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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1960, p. 2

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_______________ rwnOnughter r Weldon M dOUey reeiaueetoee ___ Mr. Armyand I"Serenity" and Otmte SalvatiBown Armypan__dbyFields With God". M inis ti Bwxanvli Twn al o Work 1*n11* Tatley and Dale, Magistrates Court l Bter Prises D. C.aJ Keflab.ili' 1 Tl'ade ta i n W rcM.and Mrs. Gordon Kier- ant sceay tookthmn-Wdedy ori ul 6 stad of Toronto, motored to Tuesday, JuIy l9th. 1960. iHe stated that he has already Utes o! fthe meetin as the B .Tno.te.datC a!dahttC cE W ih D li q e t B y ueso egt o a- ereCre,2,snllost 7 demerits for otherseetr was late in arrxving.BareThvrdcstedtt Geore Crver 23 sinlecharges. The Chief constable 'ie busiess part of the meet- The cadet season ait the On-j training perio tCm o-b nacdn ewe W it D li que t oy i ."'of R. R. 3, Peterborough, was. iVD thued atret in Sth iwassor.A bilfo $1.20tarieoTraning choo foeroys!dat. head The Courtice Circuit Couin- convicted of driving while his ing ToId *ut Lions M eeting tryr Couples Club will ho-Id 1 license was under suspension, if this was trime, "becaisyou Ellis frcmae ro ica d labo reededy nihSt, July 1 sen 1953ta ndtttre !Dceie 9;1 theïr annuel picnic et Waltona land was penalized $ 100 and i2:45 ofor'clock nd abuo edestht aiht Jte 3 Bshr i l Parkon atudayJui 23 at ost o!$3.are going to lose your ieneifor makmng basement window When Col. Hedley Basher pre- cadet troopa optefrl Tht orko! ehaîliatin secll poblnis At Preksent *urdy, Jul 2,t 1 Ceeut bbîofron$3.s one way or another". en. This was passed on aented his silver, salver to annually.tepieHladhtthac done by the Salvation Army' there are 48 boys there be- CclTblOoo a "If it becomes necessary toe to the treasurer for payment. "Charlie" troop cadets forL Among thtgei tte ietwstt ei fpo :for delinquent boys in Toron- tween the ages of 16 and 21. MaÂreen Andersoni enter- convicted of failing to yield deprive every young person1 A note of thanks and appre- outstanding achievemn u-fnlcrmne a o.ra odtos to asdesriedby Captain'I itnsiigadrs ap-tind severai friends on the the right of way after coming of their license for driving in1 ciation froni Mrs. Stanley ing the two weeks sumer A. MacCorquodale at the din- 'tain MacCorquodale spoke of occaSion o!lier ixth birthday. to a full stop before entering this manner. we will do At., Jones was read for a gift o! George C. Madoe iitr Gog ie omnîî nàer meeting of tht Bowman- tht tact, understanding, and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton a through highway. Ht paid There is no necessity for! fruit she received while ill. *o eom ntttos h >tfatr a oeo Ville Lions Club held at the insight necessary to help these spent the weekend at their $8 squealing tires or Hollywood' Roll cali and collection was 1w .j tc t ol.Bshre y Ththerr Lions Commun ty Centre on young people become well cottage on Twin Lakes Claude L. Bissonette, 20, mufflers. It takes brains to taken and meeting closed Wihiw, ad rbtet ! h ur eeoaefSut -dutdciies marrîed, of 20 Maple St. Osh- drive a car properly and thte rThreuapogantho!htbyad.duitJcBruh un CpanMcoqoaeth o pcsof Maple Grave aa wsconvicted o! driving tendency ta "horst" around, fray Th e etiguwar flo atotht aintutr o hegoaiJ! t crueslflCthV standardbs ntht boysmpihatre aat-wayeorrteemetineer, ntanathR.nsW. apecial speaker, has an excel- chairman appointed tht 1ol- Over the weekend at Presqu'ile ed nd enhsaîiiywipi r-50 an put t inrong," said M art el as a rrne gtiovoenaie.Stce, aae we1 ar lent record of social service lowing Lions Booth Chair- Point, ner Brightn. Those ecoat d pof $3. or50ontdnh i B xtr. G, ad gsren 18 R. ma ny mho refor eliati s andrl osnc ya ew o wl cet sl.D ymn... h r w t for the last 20 years. Ht join. men for tht Carnival to be in c'harge were Akel Ben thtmeetng d b htue flI.QI.I "h ced tht Salvation Army ifedokuy 0heanDaw nweCb laBertJhnglaol and his license was sus- James A. dle,1,R .th etnadbyti Toew 1940, and when the House of Clarence Hockin, oaCoa.edeBËLarCeri -pa en ed rthe ie o rth. te1ofBomaninlle, wascnile red a rrv frtt The lîowing isa st of th ke asceso ie"si esa h ciethdbe Cocr a pnd i o JeCet; ownadc C olanGd ,BiI aidCciiBu- asasesedth smefootdc!cbtinngoiuo.wîlThcaie Tt înngoo G . .Co. aser srea! htvaol.ivetiatd y ontaleP on o rd as pe e d in T- j Joe Fl e sro and E Ancho;' rk, o . uge e oa , o m M1c- obtaining liquor w hile a m in- a m iner. O ffence w as on July . eGpr ttly de or te w thProfciency Prize ' t o a e r i i g . H re' a w , O P ointo lsu it er h Fre a - a p mo e, and Ed es e ; i- ar e sho i Jy c M ls, or. A charge o ! having liquor 6th in the Tow n of B ow - Pin and w hite bels and . i n r s p o u e e t o . G o g . W r r p Hepontdeitnet theLos that t FeMn ey lf ei;Sv ai Coone. os were in a place other than a resi- manville, just ayear and ai streamers, and cdolourrul bou- week. Han. ht bys o Houe o Cocor i a omeMaryn Fîh -PonhJome lMils ad avi F.Bruer,21-8 PotnsdlrJoaeck. qutso! ummr fowrs.FrofGrde X o GadeX' her desaandlM tor young delinquents with Dunn; Fruit. Rosa Stevens; Dvd .Brdr,2, letsiiarofnc.Pr raeIXtUGae hiSshwn Hot Dogs. Howard Setson; Maple Grove Mens Soft-' St. was convicted with Gor- Thte ccused told His Won- iIris quitt taken by surprise prize onForseer.l Proficien- marching. r r~ lneBbKet oet badl teeni deftated the Couî-.- do n R. White of consuming ship that hie had been drink-i took her place o! honour. Mr.c-AtFose. School supemtnntJh ..N.l CAK Dr Ao iller1 Claude Kilmen: Chairs, Deac tice Méri's teamn 18-14 in a liquor in a farmer's lane on ing in both hotels in Newcas- Elsworth Caswell read the ad- Fromn Grade X to Grade XIi Banc extenddawecm toSA VLE Goddand-, Smell Draw, Relph gae nt etlexandere Park, Osh - tht Base Line in Bowman- tie and that his take home dress. Tht bride-to-bt was Prize for General Profîcîency i tht visitiflginpcon atjNm oes 10 Wi~Kllya; Hoo-e Rc, B b ut- Mn and-a.Dieohel ville. Bruder was rtmanded pey was $75 per' week. assisted by hier cousin, Elaine -Christopher Robinson. Veand moved i oeo hnsdr t napeeie r Kelly;Horst acingBob a'a. on unday.until August Ist. White paid "Yeu didn't learn a lesson1 Caswell, with tht unwrapping. Froni Grade XI to Grade to Col. Basheredttmn o9Ja es Goe o Tokyo 1Diliamsl B -arbeCin, Bb Mut- r., an rb. ae Bdthwell $18. a year ago and your conduet She rtctîvtd meny beatiimiul XII-Prize for General Pro- ister. »Grd ton; Re!reshments. L. W. Van Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bath- A preliminary heaning into indicates e lack of respect for a.nd useful gifts which were ficiency-Sharon Leach. ICatH.A Cubesn, obrFeDieGier dNnvacharge o! criminel negli- tht lew. Tht fine will be $2001 passed and admired by &Bl. , Grade XII-Prize for Gen- seirplacent fie tttSuh rc od F or Red Cross non Vanstone; Me-ry - Go - aft spend(ing this week et Twin gence against Fred G. Kar-: and the costs are $3 or one Iris thanked lier many' eral Proficiency - Verne ao,l oradn fie oGae8Bni Dr. George Miller, !ormnerly, There were twvo gucats nt _____6,_f_4_______onh n ao. hope this wîll friends for tht lovely gi!ts; Chant. io! tht ec opasstdb ToGade6Bly imr of Bowmanville, leaves this tht Lions dînner meeting, J.- 1: Crescent, Guelph, was ne- 1 act as a deternent to others' and good wishes that accMi Commercial Result.1 Lts. W. W. BaelJhGr-TdSrkDoiTd.Buc week to represent tht Cana- Rhînd. Hamilton. and J. Bain, TUARY jucigmntiAst hanefasor!a hsaado the oadwih- ivaionothem n ailto dcome anriefr eealPo dian Red Cross et the Inter- IBowvmanville. Following the j OBITUmanddged nl Auust haewa for an hsard tea. oae e -noitainitethe ail etedoed an z orGnea ro lham and Johetesn national Congress on Blood 1 meeting tht bulletin., program l laid as the ncsult of an auto out being in beverage ris andi visit theni when the ficiency-Patricia Fisher. Included a]oi h eiw o rd -on ens accident in whch Elizabethrad eefor Gentnalh more of!ngeepertylwerinRev.r Martin-Waynefortam-kaPeto.r Westher- Transfusion which is being! andi house committees met. HUOR McGILL cideti 1c lzbt n en htmuhmr fwr ete nternw helci in Tokyo early in Sep._______ Lavinia Hamilton was killeci. a hazard."i home. ficiency-Pauline Labrecque. 'Pinker. chairmnoth cols. tember-. Dr. Miller is spendingI- Recently, Mn. Hugh McGilI James Edgar Murree, age Donald Peter Wsin, 18,283 A dainty luncheon was Proflclency Awards flin exctv sist antt euy aiy r S'Me time en route in Mfrica, e away sucidenlyi n Port 18, Of 112 Celina St. Oshawa, Park Roed South, Oshawa, Sereib ttnh comt CnutilAt mxcin sE !rfraisiu ~mmia Brma Cyln, hal- MARLE U.[1VE resse y 9tc*hd with caneless was placed on probation for tee, Mrs. C Raby, Mrs. M. Grade IX-D.Sye 9A;' tions J. A. Gaa*Jmsrd oi ai And, Malaya and tht Philip- ierryn HnospeitelesinadhGraeRobinsonterK0A;en Sttc. s ipines, gatherninfomtongeed usr wt r iousies o! hia life, coin- manville on Seturday, July victed on June 28th o! as- tht pleesant social boum- was Grade XI-D. Brown 11 A; Millbrook Refreoyge. CteieW twrTe 'tn basic requirements for e and Mms. Alan Snowden were mencing with e heant 'attack 1 9th. Police evidence wes tht: saulting a peace officer and enjoyed by ail. Grade XII-J. Rickard-12A. D. R. Dewdney colpde hr :lood transfusion service in Mr-. and Mirs. William Hewk- lest Christmas. r oar of a loLld vehicle coming being found in as tht resimît oànder-developed countnies. shaw, Johnny and Connie andi Mn. McGîll was born in fromn the est. east o! Brown' o! a police naidi at tht West PAt tht end o! tht Congreas Miss Sandra Snowden, al o! Manvers Township et tht' Street at a spced in excess o! Beach on June 25th.m- ;OkYO for tht League of Red of Petersburgh. Sunday even- and Mrs. Ray McCullough. He skîpping on the road to the fines totalling $491 for other îm ~m-t Wll ondct seina inKithenr ad Jm Sowdn fn nw ocupeciby r 5 mh.sueigtr e f oa n frhito-seven othes pid I 055S S ocieties at w hich tim e ng guests w ere M r. and M rs. attended Y elverton P ubolise. w th e s t o! H l nf a t o s n e ht H g i I N1.MW Redi Cross Societies will at- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fodey et tht local end nearby bladctht I tt ser th qt ionb d t4m-unret larig e woBu r teprsneie rn inaedi Dawsn, Toronto. rySciho ad etr aprInasrer th a u seb ad $48 foernalarwgther tend hav retrnec fro e vm-y mithshoi said hie haci the mufflens on1 others paîi $26 for infractions;: CIIARTERED COACHES FOR ALL OCA ON Dr. Miller will be accompan- pleasant holiday havînîg atten- Al bis life was Iived in hia a aemr noise. under thé Liquor Control Act.' leci by Mms. Miller on this dec tht wedding n! Mr. and Menvers Township with tht round tht world jaunt and Mm-s. Ted Colwell at Spencer- exception of fivt Yeans spent ~B t~ bey expeet to be awey for ville. lhey ailso visited relia- learning is trade in Bow- *w ota ewihteitvsen red tJepr unil, n n erspn AU~ L S C H E D U L bon voyage and a happy me- Bmockvilte, Smith's Falls, Car- in Lindsay.o!fuatw ee.Alovstng turn. leton Place, Manotick, Perth, On Ags 1M104re.a îi t x Mr.Paul Mercei ofAfoEfaective A ugustisest, 1960 _______Cannington an-d Woodville. uniteditr mriege with Miss Gueph were with er par on Sunday wreMr. and s.Ef c i e Agt 11 lai en HEATING OILS j3ASOLNE-MoTR~O e e OTR OILof 1~ in family, Norwood, wene guests o! Mm-. and Mm-s. Jiru davertly on Fmid'ay evening, iany and Bnien stayed for a lw doys holiday. Mm-s. John Whralen enter. ained e number o! youmng taople on tht occasion o! Peg- gy's 13th bimthday. Mm-. and Mira. Del Hendsbte id famdiy attended the Osh- twa Post Office picnic at Ce- lar Park on Sunduay. Mir. and Mm-s. William Day. [son, Toronto, calied on Mr. bd Mrs. Ron Rogers on FY- iay evening. Miss Dale Taýtley, Ripples, 3.., has spen-t tht pat weec vith hem- bm-ther-in-lew and dster, Mn. eand Mm-s. JohnGuis- min. Mr. snd, Mrs. Robert Smith id chîldren, Brmooklin, caltI] n Mrn. and Mrs. Dol Hendee. Mr. and Mm-s. E'nic Burton, )hawa, were weekend guests fMr. ai-id Mrs. Cecil Burton id famirly. Mx-. and Mis. Vernoin Tat- ýy. Hippies, N.B., ar-e visitîng A Short Drive Winl Cive You a Beller Deal USED CARS 1959 STUDEBAKER 2-DR. STANDARD Less than 2,000 miles, air-conditioning. 1952 STUDEBAKER 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, clean, economical. 1952 STUDEBAKER 2-DR. HARDTOP Two-tone green, radio, spotlight, directionaj sîgnais, white wva11 tires, chromé whéeI dises, air-conditioning, 1950 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN One owner car, low mileage, with air- conditioning. 1951 STUDEBAKER 4-DR. SEDAN Automatic, fully equipped. Priced $50.00 up Graham's Garage STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE COllax 3-2233 1 Eve Porter who had-movè etsit vir aa i.tÂYiir. re r J L- leOs tLtviecraauSai wu eto Yelventon with her a retnen a !ew d" a lst week. ter, Kathy Jane, Art Mece i fromn Lindsay. Miss Marilyn Stewart, pet- Mr. and Mu-s. George Palmer, a n cojuncion iths~emborougmh, s'pent lest week andiJnie i iaksmith trade, Mn. MeGili wit.h hem- grandmother, Mm-s. Mis. Chas-lie Cusiter, Roani-j also was in charge o! tht post F. Fells and Mis. Alexander. oi<e, Mrs. C. D. Ciriin. Salem,' -office, operatmng !rom the Wratoh for the particulars Vîrginria, are visiting the lit- 9sanie building for the grand of the baril team's hem-n dance te's sisten Mm-a. H. Fosten. -salam-y of $12.00 a year (and Saturday nig.Mir. andi Mm. Allen Coving-, Shad to be bonded for $2,000). Mn. and Mrs. Eddie Couri- ton end deughters ot Teoter- r * Hughie was ont o! a fani- vstd ihM.adM ily ot fine bornuto thete oux, R.ay ear U riMaie visited ville vstdwt r niM- teMm-a. Ray Moore and Mr. R. Ned l'oeter. Mm-r. and Mms. John McGill, Moewoi tlli h o--M-.M .Fse shU'y three brothers, thmee brothens Moewoi tâi h o. Ms .E oýe shtda- -all of whom predeceased imu pîtal in Toronto. ing at Teeterville andi attend- r -ack, o ddLv, n Mms. Grace Gray viçkiteI]Mm-s. mng a wedding. five siters, Mns. Jini (Belle) Mary Luxon Wednesday even- Marlati visited aet Nia-!I Conbett; Mm-s. Geo. Keith <Vi- iiig. gra alls andi Jeter with , beri ne) Mms.Jack Ferguson Mm-. eaîd Mina Frank Stoker aister, Mirs. Amy Cowie et'Bu- (Mýargaret); Miss Ellen Me- were disa'ppointed last week as okton.j 1GuI, and Mm-s. John Burns Sr. the boat tlhey weîe seheduleci Mn. and MVis. Charles Att- (Lizzie). Mm-s. Burns is thetet sail te, EngIanci on, Juîy 15, Ilébem-m-y né Teetervidile, rhavel only sumviving memben. wes tied up ini Euigllnd by the been visiting tb Foster famil-I To tht Hugh McGills were stnîke.Ho vrth pe s. bom-n two daughters and onetetaSil thiswee hyp ek. s. Mri adr u son, Aida (Mis. Cliffonci Sny- ti ek sM'i adr n dem), Clifford and Launa (Mrs. ms. Mary kuxon, Mm-s. Nor- GaCieretunneci home Sundeyi Bill Carnegie). Ht wili ls ove M-s rent Mencer, f-Omm a holiday with her bro- be sadly miadb ee hyrreil, K'ethy andi Karen ther, Hlarvey Wieurier et Ban- gmandchldren aufd six gm-t Coetlham, spent the weekend cro!t. Mertin was back for the grandehilciren. with Mrn. an.d Mrs. Vance AI- weektnd. Following Mm. McGilla re- len and fan-ily et their cottage Guests with Mir. arid Mns. >tirement as smithy et tbe on Mink Lake, nomtii o!May- George Mercen were Mr. andi age of 82 he carnied on foi-uooth. Mm-s. Cy EIlsey andi daughters, several yeara as service ste- I Guesta wjth [-ieen Boyd Oshawa; Mm. HiIditch, Tom-- tien operetor, émployed by from Tusà r)Sna eeotBi nduhe Donnai Mr. eore Hesli teservice Mra. Paul Clancy ýand family o! Bown-anvil'le.1 "'pluga" o! another variety. a ndi Mis. Bill Pinto a.nd fam- Mr. and Mm-s. Alîbert Stewarti To quote froni a tributeiy ,Toronto. Bian Boyd andi and] fa.mily are spending tbisi paid by a former correspon- Jimmy C~lancy have been down week wiVh Mm-e. Fa-Us and Mu-s.1 dent, Mms. Ralph Malcolm. -_____ Alexandér.i seven yeans ago, "Hughie had A ] Mr- n r.Gog a- a wit sharp ais a rapien, an Guidesd and fMms. Gere eed-; endîcsfunci o! tonies, wes aG uides uician fn--iy reapn--D trime "inland sait", an inspir- 0mig tit week with Mma. Seli- ing example o! life keyed t f :ato in , orneea renc,"r. humour and liveci with forti- p nn o ecradfin o- tude andi couage,a compan- entRy ercor.e ekedwil ion te young and olci." ARnu iy n M acer-. B nw Funerai service for this col-An ua am p M.adrn.Bonwr ourful octogenarian were con- I gutats o! their nephew, Mr.' ducted in thé white chunch Local Girl Guides who went and] Mr. Jack Neal. ,on tht bill when Rev. Jin, with tht bus-loaci of girls Some o! the GeneraI Motors Sommenville brought a corn- from the Blackstock ai-ta on employées andi their familles I !omting message to the beneav- July 4 to tht Ontario Girl et'tended the monster G.M. pic- èd. Deceeseci was bunieci in Guide Training Camp at Dotflic at, Oshawa, Saturday. Sanie tht adjoining cemeéteny, just Lake, Sprucedalt, Ont., were: o!fltme emIIployees were laid off a stone's thnow fron, homne, ail round cord guides, Jant this weekenI]. Gone, yes, but that cheen- Oliver, Carolyn Stacey, Leslie Mis. A. Jackson, Mm-s.l Wkm. fui chuckle andi the twînkling Ewert and Pet Gili. Linde Honey andi Mary,Milkn eyéa wiil not be soon fongot- Steele also accompenieci theni. came down to Mrs. A. Jack- ten. Tbey wili remaîn a pi- O e ,.uy9b hi son's home here, Tbursday, nantendcheishd m mor. leader Mrs. Ivan Thomnson. anci wene joined Seturdlay by- %A 3-333 tu New, Summer Coolers by RICHARD HUDNUT FACIAL Cool ulowCLEANSEI - TWO MIES - $139AND 89C .refreshes as If cleanses. . MA 3.3381 chartneci busorom Wm. Hoýney and ÉBob _Vennatfto Lake to Haliburton andi took for Pnice-Jrackson wedding. ber guides down for the open-, Miss Kathlleen Jackson, R.N. ing ceremonies o! tht ne and Tom Devis, Ottawa, were au-ta camp o! our district. with Wm. Jeckson's for tht Camp Adelaide, named inl weekend. memony o! Adeleide Mowbnay Mr. and Mm-s. Kenntth Ros MeLeughlin. The 260 acre o! Nortlh Bay were also et Wm. farmm l four miles west o! Jacksonsaend attendeci tht Haliburton village. wedding. Miss Lillian Miller, Simp- Congratulations to Mir. andi son Ave., Bowmanville, la the Mrs. Terry Price, the former only Bowmanville guide eal Phylilis Jackson, who wene present et Camp Adelaide. married inb a double ring cere- She bas worked off most o! mony ini Kendal United Church the badges necessary for thte by the Rev. R. C. Whitt on' golci cord. Now in tht Rang- Saturday. Tht church wasI eu-s, Lillian was in charge o! eý prtttily decomated w-ith bluel petrol !hic helpec Mm-s. i delphiXium and] white tilles. Frnk op'en tht new Camp1 The bride was loveiy in ber' Adelaide andi was on hanci to billowmng white gown. A guardc - welcome tht visiting Bow- o! honour was fom-med by hem- manville Guides on Opening grade 2 students o! Bownuan- Day. Ville Public Schoci. Thteep- Over 200l Guides, inciuding tion w«s held i tht Sunday I tht six Bowmanville girls Scbool rooni with about sixty Iformeci an immense borseshot gutats in attendance. Tht hap- for the outdoom- openîng cere- py couple ar-e speuding their monies on Saturday. Feature ýhoneynmon et Mexia City attraction was e gient birth- anld Acapuilco, Mexico w1hem-e day cake andi each girl me- theY flew by jet. W. extend ceiveci a piece o! tht cake, 1ta them best wl&he for- a long Bowmanviile Guides, con- i-hppH'Y mxurled 111e. pern notes with those fromiI Camp Adelaide, founci the1 weethem- haci been warmem- etZon<ID w sh ) Dot Lake. Ont night thetetm-Zi (op ow £hp perature reacheci 40 degrees fMISiwrPlosWA low in lHeliburton which imu Mei hoet inglwsW prettY COOl for camping. Mirs.metn Fmank conveneci messe g t s Tht Zion Womnan'aAssocie-' from the Bowmenvilie girls et tion met Thursdey evening, Dot Lake beck to local p ar- 1uy14ethhmefM-s ents. Rber-t Morton. There were This la tht fiftietb ennivera- I 13 members present for thts ary o! Canadien Guiding. AW meeting which Mrs. E. Cas- guides ettending camp this' weli, President, openeci with summer maY purchase a spec- prayer. Tht devotional _ro- ial cmest and bar to mark thet gram, erranged by Mms. M~en- golden jubilte. Tht Canadien eilley, was given, and con- i government sew fit to issue sisteci o! the Devotional topic, a special postage stamp to "ýChîlciren o! Light". Seiptune celebrate t bis milestone, 1910redjIg. Ephesians 5:1-14, w asj 1960. ol Guiding i.n Canada. 1 re.d bY Mrt. i. Qérôw. Mirg. FOR INFORMATION OSHIAWA -*- RAndolph 3-7171I Head Office- Cobourg, Ontario Phone: FRanklin 2-7362 . q MArket 3.3911 READ DOWN WEST BOUND Bowmanvil. Courtice Osbawa Shop. Centre Whitby Pleaie Read Schedult Carefully l3 i s 7 9 il 13 15 17 19 21 23 M2 7 Il m *1 3 3 30 .,a b d 'a -a - OàO i4 -14 .40 mi o . 5 âm~ u -e A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.m.1p.M. p* 531.016.201 1 7.201 8.201 9.55! 10.45! 11.35 1.0011 1.551 2.401 3.30! 4.00' 4*4 5 5.451 6.101 6.30: 17.30! 8.3830 k0:05110 55111.45; 1.101 20'251 34;411451 5 5.55 6.25 6.55ý 7.301 7.45,830 8.45 l0.20;1l*10li2.100 1.25: 2.05! 2.20! 3.05! 3.351 4.05! 4.30fS1I53!.1 I I II8.50 10.25 111. 15 j12.15' 1.30 l2.101 2.251 3.10i 3.40;! 4 loi 4.35- 5.201 5.381 06201 6.05 6.40J 7.05J 7.40! 7.55; 8.401 9.00Ul.35!ll.25112.25i 1:40i 2:20J 2:35J 3:201 3.50 4:20J4.451 5.301 L45j 4.30i 30 41 43 45 47 49 SI 53 WEST SOUND b Bowmanvilie J6.15 6.30! 8.00 1.50"!5il10 35!s Courtice I6.25 7.00> 8.10 9.00 0 :045145 Oshawa 6.30 7.151 8.25 9.1510.15,11.0012.05112.05 Shop. Centre J46.45 *7.20! *8.30 *9.20 I Whitby 16.55 7.30 8.40 0.30110.30111.1s, 1 Z. ti Operetés 1nio Shoppint Centre on Open Nlghts 1 4 4 & 15 12 14 19 19 26 22 !4 26 28 30 32 A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M P.M. IKEAD 1.4 .16O,-i - *r 4 .4 '.4 ' A tu l,> h b.. k ,. , b~4 raWN A - Whtby 16.30! 7.10! 7.30! 9.15 8.351 0.10> 9.45110.50111.50' 1.10! 1.50!1:2.30!13.101.50 .20 4.45! Shop. Centré 1j 8.251 8.451 9.201 9.55111.00 12.00 1.20!12.00! 2.40! 3.20 4:00 4.30 4.55! Oshawa 4.45! 7.20 7.45] 8.301 8.50! 9.25110-00111.05 12.05 1.251 2.05! 2.45'3.25 4.05' 4.35 5.05 Coumtice j 7.00j 8.00!1 9.ù5! 9.40110.15111.20112.201 1.401 !-4:001 4.201, 4.50 5.20ý 711 .1> I9.15! 9.50110.25 11,30112.301 1.50!1 2.101 I4.30> 5.00 5.30J 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 54) .52 34 EAST ROUND whitby Shop. Centre Oshawa Courtice Bowmanville .4 -.4 4 bb P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M,. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. 5.1555 .571 0.5>9 .059.50 1.50 11.50! '12.15' 5.25 6.062172 ~.5~1 5.30 6.05 6.307.3 820 9.2 0.05 11.005 12.05112.051 ý12.25i 6.20 6.40 7.4J51 8:35,93510 20 11.20 12.20 2.40ý 6.30 6.50ý 7.55 8.«5 9:45110:30111.30 112.30 12.50' b.i ad, b. , 40 e..îi ci £Openates mb Shopping centre on OPta Nlghtt Connections At Bowmanville for: Hampton, Enniskîhlen, Rurkéton. Connectiôn,ý Àt Oshawa for. Toronto, Columbus, Port Penm-y. Connections nt Whitby for: Manchester, guftderland, Lindsay, Beaverton and Orillia. WHITOY «EAb SOUTH AND EAST ROUND West Whitby Wbitby 4-Com's. Base Lin* Hospital DOwNv NORLTH AN1Ù WEST ROUND Hospital Base Line WhitbY 4-Cor's. West Whltby 4 .w MI Éme âO mil M j J> ils ï I -elb, b A.A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. p.M. P.M. p.M. p.M. P.M. 61 i7.20! 1I8.25> 9.35 11.301 1 .1451 1 I5 37 1 16.40! 7.25!1 7.401! 8.451 8.30! 9.40 11302.î1.5w 2.451 14:.45 5:45 5.4516.35'9.30 11.151 4.15 6.45! 745! 8.50J I 12.351 >2.50j 3:.'0!450 3550 6*40- 9.35 11.20 j6.50 7.50J 8.55> j12.40> j2.551 3.35>45> 58,64194 12 >.b. t- rabN, is ~ 700. .5! 900100 2.53055.00007.59.011.49 0.20! 7.05 81? 9.051 .5! j3.0345510 60571 94 1.. O 7.101 7.15 8.1i5 8.20 9.0!930112 1.10! 1.40 3.05 3.50 5.15 5.30 6.10 7.151 9.50 11.5O 7.20 8.25 09.35'l11.30 1.49 ' r 5:271 1 1 I 1951 FORD '/-TON PICKUP .-- --- 500.00 Ilaydon Ail Studebaiker Parts and Accessories R.R. 1, Bowmanvile JURY & LOVELL TYOUt EEXALLSTORE 15 IClg st., E. C-- BOWMANVILLE BOWNANTILLE - OSHAWA . WHITSY

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