 3-5518. 26-tf GRADE 13 girl seeks summer empîcyment. Phone MArket 3-2610. 26-1* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- trougbing, free estimates. Har- vey Partuer, Tyrone. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf FOR chimnoy work, new cm repair or any brick, block or concrete wcrk. P.O. Box 1083. Cail L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf Bulldozing and Excavafing Gordon Strong & Son Barketon - Phone Blackstock 118 r 12 Colleet 22-5* flerman Van De Bell GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick. Bloek, Concrete andj Carpentry New Work and Reaairs PHONE MArket 3-3694 7 MIII Lane 5-tf Plastering Repairsi QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-50301 CONCREE WORKl Brick - Block - Carp -:itry New Work sud Repairs George Mulion 22 'Albert St. MA 3- -, 59-81-i Plumbing - Heafiing Eavestroughing A. BAARS MA .3-7127 68 King St. W., Bowmanviihr Froe Estimate - 24-tfi BACKHOE WORK Trenching - Backfilling Septie Tanks New Equipmeut IVAN MOUNTJOY Blackstock 87 r 4 before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. 15-tf Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanvillo CORNER KING & ONTARIO 24-tf WHITEWASHING STABLES, ETC. BERT TOMPKINS PHONE CLARKE 4721 NE WTON VILLE 16-tf OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION & REPAIRS Phono Bowmanville Oshawa MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 BILL AND BOB LEASK 39-tff ARENDS ELECTRIC MOTORS REPAIRS aud REWINDING te ai your Electrical Equipment Sales & Service MA 3-3058 43 Third St. flowmanville 19-tf Repairs RADIO and tolevision repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. R. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, te all makes. Same day service. Television Service Ce. Phono MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turnod, te ail makes of electric moters. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS te ail makes cf sew- ing machines. Free pick',ir and delivery. Laverty's I ,ar"5in Centre, 50 King W. Te 2pý,wà MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAIRS to ail makes cf re- frigerators, domestie aud com- mercial; milking coolers. Hlig- gon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. IL Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf IBowmanville Area ESTATE SALE Thrlving 164 acre farm, pros. perous ares. Must be sold li.- mediately due te death ln fsmily. RJeh, level la.nd. Un. failiug weIll Sparkling troul stream through property. Solid brick 7-room bouse, furnished, ready te live iu. Fields plant- ed. Ready for uew owner to reap harvest. New truek, tracter, power equipment lu. cluded in sacrifice price of $30,000.- 6% 10-year open mortgage. Move lu immed- istely sud harvest cash crops this year. Phono for appoint- meut: Mrs. Doris Saville, Man & Martel Realtors Llmited, Toronto, AM 7-4661. 26-1 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 ing E. MA 3-3230 flowxnanville We offer on Centre St., Orono Village, a lovely homne with ail conveniences. Heated double garage, picturesque setting on a large lot. Ask to inspect. George St., Newcastle. A handyman's chance. Why pay rent? $2,500 total with terms. Store and lot in Bowman- ville. Central. Owner bas other interests. $8,000 with hall down. 4 room brick bungalow, al conveniences. $12,000 with $5,000 cash. We have 10 acre parcels in Dariington with nice stream. Askîng $500 per acre. List with us for satisfaction. 26-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres, 4 room brick house, small barn, 35 Christ- mas trocs plauted. A good in- vestmeut. Pnice $10,500. Tenms. 4 acres, good gardon soul. Pnice $1,750.00. 2%½ acres, gcod location. Price $1,200. 2 acres, 4 roem bungalow, bath, furnace, smali barn. Price $5,500. Tenms. 25 acres - 6 room bouse, bank barn, implement shed, garage. Pnice $9,000. Wil soUl or trade. Orono - 6 rooni modern bungalow, full basement, gar- age, many extras. Pnice $12,- ,000; low down payment. Newcastle - 5 room bunga- low, bath, furuace, full base- meut. Pnice $7,500. Terms. Blackstock - 7 rcom two- storey home, small baru, gar- Bowmanviile - Shaded lot, very central, sewer sud water. Pnice $3,000. Telephone MArket 3-3644 Ou Highway No. 2 One Mile East of Bowmanvillo Salesman: G. Blyleven Phono MA 3-5300 PedwehlIReal Estie 200 acres, ail workabie, sit- uated on No. 35 Highway, Lindsay area, 8 rooni brick house, aUl conveniences, large painted barns, being soid only on account of aged owner. Will accept $30,000 for quick sale. Easy terms. 200 acres on paved road, bank barn 40' x 80', frame house, ail level fields, well fenced and seeding finished, farm pond. $15,000, small down payment. 150 acres, brick bouse, ail cenveniences, bank barn, 40' x 80', on a good road close to >school. Wiil consider a bouse 1as down payment. $20,000. Easy terms. 50 acres, good buildings, with good gravel pit that will pay for the farm, $12,000. Ternis. 10 acres with trout streani, close to Bowmanvilie. This is ene of the best in this district. fA good building site. $4,000, easy terms. 10 acre pear orchard, full bearing, can be divided in lots. Close to school. $6,500, terms. j5 acres, new buildings, over- iookîng No. 2 and No. 4 Highways, joining good vil- lage, with beautiful 6-room bungalow. chicken pens, etc. $10,000. Easy terms. 100 acres on Pigeon Lake, 2-storey cernent block bouse, furnis!' d, ail conveniences; 12,000 fcet lake frontage. $ 18,000, terms. 18 acres, subdivision, approx. 35 lots, 1,500 'feet, on Pigeon Lake, $20 per foot. Ternis. Aise several single lots on Pigeon Lake. We bave 30 good building lots in Newcastle and 10 good lots in Orono. 6 room insul-stone bouse on Duchess St., Orono, with tule and hardwood floors, ou f arn- ace, bath, garage, 1/ acre lot. Asking $8,000, ternis. New 6-room ranch bouse in Bewmanville, ail modern con- veniences, $12,500, terms. 60 acres good Pasture land cose te Newcastle, $5,000, smali down payment. We also have 100 acre pasture ranch close te Port Perry, for quick sale. 27 acres cerner property on two highways; large, insul- stone house. Bank barn 40' x 60' cernent flbers; good gardon sou. School on property. Ask- iug $9,500. Terma. HAROL» C. PEDWELL Dr<ker Newcamb kue 3856 26-1 3-5290, Martin Wiud, Liberty yTHEEdolas u wit St. North. 26-1' DEIAD and cipplod fan stock,lenveope, vicinity northweund.l THIRTEEN white pigs, eight picked uppromptly. Telephone Repiy te Advertiser "44, C/ol or ulue weeks old. Telephone COifax 3-2721. Maa-gwill Plur, Canadisu Statesman, P.O. Box 'BAdph Davis, CO 8-2284. 26-1 Fua, Tyrono.- 37-tl'190, Bowmanville, Ont. 26-11 TWO choice lots in Village et Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672. COTTAGE and conteftts -_ý West Beach, Bowmnanville. 82 High Street. 26-1* Fred Cook Realior- Representative 0MARVIN NESBITT, Ncstlet4,a *Phone Blackstock 44 r Il Blackstock district-100 acre farm, a fairly level good farm *with 2-storey 8-room bouse, shydro, pressure system with large L-shaped barn, steel roof with water bowvls, large drive shed. A choice farm for only $13,000 with $4,000 down. 100 acre farm, 76 workablo, faîrly level with good red brick house, 8-rooms; barn 42' x 86', needs repairs. Full price $8,900 witb $3,500 down. 100 acre farm, 95 workable, fairly level good land, 7 rooni bouse, newly modemnized, with 1hydro, bath, oil fumnace, mod-. ern kitchen with new barn )38' x 70' 1 mile from highway. Full price $12,700 with $6,000 Ldown. rLake Scugog cottage, 4. room, weil furnished, good re- frigerator and oul heater, inside toilet. Full price $3,500 with $500 down. 26-1 McQuay and Kidd- REALTORS Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Summer resort on Rice Lake. Must be sold to settie estate. Asking only $15,000 with ail furniture, boats, motors in- cluded. 49 acre farm with 10 acres ini asparagus, good streai, 6. miles from Bowmanville. $10,. 500 with $3,700 down. Balance easy terms. 200 acre farm in Clarke Twp., asking only $100 per acre with low down payment. Would consider trade on town property., Four apartment building bringing $235 monthly. Ask- ing cnly $15,000 with $5,000 down. Modern 3-bedroom brickz home on nicely landscaped lot. Thjis home bas many extrau and is priced for quick sale at $15,900 witb reasonable down payment. Orono retirement home O large lot with fruit t o s a large gardien. Askir. $6,000 with $2,000 do WALTER FRA 177 Chnrch St. MA 3 flowmauvile IDe Wiih Real Esiate 22-tf VISIT THE REAL LIVING S A NTA MAY 24 to THANKSGIVING FUN FOR ALL THE FAMZILY CHILDREN 14 years and under accompanied by parent FREE 9:30 a.m. te 6:00 P.m. SUNDAY 1:00 p.m. te 6:00 p.m. SANTA'S VILLAGE BRACEBRU)GE, ONT.* .26-7 VIBRI - MASSAGE CLINIC Opening Soon! at 63 Temperanco St. Bowmanville REAT TREATMENT *MAS SAGE ~REMEDIAL EXERCISES 26-1 t,' Dr. Ferguson's Office will be closed from June 29 to Sept. 5 inclusive except for one week from July 16 to July 22. 25-2* The office of Dr. E. D. Hub- bard wil be closed for houi- days from July i to August 21 inclusive except every Thurs- day and from August 2 to 7 inclusive. 25-4 Dr. -Mikios will be on houi- days from July 9 to 24 in- clusive, and Dr. Stumbof will be in the office during the usual office hours and aiso will be availabie for emergency calis on Thursdays and week- ends until September. In emergency please cail New- castle 3441. 26-2 FOR COMPLETE Insurance Coverage See Bill Morrison 26 CONCESSION ST. W. MA 3-3048 Fire - Theft - Automobile Travel - Life DAIRY FARM, as a goig ceucemu with ail cattie sud mnachier, 200 acres border- lng rvr gcod bank barn, water bowls, bulk cooler, hon house, machine shed, etc.; 8 roomed brick bouse witb ru- niug water, heavy wired. Ask- ing $30,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, L- shaped bank baru, water bowls, - steel stanchions, bulk cooler, machine shed, etc.; 9 roomed home with ail modern conveniences. Price $28,500 with terms arranged. 92 Acre farm, 87 acres work. able, 2 ponds, L-shaped bank barn, garage, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomeçi bouse, running wat- or, nicely decorated. Asking $16,000 with easy down psy- ment. 50 Acre farn, uortb Port Perry, 40 acres workable, stream, large barn, runnipg water, drive shed, etc.; 8 roem- ed brick bouse with fumnaco, running water. Asking $13,500. Terms arranged. 100 Acre farm, 60 acres workable, 60' x 30' barn, fim- plement shed, etc.; 8 roomed bouse, heavy wired. Asking $9,200 with small dowu pay-. ment. 185 Acre farm, 120 acres wcrkable, stream, L-shapned bank barn, steel stanchions, wator bowls, garage, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed brick home with ahl modemn con. veniences. Asking $17,000 with $7,000 down. 5 Roomed brick bungalow with aIl modern conveniences. Garage and two extra lots. Asking $11,000 witb low down payment. 5 Roomned bungalow mn Bow. manvîlle witb ail modemn con- veniences, bardwood sud tule floors. Price $10,500. Terms arranged. 6 Roomed home, Newcastle, with 4 bedrooms, heavy wir- ed. Asking $6,200 witb $1,000 down. Frame homo wlth 4 bed,,' rooms in Bethany. Prlced a$ $3,500. Framo berne In Pentypool witb 4 bedrooms, 4-piece bat)i Price $4,000 with $500 doi'rp* 4 Roomed cottage wthhy dro, g ccd well. Down $500- 4 Romed home east Newe castie, small barn, kitchen cup. boards. Down $700. 6 Roomed home east New- castle, 3-piece bath, munuing water. Price $3,500. 2 Bedroom bungalow in Newcastle with al *nodern conveniences, full bdgment, garage. Down 2OC Prime arranged. n$20 John F. De Wiih Igesîtor and Generai Inmurao4 Newcastle Phone 3Ç Salesmen: d Donald MouatJor, DowmsnIr Zm Davidsen, . ba Phone Si1r Pets for se BORDER Calle pupe threq inths. Clarke 14 r 16# N-S Allandale Day Camp1 Send the klds te the country. They'I1 enjoy ... RIDING - SWIMMING PICNICS sud RAMBLES Lots of roomn for fun sud games LUNCH AND TRANSPORTATION PROM TOWN PRO VIDE» Monday fo Friday 9 &.M. te 5 P.m. $10 Weekly Also a Weekly Camp MRS. STEPHEN l MA 3-2924 For Rent APARTMENT. Phone MArket 3-3349. 25-2 ONE three-room. beated apart- ment. Conveniences. Phone MA 3-5813. 26-i rWO newly decorated centrai- ly located apartments. Appiy 143 Queen St. 26-1* [ONE five-room' bouse. Newiy decorated. Possession. early July. Phone MA 3-5813. 26-1 THREE - roomed apartmeýnt, bath, beated, heavy wiring, self-contained. MA 3-3186, (MY o1 usnawa TENDERS FOR DEMOLITION SEALE» TENDERS, addressed te Chairman, City Preperty Committee, c/o City Clerk sud eudorsed "Tender for Dem- olition"l will be recelved until 5 p.m. D.S.T., Friday, JuIy 15, 1960 For the demolition cf the following farm buildings located on the east ide of Farewell St., south of the C.N.R. main lino, aud comprising part of Lot 5, Broken Front Concession, lu the City of Oshawa. Separate tenders on each building. AUl materisl te become proporty cf successful bidder. 1. House, 1% s torey clapboard, asphaît shluglos, l0 rooms, L-shaped. 2. Malu barn, timber construction. 3. Barn, frame censtruction, gable roof, motal roofiug, box stails with loft, size 221 x 56'. AIse 2 bean-te sheds attached. 4. Barn, frame construction, pig pens with loft, size 201 x 40'. 5. Heu bouse, frame construction, cove siding, gable roof, asphaît shingies, size 151 x 20'. S. Driving shed, frame construction, gable roof with lot, Bixe 20' x 301. Tender fermsansd further Information ui57 be obtained ai the office of the undersigned. Hlghest or any tender net nocessarhly sceeptedL F. E. CROME, P. Bug., City Englacer, Othawa, Ontario, b il ý 1 ITTAV f- ..l. r-il 1. _11 - 1 .1 1 -1 -j 'il 'lý 1 -- n L- it d 1 î%u 1 iý b l Notices 1

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