PÂGE TGETTR CANADIAI< STATLSMAN, BOWMANvILLE, oNTARlO WEDNESDAY, JUNEC 29, 1960 lf By Frank Mohun iMA. 372Ja4, ,J NYO-HITTER BY GEORGE STEPHEN George Ste-phen birle>d Sbeptîeu Fuels fo a t10-0 nii- btter tasitbl'ursday nugbl. un the funest pîtcbcd garne off Ibis: L;eason and actLnaly for qumube a fexu'x-ars. George ahoxveci only thu-ce runners îo îcach base. one on a xxalk and twvo by - errors. We caoriiemnember piaying on a tearni\'ith Hairy vSiiov- den halso, a Siephen Fuels pitcher> about sex en or- eighi year-s ago wben lie îhrew a n-butter ai Bitî's Blliards iin a pa ' off. game. Altlough xx c dont riec-aîl. spver-al play eus on tbe nId, Local .197 Whie Shirts. r-nemmer a io-litir prnbablvtytel year folloxxmîg Soxde s ith J im Bi-own doirîg the bioouis.' Hxer.la-t Thurjsdav was Geoige Stephen's iight,ý *.ç bie pîtm-bed the besi game of bis lonug career. BANTAM N(-HITTERS ABOUNI) While a no-itter n nmens sofîbaît is quit(-,a k-at. the Xamp doesnit seem ho appl * to the Baritani haseballers vherFr Bowmanvîlle xere engaged in a pair of no-but gaies oui successive nîgbts. Wiîh Jerr ' Faits tuiiag in a top elforýt to hoid the opposition hiless. tlue louais dow,ýned Poil t-tope, but the mexi might oîîr Bantims xxe x ictim- orf a no-hît efforti i Ajax.. WE HELPED WIN A GOLF TOURNEY Fouiv stiokes vereP ail thai seoarated tht>xinîiag duo etf Don Gilboolxv and Frank NIoliiii fron Lo\x-ell VtselacDoiigal' and Bob (ihrî iin a txxo bail foursome lueld Saturidas\ afti-- moon ai tlle Southviexe Club. G ilbooly a nd Mohturtn mcd iii a 901 scor-e xxith a liaidi - p off 21 for a 69. Mar-Dotîgat anîd GuIIiîie regisiered 104 PeSC 31 for a mmlller'-uip score of 73. In thîrd place Verýe "iýJiggs" ox'iîgand Bob Mai oi withi a net of -18 oni a 10t3-2.5. T'l'li îe rs saricd off vwecl i xxi a bîî-die. tliiee par-s and a bogey oui the fîrst five botes. A pltitxxlîîuih riniîned- the cuip on) the sixth put t hem oxe- par for- the fit-si tlie. but the gond stait pi-obably nuade thc differejîce. Orýiginaally . MauDoogat aind Guibr-ie we-re anlnOuîI(icedas ivinners. but it xxas discox-ered iliat theY lîad been gixeli a handicap thatx'a fixe srokes too bigh. SATURDAY GAYIE ENDS BASEBALL, WEEK 'Fn end Basebal Weck. a Baitain Att-Star Exhibitioni has been lîned up fori-bis Satii:rda\- ai the Memor-ial Park ,iii 'Éowmativille. "lic Lakesboi- Alil-Star-s. comiprised of lwo1 players frorm each of tbe umile teamsis n the gr-oup. xxmtl mccl Leaside. BitI Veîteh. mnager of the Bonanvitie Baitanis. vil look arter the club. EETCH-ER ROWLS WELL, ~, Congraîiiatioiiï in uuie Etcher. xxhoa eiaged beil /ian 200 tb uop one orf the pri es in the OConnor Bo, ý L'dies' Open. Onie could hav e fiîisid higher except for nouple of poor garnes. but agaiast more t han th ree huiidr top bowlers across Canada. a finis.b in the prizes ig certain orîhyv of praise. ýv Onie is one of the rFown*.s besi bomilers and tba cding ouîr top men too. F,ýKind Word for Policemen ! I Bill Steven' Now thai bhe income tax scason is o\'er wxe can ail go back lu beefing about traffic tickets instead of the rnoncv tie go-emoment takes outi of mur poc ket s Frm foolitîg of cout-se. but <ni *- fi f t' per cent. The sad truth is that oui- police depart- rnîs ar-e on the ieceix-iug enîd of more reseutment than the v deserve. Abouti 95 pet- Cenit m ore. Almcusî cxe' ivbodx - at i uie tlime or a îuub le t lias been caîtghi in a speed tuap aund eceived a ticket be ibougltw-as îuuiLlStified. Mosilî'-y itu areas xvbcte the limit xcas sel buo loxe i Uie fus-i place. It iS JUS-t suucbý a place. Of col-Vse. wltcte a policeman makes bis rmost aumeu-OuIs "catchies". In itie main. îhnitgim. 1Ihtirîk we'll lia\-e' Io admit if we'-e îeceived a ticket oun the open buglu- wa 'v, (unin a couîgested regioui. ue pu-cbabl 'v cleserved il. Il canît be ail cotncidcuuce that wxhen- ever the polic-e crack clownî on speeding aud otI-icu violations. accidentîs go dowuu 100! Nexî tureimîe stopped bx- a patî-îlrnan t'y and remnember :,ifs puobablv .îust as unpleasani -fl foiM as iis fou' voit. 1les on]\- doing ftue job OUR gox'ernmeuît paid atic instruîeîe-d birn bc do. And lie ma.\' be helpirig tO Sax'c* VOîîn life. Il's xvireasv lu slip ittuih le habit of drîx-- injtg .ust. a little o\'eu the limit. Tben qiute a bit moje as xce get used bto te incu-case. Same ,,oes* for crossiîg flic double lne. And ot.v low- dow'n xxben tbe sign sa * s STOP. Poltce clepaitirnetits ai'e PL1inîiiu01o a durive rigbt uioxctu bu îld more good\vill xx'îîlîthbcptubl ic. Let's ' iv'e tîh'-iiîIheinduc 1 bale ici tbînkof whlau. xve'd do xvîbout them. Mie invxite voti to t'orne in and Ii.spe<-t mir INE w FACILITIES for Body Repair. >Mainienanre For convenience. et(Oshawa rustomers Phone direct Rm 5.2712 Good Selection of Guaranteed USED CARS .;Over 80 Used Cars from which Io choose Ih Pays le Buy From a Certified Dealer LOW DOWN PAYIENT - EASY GMAC TERNIS tel- ra -cd nut i t's tecreat. ton §Revw'v Sumner Programme iThe following is an ont- linme off some ouf tlle acî ixiti(-.- xx- l ul the Reureai ion Dcpaif-- nienît k ni feriiig to hie cull- dremi of Bx-îoxiîeto b iuake theur sîîmmcr vacations more ento.vabie.. PI ay gioun ds Startiug. ocxt iloiudsa -. J- IY -fib. tilt Augusit 9th. trianm- ed staff wili be locaied on sex-na pisx- groiuds tlîrouOi- nul te c ox,. FlicThelouaitions are as lolloxvs: Lions Centrîe, Centr ial S-boni. Ontiario Street Subot. Vinceat MasseY Scbool. Mejnoria I Park. Fr-anklinî Park sud a îexx ares situaied belxceen Fleit and Liberlev Si r.-es. There xviitaso be a Li teguai-d oa duty ai the West iBeach. c-erx .afrîmroon. xxho wîhl aiso r-arrY 0n1 a par.- tlusi play gri-ind programme. The pla\y groiid staff xeilh be on lîaid ti organiie anîdi supervise a xvîde varicîx of pla. groiid proLi-aiiiies. Sucti actuvit îcs as giouîp gaiues. arts1 anîd urs tIs. simple dra îuat lus.1 teaiui gaies. speumal exeîîhs. ecu.,xxilt att be a paît off the; dail l- programme. 'l'lie pia ' v-1 grouids xiii be supcrx'ised the tnt toxxiuug houIFs: 9:0t0lau. to Il:4,5 and I1-1.'lpiuu. ho 5:0010 pimi. Monday to Fridav. 'l'lue ptavxgrouuids xviil a Iso be openi oîîe c-x-cning per xxcek iii or- dcir ho gîve the parents an op- poriuiihvto sec xx'iîal s be-1 iîîg dorme on ttîe pta 'gvroiids anîd a so ttiechuancue lu take paît iii someu of thie aulixities.1 S w im ni ng Shai il iugMoiiday. .1uls* h I 1th.- tbe Reci-calioru Depariuiciminun - uels End Losîng cenut MassevselS-tîol. %ara 0 V w - 8a W9%M GOLF -Prnfessioiiailruc INS MFÉN i on in thie sk uîîoff plaviug TOver Snuffy'sE 1ontf. For buiy s ad W inuls t 1)fy v-eais aind older. Classes wilu U EiA be lield ah th(, SouihviewSU E CA iGolt aînd Con-iutrx-\ ClunuOn Geuorge Steplien bossed a bis Iirst x-u torv aIle lxIwo de- 'lîuesclav anîd Tlîmmî.sdcav mmmii- glutîcu ung no-biutici ai Snuffv s feats. Foui-flue A. to Body.i sonl. *ie Central Scbool, as Ste-1 after wînnîng <heu tu sît two B IG phen Futels broke a two game, games. FRIDAY. JULY 8 - 8:30 P M. SHARP C11ILL>REN'S FIJEATRE -lnsuig streak w&itli a 10-0 wiflý Lacuu e Gai be siashed ap Actinug iîder direc-tion,. 10w- tb move unto second place. -fwo i-ui boieur i thcsecond, ai.d-s tile producthionuoff smal adîeci aan unte0 0 T t l P i e plaxs and skits. Foi- botb Stephen facd only 24 bat-, n eetdaan lt u $ 8,0 0 o a rze toy's aimd girls oui Wedinesday fers and clainied eigbt strike- tbiu-d i ucpo a cblldncluding aft'tellionns ah the Lions Cen- nuls. gettuug Russ Lane tbree; wbo wudîe î ib tue, limes. Two runners got on field. preventing Jini Oliuski $2,100 Total SNOWBALL JACKPOT AýRTS A-NI) CRAFTlS- Sp-by ei-îoi-s ai tbîî-d base-one;- fromn reacuig ftle bal]. Don lZ ciaiyd iaumiu m piu- - bv ".Jiggs' Cowliuîg and th, Masters siuugled iii a ruu iii A Special up to $1,000.00 "Hi-Lo" Jackpot vaîucdCi-cCa fhs. For bothu boys otliei by Vunce Vanstouue. Ste- ie aeiuiu5b ive thee r/n aîd irs ni Wedîiesdsv phîeuu xxalkctMtB1 s1 Fe -lta.12 Gaines for SM50c-a. The Big Game iîmrili iugs aithei Liuons Centre. start tbe fifbii. A triple by' Ted Dudson anîd 1 SOCE--Arcuarlage. Te relenos noiide- siof ber single by Masters ac- 3 Specials for S150 e a. A Brand News SOCER icgitarlegue 'fic remiioii nicuud f-couuîtcd for a sinugle inarkcr 15 Westctox ('locks 190sOR tor' tJunior- play crs, I16 asd foi-t gave the Fuels' sponsor t- h e fifbb. Pst Cornelt carnme Fe ao rzs190F R îîîîdu-u-. ouni) relief of star'ter, Bur-,Fe orPie DAY ('AMP--Dax ýCamps ai'e a xx tek tonig i-es i -aiuipiuugAngess. ige ýStp-1 EUIU, ETLXEET bus ene.Tchi iiuumlren iig Brow n's Pigeon "i go.snls~ Stp-1 BATFI t'Xke uî-IeVbIS - "l 11l1i1I,1e11ai- WALL CLOCKS AS FE ORPIE tcî a î-aîîp site Inc-sled coiut ea \Ianmd Dadson's bwo-bagger ac- 'Fuxim s ud cli mcc d la L avv ay couuuted foi-lotir seveîîtb in- U H R hue ai bermon-'flue progirammeiit 1 LL Rac Mtaes e li iics Doors Open PETERBOROUGH DO'SOen îîuci des sxx iîîmimîg. cookout s, InlSi xth ace wiiu lrce singlcs. while i ie .0 p.m. Nm vI70 sle tt.Gau'be's txvo bornersanmod Dad- iN m ra Centre 7:0pm Day- Camips xxll be leld fori 'FTic Bowmvnuu le Rat ng aso futiple and double sup- i bol os * \lt8i-s 25dh: Gil Pigeonu Cluib ftew thicî ixtil plied most. off the damnage ISE Auiui.t11 -3. Jlvmor Riv rac.i-ec off thbb c sasoîî Jîuue 251h Auxmis i-t i Fa a $8l« u, from Gogarna, Out., a distance: chic-us lu aispc>rt ol. suppliesof00mls sud liik. 'F'lic weathicuwas <leai- wit hi Ml Star of the We 'his \wel k ssîd-.are v r plaNers. botb pitchers,.; perfornmanice. Tedi Hoar sniashed trc rpl and a pair of singles, moing fîx c tor six. as. hi up Sales club snowed Ken'& Men's Wear îiadei bY a309soe Sponsor George Steplino iphieti Fuels hurled a- 1îuasicrfuf 1)0 bit fl ni u 0- ;L1oi Onle'\-three batters reachcd base. one oit a ba- o hiad the otliers by errors.N Geai-ge fanned eiglit and del\ rd a sigle to help the attack. By D ouglas Rigg co-operat ou x iti the inca i Red Cross Buaimch w-ut be coni- duct iîîg Sxuniniiîg cla sses flr Chuldr-euî. Classes for bues snd girls teamaing to sxv imu uill bc betd ai the B.T.S. Pool oui Momd ansid Wedimesdax s. Classes for Red Cr-oss Begini- ici-s, Juiuors, tirincd ate aimd Scenior xxi l be tmeld ah Creamn of Barey Pocol oli T1iicdy, Fusdays and, Fn- Special Ilteres( (irourls Special I1Imteresi Groups ai-e desigiîcd inithte îmainm 10 sp- peulto10the aIder chluud xvîll a keen uierest ini a speu-ifit- direction,- Thle Reci-caioui De- paîti-mtiiis tîrepared bu conm- duct bhe ai-t i-itues lisied be- lox piovidiiig tlîe- su t u- cictint iîeîest slioxx-ii SOF'IBALI. A reujai- ri ris league xx-ilI be farmiu c for girls uidei-t 1 \.(isof' age. as ni'ila ' t sh - 19(1<. TENNIS -l- Istrinuionmiaii siipcu-xision iinh hue skil s ni propers- vplay iiig tii ms. Fimr- boy-, and girls 9 vecau-s andr olccr. Tuesda'v simd Thmiiisrlav afteruoous at '-:(<)0 pin, ahitthe Lions Centîre. ARCHERY- -Instruic-tonuandr st-ipe-xision ini the ski Ils of pintierîxlî'% aidltiii. a boxe and. rmx-Ctasses ilor bosvs anud girls 9 *x ars sud <lder. 'Fiies- day ani rd a va ftcrimuons, at 2:0110pi. classes wili be tmeld ai theie tiglu Sc.Iionl Gr-oummd. PBAS-EBALL ---Leaguî-s for- boys. Atoiui. Pee Wc- andr Baiiu. .-ll g1aiiits xill be plax* vd dmmriîmg Ib ll oriinigs, ai Minoria I Park and Viin- Ken's Take 30 -9 Loss 4th Straight From Surplus Sales For Juvenile, Suurmug min ex-eu-yv- iallie, Surplus Sales iîuîed a 3 -2 fîrs i nnîîîg score inoa corn- piete roui. iast 'Iuesda 'vnîght ai the Centrai Scîmool.' l'le teagÏue-leaders handed the *Men's Wear a 30-9 pasting mn xv hbi was perhaps a record vinning 'Score in the past two seasons. 'l'lie Sales.mtilh e-civoue but righ t - ieldier Clit niFErg- son getting a hit. clobbered a trio of pitchers for 24 saliies. Sevea erri-is b ' vihe tosers diit ihelp, cuber. Archm&e Crossey and Ted Hloar eauh ctaimned tive bits, wih *Bu-k" Port Hope Trounced By Bantams Bowniauxivile sconi d fîx t ruas mn the si xth inning to doxxn Port Hiope 10)-4,.in a Batils m encountei-. Iasi l urs- day uîghl ini Port Hope. lTht teamis iradcd a pair of firsi înh'îg rois andmdratched sin- gles in tthe secoind. Bowman- villte\vent in front tb stavx wituîi] to in11Ill ourth. ,but Port 1hope eut tlhe ma rgiim lu one betore thie louais errupicdi n the sixth xwilih four bits anid thtree v. alks doing the darmag-e. corx C l1 li t the pace vçitiîtxx-uliciiudinig a tri- ple. Mike Tohnuson anud Ted Bate also ciaimed a pair of safeties. Me rriit Was Port t-topes besiî balin i n th ree ru ns on twxo douibles'. Gaix Alscx xx hIo took ox-ci in Ilhe thiri-ctrnostarter .Jer- ry Falils. xxas tfl i xxiiiiGil,- al tdtlariiess(ca me oniIithe si>:thl to finiih [min. t; mrt- cd ou ihtle i il ifo,. lie lîhome- stei--.. gi îg \%-a\* b02vl-ri ill iii tic fifth. Io ulîle 10 12 Port tlope 4 il Ladies Lose Close Game To Millbrook A fier traîiiug bLiv thi ce rmiý.. BoeranîlePearsoi .s Sîuuokc SIIoppci s rallic-d io tic the score in the -xth. olivIx o have Armish iugs th îee- ml lîuincî* gîx e ij]Îtlboo-. a 10-7 xii Iialadien- otbal cuoni- testla;"ta WediiesdaN, nigbîini Nilibrook. Tlh ird b-iatArmî striong siiig a potent bat. bell ing a pair of triples ini addition 10 the home ruai. ýor a mtaI 0of five ruas batied iin. Tl'le home clab suuî cd txxiuc inlhe t firisi, hbut Peai soa's sqîaî cd the counitin the se- coud (1and x u ahead 4-2 in the ihiird. A Il xc- uilrallv ii ihe botînni biali gave Mili- bi uok thle thr-*- runal-agill. anmd atter t xxo scorclcs> franic.s. the louais lied the scoi-e 0onan cri Ou. a double b.\ Peggs- Haves. aud Delor- i s Davevsa hree-bagger. orîx-Kelîx xxih a pair Loff sinîgles. %vas tbe lone Bow- rnvilte batier in set nmortz ihau ne zzaiet xoff x-îulliiig t)ihm Gli lis M2-9g Pickiirci - ave up a do-eu nuis ox er tht *distanice t0 take the loss. Coxx le add mig fouirr di -1uxe Ymuîrtli snd tFirx, Brook cacil piukiiig Lip ihre base- kiin0ks. 'Reci' Dxi x-cx- be-amie tIlle oops xxiuiiuugesi pitchur. Coastuuin lu iis tiiirulxx î iii a nilie biffier. Bob Williains. liad s perleuh luight St the. 1plate lortheicloseus xxitlu a Ilurce for tliuee effort a]Iiuiif xx'ufh a ws 1k crossex- vs lechc-oî f siliugic.oil erumîr tii ma tc- i- uhtI -Cole. a htripule b -'l\ ed h mur anudhDanî Cuiil'sacii-ru fiee 'lixgaxe tiie Sales bhuice nuis inithbe top of hlle lirsh icisc-sinue bac-i xx-ith a pair m tueur hlf of the îmuîîmîug onl osci Haimuul- tou' shonme ueimi fol mxx- îug a watk ho RuK Keix htoar clouied luis seconud nf ilmi-e triples uîî)tIhue se-ondinm- niiig as I be xx'uinlimi- scoi cd Ilbi-cc umore iu mis. Keli s gui onme back ini the huumhîmîmi-i l , but theicSae.s took mixer m-oui plet ety' Na fier itat. pmukinmg rLip sev-cîn iuaikeis inu tIe flui rrl thuieeumftle foîu-îb. six in ecluoff thle îexl lxx<m fi. un- snd a polrinmmthIe.uxu-ihi Staibiiiglhur-ler- Au- ý"Ri- suds xx as sacdlî-cl xxtii Ili'- tiri-s deteat alfier lx IO iee six-C wiis. Wîlliaim.- m m er.<i i inm flmerotui-th mud idxluui Stop intiuu Masoui pibuhcrldthelueast imi iIig. Daxc- egu m lsi rikc- nuts. gctinig Cohe lir îxîîîcs .Vasn îtbree anîd'Fcd F'aiuýev t xic. On Tuesday- No Losses s x e ry stro îg io itlu w est x iî wb clu made for a fast 'aCe off ueauly sixty ruiles per hour.- A uumber off bbc fancieu-s %vere caluglut away fmoi tîouîue and dida'*t ock lheiî bi rd s. Fi îst Jack Bronnx. 2îîd Bob Fredrîeks. 3îd Mavin Bros., - 4tNil bie ror Lourtice ,ln Sr. Loop A 2-I1xviin ox-ur 'vrouie, WcoumeScia y uîigluî. gave onde-- fested COcUîr-tice, sole posses- sioum of îuie le-gue leadersip xvith bfou r Nxxn'ia d Iwo tics. Bovuuanuxi île Ilooper's Jx eu-es hîauded Zion a .5-1 pas-t- iuug, as tie loss absorbedi the ir initial sctbaek. A 2-21 deaolock wiib iVapte Gu-oxe, Satîur*da 'uN iugbh!euabted lime Jcwellers to du-aw cccii with - ziouî ru seconîd spot. Hla-îpio ticd Snliuîa i-1inl suiof ler Wediiesday uîglîî claslih o S-ta 'vuiîî na pomift of bbe riînuumc-îuip clubs. 'leauuîcls l'xec nsuenib" iuiiisto Hamrphoîuss DoLi'g White aimd Cli ff Dejong o<if Bnxvtluallix-ile. bot b ausbainiuug bîcîkc iamuis. Court mut-doxxmuuc liuîskil- lem .-:3 in as?,aille omiglumatly', sc-hedui lt-ci hor uicet 6tlî-'Filuai xx-ia set tie stage for, a baille fuir the leagme- teactershî;Iip I estý TlîM-sdas- iiglit belwceeîCoi- tice simd Ziouî. Nothiug was selt!e lm'd x'mî the gamee cîdîîg inu a I-I duaxx. Soliîîa bauded: lldarîpton ils uiftb eoîusecutive, defeat. whîile Bowmaiîvultc bagged l'ichory' niuuibci- thriee in -u u'oxx - Shtuting ont Euîuus- kitleu 2-0. Mapie Guove hronuî- cedi 'y-oneîe-1 Io leave Maple, GroNve BoxxmailIe and S! lau deaidloc-ked fuir second place. xvitb tbree xvuas sud txxo losses. Buux uuiîmi-ite tmiuc-cd Pou-t thuupe 12-2 iimua darkness- shiîtciici Li Cii île contebst plas* ed 1iash1 Tuiusdsîy' ighuî, Jîulie'21, in Ilime hli top )axvui. 'Flic 1ixe mmimg ulashî saw bbc x-sitîirs scoriil ti'JC iiiies iii il hie m-si. foinurîuîin lie secound amud thuic i hlm onuîth bu uc- - gis-Ici tth- ommçl sraigbî xxviii \xxiltinîut a losýs. Ilumin hîoc-- antsd Larrx' Piper m saieni the pli(t-hiîug ucî-c s-. i x u igiu4p oune Sinigle apieue. PortilIope î-apitaîized oui a x-alk. a sinugle simd bxxo Boxunia uu i 1h'ermaors li score- bol h tlueir nts ii thie openu- mmmi Iramie. T'i ru d sau1 c' .iimu Jameiis - mîamicr hu smfeiesIo pute lime xviuî- 2-iiit Oss-uIt onu sacmFîotle aund mu-I cIcr Wi I- s-oui. Doim BaýgiiehI. Grat X\'rigli amnd Piper cadi -jjCol- eu-ted a pa:n <if singles. Buuxx-iiu mmx;l' It-erl rip lUiai hi udr iluioeminmmithe fil.StI ii- mmmm, ilî- Illue ti-sisix bat- tuusliii sxuIelx. Coumpled wx'tiî t mxc Poîrt tHompe ermois. lbxxs emmlm io mmx-c- lic unudeteaf- mii~~ ~ iuuu- -ce5a5-0ltbm-. Pies xo-muuiî binglesimd suiu e I-dr vs rigi- fieldc-r l x li-d the - <maIS 10 foîxr sec- oi iuuîuug taîhues. xx-lie Bag- uIIPII andciJanlues muu-unîued for- time R..h.s iii thle focurmii. Cou rtice on Short End 0f 15-5 Pearson Victory; XXiiISu ic-y- Bimik tlimuux- ing a îufts- t1îree-îmîîc-- uauc elsu mu ug hen sti-i kc'-uîcmt Buxxx- umux île Puaiouis Siioke Shucîo doxu-mccICoiillmcc- ,5iat Ilic Cciiii-aiSc-hîouu. ast x\loa- dus nighi. I'cl-ais x'lo mud dmxxi tlle Ieapuie'x top 'spot, -ulltt cd a doseu safeties. lU f n thei c ung, lî iithe secîîcl fu-ame. xx'bcuiPearson-s alliei niim rmmms lu ul-icoic a t-t) defimrmi-.-\ mhule Stephîis xvs- i umuig shar of1f Ilue rail l' vxmam m -xuiglu- aunda homeuu iu *mi Dut Bound ted hIlle aItac-k xx-mîh a doubnle sud a pair off wh mi .xiile Dc anis Dax-ex- aimd Bsmrb .hluiclies eau- habd twxxia;us. 'elmi-ix- liicri.atitfit-id. piu-l'ed up t x-uoruft lue lasers' ANNUAL Carnivail NIEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB BAND CONCERT R.C.A.F. BAND AT7:15P. M. GA31ES 0F CHANCE -BINGO- Me rry -Go- Rou id for the Kiddies Draw for 3 Prizes STREET DANCE Community Hall Grounds, Newcastle Friday, JuIy 8 High In Juv. Girls Softball Loop Higlu scores tiave puedouut- imaitcii tiu'eiitcGirls' suifi- ballI gaies. sind lasi xveck xx;s un0 extc-pti oui.Bruce Co we i*.;-, Boxx-uîmalux-i île K i pa tnuck Ptuiîî- bine, clu b losit uu Oioniuî22-21 and xxeu-e sxxaiuped 21-2 b.Oshuawa, bcloî-e defeatiag Por- Hope 20-1t5. Thle gamue iii Oromo \&-as, a ucaithr iller xiîbhite teais lied 15-15 at the ead of i-~ gulat ion lu ue.T'flic nu-ifomg- (Id iýiead but Oroun lied it! 18-18 ithe eugluib, auîd a- Joui ri aIl ' witb n ouone nuit, gave tlîe h'anmsters the wiuu. aftcu Boxxmarville hadý soued <bu-e uumore in the flian exhibition emcueuii lieu-cm Wednesda ' \nigbt. Os- axc alsdies kuiocked off he ouui'rls 21-2. The aIder. expci-- enued xisifois Just bad tUo unucuî onuthe ball. Boxx-nisn- ville ,sc-ored bolb Ilueir m-cis, la tue opeuuung franie. Pat Kiu- patictk. apparenîit] întv xx'mwr- - rued abouut bbc fast putcsuig, c'Iluued a double and a tiuple. Thle Kilpatiuc-k Plumnbers ed all tbb wxx' v ho tegister a'- 20-15 w-li over Pourt Hope x the tuil-top tox\vcr, Friciiy mîgbt -Niiuue nis in the sec- onud amudeigbî in fie third xcee te big ouibreaks a.ý Ou- 000 uaumieni pIblot-ais a 22-13 setbauk, ai Frankln Park, Mouisiayulgiîh. Jais-enile Girls Standings Pou-i Hooe Newcastle L LPCT.1 2 3 .4<11) - O 3 .0001, Ail '0 Iop Am PONTIAC Poniac lias scerd uau an w-iluie sige S dîlCISaIIoIIui o thie vear. Iiv'rv secek ligic is prmuu l'Ion <i 5c'S design lcader-shuip. 'hus is flic cut r imaxxHIrefaut) flic frieshumecstotf, ils uppcai for N'cars. i>ou(lac's flair for des.ign iauke yuiurinvcsimeuit ua asting omie. IIPTon POntiat.'is Cnjoviuug ils MWhuIs ti-cîli i v us usem it bas prux cd voi eauîhav-e I mxui mx snd c'îuîmuny t- li. No( onixis tPontiac foi% iniprit-t-utuitil's wu ta p uo no-COS> cxl ras. Luaxtîry lu>urcs-iniumding dumal suiislindc. st'p-ouii parkinmg brake, cigai-cite liIte and uns. aiuuinoc-arc standard on iPoniacus. NEW SUPPLE SUSPENSION TO SOFTEN VOUR RIDE. luil m ' ioua t it .îucî sl igivec vt u a upplc- sillooth ride .. dd., un inur nit'orîuuluut . -ti'.m ndutmu aliue. R ETTER SRAKING TO INCREASE VOÛR SAFETY. loîa lias airn--ulcld Truuc-( uion t libra k c' - Au-u ouicd drumis and groose-d finun9.tdtsîî ai ft ast undîl iirutufl(utomzer -brake <unitg hfe. THRIFTY ENGINES TO SAVE YOU MONEY. ln si aund \S dogines, Pountiac 'tfle-r..vuî,cînhuu lesigun ibatbuilds %op extra gorque, utdd-, pui sn atm Iculs a', ctuuu.uui>titn.BODY DYB FISHER TO PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT. Bndr h it shetlur aduls intua I ioltrf p-'r< tioi tutu 'lto mstètrc-(jutii uue. P<oniie hla% i nua-ict i tatmlttlttsîtu ttt'tusîppur.nce longer the exieruor i% prlec-ted b> Mâgie,.ilurroi- t'tnih. wifh your _______PONTAG deaier-g - Se.ouï- local Poniiac dealer - 0-1960C Robson Motors -Lumited 166 King Si. E. Bowmnvile MA3-331 & U33m 4 'M GREAT ENGINEERING ADVANCEMENTS i f youii a re iîiiîterestc-d iii r iga tîî-îilîg for- alimeof ul Iie suc-t i. ;es phease ucn aut the tic-reation imîu fIc aI MA .31- 33:135. Extenisoni No. 6 as sootl as possible. 1 Scores coýýý 1 ý ý L-1ý-J 0 ýe 11 -0 ici sowmanville MA 3-3321 & 3-3322'