M MESAT, JTJLY tm. 19 Cassif.ed Ads Mn Memoriam Marriage ]BRANCý1 l#oving memoryI FLEMING -.BRADLEY - Mr o! Amande Bmench who pass-1 anti Mmi. Lamne Bradley *away July 9, 1936. Hampton, Ontario, wush ta an o!ten think o! by-gone tiays nounce the merriage o! theli WVhen we weme ail together, daughter Lucilie Annette t( àle family chain is broken now Donald Murney Fleming, sor "'But niemories will live a! Mr. anti Mmi. Murney Flem. foever. ing o! Columbus, Ontario, ai -Lovingly remembemeti by Saturday, Joly 2nd, 1960. Rev hem tieughters, Irene anti Flore R. H. Love, Columbus, officiat. and grentichiltiren. 27-1 eti. 27- CRO*OETT-I.n loving me- Wanted ry o! a dear fether anti bushanti, Isaac Crockett, wbo DEAD anti crippleti ferm stock, pesseti eway July 1t, 1958. picked up pramptiy. TelephonE Down the Jane a! memo&y COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur The light is neyer dim, Femin, Tvrone. 37-tl Uintil the stars forget ta shine, NW ill emember him. Zeo Bis mem'ory is aur keepsake ionHope Township) With which we will neyer part; The Zion Sundey Sehool helc God bas him in His keeping their annuel Pîcnic lest Set- We have bim ie our beamts. urday aftemnoon at Waltoa -SatilY misseti anti ever e- Park, Newcastle. The weather mnembemeti by bis wi!e anti was grand anti there was a family. 27-l* gooti attendance. The chiltirer enjoyeti the meny races and PENWARDEN-In îoving me- contests anti al-zo the prizes. mary o! Wm. j. Penwarden Many enjoyeti the swimmin,, who pesseti eway, July 7tb, pool. A bountiful picric lundi 1955. with soft-d.inks and choro- 'Got saw you getting weary lete milk brougbt the bappy Sa He tii wbat He thought event to a close. H abest, Mr. andMmii. Arthur Wel- Becme anti stooti beside YOtl ker Port Hope, wcre vsitin, Anti whuspereti "Camne antiM.Wd.Mculuhls Rest". Ms WT. culoghls You wisbed no one a lest Thus6Jy. fareweil Mr. anti Mrs. Swan anti dau- Nom even said goodbye, guhiter Betty of Kincartien vusit- You had gone before we knew cd Mr. ant i MIr. Chas. Raby, it Sunday. Anti only Goti knows why. Mmii. Stanley Jones hati the -Lovingiy emembemeti by msfortune ta fai lalst week wife anti family. 27-1 anti since then iii confineti to hem beti. Hem many frientis hope ,--PON YPOOL she will soon be feeling better rUIIIIrUUL anti be up anti arounti ageiïn as usuel. This writem wes please t t receive e newspeper fom Ga- insborough, Sask. An article in this paper le considerable ]ength spoke o! the Detilcation o! a new park anti playgmounti. Representetives o! ail govere- ments, Legion, Arrn~y anti com- munity were ail there anti spoke o! the great work donc 1w the cbairmen Rev. Victor Bowins a former Pontypool citizen. Evemyone was sO pleas- eti with bis womk anti enthus- usm le this project that tbey dedioateti the park as "Bowins Park". Hus many frientis here are please t t know this and knaw that he iii worthy o! this bonor. Tbey will bc gladt t sec him a-irain when he makes bis visitation home in August. Ledies'o! the L.O.B.A. pre- senteti their play "Keep it un- dem your bat" in Bethany on Wednesday evening ta a large audience anti were well e- ceiveti. This play will bc pre- sented again et Newtonville. Senior pupils in Pontypool enti Balyduf! School enjoyeti a bus trip ta Niagara Falls on Juýne 28tb. 4Jeveral membens fram bere ujterdeti the County LOL., ,Ihurchb Pariade on Sunday ev- eninb A-Urge number o! L.O.L. L.O.B.A.. anti J.O.L. membens 1 tvill be going to Peterborough hy bus anti car ta attend the .Bttle o! the Boyne Celebra- tion in Peterborough on Setur- da.. Mr. Robemt Halboran iii holu- tiaying in Montreal witb fi- endis thero. 0 Meny !mom Zion attendeti -the lovely Centennial services e t Wesleyville Church Sunday, "June 26, bath mrnoning anti ev- iening anti reneweti acquaint- Lanres with P~ former Pastor -Rev. Dr. C. Oke anti many -other aid frientis. LONG SAULT MmE. anti Mrs. Timoll anti jfamiiy, Osthawa, weme Saturday safternoon guests o! Mm. anti cMmii. G. Baker. 1 Weekend guests o! Mm. anti Mns. G. Fletcher weme- Mr. anti Mmi. Wiginton anti Linti, sMr. anti Mmi. Ray Fauikn2r anti famiiy, Mis. Harper, Mr. »Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, Mr. -Jerry Day anti frienti, Ajax. 1Judy anti Heather Sawden are spending a week's holidiay «with Mr. anti Mmi. John Saw- tien, Whitby. Mr. anti Mmi. Archie McNeil, 1Heydon; Mr. antiMmii. James iWootiley, Mm. anti Mmi. H. Mur- iphy were Seturtiay evening guestii of Mr. anti Mmii. G. Ko- vers. Mm. anti Mmi. F. L. Byamn wemre Fritiay aftemnoon guests o! the Kayacs. Mm. anti Mrs. Tom Turner 'anti family, Toi-onto, were Set- urday goests o! Mm. anti Mmi. E. Harper. Mr. anti Mmi. F. E. Alexan- dem, Mr. anti Mms. Russell Hall- man, Bawmenville; Donna Ay- me anti Gail Church, Oshawa, visiteti Mm. Robert Sim. Suntiay evendn. -SPECIAL- Used Car Sale 1959 CHEV. 2-Dr. V-8, automatic Black with white top. 1958 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr., 6-cyl. Radio. Green. 1957 DE SOTO FIREFLITE SEDAN Autoniatie, radio, power stecring, power brakes. A real car. Blue and white with white wall tires. 1955 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. SUBURBAN 6 cyl. Radio. Blue. 1952 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. 6-cyl. Black. 1951 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL 2-Dr. 6-cyl Like new. HOLIDAY SPECIALS 1958 M~ORRIS OXFORD 4-Dr. Station Wagon, 6-cyl., washers, radio, only 21,000 miles. Black and red. A reai buy $1,350 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. 6-cyl. Radio, new green with white top- __ 1953 WINDSOR 2-Dr. HARDTOP 6-cyl, automatic, two-tone green, 45,000 miles only. A real car 1953 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. 6-cyl. Radio. Two-tone bine ______ 1952 PONTIAC 4-Dr. fi-cyl. Runs good, decent tires, clean inside, some rust- steering, power brakes, radio, automatic $195 REAL DARGAINS 1951 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. $195 $145 $ 45 il Running) ,Palmer Motor Sales ~CBRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT FARGO- SIMCA DEALERS 20 Kiu\g St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5487 $695 $745 $495 $295 TME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVLlE, OIqTARIO COURTICE Mrs. A. Wilkins spent tht weekenti near Ottawa end at. tendeti the weti'iin in Spen. -cerville on Satumtiay o! MisE MoHly Bennett andi Mm. Tei ?_Members o! South CourticE ro Home anti Schooi met et tlii O ýszhool on Tuestiay to, honou nI Mr. Bob Kerr who is leaving )nas principal o! this sehool. Mr, VKerr was presenteti witha tgift of cuff links and a suit- Sable book. Mr. John Norris is hoe from the h'ospital anti is in. -proving but wiil be home fron- kwork for a.nothem two weeks. le Barbare Brown anti Virginia ir Brown, members of the Teen- -f age Bowling league in Bow- manville ettentiet their ban- quet recently. Virginia Brown, captain of the leegue champ- ianship te3m receiveti the Geo- drge Elliott 'ýirophy on behalf t- of hem team anti also an in- 'dividuel tmophy anti cmest. ý*Ebenezer Explomers ended ntheir year o! activities with a apicnic anti bonfire. Mrs. Gar- snett Goyne anti Mmi. Murray ,j Osborne weme in charge of the graup. Mm. anti Mrs. Wilfred Brown, Barbare, Wentiy anti Debbie, yMrs. Robert Bryer., Gordie anti Patti spent the long week- end aet their cottage, Caesarea. The Grills Family Pieniec was ît heiti lest week et the home of Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Gay. Caurtice Sunday School pic- nic w,111 be helti on July 9th et the Courtice Memoriel Park. ZMON 0 The church was filieti for the 1Decoration Day service on 5Suntiay. The Honorable Mich- ael Str wes the guest speak- ier. The cemetery was beauti- sfui witb flowers. The postpaned Suntiay -School picnic will be helti et -Geneva Park on Saturday, rJuly 9. Here's hoping we have sunshine insteati of rein this time. Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Pascoe anti daughters ettendeti the Awtie picnicet Everett Mount- joy's, Ketiron. Mm. anti Mms. Jim Stainton, 1Davy anti Douglas, visiteti Mm. anti Mrs. Ron Jackson et Lake Simcoe on Sunday. Mm. anti Mmi. Robert Killen accompanieti Mr. anti Mrs. Delmer Killen anti family ta Hamilton on Wetinesday anti visiteti et Tom Curmae's. The Stmawbermy supper sponsoreti by the Neighborly Doubles Club was a grand success. 1 Mm. anti Mms. Jim Stainton entertaineti some frientis ta a wîener moest on Saturtiay nignt. Mr. anti Mms. William Pres- ton, Caurtice, Mm. anti Mrs. Stanley Coverly anti Karen, Ebenezer, Mmii. Deibert Flin- toff anti Carol Harvey, Ke- timon, Glen Flintoff, Ketircàl, were Sunday supper guests et Wes Camemon's. Congratulations ta Patsy Fisher on passing hem Graýde 10 Piano Exeminatian with bonors. Mm. anti Mmi. Frank Inu1 Sonya, attendeti Decoration Service anti visiteti et Fred i Cemeron 's. Miss Patsy Fisher is holi- daying this week with Sharon Dale, Oshawa. Mmr. anti Mms. Fred Camer- on visiteti Mm. anti Mrs. Per- cy Bryce et their cottage, Mountain Lake, on Saturtiay. Mr. anti Mrs. Ken Fisher anti Kirk, Oshawa, weme Sun- day visitors et Pet Robert's. Mm. anti Mrs. Wiifred Frank anti Davidi, Toranta, Mr. anti Mms. Fred Frank, Rantiy anti Warren, Halifax, Nove Sco- tie, were Monday evening vis- itors et Robert Killeris. Mrs. Herbert Cameron, Ty- mone, Mr. anti Mmi. Harolti Trivett, Westan, Mr. anti Mrs. Riobert Cameron anti Ruth Marie, Pontypool, Mms. Lloyd. Webb, Omono, were Suntiay caliers et Fred Cameron's. Mm. anti Mms. Lloyd Helli- day anti femily spent the hol- iday anti weekend et their * I jc of the tiepertment of landis anti1 forests, asketi council if it wishes ta have an open sea- son on deer this caming Feu.E Hie saiti there was ample eviti- ence of an abundence of deer. If the Unitedi Counties de-3 citiedtit holti an open week,E it would bave ta be open ta ail residents of Ontario antic they woulti also have ta de-r cide whet calibre o! gunsv were ta be useti anti whethert or nat dogs woulti be permis-a sible. Although counicil will con- sider the possibiiity of such e .veek, it wili prababiy be me- jecteti because o! the feeling t shown et the session. It woult IV seem that local hunters will t ;till have ta go farther afielti for their game, even thoughý t iii practically et their becký loo,-et least for coming, il deer bunting season. 0 t Little pragress can be fc madie by meme!y ettemptin.c i ta repress what is cvii; aur vi mreat hcpe lies ientievcloping, er what iii good.-Calvia Cool- CI itige. 1kh Another Rate Reduction For Cons umers' Customers Makes Ninth Since- 1955 The Consumers' Gas Com- pany on Tuestiay asketi the Ontario Fuel Boardt t approve on an interim basis ate me- duction it estimates wiil save esitential anti commercial heating customens appraxi- mately one million dollars le the 12 months ending Septem- ber 1961. These reduceti rates wiil be effective on meter eetings on anti efter October ust, 1960. It iii expecteti that they woulti remain in e!fect on an intemim basis, until a g ublic rate bearing bas been elti. A. L..Bisbop, President, in announcing the move, saiti this woulti be the 9th value- tamy rate reduction matie by Consumers' Gas since 1955, when Naturel Gas eplaceti manufactumeti gas in Metro- palitan Toronto. "This foilows aur stateti palicy that aur customens are entitiedti t the lowest possible gas rates anti bigbest stand- arts o! service consistent with goati business practice.'l Mr. Bishop saiti. "The new heeting rate wouid, if appraveti, apply tbrooghout Cansumens' great- ly expandeti distribution sys- tem from Brampton in the west ta Bowmeeville in the east, north ta Barrie anti along Georgian Bey ta Collingwood, anti in Peterborough, Lindisay, Bockville, Ottawa anti the Ottawa Valley." Average saving ta bouse bcating customens untier the. proposeti new schedules wouiti be $4.77 for a year. For com- mercial anti medium sizeti in- dustriel heatieg customens substantiel saving woulti me- suit. Heating customers woulti benefit next sommer by ex- tension of the perioti o! sum- mer biliing ta include the montb o! Jonc, as well as July anti August. The sommer me- ductions bing Jonc, July anti August bis down !rom a bigli o! about $7.00, ta between $3-00 anti $4.00 eacb montb, with furnace Pilots on anti bot water units__operating. Mr. Busbop noted that Con. sumers' voluntamy rate retiuc. tion poiicy bati proveti bigbiy success!ul in obtaining bouse beating anti water heatîrg customers. The total o! heat- ing customers in 1955 was 3,- 500. Today it iii over 70,000. Ie its application ta the Fuel Board, Consumers' stateti the equesteti ate reduction would better ena hie the Company ta campete with ail, coal and electricity, perticularly in the commercial anti medium sizeti industriel fieldi. Mr. Bishop sait that retiuc- tions in revenue as a result of the 9 rate cuts ta date epres- ent nearly twenty four mil- lion dollars in savings to Con- sumers' customers. "Acceptence o! Naturel Gas in aur frenchiseti areas anti aur ability ta finance neces- sary expansion et e cast o! over one huntimet million dol- lars in heus than six years, have completeiv justifieti the voluntary ate reduction pal- idies followeti bY Consumers' Ges." hie declareti. Council De-Classifies Indus trial Commission's "Con fidential" Report The confidentiel report of cillor K. N. Nicks, chairman the Bowmanville Industrial of the Industrial Commission, Commission for May and June saiti he agreeti. was discusseti at the meeting He added that public rela- of the Bowmenvilie Town tions are important to the In- Council helti in the Council dustrial Commission, which Chamber on Monday evening. had carried them on in the It was decideti that ths report past, and K. N. Morris, the neeti not be withheld from the Commissioner, is cantinuing public. this work with bis speeches "Your Worship, I wonder if to clubs. He ativocateti that Mr. we coulti deal with the confi- Morris prepare special reports dentiai report of the Industrial for the newspaper. Commission tonight as so Mr. Morris, asketi by the many matters are referreti to Mayor for his opinion, stateti the Board of Works meeting. thet Le welcomed the oppor- Ail members of council have tunity to write a special re- receiveti copies of it," Couin- pr ahe 7nhaeti cillor Gienhiolme Hughes sta- one releaseti. He seiti that hie ted. Mayor Wilfridi Carruthers couiti prepare quarterly or bi- agreed. monthly reports for the press. Deputy-Reeve Ivan Hobbs, "«Council shoulti receive in- secondeti by Councillor O. J. dustrial reports before the Presson, moved the adoption peper does. It would not be of the report, anti that it be right for the public to receive releaseti for publication. He information before council. pointed out that the informa- When we atiopt a report we tion containeti in it, if pub- can release it to the press," lisheti, woulti fot be detrimen- Depuly-Reeve Hobbs stateti tai to Bowmanviiie's industrial emphatically. deve]apment. Seessg Councilior Hughes asketi gesteilthereors tecousti bethe Mayor if a report adopteti eitetib the reputrialCom- at a public meeting autome- misiner fothe nprss.Con- ticaiiy becomes evailable to misionr fr te pess Con-the public. The Mayor replieti tiiet if a report containeti socconfidentiel information New Go erno theprs couiti be requesteti flot to use such portions. Permission having been -given by the Mayor to eddress a question to the Industrial Commissioner, Councillor Hu- ghes asketi Mr. Morris if he considereti the giving of this report ta the public would harmi industrial development h.ere. The Industriai Commis- sioner answereti that there SWoui be no danger in releas- ~4ing this report, but saiti that lihe would prefer to prepare Sreports for the press. Mr. Morris went on to ex- Iplain that other industrial cmissions do not release. tenmsof prospects for goati reasons, anti only when an in- nounicement made. The vote was taken on Deputy-Reeve ~~ Hobbs' motion anti carrieti. The Bowmanville Indus- triai Commission's report for Archie Turner «, May and June submitteti by K. N. Morris stateti that no Mr. Archie Turner, Director details of commercial promo- of Education for the South tion can be divulgeti, anti no Peel Board o! Educetion, bas specilic tiecisions heti been been electeti Governor of Dist- made. It seiti that there have rict 707 of Rotary Internation- been further meetings anti al. Mr. Turner is a member1 exchanges of correspondence andi past president of the' with several organizations anti Cooksville Rotary Club, indi*viduels interesteti in the District 707 of Rotary Inter- prospects for new commercial national comprises 43 clubs, developments. 16 of which are in Toronto anti Regerding industriel promo- the Metropolitan Area. tion it repo*rted that the files Mr. Turner was electeti Gov- of prospects No. 109 anti No. ernor of Rotary Internationalý 111 have been closeti. One at Rotary's 5lst annuel con-j hati decideti to locate in To- vention in Miami- Miami; ronio, anti the other, an Arn- Beach, Florida, eemliem thisi encan, beti bought an exist-I month. ing company in another On- Magistrate's CourtI Bruce Yarmow, 18 279 Ver- ust 2nd. dun Rd. Oshawa, was reman- Bernard Glen Hunt, age 29, tiet out o! custody until July fermer, of Allamucby, New 26th, for a pre-sentence me- Jersiey, formerly of R. R. 9, port. He heti been convicteti Pic ion, was convîcteti o! care- Lest week for the theft of a less driving antipeiti a penal- record player anti remendeti ty of $18.00. On June 29th he uh'til todey for the Police evid- lied been going east on King ence. St. anti one o! his chiltiren Jack Carl MeDonalti, 17 bit him over the heati with an! Bellshaw Place, Toronto, 33- empty pop bottie. While chas- year-olti weltier was erraign- tising the chilti, lie feileti to ed on (1) driving while intoxi- notice the reti light et Liberty cated; (2) driving whîie un- St. anti skidtiet into the Dog der suspension; (3) failing to Control Van owned by the~ report an accident. He tiidn't Town of Bowmanvilie drivenl went to pleati. He requesteti by J. A. Hoskin, 93 Liberty! the court to remant i hm to St. N. Damage to the Dog Con- an Ontario Hospital for obser- trol vehicle xves about $200. vation as hie as an alcoholîc. Arthur Johnston, 46, 6661 He was tolti that he would Simcoe St. S., peiti $14.00 for' have to make application to a ceusing a disturbence in a: County Court Jutige for this public place. treatment. A not guilty plea Convictions for overloatis, 2; was entereti on aIl counts by failingr to produce ownership, the court anti be was rementi- 1; no drivers license, 2; failing ed one week in custody. to stop for stop sign, 2; Newton Morton, 43, Osh- faiiing ta produce license, 3; awe, was convicteti of being, speetiing, 15; dirty license ntoxicateti anti fineti a total plate, 1; defective lights, 1; of S12.00. failing to dim ligbts when r Daviti Billion, 17, Oshewa, meeting oncoming traffic, 1,! vas remantiet out o! custod.v disobeying reti light, 2. unne- for pre-sentence report until cessary noise (squealing tires), tario town. Prospects No. 114 anti No 118 have postponeti negotions for another year. During May anti June ful particulars of industriel sites here anti 25 copies of the In- dustriel Brochure were sent out et the request of the De- pertment of Planning anti De- velopment. And extensive brief was submitted to a Canadian trade magazine that offers a factory locating service to its subscribers. Similar data wes supplieti to a corresponding American publication. Mr. Morris' report concluti- eti with the statement that a regular meeting of the Bow- manville Industrial Commis- sion was helti on May 10th, anti special meetings were also helti on May 16th anti 30th. The membership of the Canadian Reti Cross Corps consists of more than 800 housewives anti business wo- men. They serve in 22 com- munities. It is estimateti that more than 90 per cent of the work of the Canadian Reti Cross Sa- cietv is done by volunteer workers. BLACKSTOCK The W.A. o! the Unitedi borough wes in charge o! the Chumch met et the home o! service in St. John's Church Mms. Bmuce Ashton on Tues- Suntiey morning and will con- day evening with an attend- tinue ta minister ta this par- ance of 38. With the Presi- ish for some time. The chumch1 dent Mrs. Frank Butt presiti- supper Wednestiey evenin ing, the meeting openeti with -as well ttendeti anti soot the singing of e hymn. Mrs.iup ta the record for excellent Lloyd Wright reeti the scip- meals. turc passage, gave a spienditi Mm. anti Mmi. Jim Mamlow .peper on Faith anti led in ant iAnne spent the weekend _prayer. i wi thDr. anti Mrs. Jack Mer- After the reports o! different low anti femily, Lively, Ont. officers hati been receiveti Mrs.- Rev. anti Mrs. C. H. Fer- rGlenn Larmer tolti of the gooti guson, London, were weekend impressions she gathereti a! guests o! Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil the Scbool for Retarieti Chilti- Hill. ren wben she attentied the Mm. anti Mrs. Noel Morton, apening. Oshawa, spent the weekend *An invitation is extentietiwith Roy anti Bill Ferguson. the W.M.S. ta join the July Saturday, Rev. anti Mms. C. meeting, when Mrs. Richard- H. Ferguson, Roy Ferguson, 1son, Whitby, is ta be guest Mrs. Cecil Hill, Paul anti Carol speaker. Decideti toaessist the Rahm, Mm. anti Mrs. Noel 1Suntiay School in purcbasing Morton, Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Bibles anti bymn books for the Donald, Leslie Ann, Cheryl anti new members joining the Haroldi attentiet the Beacock rcburch, Sunday. femily picnic et Mitilanti. A committee wes appointeti Brentie Farder enterteineti ta plan the church supper for several littie frientis et e wien- Faim night. The fîndings Of er roest on Tburstiay night. tbe questionnaire pmeviousiy Mm. anti Mmi. Elmer Archer presentedti t eacb group was anti Jim, Wbitby, visiteti Mr. duscusseti. Decitiedtit give the anti Mrs. W. Archer, Fritiay. cburch board $200 toward the Marilyn Archer wbo bas spent tiebt on C. E. Building, e week with bier grantiparents Mary Bmadburn, anti Janice metumnetiborne with them. Byems fevoreti with a piano Sixteen Girl Guides froin duet. Mms. Ashton introduceti Cartwright ith four leaders, Mrs. G. Saundlers, Caesarea, Msds. Ivan Tbompson, Roy who gave an interesting dem- Turner, Neil Bailey anti Stan onstration of sheil work, dis- Rahm, also Susan Thompson, playeti many articles she hati Lorraine anti Janet Turner matie anti solti sortc. joineti other Guides from Bow- After the expressions o! ep- manville anti Orono anti left preciation hati been given, the by bus Manday morning for meeting -ves closeti with the camp et Doe Lake. benediction. A deliciaus lunch Teachers' Som-mer Courses was serveti by the group anti commenceti to-day. Mm. Gar-1 a social bour spent. don Paisley iii studying in' The Couples Club met at Lontion; Miss Joyce Graham,j the home of Mm. anti Mrs. Ivan taking English anti Arts et Thompson Wednesday night, Queen's, Kingston; Miss Betty1 with 18 couples attentiing. McArthur, taking hiem thirti1 Entetainment began with course of Commercial Special- recreation which ail enjoyeti, ist et Ryerson Institute; Joan followeti by three emusing tie- Venning, taking Art et On-1 bates. tario Art College; Mm. Neil1 During the business pemioti Bailey, bis third course o! In- several men volunteemedti t dustriel Arts et Western Tech- assist the W.A. in assembling nical. new tables. Devotionel wals Misses Jessie McArthur anti given by Mm. Daviti Romemil. Doreen Van Camp are spenti- Lunch anti social time weme ing a whiie with their parents.j eni oyeti. Lest weekenti wes moving, A gooti attendance wes pre- time in thus vicinity- Mmii.1 sent in the Uniteti Church Sun- Velva Eta,,Zey moveti to the day morning. The ladies choir home vacateti a month ego by sang the anthem "Have You Mr. anti Mms. Ted MMaeon Hearti the Voîce of Jesus?" A hnte modit Ms eception service was beltiRayhen they hmoe.inoMrs.n when Mm. anti Mmi. Haroldi ray Gonsthongme M. nti Kyte, Bonnie Mountjoy, Janice thes.Gaonthypramoed inta Byems, Mary Bratiburn, Davititehmdhy ueaeifo anti Stuart Hetige, Margaret, Mmi. Bailey, Mr. ant i=i. Sam Elle anti Muriel Gootison and1 Snowden, Saline, moved, into Harry Chamberlain uniteti Strong fami- Mm. Snowtien iii with the church. Due ta goinzr essisting Ralph Strong- Mm. ta camp, Raymoand MatiMi. Don Sinclair moveti was receiveti et service in ta Oshawa. We understand e Nestîcton lest Sunday. Rev. cul more homes in the vill- Romemil gave a fine acicress on age are solti so more changes1 The Values of Real Religion will be matie ere long. anti the Sacrement of Holy amn ou yanti1 Communion was atiministereci. Floydi Kyte are attending Boysj Sunday evening the L.O.L. Church C amp et Quin-Mo-Lac. o! Cartwright district, led by Misses Jean Ford anti Doris1 Cartwmigsht Fife anti Drum Griffîn, Toronto, spent the Banti, 'paraedt t the Unitedi weekend et their homes. Churchi for their annuel serv- Mrs. George Fowler spent ice. Rev. P. Roineril delivemeti Seturdeay in Oshawa. an impressive sermon frorn the Mr. anti Mrs. Lavern Devitt, subject, "What Are You Stand- Barbare anti Neil, Oshaewa; Mr.i ing For?". The Ladies Choir anti Mmi. Creighton Devitt,t sang "I Wili Extol Thee". Bowmenvllle; Mm. anti Mmi. Ed1 Canon Ashmore- of Peter- Harris anti girls anti Mm. Gil-t bert Magili, Janetville, were Sunday supper guests of! Mrs Carl McLaughlin andi boys. ?Mr. and Mm. Walter Law- rence and Sylvia, Mr. and Mmrs John Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laurence attended the weddmng of Walter Lawrence Jr. and Carol Sagnas in Tor- onto, Saturday. tDr. John and Mrs. McIlraith and twîn daughters Julia and Maire andi Mrs. A. D. MeAr- thur, Toronto, were Friday guests of Dr. J. McArthur and family. Miss Joan Venning, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Guziter spent the weekend at the Turner cottage, Coe Hil. Mr. andi Mrs. Maurice Brad- hurn, frenda and Lenna, Scar- borough, were Sunday giuests of Mr. and Mrm. Carl Bradburn andi boys. q Mr. anti Mrs. J. W. Cunning- ham, Toronto, were Saturday guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Neil Malcolm andi farrtiy. A miscellaneous shower was helti in Purple Hill lodge room, Saturday evening, in honour of Mr. andi Mrs. George Murphy (nee June Fowlem) who were marrieti recenýtly. Mms. McDougald, St. Mamys, Miss Sharon Knott, Carling- ford; Miss Marion Ross, Science Hill andi Miss Elaine Shenson, Toronto, visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lairmer and Douglas during the weekend. Mr. andi Mrs. Rov Taylor visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Anson Taylor, Guildwood Vill ag e, Scarborough, Wednoeday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marrlow visiteti in Bolton Sunday. Mm. andi Mrs. Haroldi Martyn andi boys andj Ted Glover spent Friday with frientis et Stur- geon Lake and Minden, Friday. Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Mc- Mahon and Wes. Lotus visited Mr. anti Mrs. Ted McMahon and chilcfren Sunday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry andi Mrs. Brati- hurn, Thursday evening- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter and famitily and Mrs. PoUlard, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Henry and Linitia, Bowman- ville; for weekend- Mr. and Mrrs. Jack Webb andi family, Toronto; Sundtay to Tuesday- Mr. and Mrs. Danieli Wotten, Toronto. Mrs. Wes Bradburn, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn andi femil)r attended the Wotten re-union in Bowmanville Sunday. Recent callers with Mr. and Mmii. Cecil Hill- Mr. A. W. Pickard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dyunn andi Stephen, Bowman- ville; Mis. W. J. Beacock, Mr. andi Mrs. Les. Beacock: anti Donald, Misses Ethel anti Alice' Doddts all of Port Perry. Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. Wolfe, Brian anti John attendeti the Canadien Keswick Conference Ferndale, Muskoka for the long weekend. Peter Chaperlin anti Peter Bernes, Toronto, are spending this week with the George Wolfe's. Anything that interferea with individuel progress ul- rý timately will retard group progress. -George H. Hous- fOshawa Wood Products Ltd.I THE ABOVE PHOTO SHOWS A SECTION 0F TOOL CENTER ][N THE NEW ULTRA-MODERN SHOWROOM AT OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Complele Line of Rand and Power Tools for the Do-It-Yourzelfer WE lENT POWUR OR RAID TOULS Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM 84 SIMCOE ST. S. - RA 8-1617 BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2130 DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. MAIN OFFICE AND SHOWROOM COURTICE - RA 8-1611 AJAX ZEnith 2-9600 1951 DODGE 4-Dr. 06PLYMOUTH- (A. v I PAGE FIETEEN 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YC