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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1960, p. 13

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?HU~SAY JUY 7th. Igiln C.A.S. Wl! Ask Premier Lo Reverse Gov't. Decision 'For Wards of Their Society A cammittee of the Durham- 1 letter fromn J. V. Saunders, Douglas Nutter showed that North 4ber1ad Chiidren's! Presîdent of the Ontario As- there were 196 children being Aid f iety awiil appeal ta sociation of Children's Aid Sa- cared for by the society on Hon.*. A. Goodfeilow, Min- cieties. Mylt ister of Agriculture, and Mr. Saunders wrote that a Builsspassed for payment in- M.P.P. for Northumberland,: delegation had asked the On- ciuded store accounits, $5,707.- and Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. taria. Hospital Services Coin- 35; boarding house accounts, for Durham, for support to- mission for a waiver of the $7,362.70; and $1,200 for re-- wards a reversai of a decision three months waiting period pairs, remodelling, office fur- of the provincial government'before hospitai insurance be- nishings, and miscellaneous regarding hospital coverage cornes effective. The delega- items at the ladge. for wards of the Children's tion xvas informed that this is Approval was given for the Aid. This was decided at a impossible as the Frost gov- purchase of another staff car meeting of the organization ernment had made the deci- at a cost of $1,929. Further fi- held in Port Hope iast week. sion, not the commission. nancial assistance from the Members of the special coin- It is the intention of the educational fund for a ward rittee are A. B. Finnie, Mrs. Ontario Chiidren's Aid So-lo! the society was authorized. H. S. Wnfield, and C. E. Ste- ciety ta approach Premier The resignation of Mrs. Ma- phenson. The committee was Leslie Frost on this matter. ry Waddington, a social work- appointed in response ta a 'We wiii ask ta have it re- er, ta take effect at the end turned ta the sound basis o! August was accepted with flTnTcTThich existed before," Mr. regret. Authority was given MORRS]à aundrs'letter stated. ta the executive committee ta Mrs. H. S. Winfield, presi- act in cases of emergency un- Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Ayres dent of the Durham-Northum- tii the next meeting of the o! Cheitenham, Giouctershire, beriand CAS, presîded at the D ur h am - Northumberland Engiand, are visiting his sister meeting in Port Hope. The di- Children's Aid Society meet- Mrs. Minnie E. McHolm for a rectors report presented by ing takes place in September. snort time. Their headquart- ens is in Brantford with a sister of Mrs. Ayr'es. For nearly 30 years Mr. Ayr'es carried on a dry goods business in that city and whene he wiil be renewing friendshira o! -long years ago. Congratulations ta oui' young friends who successfuliy pass- ed the 1959-60 term at P.H. H.S. To those who did not make the grade we say "carry on", the first term is aiways the hardest, sa try, try, tny again. Master John Egas o! the Weicome Public School passed with first ciass honouns. Well done, John. Mrs. Frank Anderson, ac- campanied by her son Mr. Neil Anderson o! Windsor attended the reception of Margaret Iso- bel Bowman and Saviaun Cas- sai' who were married on Sat- urday, July 2nd in St. Paui's the Apostie Church, Dundas St., Weston. The reception was beld in Rexdale Preshyterian Chui'ch Hall. Mr. Neil Anderson is home for the summer vacation. Now about those super strawbernies grown by Mn. Leo Bevan. Oui' Enghish visitons %vere amazcd at the size, some of which measured from 61 ½_ to 7 inches in circumference and tasted as good as they Jooked, truly something of in- * terest ta talk about on their * retunn ta England. Once again, we, along No. 2 * Highway, are enjoying caim and quiet nights. The first * night we misscd the usual rack- et and wondercd what the jholdup was. Now we feel as thqugh we lived away nonth ~'e th or th Concession p eaceful are the nights, janiks ta the ncw 401 express hxgh*y. Su. ay, July 3rd was Tcm- perance Sunday with the gucst speaker from The On- * tario Ternprance Federatiofi. an interval o! five years, Mr.i Herbent McConneii, Field Re- presentative, who gave a ver~y informative address especiý y of interest ta the teen-agers. The number in the congrega- tion equalled that o! the choir.1 It is mast disappointing for the speaker when s0 few attend. WVe certainly apprcciated hav- ing a choir, thanks ta the ef-1 forts of aur organist Mrs. Hel- jen McHolm. Sunday School was hcid at 1l a.m. as this was the finst Sunday in the month. Al assistants wcre present ta take duty. Thene wene 35 prescrnt.1 New Tyrone Minister Honoured by Friends Un Roseneath Charge Roseneath, July 2-Rev. and Mrs. Geerlof Lokhonst, who are lcaving Rosencath this week ta take up their ncw ministenial wank on the Ty- rone charge in the Oshawa presbytcry, were gucats o! honor on Monday cvcning at a social gathcning in the par- lours o! Roseneath United Chunch. Some 125 pensons wcre pres- ent representing the thnee churches on the charge, name- iy: Roseneath, Fenella and Centenary. Mr. A. J. Campbell was chairman with Mrs. Frank Down as pianist. The prognam inciuded a piano duet by Misses Audrey Coyle and Lin- da Horner; vocal duet by Misses Jean Harper and Lynn George; piano solos by Misses Marsha and Karen Halstead; readings by Mrs. A. J. Camp- bell, Misses Linda Lonsberny and Ruby Herrington. Mn. O. J. Robins in well chosen words voiced appre- ciation ta Rev. and Mrs. Lok- horst for their untiring efforts in church and community work during the five- yeans they werc here. Two uphol- stered nocking chairs, a tri- light lamp and a punse of money were prcsented ta Rev. and Mrs. Lokhorst on behai! o! the congregations. Mi'. S. A. Sherwin voiccd the appreciation o! the Cen- tcnary congregation with Mn. Frank George representing Fenella. Mrs. J. N. Lovelace, president of Roscneath W.M.S., added her appreciation. Mrs. Sulas Sherwin voiced the appreciation o! Centenany W.A. and on behaif of this society, Mrs. Arnold Eider pnesented two matching lace tablecloths, a long dinner cloth and a tea cioth. A purse o! money was pre- sented as a personai gift from Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Timlin. Rev. Lokhorst expressed thanks for many kindnesses shown ta them through the ycars and for the gifts receiv- ed. Lunch was served by the ladies. During the time since Rev. and Mrs. Lokhorst came ta Roseneath from Holland in 1955, the Roscneath church bas been renovated and re-decor- ated; Fenella chunch bas a new ceiling and re-deconated, and Ce'tenany chunch has been re-dccorated. It is with much regret that the people o! Roseneath com- munity will sce Rev. and Mns. Lokhonst and three children leave for their pastoral charge at Tyrane this week. YELVERTON Mn. and Mrs. Howard Mc- Muilen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gr'ay o! Lotus, recently attend- cd the wedding o! Mr. Mancel Davis and Miss Betty Stiliman in St. Andncw's Unit- ed Church in Oshawa. The Stilîman !amiiy wene past resi- dents o! this community, liv- ing on the farmi now owned and occupied by the James Mackics. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Reid Dickcy (nec Mrs. Russell Wray o! Shirley) on their recent marriage. Mr. andi Mrs. Elwyn Dickey and Mrs.1 Donald Johnson attended the1 reception in their honour held1 at the Ross Wallace's in Port Penny. Mr. and Mrs. Vander Gcig- ten, Hans and Connie o! Ham- ilton, werc guests this week at the Frank Glasbergens. Hans is spending a few days' vaca- tion there. Miss Cornie Glassbengcn la confined ta ber home this week with tonsilitis. Yelverton Public Sehool and and Galloways Public Sehool cen masse motored ta Peter- borough this wcck on an in- spection tour o! Peterbonough's TIV and radio stations, follow- cd by a picnic in one o! their local parks. A large time was enjoyed by ahi the pupils. Sorny ta report that Mn. G. ,E. Robinson, now o! Cavan, was confined ta Civic Hospital in Peterborough. Ail join in wishing him a spcedy recovery. Due ta Mn. Robinson's indis-s TrOP VALUESI IN USED TRUCKS Corne inioaur loi and inspeci ihese trucks, suilable for farm or iown use. 1957 CHEVO '/2-TON PICK-UP 1956 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY 1956 CHEV. %/-TON PICK-UP 1955 CHEV. %/-TON PICK-UP 1955 CHEV. %/-TON PICK-UP 1955 STUDEBAKER 1/2-TON PICK-UP 1954 CHEVO '/-TON PICK-UP 1951 CHEV. %/-TON PICK-UP 1949 CHEV. %/-TON PICK-UP Most of the above trucks have been neconditioned, repainted and al necessary wonk done to niake them look and run like new.. w. NICHOLS DOL .1.. a uidsmoDJiie uevroiet c and Envoy (British Buili) Cars jr OWNAN VILLE Chevrolet Trucks C 1Phone MA 3-3353 mn orvair :OUITICE Phone KA 3-3922 TECANADIAN STATIMAN, EOWMANVfflLE, ONTAIUO I----------~ -.- --~........ 1The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton spent Sunday with hen sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Bowen and attended Nestieton United Chunch. Sunday visitons with Mns. Madison Hall and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Frank Andron were Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Martin, Bowmanville, Mrs. Jack Peance, Mn. and Mns. Harvey Osborne, Monnish. Mn. and Mns. E. H. Samuel and daughters spent the holi- day weekend at their cottage at Stoney Lake. Mr. Jack Annott is taking a summer course at Queen's University, Kingston. Mrs. Cornelia Stoutt, To- ronto, spent the holiday week- end with her cousin, Mns. Fred Tamblyn. Miss Nina Hodgsan, Wash- ington, D.C., visited Mn. and Mrs. D. G. Hoopen on Sun-. day. Mrs. Roy Bannabail and Mns. Robt. Hancock are neturning home this weekend fnom vis- iting in Winnipeg and district for the past few weeks. Mrs. M. Marris and son Ross spent the weekend a! their cottage, Lake Scugog. Mrs. Annie Evans widow of Mr. Ephriam Evans, passed away on Tuesday morning at the Lodge Nursing Home, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Lance, Toronto are spending two weeks a! Mr. A. Gilroy's. Mn. and Mrs. Marshall Chat- terton visited Mr. and Mrs. John Chatterton, Havelock, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Burgess, Mr. Ray Burgess, Mn. and Mns. Dave Kilpatrick attend- ed the funenal o! Mn. Donald MacKenzie Gould, husband of the former Launa Burgess of Orano, in Woodstock on July 2nd. Mrs. John Armstrong left on Saturday for- a three weeks' visit with her son, Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Armstrong and family, Timmins. Miss Bertha Cain Is attend- ing Summer School in Peter- borough. Mns. Lea Hadden, Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Jim Mid- dîcton. Mr. Robent Hancock and daughters Helen and Peggy, attended the Arnold - Fox wedding in Falnlawn United Church and reception at Park Plaza Hotel, Toronto, last Thursday evenlng.1 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Peans, Onila, spent the holiday with Mn. nd Mrs. Len Peana andj lamily. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cox, Mrs. Ida Ternouth, Bowmanville,1 spent four days with Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Mit-i chell and children are spend- Iig two weeks at their cottage at West Lake, nean Picton. Miss Clara Bannes is spend- Ing the summer with friends in Dundalk. Mr. Oswald Cowan died suddenly at his nesidence on Fniday, July lst. Funeral was held on Monday. Interment int Onono Cemetery. Mrs. Jim Bruton is attend- Ing sunimen school li Toron- to. Due to the cool weathen the W.M.S. and W.A. o! Onono United Chunch, held their picnic meeting in the Sun- day Sehool on Tuesday aften- naon. Mn. and Mrs. Luthen Barra-t ball with Mn. and Mns. Bob1 Barrabaîl and David, visitedt Mn. and Mns. Sid Banrabal and family at Caesanea on Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Lloyd and sons Peter, Vaughan and Michael, of Dundas, spent a week vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Eanl Grady. Miss Joan Bruton, Reg. Nurse, who ieft on Juiy lst ta join the staff of the Genenal Hospital in Vancouver, B.C., was given a fareweil panty1 and personal shower by Mrs. Ken Adams and Mns. Jim Bruton at the iatter's home. Among the guests were Mrs. Kay Lycett, Mrs. Mark Mar- chant and Mrs. E. Hopkins, Mrs. Ernest Blake, Bowman- ville; Mns. Royal Hall, New-À tonville; Mns. G. M. Linton, Mrs. Walter Stapleton, Mrs. Geo. Hutton, Mrs. John Ed- dyvean, Mns. Gibb Alldread and Miss Cynthia Bruton. Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry is a patient in Minden 'Hospital. Mn. and Mrs. John Cowan, Sixth Line, visited Mn. and Mns. Jim Middieton on Mon- day. Mrs. E. A. Byworth, Miss Rose Mary Withers, Mn. andý Mrs. Norman Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stonehouse and family, Toronto, visited Mrs. John Morris. Mn. Bob Rutherford has ne- turned home from Memonial Hospital, Bowmanvîlle. Mn. and Mns. Bill Found and son, Peterborough, visit- cd Mn. and Mns. Dane Found and Mary. Mn. and Mrs. Onville Chat- terton, Canal and David, spent the long weekend with Mr'. and Mrs. Bruce Chapman at thein cottage, Boisaven. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Banrabali and son David, Maple Grave, Mn. Jack Kiveil and Miss Pearl Leach, Solina, visited Mi'. and Mns. Luther Barra- bail. Mns. J. E. Richards is at Laurdie Lodge, Minden. Miss Carolyn Jones, Osh- awa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. Ceeil Jones and famiiy. Orono and Newcastle United Chunch congregatians will un-i ite in the !ellowship of twa out-door services. The first will be on July 10th a! 7:30 p.m. on the west side of the Community Hall in Newcastle. The second service will be heid on Sunday, July 24th, 7:30 p.m. in Orono Park. On- ono Band will be assisting at bath services. ELIZABETH VILLE Sunday School was held, but no church services as Rev. Wright was away. Several attended the panade in Pont Hope on the first of July. Mn. and Mrs. Paul Wollacott and Mn. and Mrs. C. Van bolis attended the barn dance at Mn. Van Dam's lI Pontypool Sat- unday night. Some o! the young folk at- tended the dance at Campbell- cnoft on Saturday night. Congratulations ta the stu- dents who were successful in passing their exams. Miss Glenda Mencen obtained 84% and was second in henraaom. Second class honons were ob- tained by Misses Gloria Quan- tnili, Suzanne Thickson, John Quantnili, Dorothy Muldrew, Linda McAllister. Othefs who passed were Keith Longyear, Ross Muldrew and Grace Gar- don. Miss Benyl Thickson passed third year Arts at Vic- toria Callege. Miss Darlene Thickson passed, with English ta write later, her first yean nursing at University o! Toron- ta. The 4-H Club met at Mrs. BowmanvlilO j. Are You Planning a New Home?' Contact us for A NEW HOME ON N.H.A. Approved Lots Sezrviced with: Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewers Some bouses nearing completion with N.H.A. mortgages arranged. Choose froni our large selection of plans or we will build from yours. J. J. IFLETT 29 Centre St. Bowmanville How This Newspaper Helps Advertisers.. By earning this symbol o k' ltl U k -Mm. R. Barrabail, Mm. M. Mc- -Millan and Mr. Robert Botlh- well. The trip got underway at 7 a.m. and included a tour of Fort Henry at Kingston and a three hour boat trip through the Thousand Islands. tPupils from Mrs. Bilack's roam and most o! Coile's room wene taken by car ta Osawa Wood Produets at Courtice and enjoyed a picnic at Ebenezer Park. Those who drcyve were Mrs. A. Sal, Mrs. Steve Doyle, Mrs. W. Munday, 1Mrs. Willianmn and Mr. Col- 7weil. 1Mr. and Mm. Chtarles Rester, 1Harrv and Wendy, Oshawa: called on Mn. and Mrs. R. S. Wilton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs William Hawk- shiaw and family, Kitchener. were weekend guests of Mn. and Mrs. Alan Snowden and Sunday callers weTe Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snowýden and fam- ily, Bowmanville. Mas. C. Mills and Raiph at- tended the Closing Exercises at Gienholme Sehool in Osh- 1awa, lest Wednesday. Mr'. and Mrs. E. H. Neil and family enjoyed a motor trip to Bobcaygeon and Burleigh Falls on Saturday. tMrs. A. G. Campbeli, Miss Chnistv Tighe and Mrs. L. C. 1 no>wden visited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Saniis at Enfield on Sunday. Mr. and Murs. Ed Holmes, Mr. and Mirs. John MacLean, Messrs. Jim Geddes, Ennie Col- liss and Ken Stalker accom- Panicd the Maple Grave Girl Guides ta camp at Haliburton on July Ist and helped get the tents and equipment li order. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Both- well, Hampton, calied on his Parents Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bothwell Sr'. on Wednesday evening. Mm. Leonard Stainton and Mrs. William Begiley, Ennis- kilien, accompanied Mrs. Ce- cil Mills when they attended the SOth wedding anniversary Qf Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Raines nt Port Pes'ry on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahme, Union, called on Mrs. Aylmner Beech on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes, Whitby; Mrs. A. Beech, Maple Grave; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston, En-field. were tea guests of Mr. and Mms. Clifford Swallow on Sunday evening. Miss Barbara Brown is en- ioying a holiday at Lake St. Peter this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burtrin, Bob, Hcat.her and Donna, Mr. Gordon Tanner, Mrs. W. Mc- Lean and Larry enjoyed a camping trip at Mississauga Beach over the holiday week- end, Mr. and Mms. Jim ColiLils ac- companied by her parents, Mr,. and Mrs. Frank Moore o! Osh- awa, spent the weekend at Twin Lakes. Mr. and Mm. Friank Carter and famiiy attended the Wo'ot- ten-Powell family picnie at Crearn o! Bariey Park on Sun- day afternoon. Father and on Banquet The Scout Mothers' Auxil- iary served 105 Scouts, Cubs and fathers at the annual Fath- er and Son banquet, which was heid in Maple Grave Church shed. The tables were taste- fully decorated with the Scout colours. Head table guests were the g1ueet speaker, Mrs. Carl Dev- itt of Bowmanville, pianist. Mm. Wm. Laird, Mr. Tom Mc- Guirk, John McGuirk, Jakc Laird and Marvin Dobbs, Mr. Howard Bradley, Danny Me Donald, Mr-. Ron Brooks, Lari': Williamson, Mr. Jim Laventy' Michael Laverty. Foliowing the excellent din. ner, Murs. Devitt gave a ver, 'nteresting talk on the differ mnt aspects cl Scouting an, wo films, "l'rn no fool witi 'ire" and "The Story o! Bees' .:ere presented. A sing-sor. ,,,as enjoyed led by Jake Lairc Ail sang The Queen to clos. thi, enjoyable evening. Mis nmvpapoe b a member o! the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a noniirofit, cooperative asociation of publishers, advertisers, and advertising ageacies. Our circulation la audited et regulan intervals by experienced A.B.C. circulation auditors and their reports ara mad» availabie to oui advertisers without obligation. MEASURE 0F SERVICE ... MARK 0F INTEORITY Mn. and Mms. Donald Mac- Lean and Donna, New Glas- gow, Nova Scotia, are visiting Mr. and Murs. John MacLeann and famiiy. tGardon Finney was a week- end guest o! bis unele and aunit, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bradford at tihein cottage, Skel- ton Lake. Mr. and Murs. Len Goodmun- phy, Oshawa, visitcd Mn. and Mrs. Ron Rogers and !amily on Fridýay. Sunday guests o! MuT. and Murs. Cecil MIlls and !amily wcre Mn. and Murs. Leonard Stainton, Mr. and Mns. Bihl Beglcy and !amiiy ail o! En- niskilien, Mr. end Murs. Keith Cryderman, Solina; Mur. Char- les Milis, Mr. and Murs. Roy Hope and family, Pont Penny. îMr. and Mrs. PhilIip'Fine and family, St. Clair Shores, Michigan, U.S.A., were weck- end guests of bis parents, Mr. ami Mns. Phil Finney Si'. and enjoyed a day at a cottage, Canal Lake, in com.pany with Mn. and Mrs. Jim Farrow and sons, Bowrnanviilc; Mn. and Murs. Lamne Heard and family of Taunton. Seventy-six chiidren from the senior classes o! Muaple Grave enjoyed a bus trip hast Tucsday. Teachers in charge wene Mur. W. W. Mollins and Mns. M. Blakely and chaper- ones wcre Mrs. H. Watson, Mns. Cecil MiUs, Mns. Howar,-d Br'adley, Mms. Gardon Beech, position, no public fanewhll Party was hcld in their honour, as is the custom but in its stcad six members o! the com- mittee in charge motored ta Cavan on Friday evening and on behaif o! this community prcsented the Robinsons with a chrome kitchen set, table and chairs. Foliowing the presentation Mrs. Robinsoxi and daughter (Murs. Bert Viser) senved lunch and a pleasant hour o! chit-chat was enjoyed. Murs. Robinson expressed sincere chanks on bchaîf o! hersei! and aci' husband for this remem- bnance. PubIle School Promotions S.S. No. 1 Mrs. Robert Sisson, teacher Gr. 1 - 2-Mitzi MValcolm (Hon.), Janice Stacey (Flan.), Clare Robinson (Hon.), Pame- a Stinson (lIon.), B.rar 'Wilson, Gwen McGill, Chanlie McCullough, Wanda Kerr. Gr. 2- 3-Ciarence Steph- "nson 90 (I-on.), Dougie Mc- Giii 83 (lion.), Brian Wilson 32 (Hon.). Gr. 3 - 4-Jimmy Stacey 92 (Hon.), Vaneta McGili 85 (Hon.), Ann Wilson 80 (Hon.), Norma Wilson 76 (Hon.), Kathy Kerr 56 (Rec.). Gi'. 4 - 5-Judy Robinson 81 (Hon.), Vaughan McGiii 70. Gr. 5 - 6--Carol Stacey 87 (Hon.), Terry Malcolm 85 (Hon.), Marguerite Wilson 84 (Hon.), Gary Bristow 73, Gar- don Stephenson 53 (Rec.), (Bruce Kerr, Marlene McGill), repeat Grade 5. Gr. 6 - 7-John Glasbergen 81 (Hon.), Eiieen Stephenson 72. Gr. 7 - 8-Linda Rowan 8* (Hon.), June Kerr' 59. Grade 8 - 9-Case Glasberg- en 87 (Hon.). Congratulations ta pupils and teacher on such good 3howing. Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Malcolm iccompanied Mr. and Mrs. rerry Bristow, Gary and Cathy or a motor trip ta Detroit, 'J.S.A., ta, enjoy a week's vaca- ion at the Jim Philps. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm, Zindy, Karen and Jay, Toron- o, are spending a portion of iieir vacation %vith relatives iere prior ta going on a camp- ag trip in Algonquin ParkI 1taiph renewed aid acquaint- nces with the '"baie-hook* ere and appreciates the dif 'rence in translation offere< ithe word Labour Day, city lay means j ust that out on th(- A welI Icnown s"bol is like a-good re-putation-diMeiult to establish and even more difficuit to maintain. During your daily activities-in your store or in your) home-you corne into 'contact with many trade marks that symbolize an assured measure of performance or quality. They may range from initiais on an electricai appliance to words like "sterling" or "prime." Like its counterparts, the membership symbol of the Audil Bureau of Circulations* provides you with a reliablel measure of our circulation performance, based on the highest standards known for Éther pnint orr'broadcast, media. The A.B.C. symbol cannot bo purchased-it must b. earned through performance. Continued use of this symbol la predicated on our ability to maintain these highest standards of circulation value. Whenever you think of advertising media, it will pay yois to ask, "Does it measure up to A.B.C. standards?" You ean Lbe sure it does if you use the advertising coluiins of-. I McAllster's home and learned the slip stitch and hemming. Lunch was served on FridaY evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrili and family with Mr. and Mr&. E. Ellott, Oshawa, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrevrg Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew, Mare ilyn Muldrew and Mr. Whit. bread, Oshawa, were ln the village for the weekend and holiday. Considerable worIr was accomplished on the new hause. Misses Donna Ruth and Gwen Mercer and Miss D. Thickson, Toronto, were home for the holiday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Pea- cock, Andrew and Shawn Pea- cock, Kapuskasing, also John Peacock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Peacock, Kirkland Lake, have arnived ta spend the suni- mer with Mr. anâ Mrs. Vernon Peacock. Miss Linda McAllister arrIv. ed home from Guelph on. Thursday and reported an ex- cellent time with the 4-H Club members at their get-together at O.A.C. No Women's Institute thIS month, nor August, but we hope ta have a bus trip. Next week is the W.A. Miss Kathleen Wheeler had a birthday party the last dayr of schooi and entertained her school chums and classmates. Other guests were D. Glmrore and R. Gilmore, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Gil- more, Newtonville. Air, Rail or SteamshiP TI1CK ETS8 TO EVERYWHERS Consuit jURY & LOVELLI 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 MAP LE G ROVE I L - j À: Roy r, I h~ - p 1 il PAGE 5 i~1 .1

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