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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1960, p. 10

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P~,GE TDf TEE CANADIAN STAT~MAN~, DOWMANVILLE, ONTANTO TRURSDAY, AIUG. 4th, 1989 Births CANFELD-eomge and Ruth~ are happy to announce the btrth of their daughter, Janet 4ary, on Saturday, July 30th,, 1960, at Oshawa General Hos- pital. A sister for Juil and Jackie. 31-1l BEERS-Duane and Betty (neeý Flett) are happy to anuc the birth of their son (6 Ibs. 8 ozs.), at Memoriai Hospitai,I Bowmanville, on Saturday, ,Tuly 30, 1960. A brother for .~immy.31-1 KEAN-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keane (nee Eiieen Wray), an- nounce the arrivai of a son, eaul Samuel, at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, July 22, 1960. A brother for Doug- las. 31-1 OKE-John and Florence (nee euiidle) are happy to announce t'ibirth of their daughter,! Ç{ndy Lee, a sister for Randy, Aherry and Judy, on July 26th, 1960, at Oshawa General Hos- pital. 31-i iWEET-Wesley and Harmina are happy to announce the birth of their son Paul Anthony en Wednesday, Juiy 13, 1960, et Port Perry Memoriai Hos- pital.- A littie brother for Wayne and Caroline. 31-1* WALLAC-Tom and Mary, Newcastle, Ont., wish to an- nounce the birtb of a sonat Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville, Tuesday, August 2nd, 1960. 31-i WIGGANS-Ray and Beverley are happy to announce the birtb of their son Paul Ray- mond on Tuesday, July 26, 1960, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 31-1 Deaths DGAR-At Oshawa Generai Hospital on Monday, August 1, 1960, Gertrude Mae Edgar in bxer 68th year. Wife of the late George Edgar and loving moth- er of Rosena (Mrs. Gamnet Tubb), grandmotber of Gary and Paul, Oshawa. Resting at Luke-Melntosb Funeral Home, King St. East, Oshawa. Service from the Chapel on Thursday, August 4th at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Bowmanvile Cemetery. GALITSKY-Suddenly at R.R. 1, Newtonville, on Saturday, Juiy 30, 1960, Samuel Galîtsky, In bis 76th year. Beloved hus- band of Jennie Galitsky. Rest- ed at the Morris Funeral Chap- ëI, Bowmanville. Service was heid in Newtonville United Chumch on Tuesday, August 2, at 2:30 pam. Intemment Lake- view Cemetery. 31-1 YOUNG, Margaret-On Satur- day, July 30, 1960, at Toronto, Margaret Alice Neads, form- eriy of 124 Kingsway Cnes., wife of the late Rymal 'Young, and dear mother of Mrs. Stan- ley B. Douglas (Marion) of Toronto and Robert Young of 'Winnipeg; sister of Mms. Clama L. Millar, Los Angeles; daught- er of the late Andmew Neads of Bowmanville. Interment Chap- el Lawn Memorial Gardens, Winnipeg. 31-1 Engagements Mr. and Mms. James Myors, Baltimore, announce the en- gagement of Ibein daughter Melva Elien, R.N, ta Mn. Keith James Adams, son of Mn. and Mns. Welington Adams, New- ïcasîle. Wedding 10 take place August 6, 1960, at 3:30 p.m. in St. Petem's Anglican Cbumcb, Cobourg. 31-f Mn. and Mms. Ewart Bragg, Bowmanvîlie, Ont., wisb Ic, announce bbc engagement of Lh eir second daughten Sandrae Eva Helen, to Laurie Robent 'l.rlomas Stapicton, son of Mn. and Mms. George Stapieton, >ewonville, Ont. The mar- niage will take place on Sat- urday, September 3rd, 1960, at ,7 o'clock p.m. in St. Paul's 'United Cburcb, Bowmanville. 31-l* ~eception 'Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Squair wihl be at homo bo thoir neigh- boums, friends and relatives on Saturday, August 13, 1960. from 2 10 5 and 7 ta 10 p.m., Pn the occasion of their 251h wuedding anniversary. 31-2 Cards of Thanlks I wisb bt thank my friends and neighbours for the gifts of flowers and cards wbile a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Mns. E. J. Witberidge. 31-1* The famiiy of the hate Thom- as Federick Page wisb ta thank friends and relatives for their cards, flowers and acts of kindness shown during their recent bereavement. The Beckett and Page We would lîke ta express sin- eeme gratitude for thue beautiful bouquet and for the loveiy cards neceived since nuotbe's death. We buhy appreciate bbe many thoughtful kindnesses of our neigbboums. Doris and Dick Camenon. 31-1 The family o! the laIe Vera J3. (Mills) Beghey wish te thank relatives, friends and neigh- boums for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympatby in the iilness and death of a beloved mother, wife and stepmothen. Speciai tbanks te the Enniskillen W.A. mem- bers and aIl who helped in fiuie of need. - The Famiy. 31-1' Comîng Events LDecoration Day, Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonviile, Sun- Lday, August l4th. Service at 2:30 p.m. 31-2* 1Free transportation for Bap- tist Church Sunday Services. Phone MA 3-3844 Saturday ev- enings. 23-tf Decoration Services wiii be held at McCrea's Cemetery, Sunday, August 7th at 3 p.m. Bethany Band in attendance. 31-il Barn dance - Bob Spencer's "Chicken Coopers" Orchestra. Old time, modemn, rock and moll, on Saturday, August 6th at 9 o'clock. Jake Van Dam's farm, 4 mies east of Ponty- pool. 31-1 Woodview Community Centre -Monster B i n g o. Twenty games-twenty dollars; five games-thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Darlinglon Football League ALL STAR GAME - at - Courtice Football Field Augusi l3th - 7 pm Notices Dr. Sisson's office clos( holidays fmom Aug. 1 to 6 inclusive. The office of Dr. Ai] Sylvester wiil be closedÉ the month of August. 1 Dr.K. W-lIPT n.- will be closed for holidays from July 1th to August i4th inclusive. 31-2* Evelyn Murray School of Highland Dancing (M) HD SA, BATD, CADA, HDA, iwould begin Highland Dancing School at Legion Hall if enough pupîls interested. For inform-1 ation Phone R. Hilditch, MA 3-3609, A. Mavin, MA 3-3433, ýDon Brooks, MA 3-5339. 30-31 DR. J. R. THOMPSON- wlll be at Memorial Hospital, flowmanvllle, until Labor Day. Office Hours: Afternoons 2-4 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Evenings: 7-9, Monday, Wednesday and Fni- day. Weekends: Emergencies only. No appointment needed. __________________ 27-9* FOR COMPLIETE Insurance Coverage See Bill Morrison 26 CONCESSION ST. W. MA 3-3048 ,Fire- Theft - Automobile Travel - Life 22-tf IVISIT THE REAL LIVING S ANTA MAY 24 to THANKSGIVING DARLINGTON ALL STARS FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILYI VS. NEWMARKET and DISTRICT LEAGUE ALL STARS Proeeeds for InJuned Playens' Fund ADMISSION 50e for ail over 12 years I Memoriam COULTER-In loving memoryl of Frank Smith Coulter wbo' passed away August 9, 1950, and Lillie May Couiter wbo passed away Sept. 25, 1959. Notbing can ever take away The love a heant bolds dean, Fond memories every day Remembrance keeps tbem near. -Lovingly rernembered by the famiiy. 31-1 THOMPSON-In loving me- mory of our brother Pte. Nom- man E. Tbompson, wbo died on active service in France, August 9tb, 1944. Tbougb lears in oun eyes do nol glisten, And our face is nol always sad, There is neyer a nigbt on a morning But we tbink of the brother we had. -Sadly missed by brothers and sistens. 31-if TRIM-In memony of my bus- band, Herbent Llewellyn, died August 41h, 1957. My deamest wisb would be today To have you back the same old way, To hear youn voîce and see you smile, To talk with you a lit île whîle. With loving thoughts and tears unsbed, I long for the days that migbt have been. -Ma. 31-1* Help Wanted PART-TIME help wanted, fe- male. Check Room Operator. Apply Amena. 31-i EXPERIENCED la dy for bousehold duties one or two days a week or haîf days. MA 3-5725. 31-1 FEMALE clerk, full time. Write Advertisem 54, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvile, Ont. 31-1 MEN-Pleasant outdoor work. Average $2 per boum. No ex- perience necessary. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept. H-140-VV, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. '31-i POSITIONS in offices open bo you aflen complefing a course aI Bowmanviile Busine ss School. Registrations for Fal temm now being accepted.ý Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf SHORT 0F CASH? Work mornngs or aftennoons lD youF own nelghbounhood. Housewlves preferred - no ex- perience neeessary. Write or 'Phone Miss K. MacKean, Avon Manager, 528 Gilmour Street,i Peterboro, I 3-4006. 31-1 LARGE Canadian firmn ha s openings for ambitious and me-1 liable men intemested in selling. Top commission and bonus. Guaranteed pmoducts such as tonics, cosmetics, household specialties, insecticides and farm, produets, spices, extracts, etc. Ask for free catalogue. Familex Produets, Dept. R.11, 1600 Delomimien, Montreal. 31-1 YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE WOI Must be Able te Type Shorthand an Auset Pleasant worklng conditti ATTRACTIVE SALARI Appolntments wlll be give those who APPLY IN W) ING te the H. Powell Chemi Co. Lid. POA Box 1000 Bowmaný ýRK. enne CHILDREN 14 years and under aecompanied by parent FREE 9:30 a.m. te 6:00 P.m. SUNDAV 1:00 p.m. te 6:00 p.m. SANTA'S VILLAGE BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. 26-7 NOTIC'F 0F1WLA Town of Bowmanville NOTICE 0F BY-LAW con- cerning the closing of Centre Street running nothonly from Weliîngton Street to CanLisie Avenue and George Street and providing for tbc sale theroof bo the abutting owners. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvihîe will considen passing a by-law bo stop up1 and close ail that part of Cen- tre Street in the Town of Bowmanville running nortb- erly from Wellington Street to the soutbern imit of Car- lisle Avenue and bbc south- eastern limit of George Street aI a special council meet- ing to be held on Tuesday, the 301h day of August, 1960, at the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. on at any lime thereaffer. NOTICE IS ALSO' HERE- BY GIVEN Ibat the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanviile proposes at the saine meeting by theý4 afonesaid by-law bo authorize the sale thereof to the abut- ing owncrs. The proposed by-law andý plan showing the lands af- fected may be seen in my of- fices in bbc Town Hall. The Council wiiî hear in person, or by bis or hem coun- sel, agent on solicitor, any person who dlaims that bis or hem lands wili 'be prejudi- cially affectod by the saiçi by- law and wbo applies to be heard. DATED Ibis llth day of July, 1960. Robert B. Reynolds, Town Cierk. 29-4 Wanted ta Buy TENT, 9 x 9, on langer, and badminton sot. Phono MArket 3-3125. 31-I IHIGHEST prices pahd for used furnitune, apphiances, tlb- vision, sewing machines, etc. Aiso seli and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phono MArket 3-7231. 42-tf ALL kinds of! ive poultry, feathers, new goose and duck also oîd feathen ticks wanfed. Higbcst prices paid. M. Fiatt, Betbany R.R. 1. Phono 7 r 13 collect. 21 -tf HIGHEST prices pald for live poultny, goaso feathens, feath- er Iicks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 48-tf Repairfs RADIO and television repains, Prompt service. Pick-up and deliveny. George's, 85 King St. E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUAR.ANTEED televisian and radio service, ta ail makes. Samne day service. Television Service Ca. Phono MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and newinding, arm- atures turned, toalal makes af electmie matons. Higgon Eiec- trie, 38 King East. Phono M 3-3305. 7-tf! iArticles for Sale1 Articles foi Sale .ed for GIRL'S C.C.M. bicycle. MA 10 H.P. MOTOR and 13 . Sept. 3-5889. 31-1* cedar sîtip boat. MA 3-7264. 302GOODISON thnesher. Phone31* [an B. CO 3-2447. 31-1'> SEVEN aiuminum storms and during scmeens, 2' 4" x 4' 43/"; like 31-41MASSEY-Harris Binder, good new. MA 3-3394. 3-] -;ff,. condition. CO 3-2200. 31-1* 31ý BOY'S bicycle, good condition, (7-12 yrs.) MA 3-3939. 3- STANDING field of secand cutting alfalfa and red clover hay. MA 3-3394. 31-2* _IReal Estate for Scalei Real Estate for Sale 1L. S. Snelgrove Co.1 Lid. 43 Park Rd. S. bungal X "AKVIL~L Uub racLUr. 'Apply USED Ihneshing m a c h i n e; ed, -con: George Kilien, 1/4 mile soutb of neamiy new combine, terrifie kitchen Taunton. 31-1 bargain. W. H. Brown, Case stone fi STRAW, square baies and dlean 1 Dealer, 91 King St. W., Bow- piece1 to be taken fmom the field. CO manville. 31-1 tures,1 3-215.31-1 air wit Auction Sale tubs, lai QUANTITY of new potatoes. section Phone Blackstock 120 n 3, Beautiful 8-room rednc Brue Abto. 3-1and entire contents of bouse- Cosy, 77 NEW Holand balen and hold furnitume, furnisbmngs, ern ki 1,000 bales of mixed bay. Tele- electrical appliahees, etc., es- bedmoon phone Blackstock 100 r 4. tate of the late Mns. Thos. basemez _______________31-l* Smith, to be held on the pre- niceîy COLUBIAandVikig rsp-August 6tb, at 1 p.m. sharp. berres b thebox or crate. There will be offered for sale H. . PdwelNewcastle 3856. subject to a reserve bid, this 1 acr KEYS cut aufomaticahly, while every convenience, suipomch, 2-carg you wait, at Mason & Dahe hàrdwood and tule floors, oul central Hardware, 36 King St. E beating, good basement and with ea Bowmanille.46-tïdouble garage, in good resi- Forf RASP-BERRIES and gladioli, fresh daily. Van de Beit, op- posite Cream of Barley, MAi 3-5026. 30-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from mili to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17 r 11. 13-tf GOOD selection used TV sets for easonable prices. The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond St. East, Oshawa. il-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf FOR best in Aluminum Doors, Windows, Raiiings and Awn- ing. Cail Bowmanviile Home Improvements. Ph o ne MA 3-2753. 29-tf GLADIOLUS and eut flowers for ail occasions. Daily hos- pitai delivery. Mrs. E. Passant, Bowmanviile. Phone MArket 3-3527. 27-10- INSULATION, blowing meth- od, with rock wool. Work- manship guaranteed. Fmee esti- nates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf COURSES at Bowmanviile Business Scbooi for office positions of your choice. Reg- istrations now being accepted for fail term. Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf WORK boots and shoes at bar- gain brices, bmown and black, ail sizes. Bowmanville Shoe Repaîr, 80 King St. W., Bow- manville. East of Bowmanville Cleaners. 42-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electrie Lîmited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Phone MArket 3-3305. 7-tf ALUMINUM D oonrs an d Windows at economical prices. Buy now and save! Estimates given on inquimy. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St East, Bowmanville. MAnket 3-5689. 23-tf S PE C IA LS: G. E. polish- ers, 39.95; space savers, 39.95; 3-piece bedroom suites, 139.95; 2-piece chesterfields, 139.95; 25% off ahl other merchandise. Murphy Furniture Co., King St. W., MA 3-3781. 31-l* TIRES Tee Good to be Retreaded $3.95 up .AMIESON TIRE Walls 31-tf T IL E -Floors1 ANY KIND Cenamie - Plastic - Rubber Vinyl - Asbestos Supplied and Instalcd Hl. G. HEAL COlfax 3-2531 21-tfl M Se. the flew German STEREO HI3-FI SETS Beautîful Swedish Walnut LOWEST PRICES THE f Dulch Merchant a 171 Bond St. East OSHAWA RA 8-6051 il-tf New Low Prices on GENERAL FREEZERS with automatie Interlor llght automatic warnng light kAdjustable tempenatune coninol Fiberglass Insulation Unit and Food Insurance Made lu Canada 12 eu'. ft. Chest - $229.00 17 cu. ft. Chest - $259.00 Uienta istr 4~iUL. Âýi'erm mLiau known day of sale. This is a lovely home and well wortb attention of prospective buyems. Chas. and Ken Lamb, Auction- cers, Lindsay, FA 4-2530. 30-2 Depantment of Highways Ontario AUCTION SALE 0F LAND Property Sale 1504 Approximatey 1451/2 acres, Part Lots 10 and 12, Concession 1, Township of Clarke, County of Durham, located soutb of Highway No. 401 one mile west of the Village of Newton- ville. Sale te be held on the pnoperty at 10:00 A.M. D.S.T. Friday, August 5th 1960 TERMS: $500.00 Cash or Certi- fied Cheque to be made pay- able 10 the Treasurer of On- tario, balance payable in Ibirty days. For furthon information pleaso contact: The Auctioneer, Mr. Murray Noble, BALTIMORE, ONTARIO Telephone 34-R-2 OR Department of Hlghways, Toronto Regional Office, DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO, Telephone CHerry 4-2571 Local 444 Department of Highwars Ontario 31-1 For Rent APARTMENT. Dial MAnket 3-5798. 31-1 EIGHT-room hbouse, 181 King St. E., MA 3-3503. 31-1 GARAGE for rent, 31 Carlisle Ave. Phono -MA 3-3324. 31-1 FOUR - roomed apartment, beated, aduhîs pnefemred. MA 3-7124. 31-i CENTRALLY located apant- ment, self-conbained. Adults onhy. MA 3-3394. 31-2'> ROOMS, unfurnished, vacant. Outside conveniences. Chihdren welcome. Phono MA 3-2000. 31-1'> HEATED apartment, three ooms, kitchenette and bath. Apply Apt. 4, 63 King St. West. _____________ 30tf1 APARTMENT, immediate pos- session, 55 Centre Street, Bow- manville. Phone RA 5-5427, Oshawa. 31-1 FOUR dlean rooms and sun- room, ground floor, separatc entrance, garage, abstainers. CO 3-2015. 31-1 FIVE-roorp upstaim apartment, separate entrance and bath, heated. Aduits prefemred. 175 Liberty Street North. 31-2* MODERN four-room apart- ment with bath. heated, central location, immediate possession. Apply 10 Division St., Bow- inanville. 31-1' FIVE - roomed self-contained beated apartment, freshly dec- orated; hardwood floors, im- mediate possession. Phone MA 3-5336. 31-1 APARTMENT, 3 rooms, bed- room, kitchenette, large living- room, modern bath, shower. 23 Tempemance, downtown Bowmanviile. 22-tf APARTMENT, 2nd floor, rear, in Victor Manor, King Street West; kitchen, living-room, bedroom and full batbroom, heavy wiing, ehectric water heater. Available immediate- ly. Contact Bull Curtis MA 3-7035. 23-tf C=r for Sale 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, window- Iess van-truck. Low mileage. Phone MA'3-3473. 27-t f ALLSTATE Auto Insunance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home eaUl Oshawa RA 5-2802, colhect. 2-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors1 RA 3-4494 - les. RA 5-55741 607 Klng St. East a (Jumi East of Wilson Rd.) 1 OSHAWA.L4 1510 MaI RA 5-8' Oshawal $800 Down v5 room brick and stone Jow now being complet- îsisting of large modern n, large living room with fireplace, 3 bedmooms, 4- bath witb colored fix- large sun room, fomced tb ou bheating, laundry lrge lot, located in nomth ,of Iown. $7,500 Full Pnice 4 room bungalow, mod- kitcben, living-room, 2 )ms, 4-piece bath, full ent, oih fumnace, large lot landscaped, terms ar- Hampton re lot with 10 noom suitable for two families, garage witb workshop, 1location, open to offer isy terms. ,funther particulars eall irtyn or Kelth Peters M61 or RA 3-9810. 31-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres witb 7-rom insul- brick bouse, barn 30'x60', gar-1 age, 2200 Xmas trees planted. Price $9,500, $3,500 down. 100 acres, 6-room home, bank barn, 29,000 Xmas trees planted. A good investment at $10,500, only $2,000 f0 pay down. 25 acres, 6-room bouse, bank barn, implement shed, garage, good soul, 12 miles from Osh- awa. Price $9,000, $1,000 down. NEWCASTLE, 4 - bedroom home, two batb-rooms, oil fumnace. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Own- ers mnust seil. See us for in- formation. OSHAWA, 3-bedroom bun- galow, full basement, oil furn- ace. Price $7,000, $500 down. MAPLE GROVE, 4-room bun- galow, bath, nice lot, paved1 road. Price $7,500, $1,000 down. Highway property, 4-room bungalow, hydro, good well. Price $4,000, $1,000 dowxi. Lot 90'x280', good gard1en soi. Price $600. On Highway No. 2 One Mile East of Bowmanvile« Telephone MArket 3-3644 Salesman: G. Blyleven Phlone MA 3-5300 TWO dioioe lots in Village of Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672. 7-tf Pedwell Real Estale 100 acres on No. 2 Highway and adjoining 401 Highway,' east of N.ewcastle, large brick bouse, conveniences, ba n k barn 40'xlOO', river and some bush, 90 acres cultivated, good producing farm. Phone for ap- pointment to inspeet this out- standing farmn. We have good farms from 50 acres to 500 acres waiting for buyers. 6 room house in Orono with tile and hardwood floors, oil fumnace, bath, garage, 1/4 acre lot. $1,000 down. Terms. 6 room bouse in Newcastle. $6,000, with $1,000 down. 60 acres pasture land on 3rd line close to Newcastle with river, could be divided into 2 acre lots. Asking $5,000, with $1,000 down. 27 acres on two highiways, lusul stone house, bank barn 40'x60', cement floors, garden soil, schooi on property, terms. We have vacant land, 10 acres and 4 /2 acres close to Oshawa. HAROLD C. PEDINELL Broker Neitveaste Phone 3856 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board V.L.A. Special - 121/2 acres with good nine-rooin house,I ail city conveniences, barn 110' x 30', beautiful view, $11,500. 40 acres more land available at only $100 per acre. 275 acre dairy farm, Toronto mik contract, trout stream, large home with ail conven- iences. Good dairy barn. Price and terms arranged. 7 Roomn solid brick house with attached garage, large landscaped lot. Must be sold to close estate. Asking $12,000. $1,500 down buys brand new bungalow, oil furnace, 4-piece ceramic tule bath. Ail new furniture inciuded. Estate sale. $11,000 full price. 14 acres choice garden land on Liberty St. North. Only $400 per acre. Large selection of farms, acreages, homes, cottages and busînesses. Cal WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowman'ville Work Wanted f3- BRICK work. Norman Pingle, De With Real Estale 72 Elgin St., Phono MA 3-5518. 20 Acre farm, ail workabhe, 26-tf 8 miles fmom Oshawa, barn; CARPNTER rooing n d8 noouned brick bouse, all mod- cerentEwR. roc eimanern conveniences. Extra 5 Phoent ork-5. Fre 1 tiatsroomed bungalow with oul Phon 1ýl 3-512. 1-2 fumnace. Asking $16,000. Temms. NEW and nepair contracting. ORCHARD FARM near Bow- Brick and Mason work. Phono manville, 78 acres with 40 acres MA 3-5820. L. Turner. 30-tf in orchard, 100' x 30' bank PLUMBING, heating, eaves- barnu, drive shed, etc.; 7 oom- tnoughing, free estimates. Han- cd home witb 4-piece bath, vey Panlnen, Tyrone. COlfax hamdwood floors. Ahl machin- 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-bf ery included as a going con- cern. Pnice and terms arrang- Ilerman Van De Bell, Re XT FAM ws GENERAL CONTRACTOR Bowmanville. Housiîug and Brick, Block, Concrete and runs for 2,000 birds. Cold Carpentry storage and feezing plant; New Work and Repains 7 roomed bouse witb al mod- PHONE MArket 3-3694 ern conveîuiences. A sk in g 7 Mill Lane 5-If $18,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 1 '~ located 12 miles from Oshawa, Plastering nepairs sras -hpdbn an QUICK SERVICE watem bowls, steel stanchions, STUCCO AND NEW WORK buîhk cooler, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed home, ail modern con- R. . T FT veniences. Asking $28,500 wt 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 120 Acre farm at Millbmook, 16-If all workable, L-shaped bank barn, steel- stanchions, Piumbng - Heatin g bowls, drive shed, etc.; 7roi '-u' brick bouse with ahl modemn conveniences. Asking $14,000.j Eavestroughing Dovn i$5,000. A. BAARS MA 3-7127 66 King St. W., Bowmanville Froe Estimate 2-tf BACKHOE WORIK Trenching - Backfihllng Septie Tanks New Equlpment IVAN MOUNTJOY Blackstoek 87 'r 4 belon. 8 arn. on after 5 p.m. 15-tf Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanville CORR ING & ONTARIO 24-tf WHITEWASHING STABLES, ETC. BERT TOMPKINS PHONE CLARKE 4721 NE WTON VILLE 6t OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION & REPAIRS Phone gowmanvilc Oshawa MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 BILL AND BOB LEASK 39-t! ARENDS ELECTRTC MOT0RS~ REPAIES and REWINDING to al your Eleetrîcal Equipment Sales & Service MA 3-3058 1 43 Third St. Bowmanville 1 40 Acre farm on 115 Higý-1 way, ahl workable, 100' x 30' bank barn, garage; 10 roomedi brick bouse, 4-piece bath, fttn- ace, running water. Asking $11,000 wif b $3,000 down. 7 Roomed home in New- castle, close to main stroot, with aIl modern conveniences. Spotless conditiotu. Asking- $10,000 with $2,500 down. 7 Rooîned home east New- castle withi garage, heavy duty wired. Asking $6,000. Terms. 5 Roomed bungalow at Newv- tonville, ahl modemn conven- ienccs, full basement, bard- wood and tile floors with 5 acres land. Asking $10,500. Easy terms. 5 Roomed bungalow in Bow- nuanvilie with ahi modern con- veniences, full basement, bard- wood and tule floors. Asking $8,500 witb $500 down. 25 Roomed apartment .house witb 5 large apartments, largo oih fumnaco, 4 bathrooms, four kitcheuis, etc. Prîce $21,500 witb $6,000 down. 8 Roomed 2-storoy bouse in Bethany, bydro, etc., bas to be sold. No reasonable offen me- fused. 5 Roomed bungalow nontb east Newcastle witb unning water, attached garage and good poulbry bouse for 2,000 broilers. Asking $5,000 with $2,000 down. 5 Roomed home east New- castle with hydro and small barn., Asking $3,111 with $700 down. John F. De With Realtor and General Insunance Newcastle Phone 3341 Donald Mountie,, MA 3-390 Ross Davidson, Brthany, 321I31' L. A. Penrault, Clarke, '12311J ZION Mr,. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Hamxpton, were Sunday callers at Frank Pascoe's. Marion MacDougall, Mrs. Beverley Noseworthy, Chamlottetown, Prince Edward Island, were Thursday even- ing visitors at Ahlan Fishiers. Mm. and Mms. Archie Pamnin- idem, Myrtie, Mms. May Leask and Lucille, Uxbrid'e; Mrs. Will Fisher, Feilding, Sask- atchewan, were Monday even- ing visitors at Allan Fishers. Mr. and Mms. Frank West- ,lake Sr., Mr. and Mms. Percy Westlake and family, Sotlina. were Sunday evening visitors at Nelson Fice's. Mr. and Mrs. Arcbie Keith, Oshiawa, weme Satumday even- ing visitors at Frank Pasdbe's. Mrs. Michael Nemis and De- bbie, spent a few days at Wi- fred Ftanks, Toronto. Mm. and Mrs. Wes Cameron visited aI Stanley Covemly's, Ebenezer. Miss Lynda Scott, Kedi-on, is bolidaying aI Gemry Glas- pellPs. Mm. and Mrs. Allan Fisher visited at Archie Parminder', Myrtie, On Sunday. Ailan Glaspeil, Douglas T'hompson and Nelson Cham- berlin spent Sundiay at Crowe Lake. Mm. and Mms. Elmer Camp- bell, Inglewood, visited aI Cha- ries Naylom's and Mifs. Alex McMaster's on Monday. Mr. Michael Nemis and fain- ily visîted at Wilfred Frank's, Toronto, on S.unday. Mrs. Ne- mis and Debbie returned home! with them. Mrs. Elizabeth Bowins, the Reveren-d Victor Bowins, Gai- n9borough, Sask., were supper guests at AIlan Pis'her's on Satumday. Mr. and Mms. Nelson Fice, Mn. and Mrs. Reford Caniemon lft Tuesday înorning on a motor trip Vo Western Canada. Miss Helen Lamo-y, Wlhitby, called at Allan Fisben's on Satumday. Mrs. Russell Stainton, Mis. ,Jim Stainton, Davy and Doug- las vLisited at Roy Thomas, Smarborough, on Wednesdav. Wanted to Rent SMALL bouse or 2 or 3-bed- roôm apartment by September Ist, reasonable ment. Two smali school aged children. Phone after 6. MA 3-3518. -31-1 Livestock for Sal EIGHTEEN pigs, seven weeks uld. MA3-2169. 3-' Personal OLD, Rundown? Ostrex Toni c, rablets help "-pep -Up" thous-j ands of men, women___p_î_ _401 Only 69c. At ail dmuggsts. HYGENTC supplies - (Rubber goods) malled postpaid in plain seaied envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.0. ailOnder Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton. Ont. 1-52 -Nursing Home SOUJTH Haven Nursing Home -Accommodation for private a nd semi-private patients, lounge TV. Fully licensed, nexv building, modern. Visitors welcome. Reasonable rates. Phone Newcastle 4441. 8-tf -Roorn cmd Board ROOM and board for 15 or 20 men. MA 3-3347. 28-4. Wanted DEAsD and crippled farm stock, picked up promptly. Telephone COifax 3-2721. Margwiil Fur P'arm, Tvrone. 37-tf .Room-Bd._Wanted YOUNG teacher wishes board- Ing place, live in family pre- ferned, beginning September. Phone MA 3-3895. 31-1> Lost MACO portable radio, Com- munity Hall Grounds, New- castle, Monday nigbt. Return to Grace Gaines, Newcastle. Rewvard. ___ 3- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES SEICLES FOR SALE LIVIZIOCE FOR SALE M Mir I E.P WArNM CARU FOR SaLE LOBT FOU<D ETC. rau at * .- 40Peword with amiýnmum4ci one Must bu Ptrid by date of insertion li charqed. on additional 25c wilb. added. A chrrqe af 25c wili ha made fo2 ag repiez directed to this office NOTICU .- commaOEVENTS AND CARflS 0F TRANIS 4re a Word w.'ith a minimum ol 81.00 for 25 wards or les. 011TI . ENGAGEMEMT MAMRAGFS - DEATHS $1.00 Per insertion HMEMORIAMB 81.00 plusi 10c a lin. for ver»e Display af 31.50 pu. inch with a minimum of one inch. Additio.aJinsertionsetfthe marna rates. Anil ansified Ads must t"i office net tater thon 4:30 p.m. Tuesday lend cash, etomps or money orde2 CU and gave - monoy. ,p 01" ouftftu hondy refarance OFFICE HOUES S(oadcy throutlh Frnday 8:30 o.m. to 5 P.M. Saturday 8-30 a.=. ta 12 Nome lb. Canadla» Stateimma Diai MAxket "-303 t u .lwaied Ad Service ti il si 0 a] e; a] c1 Si eâ s, Crooked Creek Farmer Killed Saturday afternootu a fatal accident occuî-ed at the farni (if Mn. Samn Galitskv ivhen lie met instant death by bis ovei'turn- ed brartor. Apparenthy Mm. Gai- itsky. who wa-s woi'kiuig at bay, humnied t0 flic bain on aCcourut o! tlhe forth-comm g ston~n and ontering weuut tlbr<îugb lue barn aund was pinncd by the Imactor as if fehi in theua,7j,.i yard. His brother- in-la w, who had been assisting bini wa. riddng tlic partîy Ioacled watgon and escapd injui. lufIc h rap- idity of the terrific momnent, ho realized the fatality as ho Blid Off the load and rusbed for help. MA L3-3303 an it NEW DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday. 4:30 p.m. 1 REPAIRS te al makes o! sew- 22 eu-ai. unest $319-00_ en t ing machines. Frec pickup and 28 eu. ft. Chest___ $379.00 ,RIT- delivery. Laverty's Bangain Easy Terms Arranged Centre, 59 King W. Telephoneý cal MA 3-7231. ail f, rigid Locker Systern frgeaordometimsand om: omnil mercial; milking col Hi1:g-m nvl iville gon Electric Limited, 38 Kingi PHONE MA 3-5578 31-1 St. I. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-ti 28-tf, -1- Il: Respect Power Mo',gMr A power mnower is hardly an efficient tool %wblen it chops o.ff your fingers and toes. Its skill at fiming sticks, stolies and pieces of wire ini a]h di- rections adds to its bigh rat- ing on the danger list. Here are a few suggestions froni safety specialists witb the On-. tario Department of Agricul- ture. Keep hands, feet and loose clotbîng away from aillmov- ing parts of the mower. Wear good, sturdy shoes. Sbould the blades get to your feet, there'11 be some protec- tion, at leasf. Neyer leave a mom-rr mn- ning witb no one to look after it. Know your machine. Be able to disengage the clutel at the least notice. Know the cutting pafh of the blades witb respect f0 the rniower housing. Nover cut down a sIope- always side-ways. Keep peopile (children in particular) out of the area to be mowved. Also keep people out of the range of the grass clischarge epening. They cati be easy targets for fhying stones and other biard objecfs. Disconnect the spamk plug wire before working around the blade (such as in dean- ing and sharpeiiing,). Mowers have been known to re-start from the very slightest tumai of the blade. If you bave an elecf m'a mower, remoember this: the blades are stili whirlin;d anound mighty fast. even after you bave shut off the power. Givo them finie to slow down --and be safe. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sylves- ter and Julie, Sarnia, visited et Mm. Jim. Stark's. Mi. Robert Westheuser lias retumned after a visit wîth bis brother, Hugh, at Terrace, B.C. Mn. and Mns. Allen Cornishi and family from the States visited ber mother, Mýrs. Vic- ton Farrow. Mrs. John Stark was hios- tess for a Stanley denonstra- tion at lber homie last wee< with a fine attendance. Mrs. Ida Pluni, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Arthur MeKay's. i' Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Pa edle, Califomnia. have been viqitîng Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Paedeni as well as other relatives iý. and Mrs. E. Siîier.Nr onto, spent fhli olid-ay at m Lloyd Hallowellrs. Mr. and Mis. Warren Car- son and Wilson were Ir, Tor- onto, Satumday aîtotding the MacNeil-Carson weddingf, the bride, their daughter. former- ly xvas Miss Helen Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd enjoyed a motor trip with Mr. and Mis. Hugbi Kelly of Bow- inaîiville, through the Stateç last week and visited friends in Detroit. Mi. and Mrs. Clifford Fonhi accoinpanied by Mi. and Mrs. Bates, North Bay, are on boli. days in the Southerii States. Mr. and Mrs. Dehbert Hallo- .vell and famnily, Toronto. have been spending iolidays ai their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ormne Fali and fainily spent Sunday NWit1î MEr. and Mrs. HarolId Litt le. Carnpbell1ford. # Mr. Rov MýfeKaxv. Broivie; speîît a few days wIth bis bro- them, Mr. Arthur MK~ Mr. A.lf Dobson bias beeni in Pamry Sound owing f0 flic pass- zig of lus father.' Mi. Lavemne Farrow bas started building a buous~e by thtt couty road on lanci pirchased nomi Mr'. Artbur Mc1(Kay Friends here aîîlnd . bi .ttended tlhe scrv ice on Tie.ý;- Loay for Mr. Sami Galitsky wiî@ was suddenly kihhed in an. acci- loftît %at bis banruî Satrdav. - 1 il- mi si -- -1 -- - ý -- --- - ) 1 1 PME TM TM CANADM STATESMAI% BOIrMAIfVgl.& OIRTARM

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