PAGZ'=LVU TMHE CAlA.IAN STATESmA1I. DOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO HURSDAY. AI:G Vc+crrn FIrtricon oe ýRuns Orono Hydro j Almost Single Handedi Nestled amnong the his. the village of Orono is situated just off the new route of High- way 115, near the intersection of Highway 35. Il is a charm- ing - lttle place at the gale- way to the vacation land of the Kaw'arthas and Hialibur- tan. A reforestation area is sit- uiated ai Orono. Some 14 mil- lion trees are grown Pach i ear. The beautiful flawer gardeirs. along \vith wooded groves. fields of ' vung trees, a fish pond and rose garden, a ttract manyv people during the sunumer. Orono has its own hydro Tlhe stirtkiîng arIcltciure of' this Iovely chu.r-ch inakes it onie of the imn- pot-tant landimark's in tiie village of Oj-ono. 1' l'O sît\liîir 'Evnest lDent with Mar, pRii)n is(uixxrks an a Part tirne Boailmu iiT'uoi ili1 . i r .\tuu Rger of Onmo llLE C.Eliest Dent. "was ith utiiu l'l I mi village Of Oro'ouu s a oulIli xvben bis fathlc. k *lud beeri p iî'i e r of . ( lte('l'u1 t troit ta Police l'oi'uu . 'li tît0 Youîîîg Polii' >'t ' 'd i higb sclo io lut<n01- î i- tii 1l-1-t r'eturned If) o lu'(ilt <t u d servecd i Im>apP i -iit i'('"liti .li Richaîlasnttid ('î'uî ii; felectnin' fi ii t tuti ni'h'l' l Canadièun' Cunîi îtk C.'1 d., 1lectricalI <'ui tral'on'tn' I î * t~ned mînîîît'lî 'i tiut td liranat thie 'loi'o U' i'îtttSîtu- liran and .lîlT 'tititî Stan rin I t î i l t iti i e Hik. fra ti'iip' :îiî u't tf 1 r t îi'îî .1 O'f 1thc rimun tut' t i t %' 11 t ltie cent ari wa l lox ' rn it ' . l tand bu" îaîncd lie f Ct,, (kiutudnîî l'lîgirîeers ilii t9i:)'9 tiim 'k ut nx'rscas. vx <'iIt lix h,,hv- camc afuuf su igetit id some or basis in was usre cof thelufirst electnica I îiteclîsîi -à AP ficCaridîso Aî'îuu k le SC-eicd tiîîrotgIot theîn' tiire su,\. vesr'ý of war tand i itnunuulfoCanada ahtfthe enîd nofhostlities. Rc>,,iirîîiig lus dc 'uaIcotn- trcrtig businiess iii 1946 lie also took aon thle added dutues o f baud lîug thenia initernance xvork <unrithe Oraîîa 1L.E.C. oni a parti ie bais. Fouur yeans lute ir'le sssniîed lus preseit îîus tmii as NiVarager of i li t coi. Must of' flcexxonk s iii n'ied on sinîgle lîaided. ai-: t lînuglu occasioia Ilv lie\Vilf have parttlime lîclp in c<ases of' 1hu1stonimproveriients on ce ige ilîls. KEDRON lic Stutu'i.xScliorul p 'rg1lu1t kku i c'îlar anîd kkClf- aiI ort<ndrv('liltut' ast i (".as tui .1 îîged 11 unnii i fecr Drr'ci Bari)ne1f Mn-. A. Wilson aîîd Albr t t Wi\uonud. Pli tt'kktîî mistn t1<15kkCi t1 t'ti' i ctti îîîîlrî. G a 1i' Slittxxchui(,n tuainie'Fîintu" n ici Richrîîîd Mli : hý ox's 6 sani îîîîî.Briii Stait'. Jefl 'liuuîî- as> andrDav id Srioxxdeî irins 6 ýiduu d ie'.Gloria \loiiiti 10>' Fantastic Reductions SSEE OUR WINDOWS F. A. KRÀAMP Ltd. HOME FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS ,17 KING STr. E. BOWNMANVILLE systemn that was estabhished on December 7, 1938, when a debenture issue of $8,00was authorized ta purchase the systemn from Ontario Hydro., At that lime the Orono sys-; tem xvas operated by Bow-, manville Publie Utilitv and there were about 200 custom- ers and a load of anly 50 kw. Today Orono Hydro-Electrie' System has 350 customers and a load of more than 495 kw. The Orono hydro system is; kept running efficiently by' one man, the Manager. Ernest Dent. who manages the office. reads the meters, makes re- pairs and improvemnents to, the system and in effect is a' who bas been helping for the' one man show and jack of past year. Prior to that Mrs. ail trades. He has some office Dent did some of the office assistance on a part time ba- work. sis fromn Mrs. Mary Robinson, Oroi'o has a population of r,. West Beach Residents Hold Gala Festivities On Holiday Weekcend The alinual Cîvic Holiday soni. Spot prizes were won by celebralion field by the Bow-iiiudy Hutchinson and Bill. mai iville West Beach Associa-! Shechani. and Sandy Milîs anai tion was ant outstanding suc-', Vince Molloy. The decor prize1 cess. Il openied xitb a Beach winner was Linda Cors on. jI ParLcv tor- adults on SaturdiaY Bob McLeish and Nina Cra-jl vveng. andl Mrs. R. Kel1ý mer were in charge of the, was the luckY winner of thtc Sand Castle Contest. 'rbu door prize. Jack Parker and winners were: 4. 5, and 6I Billy Currne xcre in charge years. 1 Ricky Connaghan, 2, of arrangements fori- he en- PeegvN Clark: 7. 8 and 9 years i ovat le party. Gary Cole was, 1 Bpverly Young, 2 Trudy in charge of the Treasuire Young: l'O. il and 12 years, 1iý Hunt field on1 Sunday. The.Gailh Young, 2 Karen Mul- winiiers were Karco tIvulhol- holland. land, Philip Carlton. and Pe- On Monday mornîng the' P fer MVlrchîson. Hot-se Shoe Pitch xvas held. A keenîx uonteste<lsofi bal I The a blekinners werc John ganle was played bY a West Fordi and Chris Sandy. The' Beach tcam ver. us tius chairmen for this event were 'I Fuel. The fial score 'wus 13- Sid Smith and John Ford. 11: ili with Steplictns Fuel the The Yacht Race, Open, for"' xwînning team. 'Ple est Bea- , the Glen Rae Trophy was also' chers sav Iluat this victorY hcld on Manday There were ini; have been gained because manv entries in the event, and nimpire Jlack Cully. and the, the course was from Oshawa i. base uimpire JIack Parker. boti to Bowmanville Beach. Thei sunier residenîs ofthie West wînners were as follows: Ist, i Beaclh. must have traitorously 505 Class. John Maffat, skip- lavored thie eisiting teamn. per. and Joe Patterson, crew; 'Plie chaperones for t he eni- 2 n c, 14 foot International joy able teen age part\,0on Su- Class. Bill Wonnacotl, skipper, day eveniing were Ninia Cra- Bob Mcýlntyrýe. crew: 3rd, Fire mier and Mai, and Milt Cor-i: Fly Class. Wally Dilling, skip- _______________________per, and Stephen Rider. crew. A highlight of the diay was the Childnens' Dress-up Pa- rde. Ede Cale was in charge' Late News anth ugswrBeic In T w n than 60 children took part,,an Bowler's friu' Peterborough, tionallv good. The numerous )Oshawa, Whitby and Port Hope, Spectators were delighted. and, comlpeted here yestei'day for!the .iudges had amstdfi he Carter- Fanîily Troph il, u<'lt limie lit selecling the win- fe biggest local 1lawn bowling ilers in the different categor- 1t.urarie t itn eai's. Tlicre1iS 'were 30 teans of niixed T'le prizes were won as fol-, doubles takiuig part. Two ycars, lOWvS: Fancy Dress. I Cigar- ___________ago. Fred Cale and d Mrs. Dougj ette Girl, Linda Burton. 2 Carter won the award and Jast, Spanish Seniorita. Darlene the routine office work, iyeai'. Mr. and Mis. Harry lOtt ,' Cor*son, 3 Polka Dot Bikini. Oronollvdýo ofice. Whitb~ were winners. UIn-. Nan- y Wright. Comie, 1 Auint, Oron llyr'ofortuila1elý , tur press limie was Jemima. Mary Parker. 2 Ro- I Ontario Ilydro photos toeilyt nleti 'as bo. Tomt Wright, 3 Ram i wirîners. aie Piper. Pair. 1 Daisies, Dianne Barnieff, Diaiuîe Mounit-* * Heather and Bannie Ford, 2ý joy: boys 7 ai-d 18, Brian Jamn- The îîewly formed firm Golden Hawks, Scott and lesori. David Love, Ralph Bar-, of Rowe & Burgess, paint- Blaine Smith, 3 Pirates, John d - grl ,7il ,,îuKr,,, ; cr ad decorators. have and David Masters. Group, 1 boys xheetbaunniiw 1l)t s iii taken over former i(3î'yýder- May MayQie onrr der, Donald Wer'ý1\ and Raîpli1 man blacksmith shop. Silver and ber floweir garden, Jay Barneti, Charles,- Love and~ St. as a headqiuarters. They Wright, Sydney Rider and David Love, [,art-.\' lopkinsý werc busy on Wednesday, Carol-Anne McLeish. 2 Chin- and Peter~ Nickaltîs: girls 9 andý applying a spray coat of ese Girl goîng for a stroil witth 10,. Brenda Ilopk<ius.. Gloria' white to the interior. Quite her pet dragon, Sue Butler, Woodward. Mvlrgai'ct aidî-nati: a job. becatise the walls Stephen Rider, Roir Parker,, bovs12 nd iurier . Donald and eeiling wvere hlacked-' Doug Redmani. anîd Doug Ri-, boys 2rsu ened from ycars of smoke der', 3 Fidel Castra and lus Wer 'i ni (h> Ogle. Lai'nk Ilokîus:gilsIl ud12.LiY- from the open forge. prisaners, Paul Park-er, Daugý i-I*' * Par~ker and KarI Kent. da Hopkinis, Date Fhonias. Sy- On 'îTuesdav îîîglit Surplus The Main Drawv was Field viarn Woo girl 2Sanlesî 5defeated KnsMenls and StanleY L. Diiiini, Bow- MalieXnod.1; ud Rwal.Weary.ili, the Inwn soIt hall manville. was the luckY win- MVarie Mu aui 11k s . a nd lopgîiing Su rplussfilie icague ner of thie ]st prize $100 gift' <ie.Albeî t Vîîuud. (harluseadership bv a sinaîl margiri. certificahe. Thîe second prîze,: Thoinas. Ted .'ulidm tn: girls' e ae ltreiaf v-itra $25 gifi cetificate. was\wonf. 1.5 aud o0ck er ace Frau ns. car.-î fori lie winiiers. Ste ibei Fuels hy NM. Wal lis., Toronto. MOIt ol Thons, inuiitVaîdmin: anr Sou ff's play- to-night and Corson was thbe Maini Draw i boys wiiluî'w tnder 1 Ion Fniday , Keiî's and Surplus cbairmni'l'lhe draw wag made' Rulpti Bar t ii ad Doula (idwi Il plav a postponed -aie ai by Robent Kent. Wernk \, Jeif ' homus a nd Don-'Cenitral Pblc Sliool grouinds. Berlt Hutchinson, Sid Smith,! aid Tregiiîuuu: fie anîd bow 'aue, Abe Lowe, and Norm BotteIi Ted Mu idiliaii sud Dornth\ 'Trinity i'Uited ('hurch were in cbarge of the_ raceS. Brtt.Peter >Jekllîanîd ,ioari lias closed its doors for The wiiîrers were: Girls 6 and Maîdmuîu. e(' g t o's. .peter. Auguist holidays. St. P'auls 7 years. 1 Peggx' Clarke, 2j Mclch, lu()s T'F'euuîîuu.girls:3- .vill hold services for both Pauline Paston. 3 Mai-sba Cul-! legge(d, Glut nu Wiudxa'uînl sit1 <'congregations. Iv. Boys 6 and "d year's. 1 Normla W\ url'ad. S\ 1 v i a Douglas Rider. 2 Davio Spar ks, \\rîod anîd 1lA t t R i, u Date I\luia"env Ro '- Ncads aki 'CMrs .3 Gary* Carter. Girls 8 and 9f 1Ph1u.' uîtdi d I lopki lb. tha i lîeY 1hopectri have tre iii year s. 1 AimeRednîan, 2 Lin- Vl'ovl(ikîu - inu' ouîtu'ststs el(sue-onu hy Sept . 2nd, oîîv da Burton. 3 TrudvY \oung. were ('ni il it d fuslv a foun- r veks froin i iîokk. Ta oy nd ar's. 1 Don gamie çof hbt u ittadeswas a ruce stimmernc.wasit it? Nash. 2 Ricky Kir-kpatrick. spletîddl\paio-uît 1î Y 1'Mrs. Abe Lowe was the! grain. Bowi'nanv ile Mlidgets de- wunncr of the Ladies' Spot. t îie?12'i ; 1t oi. î' eaied Cobourg ast wek The Girls' Race, 101 and i be s fle ir 't 3 o 5 league pla3'offs. Follert, 2 iMaureen Pastan, 3:i 2 Suriduk's \it twif lh e hev were to play last Dianie Piper. Boys. 10 and Il i fast :1 Suiî(luk utofrfl( ite iîuutils nii i ere with the dates ycan'ti, 1 Robent Large. 2 Phil-' botila aySuiîda\ -..arut-.v ot certain for- the balance ip MacDonald, 3 Dana Damant. precia'ed J(11.\tfsiI llaVe ii- of thic gaines. The 31idzets The Mcri's Balloon Race was, CILdedýM'S.T. obl. i1ýl:have an exhibition game worn by Art Smith. Mixed1 Mi.lde lshaT. an;l-Or. F. hereto-night iThursday) Wheelbar'raw Race, 1 John G aulln mnTii un c, dl' Y, ý11 at Vincent 31as'iey against Kilpatnick and Joanne Mit- R. esbtt ndMrý. Mr- an AUl Star' teain from cheli, '2 Garth Young anîd Ma-i f Ofbt Bi sdii.l1tr M - Osiraxi a. 'lime. 6:30. ry Loti Green. The Mixed .lutt t :uri. lil 11;1(l îiistJ(* Piggy Back Race was alsa xwon k vîe auon . oiulotîuii.'c uli Vvstv'nilînire 1k ieeai',' by Johnî Kilpatnick and Jo- vvr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e aloui ii,1iiteiiddle uf a ceal pIn> off anne Mitchell. Gai'ti Younîg 211 I.". hutlle wilut Ajuax. i leir ruxals anmd Mary Laui Greeni. toi- mai)\ ves. The frsit lle Ladies' Shoe l<ickiuîgý galine or heIwik'io t' i mec Conu tst was wonî by' tMrs. ri7 \Au f n~c scries kk as ate liene The Jue Clarke. 2 Joan Redm-an.: Prie W nne s ec'ond t'5skliihb\ Ajax ini a The Meti's Spot Race winnrin close t glit ast weck aiud, oui xas Pauil Carman. Girls' Sboe: Tiicsdak iiugtut. Rk'i5I ' l Race. 1'2 arnd under'. 1 Mary flic Series. Tliese t wo tearîls Piggy Back Race. 1'2 and un-' 'Ib fl ltkii '~'-~'uîuitîewuil meet agauifoi-n lie( decudirig der., 1 Jaiiîes MacDonald and us?, of fie tuckk' kyfiiienS Mr,, garnie and thele iague fille on Roy Lar'ge, 2 Russell McLau-: Saiur'du> afternioori at 2 :to at ghlinî anîd Don Piper. G. Buriflîani, t1:i"îî S.E.; Vinîcenit Masse%-. The winnens of the Mixed Jlack Rerîdell. 28 Onrchai'dvuew; 1W Couples Shoe Race were 1 Mlis. D. Brownt.7 Nelsoni SI.; The Jury Buaildling on Joan. Redman and Bob Lo'we, Ileleuu McDorîatd. 135 Ontaario King St. W~est is spoting 2 Jonc Smith and Sid Smith. Si.: Mi-S. A. Fletcher. 723 Queen' an attractive newi appear- Girls Balloon Race. 1 Dianie St.; door prize. Allenrguo) ance after a coat of paint' Piper, 2 Patsy Kirkpatrick.' 14 Arme Si .. Lturelvti \Vetsîî. y Rae Abernethy'r, crew. Boys Soda Biscuit Contest. i t7 Jackriaiî: IxthY l(:Nuiter, John Kilpatrick, 2 Ron Park- well. 6 Cýarlîsle ~". Miss bus.\oui Wednesdayx'îîornuing 1 hldred Dowrîey. 5 George St.: erec.tiîg a wvalk Ilirougl in1 MNIs. R. Trimble. Kinîgstonî Rd.; frouit of the Mar'tYn Block. \îrs. Arthur White. 42 SînipsoiSex en,!al feet of brjck parapet: Av e.: Mr's. R. BRyve rs. 113 an tic roof wvilI be remnoved Churcl i.:t 'Mns. Stauu Duuuîr, and Uiceî'oof ne- flashed. 26; Lamîbs Larie: Mn'. K. Wav- ' ersxelLl, 96l Libertv Si. S.: Mr-, In the current issue of E. Bal. R. R È4 .Mrs. E. W. Naclean's magazine. Bow- FoIe>', 48 Carlisle .\v.: rs. manville hits the headîlines Ruth Sheeli.iiDurhamnîSt.: vvith a flashback storv' of IMiss J0511 Coîhacutt. -1il Snml- the prisoner afivar riais way Dr.; Mis. HI. >x -.401 here at the Traîîing ýODell Sf.: ?xrs. N. C. ela- Sehool. We hope n; ub lees. 29 Hor.-ck E. lish maost if flot ali the Bottrell, 17 liervSu. N.:' SNls. story at a later date. if Jean Firthli. 2 ixt-uo Si .: Permission <an he abtain- Miss Heilîr t \ Id2 T\, 1k éd. Ini the mearîtime. the nofiu'. Miss les \ .ton, Hi. mara7ine ik availahe it thr don. jnewstands. J fi 7Tire Egg Throwiîîg Contest was won by Mr. and Mrs. Artt Smith. The Dog Derby Win- ners wcre. 1 Maureen Paston witlî Saîîdy. 2 Russell McLau- ghlin with Buster. Girls Swîm- miîîg Race. 14 years and un- dcer. i Gail Mulholland. 2 Lau- ra Cooke. Boys Swimming Race. 14 yýeairs and uuîder, Mar- viii Fredericks. 2 Roîîald Tiionpsori. Tub Race, John Kilpatrîck. Swimming Race., Boys, 1 Bob Lowe, 2> Tom Rickabý. Girls Swimmingil Race, 1 Carolyn Finlay, 2 Gail Mulholland ' Oun Monîday vcr,,iurng Sud S i'ilii %v'asiun chargr, af the well patronized Bingo. i DOWNTOWN SHlOWROOM1 84 SIMCOE ST. S. - RA 8-1617 ROWMAN VILLE MA 3-2130 900. Like inost cornnunities Bowmativille find this the in Ontario. this villagr lias ideal, quiet, pleaâant comrnu- started to grow. Nc%\ sub div- nitv in which ta reside -and isions are operring up as per- brin.- up their farnilies-On- sons who work ini Oshawa and taria Hydro Times. Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. ITS VEATS ON TOP 0F TOU NOME THAT COUNTS a 9 9 0 HAVE THAT ROO-F REPAIRED BEFORE WUNTER WEATHER! Above photo shows actual displa'y unit of Shingles and Siding in âJSIAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. new showvroorn ai Courtic4'. This is for oiîr <ustoiners' convenience wheî'e tbey rnay Nee just what the product look%, like when laid on your roof or siding. ASPIIALT and WOOD SHINGLES- ROOFING PAPERS ASBESTOS SIDING - ASPHALT SIDING- VERTICAL PINE SIDING- PINE and CEDAR BEVEL SIDING - CEDAR VERTICAL SIDING. W. Ais. Crry a Full Lmes o! EAESTBOUIJG-& DOW PIPES - ETC. (romi %tudding uhove displpv in Our tWw showropsmî M Coutrtice expIain.m Stages of Dry Wall Construction Ih1rouigh ifnulation Io aPlying Gyprox or Sheet Rock - Io finished plaster 'vall Igrng Your Construction Probiems bto s. .........have 301 ycars' experience in the building trade. . . and experienced mnen on our staff to help you. BDOIT WAIT . . . USIE CUI EASYIUDGET PLAN Oshawa Wood Products Ltd., COURTICE - RA 8-1611 AJAX ZEnith 2-9600 j. DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. Mr~? Ernest Dent Han dies Hydro Job in Orono 9 TELEPIIONES TO SERVE YOU 1 1