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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1960, p. 1

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"Miss Orono"" at Hi - Teens Dance Orono's big event of the year, theannual Hi-Teen dance, was held Fridav evening when 16-year-old Margery Tyrreil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tyrreli, was chosen "Miss Orono" for 1960. Her two princesses were Gayle Willis and Bonnie Couvier. Twelve girls entered the contest at the start, where qualifications demanded poise, persanality and appeàrance. Last year'si Queen, Marilyn Cobbledick presented the crown, the banner and flowers to hem successor and Hemb Duvall, president of the Orono Chamber of Commerce, gave hra cheque for $25. _________ ___ Vernon Singer, M.P.P. Liberci Speaker Details "(Appaulin g" Cabinet Record bfFrost's Governmenf Dura4Confl4 vtflkn.i Dwnhai nnnv' fWaa i»biu] -----e - --19-0- -J WWr A8SS W-oemth affair.rae aý1e ad h Wte cut ofcmmendoMgisiteBa:er n hea consideration. They were forced to sit through a considerable number of more or less routine cases before their charges were heard and. there was very littie glamor about the way they were handled. In the court's eyes, they were people who had brokçn the laws of the land and had to be punîshed for the protection of the majority. That -is the way it should be. Hou rs for Friday, JuIy 1 Post Office hours on Dominion..Day July lut, are as follows: Post Office Box Lobby. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 P.M. Public Lobby: 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. General Delivery and Stamps: 8:301 a.m. to 101:30 There wiII ho no Mon- ' e.y urar, bvingVUs Banik The *'appalling" record of naturai gas scandal. In 1958 terwards did sa and passed. Business, or Rural Route the Frast cabinet was given the Minister of Lands and The Minister of Municipal Af. Delivery. in detail by Vernon Singer, Forests resigned and lost his fairs has been unabie to ex- Mails wvill be received M .PP., at the meeting af the seat, and the samne happened plain the iack ai activity re- n e Sted as usuaBo Durham County Liberai As- ta the Minister af Public garding the Belleville and coletreeabot 2tterpBox sociation iield in Orono on Works. York Township scandais,.olcinabu :0pm IV nday evening About 100 "In 1959 the Minister of "In 1960 the Minîster af Re- ge ; hee, anJ. Prgsi- Education, who took a stand form Institutions cast doubt e e to det E. R. Lovekin presicfed. that students, ta be eligible on the administration af jus- The Cabinet Record for teacher training must flot tiue in Canada. A boy hadN w Se to "Ina 1955 the Minister of be fat, eventualiy resigned. been canvicted on the evid 1j ~ A~ Highways resigned aiter alBabinetz who had been pre- ence by every court. Yet, af- g wav 401 scandai.. In 1957 the Ministrvne from eatering Teach- terwards, the Minister of Re-" ' I o Mines resigned ater the ers' College on this score a- farm Institutions publicly sta- Op ngu e3 ted he did not believe hliJfn l guiity. Also, in 1960, a cabinet n I s aI ew O fi e smifister in the Frost govern- Tislsth bg oeen :ous charge under the Crim- eager ta try the new sec- inal Code of Canada. tion of Highway 401 front A t Li ns M e ti gFrost's Responsibility Newvcastle ta Port Hope. International Counillor El-iaid ai the York Lions Club, shoulducsad that res- duial lane -road wlll be mer Grose, Westan, ofiiciated' R. Williams af the Richmond ponsibility lies with the head open on Thursday ta ac- at the installation of officers ilLions 'Club, and V. H. ai government. Blame cannat commodate holiday traffie. of the Bowmanville Lions Reeves, Calgary, father-in- be shifted from Frost ta mndi- It will add another 18 Club for 1960-61 at the dia- law of Lion Don Allun. The viduals. These men were mern- miles to this rlbbon of ner meeting ai the club held club ceiebrated the birthdays bers ai his cabinet. Mr. Sing- controlled access thruway in the Lions Community Cen- ai Lions A. M. Thompson, Nel- er said the Liberal Opposition that gradually is being tre on Monday cvening. son Osborne, and Horace gave the Department ai Mun- completcdl across a large Those installed in the im- (Bud) Moses. icinal Mffairs a goad gaing portion of Ontario. The presiv cremnyw VicPe- Following the installation aver during the last session extension should play a aident Walter Rundle, lstVie at Queen's Park. He painted big part in relievlng the President Haward Gibson, 2ind af officers the chair was turn- out that the Ontario Munici- congestion on Hlghway 2 Vice-President Glen Martyn, ed over ta the new president, pal Act had been passed 110 between highways 35 and 3rd Vice-President Russell Walter Rundie. A past presi- years ago and has nat been 115 near Newcastle and Oke, Secretary Ralph Ames, dent's pin and a framed cer- basîcally changed since. He Highway 28 at Port Hope. Treasurer Bill Burk, Tail tificate were presented ta Glen toîd ai many out-dated sec- Highways Minister Fred Twister Ed Leslie, Lion Tamn- Lander, the retiriug president tians, and stated that nlo ane M. Cass said this- week er Clarence Hockin. and Di_ by Mr. Rundie. in the Frost govemfiment had that the officiai apening rectors Laurence 'Goddard,I Earlier in the meeting the atternpted ta examine it with wiIl be delayed until George White, Jack Roughley, anýnual reports ai each coin- a view ai bringing it up ta next year wben the leg and Sam Black. mittee ai the club were sub- date. "We have had resolu. between Port Hope and Three guests were present mitted by the chairmen con- tions from commîttee stress- Brighton bas been com- at th meeting, Mac Mac Dn cerned. (Cotmued on page seven). pleted. Liberal Hopes Raised by New Brunswick Election I 7à Atimely Liberal meeting in Orono Monday officiais of the county Liberals and the guest speaker dght Itad eotething to cheer about. People left the are hearing the news with varied expressions. Left to om fzpquently ta hear the news fmom New Bruns- right, Russe]] C. Honey, E. R. Woodyard, E. R. Love- ick where the Libemals ousted a Conservative gov- kin, arry Mercer and guest speaker Vernon Singerj mnment eight years in office. [n this photo, top MI.. School Children Learn How Ilndian's'Lived Public School pupils from Darlington and Bow- modern building.Hre"BghifCclJ.Fn, inanville have been adding some details of Indian lore head of Oshawa Wood Products, is telling Maple Grove to their knowledge. Recently, several groups have school youngsters about the early days in Canade, 'isited Oshawa Wood Produets at Courtice where a Following this unique presentation, they were takU simulated Indian teepee made of plastic has been erect- through the new showroom and the entire plant tonW ed, along with a section of log cabin and a miniature 1 how various products are made and used. ÇB1s ana1l£/)ieces A SIMMER DOCTOR - In order to provide better weekénd and holiday service for patients and emergencies, Bowmanville doctors have been. able to obtain the services of Dr. J. R. "Jocko" Thompson for the summer months. It will be recalled that Dr. Thompson was here at the hos- pital while an intern. It is also undemstood that Dr. Mikios and Dr. McKenzie of Newcastle and Orono have also secured Dr. Stumbof as assistant durig the holiday months. GRADUATE I ýAW - Mike Hàtrrison, who has foiled many Bowmanville hamdball batters while pitching ior Port Hope, has made the grade in another field. On Thumsday, hie graduated fmom Osgoode Hall with first class honors. He is articling with the "old master" J. C. German, Q.C., of Cobourg and later will join a Toronto law f irm. Mike is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Hap) Har- rison, well-known in Bowmanville. Mike now has .i t t FACE LIFTING - Landem Hardware took on a bight new look from the second floor up this week. The cornice was completely replaced and a coat of white painit put on over the red brick ta give the entime building a fresher appearance in keeping with the modemn front they installed last year. J. .1. t LIGHT GONE'OUT Yelverton citizens and many outsiders were saddened recently to leamn of the death of one of the cheeriest souls imagin- able, Hughie McGill. The nomthern village just won't seem the same without Hughie, the unofficial mayor of the community. TWO BIG EVENTS - Lack of space this week prevented publication of two photos which are of considerable interest. Both weme taken Tuesday evening. On~e showed Keith Banting receiving a shield for being "The Scout of the Year") and the other pomtayed five-year-old Del4bie Bothwell, "Miss Timmy", during the, Rotary ClIb's Eastem Seal Drive. She graduated from. the Oshawa and District Ceebral Palsy School and Clinic kindergarten last week. Complete with gown and mortar board, she visited the Eastern Star here and expressed thanks for their help. t 1 SCHOOL'S OUT - This week. students of High and Public Schools ini the area will be free for the surn.mer. We urge motomists ta take special note of this fact s0 they will, be on the watch for youngsters darting out fmom behind parked cars and so on, and adjust their speed accomdingly. Also, of course, it would be most timely ta investi- gate the new mouth-to-mouth method of resuscita- tion and a little gadget which should be available in every cottage. It only costÈ a few dollars but is used in connection Wvith the new method. Druggists and doctors should ho able ta advise where they can be obtained. t - t tj4 MAKING PROGRESS - Last Thumsday evening, five-year-oîd Debomah Edgem, daughter of Mm. and Mrs. W. R.' "Bill" Edger suffered a fractured skull when hit by a car near their Peterborough home. Latest repart is that she is making good pragmess. The ornament on the car's hood penetrated the back of her head, making surgery necessary. Her father was bomn here, son of Mrs. and the late W. A. Edge r. T1. t + + il KILLED IN CRASH - Last W'ednesday, a tragic head-on accident near Trickey's Corners toak the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton. She was heme on a combined visit with hem son and a huying expe- dition for hem antique shop in Belfast, Ireland. She had operated the shop for many years and gained considerable recognition for hem collection. At 82 years of age. she drove hem own car and, apparently, .was quite a remamkable persan until death caught up with her on one of our highways. noa peciai ervices Pentecostal 'Assembly Says Farewell fo Pastor Sunday farewell services climaxed the past four years of spiritual ministry for Rev. G.,E. Leno, pastor of the lo- cal Pentecostal urh At11:00-a.m. the junior, choir under the capable lead- ership of Mrs. Marion Dan- fort,' sang a beautiful number "The Roll Caîl", with Mrs. Marilyn Hutchin son at the piano. The pastor spoke brief- iy ta a large congregation on the subject "Communion"'. Rev. Leno pointed out the importanceOfi communion and fellowship with God and with each other as ta spiritual growth both individualiy and as a church. The ordinance of the "Lord's Supper" ciimaxedý a lovely service. At 7:00 p.m. Rev. R. Rîut- chinson ied an inspiring sang service with Miss Leta Bragg at the piano. Roy Johnston, Dickson Reynard, G. Leno and H. McDonald alsa contri- Stores Open Until 9 p.m. A qulck survey by Chamber of Commerce of - ficiais indicates that a majority of Bowinanville stores will be open Thurs- day evening, prior to the Dominion Day holiday. They wilJ remain open until 9 p.m. Stores will be closed ail day Friday,. with the ex- ception of the restaurants and handy stores. Regular business hours wiJI be reanmed on Satur- day. butcd their musical talents on Rev and Mrs. Leno, Kelth otheî' instruments. Mrs. Jean and Gary, besides being hon. Bell and Mrs. Helen MeDon- oured by several private din- aid rendered vocal solos as ners and luncheons were es. well as Gary Leno playing an peciaily aç àccordion, solo. ,'Iawn sûppcir" held -at tiIil Mr. Gordon Scriver repres- sidence of *Mr. and Mrs. D. enting the official church Danfart, Mili Lane, at which board spoke briefly of their time al members of the fam- appreciation of Mr. Leno's iiy wiere presented with love- ministry. Rev. Leno in the ly gits. A dinner at the Fly- ening remarks of his message ing Dutchman was also givent made speciai mention of the by mernbers of -Mrs. Leno'at assistance and ca-operation of fam:iy in Oshawa. At the clos- Rev. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson ing W.,M.C. meeting of the alotakn l h a oJ iadwr rsneover the past severai months season Mrs. G. Leno and Mrs~ willingly .rendered their musi- iovely cups and saucer../ cal talents as wcll as ail other Rev. and Mrs. Leno and # officers and those who had sa faiiy take with thern many kindly co-aperated ln any mray picasant memories of Bowe toward the work of God and manville as they leave for a the continuing growth of this kew weeks at their cottage church. The service concluded near Cobourg priar toAuM. ~ with a chaiienging message Leno assuming his new res. and prayer. ponsibilities in Agincourt. 'Hos pifai Receives A gitor $500 in memory i the chairman Ivan Hobb% or Dr. Dorothy MV. James froni Harry V. Cryderman, Glen. Dr. Mary L. Northway, To- holm Hughes, H. Jase, New» ranto. was received by the' castie, Keith Jacksan, Rej Board ai Directors ai Meni- Walters, Mrs. Lawrence C. anial Hospital, Bowmanville,' aon, president ai the Wom. last week. A letter ai appre- en'sHospital Auxiliary, MrtE. ciation was sent by the board' Charles Warren, Darlington, to Dr. Northway for her gen- Mrs. Harold Qibson, Clarke. erous giit. It enclosed a list Mrs. R. G. Cowie, Ray Dilliag ai equipment needed for the i the secretary-treasurer,, ani new addition ta the hospital, Stanley Wilkins, haspitai ad. and asked Dr. Northway ta i ministrator. select the ne for which she j A donation ofa a tien would like her git used lain'nd1 memory ai Dr. Dorothy James wa1 eevdia r Earlier in the week the l MeKenzie, Orona. A letter monthly meeting af the Board was read from Mrs. D. Parter. Members of W. .for Many Years Two imembers of many yeams standing were present when the Bowniané ville Branch of the Women's Institute recently celebrated its 6Oth birthday. At' the left of the birthday cake is Mrs. F. Jackman, Bowmanvil]e, who has bee4tý a ,member for 57 years and at present is a dîrector of the Bowmanville Brgnch en the rght is Mrs. T. Sowden of Newcastle, who is a charter member of h Bomavile Branch and was its first seeretary. -Photo by Kudî Gerbe* tI 1 -ýww 1 m Deplorable Pubêcity, 1 Over the weekend a group of yo0zng people from out-of-town staged a party at :-our beach which admittedly «"got out ofhand". s a resuit, this town was given more unfavorab1ý publicity in one day than any amount of aition by a Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Co4mission or uther organization could offset in a ye-ar. Henceforth, until the issue dies d9wn and is- forgotten, the fair and cornparatively ýlean-name of Bowmanville will be hinked in nmany minds with hot rodders, wild orgies, black jackets, Golden Hawks and backfiring motorcycles. It ail happened because an irresponsible outfit saw fit to make this community the scene of one of its wild affairs. Somehow, it doesn't seem fair tcq the com- munity or the majority of the young pople in it. We lay no dlaim to raising angels. Iii any town of this size, a percentage will, flot be a credit to their parents, their schools, their cburches or themselves. But, we do feel that our young folks are, in the main, good-living, well-adjusted, sens- ible youngsters who fortunately haven't acquired the "gang"~ conmp1ex. On Monday, the blaring headlines ini the daily papers seemed' far out of proportion to the occurrence. In our opinion, such pu1?licity only helps to glamorize these thrill-seeking'youngsters and make them heroes and legends with others of the same age. At court, the metropolitan dailies were there in full force, giving these im- pressionable youths and their girls the fui] picture treatment. Our only reaction was one of disgust as they brazenly displayed their fancy haircuts and the insignia of the infamous gang that pro- TTTTUIV

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