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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1960, p. 2

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-TH EANADUN S TATWSMAN 11OWMANVTTT fN'ARTn) ect eater H lpscompanist. These with the anthem "Thou Gloriaus God T r e R t e ie, reaching its culmination mn t G o y a Handel's Hallelulia Chorus W e7seyvile C lebrleswith the congregation stand- ME Sa ~a@E rection of John Groeneveld and year emplayees, Dan King, Sorganist Mrs. Reeve, worked Sam MeAllister, and Ed Peel, UnDited C'. urcn C nte ni long and faithfully ta bring taý retired recently after many J~Uthese centennial services the years service. Mr. King had By M"s. E. Barrowclough pit platfarm presented a fine Iflowers were arranged on the!quality of music that added so 17 years service. Mr. Peel 0n Sunday, June 26, 1960, background for the arrange- flawer stands. I much ta this special day. had.completed almost 24 years 1.the suni shone glariously as the ments a! flowers ta be describ Wa apytm h service with Goodyear. Mr. years ralled back for hundreds ed later. The service was in Away from the sight of the Wa hpytmetelMcAllister in addition ta l.av- of people wha came ta Wes- charge af Rev. Dr. C. Clarciregular service, the cangrega- friends spent on this gaorious 1 ing 22ý'2 years continuous ser- Ievil UiedCurh acee Oeo!Dae Cnre 1fr tion in the basement had the afternoon as they grauped onl vice, also had a prior 10 years brate its centennial. er much ioved pastor of almost beauty a! many flawers there, teano ude th d1 cantiriuous record, broken by Si mle ws 0 PrtHpe10yers ssstd y tt add ta the warship as theytrees, and recalled many, many nine days when he left and on the staried lake shore raad, church's minister, Rev. A. W. listened ta the broadcast. occaonssthey wenhs torba t en was re-engaged. the red brick chapel faces Harding. Loud speakers car- Following the service, thelthey remembered. It was a Lake Ontario, and its slightl ried the service ta the over- friends were invited ta re- day of good fellowship and eminence gives it a fortunate flow congregation. The choir main for refreshments and a everyone, even ta the smallest position with spacious lawns anthern, were: "The heavens xisit. They were met at the boy and girl will remember the east and west. A trim hedgeare telling," Franz J. Haydn foot of the stairs by the presi- day for each Sunday School of Chineseem separates ijtjand "King A Goriaus" George dent o! the Waman's Associa- ehild was a welcoming coin- fromn the cemetery where leVail, and guest saloist Larry tion, Mrs. A. Austin and mittee ta greet visitors. Rfany of the early pioncers 1oÈ Hal of Garden Hill sang, Muriel Austin. Presiding at the church. Onti~a hlTrust in the Lord", ta Han- the table, centred by a lavely Friends were present fram white pines in the narth west del's Largo. thres-tiered anniversary cake, Flint, Mich.; Toronto; Clark- section formed a rich green ý Dr. Oke's sermon was based were Mesdames Phoebe Hold- son; Scarboro; Foxbaro; Peter- background, lightenecl by the' on "The fruits of having a away, W. T. Nichais, P. SneIl bora; Oshawa, Cobourg; Little brighter touch of this year's! Homeland in Hoaven," and was and R. Best pauring tea. Britain, and ail the close sur- growh. a sron andreasurng es- When almost ail had beenihome had its quota of ,return- BY ten o'cloek the ehurch; sage to us in this time of 512 servedi, Rev. A. W. Harding, ing friends, Mrs. Phoebc Hold- Ï was filling, and at service time, many unsettling events. He1 called for order and greetingsî away and Ern Bowe ha a J o! eleven, ail seating space w;as rcmindcd us that this churci w ere heard from the follow- happy erowd of over 30. Mr. taken, the basement was fii-ihias carrîed the Christian mes- ing: Rev. P. F. Gardiner, aland Mrs. Harold Best enter- ed, hil man sa onthc sage for one-twentieth of the former pastor, wha told 0f! tained Dr. and Mrs. Oke. The lawns outside - an estimated'C ita rknln n h etn eetyagandson! whole day was an uplifting \370-400. 1 hearls of men, faith in the of one af Wes2yville's early' warming experience. It pulls , With usual accommodation! eternal life. residents, Mr. Chas. Hunting- at the heartstrings, for folk ,not available for assemblingI During the service the fol- don. Mr. Wm. Glaver of Pet- coming baek are instinctively ýe bue-gowned choir w.,alkcil lowing gifis wc-re dedicatcd erboro and Mr. Ernest Glover iooking for vanished faces and Jprocession frorn the Ought- 1 ta the service of the Lord; pul- of Oshawa spoke on behaf Of, the tones a! laved vaices o! Xilhome, and followed by Dr.Ipit and communion table from their family's association withl the past. God gave us me- dClare Oke and Rex-. A. W.I the Woman's Association; hym- the church in other years. Mr.\1 r t tore the loveiy things rding etrdt eurh. nary for the pulpit fromn Ber- F. W. Hayden o! aur iveadmviiaea hfreshly deeoratcd church niece Best; brass flower vases happy and spry in hier 9lst land phtgahescpurd>.. ft blue and white, with for the communion table are year expressed appreciation1 much this day ta record it. It ed floors, light furniture, the gift of Misses Muriel and for the kindness of the chureh's was sa good ta be there and Dan King dcavered aisies and pul- Marie Austin in memory of W.A. ta hier. Mrs. Ceeul Bur- as so many of the messages Mr. King was born near grandfather and grandmother ley o! Newtonviile hadi inter- said, "God Bless You Ail". Okod bu ee ie Woolacott, and grandimother csting stories o! Pott Gran- Okod bu ee ie .000Austin; the silver chalice, a gif t by's Treiawney Chureh and Port Hope people have help- west o! Lindsay. He spent of Mrs. Phoobe Holdaway; the the Wade, Burley and Zeal- ed in many ways with prepara- about 40 years farming, and %Y SPECIAL sedilia (pulpit seat) gift o! and families; Mrs. Carlton tions, Mr. Carey and Mr. Ross also operated a county stonej ýOUND-TRip Arnold and Ruby (Mrs. Gren- Payne of Port Hope brought loaned chairs, Coleman and crusher for several seasons. f FARES parents, Mvr. and Mrs. Victor ents, Mr. and Mvrs. Wiil Mead- tem, and Mr. T. Fulford was senai in Lindsay for three ThAdk, n !Egasnt.s n hirln sscainhelpful in other xvays. Local years before going ta work at ý 1 ý H a r o l d B a r r o w e l a u g h i n m e - w i t h W e s l e y C h u r c h ; S t a n peo ple n e e d n o t b e n a m e d , t h e G o o d y e a r p l a n t o n A-pr i l 1ýý1mary of their parents, Mr. andlBrooking o! Tory Hill on be- eeypra ntetit 6 93 um UEE r. Smn Broeog;h] !hsfmywsjsi some families in the church Ail of Mr. King's service choir and organ sereen in1proud of his son's share in dec- macle this his or hier personal has been in the Hose Room -matching Oak, the gift of Rev.lorating the church, and his 89- effort. Most of their naines with the exception of the last A. W. Harding; fiower stands, year-old mother stood up ta bc ar'e found in the Wesieyviile five weeks when hie worked - ~~~~Mrs. W. T. ýNichais; vases for xarmly greeted. Reg. Bee and hîstory.onPresrvcafrrtu- iv i ~ ing froin a lengthy iliness. __these stands in rnemory o! Mr. Percy Bassett were presenit but x and Mrs. Cyril Darke froin Mr. did not get ta the microphone Mr. King has six children, _ ,.... and Mrs. Ken Ashby and Mr. ta add their good wishes; Stan- KERO.LJtNtoby n orgrs n JE ý A~" *. andi Mrs. Hector Darke; money1 iey Nichais o! Port Carlins 13 grandchildren. He is fond J ~i -.-"gifts toward the carpet inispoke briefly. Sînr-ere regret (Intended for last week) of gardening, and naw plans mç-rory o! Mr. George Brook-I was voieed on behaîf o!fi y Seea e culsbcaehby #3 Kir- ~~~~ing fromn wife Lucy and fain- Mr. Harding for the suddeni Svrlnwculsbq ehby iiy an inmemry ! M. ad assing o! Harvey Nichols %vho members of Kedron Uie -injoy a refreshing aun-filIed v- daughters Mabel and Edith. A from Winnipeg, hadi planned ment o! Holy Communion on.......... -nent ofroses onto btapdevote Sngreaterintime taR.this ý«in"onE-g"this year. the communion table was iLo eandueted the service,e "epni e hoiyrst" inroyofMs Jsp Drh, A collection of aid pictures for the large cangregation, ou a "05-day limit with stop- who was born in 1860, from aonveadteflkh sitdbyR .RbrtB &vers permitted. daughter Clara, and son Heet- a great turne sceing great Werry, who preached the ser- a-grandparents, and of course mon and led in other parts o! or; and Mnte pca rs. themselves o other years. the worship. A maie quar- * ~4~teaciae4 Laura Bryce Bannister, a trib- Truman Austin greeted the' tette, Murray Mountjoy, Grant ute froi-n son Ronald and faîn- people on behaîf of the trus- Spencer, Ronald and William th ily of Edmonton, Aiborta. Two tees and described the work Werry provided the special ~ 'Ith t Setembr ~ baskets o! gladioli. mums and donc in recent years ta keep Imse roses were gifts for the day this building in good repair. Reeeived on profession o! any Coaodian Pacific Rail way agent wircd froin Alberta by Mr. and Messages were read frain Dr. !aith were Mrs. E. Gloria Mrs. George Knott and For- H. Walton Bail o! Toronto, Hancoek, Benjamin D. Hit- i Pnce, and froin Califat-nia by Wcs Barrowelough o! Oshawa; chens, Mrs. uhM iees , IIf - Mrs. Gladys Glover Lovett, and Mrs. S. Lou Ott and Mrs. Bow- RrsuEtLdi Ma iconl, / ivirs.' Pearl Glover Leniiart, en, (Edna and Laura Barrow- Bruce A. MacDonald and Mrs. bath an expression o! desire ta eough) of Outremont, Que.; Ruth Parks. By transfer, Wii- be here in pcrson. Other Mrs. Clarence (Palmer) Earle, liain R. Hancock, Elmer Prs _____________________________________ o f Treherne, Manitoba; Mar- Roy F.Rbsn ars garet Hodgins o! Paynton, Norma'P. Robinson were ad- F R E E ! mFESask.; Marika Malkov o Toron- mitted into full membrhp ! ta Mr.and rs. . RakinAssisting in the Communion of Fort William; M. Robb O! service were session membera bs ~ Osgoode, Jerry Salmon o! Van- Walicr Davis, Ross Lee, HOw couver Island, Mrs. Pcarl adFrdiAvnSecr f3rown o! Coiborne, Mrs. Lloyd CClarence and Harold Werry. 1~ E D Buehholz, Mrs. L. Clarke, BL C IAO DHarvey Paeden, ail of Cali- Descendants o! the Aw'de Sam McAllister fornia; Rase Dinsmore o! f!amiiy gathered at the M ount- r c litrc m oC n SÏA Mv PS Lakefield, New York; Wîîhel., 30Y pienie grounds for their ada r enlier ame10 ta Ca mia renvldo Hlan ýfrs e-nn-n 4y cars, won1 viheeyMrs. A. Tappin, Toronto; Mrs.l Saturday, Jue2.Tere aid from Belfast, Ireiand. H-is with veryRuby (Thorndyke) Vicrkile, were 63 present for the mid- famiiy first settied at Port o! Rochester; Mrs. Flossie day meal with 30 remaînîn Sydney in the Muskoka dis- (Thorndyke) Telford, Van- for a supper hour visit. Cou- ,tict. He warked on a fra as a young lad, and then sorv- nero Rv.B F. Green, Luk- joined with relatives froin Cu- 1 On is return ta CaniadaB at your nw Mrs. Ida Clare, Port, siek, State of Washington,1 he again farmed for thro Crodît.froin nearby communities ta' years. He thn xent ta Bramp- Durîng the reading o! let- complote the get-together with' ton where hlie erned the on- sc tors, anniversary cake was1 Kedron relatives who ere ginecring trade in the emiploy Iýi V IGR ILpassed ta the !riends, this lave-1 hasts for the happy Occason.o the Dale Estate. lcake was the gift o! Mrs. li as iiertth od SERVICE STATION ~Gwon Couchman. More alsoý William MacOregor h as Hada ieda h Go-a STAlTI.ON1 year plant in Bowmanville on_«1 came guest in many Kedron TH Y S IE Shomes, and hier cheery Christ- BHY S IE e mas "Elia-grains" wiil be sad- Bhsfml a ln- a a iy issd b loal rieds. Sun Life insurance plan - ta WI Master Stephen Glover from safeguard its future. lme- Du Strathroy is spending a fcw daeinanmfrt e-fam Of %eeks with hîs grandparents, -it noefrtefmI r i . and Mrs. J. Glover. Ste- is provided in case the father Re a fld C R E A M hen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. should die prematurely. Wi Stahryin the near future tirement, hie taa receivEs r as Mr. Glover has been trans-iesa WC The entire fainily wvill really go for fresh strawberries and delicious ferred ta the Toronto branch guwranteed incarne. And the o! his campany. children are assurcd of a col al- Mrs. J. Glover with Miss C.1 lege education. These, and ail ta - l I . ~Cruse o! Oshawa, attended! the other advantages of be- is t.., ~ri WP~ IVfIfflfè' IV f1 lIthe Centennial o! Greenwood1 ing a Sun Life policyholder, Wh G ien R aDWe Whipped C rea m 1i Sehool, held reeently. give the parents a sense of era Master Eldon Werry, baby security and peace of m odfc son o! Mr. and Mrs. William -Yes, this family smiles. And o Order some of this extra fine whipping creani fromn your milkman today. Werry bas been a patient in s Oshawa General Hospital. no Everett Mountjoy had the b Glen Rae lVhipping Creain makes any dessert taste better. mifrue ahv heci- Im sure that 1 can off er drE ney o! his home leveiled by Vouth rgh plan to suit eo ignig with Thursday's iiaur requirements. Gan 1 boc i" electrical storm. of service? anc Mr. and Mrs. Everett Du G LE N R A E D A I R YMountjoy attended Hampton Bne asn 98 ing St V! B \4m nvlMr.~ and Mrs. Merwin Mount- Representative cet 98 Kig Sr.W.andmaMrs Baw y.MA 3-3258 P.O. Box 992 lai \ r n r.Godfrey Bow Bwmanville par 1 ,an, and son Roland, o! En- ' ___________________________________________ !%d, were Sunday guests o-'SU IFn0eAN D MIiNç.d Mrs. Harvey Pso.SNLV 9C N D .cak p (1 great portion o! bis spare time has been devoted ta his five gsandchildren. He bas two dauphtcrs. Ed PeelOl s Mr. Peel came tstBowman- ville frorn Etobicoire ta work for two weeks, whioýi was ex- pected ta ho the ouration a! the job. That was on Septein- ber l4th, 1936, and he bas been emjjloyed at the Good- year plant bore ever since, nearly 24 years. Born in Br-antfor-d, Mr. Pool moved ta Toronto xvith his famiiy as *a youngste-. Be learned the pattern-making trade at Canada Found-y, and prier ta emplayment bore, ho workcd at the Goodyear plant in New Toronto. Be bas three main hobbies. Be loves fishing, has an ex- cellent stamp collection, and is an enthusiastie gardener. Be is xnarried and bas anc daughter, who warks in one of the Gencral Mators offices in Oshawa. Ken Luxton Awa rded ý25 Year Pin Ken Luxton, supervisor in the Mat Departinent, was re- cently ps-osented with a 25 Year Goodycar Service Pin and a choque for $100. Ray Fs-y, foreman o! Departinent 271A and B, made the pros- entation. krs atMAiisn lay, Jrange- vi, a in o l-ds'n ~idge- ville wa nernightn guost da Fred Camt ero'so Wdn day nht lsw. P oet Ms-. nd hmo rs. ay froe returned homevacan inyflri ia.trewe aiiini ir idand.s ife rn Mnd.Danid, Ms-s. ,Wilsere wnk aknd Dvid, Toroatobewre wel- eend iia-st oe- ii ens. adMs onMoe Clar.eand Mi-. Jhn Oae, Clarko and athaler, sawait wore Snda Mrtainds.rr Pl Mndr.epan Msshaway Poloz andA C Sthen saonvSîtdu at. AC.ainton': Fed a uny Mr. nttMs-s.oredonCaero Mr.ond ta Cborgen Fsue ndy Mir. ad shs. K en rer nd Kiitrkshua .w. oert sna viitrs atd P.Jck bcirts. anr. andlMs-s. JackrCan and. Fnidy, ro.nd, r.andl Mrsn Fre Nordthancd avils- 1Town Ltne CNons-eiS- i-oat o amsas nSn M.ay. Ms.WsCae visited at Ivain Coabhranes, Courtice, on Sunctay evencîng. Ms-. and Ms-. Nor-man Leach were Sunday visiters at Doug- las Fletts, Solina. COLJRTICE flighway Field Day Courtico Bighway Sch-ool bold tihei- field day reccntly Membecrs o! Courtice Home and Fred Wood Mr. Wood, wbo was born in 'Vis-ginia, Ont., started ta work at the Goodyear plant bore in bis yauth. Be joined Goodyeas- in October, 1919. The folaowing March ho ieft. Be vvas rehired on May l7th, but left for the second time 10 days inter. On May 4tb, 1925, Mr. Wood came bock ta the Goodyear plant. Be bas wos-ked in De- partinent 274 evfes since. Bis fîrst jobs wes-e counting, trim- ming, and inspecting beels, also clerking and hand-build- ing miscoilaneous goods. For many ycars now ho bas been first man on No. 1 and 2 tu- bers. A married man, Mr. Wood bas three daugbters. Be is keenly interested in sports. and is an ardent basebail and hockey fan. George Forsey George Forsey first started witb Goodyear in May 1920, on Air Brakos in the Base Boom. A year inter hoe wasl laid off. In July 1923 hoe was Ken Luxton rehired but left afte- a week. Mr. Luxton, wbo was bas-n On January 27th, 1925, Mr-. in Bwmanille attndedForsey took a job in the New nuBoie an il,h attos eed Toronto Goodyear plant in the Heubie ad ghSoolorkatteTube Dopas-tient. A yens- and leca f irsadta rk ath a haîf later, July 1926, ie ocal Wiz fatory.transfe-sed ta Bowmnnville. During bhis first 10 years Since that turn e h as work- ses-vice at thc Goodyear plant ed mostly on the tubers for M!r. Luxton spent saine time Departinent 274, except, for n ihe Fan Bcilts, Base, Beits and Sbipping Booms, but the grcatcst portion in the Mat Denartment. Be xvas.pramot- e os-i 9 the jiino xvi1eabouat à(l sdr ta t1e1postie o a! suei currently hoids. A mas-ried mon with ane laugh'iter, Cheryl Anne, Ms-. Luxton spends mucb o! bis spas-e tirne in keeping bis grounds in good shape and wosking ln bis loveiy gardcn.F a Soîne years aga ho wos o of Eowmanx-ilie's top soffîheil F pitchers, and hoe is a fine bowler. He is o member o! the 'F ENU Mlajor- Bowling Longue. 1 MV SOLINA Chus-eh ses-vice Sundlay mnrn- isg xvas we]i attcnried. Sever-il oungponle frorn Hampton, 7son and Eldad who h-d at- ?nded the Young, People's orference at Queen's Univer- ty, Kings,::n, in t1le Spring is:sted Reves-ci Reed in the ervice. Pot Knox and Ctil aker gave intercsting reports dlfhe weekend o! feilowsbip vIth many othe- young people'. urirg the service, -on bchnalf fthe congrogation, Bruce Tink >esenited Reverend and Ms-s. ted with a gift of ntaney and shed them a pleas2nt and afe trip on thoir visit ta the ýritish Isles as they leave nextj eek. Tihe Good Neighbcurs Club id a pieoernt social eveninc4 honor Ms-. W. Lyet wh leaving Salina sehool section, boere ho bas taught for sev- rai yens-s. The progTrmin- luded lovely colous-ed pictures fa trip tio the West Coast àown by Mr. and Ms-s. R. Fs-a- ru and accordian. selectionsi y Linda Fes-neyhough. An ad- oess was rend by Ms-s. Jean cr ta Ms-. Lycett who was cas-ted to a seat &f hono-. s, behal!fo! the sehool section id pupîls, two o! his pupits ss-con Homes- and Neil Tink esented bims with a Giad- ;ne bag. Ms-. 1. Baker wa-sý iaster o! cereminc!ses. Ms-. Ly- tt voiced bis silicore approc- non fer the g: ýI and accoin- nying k 1ind xv l&-h os. Severni, thess .oke brlçfly. Lunch i icluded a speci&l fareweill' àke, - - i Sehool were in ahairge o~f a TELEPHONE MA 3-5410 OFFICE AT C.N.R. YARDS --- * V LàA.r',%JI 1 flItvv-nmg slA W JY m.qNJZ L, 190 Slerving me,,. TSown, GmwDr nbo, Oshawa, OcviII., Poit c.&b Dundas, Dowmoewil., WhiLhY m@fkd keg DAYTIME or 24 HOUEt SERVI .Itlle 600 a day FBAKOFMONTREAIL ii inance Pan AI l Temodemn approach to jour Personal Credit Needs as with a Iow-cost Bof M Life-insured Loati WORKING WITI- CAMADIANS INI UVENT WALK 0F tIF! SINCE 1817 FP-699S BUY NOW ... AND SAVE! Summer Prices NOW EFFECTIVE ON Famous Reading Anthracite (LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS) You can be sure you are getting the world's finest hard coal! Remember there is economy in quality. Ask for it today.1 STOVE NUT PEA 4 g Stephen Fuels CALL US TO-DAY three years when h. worked ,15 ear Pins at band-building li the sanie .eFtsey was lborn In Ply- Presented mnouth, New Hampshire, but maved ta Nova Scotia when four years aid. When be was At Goodyea r spix h smoed w~ith his fa foundiand, and it was there Fred Wood and George For- that he received bis educa- sey were presented with .35! tion. ycar Goodyear Service Pins 1 A votes-an of World War 1, recently. Bath are employecs Mr. Forsey enlisted in the o! Departinent 274, and Fore-I Royal Canadian Regiment and man Clif! Samis made the served with it in Bermuda, presqntations. England, and on the Eus-op- ean continent. He is married, and bas three sons and anc daughter. Two sans work at the Goodyear- plant bere. Shirley Forscy as in the.Miii Boom, and Lloyd Farsey is in the Hase Room. Ms-. Forsey is a great hockey fan. Be is actively interestcd in Braneh 178 o! the Canadian Logion, and in the Indepen- dent Ordes- of Odd Feilows. He is an expert gardener and likes fishing. ZION bootii with hot dogs, drinks chips etc. Tea was aerved to those w-ho bro'ught lunch. The Woiowing are the results of*the events: Relays: Pas: aver, Bob Viol- ker's teamn; Bean Bag tivrow, Tim Zaritslcy's teain; Leep Frog, David Edward's team; Obstacle race, Bob Guin's tean; Wheeibarrow race, Tori Simpson and John Raczkow.W ski, Ricky Allen and Robert Muir W Three Legged race.: Tomi Simrpson asrd John Raczkowski, Tim Zaritsky and Wayne Wil- son; Girls, Donna Johnson and Mary Ruskay, Jo Pulle ~d Debbie Vetzal. 'Y Chinese Hop: boys, Rie card Lowe, Dax-ryl Sosnmerscales; Girls, Elenor Wilson, Bannie McGhee; Eatin~g race, Viekie Reynolds, Marion Ellis, Donna Johnson, Ciheryl Fulton, Lucky Spot, Ronnie Van de Walker; Boys 6, David Johnson, Laurie Gay, Gor-don Graham; Girls 8 Pamnela Vetzal Ann Go~odman. Boys 7, Tommy Simpson, Fred Ogden, Brian Eyman; Girls 7, Margaret Fraser, Ban- nie MsGhee, Jo Pulen; Boys 8 and oves-. John Baczkowski, Wayne Wilson, Bob Walker; Girls, Donna Job nston, Shirley Gosick, Vaierie Simmons; Hop- ping: Boys, John Raczktýuski, Richard Lowe, Morley Liscum; Girls, Margaret Fraser, Jo Fui- len. Shoe Seramble: Grade 1, Hugh Snider, Charlene Archer, Grade 2, Wayne ,Wilson, Jo Pulien; Shoo Kilck, Wayne Wil- son, Donna Johinson; Sack race, Richard Lowe; Mather's race, Mrs. John Narris. KIù.S INSECT I PESTS ' .;ew figrnt FLY-TOX >,- in a ïsew giant container. Slight pressure on the ~ir button releasesa mnist that killas àkowebold insect pesta - on contact. àemmà_ NOUSEHOLD SPRAY INeOwpleasant fragrance-non :- staining. Safe te ..- use-does not, cantain DDlT or other harmnful ingredients. Avo&àla 8b . 16, or 32 oz. cons. Mil AV -InIrT.,V 0"16 ce

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