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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1960, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEENM _ iCounties Assessmenf SIncreases by $2,3 45,886 Total proposed equalized 181,900, an increase of $347,- assessment for the United 730, followed by Hamilton, $4,- Counties of Northumberland 311,914 (increase, $263,869); and Durham now stands at, Clarke, $3,551,551 ($119,337); $74,396,364, an increase of $2,- Hope, $3,042,935 ($84,398); 345,.'86 over the 1958 total. Seymour, $2,543,040 ($176,- Full statistics were reveal- 979); Haidimand, $2,349,978 ed in the report read ta the~ ($67,717); Murray $2,223,660 United Counties council by its ($489,736); Manvers, $2,138,- assessor T. G. Shields in the 418 $131,942); Cramahe, $2,- opening session here Monday. 100,393 ($163,178); Cavan, $2,; AIl munîciîties exceptI 034,108 ($202,656); Peccy, $1,- thseofCobug n Cl 873,340 ($108,381); Cartwright, borne show increases. In these tn$1,65,811($87,69); Srigh-( two instances spot checks ton $l,,8$8,6 (687246ouh bcought about reduction ofMnagha, $97744316($624); $680, $133 and $2,058 respec- Anik 6774(6,0) tively. Sharp Rise Heading of the list of towns Sharpest increase in as- is Cobourg with an assessment sessment occucced in rural1 of $11,144,742; a decrease of municipalities. In one instan- $680,133. Following Cobourg ce, in Cartwright Township, is Port Hope at $9,771,621, an assessment increased as a ce- increase of $241,709; Bowman- ville, $7,340,693, an increase of $11,444,742; a deccease of 174,573, an increase of $548,- B ET H À 635. In the list o! villages with School Report, S.S. No. 31 inercases shown in bcackets Manvers- Fallis Sehool. 1 Brighton heads the list at $1,- Naines are in order o! menit.1 937,490 ($27,268); Colborne Grade 8 to 9, Walter Urbank-c $1,147,325 ($2,058 decrease); lewicz, Honours; Harvey Scott, Newcastle, $942,969 ($13,772); Judy Horner, Linda Stephen-C lastings, $704,275 ($9,'329), son, Robert Stephenson. Grade9 lvillbrook, $609,435 ($171184). 7 to 8, Wayne Stephenson, Dwi-1 Amnong the townships Dar- ght Lynch. Grade 6 to 7, BilIy1 lington headsthe list at $6,- Bradley, Sheila Wood, Roy Ste-ç phenson, Susan Masters, Ricky' J Masters. Grade 5 to 6, Susanr Scott. Grade 4 to 5, Marlene Lynch, honours; Chistapher Wood, honours, Mary Stephen- son. Grade 3 to 4, Paul Lynch. PLUMBIN&&HEATING SMIC Grade 2 to 3, Nancy Bradley, IS WHAT WE SELL honours: BWHly Scott, honours; WEN WE DO À JOB, Kenny Stephenson. Grade 1 to WEODO ITJ 2, Jili Wood, bonours; June WELL ' Masters, Maria Sinopuli, Tom- ~ Stephenson. Highest attendiance for the1 year, Harvey Scott (perfect). Highest achievement, Nancy Bradley. Mrs. Jean M. Argue, Teacher. Promotion resuits S.S. No. 4 Manvers town:ichip- Galli- way's School. Grade 7 to Grade 8, Donald Armstrong. Grade ~' 6 to Grade 7, Marguerite Beer, 1onours; Heather Sisson, hon- PLUMBING-HEATi4G ours. Grade 5 to 6, Ernest 1 Beer, bonours; Barbara An- D 4~ giers, Linda Russell. Grade 3 to Grade 4, GI(ria Russell. * ** , * Grade 2 to Grade 3, Judy Lyn- ne S--sson, honours; Peter Beer, 1 ta Gra~de 2, Mary Cochrane, Lloyd G. Presto n REPRESENTATIVE National Auto League ol Canada TELEPHONE MA 3-3070 83 QUEEN ST. BOWMANVILLE FREE! FREE! With every purchase of $1.00 or more of GASOLIN - OIL - ACCESSORIES lou will receive Bonus Coupons entitling you to FREE GIFT.S * Catalogue Available at Service Station SIERVIRESTATION, 9J-31361%WVAVERLEVRO. For your convenience Service Station will be open from 7 a.m. to il p.nx. A Short Drive Will ive You a Better Deal USED CARS 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK 4-Dr. Automatie, windshield washers, guards. Very low mileage. 1954 CHEV. DeLUXE 2-Dr. Very clean throughout. 1952 STUDEBAKER 4-Dr. Overdrive, clean, economical. splash 1952 STUDEBAKER %-TON PICKUP Good farm truck $395.00 1951 FORD %-TON PICKUP__ Many older model Used Cars to choose from Priced $50.00 up Graham 's Garage STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Haydon COlfax 3-2233 R.R. 1, Bowmanville Ail Studebaker Parts and Accessories $550.00 suit of spot checks by $217,-1 090 or 12.3 per cent. One salient factor remains almost constant. The four towns of Cobourg, Port Hope,1 Bowmanville and Campbell- ford carry a percentage of lia- bility of 42.57 of the counties. Cobourg heads thîs listing with 15.38 followed by Port Hope. 13.05; Bowmanville, 9.86 and Campbellford, 4.27. The total spot checks, made in the counties for this year's equalization were 1,098. These included 214 farms, 659 resi- dential properties, 103 profes- sional and commercial, 15 in- dustrial and manufacturing, 107 vacation resorts. The to- tal amount of these checks in assessment was $5,546,760 or 7.45 per cent of the total lo- cal assessment for 19.59. ANY Dilanne Kerr, lan Page, Grade honours; Peggy Russell. Mcs. Ennestine Robdnson, tea- cher. Prcrmotions for Senior Roomn of Bethany Sehcol. Grade 8 to 9: Honours, Patsy Bigelow, Pob. Edmunds, Patricia Green, Hoýward Morton, C a roly n Smith. Pass- Jack Duriham. Grade 7 t0 8: Honouns, Pat- ricia Davidson, Eleanior Porte- ous, Randy Wilson. Fass, Allan Bristow, Ross Jordan. On trial, Melvyn Smelt. Grade 6 ta, 7: Honours, K.aycn Mccli, Ron- aid Jackson, Kathleen Mor- tan. Pass, Roy Scott, Billy Smelt, Bobby Smelt, Barbara Wilson, Gden Wright. Grade 5 Lo 6: Pass, Bob. Durham, Doug- las Harry, Joe Clapper, Doug- [as Neals, Barbara Ann Green. On trial, Brian Green, Edward Green. Teachec, Mrs. BeMIe Smith. Promotions for Junior Room of Bethany School. Grade 4 to 5. Honours, Bifly Beg 1 e y, Faye McGill, Nancy Morton, Kenneth Porteous, David Ray- nsford, Norma Smith, Ricky Wentworth, Patsy Wilson. Gra- de 3 to 4: Honours, Mary Anne Martichenko, Phyllis Young,- m2n. Pass, Diana Green, Mur- ray Strong. On trial, Tommy Wilson. Grade 2 to 3: Honours, Joan Edmunds, Donald Spel- ler, Dianne Strong, Charmaine Wilson, Sandira Wdlson. Pass, Murry Edmunds. Grade 1 to 2: Honours, Heather Green, Wayne Montg'omery, Joyce Perry, Sheaun Seabrooke, Gra- ce Smith, Katherine Speller, Douglas Wlhite, Joan Wilson. On trial, William Hill. Teacher, Mrs. Loraine Smith. Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Speller entertaine-d on Tuesday for their daugliter Lynda, wh-o was celebrating ber 3rd birth- day. Hec little friends present included Dianne Macrtichenko, Michpel, Smith, Brian VanBeek, K~aren Siomerville, Beverley White and Manlene Ryley, as wve1î es ber brothers Donald and David and sister Kather- ine. Miss Gwendolyn Gray, Toc- onto, is home for summer vaca- tion with ber parents, Mc. and ['Ars. Fred S. Gray. Robert Fostec is spending holid-ays with bis pairents at HIavelock. Weekend guests wîth Mc. and' Mcs. James McKinnon were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McGill, John Airen and daughter Sandra, a.1l1o! Toronto; Mrs. Frank Price and ber childcen Lori and Dale o! QuesnelJ, B.C., also M!ss Evelyn McKinnon of Montreal, Que., who will ce- main for two weeks vacation. Mn. and Mrs. Chester Toc- mini and daugbtec Patricia, Toronto, spont the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson. Oroe Ohallice, Lockalsh, ks home foc bolidays with bis mather, Mrs. Richard Challice. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neals during the week. end were Mr. and Mcs. Doug- las Deyedi, North Bay; Mrs. Laura Spiers and Miss Shirley Deyeli o! Tnronto. The Women's Association o! the United Chucch heldi a very SUCCeSSful Gardon Party on Wodnesday. Foilowing the sup- per, the progcam featucedi a play "Keep It Under Your Hat" pcesented by. the mem- becs o! Pontypool Ladies Lod- ge. Allan Beer acted as chair-i man and Mcs. David Wilson acc:rnpaýnied at the piano for community singing. Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Cacc and family visited with Mc. and Mrs. Mel. McGee at Rag- lan on Sundia.y. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Smith and family o! Colborne wece Sunday guests witîh Mr. and Mrs. George Waddell. Mcs. Allan Moffatt, Peter- borough, is home for a week's holidays with ber parents, Mc. and Mcs. Hilliard Bristow. 'The Family Doctor' *NATURE IS TANNING. My DAUGHrER NOW - WI4ERE 1 DIP TEN Y&ARS AGOQ. TECANADIMI sTATsmANq, EowmANvILLE, ONTAEIo Women's Institute, Bowmanville Brandi Executive Present executi've of Bowmanville Branch of dent and Mrs. S. Buttery, 2nd Vice-President. Director the Women's Institute are shown at the Branch's 6th Mrs. F. Jackman, present at the anniversary, is flot anniversary. From lef t ta right they are: Mrs. R. shown. Absent also in the photo is President Mrs. G. Webber, District Director; Mrs. D. Park, Sec'y-Treas.; AlIchin who is a patient in Memorial Hospital. Mrs. L. J. Goodman, Mrs. J. H. Abernethy and Mrs. T. -Photo by Rudi Gerber Buttery, Directors; Mrs. M. Wiseman, lst Vice-Presi- OBITUARY MRS. ROMAINE DUMAS Following a short illness the death occurred of Ada S. Du- imas at the home of hec daugh- ter, Mcs. Jas. Milligan, North Bay, Ont., on Thursday, June 23, 1960, in ber 93rd year. The late Mrs. Dumas was born in Cornwall, England, on Febnuacy 23, 1868, daughtcr of the late Samucl Burden and Jane Arnold. She had ce- sided in Bowmanville fnom the time she was five yeacs aid. Mcs. Dumas wvas a member of St. Andrew's Preshyterian Chucch, a charter member of Beehive Rebekah Lodge No. 125 and a life member of Bow- manville Womnen's Institute. Hec husband, Romaine Du- mas, pcedeceased hec in Jan- uacy, 1923. Two children survive, a daughtec, Jean (Mrs. Jas. Mil- ligan) of North Bay and a son, Leon o! Brighton, Ont. Also sucviving are five grandehil- dren and four gceat-grand- childcen. The funecal service, held at the Nocthcutt & Smith Fun- ecal Home, Bowmanville, on Monday, June 27, was conduc- ted by Rev. A. G. Scott. In- terment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. The many lovely floral tri- butes wece fromn relatives, neighboucs, friends and or- ganizations. Palîbearers wece nepheWs R. H. Westaway and Gordon Obactran of Bowmanville and gcandsons, Donald and Robert Milligan, North Bay, Romaine Dumas, Brighton, and John A. Caldwell, Peterborough. O1BITUARY MRS. ROBERT JAMES McKESSOCK The dcath occucred at the Oshawa Genecal Hospital Wednesday, June 29, of Ma- bel Lillian May Pascoe, wi- dow o! Robent James McKes- sock. The deceased, who had been making ber home witm ber daughter and son-in-law, Mc. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, 108 Coîborne street east, was in hec 85tb yeac. A daughtec of the late Mc. and Mcs. Thomas Pascoe, Mcs. McKessock was born at Salina Nov. 10, 1875, and was mar- ried thece April 11, 1903. A resident o! Oshawa for 16 yeacs, she was a member of Eldaci United Church and wvas a life member o! the Solina Women's Institute. Predeceased by ber husband in Januacy, 1931), iVrs. MeKes-, sock is survived hy two dau-' ghters, Mrs. Everett L. Elliott (Margaret), and Mcs. Bryce Brown (Ruth), of Oshawa, and a son, Alan P. McKessock, o! Thamesford, Ont. Also sucviving are two sis- tors, Mrs. H. E. Tink (Addie), o! Sauina and Mrs. Joscph Chapman (Margaret), o! Ham- pton; five grandchildren and two great gcandchi[dren. The remains rested at the Armstrong Funecal Home until faon Saturday, July 2. Th2 funeral service was held in' Eldad United Churcb, Solina, and w'as canducted by Rev. F., J. Reed of Eld-id United; Cburch, assisted by Rev. M. A.1 Bury of King Street United: Church, Oshawa. Interment was in the famîly plot at Hlampton Cemetery. Palîbeacers were Alec Mc- Kessock, Frank Pascoe, Harold Pascoe, Hilton Tink, Arthur Blanchard and Robent Halli- day. too busy to help those around her, both wbile on the facm and in the village. The memorial service was held at the Northcutt & Smith Funecal Home, Bow- manvîlle, on Monjay, June 27. Hec pastor, Rev. F. J. Recd con ductcd the service. Inter- ment was in Hampton North Cemetecy. The palibearers were Mes- srs. W. E. Stevens, L. R. Cry- derman, W. R. Greenaway, S. T. Kersey, A. A. Hilîs and M. F. Emerson. BROWN'S Brown's H. and S. Club held their annual picnic at the ochool on Saturday, June 25th. A good number turned out to make the afternoon a success. Races got underway about 3:30 and the winners in the separate classes were as follows: Girls 5 and under- Kathy Bridgcr; Boys 5 and unde- Cameron Wilson; Girls 6-8- Wendy Wilson; Boys 6-8- Jimmie Pitt. Those taking part in the above races were aIl given windmills as well as thne prize winners. Girls 9-11- Judiy Pitt; Boys 9-11-Larry Herrington; Girls 12-15- Nnncy Simpson; Boys 12-15- Richie Kichiko; Shoe Seramible -Judy Pitt; Sack Race - Larry Hernington; Wheelbarcow Race - Judy Pitt, Nancy Simipson; Fan and Balloon Race- Tommy Simp- son; Balloon Raice- Helen Camipbell; Kick the Shoe- Ro- bent Simpson; Ladies andi Gen- ts Soda Biscuit Contest- May Sinclair, Brian Pickerjnel. ,PUT~Da~ A~ Wl? W 4L 4 TOWN 0F BG3WMqANVILLE Th e 2d Instalment OF 1960 TAXES' ARE DUE AND PAYABLE JULY l5th, 1960 P. B. REYNOLDS, Clerk. OBITUARY ETHEL MAUD COLE Ethel Maud Cale passed; quietly ta rest at Strathavon Rest Home, Bawmanville, on Friday, June 24. She had been in iii hoalth avec a period of four yeacs. The only cbild o! the late. Mn. and Mcs. Jas. Curtis, theý deceased was bocn on hecl fathec's facm at Tyrone, Ont.,ý in Septemben 1879. In 1911 she was united in marriage ta E. Howard Cale and came ta live nonth o! Hampton whene they resided until they ceticed from facm- ing and came to reside in the village o! Hampton. Hec hus- band pcedeceased hec in June, 1942. The late Mns. Cale was an' active and valued member o! Hamptan United Chunchy a lifo memben af the W.M.S. and a member o! the WlI., o!, wvhich she was a vecy efficient president foc several yeans., One o! ber autstanding quali- ý ties was hon fine spirit o! neighborliness. She was neyeri r I 4 Q I fi 1 à%- - r à During the atternoon, Mrs. dra King, Richmond HUI. Pyne, who wil flot be with Mrs. J. Sloane underwent au us next year as teacher in the operation at Memorial Hospi. Junior Room, was presented tal, Bowmanville, last week. with a pretty dish fromn the Glad to report she is back pupils of the Junior Room and home and convalescing satis- with a cup and saucer froin factorily. the H. and S. Club. A fine af- Mr. W. Kotynski is spendig ternoon was brought to a close two week's holidays hLt . when a good picnic lunch was home with his sister, Mrs. An~ served along with Freshie for nie Zamolinskj. the childiren and tea for aduits The Mcflroys have mov and ice creain for everyone. dont herctag tRe A speclal meeting of Brow.n's Lake where they wilI spend Busy Bees was held at the the summer months. home of Mrs. Wilda Simnpson Mr. George Stephenson, Mr,. on Tuesday evening, June 28th. and Mrs. Ross Boyd andl.Kn A bus triip for the members Miss Nancy Brandt sp3 th was under considerable dis- weekend at their cex t cussion and it was unanimously Bayswater. Mas t e r Robbie decided to take a trip to Nia- Boyd spent the weekend with gara Fa-Is about July 2lst, but Ms grandinother. with each memnber paying their Miss Lyn Stephenson leaves own face, on Saturday to spend a week Miss Wendy Wilson is spend- as a counsellor at the Girl ing Vhis week with Miss San- Guide Camp at Haliburton. ITmqnAv im.,v wi% lem'

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