i e TEURDAY 3Uy 2lst, 1960 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 1BOWIL&NVIILE, ONTARIO PAGE NMN 9ecreahion 9Reviews Atoit Bazebal.....ay Cromble The first bail game af the tAtomn schedule wvas piayed on Tuesday, July l2th at Mcm- orial Park between the Tigers and the Yankees, the former Winng by a score af 11-0. Randy Beauprie was the win- nîng pitcher for the Tigers striking out nine batters. The second Atom gamesh- dulbl was rained outlast Warnesday and will be play- ed at a latter date if it lias auy bearing ou the final league standings. The Atom gametplayced last Thursday, July 14tl between the Athletics and Red Sox was won by the Athletics by a 10- 7 score. The Athletjcs collect- ed eiglit runs in the second inning ta win the game. Pee Wee Basebal The first game of the Pee Wee scliedule was played oný Monday, July lltli at Vincent Massey Park between the Braves and Dodgers. It was a no scoring pitching duel be- tween Larry Perris of the Braves and David Van Nest of the Dodgers. The game ended in a 0-0 score. Larry Perris of the Braves yDiched J D'y Douglas %gg a obitte r while David Van Nest ony allowed the Braves! three lits. The second Pee Wee game scheduled for Tuesday, July l2th was cancelled due ta the fact that not enough players turned up ta field teams. Girls Softbali The girls soi tball league swung into action on Monday, July lltli at Central School at 2:00 p.m. The Daisies de- feated the Roses 31-3. The Daisies picked Up a big edge in the first inning by scoring sever.tcen runs, then adding seven runs iu the next 2 in- nings. The big hitters the Dai- sies were Virginia Osmond with four lits and Sliàwn Leddy. The girls play every Mou- day aiternoon at Central School game time is 2:00 p.m. Atom Sehedule July - 21-Red Sox vs. Indiaus 26-Indians vs. Athietics 27-Tigers vs. Red Sox 28-Yankees vs. Senators AIl games played at Mem- orial Park at 10:00 a.m. Pce ee c Shedule Ijuly - 25-Braves vs. Giants 26-Dodgers vs. Pirates 25- D AY SPECIAL Ail games at Vincent Mas- LOW OU D-VI sey at 10:00 ar. 2:00 p.m. GrlsSoftball frs RAIL FARE July 25-Daisies vs. Violets. TO Ail games Central School, ih. ARITMES Archery-Ray Crombie classes for Archery started on Tuesday for the Boys and Thursday for the girls. Al Archery classes are heid at 4j~the back of the Bowmanville - ~ Higli School starting at 2:00 p.rn. -~ A total of eighteen boys showed up on Tuesday for lessons. The boys were taught - the proper safety precautions - to use whiie shooting a bow and arrow. At the next lesson Enjoy a refreshng aum-MWle va the boys will start the first cation «Down EâM" thisar. test in a series of five that Inexperaive holiday faresgi* will make up the archery ySu a 25-day limXnt with eop programme. Ail candidates compieting the test wiil re- Meu permtted. ceive a tab at the annual playground award night to be held in August. The girls class held last week wasn't as successful as Jun@ 151h tb September 7th' the boys due to the poor turn out of girls. The next Archery lesson for girls wiil be held ~.utmCoedinPdflRolwoognfThursday (to-day) at 2:00 p.m. at the Higli School Y ,., Grounds. &/L!'D~I Pi'<~TdTennis A good turnout of girlsi miarked the openîng of the Be- la tura/izer White, Beige and Nylon Reg. $15.95$ OTHER NATILRALIZERS With Walking Heel As Low As WOMEN'S SUMMER DRESS SHOES Illusion and High Heels White and Beige Reg. 8.95, 9.95$ CLEAIRING -6 99 DO WMA ILLE SCAMPERS and S HAG OXFORDS Children's 8'h to 3 ARNReg. $4.95 _$3 MEN'S CUSHION CREPE SOLES Tan, Dark Brown and Green Reg. $9.9 CIEARINGRe.$.5 $ creation Dcpartment's teurÉ instruction. This year the girls and bo3 will agalu be trying testsa determniie their ability an skills lu the gaine. A Litil iTennis League will also b orgauized for the childrez Times for Tennis instructio arc as follows: Girls, Tucsda, 2 p.m., Lions Centre. Boy Tbursday, 2:00 p.m., Lian Centre. Chlldren's Theatre The Children's Theatr gnoup that meets ait the Lian Centre every Wednesday ai ternoon have been workin an two plays whicli will b presented sometime this surr mer. Tlie first presentatio wîll be lield on the variau playgrounds througliout th summer. The title of the fii play 18 "Little Ki aud the Sei pent". The second praductli will be prcsented ait the An nual Awards night which wi be lield during the weekc August l5th ait the Town Hal ia entitled "The Magic Wel]' Golf Another Special Interes Group being offered by th Recreation Department i Golf lesson. The lessous ar under the Leadership of lin Turner aud George* Dempse pro's ait the Southview Gol Club. It is hoped that lnstructici will be given in the funda mentais of grip, stance, swirI and the use of the clubs. Some clubs are supplied liowever, and the child whi can get clubs sliould briný them along. Classes are helc on Tuesday and Tliursda, mornings ait 9:30 a.m. ait ti Southview Golf Course. Penny Fair The Sixth Annual Peurý Fair spansored by the Recrea tion Department will be hel( Thursday, August 4th ait thi Lions Community Centre. Thq Penny Fair will feature sev eral events including the ani nual costume parade. The theme for this ycar' parade will be "Canada' Provinces". The parade j scheduled ta start ait 6:30 p.n from the Lions Centre. Each playground will be de. picting a province and wl also be responsible for a numn ber of events such as Houec of Hornors, Fortune Telling Refreshments, Bingo and man3 others. Day Camp Next Monday moruiug wil mark the opening of tlie Re. creatian Depsrtmeut's Day Camps. This year ail the boys will be going together. The theme for the camp rds )Ys to nd le be n. ,on, s tre ms 'f- ng b. on s r- on l ail il. ýst is ,re )If a. no Id Ry y a- ,e Mr. and Mns. Clifford Trexv v- lu aud Mark, Mirs. T. E. Prout n- Bowniauvuille, visited Mn. an( 7sMrs. W. Lovenidge. Cs Mrn. Yosh Okuna, Toronto iswas a Sunday supper guest a Mr Mn.sd Mirs. Bo>n Rahmns. Mn. and Mirs. D. Fontai: e- and Neil, Mrs. Foutaiu Sr., Tor Il1 auto visited Mrs. A. McNeil i- Suudiay. e Mr. and Mrs. Peter Singer 9, Swansea, spent Saturday nigh 'y with Mn. and Mrs. D. Cameror ou their way to. Nova Scotiý for a holidiay. Sunday visitor Iwith Mn. sud Mrs. Cameror were, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Stu. Sart, Sue sud Keith, Hamilton rs Mr. sud MIrs. Wes Bennett Bow'manville. P Mn. sud Mms. Fred Oowline and Boy, Blackstock, werc Suuday visitons with Mrs. Rd McNeil sud bMm. H. Crossman, Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb, Orono, were Thursday callers. Mrs. W. Thorupson, accom. pauledi Mn. sud Mns. Eirl Thorupson and Mn. and Mrs. Pundy, Bowmnvillc, on a pic- nic at Lùndsay ou Sunday. Mr. Norman 'abb, Oshawa, called ou Mn. and Mns. George Tabb and faimily, Sunday. Mm. A. McNeil is vislting MIr, sud Mus. IHenb Stainton, Hiampton. Gail Thompson, Onono, spent a few days with Mms. W. Tiompson. jMn. and Mns. Bon Rahm and family, Betty, Mllasd Rickie Dawson, Orono, enter- tained their parents Mr. and Mirs. W. M. Dawsou ta a picnic supper on their wedding anni- versary at Osesarea on £un- day. Mn. and Mrs. J. Potts, Mn. and Mrs. A. Trewiu, xnotored ta Apsley, on Suuday, calling on Mr. sud Mrs. Louis Ashton at Peterborough. Rena Graham n laattending camp at Camp Pretoria. Mr. Mci Bertim n sd Birdie are visitiug Mn. Bentnim's mo- fIxer, Mirs. George Bertnim, Cr-ow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read sud Ina Benyl visited Mn. and Mira. Clayton Read, Peterbor- augh, on Sunday. Lynne Read is holidaying with Mr. sudý Mi". Cîsyton Read, NIrs. W. Thosupson spent a few days with relatives ait Toronto. Mirs. Boss Ashton sud son arrived home from Hospital ou Thursday. Mns. Milton Werry, Oshawa; Mn. sud Mrs. Phil Turner, Stnadhroy, called au Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Asihton sud Ron- ald, Monday eveuiug. Mn. sud Mrs. Clem Ralim aild faniily attended the Gxif- fin family reuniion at Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville, on Sunday. Glad to kuow Mirs. Johin Liptay lias improved enough after hen accident to be home froni BOManville Memlorial Hospital. W.A. JUly meeting was heid in the church on Thursday eveniug, when the Enniskiiien Tyrone and Sainem W.A. lad- ies wene ententsined, about 60 on 70 ladies were present. Vice President, Mirs. LloYd Siemion opeued the meeting with hymn sud prayer. Mrs. Read wel- comed the guests at the door. Devotional periodi by the En- niskillen ladies. Devotional on "This la MY Father's World", by Mns. Milaon Stainton, Bib- le neadiug, Mnrs. Arthur Brunt, prayen, Mirs. Roy McGill. A duet bY twa Salem ladies Mins. Ken Shackleton sud Mrs. Twist accoupanied by Mrs. G. Shaceketon at thxe Piano. A plano duet bY Mns. Aldon Hoar and Jo-Aune, Tyronie. Mms. 3. Potts intnoduced the guest sp,9àken, Mrs. Kerir who spoke on the diffenent kinds of fa'bnim- sucli as si'ik, wool, etc. Duet, Mrs. Twist sud Mrs. Shackleton. Meeting close d with hyrun and Prayen. A soc- ial time was enjoycd and lunch was senved af sandwiches,' cake aud tee cream. i rýer s tieweapon in the: banda af tyrauts-Mary Baker Eddy.j IFear is faitlesl,-eo. Juvs.e Comi To D Save Dignity ing from'Behind )efeat Midgets> w-lU be "Robin Hood". The boys will live in Sherwoo F orest for the week with sucli characers as Robin Hood, Lit- tle John, Friar Tuck, hrf of Nottingham and his sol- diers. The Instructors for this year's camp are Verna Foran, Berta Higgon, Ray Crombie and Terry Black. The childreu wiil be trans- ported from the Lions Centre every mornmng and returned around 4:30 in the afternoon. The programme will include swsmming, cookouts, team f mes instruction iu wood-! :ore and many other activi- ties. There wilU be a fee of $3.00 per camper to cover the cost of milk, transportation and supplies. Virtue Family Holds Picnic Approximately 80 people attended the Virtue family pieuic held at Springhill Park on Saturday, June 25tli. The weather was ideal and at 5:00 o'clock a sumptuous sper wxas enjoyed by ail, with ucky prizes. Afterwards there were games and races for young and old. The following siate of offi-1 cers was unanimously approv-1 ed by ail. These officers are elected for a two year term, 1961 and 1962:- President, Bert Findlay, Thornhull; Vice - President, Howard Ormiston, Bowman- ville; Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs. Eleanor Sheppard, Toron- to; Sports Committee, Allin Niddery, Toronto; Reception Committee, Mrs. Olive James, Oshawa, and Mrs. Edith Sic- mon, Bowmanville. RAYDON Bath teams are fiuished lu the league sud are awaitingý uews concenuing playoifs end- iug up, placing first and sec- ond iu vtlie league (Juvenîles sud Midgets respectively). The calibre of bail put forth by these tcams is certainly deserving of more support than bas been evideut so fan. It is very discouragîng ta the sponsor, management and the team itself ta play good bal ta empty stands. The entire Juvenile bail team that won the Ontario Championship last year is represeuted ou these two« teams sud a lot of support would certainly en- courage a repeat performance by either or bath of the clubs. In answen ta a special ne- quest from former Bowman- villeite Wes. Davey of Detroit, Michigan, a hot basebaîl fan, the lîneups ai bath teams are as follows: Bowmanville Midgcts: Ter- ry Black, c; Alex Wiseman, lb; Dave Werry, p, (3b lu third); Ray Crombie, ss; Dave Cryderman, ni; Paul Mutton, 2b; John Twist, cf; Jon Han- cock, 3b, (p in third); BMaine Pickard, If; (Bill Brown 1f lu third). Bowmanville Juveniles:- Don Bagneli, ss; Jim Mc- Kuight, 2b; John James, lb;' Grant Wright, c; (3b in third); Larry Hancock, cf; Jim Moor- craft, 3b, (p in third); Alan Woodlock, If; Larry Piper, p, (c in third); Alan Cole, rf; (Wayne Therteil, rf in fourth).. 1Playground Report1 t MEMORIAL PARK id By Ruth Goheen 0, John Ferry t On Monday morniug fhe Tin Can Cricket tournament for Memonial Park was heid. Junior sud Senior teams were chosen for Girls sud Boys. The Senior boys' team con- sisted ai Raudy Beaupnie and r, Clyde Mutton; Junior boys' t team, Cîsyton Campbell and ", David Edmondson. Junior la Girls' team, Nancy Edmond- -'S son and Bevenly Ferguson; n Senior Girls team. Sharon -Dadson sud Karen Gibuer. The Tin Can Cricket tour- ', nameut for ail the p1aygrounds was held down at Memoria] 9 Park on Mouday afternoon. >e The Memoniai Park Junior 1Girls' team won first place i.uad the Junior Boys' feam placed second. Memorial Park and the Lions Centre are tied -for finst place each haviug 33 points. L Tuesday sud Weduesday the -cbildnen cnjoyed games sud crafts. On Tuezday afternoon Venus Foran, Recreation Arts sud Crafts Specialist visited Memoniai Park sud tsught the chiîdren Singer painting. Ou Thursday afternoon we held aur Special Eveut which was a Pet Show. Friday the chldreu played individual games sud group games. They also discussed thein next spe- cial event which wiil be heid ncxt Wednesday nigbt and will be a Hawaîiau Loua. fLETT AND JANE ST. By Audrey Spicer Monday was a day mainly fiiled with sports lu the maru-, ring sud Arts sud Craits lu the aiternoon. On Tuesday aiter- noan Venus Foran visited aur' park ta teach the children special Arts sud Craits. We did finger painting. The chil- dren cnjoyed this very much. Wcduesday wss another day much like Monday. However on Thursday aur playgrouud took on a differeut look as this was Indian Day. Al marning the childiren made head dresses sud lu the after- noan a few cbildren came dnessed as Indians. Pnizes were swanded ta Mary Oke, David Witherspoou for their costumes sud also Glen With- enspoon sud Mantha Wither- spoon aiso won pnizes. Each sang an Indian soug beforel rcceiviug their pnize. At 3:00 p.m. Murray Walker visited aur park ta test the children for Physical Standards. Friday morning was speut lu active games sud Friday aiternoon in Arts sud Crafts sud quiet games. Last Wednesday even- ing aur park was open in or- der thst the parents might! sec a programme beiug car- nied out. However Mr. AI' Withenspoon sud Mrs. Ralph Ormiston were the only brave parents who ventured out. Next time we are open I wauld like ta sec mare par- ents visit us. CENTRAL PARK By Karen MeMurter This week the chiidren pre- sent enjoyed badminton, pad- die tennis sud scoop baîl. In Arts sud Craits gaiîy decor- cricket touruament. Our eu- thusisstic cheerng must have been taken ta heant far aur Junior boys won the chsm- piouship for Lions Centre. LThose twa boys were Michael Oke sud Alian Crago. Con- gratulations champions! Those showiug wellinl this tourna- ment were Linda sud Diane 1McFeetens sud Randy Dew- ) el. 1 Lions Centre tied fan first place in this event. On Thurs- day aitennoon, complete with bsthing suits, lunches, soit Ldrinks, sud euthusiasm, saine forty-six childreu with Lynda were dniven by parents ta Jsckman's Creek for a won- derful -picnic sud swim leav- iug at 2 p.m. and returning at five, tired, free ai food, sud refreshed siter their swim. A special thauks ta alI mothers who sa kindly drave out aud back. Sa ends aur second week ai playgrouud. VINCENT MASSEY By Terry Black Fan the week of June il ta 15, the second week aifIthe playgrounds, the children had mauy special treats. One was a visit by Venus Foran with Arts sud Craits sud suother wss a visit by Murray Wslk- er for physical fitucss stand- ards. During the week flic chîldren participated iu ac- tive games, such as basebali sud dadge bal sud quiet in- dividual sud singiug games. Duning fthc week the childreu were preparing for their spe- cial event, which wss an In- disu Day. On Friday aiternoan, aur special event Indian Day, was iheld. The chiîdren participat- c d in runuiug races sud a pea- inut scramble. The highliglit ai the afternoou wass when fthe childiren ail sat airouud in a circle sud ste the lun- ches that they had brouglit. FRANKLIN PARK By Mary Lou Marr Berta Higgon Throughout the week we've been playing quiet games since it was sa hot. We spcnt a lot of time ou the tether tournameut which is to be held on Monday aitennoon. For aur special event we weut down ta Jackman's Creek sud had a nature study. We had a scavenger hunt sud the children had ta fiud dii- fenent flowers, trees leaves, etc. ONTARIO STREET PARK By Heather Webb On Thursday, July l4th,' Ontario Street Park apeued their piaygrouud at 6 o'clock1 with a basebaîl game. The two supervisons were the leaders! of two teams. Iu the middle; of the game one supervisai turned around ta ask advice from the umpire but fouud he had disappeared instead. The game ended at 7:45 p.m. aud* bot potafo sud dodgeball was played until cight-thirty. Everyane had a good time sud we hope ta sec them back; again this Thursday night. Nestieton Station ateci bats were made from Mirs. Watsou ret.urned ho paper plates sud crepe papen. wîth Mirs. J. Farder v Aiso the childiren cujoyed spent a week with ber af Ca mauy coiouning sessions. Iu- ares. Mmr. Fonder also sttei dians sud animais were among ed the McLaughliu picnic tlic themes used in their pic- Sunday. turcs. On Monday aiternoon j Mns. Charles Glousten July 11, aur Senior boys, John Miss Marie Glouster ai Sutý Hughes sud Phullip Bragg fin- West visited Miss Evelyn Ei ished second in their division lish. lu the Tin Can Cricket tour- Mns. elyCmbl thee boys or f lineor tankaguest at the Allen-Armstrc thee oysfo th fne ffrtwedding in Qucen St. Uni they made. * Chunch, Lindsay, ou Saturd Mirs. Finlay Pollard af iLIONS CENTRE doc visited this past w( By Linda Brooking with Mn. sud Mrs. Jas. Hai Verna Foran and Mn. sud Mrs. Finlay H After a veny succcssiul Se. ris ai Belleville wene wei coud wcek ai playground Our 1 end visitons with bis brotl park would like ta comment, sud Mns. Harris. on same highlights throui- Mn. sud Mrs. Stanley Shar gliaut fthe week. On Monday j Laura sud Bruce of Idia a aiternoon several ai aur as- Miss Rose Marie Vauce pirng youug enthusiasta ai Landau eailed on Mrs. Ai tin can cricket sud myselFoPnder. They were on thi fearlcssiy made aur way ta: way homne irom, Malton a Memorial Park for thxe tin unfli port where they fook Mn. Là Western Tire Juven.lles were successful in saving some af their diguity as tliey defeat- cd the younger Bowmanville Midget club 8-6 in a Satur- day evening encounter, at Vincent Massey Park In an cariier match, the Midgets trounced the Juveniles sound- ly, 10-4. Larry Piper started on the bill for the Westerners but departed lu the second, giving up six runs in the two innings he worked. Jim Moorcraft took aven, allowing tliree run- ners ta get on base and strik- ing out seven as lie faced only 17 men lu the last five in- nings. For the losers, Dave Werry sud Jon Hsncock toil- cd with Hancock accepting the loss. Both teams were hot in the first two innings as the Mid- get club did ail its sconing and the Juveniles added three. The Westerners plated sn- gle runs lu the third and sixtli, to trail by onc going into the last inning. With one out and runners on second and third, Moorcraft doubled and later carne in himself ta win his own game., For the Midgets, Alex Wise- mani, Werry and Ray Crom-, bic cach picked Up two hits. First-sscker John James of the Juveniles weut three for, three, including two doubles,j and shortstot Don Bagnel alsoclotedhree safeties ta lead the *ten hit attack. i STOVE Sharpe to go by air ta Britih Columbia where h. wiil spend samne Umne with bis daugliter, Miss Ruth Sharpe, wha teaches there. Sunday visitoes with the Grant 'lbompson's were: Mr. and Mms. Neil Werry, Carol and Larriy and Mr. and Mms. Neil Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers left Thursday evening with their oabin treiler for a motor trip ta northern Ontario and Manitoba. Mms. Lonnie Chepman, Paul and Jirmie, M.rs. Wilfrid Vine, 1Herbert, Christopher and Lau- rel, Mrn. anid Mrs. Arnold WiI- liama, Janice Steven and Scott aud the Bowers' boys, Earl Bert, Jerry aud Ralph attend- cd tlic Elford picnic at Orono on Saturday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt acconmpanied Mr. and Mms. Ed- gar Horn, Min. Standey Maîl- colin and the Lawrence Mal- colin family ta Banfield's cot- tage at Lake Simcoe on Sun- day. GIad ta repart Mrs. C. Emer- ton is able ta be around again since having the flu. MNE. and Ms. Oliver Rohrer and Douglas, also Lyndia Roh- rer were iu Mitchell over the weekend. Warren returne d home aifter hodidayinig wtih hîs grandipareuts. I4ynda stayed fyor a visit with Mn. and Mrs. Orla.nd Rohrer and Elaine Feltz and Marie Rolirer of Mitchell came ta Nestieton for a holiday. The Francis Gist family of La'ing visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gist. Mn. and Mrs. R. Davison were lu Ottawa on Sunday visiting their son Doug who workcs there. On Wednesday eveuing Mirs. R. Davison had a meeting of the Women's Institute pîcnic committee at her home. Those attending were Mrs. T. C. Gra- ham, Mrs. L. Malcolnm, Yirs. Allen Beacock aud Miss R. Proutt. The regular August meeting, the finst Wednesday of the montb, is the date chas- en and Mirs. Wiseman, District President,,will be visiting our brauch. A sPlendad represeutation of meinhers and visitors met Tuesday evening at the homie oif Mrs. Ceclil Wilson for the July Ladies Aid meeting of Nestieton Presbyteniau Ohurcli. Miss Gwen Wilson led lu the Devotional exercises. A letter of thanks was nead fram the Scott Mission for a mouey donation and thank you notes from folks remenibered when iii. Cards were signed to three friends wha are flot well. It was announced that the Bible Society Collection la to be made ]ater this year. Plans were made for the annual lawn party at the Wil- liamis Point cottage of Mn. and M.rs. Gordon Lavell and the. NUT PEA Steph'en Fuels CALL US TO-DAY TELEPHONE MA 3-5410 OFFICE AT C.N.R. YARDS Bowman ville Lions CA&R NI1VA L wiil he held in MEMORIAL PARK LIBERTY STREET, SOUTE1 SAT., JULY 3 0 CAR DIAW 0.0. 1960 Bel Air 4-Dr. Sedan TICKETSm m m - 5ceach-Sor$1.O AIT7ENDANCE À wristwatch will be given away absolutely FREE every DRAWS 15 minutes! MMN NEW DOOTES 0.a. lez a .a. aI FOR TEE ENIME FLT! I * . . . BUY NOW... AND SAVE! .Summ er Prices NOW EFFECTIV ON Famous Reading Anthracite (LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS) Vou can be sure you are getting the world's finest hard coal! Remember ther. is economy ini quality. Ask for it today! SHOE c LEARAN COE CONTINUES AT Ellis Shoe Store 49 KING ST., W. l - Plaàyoff Spots Tighten ln Sr. Soccer Lecigue Courtice stiil remnained ln day and a 2-1 win over ZMon first spot even though idie al Saturday. week. Hampton mnoved into Zion m ai n ta in ed thirci second spot with a 4-1 win place having tied Tyrn -1 over Bowmanville on Wednes- in the Monday tl. SolUna moved up close on Tyrone ladie were asked to cater to< with a 2-0 win over Maple a September wedding. A comn- Grove. These ganws complets mittee nardely, Mrs. G. Wolfe, two thirds of the schedule Mrs. V. Hudson, Mrs. L. Bea- with some clubs two and sorne cock and Mm~. E. Herron, will three games to go. be in charege of arrangements, Junior standings are about with Power ta add to their status quo, and the positions numnbers. The roll cal wa have changed very littie since answered by donations of 010. the season started. Salins thng tor the Missionx. downed Enniskillen 6-0, Cour. tice beat Bowmanville 5-0, Programr items inciuded: and Zion blanked Maple Reading, Mms. G. W o 1 f e, Grove 3-0 *~ith Tyrone and "Great love hath the boy wlio Hampton playing to a 2-2 layetix down his vacation"; draw in the action last Thurs. Harmonica music by Mrs. C. day. The following are the Gist; Readine,. Mrs. V. Hud- standings up to and including son and Mrs. C., Wilson and July 16 game. Mrs. Lloyd Beaco'k favoured Senior League with an instrumentali "Corne LT With Your Heartaches"' byPWLT t Redd Harper who travels with Courtice -..9 7 0 2 16 Rev. BJily Graham. Hampton __1...0 5 2 3 13 Zion ~ l 4 3 3 i The group for the day, Mrs. Bowmanville - 9 4 3 2 10 I. Samells and Mxs. G. Wolfe, Tyrone __ 9 3 5 1 7 served dainty refreshments Solina - -10 2 6 2 6 and Mrs. Chartes Smith ten- Maple Grave - 9 1 7 1 3 dered the thanks of tIhe meet- Junior League ing to hostess and helpers. P W L T Pts The ladies have been invited Zion 8 7 0 1 15 again for their August meet- Courtice _ 8 7 0 i 15 ing to the Scugog Point cot- Solina ---- 8 6 2 0 12 tage of Mrs. J. McCaiden when Maple Grove- 8 4 4 O 8 the group in charge wilil be: Bowmanville- 8 3 5 O 6 Mrs. L. Beacock, Mrs. J. For- Tyrone ------8 1 5 2 4 der, Mrs. C. Smith and Miss Hampton - 8 1 6 1 3 Ruth Prouft. Enniskillen __8 0 7 1 1 FREE! FREE! With every purchase of $1.00 or more of GASOLINE - OIL - ACCESSORIES yeu wilI reoeive Bonus Coupons enitlimg you t. FREE GIFTS! Catalogue Available at Service Station Vor your convenience Service Station wM b e onen froua7 &m .te Il mua.