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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1960, p. 13

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TIIURSDAY, 3ULY 2mb, 1MB ? CANAMAN ffTAT~~AN. W~WMAUVWZ.~ of Augut t Orono United Cbur lu be regulr er- vices af worsbip the first two weeks in August with Mr. M. The rono NewsH. Staples in charge o! both Mrs. James E Richards, Editor wl ewtotsrie Mi. and , Mrs. J. Madison vsited fon the weekend with Mrs. John Turner and family, OvrSOINA Ardron, Welland, weîe aven- Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Boutillier, Keene. Oe 300 people attended night guests of his grandmo- New Toronto. Mi. and Mis. Glen Allun and the twiligbt meeting at the ther, Mis. Madison Hall. Mn. and Mns. Norman Allia family, Newcastle, visited Mi. home of Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mn. and Mis. Marshall and Sharon are holîdaying in and Mns. E. Rainey on Sun- Tink, going later to the Corn- Chatterton spent the weekend the Kawantha District on Lake day. Mr. Allun was the guest munity Hall for a pîogramn with Dr. and Mis. Keith Tay- Catchacoma. soloist Sunday monning at and lunch. Mi.and vue, Coaumbus, Mis. Howard Walsh has ne- Orono United Chunch. The Three M'a will have a Mrio Ahvery, Mis.mVic, turned home aiten spending Mn. John Patton, Mr. and picnic dinner on Sunday, tonr Peacock, Oshawa, Mn. and two weeks holidaying with Mis. Roy Patton îetunned July 31st, at Waltana Park, Mis. Geo. MeFeeters, Hawks- Mr. and Mis. Clement Webb, home on Sunday after visiting Newcastle. buny, visited Mis. R. R. Wad- Midland. Mis. Patton's parents and The Tbree M's wiflbave a deil. 14Mis. J. Wesley Rae, Tnan-friends in Sussex, New Brun- tu fteBl eehn Mr. and Mis. Ross Wood f0, Mn. and Mis. F. L. Dixon, swick, also visited in Prince Building in Osbawa, on Aug- and family, Grimsby, Mi. and London, visited their cousin, Edward Island and Nova Sco- ust 29. Others wisbing to jain Mis. Jim Middleton, Mr. and Mis. J. E. Richards, Friday, fia, tnavelling around tbîee with the gnoup will be wel- Mis. Bruce Tennant, Randy aften spending seven weeks tosn ie ntndy. came and are requested ta and Cnaig, visited Mr. and in -Europe. Mr. Hubert Cobbledick, Lea- contact Don and Joyce Tay- Mirs. Elmer Middleton and Mn. and Mis. Harold Salten, mington, spent the weekend lai, as soan as possible, sa daughters o! Oshawa at Con- Mis. Henb Rundle, Hampton, with bis mothen, Mis. WmI. that necessary arrangements secon on Sunday. Mis. M. Cana, Bowmanville, Cobbledick. fon the tour may be made. Dr. and Mis. Wm. Brown Mn. and Mis. David Phasey Rcv. A. E. Eustace, Goder- Most farmers have cam- and daughter, Guelph, visited and family, Tyrone, Mn. and ich, formerly of Onono, bas pleted thein haying, whicb bas bis aunt, Miss Sadie Brown Mis. Neil Wood, Gail and accepted a caîl to Empress been an abundant cnop this on Satunday. Sandra, Lakefield, visited Mn. United Church o! London. year. Mn. and Mis. Walter Wool- and Mis. Chas. Wood. Mn. and Mis. H. T. Camp- Mr. and Mis. C. Pascoe vis- ley, Bowmanville, spent Sun- Mi. and Mis. Albent Mit- bell, Mis. J. Feathenson, Mns. ited Sunday eveniag with Mn. day with Mi. and Mis. Reg chell and family, spent the L. Weatberill, Toronto, Mis. and Mis. J. Yellowlees. Sutton and attended bath weekend at thein cottage neai Douglas Bannes, Oshawa, Mn. Mr. and Mis. Wes Yellaw- chunch services. Picton. and Mis. Roy Powens, Scan- lees, Harold and Murray,, Mn. and Mis. Robt. Morton Mis. Fred Green, Holland borough, visited Mis. Cecil weîe Sunday guests o! Mr. and family, Kendal, are visit-, Landing, visited in Orono last Powers. land Mis. Jack Marks, Scar-« ing bis sister, Mis. Jas. Grun- week. iVrs. R. R. Waddell with1 boîough.1 erod, Mr. Grunerod and fam-,1Mr. Jack Hudson is a pa- Miss Florence McMillan, To- 'Mis. H. E. Tink visited Mis.t ily in St. Cloud, Mina, tient in Oshawa Hospital. ronto, Mn. and Mis. Bruce'Anthun Taylor at Cherrywood. Mn. and Mis. Wm. Mitchell Mrs. Cecil Powers visited Thompson, visited the St. 1 Dianne Tink is holidaying are visiting Mi. and Mis. her brother, Mi. Cleve Clem- Lawrence Seaway last week.! with hien cousin, Linda Han-C Burns Kittmeî and sons, St. ence, Oshawa. Mi. and MVrs. E. G. Hay and vey, Toronto.r Marys. Mi. and Mis. Jack Bail, son Bill, Islington, visited on Mn. ana Mis. O. Lunn and t' Miss Joyce Jones visited her Aylmeî, spent the weekend Sunday with hier parents, Karen, Peterborough, spenta cousins, Mr. and Mis. Don: with hen mother, Mis. Neil Mi. and Mis. R. E. Logan. several days with Mn. andv Powell and family, Elizabeth., Porter and John Jr., îeturned Mis. Maurice Aanaert, Miss Mis. Roy Langmaid. t Mn. and Mis. Jack Staple- home with his parents. Shirley Vagg and Mis. How- Mn. and Mis. Charles Lang- ton, Kendal, visîted Mi. andi Mis. Orville Cbatterton, Ca- aid Myles, were joint hostess- maid and childien and Teddy j Mis. Chas. Cooper on -Satun- rol and David spent the week- es at the latter's new home on Lunn, Mn. and Mis. D. Flett day. end with Mi. and Mis. Ed July 20th, fon a miscellaneous and childien, visited Santa's1 Mn. and Mis. Leslie Aslett Hendenson and family at their shower in honon of Miss Rose- Village at Bracebridge. and family visited Santa's cottage, Lake Scugog. mary Noden o! Newcastle, a Mis. J. Westlake, Mn. Bill' 'Village near Bracebîidge and! Mn. and Mis. Win. Mitchell bride - elect. Twenty - five Westlake, Bowmanville, Mn. W -ideimere. and Margaret Mitchell, spent friends wene present. J. Richards, Oshawa; Mn. and Mi. and Mis. W. B. Hoar the weekend witb Mr. and The services for the moath Mis. N. Fice and Douglas, 1 Tauntonz Mr. and MrsN. Y L E T N adYk visited Mr. and Airs. 'ran Westlake, Sr. -, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcohr Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harri. and family cafled on friends son, Lois and Ralph, Oshawa, in the oomanunity this week- vislted Mr. and Mrs. Harvey end. Cindy, Karen a.nd Joy Yellowlees and family. are spen'ding a week with rela- Douglas, Ricky and Karen tives here. Broome, Tyrone, holidayed Mrs. H&ugh McGill is spend- with their uncle and aunt, ing a few diays wlth ber dau- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome ghter ini Port Perry this week, and sons. the Bill CaTnegies. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and A faimily reunion was held family visited on Sunday at tbis weekend at the home of Mr. J. Flett's. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Myles Hutchi- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray. son, Bailieboro; Mr. and Mrs. Brief surcease from the daily Thurtie, Port Hope, visited at grmnd bas characterized this Mr. J. Flett's and Charles weeks' activities in Yelverton. Westlake's, Peterborough The David Wilsons and Mis. Mrs. N. Yellowlees, Bow- A. MeQuade spent a weekend manville, is visiting Mr. and with the Cecil Archers of Mrs. Ernest Hockaday and Brighton. daughters. The Jack Wilsons end famiiy Sharon and Jili Ormiston, enjoyed a dey with the Sid Oshawa, bolidayed at Tomý Cooks at their cottage near Baker's. BoLsovir. Mr. J. Baker and Gail vis- The Norman Wilsons and ited Mrs. H. Couch, Bowman. girl motored to Elmvale near ville. Wasaga Beach, for a famiily re- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, union at the Norman Neajs on Peterborough, visited at I. Sunday. Hardy's and Joe Snowden's. Mr. Oram Moore leaves this Nancy Knox is holidaying with ber cousin Barbara Mill- Mr. and Mrs. D. Beath and er, Brougham. daughters, Columbus. James Drynan, Oshawa, Ellen and Larry Cryderman visited at Mr. and Mrs. John spent the weekend with Mr. Knox's.- and Mrs. E. J. Wray and Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman daughters, Oshawa. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Gilroy Bruce Montgomery on a mo- and sons, Columbus, visitcd tor trip to Western Ontario. at Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milison and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cry- and sons attended a picnic at derman enjoyed a pleasant Cobourg on Sunday. motor trip to Cornwall over Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce, the weekend where they had Ebenezer, Miss Elizabeth an interesting tour of the Sea- Brooks, Somnerset, Englarid; way and other points of in- Dr. George Werry; Donald terest. and James Werry and Kevin Kathy, Susan and Ronald Dancey, Oshawa, visited tbe Vice spent the weekend with Werrys at Roselandvale. week for a two 1to thrs week ing to the west coust and back.. Destination, relatives of X~ere- Holds Picnic at smeos, B.C. *We at Malconia took "Dutch', leave of farim obores and *housebold drudgery this weekP t r o o g (1)-to keep as far away from Sixty-five descendants of dirty dishes as possible (aur the MeGill family met in Nich- first mate's mnain objective); ols Oval, Peterborough, on (2)-To spend 24 hrs. a day, if Saturday, July 23rd, 1960, for 1possible, on the beach; (3)- tvii î@tb annual reundon pic-. fTo find that poor girl in ber nic. 1 itsy-bitsy yelluw polka-dot inAfirabutosptlc order f0 reassure ber- punely ien a boudnteoHarveyo-c 7platonic of course, an unfull- dnr rsdnHre c sfilled ambition sligbIty bondi- GuI, welcomed ail new-comn- capped by oui over-attentîve ers and &II those who had come overseen. froni Toronto, Bowmanville, Our oto tnp som 60Chesey, Enniskillen, Bethany cigars in ength encoxpasse<I and Millbrook He conducted cails at Stayner, Beatty faims. Collingwood, Owen Sound, Wi- on oliher friends in community. arton (a call at the "'Echo", Yelverton's annual Com- work-bench of the inimitable munity Picnic la schedruled for Bi-I Smiley); Goderich, Strat- Cartwriglt Conimunity Park fond-whene we enjoyed the flext Siat., July 30, at 1 p.m. hospitaility of the Marshall Oui Church. Congregation Malcodins and a trip thru the was augmented on Sunday by Shakespearean Festival Cen- the welcoxne addition of two tre; relatives at Cooksville and d&ozen B<>y Scouts and leaders Port Credît and home- al] wbo have been tenting in the pooped out. sohool grounds tbis past week The Art Rowans and girls following the break down al accompanied by Miss Doreen their bus. These lads were ad- Gordon spent Tbursday with herents Of AU! Saints Cburch Doris' aunt ait their cottage on and Grace United Church of Lake Kashagawigamog-sounds London, Ont., and menthers of like at an Indian nesenve. Won- the 26th Scout Patrol of that der what tribe Doris belongs city. On Saturdav evening they Vo? ? ! ! were hosts Vo a few immediate The Bill Werry's of Kedron neig<hbours at a Camp Fire1 picnicked Sunday afternoon at Session.1 the Rowans: Linda neturnlng We are happy to hear that with them for a holiday. Eliz- a public meeting was called a'beth is spending a few days this week in Janetville United with Cheryl Rowan at Ennis- Church basement relative to killen. providlng more adequate fine1 Mr. Art Evans of Acten bas 'yrotection, with a conitteei been 'visiting with bis sister being nianied Vto delve into tbe1 a brie! business session at appointed the sarne execuWie for another year. President- Harvey MCP1 Vice-Pies. - Lewis cW Secretary-*Miss Esther MIÀ* Treasurer- Mis. Harold T~ Sports Committee - Ro~~ Ashton and Miss Revg Mc=2l Mr. and Mis. Raaph VirtC. Parks Cominttee- Mr. ant Mms. Jack Clarkson. Nomina- tions Conuttee- Mis. Lloyd- Ashton and Mis. Roy MeGin. An interesting programme at, sports ended a mot enjoyable- afternoon with the winners ap follows. Paper Plate Throwing fQr' Women- Kathy Brown; Long.. est step for men- JIn Kins. man; Shoe Kicking for vm.Mt. en- Ruth McGill; Shoe Kick- inç for men- HaLrvey McGiI. Miute race for both men at- women- AI Adiamson audL, Ruth McGifl; Balloon contest,-,: Mr. and Mms. AI Adamson;, Mot articles in wonians purse, - Mrs. Frank McGill; MoSt pennies in a mian's pocket.-. Fred Billeit; New1erwed&..ý Mr. and Mis. Keith MicGill; Oldet poison present- Mr'.. Wm. Pritchard; Youngest per- son present~-Bnian McGiUJ; From. farthest distance- Mri: Frank Price, Vancouver B. l~ Guess beans in bottle- AIà Adamson; Guess weigbt of watermelon- Lewis McGiI;, Girls 5 years and under-- Linda Sharp, Boys 5 years an.- under- Billy Migbt; Girls- &. te 9 yeans- Sheryl Ashton; BoYs 6 te 9- Mark Adamson;, Girls 10-12- Bonnie Dawson; Girls 12 and oven- Ms. Fmnk Pnice; Boys 12 and oven- Jil- Billett; Chiildren's wbeelbar- row race- Bonnie Dawson and Nancy Might; Peanut scraxnble Mis. Mabel Rowan and called coot angle and other problems for ail childïnen. ALL THE FOR ONL RESILICRETE *CCRLOOR PAINT Em. 8.95 uss20% GARDEN 1 *SHOVELS, RAKES, HOES., FORKS, WEED CI ROX 5 YEAR AUi PUIPOSE PAINT MEG. 8.75 GAL. jusS 20%y *OSHAWA PRODUC9 Downtowr, Showroom 84 Sio St. S. - RA 8-1617 9 TELEPHONES TC -MA 3-2130 - - uI JdldU rixin sar Arizona No. 1 Grade Vine Riper 1Mo " ' ANTALOUuES A&MS Elberta No. 1 Grade, YelIow Freestone PEACHES California No. 1 Grade, Juicy PEARS mMTmFE California No. 1 Grade, Finest for. Euffnq PLUMS IRED muR Arizona No. 1 Grade, Girdled Cluete SEEDLESS GRAPES Shankc Portion SHANK HALF No Centre Slices Removd pi53c AIR Priome la Thie Ad Oaummtomd 1hvqb @W4 Jkdp Na. II ffm Off Deal TIDE %an,$ u19e wwffawg 2 '-5 c 6&>9c 6màgq.ambo3 9C 123 HeId Over ANOTM WMK 8 O'CLOCK COFEE SALE "bu lb e ' Il& UI 17 - SAVE 1I& MLu> Ou 7% - $AV£ Se NUCOA MARGARINE %2î.5o-VEMc.4l-b*g89e ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE Rt& .I-4E lu m451 Super-eRighi Qualiky Weekead Ment Feotures Cooked, Ready fo Serve HAMS Butt CENTRE cmI oSTEAKS 69C à 53C (DOED Wmoi£ Amum 1b57c '4P g5 9c FÇROZEN FOOD FEATURE A.P Faaay Quality blic.d, New Pk o..P4g 37e-BAVE 50 Strawbernies 2I .pk69C AT @SMAWA WOOD PRODUCTI THURS. - FR1..m SAT. PLASTIC PAILS 3-PIECE GARDEN TOOL SET HACK SAWS GLASS FIBRE PIPE WRAP SET 0F STEEL BITS PRUNING SHEARS HAMM ERS MAIL CUTTERS 5"o DIAMETER SAN DING DISC 3-PIECE INTERCHANGE- ABLE SAW SET RUBBER MALLET COPING SAW 1E VALUES 'Y a 0 a a a a 0 170OLS LAWN EDGERS, LITTERS FFI OUTIDE WHITE PAINT SPECIAL wýooD rs ITOU Main Off ice and Showroom Courtice-RA 8-1611 P SERVE YOU Ajax - ZEnith 2,9600 IN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 F.M. PICNIC TABLES SPECIAL SPRUCE 13.00 Look Here - Less Thon $17.00 Ann Page 16-M W e &Mm m's.ojft ne SALAD DRESSING MAYONNAISE 32-oz jai 59< I 3-cala69e This Weeks Groc:r Fatrs t & Reg. pkg $123 - BAVE AN EXItA 40 speial EBlnd lànd9*9. 1 A&P TEA PAINT BRUSHES LES 20% SMOKED FR11 1 PLASTIC PAIL WITH EVERY GALLON 0F PITTSBURGH PAINT i43c DM -rHALF No Ceaie S"k. Reav 8»63C SMOKED SIDE BACN Cam.o Suoemu 19095 4 SE9.95 ALL RDADS [LAD TO ... 0511Wl WOOD ?IGODUCTS mum WOOD '. I wL jt PRODUCTS j W0 -UU.. E PA( i THMWAY, JMT 2M, iffl mu PINE 1

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