THESDMAY, 3ULY 2sit,_m -M CANANAN NSTA1UMAN, BO'WMANVIllEJ ONTAEIO Mrs. JE Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.j Wm. Robinson are holidaying at Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bar- rabaîl and family, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Barrabaîl,1 Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barrabali. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson and family are holidaying at MapleLake. Mis Catherine Power, To- ronto, is spending this week wîth her parents, Mr. and Mrs., Gordon Power. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linton and Carol, Don Milîs, spent the weekend with Mr.--and I Mrs. G. M. Linton.1 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middle- i ton visited Mr. and, Mrs. Robt. 1 Batty, Brooklin. on Sunday. Rev. O. B. Strapp, Edmon- ton, is visiting bis niece, Mrs. Richard Morton and Mr. Mor- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mac- Donald and son Tommy, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac- Donald in Michigan, U.S.A. MViss Carolyn Jones left by plane on Monday for a week in Washington, D.C. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gamsby, the former Naricy King on their marriage July 16th at 'Orono United Church. Mr. Clarence Allun vîsited ý bis sister, Miss Laura Allin who is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Mrs. M. Millson, Tyrone, i staying with ber cousin, Mvrs., Ivan Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Harley John-! ston, Mr. and Mrs. Bud John- ston and family, Toronto, vs- ted Mrs. J. H. Morris and at- tended a family picnic at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stapleton on Sunday with 40 in attendance. Dr. A. F. McKenzie return- cd from holidays wearing a <ast on his left armi James Dean Comîng for Festival ames E Richards, Editor Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drum- with Mr. and Mis. Jack Mer- mond spent Tuesday in thelcer. Huntsville District. Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry re- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner, turned home on Sunday from Tyrone, -Mr. and Mrs. Elmer; Minden Red Cross Hospital. - Middleton, Debbie and Dar- Catherine and Patricia lene, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Barrabail, Courtice visi ted Mrs. Jim Middleton. their grandparents, Mr. and Mr. J. Bellamy and sonl 1 Mrs. Luther Braalls Richarj., Birch Hills. Sask.', week. Braails visited with Mr. and Mrs. El- wood Gray and son David Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell Perrytown, and called on Or- 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jor- ono friends last week. I don, Ajax, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kingi Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Lawrie, are on three weeks holidays. Detroit, are spending two Mrs. Violette Stapleton, wi- weeks. at their cottage View dow of T. G. Maxwell Staple- Lake. ton and mother of Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnson Forrester, passed away sud- and family are on a camping denly on Sunday. holiday at Honey Harbour. Mrs. Frank Ardron visited Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn and fam- Bowmanville,-on Thursday. ily, and Larry Miller, attend-1 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ed the Cryderman-Ruse pic- O'Brien and son Kenny. To- nie at Woodland Park on Sat- ronto, spent the weekend urday. Men's Softbal League Statistics (Up te andi including July Iltt) TEAM STANDINGS W L Surplus Sales - --- - .5 Stephen Fuels .-.--- Snuffy's Auto Body - ----4 5 Kcn's Men's Wear 3 5 BATTING AVERAGES <Based en at least 10 AB's) AB 1H Pat Comneil (S.A.B.) - ... .... --- 13 6 Ted Hoar (S.S.) ------ -- 32 14 Maxie Yourth (S.S.) - ------ 23 10 "Redi" Davey (S.S.) .. .19 8 "Bun" Welsh (S.A.B.) --------- - -------- 19 8 Frank Mohun (S.F.) -. 1.2 5 Lloyd Hamilton (K.M.W.) - --- 23 9 George Stephen (S.F.) -. il 4 "Peanut" Jackman (S.A.B.> 25 9 Bill Nicholson (S.A.B.) 20 7 Ted Bird <S.A.B.)- . .23 8 Laurie Garbe (S.F.) -- 23 8 Everett King (K.M.W.) 12 4 Ted Dadson (S.F.) - -- ---- 32 10 Don Masters' (S.F.) - ----- ------- ----- 29 9 Home Runs'- Lloyd Hamilton, Russ Lane, "Moe" Run Scret -and Laurie Garbe with 2 apiece. The Orono Drania Festival Jack Parke - Conîmittce will be bonoureti TDnHoard to have James E. Dean of To Dan i orar rente again this year te adju- "Peanut" Jackman dicate at the festival. Walks - Mr. Dean developeti drama Maxie Yourth - as a hobby during bis univer Clint Ferguson - sity career and after graduat Jack Parker . ing played ln stock andi tour "Jiggs" Cewiing ed Ontario as leading man for Strike outs-- the Canadian University Play Russ Lane.---- ers. Later he became manager Ted Datison - of thic touning Hart House i "Butch" Cole- Players and co-founden cf the Bob Abbot - .Provincial Dramatic Library.Te Fary-- He was one cf the eariy Vince Vanstene --- niembers cf thc London Drama League, fo rerunner cf the Lon- PITCHING RECOI don Little Theatre, and found-! ýd the "Playcraftsmen" at Ted Hoar Central 1932. "Redi" Davey------------ --- He bas protiuced at HarL Harry Snwewin....... House Theatre, Massey Hall, George Shephen ------ - - ------ -- Eaton Auditorium and thie "Ace" Richards -----_---------------- Royal Alexandra Theatre for Mel Burgess ------------------------- such divergent groups as tic Bill Marshal ---- Civic Theatre, the Torontol Pat Comnelli.---.---.----.........------ Opera Guilti, the Rosseline Ciff Trewîn ----- --------------- Opera Company and the To- Bob Wiliams-------- renie Theatre Club. - His work as an adjudicatom is well known tirougbout the province. He bas given cour-i S O L IN ses fithe tneatre in Toronto," Timmins, Sudbury, Graven- hurst. Oshawa, Hamilton and thrci)ughout the Niagara Pen- insula. Mr. Dean has been Festival Director of the Cen- tral Ontario Drama League and at present is Vice-Presi- dent of the C.O.D.L. and a Governor of the Dominion Drama Festival. During the summer of 1952 lie wa Tech- nical Director of thej -Iagara Falls Sunimer Theatre and was one of four Canadians to be awarded the Canadian Drama Award in 1954. "IASKED YOUI ESTIMATE ON 1 THAT IS' You neyer have to We'11 hear you the .first t -fast to do whatever you our aiert, heads-up -way FRANK'! GARAGI AND SBRVICE S 72 Seugog St. 1 MAI MA --------------- -------- - --------- - ---------- - -------------- RDS W 2 3 - 3 - 2 ..1 i --i o Avg .46' .431 .421 .421 .411j .391 .364 .35( .35( .341 .W3 .31E .31( Richardi Avg .66 .60 .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .40 .33 .00 A Mr. Don Whitbread cf Osh- ter's sister, Miss Ide Reynold awa, is conducting the churci in Our Lady of Mercy Hicapi services here during the montli tai, Toronto. cf July. Miss Pat Davis was Mrs. H. E. Tink visiteti rela organist for the service Sun- tivesa at Peterborouiglh - ar dey morning. Lakeffiedd. Sevenal from here attentieti Mrs. W., A. Ormiston, Bmo thc Werry family picnic at oklij, visiteti several tisys wiù Hampton on Saturday. , M. and M1rs. Bruce Tink aiý Mm. and Mrs. Enie Gilhanký family. and famiily Orono, were Sun- Teddy Lunn, Petcrberougi day evening visitors at Mr. ant is 5hejitaying with bis ceusîrý Mrs. Harvey Yllowlees. Sally, Tomnu, and Faye Lau, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- miaid. lowlecs and family and Mrs. Mm. andi Mrs. Keith McGi J. Yellewlees visited thc lat- antd chidren, Enniskiilen, vlç iteti ah Mr. and Mrs. Charle Langmaiti's. v ~-~y ~ 4 Mr. antiMrs. Roy Lanigmaic f and Tommy Langmai andi Tcddy Lutn visited UV and Mrs. Will Moffatt, Oroni Mr and is. Joe Snowde a t hid cottage at Mo'untai Lake, near Minden. Miss Sharon Larmer, Ble stock, is holidaying witbh h cousins Karen anti Brend Yellowlees. Joan Westiake spent sever« S.. days with Mm. and Mrs. Ne] sou Fiee, Taunýtxin. M.and Mrs. Bill Gilroy an Dean anti Boyti Knox sper last wcek with their granè - parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilto Ti.nk, Ebenezen. Marilyn anti Carol Knox ar holid'aying this week at Mi anti Mis. Harry Knex's. Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Knc: spent thie weekend at a cot tage'-near Minden. Jean Baker holildayed. wit ber- cousin Rosemary On-à ton, Ebenezen. jMn. and- Mrs. Roy Werrý Montreal, and Mr. and Mi S. E. Werry were guests Mn. and Mrs. M. Moffatt, Os] TO GIVE ME AN alwar.SundaMrs S. E. er were undayevening visiter FIXING A HORN Iwth Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wil S TUCK!" Min. NlsnCh'apin, Lon, ishout for serviçe her& I andi Mre. T. Hoeuston, orilia tirne, and get on the job visiteti Mrnd iMnr. N. Wot ten and otherIfrids in th, iwant done. You'1l like village. of operating! Wayne and Susan Legei Oshawa, were with Mr. ari jMrs. Ross Crydenman ai Jdciltiren on Siîndiay. Mn. andi Mss. E. Spires, Lar ry, Ken and Shuron are on aumotor hiip to the Ae00 E~ SIH E LL Mran à.W isa, Mmmd Mis. We et 3k. an, \\\ //XMMs M. Mo4C.rtI1, Onmenee on Sunduy. iMrn. and, M r&uce Taylo< k3-323J1 oDEALER IN andi fauyiiiy attende th ie Br.d ssUL RODUCTS lo'y faidiy picmce at Oronto. à&. «Cd Mn,. àMeIiatWo Stephen Fuels î~aII CIUD - Burning Hot This Season 't '~ ">\"i i. - N4'.' rrts 3 ;' The Town Softball League is drawing great Abbott, Jim Allun, Don Masters; back row, Harry crowds again this season with their snappy play and, Snowden, Jiggs Cowling, Ted Dadson, Frank Mohun, ~fast action. The club shown here, sponsored by George Doug McNeil and George Stephen. Absent: Laurie~ ýo Stephen is going greatj guns and has hepes of coming Garbe, Duke Brunt, John Miller, Paul Chant, manager .out on top of the heap. Included are, from lef t to The games are played every Tuesday and Thursday, a right, front row: Jack Bond, 'Vince Vanstone, Bobi nights at Central Public School. the weeks ahead, to fili his late Mr. and Mrs. John Mar- ,~guarantee of one day's work jerrison. He received his cdu-1 a week for the season. cation in the place of his birth fiThe other day I let him and in 1926 married the for- 1 a AIloose with a brush and a can mer Marion Gray. (11 of white paint with instrue- The deceased, who was a! i ~bench unde the apple tree. lived in Geraldton and Sud- 7 B ut let's not go into that, bury, and wben hie retired five 1 I . ,Iother than le say hie painted years ago came to Bowmnan- ;4IIEIILIII the trunk of the tree instead. ville. He was a member of St. ;0 InU his faWmin days, hie said, Paul's United Church. 0f a paitin the trunks of apple quiet, retiring nature, Mr. Y MAKE trees kept the ants from catis- Marjerrison enjoyed bis home! S 13Y DOROTHY AKRi n devastation to the fruit. I and family. 3 Futhe toGeoge .. a aarond eI hadn't thought hadn't the heart te tell him Surviving besides his widow Fute2oGore...a a rudma Iree expert had cautioned are t-wo daughters, Lola (Mrs. Sbusiness communique might of George or his trusty buck me that this cuts off exygen Don Wright) anîd Jane (Mrs. ~ omec, adbeivem, a.necessary te the tree's devel- J. T. Wilson) cf Oshawa. Aise Geore i serousbusiness) Don't guess, let me tell e. pinent. Atral eressriigaefv rncid Gverge is series ctmatic When I arrived home there reasoning Afteripea nd, George survid arefierandcitd 4we e r poday for werk at was George te greet me. HisinntossseimlanhsrnaiHahradSct 4 whn h reortsgri wa a mle ideas eion s always so geod, I Wright and Carolyn and John, ý1 our bouse. gi a iewd slefn cannot hurt hum with Wilson. 9 George is not a big man, escorted me te the basement ch-astisement. -Tefnrlsriewshl 9 but he has the strength of an Piled ceiling higb, over fruit The_______srvic______l 9 OX anid the jaunty air cf a cupboards, fumnace and wash in the Morris Funeral Cha- Lothario. He fedorayswar a tubs, was ei OBITUARYto pel on Tuesday, Juiy 12, andi 7ish angle whetber be is mow- Elizabeth acress the Atlantic. Housiander. Interment was 6 ing lawns, weeding the garden Wben hie said, "now t he air ELSWORTIf MARJERRISON ini Bowmanville Cemetery. 6 or sawing wood, and whether cari get through that there The death occurred sudden- The palîbearers, ail ne- it rains or shines. His mcd sus- bush", 1 couldn't argue the ly of Elswerth Marjerrison in phews, were Messrs. Neil Mar- [1 penders glew like a neon sîgn fact. 'Newcastle, on Saturday, July jerrison, Gerald Marjerrisen, [0 te hold up a pair of treusers The summer- is stil 1 young 9, 1960. Robert Gray, Talbot Aldread, 9 around his rotund person. His so 1 cannot even guess what Mr. Marjerrison was born in Alex Hendry and Larry Han- 9 pants are neyer more than Gorge may undertake dl4ing Gravel Hill, Ont., a son cf the cock. 8 ankie lengtb, and give his gait 8 a sailor-like swagger. 1ý1a1 George must have been. quite a dog in bis day. He bas g. been married three times and 7 I sometimes wonder, when he, 3talks me into letting bim tac- 3kie tasks about these grounds, Awhether hie has even me, 0 slig4tly bewitched. 1BEL 0 delion seasen was in full 0 bloomi, George convinced me 3 that hie sbould spray the lawn 0 te control the weeds. I hesi- -tated, net because I was leery about bis attempting the job,iF but because 1 was enjoying1 watcbing the first warblers! dsbounce fromn one ebnoxious Le Syellow blossoms. They were Sreturning in great nuimbers! rid and I wanted te encouragel, 5A 5e their stay in my garden. But j~ l~ 1ru Iv , l 'i ~ te I George was adamant. Those A sed~i~gy JIVI D~ .0weeds must go. A tN to al d et 11 With my permission, he id purcbased a weli known weed killer and one cf those con- is, toed e puetike rhaztae Jonat ha n Logan 'hs, fob undedntapies tat have ig- fill them with enough air te create a spray. 111 It teck hum all day to mix s- and pump eneugh solution te es cover both front and back' ii x M odes lawn. He was delighted withý id, his accomplishment until bie id arrived a week later te mow [r. the grass. It was as brown as ..a mid-August drought andI Teena Page en was practically in tears. rs. George, in bis enthusiasm te - ay rid the lawn cf weeds bad u s [ce figured if, as the 'directions Lj lIE lun said, that "two tablespoons of S ufl V aiiev powder to a gallon cf water y kshould work ln ten days"' ier four tablespeons ought to worki da i much less time. The bard-4 ware merchant assured me! ai the grass would make a come- el- back, thougb il might take thef rest of the summer. 4 idThis left George free ef the nlawn chore and bis cagle eye -5# r. cast about for cther tasks *4aP 1 he considered beyond my on left bg ib from trees re ould have known, when lie A L [r. remarketi about how nice 1h would be te bave plenty of Ox wood for the fireplace, that )t- he had something up his slceve cther than lus biceps. is- inig took me on a most pleas- R g 1ant.tnip te Niagara Falls dur- rY. ing the height of the blossorih 4n r s. season, when I travelled plea- of santly down thc peninsula andi ýh- back agaîn in the ease cf a train coach with uary a wor- ýry ry' about traffic problems. Na-egRe l-1 and fanily, Mill'orook, were 1g ouests cf Mn. anid Mirs. Wes nS I . JI IO t- OnabtlSalewa vOienMn orGeneral Fooda, building at d- the Golden Piough and pre-ý senteti a program fer the resi- )d dent& this& 7 KING ST, W. The Or'ono News DYKSTRA'SVAI IETY r 00GBs 77 KING ST. W. MA 3-3541 Save Al Wax Paper ony2.7C Rl Miracle Whip - 16 oz. Bottie only Sailad Dressing 3 3c, Home Made Home Made C 0 N 1E s Buttercup - 24 oz. COOKIESB E A D OnIy 39c Pkg. Only 22c loaf Corne In and Try Some of Our COLD MEATS POLISH SALAMI JAGDWURST VIENNA SALAMI GERMAN SALAMI MORTADELLA BIERWURST and many more to choose from t Go! This Year's Styles Sheaths - F/ares irty Dresses (LES - ALL SIZES 29.95#$ '9 y. 14.95 iSale ..&.a $8091 RE ONLY MA 3m5854 Just 1a0Yea. Ago 1 July 23rd., 1959 Thousands from the district ingb majorettes. will be flockmng to Port Hope Mss June Wood, Our Ceff early Sunday morning to see tennial Queen of 1958, was i. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth finalist in the "Miss Toronat and the Prince Philp during beauty contest. the Royal Visit to the com- Softball Star of the Weeiý munity. was Ted Dadson of Stephen, Gradually, the Durham high Fuels. sehool building problem ap- Newcastle: Council gie pears to be approaching the final approval to test drili for pint where a solution could waterworks. be forthcoming early in Aug- Burketon: Mr. Ad Mrs.' ust. Earl Waddington ertained, Rotar Clu wînsawar for mber of friendi Satur- best district' attendance. idayevenrding thcasin e Record crowd attends Dur- gteiwedganie- ham Holstein Meet at Russellar.'yoe iclaeu Best'sfarni.shower wvas held for Barbara. New storage warehouse er- Taylor, bride-to-be, last Thur- ected by Preston Transport. sday evening at the home of During the lO4th annual Mr. and Mrs. T. Phillip; 25 communication of the Grand girls were present; Audrey Lodge of Canada, A.F.&A.M., Wood, Lorraine Rosevear and J in Toronto last week, it was Betty Phillips were hostesses. announced that E. FI Russell Orono: Congratulations tci Osborne, former 'Master of Mr. and Mrs. Quantrill, the Durham Lodge no. 66, New- former'Janice Neal, on their castle has been appointed Dis- marriage, Saturday, July l8th; trict Deputy Grand Master for at Orono United Church. Ontario District.1 Maple Grove: Mrs. Henry' At the Lions Carnival, Miss Eeuwes was pleasantly sur. Barbara Brown, daughter of prised when her baby, Pau'l, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, was chosen the Swift Baby' R.R. 3 Bowmanville, was aw- of the month for May. Sha arded the title "Miss Lions received a silver cup with the Carnival'" following an inter- baby's initials and a cheque esting display of baton twirl- for $100.00. i 31ii PAGE TOMTEM 1 Do Tou