WE FPOURTEENorTmECANAMMIAN TEMI UL,~WL 5U.& 1L EDEDAJJH U.1 wieo t e lridie- IThey mofen re ivednesH ar ldnative of this town anld gîves M m ra ~'tic1e Recailsmember Bellrnan's Restau-! or suppers for. ---$1.---hunru Anpioohia PtajB s ubi tltis O fc 1-1 ,r9-An 4-i average . - 8a adrsss FGuteIeorIviBu y Pu liHoi One of the busiest places in Bowmanville - and one of the most modern Me offices - is the Bowmanville Publie Utilities office on King St. where local' residents pay their hydro bis. Included in this photo, Mrs. Harold Bain is taking care of a customner, while Manager GeC T. Van Bridger talks to Mfiss, ______________Bertha Colville and Mrs. Raymond Trim checks the books at the third desk. Not included is Miss Marilyn Moore. Also on the PUC staff are: Gerald Marier- EGIONrison, meter reader; Lawrence Helmer, foreman; linemen, Bruce Milne, Bert IE C O luStapleton and Walter Chopowick; Waterworks employees include Supt. Alf. H. Bickell, Geo. Kempthomn, John Quinsey, Ernest Reader and Wallace Teiiv. ____________ __________-Ontario Hydro'Phota ï. Elecfricify A rrived in 188 7 Plays Major Rote in Town îý-Fromn bis boyhood days of the Fort Wayne correspon-i dence i Bowninviliu Mr.X VIORGeorge Thomas VanBridger f dence schooi. VaiiBridgc hbas been active VISOR ~~~~Manager and Secretary of His first job was with On- in cmuiyafis Bowmanville P.U.C. bas been tarîo Hydro's Winchester R. cmunydfar associated wîth electric power. O.A. as a lineman. Later he, His father, the late T.O. Van- became a meter shop super--_ Bridger, operated a steam intendent and a foreman and W MS .3roup electrie plant, also a grist served in this capacity with miii, at Winchester, Ontario, both the Winchester R.0.A.< from 1908 until 1913, when and the Lancaster R.O.A--ýA tn s S o Waiiy ndhesr. anBrih HdgrMaaromand-196Sereary-re1 $1.00 Waicheste r.ned th naer Hydro From 194-1946he wa Sr. became the Managero surer of Iroquois hydro-elec-1 DDIv VVork Winchester Rural Power Dis-1 trie and water wvorks system. ýkels trict, later known as Winches- Then he accepted the posBtaon resb,50tc n ofW.MS ter R.O.A., a position he heid of Assistant Manager of ea v 5 wreno Oh ..n. .uc. .n .nar. until his death in 1951. manville P.U.C., serving i nci ae te dîslay 0f suppiy So uth anO ntamriolI a aua htGog hscpct o ee y endewok thenezer n f s tedy VanBridger should follow~until195his aptennJan-Sc:Chuîch on Monday aft nooni. 4 ~~his father's footsteps and be-url94a heMngr u- This is join effort fa corne associated with Ontario hc een Georger E.rChase, whothe Auxiliaries, Missio Hydro and also in the muni- ha enMngrfrt irty- es, C.G.I.T., Mission cipal utility field. serVen er i aridiandi Baby Bandcs thro Bor ad euctedatWin M. VnBidgr s mrredthe Presbytery.Tea Bor ad eucte atWi-!and he and his wife have ..ie Th asecin i ýithree chilciren, a son, Thomas,: arrangedfrisetoh WA V L Echester, George took specilwowrsfo A ons cluded toys, Pelv clothing for correspondence courses woaftero ' l onih Zhis high school days. He coin-' Electrical Contracting firm in chilciren of ail ages, quilts pleted the International Cor- Oshawa, and two daughters. and a crib quilt, as well as a respondence course in engin- Ann, who lives in Bowman- supp ly. of clean, good used L E G IO Neering and also the meter and ville, and Nancy, who resides I clothing ail of which goes this electrical engineering course in Courtice._During his resi- ya oteIdinMsina ____Aiderville, Ontario. Four va- cation packets have been sent Recognize C.W.L. Here tOreent t nse qetin were Mrs. Carl Down, Pres. For inis ed roje ts Robert Muir, Ebenezer After- ta ritsnoon Auxiliary supply secre- 'Mrs. Stewart Chisholm, the month. Mrs J. Murphy report-1 tary and Miss Jean Gay, Eb- prsdnanone tteedo h icsso ru> enezer Evcning Auxiliary sup- *. prmeset n o ne Cat onth dicusio goup Aply secretary. metn1fte ahleWm donation of clothîng and can- The u vt erq welcomed ens nws uss League held i St. Jos- dy a received from Mrs.a h orb r.K .Hp 7 . .eph's Hall last week that word Lînton.kna n hedo Ms. W. J. BHop- bas been received thatte Th ri înr teathe hens att ractive teaBrown Bowmanville Sub-Division of Tepiewneso h n h trcietaro the C.W.L. had the h îghest draw were Mrs H. Aiken, was conveneci by Mrs. Elmer standing in the Peterborough Newcastle, Mrs. Neil McGuire, Down assisteci by Mrs. Mur- Diocese of ail C.W.L. Sub-Di- Mrs H. Vertvoort, Mrs. Pe- ray Osborne, Mrs. William visions in the number of suc- ter Verleyson. and Mrs. Tomn Henry andi Mrs. Charles El- cessful projects completedi Sheehan. After the business lîott. durîng the year. meeting a delicious lunch was Nineteen sixty-one supplies IA L A R KA fnanialserved by Mrs. Bert Payne wi]l go to the Archer Memor- satîsfactorv iaca and ber committee. il Hospital, Lamont, Alberta. statement for the year was--- .. -- presented by Mrs. George Young, the treasurer. Il was decided to hold a bazaar on: Saturday, October 22nd. Miss i Edna Bottreil will make the tickets for the draw. The0 0 prizes will be two quilts, aS A L E set of dishes. a barrel of ap-SL E ples, and a $10 gift certificate. The secretary, Mrs. Joseph with the purchase of a 196(0 Cuddahee, stated that the La- dies' Auxiliary to the Cana-,S U E A R diaîî Legion wvi1l catcî' for the L A R Ky banquet on July 13th to be L K h held in honour of Rev. F. K. Malane's 25th anniversary ofi You wiII receivc for the bis ordination. It was pointed out that only adults anîd High $1.00 Extra Sehool students are invitedi *OLFLE to attend. Everyone was urg- OLFLE LAIE - SATU DAT JULY 1i ed te answer the letter of in- *OTIEMRO MIN ATU DA"', JRLY 16)vitation as soon as possible so that the caterers can be gi*ven* SPLASH GUARDS ~UI an idea of how many will bce, ait . Dankels . . Barbecue I.aickeis peet Rids ad F i fr te Kddisi The C.W.L. decideci to sup-4 Rie an u*o h ide ply milk for the summer school to be held at St. Jos-t DESK * * * . LADES' UXILAIT RAWeph's Hall for the chilciren of . . . . LADES' UJULARY DRAWtheparish from July 4th t IJuly 9th. Mrs. Martin Molloy! was naîned convenor. The - members were also asked to urge teen age girls andi boys' to volunteci' to supervise dur- 1960 0 îLS O IE 8 ing the noon hours of tesm HOLIDA SCEN Mrs. Molloy was alsoa- pointed convenor for miec bowling te be held on Mon- day evenings from nine to 2 uD ea. M rd topil o'clock for adults and High' 2-Dr. HurdtopSchool students. Mrs. Mich- PRICED 55 u HYDRAMATIC . WHITE WALL TIRES .. CHROME ael Heenan gave a report on AS LOW AS $250( ithe C.W.L. Diocesan Conven- WHEE COERS * GLEMIN BLAK FNIS tion held in Cobourg this W HE L OVE S, . . . LEA IN BL CK FIN SHCorne ini today! Test drive the 1960) Lark