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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1960, p. 7

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TRURSAY, JJLY 2tb. 100 TM CARADIAN WTATZURAxnuOwEAnvmuL MTAMI btimI Susan BoerdmaLn, Belle- Ville, is visiting ber frienc, Miss Judith Trewin. MIT. and Mrs. John Sim Cleveland, Ohio, are bolidaying wlth thir daughter, Mis. Te. 'O* Mrs. Hugh Hainer, Debbie and Paul, Pittsburgh, Pa., are visitlng with. ber mather, Mrs. Tom Buttery. Mr. William Bennett and non, Dr. H. Bennett, Toronto, calierd on Mn.anid Mis. E. W. Foley on Sundeay. Mnr. and Mis. Percy McMa- hon and Robert, Toronto, vis- ited bis mother, Mrs. Lillian MeMahon, an Sunday. Mr. and Mis. John Carpenter and thice children, Guelph, have been vlsiting ber mother, M&%. Vera Adler, Hor s e Street. Mr. and Mrs. C. McEnroe have retunned ta Terra Banne, Quebec, alter a visit witb the former's sister, Mrs. Perey Cowan. Dr. Margaret Riley, Chicago, Ill., is visiting ber brother, Mr. Herb Ro>gers, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Churc5b Street. Mrs. Harry Alin, Etobicoke, lies been assisting ber father, Mn. W. J. Berry, in bis store while Mirs, C. J. Burdett, Scu- gag Street, is an vacation. Mr. and Mis. Alan H. Os- borne, Town, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Eagleson, Oshawa, vacation- cd lat week at Paignton House, Lake Rossemu, Mus- koka. Mr. and Mira. James Stutt and famlily leit by mti this week ta visit bis mather, Mrs. Raom Stutt, in Lexington, Ken- tiucky, where she is visiting relatives. _&M. and iUs. Russell Ginib- 'qrP'-t and Sharon, Maple Grave, -.cended the stock car races in Toronto on Sunday wben their son Tom placed second iinc of the races. Mr. and rs. M. D. Cubitt- Nichais and Miss Masie Cub- itt-Nichols, Barrie; Mr. and MIxs. H. Huffinan, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Leigbman the past week. e- att at their cottage, Essn l, Lake, Wilberforce. Members ai Jerusale In L.dge n, A.F. & A.M. No. 31 who at- ïg tended the lOth Annuel Comi- d munications 0f Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. cd! Canada in the le Province oi Ontario beld in e Toronto lest week were Wor. sM. Lloyd Ayre, V. War. Bro. A. W. G. Northcutt, Wor. Bro. dLaverne Clemnens, Bro. A. L. Blanchard and V. Woe. Bro. E. Ruthven. You're not dreaning Hf you - met a young lady walkig «a -grey and white rabbit an a leasb on King Street Eat. Miss n Confie Tullock ai Oshawa and ber pet rabbît "Scammpy" are ýr vWsting ber grmndparents, Mr. 1and Mis. E. S. Harnden. The rbunny la aven a year aid and Yseems as muoh ait haine wear- ing a collar and chain as amy ememben of the canine faniuly. In a recent edl-tion ai "The1 Hamilton Spectiator" an article1 headed "Paint Brush I-storian9 Goes Northi on Pilgriimege"1 by Elsie Carruthers Lunney *covers a goad haif ai the firstg *page of the second section. It1 tells the stoiry ai the trip1 made ta Minose Factory by *Mrs. W. L. Paterson, Conces- sio)n St., ta capture on canvas saine ai the historic buildings ai the ancienit Hudson's Boyî Company post situa'ted theret befone tbey were d'emolisbed.i Three photos accompany thet article; two taken by photo-à grapher Wood are ai the aidà buildings and the ane by Mrs. r Lunney shows Mrs. Paterson's Painting of the chief factonrse bouse. The latter clearly showst how very accurate Mins. Pat- enson's work is in every de- tail, for it appears beside ah photo ai tihe actual building. t Hamiltonians must indeed have found this reading inost in-e teresting because, as statedI tiberein, Mrs. Paterson wase born and raised ini Hamnilton j and lived on Stanley Avenue witb ber parents, Mr. and Mis.S John Pringle, now bath de- t ceased. When in Hamilton, Mirs. Paterson studied wilb John Sloan Gordon and bisd wife, Hortense Mattice Gordon. M. P .Corbett visited bis e W e son, Mr. and Mis. Robert Cor-Pe \b ee bett, Gaît, lest week an asa called on Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Beanian who recently returned ...usread Vb main an extended lecture tourI in Europe. l Mira. Seward Dowson, Bow- Porti op manilespnt hHope ee with bar sister, Miss Mabel Bawmanville Pee Wees Lytile, and ber brother, Fred, were put out ai futher Lake- et their home, Victoria Road. sbore campetition by Port Mim. Myrtle Dow is nursing Hope here, Mon. July 25. Port Miss Lytle. Hope now meets Cobourg ior J' Mina. Darothy Stuckey, Oak- the Leegue title. Ater that : ville; Mis. Jease Kentner, Ac- serles tbey will return ta play ton, spent lest week witb ber anotber series wîth Bowman- #sters Mrs. Harry Smiith. Mr. ville for the right ta ga on f.d Mrs arrn Donner and m O.B.A. plmyoffs. imm caledontheir aunt, Port Hope won the firat Mis. Smith, during the week. gaine at haine on Tuesday, July 19, by a 4-3 count. The Mi. and Mrs. E. Twist, Miss Port Hope battery was E. Ba- Kathie and Master Murray ker and W. Baxter, with Bex-9 Twist, Salemi, and Mi. and ter getting credit for the wira.i Mrs. E. W. Foley visited Mr. For the locals Ken Milleri and Mirs. Clarenice Bell and caught with Don MeMurterj Misses Karen andc Patricia Bell and Steve Burns doing the et "Sunrise" cottage, Halibur- burling. Guy Parka wms beat tan, last week. at the plate for the locals bav- Conratlatonsarelinon-ing two bits in tbree at bats. CongfratPieonarei r In the' second gaine, playedg der or iperandWaolacott bere Tbursday, July 21, the hom r avngWinnirtpegigeone two clubs battled ta a 4-4 tie. h ane ra, Wnniegin heThe Miller-McMurter unit 1000 mile race. Birds were handled the chores for Bow- iraq, Osbawa, Bowmanvifle, mavleaan n ohld Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, avidwll ag pain, an lebat-d Lekefield and Trenton in the id wl t lae, Mhfer bac-t- competi'tion. Murter two ion four. Jeff Gil- Miss Irene Casbourn, Hamil- booly also picked up two bits.ç ton, bas been visiting ber B. Davis and W. Baxter sbar-a fether, Mr. H. Casbourn, King ed tbe Pont Hope pitching as-à Street East. Mr. and Mrs. Han- signinent with E . Baker ne-3 oid Casbourn and iamily, Sar- ceiving.b Aa ad Mr. and Ms. Syd The final match saw Portt sbun and famniily, Toronto, Hope corne out on the heavYe 4qLre also, recent visitons wîth end ai e 9-4 score. The locals i '~eir fatiier. again used Miller and MeMur 0 Min. and Mrs. Leslie Webb, Baxter ta chalk up the win Toronito; Mir. Roy Hanness, tbrowing ta Baker. McMuter Glen Ewena, Sask., Mis. Vena had a perfect evening at the Millson and Mrs. Hezel Fan- plate for Bowmanville, cal- raw, Orono; Mrs. Eizpbeth lecting four bits in as many Cain anid Mr. Ron Maiiatt, eppearences. P. Moffat and Oshawa, spent thbe weekend Baker bit for three blows cach with Mr. and irs. A. E. Mof- ta contrai Ui visitou' mttmck. Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. 11 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP Guest Speaker: Rev. A. W. Harding During the manth of August united services will be held at St. Paul's United Church. REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN rREFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanvilh Stated Supply - MR. T S. IIIELEMA, B.A., B.D. S10:00 a.m.-"The Sinfuiness of Sin" 7:30 p.m.-Service in Dutch. Sunday Sehool immediately affer Sunday morning service. f "Back To God Hour" Broadcasf KLOsawa, at 3 P.u. e«veu dy a Shirley W.l. Celebrates 5Oth Anniv. BLACKSTOCK Olver Wedding Approximately 35 relative and friends met at the honm af Mr. and Mrs. John Hamil ton, Saturday night in honoi. af Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ham ilton who were 25 years mai ried August 2Oth. The brides maid, Mrs. W. Reid, Ororii groomsman Cecil Hamilton and arganist for wedding, Mri Ceciu Hyde, Toronto, were a] present. The account of ti wedding from a 25 year oit paper was read. Mrs. W. Tay lor read an address and thg happy couple were presentec witih a silver teat service fror the family and numerous othei gifts framn friends. Corsageý which were pinned on brid( and bridesmaîd were made b' Miss Elva Reid. The beautifu: 3-tier wedding cake was rnadE by Mrs. W. Taylor and iced by Mrs. Jerry Warne. ThE evening was spent in remin- iseing and slng sang tapped off with a bountiful lunch. Cadmus W.A., W.M.S. Plan ~Fall Events The ladies af Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. gathered at the home of Mns. John McFay- den Tuesday evening, July 19th. The meeting was open- ed by our theme song and the hymn "O Master Let Me Walk With Thee" followed by a prayer led by Mrs. Samnelis. The devotional was given by Mrs. McFayden, the toplc being "Children of Llght". Mrs. Passant read the carres- pondence which included "thank you" carda from Mrs. Schwartz and Frank Melton. Mrs. Msckay gave the treas- urer's report and the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. *Plans were made for the Church Picnic to be held at Cartwright Cammunlty Park next Wednesday. It was de. cided ta take aur quilt ta Wil- son's Store at Nestieton for *sale. A motion was miade that we py hall of the price ai the Bibles and Hymnaries for the new members. A discussion was held on the W. A. convention to be held in November and a question- naire was fiiled in. The ral cail next ninth Io to ha an- swerd hwith a bowl af any sieto help stock our supply before the fawl supper thia faUl. A suggestion was miade that we have a speaker at aur next meetin<f. wt h y "Church in the Wildwood" and the Mizpah Benediction. The. prograrn consisted et readings bYMrs. Ken Gray, Mrs. Samella and Mrs. m. Gray. A contest on flawers was conducted by Mrs. J. pal. lis. A lovely lunch was served by Group 3 and a social hour apanlt. On Wednesday, July 2Otb, 1about 40 ladies met art the home ai Mns. Irene Moore and eMis. Ailan Maore ta cele- -brate the 50th anniversmry of -Shirley Women's Institute, eMis. Stella Lansing met each !lady at the door and pinned 1on a corsage ai yeilow 'muis. Meeting opened with the Ode and Lord's p rayer. Pre- aident Mns. Hazel Dut! wel- comed the seven charter mem- bers, the friends and nelgh- bars. Letters were read from 1Mis. J. Graham, Part Perry and Mis. John Byena, Ottawa, who were unable ta attend, Minutes ai the 40th anniver- sary were remd. Mrs. Irene Moor read an address made by Mrs. Allan Moore at that time. Remniniscences ai happy times spent years a go art t he W. I. were enjayed by ail as each charter memnber in turn told ai events they remein- bered. Mesdames Allan Moore, Ed Darcy, Jas. Henry, Leslie Grahamn, S. Robertson Sr., E. Brent and Lelth Byers, all spoke ai benefîta they bad derived tram meetings and mîl said they made mmny new friends tbrough the Institute. Short courses providçd by the W. 1. were thought very belpiul and beneiiicial toaiarl Thraugb two world wars and mll the years in between this Institute bas cmrried on with its work each year trylng ta pravide members wlth new and vanied interests which should appeal ta every home. maker. Mrs. Hazel Coates prement- ed a conteat. Mis. Muriel Wot- ten sang, "Little Brawn Cburch in the Vale" and "Whispering Hlope", playing her own accompaniment; on the guitar. Mrs. Allan Moore express- ed appreciation for mli the W. [ .had done for ber and wlsh- ed tbemn every successamnd en- joyment in the yemns ta camne. Meetinrg closed with "God Save the Queen", mter wbicb the charter members were seated araund the dining-roomn table wblch was bemutiiully decarated with yellow rases. Mrs. Jean Slemon led in singlng Grace and everyone Aras served a delicious salad plate, tarts, cookies, anniver- sary cake and ice cream. Mrs. Stella Lansing present- ed emcb charter member witb a lavely plate In remembrance of the occasion. Mrs. Leith Byers tendered a vote ai thanks for the lave- ly aiternoan with old friends and for the giits which mil will cherisb for years ta camne. This 3 vas responded ta by Mrs.1 Ethel Robertsan, bringing ta t aclose a wonderful afternoon. 'Music Resuits Tms following pupils af Miss Jeanne Coulter, A.R.C.T., Pantypool, were successful in the recent Mnusic examinations as follows: Grade 1, Theory - First Class Honours - Elizabeth! Chapman,1 Pontypool <94%). Grade III, Piano -Pass -1 Marlene McGilI, Janetville,! Linda Youngman, Pontypool, equal. Grade I, Piano-Honur- Phyllis Youngman, Bethany. All candidates successful. Miss Coulter also abtained Honours in ber Grade X Sing. ing examination. Compare Shopping aiso gîven ta the oldest "and by C. J. Harris yaungest in attendence. The The cost af living in Cen- oldest was Mins. Frank Rundie ada, wbich, according ta the es wbo is 87 yeans young and the govennment's index of pnices, ayoungest was Donald Rowen declined during the wintcr .who wa 4 montbs. montbs, startcd upward agaîn an The big event in the cbild- in Apnil. In June the index [1 ren's day was the candy neacbed a 1960 hîgb a! 127.6, rscnamble, aiten whicb tbings meening that the bouseholden B. were collected and evenyane now pays nearly $1.28 for the 0, deperted looking forwand ta saine goods and services that a, next ycar's Rundie Picnic. were ta be bad for $1,00 back 18. in 1949. 11 0f the main companents ai SleeC u the index, the coat ai shelten IdShee Club bas risen the most aven the r- past Il years, about 44 per Le IH cent; clotbing bas registered IVM emT1ers H Id the sinallest increase, js ,n aven 10 per cent. It may or !r may not surprise bausewives ff heir Big D Y that food pnices have nisen 'y Piday evening, Juiy 22nd, pre-war pnices may seofai t ich Durham- County Sbeep that officiai figure, tbougb Ge lurb held their Achievement the bride ai more recent years dDay at the Orari Fair Grounds mey cansider it a reesanable ewith ail sheep club 'inembers estimnate. Sbeing present for 100% Coin- It is possible that saine coin- Spietion. modities are actually going The champion market lamb down in pnice. For instance, was shown by Grant Glaspeil, the cost ai naturel gos fan wbile the reserve champion home beating. In tbe index, wcnit ta David Brent. fuel is lumped in witb many Mr. Boyd Ayrc, Durhams goods and services under the SCounty sheep breeder was the beading ai Hausebold On)era-. judge, et both thila yeer and tion, but the enlarged market lest year's Achieverment Deys, for natural gas ia reducing the camnîented on the fine show- pnice ai that particulan fuel. lsig aiznianket lanlbe and en the As an exemple, the Consuin- overelimprovement ai thbe ens' Ges Company ai Toronto, quausty aven the past year. whicb now serves an arca as The resulte ai the averell fer west as Coilingwoad, bas coilpetitian including ques- just mmde application ta the tioni, amie and ieeding metb- Ontario Fuel Board ion the odi, attendance at meetigs nintb rate neduction lt bas put monthly reports, sbowmansbip inta effeet since 1955. That and judrglng abiiity were as was the year the company re- faliows: Grant Glaspeli, Bow- plaeed inanufactured gos witb nianville; David Brent, Bow- naturel ges. Tbis most recent menville; John Davi.d Alun, pnice eut epplies ta gas used Bowmanviflle; Glen Quinney. for bouse heating and beating Bowmanvilie; Jeanette Quin- in commercial and medium- ney, Bowmanviile; Eddie Ste- sized industriel plants. In the phens, Bowmenviile; Bud El- five-year period the total ai liott, Newcastle; Bruce Coom- tbe conpany's heating eus-1 bes, Bow'manville; Mlan Glas- tomnera bas increased fain 3,-' peil, Hamnpton; Bob Kimybail, 500 ta aven 70,000. As is us- Newcastle; Ross MeMster' ually tbe case, whcn volumel Hamapton; Jens Sonensen, New: goes up, pnice goca down. castle. Perbepa it would involve Grant Glaspel and David sthtit alde msostien Brent, Uic twa top sbowmen ta ol eams ai tic lub illhavetheingleas, but it would be inter- of te cltb cimlphavforthecesting if thc Dominion Bureau dhane tocomete or teai Statîsties would periodical- grand chaulpion 4-H livestock îy release comparative figures ehown in Durham Caunty on the full list ai 224 gooda at the Onono Fair, this year. and services that are coin- This competition will include bined in tbe pnice index. Coin- thc top twa, showmen ai every narative shopping, as most club and they must show the housewives know, usuelly diffrent classes ai livcstock. saves a bit af money. Cam- The sheep club has ended a paring Iprîce changes fan the very successful year under thie wbole lîst ai items in the in- leadership of Mr. James COcam- dex, wbich is tabulated fon the bes, Club Leader and Mi1. A. cities ai 30,000 and more pop- 0. Dalrynijle, Agriculturai Re- ulation, might suggest saine presentative, and Mn. Bob Cot- weys of econoniizing that even noeii Assistant Agicultural the keenest budget watcher, Rtepresentative of -Uic Ontario bas missed.-- l INSTALL AUTOMATICS - Early this week,' we had a preview of the new Brunswick automatic pin setters which are being installed at Liberty Bow1 Limited. Manager George Elliott put the four which are already in operation through their pac es and they really are fantastic to watch. We hp ta tell you more about them next week when the entire 12 alleys will be completed. Incident- aIly, Liberty Bowl will reopen for the fali and winter season next Tuesday. For details check the advertisement in this issue. informative address. Guests present were Fe« Wynn, Brantford; Keith Jack* son, Belleville; Bob Browa and Jack Owens, Oshawa; Bruce Hogartb, Pickering; 000 fSr a farm that L10 years ago was for $20,000," he th intraduced the nd M. L. Roenigk preued the appre- and Mn. Roenigk's son, Dr. the club for the John P._Mmyberry ai JapaiL q focthen waterfalls dictated pald $300,01 ~ Ithe location of industry. Later mare than Iwhen steamn began ta take the purchased M agistra e sCour place ai water, industry loca- added. Il ~ted where a combination ai Ia Smil Keith Elgma Richards, lied a neighbour, withocut legal jus. ai water were readily avail- îtù charge of theit over $50 ad- tification or excuse or colour Bowmanvî1le, Ont., able. fitngye joured for two weeks. of rigtt wes remanded until July 26th, 1960. The mass production ai the caino Frederick Henry, 17 Adeila August 2nd for jud4gmenit. Dear Mr. James: automobile has led ta the coin- St., Downsview, heard the Rihr Carr, 17, Ntvcastle, lt eeinn fnal l magistrate say III have a strang MWas cOnviCted Of oareless dri: On behaif af the executive perdsining adi ne ot arly . all suspicion that you dozed off. vmng and driving a car with ai Bowmanviile Branch ai the poroductindincuinbt hc 7Kn I cannot co>nwîct on suspicion a temiporary instruction pemi Canadian Cancer Society, IesadecuPnn. and you must le giventh ihu a qualified driver wol aepe s rSin~ ie aete aeeta benefit of the doubt. The char- along ide him in tlhe driverls cere thanks for the fine COv- giosmande pe ople mch sfî- 1ge of careless driving is dis- seat. He w&i assessed $34 or erage provided by the Statýes- pler thand rrise."8 days ini gaol. He had been Man during the 1960 campaîgn pe hN ew Vales Bruce Yarrow, 19, 359 Ver- imvavedinamtrveieac for funds. NwVle dun Road, Oshawia, oonvicted cidnt an Simipson Ave. on July Puiblicity is vital to an or-r "Whole areas ai land began onacharge ai breaking, enter- 2t. This was investigated by ganiztio rvdn Aevcet tht were ootncilves.m oi an htof adelg Cont L. Phillips. tthe public and requesting 1 reas tatwronecm was placed On Probation for rieeland M. KaIeY, 23, nm-r their financial support. pletely remote, were brought 1 year. He is ta report ta the rid, of R.R. 1, Hanmpton, was We feel that Your support andtokean reatlf increasedn Probtio ofice twce achconviced0f irnpaired driving through the medium aid ub-geal iceae proOfation afficer enbtwicesteasur-values, lhe said. m onth a nd attend church at and fined $50 and cos ta ai $ofty h s n bpduba u- Ne r y a l n nu ct e s lemst Once eech Sunday. He had been eh.ased 1y the pass aur $5,100 objective, giv- stNeafrlyaline" nawaayrs, tOw n Police on Saturday, JU Y î g il52 3 ot l ta d te f r h e fsai W er a er ti n Thomas Halett, 18, 1291 King 9th, througb townad h ag S $,7areaa. aefo e"nwa Sot E.halewa in fo H th e Townhip ai Darlington. Again many thanks. were handled on several a famer.Hischare ofbrek sewasfloors, they are now carried court~~ t3th a akn f orHslcntse a suspended for Yours very truîy, Out on one floor. The area ing, enterning and theft on "The accused admnits the Peggy C. Frank (Mr~s.> save te prblei, asreter Whlch he had been found guil- brakes on his car were de- Secretary, arle itanh e bedaed. e ty at Bowmanvrnle on June fective, his conduct at the pc* Bowmanville Branch Te f ad iiulteaiidin 14th was further remanded ice station on the night be was Canadian Cancer Society. these greater areas within the unltil November lst. The farm- arrested., Plus the tact that he bonaisa h it n h le corara s a nd00said s. tated that he had t2wo drau- great cost bas brought about e w Howadworker gb its and iwo botties ai beer at 11Y a dramatic development. To Geoýrge awad eeatthe hotel lead me ta no other ta V e lidwti tect a di o ppear for sentence on conclusion but andthat he waC erl las i tyved ac- charge o! theft and a bench impaired. btta sewsnaeeul d lain eda warrant was issued for bis ar- "This is uandrtnagte because i relte he a truck driver and it A mnove ta the suburbs bas lavid F. Bruder was fur- might cost him his livelihood (Cantinued an page seven) allowed the manufacturer ther remanded until August but that is no reason for dis- Meroom fore as expansin 2nd. He is ta ha sentenced on m issal", saidhe iagstr tefoMe tio ing the vasiex an îdth nalisrae nsion whîch bas taken place i General Exodus chage i tkin a ar ith pasi.g sntece.the past 10 or 15 years, Mr. The general exodus ta the' Out the owner's consent; driv- Twenty-two other charges Evans stated there are two suburb bas done some amaz- !ng without a license and hav- undler the ighrway Traffic Act fcoswihhv ruh lgtig aln rcs ing liquor in a place Other tha.n brougbt penalties of $313. One ts wbout.e "oght i ins irta aythtlan r m- a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wn reiec.prahad$ o is er cauld not afford ta pay A charge against Artihur dog ta run at large. 'wo per-. First is the universal use af much more than $150 ta $200 Leadbeatter, 44, Enniskilien of sons charged under tÎhe Liquor electricity and secandly thean crfoariuualp- klUing a d.og the property ai ContraI Act paid $46. mass production ai the mutona-oes.fThe pric ualdpure-M CleaThoipsn, ext- dar ourtmdjurnd a 5:0 ~moblecent years bas seemed stag- In earlier days ai mechani- gering. Yet froin the manu- Lace Tr Depertmnent ai Agriculture, zation, manufacturers depend- facturers' point of view these Sss3 H amnpton Park Durh1am Counrty. exeno d on water or steani for pow- prices are quite sudSzs3 Our hans i extnde toer. -If wm-ter was the motive "For example, a fariner was, Rundie Picnic the building IMU ru o.À& LADIESP WEAR glei continues DRSizSESt2 $9,77 m-s$1177 $12,17 DRESES DRSmSES% o26 $7,,77 m $9.77 OTTON SLIPS rimmed - Duble Panel 2t,42 ONSALE __1.i'i SFEC2AL VALU AND» voUDEs FRTIm wm Money -Saving SPECIALS I.D.A. Brand A.S.A. Tablets - 300's - reg. 99e IDASAL TABLETS - - - 79c I.D.A. Brand - % grain - 500's - reg. 55e SACCHARI TABLETS - - 39c 3 Sponge or Compact Powder Puffs with PLASTIC RAIN RAT - - - 29c Spray of 3 Artificial Roses with Large Size ]ROYAL DRUNE SHANPGG $1.29 Helene Curtis- reg. $150 TEMPO 98 - Sc 10e Off reg. 89e size Palmolive EAPID SAVE ONDU -79c 20e Off reg. 98e size STRIPE TOUTR FASTE *78c Gleem - reg. &3c TOOTERPASTE - 2 F«89c COLCATE DENTAL CHEAJ Reg. 98e size 79e Reg. $1.19 size 99c LOUAI UlUlE m-n r u1um39o! MuE WZAL AXATIVE FOR CHILOREN lBbO Up.rSiog SD.fuAgw MrSTRIA Iwlmm@Mmu* le I&Toni wfth .uimhm! ý3 Md otly .,uIr Um Regpro- ImdoaBy mfflSnxd to give you prof.. . , a mifta at hone! Nov moeem Muringl NO MMy mixing! N4o mbI"lNew No-Mix Tom ais the --- .. oeu . . . mm fool-proof àý le eI PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY M MeOfrg 14 20euà OfPLU.$19Si I %*~tâed im100 -M M uMaY BUCAUSK .s UNELOONDED! - MAm RN-SIZR DELSEY* TWIN-PACK M COLOURS *22 ROLLS 35 PEK!I YuLLOI *« emr Schick Safety lazer with' Esizema Drushless or Lather Shave Cream 89C LDAÀ. ITEMS AT REGULARsPRICE Relieves siple diarrhoea or summer complaint 75c Wux Paper, 100 fi. roll - -31c' HEALTE SALITS Engllsh Style Cooling - Refreshing - Invigorating The Health Sats in the orange coloured tin Alex. McGregor Drugs W. Deliver Your Local IDA Djg Store Phone MA 3-57921 I ITRUPJIDAY. JULT 28th. lm PACM SU exx%.vjm lamvin" £Kt w.IDS Hampton Park was the scene af the 25th annual Run- dle Picnic on the 2th ai July. A good crawd ai apprax- imately 86 were present and as usual the feminine side ai the Rundle clan praved tbem- selves top-notch cooks by pre- panlng a deliciaus supper which included the tradition- al patato pie and many other delicacies. A brief meeting followed the meal, and the iollowing slate ai officers wes drawn up for next year: President, Hazie Rundie; Vice-President, Roy Hartley; Treasurer, Herb Rundie; Se- cretary, Lynda Rundle; Sports Caunmittee, Ray Osborne. It was decided that next year 's picnic be beld the 3rd Wednesday in July, at Hamp- ton Park. Aiten the meeting the chul- dren and edults wene enter- ained by the usuel races and novel activities. Prizes were Aý o»»ý ý m m m $1.29 1 1 -1 m m 1 Bowmanvine il 33c 4 m m m m 29c 1 4 St W. % SIZE mp"- 1 23c

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