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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1960, p. 6

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PAGE SIX IRtAWfYMmrqw .A m a. -- - Rotary's President- ln Retiring Address TelIls of Club' s Work George Vice gave his last the District Conference. addrcss as president of theI He pointed out that there -Rotary Club of Bowmanvîlle had been a well balanced club at the club's luncheon meet- serviceTprograin during the ing beid at the Flying Dutch- year. The weckly programs man Motor Hotel on Friday., wene planned to cover the He tanke theBoard of i>t- four avenues of Rotary ser- rectons, commnittee chairýiîi .i, vice. H1e added that the excel- and ail members for the hclp'cnt addncsses given by out- they bad given bim during side speakers had been enjoy- the 3tean. cd, and saine of the best pro- He specially commcnded the; grains were pnesented by the oecrctany, K. N. Morris, for ah I ciub's own members. the extra work be had ac-' Four new members wcne in- compiisbed, and cxpressed ap- ductcd into the club during preciation to the Rotary Anas the year, President Vice said. for the many lunches they "The Rotary Information bad supplied and their bclp Committee hcid severai good at other times tbnoughout the meetings for oun new mcm- past 12 montbs. Mn. Vice aiýo bers. The nesponsibilities of a said that bis wife's under- Rotarian and the ideas and standing and enthusiasin for aims of Rotary wene well pre- Rotary bad been of great as- snc, easnc.1ead uistnceto im dnin bi ed that the Magazine Coin- terhei of office. I ittee pnomoted intenest in "In summing up the yea's m work it wouid appean that the Rotary tbnough the distribu- clubmemers avetake a'tion of "The Rotarian", and club embes hae taen aby sending it to ahl the min- egreater intercst in our club istens in the district. He also service and iternational sen- stated that the Bulletin, and vice prograins. We have lim- the Club Activities prograin ited ourseives in our voca- bad helped to niake the past1 -tional service prognain, and year successful. have confined our community "h pnoigo .W wonk cbicfly to youth," Mn. "h pnoigo .W Vice stated. H1e suggested Wrigbt at the Town Hall by that future Vocational Service the Chamber of Commerce, *Committees might consider the ,,B. & P. Womcn's Club,1 Uic "Conscience Crusade Pro- and the Rotary Club as parte gran"whch 'at-e..t.+4A .~of our Vocational Service1 gra" hih a-- sened---- l - FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS UV STAFFORD 45E~ BROS. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works 318 Dunda St.E. Whitby Phone Whltby r. Ohawk 8-3552 wr was very successful. Fru- tu[rc Iprograi of a similar nature in addition to the re- gular prograins sponsored by this committee would help our Vocational Service Pro- grain in our club and coin- munity. "As in past years our work1 for cripplcd cbildren was ac-1 complisbed quietly. The ne-1 sponse to the Easter Seals1 Campaign was very satisfac-1 tory and guaranteed that our( work in this field will be car-( ricd out in tbe future. Mr. Vice also pointcd outt that the change froin the1 club's previous Runal-Urban c Program policy had met witb c marked success. He advisedr that tbe club consider future ii participation in the "4-H Pro-d grain."c He also spoke of the Youth 1 This Store wiIl be Closed for Holidays1 July l1Ia 23 inclusive Flrst Aid Bathlng Sunrite Polarold Kits Caps Sunglasses Sunglasses 2.00 79e 69e 2.95 -7.50 to $1.98 to $1.98 2.29 -3.49 SUMNER NEEDS Tangel for Burns- 85e - Ns,ercainl , ___1.00 Ozonol _____70e Unguentine - ..79c Noxzema 73e & 93e Nives 011-- 65c, 1.20, 2.65 Fly Tox Bomb 98o - 1.49 FIy Tox Repellent- 1.39 6-12 Repellent - 69 - 89e Skolex Cream -- ----- 1.00 Coppertone -98c -1.50 Suntan 011 55 - 75e JIohnson & Johnson First Aid Cream 63e - 98c Ban New Odo-ro-no Trig Deoorat Sopete 1.25 value Special 1.65 125 1 C7e 1 fr7Me 1.6Value Wildroot Cream Oil Special -- 73e 1L09 Value Palmolive Shave Cream Special 65e 1.34 Value Colgates Tooth Paste Special -- 98c COWLI NG'S a 35685 DRUG STORE ROYAL WR FIT TRUSSES 80 WMAN VILLE MA 3-5589 To-Nite - Thurs. Mid-Nfite Show Only ""FIEND WMEHNT A FACE"9 AND ""THE HAUNTED STRANGLER"# Boris Karloff - (Aduit) Guaranteed to give you nightmares! This Thurs. Io Sa!., June 30 - July 2 AlATINEE SAT. 2 P.M. FORGOTTEN SWORLDS OF - ADVENTURI I ALSO %%THE HIRED GUN" GOOD WESTERN with Rory Caihoun and Aun Francis I. Next Mon. & Tues., UBRONCO FURY" Color and "TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE" Opening Wed., July 6 Io SaL., July 9 (4 DAYS) s, t 1I- _____________ -- IIJ&bM , (WmftIq VUl.1Ç (IITANIEU) -ic ..s.W Trustes in Brnikrtul 64 King St. E. RA 5-162 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. fiedander, B. Coin., C.P.iP MONTEITH - MONTEITI] RIEHL & Co. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville Cali ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Coin., CA G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A.- <Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. C h ir opr ac fic G. EDWIN MANN, DC. Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor of Horsey SI Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointmeni D e ntal1 DIL W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury, Jubilee Bldgs. 40 King St. W. BowmanVilE Office 1-ours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA «1-5790 House Phone - Newca--tle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 <Closed Wednesday - Sundays DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.O.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanvilic Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L e ga Shaw's Sr. Pupils FIy ýOver Homes The students froin Shaw's Scbool, senior room, enjoyed their annual bus trip to To- ronto on Wednesday, June 22. They visited the museuin wbere they viewed the Eski- mo, Mexican and Egyptian exhîbits, also the dinosaurs and prebistoric animais. They stopped at the Art Gallery wbere guides expiained many of the famous paintings and sculptured figures. After lunch tbey assemblcd in the studio of CBC radio station and werc present for the afternoon broadcast of the Tommy Hunten Show. La- ter they wcre shown tbnough a set of C.B.L.T. prior to a nebearsal. The great complicated systein of lights and expensive cameras was of intenest to ail. The highligbt of the trip was a visit to Malton wbene they enjoyed seeing the acro- planes. The panty of cbiîdren and adult esconts boarded a cbantened Viscount for a short fligbt and wene tbnilled wben the captain fiew to Newton- ville and back. It was a first flight for mnany and ideal weather con- ditions made it possible to pick out familiar iandmarks and homes as we passed. The group of students and accompanying aduits arc grateful to bus driver Ken Smith of Burley Bus Lines for bis patient co-openation thnougbout the day, and prin- cipal Mrs. Leila Atchison of Newtonviîle for al ber wonk in planning such a memorabie day. SHAW-S Despite unfavonable weatben about 75 membens of Shaw's community gathered at Wal- tona Park for the annuai pic- iei. 1Mrs. Garnet Riekard, Mns. Ross banc arnd Mrs. Leonard Jones were the committee in charge of supper arrange- ments. A bountiful repast was enjoyed by ail. Dick Lovekin very ably bandled a prograin of sports, winncns of whicb wenc as fol- lows: Races: Pre-school chiîdren, Carol Lovekin, Stanley Lane; Girls 6-7 ycans, Katby Love- kiri, Eleanon Smitb; Girls 8-9 yeans, Pat Rudeli, Maniene Downey; Boys 8-9, Jobnnie Lane, Garny Monroe. Girls 10-11, Margaret Wer- ry, Muriel Lanc; Boys 10-11, Brian Joncs, Earl Cobbiedick; Girls 12-13, Barbara Browes, Ruth Werny; Boys 12-13, Pe- ter Werry, Bob Giikes. Girls 14 and oven, Margar- et Cryderman; Boys 14 and over, David Wenry, James Rickard; Girls' 3-legged race, Pat Rudell and Katby Love- kmn first; Margaret Cryden- inan and Ruth Wcnny, second; Boys' 3-legged race, lst Lynn Brown and Peter Werry, 2nd David Werry and James Rick- and*:Ladies' roîhing pin toss, Mrs. Browes, Mrs. Rudell. The men and boys enjoyed a hearty tug of wan, Leonard Joncs being captain of the wning teain. Mns. Wcnry adMns. Rudeli arranged severai novelty gaines and contcsts, winners bcing Mns. Cryderman, Mns. James and Mrs. Lane. The crow;d dispensed at dusk ;having enjoyed the hours of STRIKE snd STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmnanvil]e Telephone MVA 3-5791 LAWRLENCE C. MASON, B.A, Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville S. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E.. B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Pt9ne Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointinent only. W. KAY LYCETT, BA. Barnister and Solicitor In tbe offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Oono, Ontario Mor fg age s SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 Flrst Mortgage Funds Residences - Farina Business Properties Op to me tr y KEITH A. BILLET!!. O.D. Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hlours: By appointinent Telephone MArket 3-3252 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Saturday Thursdav evenings Wednesdays: 9 to 13 n n n ~1. et a. "t e n e Service Committee's achieve- ment's and particularly men- tioned the. "Career Nlght"' held at Orono High ScbooL. He remarked -on the hard work of the Special Events Committee, and also asserted that the Christinas Tree Pro- ject bas reached the stage> whene some financial returas may be expected. The retiring president em- phasized the importance of the efforts of the International Service Committee, and pre- dîcted that the club's student weekends will resuit in good- I neyer thought I'd st wlll and understandîng in dif- cuib. I always looked up ferent parts of the world. bird watcbers as a commu Mr. Vice discussed two new ity unto theinselves. Perso events introduced in the last with too mucb leisure and:r year. He said that the Rotary enough responsibilîty to1 Car wash had been a finan- their time. So they take cial success, and also had pro- watcbing the skies for th( moted fellowship through the featbered friends, I decidE participation of the members. in order to jot down dataf He also stated tbat the Talent records, only a few would Money Project bad been fi- interested in. Or at least nancially successful. thougbt tbis was a good dE Mn. Vice referred to the cniption of bird watchers four club general assemblies the time. beld. -The first was to hear That was before a rece the plans of the various coin- morning wben I stretchedo mittees for the year; the se- on a sun cot under tbeo cond wben the District Gov- apple tree to contempli ernon visited the club; the with considenable relisb, pl& third to discuss community for my summer travels. I fE service work; and tbe founth I needed this period of rela: to revîew the accomplish- ation after my strenuous dz ments of tbe club service coin- conducting first "tour". It st mittee.1 seemed a miracle to me thaï The members of the Rotary bad safely delivcred six sin Club of Bowmanville who at- youngstens to their parn tended the District Confer- from the wilds of Ontaric ence at Guelph, and the Ro- vacationland following th, tary International Convention memorable birtbday pai at Maimi lcarncd much that train jaunt. will be of value in their fu- I don't know wby I did ri ture Rotary work, Mr. Vice recognize the first sympton asserted. He also spoke of the of birdwatching-itis, for I hz benefits derived froin sevenal purcbased a most attracti- informaI fireside meetings bird bouse at an auction ar hcld in the homes of inembers bung it bigb on a bougb 0we of the club here during the banging tbe patio. Evidently past year. had tried to subconscious] Mr. Vice urged that ail convince myscîf I made th members carcfulîy study the purchase merely because th Annual Report of the club wbich is bcing prcsented in Business Directory booklet form ths year. H tbcn turned oven the chair to, the incoming president, R. P. tiicDufliaflcy Rickaby, wbo asked tbe sup- port of ail members for bis RAY 3. DILLING efforts on bebaîf of tbe club Certified Public Accountanl dunîng the coming 12 montbs. 93 Churcb Street Stan Everson, a past Dis- MArket 3-3861 :rict Governor, presented a banner froin the Rotary Club WX . J.B. COGGINS îf Oshawa to the Rotary Club Chartered Accountant of Bowmanville. Other gucsts Second Floor present at the luncheon meet- New Library Building ing were Jack Lowery, presi- Cor. King and Temperance St. Lent elect of the Rotary Club Phone MArket 3-3612 of Osbawa, Jack Biddulpb, Bob Brown, Ken Coulter, al TALE, FRIEDLANDER f Oshawa, D. Kemp, Ajax, HUNTER & CO. and Bill Johnston, Toronto. Accountants and Auditors Lin-I ;ons flot to ieir cd, for be ;tI les- at ent out old te, ans 'cît Ix- lay "il t l lal nts osS hat rty 1 rot t ms1 iadi ive1 indE er- ly his rt n ti 0 tS( house, surveyed the possibil-I FI ity of gnawing the hole large enough to admit bis supple j body and was about to begin his murderous operation wben (k X another draina ini nature's <p(Clvu story unfolded. a/A On a topmost bough, a huge *frobin took Up sentry duty. Il I Every time the squirrel would Il j approach the bouse, the- rob- V in would dive-bomb hlm. Jen- ny neyer budged during ail 7 this alarming evidence that OROTHY MARKER an enemy was present. bous wa suh anunuuai I watched avidly for days, hous wa suh anunuualhoping to see the young par- type. 1 simply tbought it ents teach the birdlings to fly, would add to the atinosphere but I neyer did. They must of our outdoor living room. have spirited thern away dur- Amidst the drone of buin- ing tbe night, or under cover ble bees and wasps, the croak of a shower. But I bave, of tbe bull frog in tbe farin caught tbe birdwatcbing fcvcr pond and the baying of a and it is costing me money. hound two farins away, I bad Bird books, binoculars, rubber become conscîous of a flutter boots for swamrp wading, re- and chirping that attracted crst dnîybr aî my attention to the bird bouse.. anodsa wbisetle guarned cto Jenny Wren and ber flewly attract my ncwly found fea-; acquired busband were pull- thrd fins aebe ing and tugging at a twig added to my belongings. much larger than theinselves. Bird watchers, I bave found, or, I sbould say, Jenny was are moralîzers. They wouldý doing tbe tugging wbile fricnd bave the buman race imitate! busband sat on an adjacent tbe winged population of thisj twig and trilled a ballelujah crazy old world. Birds with chorus. For two solid bours I tbeir open sky policy, loyalty, watcbed this performance. to mates and excessive indus-:j How she ever managed to get try hudteyflsta someof he wig thy coseexample for us befuddlcd and' for tbeir ncest into tbe sinail frifthtened inortals who search hole of the house was a XTy5- the skies these days, but flot; tery 1 could flot attemPt to for birds. solve.. Have tbey forgotten theý There is no automation in communists of birdland, star-: birdland, no unions or pro- lings who steal nests, kcep hibited boundaries for the ga- sinaller hirds in constant ter-ý tbering of boine building ma- ror of attack and strut theirl tenials. Those mites worked superiority in ahl their pris- until dark and wcre up agaîn tine plumage? Or the nortb- 1 long before I opened my pecp- ern shrike, wbo zooms down ers. If Jenny slackened ber on tiny, unsuspecting spar- pace , ber belpinate scolded and rows, spears thera and bangs~ hopped around like a wound- thein on a tborn apple tree. ip toy. as a warning to any other They were my cbief source bird wbo would usurp the of intercst and amusement for shrikc's authority in airlanes, bhree days. Finally, apparent- populated with featbered crea-' ly the bouse was to Jenny's turcs. liking and she settlcd down Human or bird, we sein to o raise ber family. Now ber bave inherited our enemies. nate's song almost burst bis Who will play robin in ou- tiny tbroat. This was danger- present human draina, and ous, for it attracted a red scare the bogey man away, squirrel who reconnoitred the remains to be seen. B ETH ANY a- U- S-VEa4 Clark's Fancy Tromato Jui ce 37c BEST BUY - SAVE 9c - Stokely's - 48 oz. tin PINEAPPLE and GRAPEFRUITfo PING JUICE 2069 .wFrX Alau 1~- clxV im Bright's Halves - 15 oz. tinfo CHOICE PEACHES L fo9 FEATURE - SAVE lic BLENDED OR GRAPEFRUIT - 48 oz. tinI FEATURE - SAVE 6c 60 Bags RED ROSE TEA BAGS 73c PRO DUCERed Cardinal TRAIN LOAD SALE G A E FLORIDA - RED RIPE Large Family Size b35 WATER ELONNew Crop Spanish WATRME ONONIONS 69c2Ifor 23c California - Satin - Sunkist Ontario - Fresh - Green ORANGES CABBAGE Large 113's Large heads .5 9C doz. 2 for 23c FEATURE - SAVE 4c FEATURE - SAVE CASH "SUNBEAM Reynolds' Aluininum Hickory HilliPCA vGIL WRAP WHOLE CHICKENSICA 25' roll 3 lb. 4 oz. tin WIENER BUNS 31c 1 $1l17 Pkg. of 8 buns FEATURE - SAVE 10e 215C FEATURE - SAVE 2c Supreme Sweet Aunt Mary's SranEtTESixed PICKLES SLICED BREAD SEVETS48 oz. jar 24 oz. loaf White - 250 per pkg. 49 9 4.5c FEATURE - SAVE 10e FEATURE - SAVE 7c Grimsby ParmontFancy Sweet GHERKINS SIJPREME BRAND PN SAMN48 oz. j ar Homogenized 1/2's tin 6 cPeanut Butter 2 for 5.5c "HOLIDAY Ylbpoyai FEAURE- AVE9c BISCUIT SALE" 45 9c Luncheon Meat - Burns' Apple BlQssoms, Party MrceWI Assortment, Ass'd Waffles, iaclWI Dainty Assortment SPAM ~~~Assorted Sandwich adDesn Oblong 15 oz. tin Your Choice 32 oz. jar 2Ifor 69c 3 pkgs.89 69C FROZEN FOODS New Birds Eye Dinners CHGPPED BEEFSTEAK OR MUAT LOAF £a E. 59C Pet-Ritz - Family Size FEOZEN BLUEBERIT PIE .---Ea. 39C t t e d ti b 0 Q p ir d 0, B Diseuss Fire Protection Morton, usan Scott and Shel- On Tbursday night a fur- la Wod1b aeatne ts. ther meeting to discuss more Sunday School rcgularly, will' adequate fire protection in now reccive their stripes. -the Bethany anea, was beld in Mrs. Noel Wood conducted the Town Hall, chained by tbe topic on nature study and Reeve Robent Brown. the chiîdren joined in reading, Mr. H. J. Mallory, Fine a pocin on "Trees"ý. CY Marshall froin Belleville show- Birtbday greetings wene cx- 21 cd two films "Fine 0On The tcnded to Sbciîa Wood andi Far.-n" and "The Western Bni- Kathleen Morton. Agade. The meeting adjourned Mr. Mallony also discussed with all fonming a circle and !rmodern methods of fine fight- joining in "Taps". ing, the type of equipinent Miss Leone Jordan Showered that would meet with gov- ernnient standards, the ad- Miss Leone Jordan, whose vantages of joining a Mutual marriage to Barry Stewart Aid Plan, and offering bis wiIl take place on July lst, services in training men for was bonored by the commun- the wonk. ity on Friday nîght and pre. A lietition bas already been sented with many miscellan- Spresented to the Council ne- eous gifts at a sbowen held in quetig temto financee the United Church Sunday purcbasing of new equipinent Sebool Hall. and establisb a fine area in Miss Donna Durhamn read! accordance with Section 405 the address of congratulations -of the Municipal Act. A coun- and good wishes with Mrs. ter petition froin ratepayers Neil Finney, Mrs. Hanny Jake- not interested was also pre- man and Mrs. Earl Weatb- -sentcd-this gnoup feeling 1 t presenting the gifts. that it would be an additional Mrs. E. Weatberilt chained,: tax burden. the prognam, with readings1 There was a lively discus- given by Mrs. Thomas Jen- . sion period with questions ask- nîngs and Mrs. Ralph Preston; cd and answcred by Mn. MalIy, vocal duets by Mrs. Preston it but no definite decision made. Neals and Mrs. Vincent Jack- - The Mnes Twsi son. Ail took part in a con- Moni ilave thrs Twsip test on "Scrambled Wonds". coucilwii de fnthn ih Lunch was senved by the this controversial subi ect at lde ftecmuiy -their July meeting. lde ftecmuiy During the past.- week a United Church Service Mammoth Auction Sale bas Rev. Wm. Duff preached e been beld of the entire stock bis fanéecl sermon in the and fixtures of Reynolds' Unitedi Cbunch on Sunday Hardware Store. morning, pnion to moving toi In addition to the usual Hearst. The incoming minis- items found in a stone of this ten for the Parish is the Rev. Skind-paints, dishes, cooking Gordon Richardson formerly utensils, boits, nails, files, of Inverany, who will be in- tools, cabinet supplies, axes: ducted at a service to be bcld 1 forks, shovels, watch repair- in Janetilîle on Monday nigh.tI eman 's kit complete with two Rev. Duff administeredth miniature lathes, electrical rites of baptism to Ann Ma- supplies', etc.; there were many rie Van Beck, infant daugh- items to attnact antique col- ter of Mn. and Mrs. Harry Van lectors, sucb as wooden but- Beek, and to Dawn Elizabeth, ster bowls, wooden butter White, infant daughten of Mn. printens, coal oul lamps and and Mrs. Harold White. lanterns, hand bill printing Mn. and Mns. Thomas Jen- set, nope maker, old swords nîngs were also received into& and bunting knives that bad membersbip of the cbunch,' oni been stoncd away for yeans. transfen froin Trinity Cburchý Asa Reynolds was a cabinet in Saskatchewan. maken coming to Canada.froin Mrs. S. L. Spellen and Mrs. England and settling in Pont DuIf sang a Iovely duet "Hold Hope. His son Charles Rey- Thou My Hand" with Mrs.! nolds Sr., followed in bis fa- Clarence Rowan as organist. tber's trade and came to Betb- On Friday the fifty-eightl any as a cabinet maken, open- pupils of Bethany Public ing a hardware and furnitune Schooî, accompanied by their store on tbe soutb side of the teachers, Mrs. Mervin Smith Main Street about the year and Mrs. Carl Smith and, 1872. A littie later he became some of their mothers, enjoy-ý a futienal director. In 1873 he cd a bus tnip to Midland' marricd Catherine Johnston. wbore tbey visited many bis-, The store and the bouse where tonîcal points of intenest.. thicy livcd vere destnoyed i Mrs. J. P. Hendenson is a Bethany's great fine in 1911. patient in St. Josepb's Hospi- The following year hie star- tal, Peterborough. Her mar ted up in business again, friends anc wishing ber building on the North side of speedy recovery. Wb- the Main street, aiso building Mn. and Mns. Robent he a new home on the adjoining lans, Toronto, have spent the, lot, whicb, nemodelled, is now past week with Mrs. May i owned by a daugbter, Mrs. Webb and with Mns. Gladys Clara Armstrong. Malcolmson. Mn. Chanles Reynolds Sr. The sympatby of the coin- died at the age of 84 in 1928. munity is extended to Mrs. H-is wife died seven years la.: Leslie Chaîlice in the dcath; ter. of bier f ather, the late Lewis Fncderick W. Reynoldsi H. Staples. their oniy son, coptinued onI Mn. and Mrs. Fred Liscomb in the business until bis deathi and family of Toronto wcre, in Manch of this yean, with weeken d guests with Mn. and the assistance of bis son Char-' Mrs. Eari Weatherilt. les Jr. The Bethany Community The sale, beld on four sep- Band went to Warsaw on Sua- anate cvenings, witb Ted day, heading a panade there. Spenccly as auctioneen, attrac- Birthday Party 1 ted buge crowds; many look- On Friday, Dr. and Mns. S. ing for bargains, many for. L. Speller entertained with a. collector's items, and many party for thein son David who punchasing some sinall anti- was celebrating bis fifth; cie just for "old time's sake". birthday. Those present wcrel The 'general public regret Larry Weatherilt, Manlene the closîng of the store and Smith, Lynda Neals, Lyrîda the passing of another ena ini Carr, David Carn, Stanley! the bistory of the Village. Penny, Pbiîiip Been, Dale Mc- Mn. Murray Wilson bas Quade, Todd Penny, Ann rented the building and will White, Debby Martichenko, use it for tinsmitbing repaîr Randy Penny, Wayne Marti- wonk. chenko and David's brother,! St. Paul's Junior Auxiliary Donald and sisters Cathanine' The Junior Auxiliary of St. and Lynda. Gaines were play- Paui's Anglican Cbunch beld cd and moving pictures tak-' their meeting this week in the en. Parish Hall with 12 juniorsi Mn. and Mns. Frank White,' present. Trento, visitcd with Mn. and The chants weeinarked1 Mrs. Hrry Ryley and with and it was announced thatiMn. andJ Mrý;. Harold White tbree 01 the girls, Kathleen1 during the weekend.t MAPLE GROVE ORONO of ar t, ~q 4' i t-t .4, i '~4, 1:: 4-. - t,41 t7~ 4- -~q- ,i a- I.' g-, t, .4 1' n i F "A * n n 'tA n n e. n n n n n 't' n 44 n 'Q n e n n n n n n * n n a. 4~4 n n j 'A 1 SWIFT'S PREMIIJM- Fully Cooked HAMS SHORT SHANK » SKINLESS Whole or Ilf lb.. 59q SWIFT'S PREMUM FRANKS 1 lb. cello pkg. 43C [RED & WHITÈl'ý ý 1 - CANNED HAMS sl.29 29C BUST BUY - SAVE 10e Maple Leaf Liquid Detergent 6c Off Deal - 12 oz. tin 1 1 - 1 - iýl 1 BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market 1 lu BEST BUY- SAVE 24e Maple Leaf - 11/ lb. i 1 - Mapie Grove Groceteria - Cornish Marketeria TM CAMADUR STATMMAU sl ne FEATURE - SAVE Re

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