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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1960, p. 13

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~7W ~EDNESDAY, JIJNE 29, 1960 TUE CANA fLAN STATICMA1, DOWMANVTLL,ONTART Mller and farnily, Brou.gham, 1 Garry, in OshawaIstwk.SodeobBraila Il a a . , I ~~~~vigited Mr. and Mg-s. John 4 Miss Sandra Snodn, Kt hri et i maaistrn*~e Court IKnox ad Enl. Cryer-chener: Mr. andMr.LnMpero Gl M a i t a e s o r Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pas- Goodmurphy, Ow: M.~one. BySot n coe, Mr. and Mrs. E rde-sn,- M. n we Cb atndda ude w Me oimThe afternoon session was vited the Golden Hawk Motor- n'an were guests at the recep- csonMr and ilJl it n h cuc hd nSne Eagements I In Memoriam I <>f m t o Bty devoted ta the hearing of char- cycle Club ta a party at the t'onfoh wddng o rdye-sok r n r.Hrx eiainc the flags. Sha- Grace ~~~~~ges laid as the resut of the ex- cottage. The party had gotten enilng The reception was held Sîowden and girl:, B w a- rn H lm s a d Da e M r Mr-. and Mrs. Herbert Leigh- BIdea-ifeloving memary of a Many thanks to anl who -sOUR hundred bales of straw. ecution of a liquor warrant at out of hanti andi Wilson told ai the home of the brid'e- pr- ville: rrMr.hand Mrsi afr y eeclu err n Lq~announce the engagement jerwf Mariorieae Bird kindly sent flowers, , cards, A. Pas, Orano. Phone 2237 Cottage No. 2'on thie West the court he was sorry. They ents, Mr. and Mi-s. h ,s Mwr Hgdrn.n a-Braal.Hrit ors heir dagtrEenrwho pse wyJn 0h gifts and Dr. Rowl and staff Orano. 26-1 Beach. were flot going ta buy the cot- Snnth. Oshawa. iýa ly'. Pebrdag: ed re usadMrgrtSakr son f Mr andMrs. years may wipe out many my stay in Oshawa Haspital.funte aplnc, te- 168 Central Park S., Gordon gized ta his neighbours at the, fM.adMs of sonr, on Mr. anRonrRoierurMrt.rWiliam O'neilwtelle- rest A. Werry, Enniskilien 'B things, Mrs. Newman. vision, sewîng machines, etc. Albert Gaziey. 18, 101 Gibbon West Beach for thxe manner î on Saturday evening ý7hbe marriage tb take place Sat'- ttih ieoInee; 61Also seli and archange. 59 St, lfrd ohn Robinson, 22,1 in which the pl 'had been MArJ.L (jIIV.t Mr.aand fMrs.vRlhSa-hagftemetn nf~ - Urday, July 23rd. 1960, au ýThe memory of' those happy King St.lW.iPese3-72ke. 324 Lakeshore; James Richard! conducted. rov. n aiv ikrn fOoo h aeaVp ' p.m . in Il ity U nited ! d ysingi h tSttn.rel tiv sh-7 3n e___ ___ _ E .: A d r ev e dr y , 1 7E g n .,14 T he eM II Beachf th e w arran ter.ndndguestsecil d islB eonG uid 44I b- h r h o m n il. 2 -* W hen we were al together. neighbors and frinds for their_ __ __ __ 2-f Adrwe r 23. 1 7, 146t.e c Iio ýM a d Micecl isieîrstn by husband and family. 26-1* my stay in hospital. Speciai feathers, new goose and duck 17, 75 Welliinao amS.:eDonnathy with assistance of e-ur Anniversar'y celebrations for row.wrkoLrd aenoeU Mland Mrs. Robin T. AIl- thanks ta Drs. Austin, Gi, also aid feather îicks wanted.Slivn tigl0Cîbe tonheStm.berDofnahe OurM r actn r.E.Jnig n MpeGoeC dred, Newcastle, announce the COL-In laving memory o! alRowsell, Gardner, nurses and Highest prices paid. M.lva,17 Fiait, E.*he emesofte oma-1 co engagement of their onlydear wife and motheMo-,stffcf O ha a osial B th n.RR;1. PJno7rh3n Medirey. 18, 146 Nas- ville P.D. andi four members! a e n vee os o e ie a w o s ! 21-tfsfuot.:OshawpancHo9spitfthe.owmavill detch- is1.MriPhoneey7 rhu13ay venin. Ledersas tese uides Ow daughter Lois Elien,tb Mri.who passed away July 3, 1958. Wiibert Ferguson. caliect. 2 t auSt;jalSpnc,19 5anfted Day- ___ch! is aio Esry D o u g a s ila R o w , ~ 0 f s w e lo v d y u s e w e iss. - -el - _to S1 W lli m .1r ee-_m en-c thO P . P a1a re - I ic e , w a s a w e e k e n d g u e s i re se n t w e r e A k aB a ' î s a e u a y h e d u t d e Douglas Allan Rowe, As we loved You 261ScIGEST pices adifrsl elangto 613 WiliaGJriersonntofth St.: a snGary6-'HGHEsuitespa cfr ivcma, 13plaintst. Gry;suhif oihlant wicrstrt! f o!rcosiserud couav Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rowe,ý you. oirgaefahrfah asalWlae 1 258 AI- ed at 8:30 a.m. on Sat., Junle,'id BarrabaîL S NawtoviIl. The weddng~ I aurmemor youare nar; e woud lie ta hank ou ryticksscrfa irn, rags, cMaSt.alofOalla dMs2t.Abu w husl 21r.RoetRges,. 1 4*flI take place Saturday. JuîylLoved, remembered, longed for friands, naighbours and rela- matais and raw furs. Phone Noreen ,ie.Bok~.~' hn h arn n h e Bowmanviiie. visited Mir. ariad S ECIA L 2,16,ai 2:30 o'cieck in New- ý always, tives for the lovely shower RA 3-2043 Oshawa callect. Pr hty ge2.alped1 were ready, it was executedl Mrs. Ron Rogers and childi-en! _.castie United Church, New- Treasured with a l Incere.t Witgifae s, and aad, dopecialgemp îhanks to 48-fernon caste, ntalo. 6-i* Yu ar whre e ctsere comit e ase calen Bed- -4- --fel guîlty te being founti-ins'adplc odc idn m-ls hrdyairon Ue andot eevheereitte osessed Bd-a fine cf îy bee,. botties lying aboutou- aE you, win. Doreene Powell, Mrs. The- Lcky Spot. Mrs. R. Stepherîs: and0.00 plscesseo 3o ead insid h house. aid Mrs. Marion Williams, Bow- u v C I~ ¶ D e MrVn rs on eralYur voice we cannot hear,ida Bedwin and Mrs. Minnie BrhiynaethedeMsthie rush te get awax' wheîn th, i manville, visited hier daugh- --r e Mtn and M n o nc een-rrau t e Birthday ne resi the date, M rs. D onald P . W iskin, 283 P ark iton 'e h r er, M r. and M rs. M urrayW * Tewt o l ieranno unce te re- t ues, o y u wa1 Lsde oas. ld a dF. Balson: Shoe Kick, M rs. '. Rd. S. Oshawa peaded guiltylWa fing was su àe ,M rh n ,o u d y gagen t cf han erce aBuher Neveus n , Las ne r oigs Ald ed 28n1d* A icher, Mrs. G. FEs)tabrooks; ta assaulting Const. L. Ricard ome the cps."'Marchan, ron Snoda. Kit !~ r nd G ll a n P e rce t1Buc v r bse t, al ay n D u gl s a w . 8- 'M rs. J. M ac- an d g u ilty t o bein g a fo u nd -in . j S aid th e M ag istrate iisnS n d a n o de , it W-iibert Conboy, soncf Mr. and --Ever remtemberecilby hns- ____Mtho1Rly " T h e m ai- age e ha e pl ce _ _ _ _ _ - ' rian s, a so H il n shea Cc G iegor, M rs. A . W ilk in s, M rs. H e is 18 an d le w s e an d ed 1 u dg m e n t, "T h e police h av e ' ch en er : M r. an d M rs. H o w ard ,.- -- - _______ ould lie to ihankplacl myj H. Herron. Ma-s. H. Stainhon, until JuIy 19th for a pre-seni-1 ecnough te do in the prevninHgdr n aiy ees frefl!asoHoliOODALoqMs.H.VezlMrI.Cok.e c i-hpor. cfburg. were weekend guests of HeDLL-nlvn en oforvsisadprayrs poecall~Ms . zl is. .C, 1ogrCwkr 9,15 oel f crime ai-d the apprehiension M diA .Iuiy 30th, 1960 ah i p.m. in cf Mris. Gi-aree lvnenemooal i- for ands, gifts 'phon m Before leaving, plans k.e c>e rp i-miwaleate' crmeh'sMr. and i-s, Aan nowden. ..;ieUnited Church, Toi-ente' ho died June 27, 1948. rrn lns. drn TY made for a bus trip to Toronto Drive, Whitby. was convicted cf. been commithed. The iaw mnust Mr. Jack Eliiott enjoycd a ~~jThepearly ecntilnes.Aise sperial in the Fail. bigafudi n iet n hl oep' n eWeln.Ws ugn perygaies were openied. thanks ta Drs. Ferguson and 'en on-nadas obe upheld, n hl oepi),ti oWeln.Ws ign A etevie ad"oe obtaining liquor while a'minci, pe thini: oui- Liquci- aws are ia, U.S.A.. in cmpany with A gnil viresai "orn",Ewenî, Mrs. Helen Langiey for Dnl cio ovce Mn. and Mrs. Alfred McCol And with farewelîs unspoken thein kindnesses. 1'onl .Elo was cnitdouhdated, as Iong as they are~ friends fi-cm Oshawa. announce the engagemen cf Shgntyneedhm.Am Dpus ' T V T T' cf Having Liquor and paid the Iaîw they wili be enforced.' ýthein daughter Doris Emily t&-Sadly missed hy husband 261SîK IL $23.00. He is 19, cf 274 Pacificj People Who come ho the beach, son and Bis Jliy. BAcktck i'4r Dnad usel Li-er' ndfaison6-"" landdailTo-etespntWiso. 8,55 Ofod u tie uit.Y1 spr.n iad ssllMrs.Rsei We wish 2- 1Mi-. and Mrs. Deiberi Hallo-, Ave., Oshawa. Raymond T. 1have a right ho live i oia-1were Sunday guests cf Mi-. Lanof, Bi-eonand. usl, ThWUeEIlvn m cy.u iiyh to hake this oppor-l we e ad aiy' ootsetWlo.1 55 xfr S., aie uet umst. there-1 and Mrs. Alan Snowden. Larmr Brkeon, nt.TheRUNLE-I loingmemoyýtnit tathank ail oui- neigh- the wekend ah ihein cottage. Oshawa, was chang'ed with per'- 1 fore, behave in a quiet ocderiyj wadding wilI take place on'cf a dear husband and father, esa go rad o h!Mi-. and Mrs. Loi-ne Paeden mitting drunkeness. Ha dlaimn- mar-ner. If this ocisaan Miss Mary Lvnn Melochie, ,Satunday, July 16, 1960 in'Frank B. Rundle who left us kind remembranre and the'Oand Jean aitended the special ed ti> be a part ownec cf the an{,. von are briugh before1 Windsor, is visiting Ann Mai--' Eagîa Lake C onimni u n i t y June 30, 1959. lcveîy gifts presenied te us on services ah Wesleyville. Sunday cottage and was responsible. me, the penalty wil b e te ie neil this weekend will ar- .lhurch, Eagie Lake, Ontario. 'The Worid may change fi-cm leaving the Salem community.' akn h etn'a tn- Wlo ebrc h Auto1 maxumum which is $5 0 0 0 mpanv Maple Gi-ove Gir' 26-1ends fom d e a y, erwy s wnrereî fyou n. D. Slt huka. Ohw, ihAces Club cf Oshawa had iii-' plus a month in gaol. Guides 'te camp ai Halibucton 26And fyer hfo yeraa lwa a, ey s irlytik y u Mr.iDg 0f tha uOhawwihduring next week, Mi.and Mrs. Warren Ca r- But neyer will the one we Maniha and Charles Frank. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka re-i IASna iio- ihM'. . " çon, Newtonviile, Ontario n, l'rove r ps aa26-1* centi. . IL. C. Snowden, Mildred and nounr, i-cmengmgemepass away. The Ile of Shiloh are an- Bob were Mi-. and Mrs. J. G. daughier, Helen Louise, ho Mi- I Wife Edra and family. 1 wouid like ho say "Thank, ticipating good interest to be: Mr. and Mrs. liverett Sanider BathurstN.B., were RuieSt. Of Spicer and Mi-. Keith Spicer. Robai-i Bruce Baiton MacNeillrsnl You" ho my relatives and' shewn in the play 'Keep il, son of Galt were weekendi Mi- and Mcrs. E. R. Taylor. 'aise cf Toi-ente; Mcs. Walheî" son o! Mi-. and Mrs. John Mac-'l Pro a friends for flowens, rards and Under your Hat" ah Newton-'gei fM.adMi Bue M.adMr.E .TyoIRirard, Shaw's Mi-. John Ba- ,eiladVilage.Greencdd 'goods) NIC supplies - (Rubber' visits; and sperial thanks te ville nexh week as has been Montgme.Ms.ABasnnd isLeakSona -tdwrd Iland Theweddngig1 s mailed posipaid in plainIDr. Hubband. special nurses note~d in the -Coming Events' .1M.A asnadMisLnýkr oia ttake place on Saturday, .seaied envelope with piieliisjn sn staf fMeora rs . lie-.To heud al.Sho ommpucn-1 Taylorigahehdaoe o .ntl,SMnra anMi-s. John Camp .tuiy 30, 1960, ah 4 'ciock, in ýSixsape 5,4 samples caHopital, Bowmanville, for enta, spent the weekend at iîb eda h omngteiga hehm fM.jblSnr n ikOh Que en E a s tPiesbyteiian,' $.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28 theii- kîndness and cri- during! Mi-. Lloyd Hallowell's. ihy Hall grounds on Fi day, and Mrs. J. Leger, Oshawa.ý awa; Mi-. and Mrs. ll TotoOnai.,'July 9. Supper wiil be at 7 honoring Mca. E. CrdmaBkeTon, r S dy Çhiurch, 'ootOnai. Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 9 1, Ham- 1pmy long stay ihere. A group of Clarke teaohers1 'cïock.woebrh'yws d 26-i*Iilton. Ont. 1-521 Charlie Graham. 'wahsered afinedinn1. ls 'Saturday,l guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Fred . 26-1"' week by a coimmittee of ladies Mri. land Mî's. Ralph Davis,' June 25. Thirty relatives werei Gow. We - cf the Sh.iloh W.A. 'Miss Pat Davis and Ross Kos- present te spenid an enjoyae! Jh an KayMcik FrY r ewish to express Oui- saiz ware Sahurday tea guests lafiernoon together. înied thein Conservatory mus- Fo orsinere hanks and appreciation of Mr.and Mrs. Gordan Davis,1 Mr. and Mc. N. Leach, Tatin-~ ir tests last week with Johin coritio mns arts cf kindnass, SALEM Oshawa. taoi, vstd nS ay at Mr-. rereiving honours and Kahhy Modal Suprae DM- cotiu oost the Heari Mr. and Mns Harvav 'elnw- and Mca. D. Flatt's. firat rlass hcnours. These' @ U j U flfl Fund cards and fîowens, ah About 40 frinds and neigh- lees and c id- natended the i. a d M s . S ie i- Young pianists aie te be on- . ci.f. ef g ra o w th 0 1 the tima of oui- rerent sad bheurs cf Mr-. and Mi-s Chai-les Lai-mer familv reunion a~ie tM- .N prs o- gratulahad. frozen food stoge S Ebereavement in the loss of a Frank gathered ah the home Creami Of Bary Camp. Suni to SEEbeloved husband and dean cf Mr-. andi Mis. W. Craig last day. iMr. J. Kiveil anîd Pearli jMmese al rv Freezer plusFoenSra Ty father.r.Rbntt rson Tuesday evening te honour Mr. and Mrs. E. Laîrmeî', 1Leach attended Decorahion Day H omkins ansdtu Mrs. KeHn, 4fulwit and fmily 36- j tem bforetheyleav for lacktock vishad unda ev-servce ahOron Cemhery'aodrcpkns ad Mc. W H' * sfaI-widh fuI-deth selve PA LM ER thei- 'new home in Scarbor- ening wihh Mr-. and Mca. Hai- -rwretebue ascf. adBn attanded rthe 601h an- *II dhCi PA M Rrlhvsougli. Ms J. Hall read an adi- vey Yeliow.lees and family. Mns. Luthier Barai'j niery eainof Bow- * U1terorW P Notor Sales i 1would like te express myj rasn ou'rgtah M.nd rsBucTikD- Mrs. Glen Glaspeil, Tauntoi'anvi; oa' nttua *Itro îh 20 orINGST.le. hnst yfins eaiesdesepesn u ertatýM.adMs .Be n!last Thursday.$ 209 and neighbours foi- the flow- losing them fi-cm oui- commun- anne. Neil and Herbie athanded Ma. A. Bee avoers ad Telstmego h * 90' Doon Openn 20 KING Sara,.cards and gifis whirh 1i'ty'and wishing hhem every H-1ampton Arnnivarsai-y service Mso ns, Oswa ere caler sion T Be andmeting cfth a r ers, andMns aae afcoenMssionnBadwtook ta foi-mSALE reraived while in Memorial happinass in theix- new home. Sna feno n eeha Mr. and M'rs. R. Pascoe and. of a picnic ah the schoel BOWMANVILLE . : " Hsia, omniladaMr. Ai-h Hamilton and Mr. Gar- guests ocf Mr. and Mrs. Peccyi F O R . ~~~~~~ spe ial thanks te D r. Sylvester a d Shackleton presented th am D ew e ii and fam ily. ' h l i en v st d!hM r a d M s'grounds. Leaders p iesent w er a w s d R f î er t r o o e or s u m r e U I I ad D. Mkio, nrse an wih a ocasinalcha- ati Mrs. H. E. Tink visited hiei-î J Dyeî"s, Oshawa. Mrs. Fred Gow and Mns. Ste-' staff for thaînrtare. stool ho match. Mr'. and Mcas. sistaI, Mrs. Jce Chapman, a]BkrwsaS da' aDye ae eeejy-L n George Meadows. Frank both expi-essed' their a'p- Hampton. guest cf Lynn Brad'ley, Zion. a n i h hlie e Mi-. . ua, at Knox lias accepheti a ceived a treat. Meetings wihî L J O H N S O N _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ e n n g w as sp e n t in v isitin g a n d itS t r a y w t ec p r u m r m n h . g T h e sy m p a th y f th e t o m - 'a dE e ri Tthe midst of my sorw1paing cards afei- wioh l ent, M. and Ms. Roy Lang-, u t ots G U T D O A R D S w ish ta e x p re ss m y h eart fe lt d e lic i u s lu n c h w a s se v e d . a - m i . a d M x sL a gM n a d M r . R M a c ni ' u i y is x e d d te s . 5 1 K in g S t. E .M A 3 5 7 ihanks and appreriation th There was a excellent a- Mr.a r. Chai-lesLagj Bruce andi Elizabeth, M1cs.. Robai-t Sheanen on the deah $1 8700 ~~~~~P . ~many relatives, friands and tendance ah the social evening na idale cildi-n athended ~ ~ - n r.Rbn !h nsseM s a e c $187-0 u Pneighbouns foir the kîndnass fieldi ah the school Ils Saiurday the Goyne famiiy 1reuion iah and sympathy shown me in undter the direction cf Salent Cream cof Bariey Camp, Sun- the bass of a beioved husband. Home 'and Schoi Club. A bail day. .1 aspecialiy wiah to thank the game, maried men vs single Mi-. and Mrs. Wes HuIs and' FULL UNE 0F CANOES, R~ýfev. Mr. Long for is consol- men, was enjoyed with the famJIiy attended Haydon n hw o o rdc sLd RUNABOUTS, CRUISERS ing words, Heathen Rehekah single mena baing the winners. nivesay service and era _______W o od__________ Lodge and Mn. Barlow fcr his Certificavas were pneaented ho guesis cf Mr. and M-s, . D 'rai8 kind and considerahe sei-vice. Grade 8 pupils, Margaret Sha- and childi-en. Mrs. Ivan Farrow. cklaton, Bobby Vale andi Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor 26-1, Michael Johnson. Mr. and Mca. and childican xisited Mr. and Hlen* woae~'~Ms W. J. Ferguison, Ennis- . YFI A wish ta express my sinterai-- nheii- son in ttis commun- killen. - i A L est thanks ho ail who wane 5s0 ity, were pleasedta h have the Mr. and iMa-s. N. Fice andi kind te my family and me dur-1 cpporhunity cf attending a ga- Douglas, Zion: Mr. and Mî's.' N,~ îngmysainMmraOhI th.eiing like Ibis. Mrs. Savink Bill Magee, Osh'awa: Mr. a'n'd wa and Toronto Ganecal Hos- was pi-esenheti wihh a coi-sage. Mcs. Mal Parker and Suzanne, pitais. Thanks te Drs. Steney Lunch, ronsisting or hot dogs. MilIbrook: Mr'. andi Mrs. Percv' ')5 C EV 2 D V~t aî'or aîe o my relatives, neighbouis who is leavig this school was andi family, Oshawa: M c. P. R. Blck~ th~vt tpand friands foi' loveiy cards,j presenteci with a camera.- Cook. Mr. Edwiln Cook, Bow-j Ilowers andi gifis, in1udii A numbar cf our Young Pen-1 manvilie: Miss Violet Zachan- «958 PLY31OUTH 2-Dr., 6-yl foodi foi'rnMy family. A spelcial peatndteBycfQie owich. Courtice, wera Sunda Radio. Green. tashoteasenSraniYoung people's rally a h PreS-' visihors of Mir. an)d Mcs. Fra'nk othai' organizations wheo soIlqu'iie on Saturd'av. Westlake Jr. andi familY. 197kindly rememberetilme and t cfodMl.F.Bakbn'Mc.A.J alo etitan : te eeins f heAsýca--j-nThe above photo shows the actual display at Oshawa Wo rdc 195P Y oIH41r icl ainwah the bass of Or Principal, with every niew showro<am of thair green with white top $695 ~ teacher, Mi. H. Cosens, whoî are both ieaving oui- schood af-' PLAN NING CENTE 1953 WINDSOR 2-Dr. HARDTOP 6-ryl, ter several yeans bei-e. Presi- p rh s fg atmtc w-oegen4500dn r.Gamantn Pash at your It includas a Building Library of blueprint layouts, books, paxmpbIets, ek eass o n'u ulig mie ol.A el a 74 reettinuflvlyaumn1neds whether ut be a ùew home, addition, summer cottage, garage o aeetnceto o» 1 9 5 3 P L Y M O U T H 2 - D r . 6 . ' c 3 ' I .b e a b a . ] ! o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n . M i s . Mwu r , a o d e Radio. Two-tone bina $495 Aiticus anti M. Cosens eacf h R I %i arrmgued Bdge Pl i axpresseci their thanks anti aise E VC T TOO________________________________________________ 1952 PONTIAC 4-Dr. f-cyI. Runs gond, ho)ped to cetui-n ho visit ouiProa 4rie decent tires, dean inside, some rust $295 meetings% somehime.. Meeting, **We Specialize Brin ou Buldng rolem b shwa oo Prduis td adj unn wih 1 . sngi.g f'CORNER F M A NVERS ROAD 1951 NEW YORKER V-8 SEDAN, power the Quaen. W.A. Pifr~ AND FIFTH CONCESSION steering, power brakas, radio, automatic $195 !CarieWAhlt eiPhnCO323 Coutie .A hed herPhoe O -231M ake Use of Our 30 Years' Experience in the Bul ng T de I9~2FARO '2TONrIcKp 'pirnir at Geneve Park on Motor Sales Tuelsa of olwng th: ea Double Siamp Day Every Tuesday O hw o d P o u t t . guesaaxg, Mis. W. Piai-son:' Conte Out and See Our Display of Girls Oh w a Wod-o Masquetade, Mrç. E. Wabur-! ton and Mira. R. Cooke; Potato Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable Prier Walrner oo Sae hoid, ?&Bz. D. Cowle andi Miss WneWle- r.W r SAOTU8EIJPiOT~ DOWNTOWN SHOWROOMMA CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT Knxigt aM nd , *.J. Mb een 9 TEL8EPONES TO SERVEA 8YO61 FRO-SCADARSBowl thle Orange. Mca, . S. STOVE OIt AVAILABLE IN9 LPHN TSEVYV Kitsnan, M-s. J. McKnigh't;j M IAJIYA U TTO BOWMANVIIJLE MA 3-2130 JXLnt 90 20_KigS___.__________ MA__S48__atch_____ SUNDATSSPen DOWNTOWN ShIOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY UNIL L'y PAdu Tfmmý

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