4 * ' ~'.5~4¶~' PMCM TWTLVEC m CANADIAN WEA1~MA1q UOWMAIIVULI, UIZARI *NEW EDLN FOR CASFE Tuesday.430pm Births__ In Memoriam Cmn Events CURTIS - Argus and Jean! MOORE-In ioving memory Barn Dance - Henry Kossl (nee Carscadden) happily an- of William Thomas Moore, who Orchestra. Old Tmeand1 ~Iounce the arrivai of their son,1 died August, 1lst, 1959.' Modemn dancing, .Fnriday, July David John, at Memorial Hos- 1 God saw v,,u getting weary '29' at Allen Fosten's, Kendal. piaBowmanville, Friday,ý So Ho ùdd hat He tboughti-_____ 0 Jul ith., 1960. 30-1* bort j Free transportation ý2r Bap-ý He came and sat beside vou, tist Chumch Sunday Srvices.! KELY Rlp an Abeta Andi whispered "Corne. andi1Phone MA 3-3844 Saturday ev-i! iare- happy to announce the, Rest", enings. ___ 3t birth of their son, Allan Ro- You wished no one a last wovewomntyCnr bort, 8 lbs. 6 oz., at Memnoriail farewell 1Wonsdv i ng o.nuiil ty etr Héspital, Bowmanville, o nINon even said g(ood-bye,l-Mos-teBntgdo.lars; nty - Méonday, July 25. 1960. 30d*~ You had gone before we knew ,gares-thirty dollars; $150( Articles for Sale 1 Articles for -- RASPBERRIES. Orders taken. MANS C.C.M. bicycl Phone CO 3-2229. 29-2 3-355. RASPBERRIES. Orders taken. FINDLAY-Ovai stove. Phone MA 3-7182. 30.2 CO 3-2521. R te R lm p C C. andLoi Ani ol o nwswy jackpot, and rwo jackpots a O$eBORNE-Ronald adLi n nyG- nw ý-y $250. Door pnizes. Nexti (rile Antil) are happy to an- -Lovingly remembered b y Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, nouince the-birth of their son, Mm andi Mrs. Meville Moore Oshawa. 46-tf Bi Patù Charles (7 lbs. 5 oz.) on antd family, Mn. and Mrs. Mac -h Friday, July 15, 1960, at Osh- Moore and fam'ily. 30-i Notices l awa. General Hospital. 30-i1__________________ SMITH - In loving memory Miss A. Hodgins' office willKI - Deaths of our dear father, George M. be closed until August 4th. y Smith, who passed away on _______27-41 H BýGLEY, Vera B. Mils- Julv 28th, 1956: Dm Sssn' ofcec -se _frB( Sciddenly at bier residence, En- The memory that we keep bolidays from Aug. 1 to Sept. si n1skîi'en, on Wednesday, July of you 20th, 1960. Vera B. Milîs, be The shears of Time can't 6 inclusive. 30-2 mi loved wife Of E. W. (Bill) sever; Dr. Keith Billett's office will Cc ]Begley. Age 44 years. Rested For it's planted deep within be ciosed for hoiid'ays from 17~ .er Northcutt andi Smith Fun- our heamîs July 24 to Aug. 7 inclusive. G( eral Home, 53 Division St., Where love will bind il ever. Bý)wnianvi1le, until noon Sat- - Lovingly remembened andl Evelyn Murray School of If urday, July 23rd, thon to the sadly missed by the family. Highland Dancing (M) HDIDi United Church, Enniskillen, 30_1. SA, BATD, CADA, HDA, F- whene service was held at 2______________ wouid begin Highland Dancing 8 p.m. Interment Pinie Grove r . School at Legion Hall if enough er Cèmnetory, Prince Albert. 30-i1 ..1RuS ofL ThankS pupils intorested. For inform- di ______ation Phono R. Hilditcb, MA W I would ike to thank my3-3609, A. Mavin, MA 3-34133, - CHANT, Emma- On Sunday, friends for the many cards, Don Brooks, WMA 3-5339. 30-31 July 24, 1960, at honr home, 771 flowers and gifts whicb I me- sei Riverview Gardons, Emma ceived during my stay in hos- DR. J. R. THOMPSON la] Ayiesworth, dearly beioved pital and at home. wil ho at Memnorial Hospital, w. wife of Stanley G. Chant; be- Bemniece Milligan. Bowmanville, until Labor Day.- Joved mother of Mrs. C. Viv- 30-l* Office Hours: Afternoons 2-41p,~ ian (Beulah), Mrs. R. Camoron Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday F,, (Doris), both of Bowmanvillo; We would like to express and Frlday. Evenings: 7-9,g' Mvrs. A. Vonnen (Stanley) of our sincore appreciation for Monday, Wednesday and Fr1- La Little l3ritain; Miriam of Ton- the many expressions of sym- day. Weekends: Emergencies LI onto; Douglas B., Allen L. of pathy extended to us in our only. No appoitmnent needed. - Toronto; Theodone M. (Ted) o boneavoment _________ _ 27-9* F( Hampton; Christopher J.o The Buttony family. FOR COMPLETE W Milliken; George G. of London, 01* n, -and the late Joseph A. Chant. ____ iIn Rested at the Yonke Chapel of Insurance Coverage .3- Turner & Porter, 2357 Bloor The family of the late Mr. â da. Festrm7:3 p.m. Mon- William A. Hoskins wish to BlMf d.nea service 3 o"clock thank frionds and relativesfo See ilM rio ? Wednsdayaftemnoon. Inter- their cards, flowers and actspl ment Park Lawn Cemetery. of kindness shown during thein 26 CONCESSION ST. W. Bc .e- recent bereavement. MA 3-30483é ______The Hoskins and D( HOSKINS, Wiliarn-At Bun- Sinclair faimilies. Fire - Thet - Automobilel- keton on Thursclay, July 2lst, 30-i Travel - Lifej or 1960, William Hoskins, dean 22-tf 1 01 brother of Florence (Mms. Ed- We wish to express our H ward Caughiil) and Chester, many thanks to the Enniskil- VISIT TUE REAL LIVING -N -age 74 years. Rosted at North- lbn Community for the lovoly TAc eutt and S'mith Funeraî Home, gift which wve received, also SA NTAL. n 53 Division St., Bowrmanviile, t0 our friends, relatives and A 24oTAN GINGm until Saturday momning thon follow employeos for weddîng MY2 oTAKGVN n to heUniedChurch. Burke- and shower gifts. FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY - ton, where service xvas heid Clarence and Shirley Stainton. C9IDRE at 4 p.m. Interment Hampton 30-4* CID Nsui Cemietei-y. 30-i 14 years and under 2 _____We would like to take this accompanled by parent PUE MILLER-At Oshawa Gefl-IOpportunity to thank oun many FREE 4 oral Hospital on Sunday, Ju'y friends and relatives for the 9:30 arn. to 6:00 p.m. 24th, 1960. Annie Helen Rob- loveiy gifts. The Kenwood c son, aige 68 years, wife of the blanket from the Haydon comn- SUNDAY 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. B "-l4ate Wallaee J. Miller, mofinon munity, and the beautiful chair E u of' EiizabeThi, Csbawaf and itym the Enniskilien Commrrun- SANTA'S VILLAGE ist Helen, Toronto, sisten o Miss t and the lovely miror from Mary Robson, Toronto, and W the Enniskillen Soccer Club. BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. foi J. 'Robson, Vernonvilie. Son- Many thanks to the committeos 26-7 3--- vc a edithMorswho worked so bard to make W9 vice as bhel intheMoris ethe eveniag 50 enjoyabie. VIBRA MASSAGE gai Tuesday, July 26, at 2 o'clock. Wlenryand 30-antJa[MT Inîci-ment Vernonvile Cemie -_______ CLN R tr.30-1 May wo take this Opportun- Speclalty Paper Building Clf -~PAEThma Fedrik-tity to express our heart felt FREE First Treatment wlth E .PAEin oaspilal, Bow ' approciation to friends and every course taken hetwe--n e Meioril osptal Bwnin-neigh boums for their floral tri- July 29th, 1960 and bar ville, on Sundlay, Juiy 2t, bt;ad cboaknls Ags 2t,16 1960, Thomas Frederick Page, bs adatsooidns uus 2h 16 l belvedhusandof he hale n during the illness and Slenderizlng Diets - Heat Bo belvedhuban ofth ltebereavement of a îoving Treatment - Vîbrators Isobel Fenguson and dean fat'b-mother. Mrs. M. Sta p i - Foot Massage - Etc. 3- or. ifFnk PgeTaistct ton. A special tbanks to Open Monday, Tuesday, AI Ont, i bi 88h yoar. Resteil Rev. R. White and Rev. M. Wednesday - 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Wi at Northcutt and Smith Fun - Fisher for thein consoling Closed Thursday Bu. era.i Home, 53 Division St.,wod;as MrisC.frrdy - 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. gih wh~e eric ws eld on terefcetsrie Saturday Urgent Cases Only Eq Tuntiay, Juiyamptnamt p.. Evelyn, Thelina and Hugli. Phono MA 3-2611 or caîl for Eaý Jn~ren amto 3Cmtey130*appointment.35 30- _ __ ___ __ _ ___ __ __ __3 0 1 IL Engagements tielp Waned NOTIrL n MT. ad Mr. Jaes M RASPBERRY piekers. Stant Mm.andMrs Jaes yens, immediateiy. MA 3-2668. 30-1* Baltimore, aninounce the on- gagPment of their daughter. THE Bank of Montreal, Bow - Melva Elien. R.N.,. b Mr. manville, bas openings on ils Keith James Adams, son of staff for Junior Clerks, maie MmI. and Mrs. Wellington Ad- or female. Appiy in person at anis, Newcastle. Wedding to baiik. ____ 30-1 tak plceAugst 16 190.at OSTIONS in offices open to Town of dowvmanville 3:30 p.m. in St. Peters Ang-lyou after completing a course NTC FB-A Ol iicah Çhurch, Cobourg. lat Boxvmanviile B usin5 thcosinesgofF -LWconr- 30-1:' Schooi. Registrations for Fail con]ngth lsnofCtr - i ternm noxv bcing accepled. Sre rnig northerly 1\È. and ilrs. Worthy Young Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf, froni Wellington Street to of Auburn. announce the nCAION Dm' Carlisle Avenue and George C gagéent f teir au.lite,, ALIFRNI. Dan, ridge,ý Stroa-t and providing for the iC gagement oftheirdauhtr îubwax- onstruction. Y car s ethereof b hie abutting WleaneWrtb 0Dulsaon projeet. Top pay. "Job. ownors. dAle, sondfr Peas.ceaofWilow-nd1v, 3wan adr;sd n- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- th"daeoEo ri erad,îe HNCO, Box 132, Mcd- E htteCuclo h th"'ltoFrcW. L. Pearce. naENb UA 3t1 oroatione othe Towofh The, marriago wilI take -pl - ace UA.3-*Crprto f h ono on Aug.. 20. 1960, in Aubiurn ARE vou jinîeresied ini a fu' Bowmanville will consider SUnited Churchi. io-l1or spar tiine sales roli)n bv passing a b-lwte Stop up '7, - w~hich you cao carn SI10 u $2)0 and close alf that part of Cen- i Mr. and Ms Lloyd Sniv-a day? Take orders from Ire Street in the Town of den, Maple Grove, wish 10o an-lbeautifiil Display Book fea- Bowmanville running nonth- riounce thie engagement ofj turing over 200 HotîseholdÎerly froni Wellington Streeti their daughter Joan Ga1il tb Produets. Write Rawleigh's,1 to the southema luit f-C-- Mn. Henry Wayne Pickand, soIDept. G-i40-RR, 4005 Richol- hlisle Avenue aa-d--tbhe-south- cf Mm. and _Mrs. Denni's Pick- , Monînreal. 30-i, castera limit of George Street ard, wBowman'-ille. The v edding AGGRESSIVE moen ,,vanted for aI a srpecial counicil meet- will' take place Saturdiay, Aug-1direct selling. Old eliable ing 10 ho held on Tuesday, the ust 20, 1960 at 2:30 o'cîuck inIfirm i h prvn msls301h day of August, 1960, at .MOSsms.Soaix Oiooewt rc it d semi-private patients, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, ixsmples 25c, 24 samplesilounge TV. Fuly licenýsed, F1 Bai-risters & Solicitors, 1$1.00. Mail Order Dept - T-28 Inew building, modern. Visitons ~ 20 Simcoe Street North, 1 Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- welcome. Reasonable rates.) OSHAWA, Ontario. 27-3 monW,, ont. 1-52IPhnt Newcstl 4441. 84tf .C.A. Victor 17" table mociel levision set. MA 3-3129. 30-1-l ASP BERRIIES at farm. M. lantel, R.R. 3. Burketoil. lhone Blackstock 8'2rl2. 30-111 'ANADIAN Isiander, 15 - f t. 'edar strip boa t, 5S /2 Johinson notor. L. G-oddjard. MA 3-5554. 30-1 IARN 30'xiOO'. Suitable for ied or the like. Cheap. Char- es Alldired, Newcastle, R.R. 3. 30-1* bEYS cut automaticaliy, while ,u wait, at Mason & Dale lardware, 36 King St. E., lwmanville. 46-tf >AVE on lumber, direct from ail to you. Phillips Lumber 'o., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 7r 11. 13-tf ;OOD selection used TV sets or reasonable prices. The )utch Merchant, 171 Bond St. ;st, Oshawa. il-tf 1ft. International grain bind- r, povwer-take-off, good con- ition, one man binder. Phone felcome, Plaza 3-2271. 30-1* 'LECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt ervice to electrical appliances, arge and small. Lander Hard- vare. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf 'AINTING and Decorating. r quality materials and Su ar a nt e e d workmanship. mader Hardware & Electric td. 9-tf DOR best in Aluminum Doors, !indows, Railings and Awn- ng. Cal Bowmanvii-le Home nprovements. P h o n e MA *2753. 29-tf rLADIOLUS and cut flowers .r ail occasions. Daily hos- itai aelivery. Mrs. E. Passant, )wmanville. Phone MArket -3527. 27-10* )0 your own floors and rugs Rent a sander, floor polisher rrug cleaner (shampoc, meth- d). We sand floors. Lander [rdware. 5-tf NSULATION, blowing meth- 1, with rock wool. Work- ianship guaranteed. Free esti- iates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- hone Clarke 2420. 39-tf -PIECE walnut dining room ite, i broadloom rug 9'x12', chesterfield chairs and il iao. Apply Mrs. M. Barrett, 1Duke St., phone MA 3-5895. 30-i !URSES at Bowmanvile isiness Schooi for office ositions of your choice. Reg-' trations now being accepted )r fall term. Telephone MA -5434. 23.tf IORK boots and shoes at ban- ain pnices, brown and black, Usizes. Bowmanville Shoe 'pair, 80 King St. W., Bow- ianville. East of Bowmanville canons. 42-tf [EARING aid service. Testing ýrvlce and complote stock of Ittenies and cords at Higgon letric Limited, 38 King St. E., awmanville. Phono MArket -3305. 7-tf UUMINUM D o ors and rindows at economical pnices. uy now and save! Esîlmates TWO iceboxes. 25 lb. IL, $5 each. Phone M OUTBOARD, 3.7 Vikir for sale. 155 ChurchS manville.--- One lawnmower andc lamp with shade. Ti MA 3-5492. RASPBERRIES for sa aId Lamb, Enniskillen CO 3-2064. BOôY'S CCM bic-ycle, speed. 6 Bradshaw St MA 3-3846. _____ RASPBERRIES suita freezing or canning. Cox, MA 3-7189. STRAW - square be dlean, to be taken fi field. CO 3-2015. BEATTY washer, bal tension gate, fireplace Phone MA 3-3643. 950 BALES of good alfalfa hay. Will sel Phone CO 3-2524. COLUMBIA and Vikii bernies by the box c H. C. Pedwell, N( 3856. RASPBERRIES and fresh daîly. Van de1 posite Cream of Bar] 3-5026. SCOTT-Attwater 71/21 board motor. Phone B, ker's Garage, 3-5804 dence 3-5864. MONTMORENCY chei ailable at Parkers.1 2, Newcastle west end Newcastle 2571. HALF-ton steel box wi ers; parts for '47 For, '51 Pontiac. Quantity timbers. CO 3-2589. JULY SALE ending: ishers, $39.95; space $39.95; 3-pce. bedroonr $139.95; 2-pce. chest $139.95; 25% off ail oti chandise. Murphy F Co., King St. W. MA Cars for Sa] CAR trailer in A-1 c( Phone Newcastle 2791 1957 VOLKSWAGEN,i loss van-truck. Low Phone MA 3-3473. 1947 PLYMOUTH Co good unning onder, bo( excellent tires, evt works on Ibis car. Be PhonoMA 33303. ALLSTATE Auto In Save 20%. Six months For personal service home cail Oshawa RA collect. BUYING OltR L SEE Ted Campin Mi RA 3-4494 - Ros. RA 607 King St. Eas Just East cf Wilson OSHAWA REPOSSESSI VEHICLE FORS Ioen on inquiny. Cowan i 1951 PONTIAC SE Iuipment Co., 134 King St Serial No. 1226928 asI, Bowmanville. MArkcel 1960 License Plates No. -689. 23-tf To be sold by pubie _____________________ the highest bidden STIRTEVANTS AU( T I B E S i33 Hall St., Oshawa, Too Good b hoe beginnlng 7:30 p.ni Retreý'aded AUGUTST 4, 196 j 194 & 196 Church 30- Bowmanvillo, Or ______30-tfWe - Build - Botter - Cu T T T P 1 - Wa1s eramie 1J. J. A 1 KNFloors - Plastic - Rubber: Vinyl - Asbestos Suppiied and Instailed Hà. G. HEAL COlfax 3-2531 21-tf See the new German STEREO HI-I SETS Beautiful Swedish Walnut LOWEST PRICES THE Duich Nerchant 171 Bond St. East OSHAWA RA 8-6051 il-tf 'ew Low Prices on GENERAL FREEZERS [h automatic interlor llght automatlc warnlng llght Justable temperature control Fiberglass Insulation Unit and Food Insurance Made iCanada eu. ft. Chest - $229.00 eu. ft. Chest - $259.00 Cu. ft. Chest -___ $319.00 lcen. ft. Chest_ _ $379.00 Easy Terms Arranged Bowmanville 'rigid Locker Svstern PHONE MA 3-5578 28-tf' INVENTORI REDUCTION S. To dlean our lot we ai iag the following ii gre-atly rcduced prices.j are fu1liy guaranteed.. pare tbese prices a: gua rani ee. '57 DODGE V8 Auton-ai-4-Door S $137.1.00 '57 DODGE 6i 4-Doon Sedan $1195.00 '57 FORD 6 2-Door $1295.00 '57 PLYMOUTH 2-Door $1195.00 157 PLYMOUTH 4-Door $1350,00 '56 PY OT 2-Door $995.00 956 PY OT 4-Door $1095.00 '55 DeSOTO .VS Automatic 4-Dooc S$1195.00 855 PYOT Aulomatic $895.00 '54 METEOR Bebuilt Engine, 2-E $695.00 '53POTA Rebuilt Engine and 4-Door $525.00 63 OLDSMOBII Automnatic 4-Doo $695.00 '51 CHEV. 4-Doon $295.00 Newionville Gi Dodte - DeSoto D H. BURLEY,Pr Clre920 er ticks, scrap mron, rags, room and board of father and castle with ail modern con- metals and raw furs. Phone1 eight-year-old son. References veniences, centrally located. RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. Irequired. MA 3-7278. 30-1~ Immaculate condition. Asking Dor48-tf AATET ros e-$10,000 with $3,500 down. rSrn kithenetelarg livng-5-roomed bungalow in Bow- Wanied for Cash room, kitcentte, arg e lin manville, ail moderncnvn Trans. Blooks on Canadian subjects, 23 Temperance, downtown iences, hardwood and tile County Atlases, Town Histor- Bowmanvile. 22-tf MA 3-3303 floors. Price $9,800. Torms am- lms etc., other subJects if inti raniged. X LE fine bidis, or with colour APARTMENT, 2nd floor, rear, ordIllusteati52s. n Victor Manor, King Street UIA John F. De Wiih Write Avrie 2 West; kitchen, living-room, c/o Canadian Statesman. bedmoom and full bathroom, I ~ Realtor and General Insurance IM.0. Box 190, Bowmanvllle. heavy wiring, electric water ~ U 1 Newcastle Phono 3341 30-1* heatem. Available immediate- Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 __________________ly. Contact Bill Curtis MA Ross Davidson, Bethany, 32R3 arge Pes orSale 3-7135. 23-tf L. A. Perrault, Clarke- 2231,,~ mong t s or i e w y fr - _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- L Dealer GERA.N Shepherd pup, ten Room and Board j - f good home. Phone MA 3-2217 ROOM and board for 15 or 20 BITDG' IE. an; wcr3 to Peter, 30-1 after Thuraday. 30-1 mon. MA 3-3347. 28-4' hn A323. a- Sale Auction Sale Work Wcxnted Real Estaite for Salejfleal Estate for Sale l.MA Auction Sale of the late Mrs. BRICK work. Norman Pingle, T . lT 0hielt aVlaeo -30.1* Annie Evans will be held at 72 Elgfin St., Phone MA 3-5518. >aeas& iReail sIale THampto.Phone CO 3-2672. Phone the Orono Sales Arena, Fri- 26-tf Cottage at Cedar Crest 7-tf 30-1 day, July 29, at 8 o'clock. CFLN and hoe crop Bah 6-rooms, water system. Four room modern bungaio '. 301work, $3 per hour. Phone MA firepiace, sunporcni, boat, house! garage and breezeway taZý and 503-58 27-4 with mec. room above. LOw ed. A. Jakeman. Phone Orono A~ 3-5897. 0f Peter Fyffe's Imported3-58 down payment. 1738.29* 30-i Antiques, at the Armiouries iii'NEW and repair contracting. 7-room house in small town nig motor Orono, 5 miles north of New-j Brick and Mason work. Phone on pavement just off 1i5, gasPdw l RelE ae -t. Bow- l Sale Saturday, August MA 3-5820. L. Turner. 30-tf pumnp and general store, at- ew l R alEti 30.ý B * 6 at i p.m. Over 200 lots of --3-*period furniture, decorative DUTCH girl desires bouse- tached garage. In excellent 100 acres on No. 2 Highway one table china, choice glass-ware, ster- work or suitable work, day- condition. $8,500 with ternis. and adjoining 401 Highway, .elephone ling, Sheffield plate, dlocks, time. Phone MA 3-3845. 30-1* Will exchange for good house east of Newcastle, large brick 3o-1______________etc._Ths_____noin Bowmianville. bouse, conveniences, ban4'xO rvr a n km ----1 brauss, c nde. ec.his et is l-SEWING machine repairs and We have ouses, bungalows, bash, 0 acO'rescivrandood ale. Don- raherantousdigct shimnt of service. Needies, bobb i n s, cottages, businesses. uh90arsclitego Phone rare antiquesidirectefror Eur .Phn ope. Articles will be on dis- parts for ail makes. Phone M. E. LEASE poding farm. honsetfsoua. 30-1 paFiaAgs ,fo Blackstock 77. 30-i Real Estate Broker pitett npc hsot -_-__ply,___ ,Agut ,frm tanding farin. Sabre 3- 2 -9 p.m. Catalogues on re- PLUMBING, heating, eaves- 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville We have good farms from . Phone quest. Termis cash. For further troughing, free estimates. Har- MArket 3-5919 1 50 acres to 500 acres waiting 30)-l information contact. vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax 3- o ues H. Bruce Snider, Auctioneer; 3-.2281 or Orono 1782. 137tf 630-1 f or ue s nOoowt ble for Phone Odessa 195, (private - -Ij itue and hardwood floors, oil Elmer line). 3Petera e lIer .LOWal frnace, bath, garage, ý/4 acre 30-i 3()1____man Van D ello. fu 0 ow.Tens ýaes and Beautiful 8-room residence GENERAL CONTRACTOR * EALTOR l ot. $l, d n Newcsl. [rom the and entire contents of bouse- Blrick, Block, Concrete and Lot on Ont.ario St. Bargain,$6,000, with $1,000 down. 30-i hold furniture, furnishings, Carpentry at $2,000. 60 acres pasture land on 3rd ýb'se cx- electrical appliances, etc., es- New Work and Repairs Cottage at Cedur Crest line close to Newcastle with ebasket. tate of the. late Mrs. Thos. PHONE MArket 3-3694 Beach. Furnished, 5 rooms. river. could be divided into 2 30-1 Smith, to be held on the pre- 7 Mill Lane 5-tf $4,000, easy ternis. acre 'lots. Asking $5,000, with - d mises, Blackstock, Saturday,- 2-apartment home on Liber- $1.000 down. mixcedp August 6th, at 1p.m. sharp. Plastering Repairs !y St. N. Ail modern conven- 27 acres on two highways, cha.There wiii be fed for sale iences. Hot water heating, gar- rnsul stone house, banik barri 30-1 subject to a reserve bid, thîs QUICK SERVICE age. Only $10,500, ternis. 40'x6O', cernent floors, garden ing asp- pactically new home wîth STUCCO AND NEW WORK 160 acre farm at Newcastle. soul, school on property, ternis. or crate. every convenience, sunporch, Very early land, good build- We have vacant land, 10 ýewcastie, hardwood and tule floors, ou L T F ings. Priced to seîî. tpres and 412 acres close to 30~l hetin, god aseentand5 acres with modernized 6 HAROLD C. PEDIVELL gldoi double garage, in good resi- 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 room i '1/ý storey house, 2-car Broker Beait, dentiai district. Ternis made 16-tf garage, dhicken barn. NwatePoe35 Bly, MAP known day of sale. This is a 3-bedroom bungalow ti N wa stePoe3056 30-tfMAioveiy home and weil worth Plumnbing - Heating nice location, nmodern. Priced 3- 3-fattention of prospective buyers. a only $10,000, ternis. h.p. out- Chas. and Ken Lamb, Auction- PaT f- ir aemn tes ee edm .ob rso- crLnsy A4230-2' AIL~LLA~ Box 817, Bowinanville, Ont. REAL ESTATE BROKER or 1 resi-AR Offices 100 acres with 7-rom insul- 30~* ______ 30- À BA RS99 King St. E. - MA 3-5868 brick bouse, barrn 30'x60', gar- rries av- MA 3-7127 52. King St. W. - MA 3-2453 age, 2200 Xmas trees plantecl, Highway 66 King St. W., Bowmanville Saiesmen:Prc $90,350d w . 30- PhnJreEtia~'~ . A: Barton - MA 3-3098 100 acres, 6-room home, ithfed- NTRIOBA KHO W RK C. Soper - MA 3-2624 batikbarn, 29,000 Xmas trees îtrucdkC H E W R patd Ago nesieta of bdtuck Department of fllghways Trenching - Backfilling McQl uay and Kîdd $10,500, only $2,000 to pay of barnSeptic Tanks ownl. 30-P'T A"T* New Equipment REALTORS 25 acres, 6-room house, bank ~.E. ol- N1..LL.J IIU1 IVAN MOUNTJOY Members of Oshawa & District barn, implement shed, garage, savers, Blackstock 8 4 Real Esat Board good soil, 12 miles from Osh- n suites, U LC U TO before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. $5,000 down buys 17~5 acre a Ew rCATe .0,,000 bdroom terfieids, 15-tf farmi in Clarke Township with NWATE ero ier mer- PROPERTY SALE T-0570 trout stream. Full pnice only home, twvo bath-rooms, oil urniture A .roima M3/neres prt$14,500. yfurnace. This home must be L3-3781. of Lot 25, Concession 7, Town- Sae nY ai $,500 down buys brand new smst e a.Seceds o n- 30-1 ship of Clarke, County of Dur- ebungalow with oh fsuroacin « bugalo wit oilfurnceformation. 'e ham, located on the east side Dave's Shoe Repair 4-piece ceramnic tje bath, over- giw ulbsmno un ÎÏ-e f HihwayNo. 35, in the FAST, PROMPT SERVICE looking Lake Ontario. Ail new OSHAWA, 3-bedroomn bun- .ondition. Village of Kirby. 26 Ontario St., Bowmanville Full price only $1,00 ace. Price*$7,000, $500 down. 1. 30-i PROPERTY SALE T-.0573 CORNER KING & ONTAI MAPLE GROVE, 4-room bun- window- Approximately 14/10 acres, _________ 2-f 2000 down buys 14ý'2 acres galow, bath, nice lot, paved mileage. part of Lot 25, Concession 7, -o level market garden land, road. Price $7,500, $ 1,000 down. 27-tf Township of Clarke, County WHT W SHNdeaî for building -on Liberty Highway property, 4-room WHITE ASHI G StNorth. Full price only $400 bungalow, hydro, gonod well. ach, in of Durham, located on the east Pie$.0,S,0 on ,dy good, sîde of Highwvay No. 35, in the STABLES, ETC. per acre. Pie$,0,$,0 on ýerything Village of Kirby. n"'qOEVKC 4 unit apartment building in Lot 90'x280', good garden cst offer. Prospective purchasers are BE T T M KN Hapobign$25m - ilPrc$6.1 28-1 hereby notified that the PHONE CLARKE 4721 thl3T. Only $15,000, wit'h $5,000 On Highivay No. 2 foregoing property sales have NIEWTONVILLE down. One Mile East of Bowmanville surance. been canceleildand the 16-tf We have over 100 farms of Telephone MArket 3-3644 Sto pay. UTO SALE WILL NOTai types to choose from, also Salesman: G. Blyleven 5-2802, BE HELD à~1 W large selection of homes, 5-82 S A A T creages and businesses. PoeM - 30 -1 2-tf onl the premises at Il a.m. TELEVISION AERIAL SALES Cal3- LND...INSTALLATION & REPAIRS WALTER FRANK339 eW t elEtl Thursday, Aug. 4th, Bowmanviile Phone Oshawa17 Church St. MA339DeW h R alE ai otors 1960 MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 Bowmanville 3- DAIRYFARM, 200 acres as L5-5574 as previously advertised. BELL AND BOB LEASK 30- a going concern with cattie Lt39-tf T . and machinery, 140 acres a Rd) Department of Hlghways a tdwrbl, ivgo hp Ontario R N SDA n rpldfr roofed barn, bulk tank cooler, AR N SDA adcrpidfr stock,1 etc; 8-roomed brick bouse, 10-tf__ 30-1 picked up promptly. Telephone1 water on tap. Asking $30,000. ED Liestok forSaleELECTRIC MOTORS COlfax 3-2721. Mamgwill Fur Ternis.acefrnrBt- ____________ _____f REPAIRS anàd REWINDING to Farm, Tvmone. 7t 20 acefrnrBth SALE HOLSTEIN heifer cal ves. al your Electrical Equipment A reliable party would like to ay hiproofed bank-barn, ce. EDA- 43 Third St. Bowmanville an outboard powered pleasurc roomed brick bouse, furnace, 88A9 WELL started pigs. Austin 19-tf boat. Please phone MA 3-5445. running water. Asking $15,000. A3859 Wood. MA 3-2388. 29-1* 30-1 Low clown payment. A3798 ____________________92 acre farmn, 87 acres work. auction TWENTY well started pigs. For Rent algo ad ampns at the Austin Wood, MA 3-2388. - Repairs algo ad ampns CTION 30-1* GARAGE for rent, 31 Carlisle__ L-shaped batik-barn, runninig Ave. Phone MA 3-3324. 30-1 RADIO and television epairs, water, silo, garage, 8-roomned Ontario TWELVE Holstein heifers, Prompt service. Pick-up and homne, xvater on tap. Askjng 1. on freshening soon, ail vaccinated. APARTMENT available im- delivery. George's, 85 King St. $16,000. Low down payment. oý PhoneBlackstock 87r4. 30-1 inediately. Phone MA3-49 E. Phone MA_3-5713. 29-tfj DAIRYFARM, 200 acres, . 45 YORKSHIRE pigs, seven________ - GUARANTEED televisio and 10arsxokbe strea, 5 &ket weeks old. Phone Newcastle SIX-roomed bouse. Available radio service, to ail mnakes. L-shaped bank-bain, drive ~ St, 2137. Ross Adams. --- 29-i Sept. 1, apply 17 Park Rd. S., Saine day service. Televisioný shed, silo etc; 8-roomed brick n0t.XE Oshawa. 30-1 Service Co. Phone MA 3_3283 jhouse with ail modemn con- 10MXDcbickens, four ---______ 49-tii veniences. Ask i ng $25,000. astomers months old. Quantity cedar CENTRAL located seif-contain-- Terins. 30-4* posts. Lawnmower. 143 Queenj ed apartment, aduits onîy. REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- 50ar rn, othPt y St. 30-1*I MA 3-3394. 30-1* atures turned, to ail makes of 5 cefr, nrhPr _________ - electric motors. Higgon FIee. Pc rry, stream, large barn, silo, PUREBRED Holstein cow, 6 APART'MENT - Immediate tric, 38 King East. Phone MA rv sle,8omd bic ~T'year ol'd, due August 1, also possession, Centre Street, Bow- 3-3305. 7 tf!1 houise withi furnace. running ;ALEJJ a grade Holstein hieifer due manville. Phone HA 5-5427, REPAIRS to ail - bt nd olofacrsAsin re ofer_ ugust1. Aply Bake hort.Oahas. ofi S w- $12,000. Ternis. j offer- Agus05i. Apy2ikeSor.Osaa.31 n machines. Free pickip and 33 acre farm, iocated 8 miles mils- -t - 305. V.1 HA TED apartmet. t hree1 delivery. Laverty's Bargýain1from haw, aI-worabl TRUIMAT. JULT 2M. lo(M tg