-, -~ - t Rotarians Told of Beauties of Jamaica At Friday, Luncheon A vlvid description oi the Iu 1830 ho joincd Uie Cana- attractions of Janielca an an dieu National West Indien da vacation land waa given Steamship Uines. Ne was New by Alex C toeUi apecial England Passengen Agn speaker etUicluncheon meet- wlth hoadquarteus lanBston Ing of Uic Rotary Club of for tome yeaus, and later b.- Bwmanvilh hchld et Uic Fly- came Ontario manager. 1n Dutchinan Mtai liatel onl When the femaus 'Lady Jqy 8. The yeer round super- Liners' service ta the West In- lative cllmate hamode Je- dies was discoutinued Mn. melca a holiday contre for Cooper tuansierred ta Uic Cen- people from North Arnenica, adlan National Railways aud and other parts of Uie would, beceme a Spectel Passenger Mu. Cooper stated. Age,ý-nt until 1957, Mu. Stutt R. P. Rickaby, the flCw Pretokthe Rotaulans. In 1957 Mu. aident ai Uic club, pucsided. Cooper joined thc Jamalca The guest speaker was intro- Goverument Tourint B oard, duced by James Stutt. He saidudnwisCaieMngr that Mn. Coopv was e natv for the hoard. ci Mantreal, atteuded Public aac s50 i ie and Mo1g Sehools there, and th JeM iam ,lan00 9lumiles Sir George Williams Colle.c sauthaofMitmesoud 91 miesto ' ubaMr. Cooper said in pin GEl THE PRESTIGE point ug the location aith i mous Island. It 18 tue lerg- GIGRAEest Island lutheitishWs GINGR AI !Iniesheing 4,400 miles long and 150 mies wlde et Its OMPS broaestpeut, the speaker _6ET ILS sid. Hoe dded thet It could elmost he called a aub-contln- eut. "&Jameice bas a population ai 1,750,000, sud thecacpital I city, Kingston, ha 341,000 I resideuts. Kingston is e large bustllng acapout and haanc ai the iinest harbaurs lu the world. The renowned Blue Mountains have peaks et 7,000 feet and the scenery la su- peuh. "O0nly 640 squaue miles of Jamaîca are not mountainous. t The plains and savanahs Ip gradallyta the beautiul~ ,Deahes.The plain erea la useful as cttie country," the SI speake toldthe Rtaria s "On his second trip ta the New Would lu 1494 Christo-V SplieColumbus discovered4. bis ships anchoued is now a knowu as Discoveuy Bay. The al island was controled by the T. Spauish froin that time until it waa canquered by the fui- s Mtish lu 1655. Ater the lust battle in "«Runaway Bay" the î Spanish fled by cunae to Cu- ha",' Mu. Cooper stated. f V - The Spenish rule hud becu harsh and euslaved the Iu-9 dians, a peaceful people whosc M main occupation wus growing TI catton. All other plants weue A, hîought ta the Island, us sugar was, hy the Spanish. Sugar is the most important crop. The sgrowing, cuitivation, and pro- vi: ce ofga sugar cane and ita ROYAL 80 WMAN VILLE MA 3-5589 TIU.qS THIJIS. Io SAT. - Ju1y 21 - 23 MATINEIE SATURDAY 2 P.M~. IRIS FIRST FILM ROLEI CLARK Extra: "WONDERS 0F ONTARIO" in Color Complet. Shows at 7 and 9:10 p.m. NEXT NON. Io WED. -JuIy 25-27 "The Warrior and the Slave Girl" i Color with Added Featur. "Liane,. Jungle Goddess" with Marion Michaels, Hardy Kruger Coming Soon! ""SINK THE BISNARK"F h t du ta IE Gi r Va- vi ai sin va] Chi ati Uné Lai Gas Company Plans 3 for 1 Split ,in Shares day, sper sin, isih is Kno gos M and Abe: and fami onu Br lees Lain weel Omi lake, Mi visilE Hrou Mr Han: Roy Mr aud Mr and were Pet. Mr, Geail Mr, andf day. Mr. maid, muid day Mus.i terbci by-puoducts, molasses and r»uin keepa meut of-the popu- latioln busy." Mr. Cooper explained that while Janiaica has many up. to-date iuxury hatels, it aino han accommodations to suit every puise. He sald sinailer hotels arecomlfortable and are in the same sections of the Island as Uic leeding ones. There are also well'eppolnted ~est hausea, and cottages can brented by Uic month. These rarc campletely furnishcd, and tcooka, housemaida and garden- c rs are available. Ini most ca- ses their wages are lncluded In the cottage rent. The temperature in Jarnai- ce varies Uittle during the year. The climat. la eujoy- able, and Uic smafl rainfalilaI usually during the night, he addcd. Hc explained that the main seasan lu from Dccem- ber ta the end of April, and that durlng the remaining seven montha of the year vis- itors have the oppartunity oi eujoying ail thepfacilities and attractions of the Island when rates arc reduced. W. M. Morrîson maved a vote af thenks ta Mr. Cooper for his lntercstlng and gra- phie addiess. R. P. Rickaby aIma expressed appreclation ta Mr. Cooper, and puesented him with a git as a souvenir ai his visît ta the Rotary Club ai Bowmenville. Guests at the luncheon meeting were Robert Catman, Pembroke. Howard Geauuy, Landou, England; Art Wyman, and Rex Wyman, bath ai Brantford; Geoffrey Andrews Bull Minett, Stewart Alger, alï of Oshawa, and Glenhoime Hughes, Bawmanvlle. Lake Shore, Clarke Miss Doriens Powell spent the weekcud wlth Mua. Don Coulter, Downsvlcw. Mr. and Mus. Fred Hender- aon and iamily, Newtonville, spent Thursday evening with MIr. and Mia. Robin Aildread. Miss Baubara-Anu Alldued was home iram, Toronto fou te weekeud. The Lakeshore Ladies K.S. and C. Club met at the home )f Mus. Chas. Bedwin, July 13. rhe next meeting will be et 1e home ai Mus. M. Gaut- ffiare, Newcastle, Thursdayt fuly 28. Picase note changeI 'rm Wedncsday ta Thursday. Mu. and Mus. Bob Ruther- rd and Douglas, Orono lent Sunday evening with , . and Mus. W. Adams. Miss- [elva Myers, Oshawa, spent s Chursday wxth Mu. and Mus. 1 Idams. 1 Mus. Jack Holmes and Don 3 pent a fcw days with Mu. and 1 nrs. Glen Paliard, Stuceta- e le.1 Miss Betty Jean Holmea i1 pent a icw deys with heu v randpauents, Mu. and Mus. V. Haimes, Bawmanville. 1 a BASE LINE E Mr. and Mus. Canley Bat- il ia and famuly oi Elgin ý icut a few days with his n )reuts, Mr. and Mua. Sam Ij attams. Ci The Mepie Grave Womien's S Ltitute eujoyed thelu annuai S is tri p on Thuisday. The la- les visited' the Botanicai jr 'audens, Hamilton;. Battie- dý ield House, Stoney Cueek; sc e Museum et Jordan, and Si en on ta Niagara Falls and Irock's Monument. The lu- B, ces from this cammunity who ar )ok Uic trip weue, Mus.. A. M ibson, Mus. K. C. Hopkins, vi Irs. J. R. Mctculf, Mus. H. M ýydermun, Mus. A. Tîimbie, fa rs. C. Wilson and Mus. S. ttams. zig Mu. and Mus. A. Baines, gu race and Ted, visitd lheu D- irents, Mu. and Mis. James uncroit, Newlngtan, Ont., O, om Tuesday ta Fuiduy last no tek. Mi Mr. and Mus. Neil Buownell, lerie and Lee, accompunied Ti rhis parents, Mu. and Mus. g arîca Buownell, Finch, Ont., P sited relatives et Agincouut id Toronto on Suuday. W Mru. and Mis. A. Gibson cri ent the weekend ut his cou- To make fta common stock imore attractive ta Uic smeil Cenedian investor, -Tue Con- sumera' Ga Company wlll esk 1shaeholder appuoval ai a Uiuee-iau-one split ai its coin- mon shares and an incucase in thc annuel dlvldend rate an the new shares main 33 1/3 ta 40 cents per share, A. L. flahop, Presldent, announced iollawing a meeting ai the Board ai Directors. A speclal gencual meeting ai the sherehalders ha been called for Monday, July 25, in thc compeny's flue Flume Room ta cansider these and other resolutions. Mu. f ishop saîd Uic ncw di-» vldend rate would be applic- able with the next divldend, payable October 1, 1960, if ap- puaved by the meeting. "Other major and progres- sive companies have been able, by simler actions, ta In- creuse their numbei ai mdlivi- duai shureholders by 15% ta 20%. We hope ta do the saine or better, thcreby making availabie the benefits af own- ershlp ta moue ai the public," Mu ishop said. "In a guawing utility coin-3 peny such as Cousumeus' Ges,r which aiueedy serves aveu ar quarter ai e million ftaturel r ri I r, * RAT 3. DILLING Certified Public Accountani 93 Church Street Auket 3-3861 WiL J. H. COGGINS -S Chaiteied Accountant Second Floar New Lihueu Building Cor. King and Temperance Stî Phione MAuket 3-3612 TALE, FRIEDLANDEIR HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in faukuùptcý 64 King St. E. RA 5-162: Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. ffledlander, B. Coin., C.P.A MONTEITH - MONTEIT BIEHL & CO. 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Chaiteued Accountanta HA 5-3527 Bowmanvillc Cail ZEnith 45750 Partneus: Hou. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Coin., C.A G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.ILA, - (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Tuethewey, C.A. Ch iropraC'tic- EL EDWIN MANN, D.C. ic:Chiropuactor 5Elgin St., cou of Horscy St Phone MA 3-5509 fice Hours: By Appointnent er- ck-- et id ies 0 le; 15 id m- ay B ph t 40 ,, Of b, Ho (Intended for last week) The Sunday School pici he¶d an Friday was well tended by aveu ane hund children and adults. Sup: was enjoyed ln the Commi ity hall and a lively progr of sports followed at schooi grounds. Resuits ai ces are as follows: - Nursi Clasa, boys and girls--Der Broome; Beginner's Cl, boys and girls-Peggy Dar Pîimaîy Clasa, boys and gi -David Milleu, James Bal Boys 10 ta 12 yeaus, whe barrow îace-lst Don Westlake and Donald Harn 2nd Dwight Westlake and E an Knox. Girls 10 ta 12 yes :hree-legged race - lat JE Baker and Elizabeth Johns( 2nd Wendy Nesbitt and Ja Westlake. Boy's sack uaCE .st David Miller, 2nd Gord Westlake. Girls 13 ta 15 yei -lst Joan Westiake. SI crambie-Sharon Spires; 2 Mfarie Flett and Wendy Nt bitt. Boys and girls 13 ta years-lst Lauuy Broome, 2: Donald Westlake. Kicki Shoe, adults - Harry Knî [elay-Stan Millson's team. peanut and candy scuami vas for ail the chiidren. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Y( lwlees and children visit t Mu. and Mia. 1E. Larmex Blackstock. Mu. and Mus. Web Yelloi les and sons attendcd a far ly gathcring nt the home Nr. and Mrs. Alf Allin, fa' nanville, where thcy especia [y enjoycd a visit with the usin, Mrs. Dr. Gordc 3pooner and sons af Regir ;ask. Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Cryde ian and children spent Su, ly with Mu. and Mrs. Jaci on Wray at their cottage rskatchcwan Lake. Mr. D. N. Spires, Bill an lob, Toronto, Mrs. Ken Jam( id friend, Sault Ste. Marii Irs. Ray Bemis, Oshawa, wer sitars at the weekend wii fr. and Mus. E. Spires an âmiiy. Mu. and Mus. Alian McKen e, Columbus, were Sunda: tests af Mr. and Mus. Ralp] 'vis. Mr. and Mus. M. Dubyl ;hawa, were Sunday after oon visîtous with Mr. ani Ir. J. Yellowlees. M.~r. and Mrs. N. Leach aunton, weue Sunday teý -ests af Mu. J. KivelI an( earl Leach. Elvelyn Hackuday apent th( eekend with her cousin, Bey. ey Wright, Bowmunvîlle. Mri. and Mrs. Rue Pasco( id childuen weue visiton ih Mu. and Mus. J. Dycx shawa. Mr. and Mus. Dan Wotten )routa, visited on Sunday ih Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten Mru. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy td Stanley visited Mr. and s. Harvey Hardy at PinE int, Lake Scugog, on Sun. pY. David Miller, Brougham, ent last week with his cou- iBrian Knox. Bàan Knox holidaying ut Quin-Mo-Luc. Barbara Miller, Brougham, ho'Iidaying with Nancy iox, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont. mry visited ut Mu. Wcx )ntgomery's, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor d childucu uttcnded the )eunethy family picnic an turduy at Hampton. U. and Mrs. Stan Miflson d sons attended the Carr ily picule et Grceuwood Sun day. renduauad Janice Yellow- sare holidaying et Ralph rmer's at Blackstock, this ek.' éias Marilyn McCaureil, iemce and Mr. Tom West- *,Peeuouuh, visited et en Mus. es Hillîs'. r. nd Mrs E. R. Taylor id Mr. and Mrs. Alec )ut and also Mis. Lena r, Newcastle, an Sunday. Ir. and Mis. J. Hogarth, mpton, visited Mu. ançI Mrs. rLaugmaid. r. and Mus. Wcs Werry family attended the Met- 1iamily picnic at Uic Lin of Bauley Camp. r. and Mis. Gardi%on Davi Dental MR W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldgs. King St. W. f owmanvlhlc fice Hours: 9 u.m. ta 6 p.m. duily ased Satuuday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.,-. Office lu his home 100 Liberty St. Ne BowmnflV]e Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. duily Phone MA 3-5604 Vlosed Wednesday - Sundys DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. -Bowmenvifle Office Hours:- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dufly Clased Saturday and Sundey Telephone Office MA 3-5591 Legal - 40 1 rPUI er Con SAD. STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 ýWRENCE C. BlASON. D.A. Baunister, Solicitor Natauy Public 19 St W. - Bowmanville 'houes: Office MA 3-5688 USS APHA L HODGINS Baristei, Solicitor Notary Public perance St. - Bowmanvle LRICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., HA., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2240 2sultation by appolntment only. W. KAT LYCETT, BA. Baurister and Solicitor lu the offices ai E. R. Waddell, Q.C. n Street, Onono, Ontarto M ortg a ge s lE HAMNLTON - ORONO Phone 1 u 10 »I.ust Moutgage Funds Residences - Farms Business Prapeutues Jp o me tr y KTHA. BILLETT, O.». 141 King S omnil Office Hours: fy appointinent Telephone MArket 3-3253 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Monday ta Satuuday Thursdav evenings Wedaesdala: 9 ta 1.8 1 - e On Sunday the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and enjoyed a plea- sant day of visiting. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Belyea and Nancy, Dronte; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wannon, Donald, friend from Toronto, and Carol, St. Catharines; Tom McCallum, Cooksville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Larry, Ron and Pat, and Bob Fletcher, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham, Cheryl and Blair; Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Byers, Jim, and Janice; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mount- joy, Elaine, Bonnie, Raymond, Gary and Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy, Brian, Judy and Linda; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward McNeil, Douglas and Donna, Toronto. Mr! and Mrs. Roy Hunter, Wroxeter; Mr. and Mrs. Aus- tin Franklin, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bow- manvifle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers, Sunday, July 10. Mrs. Gerry Warne and, Geoffrey, Kingston, spent a week and Mr. Warne one day, with Mr. and Mrs. John Ham- Mlon and Brian. Mr. and Mis. Ross Curtis, Orillia, spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Curtis reniained for a few das.rn , B b a d B t.M s Mis. Glenn Larmer andý Douglas, spent last week in St. Mauy's. Saturday Glenn jained them and they attend- ed a weddlng in Gait. Mua. Cecil Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ferguson and girls, Newcastle, visited Mru. avnd Mrs. Russell Mount- iay _Sunday. Karalee remain- ed for a few days. Mr. and Mis. Arthur Rahm, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahni and iamily, Sun- Iay. Carol went home with them for a few holidays. Paul Rahin and Brimi Duns- c c t THURSDAY, JVLy Riat UN9 Mr. and Mis. Lloyd MetcaliV Mr. and Mis. Glenn Metcalf. The. aitcrnoon was spent ini gaines for thc children wlth prizes and treats for ail, whuet Uic aider folk weuc happy ta enjoyuelaxing in the shade untiltne ta isperse1 looking - forward to next yeer s get-to. 1 V gas customers, the Importar 1 o wide shareholder owni shlp protecting the cre standing of the compa should flot b. under-eatlm "Experlence has uhawn tI ne excellent way to achie thisafi Is l ta offer ahares wJ more attractive priclng on t market." Mr. Blshop noted that Ce suniers' Gao now han 9,0 shareholdera; of these 7,2 live ln Ontario and 8,875 Canada. One surprising fact in th aveu 60% of the shareholde own 100 shares or les. in t company. "The proposed three-fc onc split will place our shar wlthin reach of many mc amail Investors." ."Consumers' pollcy ln ta pr vide thc best natural gai se vice at the lowest rates Pc sible, ta give investors a fa return and ta provide aur eri ployees with fai wages ar salaries and benefit plans Mr. Bishop sald. I'Consumera' Gai ha. bee able, ln a llttle over fi' years, ta voluntarily reduc naturel gas rates a totalq nine tîmes," Mr. Bishop sai, "This reduction in price1 customers ha been made poý Bible anly by rapidly Increai ed volumes of sales and strong credit rating ln th money market making possibl sales af bonds, debenture preferred and common aharE at attractive puices. Mane raised by common stocks ha proven in recent years ta b among the least costlyc sources. One of the princip., reasons why Consumers' ha Business Directory Accouniancy been able ta continue ta make moor spent Thuruday wlthMe rate reductions for custamers Mr. and Mmi A. Rahrai Ty-' Me>c lu because there han been a rafe. good market forcomonMr. and Mrs. RogerDoeil stock.and family, Ottawa, spent UieC loa n weekend wlth ie father Eau! nt "Payment of fair dividende Dardl. Sunday they iâ and ter. la an Important part of main- Mr. and Mu. Dalton DornclRe n .dit tainng that goodi market." and girl. weîc dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Don- The mi any The comman shares ai Con. reli. Murtin Dorreil remalned ai Uic Mue lt- suumena' Gai naw total 2 500,- for a wcek with his grand- Sunday, Jsà 000 (7,500,000 if thc upit la father. Bar.ey P tat authaîlzed.) A resalution asks Must 6 eve that Uic total authoulzcd after Mr. Charlotte Farder, Part baunteaus ith th Uisplit be Incncased ta 10,- Peuu7, was a weekend guest the. 000 000 sar tapermmit fu- ai Ms. Ama Fawler. Faoloiwn turc Issueswa hu requring Mr. and Ms. Fred Daes ne" ws cý Ornew lettons patent. and faily attended the El dent J. R. un- amySE-mer Cox se 000 The sharehalders' meeting: fard picule et Orano Saturday,. place ai M 250 will aima consider certai V. and Mis. Arthur Wun, wowsu lu amendmeuts ta Uic corpouate Oshawa came home with theinta îlneu in powcus ai the company in lie and Sunday Mu. and Mus. bat wiUi xpanded operatins. Wren and Mr. and Mu. Dayes The Invil ers_ _ __ __ _ visited th c Elfadsa t Oak. M u. Alvin flTfli<tmnvpMiss Mable Van Camp had home wan or BL.ACKSTOCKrI a friend, Miss Meugo Epp, Ta- cepted. res weckcud et heu mother, Mis. The foflao ire On Wcdnosday, July lSth, W. Van Camp's.. cîcted for Uic W.M.S. entcrteincd the 1Mu. and Mus. RasArcher Mis. Weîle: r. Explorera, Missioe fend, Bu- Wayne and Wendy, Gregg and aident, Mu., r.hy Bad and mot ers et a pic- Geil, Cobourg, weuc Sunday Tisas., Mme feinCatwigtCommunity guesta ai Mu. and Mus. u- omt air Park, Cuesarea. Approxiniate- ranto, home wlth heu for Uic vin Mta mi. ly 00 attended. old Crawford, Janice and Ken. Il Short;J nd A slng sang and a bni bus- a," incas session was held beicue Mus.ý P. Romeulicanducted an Uic programme ai sparts with Ve winneis as follows: Girls aveu ce 9 yeara, Helen Swain; Boys ai aveu 9, Denuis Romeuil; Girls d. 6 ta 9' Beth Dunsmoor; Boys ta 6 ta 9, Donald Wright; Girls - )s 4 ta 5, Heather Darucîl; Boys le 4 ta 5, David Leumer; Girls a 3 and under, Cheryl Wight; i-e Baya 3 and under, Paul La r-m le mer; Girls 9 and aveu, hends ?9, behind back, Helen Swain; ,es Boys 9 and aveu, hunda behind 'Y buck, Dennis Romeuil Belloon as Race, Beth Dunsmoor, Maur! e Kinniinen; Boys lcap fuog, Of fuog, Jim Curnaghan and Ivan£k al Buacîburn; Girls icap 'rog 'la Aine Kinnuncu and Linda Famous Satin Brand Good Si»e Butt; Shoe kick, Denuis Rom- cr11, Linde Butt; Ladies sloe -kick, Eleanor Werry; Wheel un cs O r ng and Jin Carnaghan; Shoe Luscious Vine-Ripened Deep Red Ni - aramble, Elizabeth Thomp- s ou. There was a poporn~A acramble for children 3,4 and VVater'melIons 5 c and e orn ai sm fingold Hot Wcathcr Fevourit, No. 1 Grade A w eo wmigand paddling in the lake was the u u b r iawed by a bountiful lunch of Mild Sweet Washington No. 1 Grade a. sandwiches, coakica, Ice-cream an-d freshies.Sp uih O on A good number fuain here ~ a ih O in attended the Weuuy family Crispy Frosh No. 1 Grade picnic et Hampton Seturduy. U ls great many ettended Saturday.BOU Y The McLaughlin uc-union BNSBY wus heid et Cartwright Park, 75atedigfrinPtebr- K eenex ough, Toronto, Oshawa, Cress- MOI0SC well, Darlington and Cart-1 C wright. The oldest lady ]pues- IS U E cnt, Mus. J. Farder, 87; young- WITH THE PURCHASE 0F KOTEX est baby puesent, Allen Ross Ashton, twa weeks; Coming 12's AT REGULAR PRICE the fuuthest, Mus. Ted Reid, Toronto; Race winners, 5 ta 8 BEST BUY - Save 7e y cars, John MeLaughlin; Race, Blue. Bonnet - Itellow Quik Eeg hands behind back, Carolyn Murray; Balloon race 5-8, Neil A AM E2 kg59 Me ughiin, Cauolyn Muruay; ~P~ Lcap fog, 9 - 15, Dennis Mc- Laughiin and Jin McLaugh- BEST BUY - Sae.lic lin; Kuthryn Murray and Birdseye Frozen 6-oz. fin Cheryl Ashton; Balloon 9-15, Dennis McLuughlin, Putsy Mc- ORANGE JUICE - 4 Fpor79 Laughlin; Peanut scuambie four _________________ ail children. Meu's :stone thuowing, Lauruence McLaugh- BEST BUY - Sae 4c lin, Jim MeLaughlin; Nai Treesweet 48-oz. tin duiving, Arthur Builey, Mis. Harry Wight; Ladies' shoe IGRAPFUIT IUIE - 33c kick, Catherine Bailey; String ~ ~ B ~ ~ I canteat, Haruy McLuughlin, Mis. Jin McLauighlin. BEST BUY - Sae.6c Twenty-iive new members Alcan 25 ft. »oi of the United Church, plus umaw m ,m.n. same friends and parents IILUM'II'l EUAL 29 making a total of eppraxi- mately 50, guthercd in the FEATURE ~Save 14c Christian Educatian Building Sunday night for a social hour 8c off peck on 2 tins - Twin Peck and the puesentation ai Bibles, D T ~ ~~5'L hymu books and membership B T E C E N E 9 certificutes. After a short ad- dress by the pustor and a quiz the meeting discussed the FEATURE - sa Libby's COOKED FEATRE - Save 13c Hemnz Fresh Sweet 16-oz. jar Cucumber PICKLES 2 Fr 4 FMATURE - Save 2c Green Giant Fancy 15-oz. tin WAX BEANS*- - 2 For3 EATURE - Save 2c Cloverleaf - Solid White 7-oz. tin TUNA FIS - - -39 FEATURE - Save 17c York 15-oz. tin CHICKEN STEW 3 For $1.01 FMATURE - Save Cash Hickory Hill Whole 3 IL, 4-oz. ti iea ts Blae.Bone. Removed BLADE ROAST 16.43< Mety and Tender S r L q Short Rib ROAT 49 2 doz. 59 large size 69 3 for25 2 -for 29Ç per head 10 ive lic m1m-ozFor 5 .îw Fresh Ground, Extra Lean NINCED DEEF -- Ly'. 43c Swift's Premium, Sliced1 Rindless 1-lb. sealed pkg. SIDE BACON - a - 69c SALANI - - - - Lb. 69c Dorolhy Reed Produita GARDENTA BOUQUET TALCUM POWDER SHAMPOO WITH EGG COCOANUT OIL FROZEN FOODS ,Birdseye 2 IL Poly Bag Your Choice k4-9c Green Peas 49c SLICED BREAD a a 19v MAPLE GROVE ORONO Kraft 8-oz. jar Kool-Ald SOF? DamN AuGtMarEs 2-z AuntE MREAD24o Maple r ov aetei 49C 9 Fft 48C loal Groceteria BLACKSTOCK i Blyth's Market _________________________ ____ --- - ~ TIE CANADIAn WrATzmAN. OWM&AZVgLL, OUTARTO l WATCH NEIT WEEK'S ISSUE for GRAND OP ENI1N G of McQUINN'S RED &, WHITE GROCERY <Fermerly Talios Red & Whilo) ii MM SL 9.Domvil BANAES GLOI 1001 1 FIEEDIWS Swift's Premium Sliced 6-oz. cello pkg. CGGKED BAR - - - 43c Swift's Delîijous Dutch Lunch Style sliced or piece Prein12-oz. tin Lestoil 16-oz. botule Maple Grove aIf Holds on tth annuel reurlon ah imlywas held ly 10 eCreain ai lrk, Bowmanvllo. p= fcIei!Or ed e ig the macl Uic bual- conducted by Presl- ý.Metceli. Mus. El- xted an Secretauy ln Ir. Harold St. John cable ta attend due n the ianily. ,tatian ai Mr. and n Metcali ta hold gatheuing et their unanmausiy ac- Dwîng iiceis were r1961:- Pucsldent, ýy Werry; Vice Pue- John Jefiory; Sec.- SAlex Muiu* Table ,Mr. and Îrs. Al- -Mr. and rs. Rus IJFUKD Stafford Bros. Nonumenlal Works $18 D»uns St E. Whitby Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3553 PMNEQUALITI MONUMNTS N. fat KRS STAJ mm"" '-m-mi» id )e rs ni, lv a. [y -1 -1 -1 .1 -1 e 1 -- odluce mis Fortha Carolins 1 - --- 1 Z-- enic, 1at- [red pper un. the sery nnis lass, ých; girls iel- ner; Bri- son; ban m- [on Dars xoe 2nd îes- î15 :nd ng IOX. kA kbIe rel- [ed )w- IM- )w- Lal- iir Ion na, ?c oc ic oc 9c Ic ie m 27c 19C lei&&/ le
The Clarington Digital Newspaper Collection is a collaborative project between the Clarington Public Library and the Clarington Museums and Archives.
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