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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1960, p. 2

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PAG!~ 'rWO 1'HE CANADIA1N STATESMAIÇ. DOWMIVILeONTAIO THURSDAY, AlJd. 4th, IM6 FAIN SERVICE DEAD. OLD & CRlI'PLEI1 FARM STOCK Removed Free ofChig Immediate 24-Hr. Service Ask Your Operalor For ZEnîth 66550 No Toll Charge Nick Peconi - Peterborough BUY NOW...4AND ýAVE! .Summer Prices FC NOW EFFECTIVE ON Famous Reading Anthracite (LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS) i You can be sure you are getting the world's finest bard coal! tenember there is economly in quality. Ask for it today! NUT PEA OFFICE AT C.N.R. YARDS UARUU s for the pasi wek. r-op Y o n Tob cco ero ersWil redhoine with tains Tobcco~~rwer WII rnd Mrs. Melille S Ofni L and Mr. and Mr,,. Hugli Sta pIc- Chooe Kig, Q eenton are awa\ on a motor trip Ciuoose ~ ~ueen dowNn arNiund the St. LawrenceTo V n A t O rono Fair ini Sept. MS1andv Mrs. Clarenîce (;l- OtawrTeCaiaia fd mer and family, Mr. and M rato fArcutr' a Durham and Northumber-,BilH Reid. Earlc MeEwcîî and fanil il t butai Office in Ottawa has land flue-cured tobacco groxv - The annual ouidoui, meet-, Peterborough: Mr. Cccîl Bur- agamn received authorizatiaci ers Will elect a tabacco king. ing af the association ,v Ill be ley and Mr. and Mrs. Haroil frdn, the Nufficld Foundation and qucen at the Orona Fali held on Aug. 5 at George ' M-Biurle ' and famnil ' spent (ho" in the United Kingdom. to an'- Fair, September 9 an-d 10. The kins farm at Centreton. Grow- lo19ng eckend at the' latter's nounce that applications xiii Orano Fair wil] provide the ers wil vieuv an cxperimeiî- cottage iii theHairon i-beecîd[om ougC- irttobacco exhibition ever tai plot xvbere tobacco bias trict. adiun [armera xvho aile inter- heid ini the twa courties. been treated by different me- Miss Barbara Ox'ens is speind- ested in qualifying for the an- This decision was reached thods. Object is ta deterrînine ing a few days with the Sie- nual Nulfield Trav'ellinîg Scho- nt a meeting of the associa- the cause of tobacco turnîng, phensons of Ciarkson. larships. These scbolarships tion executivé in Port Hope gray after curing. Mr. Dave Denauli accompaîl- provîde the opportîinity for lust night where tht. associa- Rceent change> iii pack barniî ed Mr. and Mrs. Ronnije Bui - Iwo youîig [armera Io visit tion agreed to present awards insurance werc discussed at le\ and famililv of Port HolJe Great Britain early ini 1961, to the tobacco king and queen last week's meeting aînd the on~ a motor trip Io Georgian 1 ail ex penses paid. and for a as wel] as the winners afini-, information wiil be sent ta perînd of six months tb study dividual sections, association memiber-.Cogautin oM.îd ail phases of agriculitural prac- Conratlaion IoMr ani:lice and farming conditions The cantest for tobacco king Tht. association exCcutive Mrs. Harry Wadc xvbo werc :30 ticire. will be open ta ail flue-cured' wil] shortly mcci courity and vears married on Monday.Juilv The, Niilfield Schoiarslilps tobacco grawers in Durham: township assessors on the 251h. On unda a familygl ae ad tposbe oi an orhmeradand the question of tobacco farm as- together was hield al the hiýl ome oiniless peisons iin ail walks winners will bc the exhibitar sessments-Guide. of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade. of lire. in many couintries and whn scores the largest num-' Those present werc Mr. anci [n a variety of professionîs, b ber af points in the sand and ilIYT tYTT ~ Ms. Jack Wade and s0on. butter tlieir knowledge and leaf section. There will bec ~VLL Douglas, Mrs. Jean Cochua iF' their lîsb rae fou ctercas pize~ n ecband son Gardon of Nexwcastle., stucl'. These agriculturai acho- of these sections as weil as ino ,I n r n u.AkeHod asi.zwr iý.t md the cutters class. Miss Margaret Dean o ~-adM.adMs ri -i-lrbi- wîe fnt md The tobacco queen wili be lebobro. spent Tbursdav with' awa anid sons. Rîckyv and GarIv availabie to Caiîadiaîî farmi chosen trom among employ- Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown,. of Fliii Flon, Van. A pi-n-c people in 1951, and suite that ees of tobacco producers 'in Miss Bertha Thompson re-, supper %vas scrvedi afleu wxvb-b tine 20 Youîng Canadiari farrn- the Iwo caunties. wives ai turncd by air on Tiesda\v ax-Haîvwspened\ila shaendet tpad owners and grawers bcîng in- ing bad a delighlful holid-ay ai camiera and Mabel wîitb a have coi-ne back vvnli nexv eligible to enter. Calgary and Banff. pearl ring and a Lazy Susa i ideas and broailer horizons. Three cash prizes wiil be of- Mr. nd Mrs. Pbilips of Tor-i tray. The 196(J wîniieî's of the Nul- fered in the tobacco queen onto are spending a few daysl -Pfield dvards, La-d. and compettion as well as a spe- with lMrs. Etta Clarke. FiPrnce Edward s of Thrnd Cash prizes will also go ta and daughter Doroh ave i yra m ers Hiiuis.Aier tar ui'en the the best team aif three in a taken a cottage al Halls Lakeeniun hirsuisi b tobacco tieing contest. Entriesfor a week. akeP [ i.adsoliiuieai are t be aipoedo one: Miss Anne Neshitlis ha,.-ng ;Ta eufl t 1n Te sclOIoarsIii Ps are adiii su- tier and txvo handiers and her bouse painted. ( iI stered ini Canada by the Cao- prizes will bc determrined on Mr. and Mrs. Sid Bi',~ IJ 1191ff adian Fedieration of Agricul- th bss ispe adnet took advantage of the lonlgi turc, and al applications muIt iiess. weekend ta gel awav on a (rip. i be piaccd with [lic offices of Long Bros. will aller a troll Mr. an d Mrs. Allan Martin1l Last Wednesday. July 27th. ilm Provincial Federation ~hy for the runner-up in the af Port Credit: Miss Caroivo ,Durham County held ils anurnîcber bodies ocff[lie CFA., b est exhibitor class. . Martin af AMherst«burg and nuai Sail and Land Use J'iîdcg- The coeadiine fori, Icse appli-' J. Dane Found af Orano 'S1 Miss Sandrae Bragg of Bo\\- ;ing Competition. calions [o be, ii the liands of asin hraticm entis nd-emanville were xeckend guiesU There xvere abolit fîftx the National organizatîon s asoatQin, collîtte isRoy with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sta- ýfarmners and 4-H1 niemnbeis Octoher 30, sa applicants are war Qin, ih re, oypIeton.I presenl for the. whoie dav and Foster, Dave Roughley and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender. ot are t vsenoal son., Peter and Carol and Mr.,and very informative.- and Mrs. Raymond Trim are' The morning programme(,ý I 014EY1away on a mator trip 50 onst of a touir around thi theWelcome, Garden Hlil] area,! AVAILABLE FOR Dècoration Da); service iwiloig a h aiu ye f be observed al Lakeviewlsis.A ing I texvaiastypon i cemetcry, Ncxtonvilie. on s ou.A 11exlnaingî N OB G G a ndAu.14 Specialist ai the Souls Depari- Mr. r is. Frank Gilmner ment al the Ontario Agricul- : spent the long xeekend with,ýtrlCleeadTrýýI- Mrs. Mabelle Lcnshncr af Nia- tuleyCoilg and Tfor, th - uAaazR S.JO E gara Falls. trai Lake Onîtar'io Coriscrva-, Mr. ai-d Mrs. Murî'av PoilterionAubriy Barrister and Solicitor and daugliîel'Sandr .a xerei Wc nAlso itedte siî. 130 Ring St. Oshawa Sunlday guests of Ibis parents.ýW lovstr h tii RA 8-6246 Mr. and Mis. Porter, Sr.. , f'crop farming system iised alt rr aeni idfnel AS 26Manvers Station. Donna. xvbo ýthe [ai-m of the FHonourable ars have on l h ad f i, - has been with ber grandpar- incent Masse« vaind a [arnnbn ev ntebnao pond on the farm or Stewý,art Raymond Burt. lie bias [ound Gray. his rucliremeiît ils nultthe writ-% [n he ftruîouînîînhrsing of a fast chapter, but tire1 In te aternon ieinersfuilfilmleli of maiîv dreani.s.t ai the toui were giveni a flis intixe minîci, wh ich guiîd-a chance ta put lheii' kioxviedge mhipoton scutis ai-d experience lu tire test as buokcî-l'or the C'NR durilîgN lthey visited the [ai of Mr. mis of lus buîsifiess fleife. r binioîe Su,),t, Ga rden lii - conî,i n rI schernii g. for i,- s [lc ami ni ivaiioiis places picastire ard lbnppiîiess Io-I' (ias demostraing erosîoîî. tex- ailiers. et.Cnetnswve re rquiiecli 'poked Poig( eiiw The refreshing i paeghmacrig oIvrî rc îwiîcthe hie fa ie-i suitability to groxvîîg cdops, sel sparked an idea !rinia such as alfalfa. eorîî, baIl mid. Ranincid Buirt puita tanqof ruewheat aîîd spriîîe grin.n clownî lis trOxvel. doiirid hisë Lomon Flavor petitiCîr of itee 1mb: c-,cl, thei d Itwkcl ii nd Ieador 1 X age and under were, FriclII lckiexii piiil Sbaekletoîî. Bownî ivI well amid teit o iril mara six BIG Paul Tamblyni. Oruno; Scot, nient iii puttiig lits cxcitiîg, liRudll, ewcatle.planî befoî'e ber. Fi-e tld lier 1 Rudil Nwcste.lie xxaîiîed t(cilayPied Piper% 12 oz. BOTTLES Wneso h -1scintOfl fKn iv of seveiîîeen s enîs of aeanîd Onîtario,. and cast blis speilt 72 FULL OUNCES over were RonaldIcIelsh. \\ howxiii li ielsc Iostte 1 ivas luîglî mari ini tle (oiiet i-spiritt lîeîî axca v miuan Peîi PLUS lion aid xvinner orfltte2ic C[ ltclnîîg oîie A UT DEPOSI?~~~~~ scholarsilîp [o attend a short Aloî îiîle nt Is *MORE for YourMoney course oui soils. Second place îîAbol it s (lie ic i s O- 4 1WL-2 wntb -aold Yello V an ces. hstie iini 1- third tfo Donîald WeIli.- pionI [eueaoii,îiioi iotrn- _____________________________________________________Bruce Tay lor, Eriiiisk i((cii. ouiît, lins lieen reula inier1i wxas wiîncr of 1(iescIl0F t lie s orii ue i s ol Il omle, farrner'q vionfipctifilon, \k'iile anid I l,, Iel(- s ores of k,,iki seconîd xcent (o Roberi ('la o.Coduciifg lic nini tilllrîl f 1 ekard, aidfi nlii\ ci Cbui!0ichaliin stanids in ail ils1 ýKcllogg, Poil hlope. broinze ap Ic'idor i Ic cilini d F R E E ! R E E . Thîe event xvas arui n îerf C;niiadnls;uit s'ewu oft i us g'cat Wit evry urcase<>thle Extension Branilcf 1iw 1ieî ctirlcîîi l n $1.O oer morce of culture. u-vndrni1late linRfxiîîîç Calendar -un.Officiual Opeiing su Garde-i 1h11 Par'k. Speaker will buc[lue 1Il M. Nickle. Mîuister ni îîing and Developinent. !\tiist Fth-7th--ili Ju tunu mnFarmera e.ulaii, ( in i'i~ui Ilastiun il( Ilu mnerlaid Coinit k-s. M\-ondan'.ýAtugcist 91 poui -- -Diiriaui-iCouul Swxijic Club Meetinug. Pl pO Durliai t-J4 Danr Clulu rmîieet uuug P1lace t on \VIii a sur\i N u vms, tucii am1)î-ýg tuiiucuior' tliaiu'21-M 111 1iks i iw;iris c'c mirr!n l v 1,2- had ver or hrcild a tranniu i- fore. Tliejcitcrime'- i nitslad. Plus tniî1iii f itlir- iîuuîit- able sauid\vmrlme. -ndudozes aI tiran.i-av-nwulIcI horoîvarl- inug. Burt fcIl sur'e. For weekz before tIhe gi-t U event, teachena devoted atudy lime to Cliamîplaiii's adveuu- lunes and rend deliglutftsl pa- nagrapjhs f[n i eucaSt- alune SciIes o (hei u n,. cîcaiges. Whi c te f(i'-. ep 50v ung sýeecs of rnfi cal edi Catironuin t lisrrnmmi of the"r stîudeiuis. Sun buii lhîuîîsntIf m-akiog arraig'uues 1xIili Rodnue - v rown, CNFs a.eî ______ ger sales agenti. for speuîal coacihes anîd permission fou'thie euri chlmdren I(o se, w-bil.eneus route. 11lue old steaun euuguiesl retind oui the abuituig rails aI Allanidale. Little wondet Luckily the daY dawicd <oi a sunubeanu and lonîg queues o[ OwDCVS Pohicy small cbildem [ornied oui tbe You get fine station platfornî, clutciiing Iiability insura their paper lunch hags while their beants pounded tu the honiewitb one rhythim of wheels onu ateci prcmium. It'si rails whucli tbey could beau' nucmo [he distance as the tain ap- - proauiîed. T'le experienîced t MfO<rdebils t traveileu's amnouig ile nearly' 300 pickoiekers assured thec bass informed that the condtnc'- tan bas a litIle stool to niake t possible ton thueur shor't legs ta mninthe ic iugliteps of'thflic: AR coach.iUAR Not a flaxv man'ied (luis per- Mfecu. das. Mot bers ai [hie pu- INSURANCE U pils wvlo went along for bbe lank. danik cofice un the cafe King St. R. *car witb the smatorirng af fa- tbers wlîo xere able ta take Office the ciay ,off fionu tleîn h s- NA3-5681 iues4 ciisîmîvîuschilc-e u c youigsters quwckly reduce-d R I4 Lod'àge. I-le 'was isovcr "on of soccer and attended the, gamnes when possible. Suirvix'îng to mourn bis pa.s'- 1 71 q iZ hire is soi) Franki. 'ravis;- or (he tock: brother Art, Tornto,i (;ues and sister Francis, llavvaii 011 W. Members of the Orange' 1Plan- Lodgehle]di a service ai, hpý * The [uneral was heiàfd n IldieSc\ the Northc'utt & Snith Funi- ge vîsil eral lione on .111i\' 26. Inter- d Nor- inen i was nii)lan"Ilon Cen,- ctcryv. Rev. W. A. l'ogaii. Eni t t-jiun iailIen. eondccd the spt- vice- . Ilace to Therr Nvere înman * tîeaîffnl floral tri butes [rom i ea tie.-,' t î~(0friends and rieîgh boi%, ry Cal f Thý- plIthearers weefriend, Ie' a n - Ilainîetv. Lue pharc. Alat ni Sharp. Milton Vil-tur lohi111 101 (th Wilson.fDornId D esa d Milton EUhoit. EBENEZER Thue Ladies' BeicanU ass we'c gtucsts at a suppt'n party provided bs' theio inubcir oi - - Group 3. Appi-oxiniately Iim- Lty ladies sai don to a delîcîous lîeal. Mrs. Herb Mackie than- kcd the ladies especialiy flue /W~' leaders Mn's. lioyd Dowîî. L~. MI;s. Harold Osborne wbo aria planncd il. The tables wr.rr dcecorated wctb assii wee- peas. 1Junt- Pc-.i'eadnl 'ic Arir- Matir 'Ir. oe Ilr ilue Iisu le wants mueeting with (luesinirng of q inewverse repcaled in, îuison. nwCorrcspoîdecn'e was ra including thauîk - yoij notes ers Potcq from thie Oshawa Ilospital and the Wamnen's Well[are Lea- ýr Our Horne- gue af Oshawa arnd several us so popular. fronu ur commnîity who are ... theft.. or have been illi. Ta boost oun atteuidaice i ince for youir- future class meetings il was pol<y .. . onle decided ta bave aui' Septcnîu- Sconvenient ber meeting, a frierid' night, s4) witlî each unember brncgig a )nomicai. Cali frienîd ar neiglibour. Loday.i Miss Ano Haoit an-d Misý Carl Dawn were apîîounted a conimitîe Io prime a r'ecord Ailing cabiet foranahebbc e- aiodso pasi au-d present. A samiple of or niex -ecm ESbooklef xvas passcd around ton R. JAME inspectionî. The bookîct i ci cludes recipe.s ramn ail the REAL ESTATE mnembers and have a amanrt- oilclotb caver Ix) resist the Rowmanville oaok's fingex- marks-. We hope to bave a supply for sale caris' Residence [n the faîl. MA 3-5493 Au anniouuuceoeut %vas iead for ;a \.M.S r(i ;11mi ni li 5chui'ch, August 9, for twa, WHEN CONDITION8) ARE RIGHT fl VOU'RE ALW4V$! !~T{ady WIT-H MOOFr!ll (oo ame the days when a farmner could quiciy hire al] dms manpower he noeded for work that had to be donr fi" te, take advantage of rightfileld or weather mmoditions. Todaýy, expçww.ned farm labour ù; warce and costy. Tbe answer Io problein is modern farm tmach inery. lit provideo an egicient, economical working force thai. Îs available at ail ULim. 1%e danger of profits being kit lying in thbe fields because of a shortage of harvesting help is eliminated. 'Me ability of modernu (arn oquipment to handie heavy work schedules ai. top spood witli a minimum of manpower often means dme diffemenc bet.ween profit and loss on today's farm. Vollow Uie trend tUal, leads o more profitable farming. Teai up witb Massey-Ferguson machines and impie- mmts. Ilby keep labour ensta low provide a wider umrn for profit&. Sàr uStr Maaoy->?iuaon doeer. *q Mameuy-Fergusou Limited TOMONTO wIt- a For your convenience Service Station wil hbe open from 7 a.m. te il p.m. STOVE ,Stephen Fuels CALL US TO-DAY TELEPRONE MA 3.5410 Junior Day at the Peterbor- quilts for the family of Ailan ouglh Exhibition. Entries must Vinson whose home was com- M niste il On rFarrners be in before August 4th. For pletely destroyed by fine. TheM ue W iI On enty frms aply tAgnicul- !Ladies Class are giving money f D # tural Office. ;ta heip replace thein supply.N w C n e v t o r u r OT LJ.I%.. Thursday. August îîtb, After an enjoyabie sîng-sang N w C n e v to r v r of U tK e 7:30 p.m.-Durham 4-H GrainI conducted by Mns. C h'a A ts.' Club Meeting at tbe Ontania -Found at the piano- Mrs. A t G rd en H il ug urged ta have theur applica- Department ai Agriculture, ' Ross Peance gave a readîng tuons iii the hands ai theur Board Room. Bowmanville. ý'Hiawatha's Wooing' by Long- TeHnual .M i' vroei h rau n Provinîcial Fedenations as soon Th-oorbeW .Nc vroei h rai.n as possible. Immediatelv aller Tuesday. August l6th-Fi-,-fellow. kie, M.B.E., M.C., Q.C., Min- viled te attend Ibis apening. Ibis deadline, a national scîce- niaI Durham 4-H Beef Clubý Devotionai was takeuu by isten af Planning ai-d Devel-, A special invitation is extcnd- lion committee will study the Meeting. Place la be announe- ! Mrs. Gea. Annis wbo based il apmenî wiîî officially open ed la bnîng lunch and have applications and select the two ed. on "Adventuring Afler Trea-I the Garden Hill Conservationý a puenie lunch on the ounds winners of the 1961 Nuffield: Wudnîesday. Augusi l7th- - surers"-In elosiung. Mrs. An- Anea, Friday, Aug. 5 at 3:00 at noon. staying fo:r* oUfi,- awards. 'Durham 4-H1 Poultry Club; nis read a poem "Sharing" by, p.m.' cial opening in the ai t6naoh. TFaad ala-or Meeting. Place ta be annaune-- Maude Preston. Mrs. Allan Arneet ae be unuîbsaiexene-u-e raeled. IDown oifered prayen fa close Ohrseuiget iIb ragmns b~e be inothsof xpese-reetrael Monday, August -22îd--Dur- a very interesting meetinîg. present ta bring greetings; made ta have a lunch served in Great Bnitain, dunîng wbichi from other authorities and'iat the conclusion ai the offi- tim'c the winneî-s xvml visit, ham 4-H Swine Club final municipalities. cia] apening. and study outstanding farmet. Place ta be annouinc- l T'T Tf The Garden Hill Conserva- For those not familiai' with with the aim te acquiring BASEL LINE tien Area bas been developed flhe location. the area is on the metbods and techniques that Tuesday, Auguat 23rd--Hope a s a recreational park by the Kirby-Campbelleroft road at wili assist them upan Iheir ne- Township Caif Club Meeting. Mis. Ida Trenutb bias been Gýanaraska River Conserva- the village of Garden Hill. turn ta Canada. Applicants Place ta be annaunced. spending some lime with Mr.! tion Autbority. A dam was sbould be betweeuî the ages ai Tiîursday. August 251h - and Mrs. J. R. Metcaif. built an a stneam that non.- 30 au-d 35, tbey should be now Durham 4-H Potato Club:. througb the area and a lake . A SPC L engaged and Iikely ta remain Meeting. Place ta be anna)une- i Mr. Sam Battams- is speuid-:ai ome birt acrsCapra engaged [n agriculture upon ed. 1îng a weeks' holiday at Elgîn.1, mately twenty feed deep al L W ROUND-TRIFP their return. and they should ud ay uus 7h Mn. and Mrs. Noble Melcaîf.: the deepest paint. bas beenALFA E be hetye i eranwhi audy uut21 Oshawýa and Mi-. and Mî's.. developed. Pienic ables. l'est- wilî icel [nec ta pass aiong Ahiev4Hemef n n ~~ e ClubH Ab vey Boxvmanville. noom facililies and parking- any new-found knowledge mebrsa laktckFi were weekend visitei-s-xithil areas bave beeii provided. mnay apply, and al] applicants Tuesdy uusî ' Mn and u-s. J R. Mlcaîf othes. Pnson ai ithe sex sday Aug 3OthFr- Mn. and Mu-s. Kenneth Hop- muat he 'citizens of Caniada."a4HMetkigforspent the -Set iDates f Tbey will leave Canada about -H Dairy Caif Club. Place wekend wieththeir daughten iy thie ci-d ai February. 1961. and ta be announced.Mnad rsKeîebHr- it - rctunn about the end ai Au- Wednesdav, AulgLmat 31st -[ n rndhlueRcvrI ar , gusl 1961. Placement oui [arms Duriham 4-H Poultrv' Cltb- ib lyand Heaher Eîlen iiar .4îî. * F'------i in Great Britaiî- is being au'-ý nai Meeting. Place in be an- i-.a-dMs rc atîs olwngl iiiflu 4. __ ranged by the Nuffield Founi- nounced. M. n Ms BceBIt 'd --t a rs i ll îs sectiona lie of - -. - A dation in constultation witb Thursday. Septenîben' lat-- . aryTrnbuaamvsitan ie-vicassud yte ai Euîgland and Wales, the Na- imeeting. Place la be announe- idales Z o ron ohroi SnsailctumOarisoi ptetietbi fi a tional Farmers Union ai Scat-' ed. -utrs nTrnooiSna. h îtnoDpîncta land, and the Ulsteu' Farmersý Juiy 24-.30 ('ANADIAN Thursday eveniuig, Mrs. Nei Agriculture.(-. Union. bearing in mind thei FARM SAFETV WEEK. Brownell wag hostessata a mis- Baetn.SpiIt________ typ aiagicutuîe racice icellanneous showen in bonor of BellevilIe-Aug. 15-18. and prcfcnred bY tbc winning Miss Florence DeVries. w-ho is Blackstock-Aug. 26-27. i - fffuNa tim ~lva- C n ans.retunning ta Hloi-and, ta ho Babcaygeou-Scpt..30) - Oct.I1: Il is loped (liatI hneewiiî Spray Doron married in the near future.Campbelo--SepI 27 -28c. 1i Ma 5"à fAJ i si p- be widcspread unîcu-cat ini Ibis During the evenin-g mucb 5ar-idston-Sep. '27-2 Ot4. ~d ~i wt i opportunîily for young Cana-' ust tak placne weî a e ac Lndsa-et. -24 ested [armers, and ihese inter-' To rreve ntwuswapnend ih a aoc cî - - duster ta hem for Miss DeVries Markham-Sept. 29. 315ci 1 lae ate aeugdt con- new home. Mrs. Sam VanCai-n Napanee-Sept. 5-7.4 & tact the offices of [heu' Pro- ad rAI ' olile s istcOakwood-Sept. [9-20. viuuial Feieî-ationa of Agri-. vvaier C.ore theand Mrs m iine asstrOrono-Sept. 9. - J & e pmmber 7th cuit une for application feroi-s ehses[ evinjg a deilrg 1-< an-d other data immcndiatcly. If you haveiVt iîad ton i-ucb irions lunch. Osiîawa-u.120 i ran laeýyand oursoilhaqPeterborough- Aug. 10-13. Ty--i a bigh lime content, look adI i Parton-Sept. 2-24. rfor water core inc tîrnipa, OBT:PY otcnerry-Set - warns C. B. Kelly af the O.A. O IU R eet- Sept. 23-24. C. Botany Depaulment. - Sunderland-Sept. 13-14, ~Sa e I rni gr wer ha e JUGH LOW ERY CN E-A ug. 24 - Sept. 10. f ound fromn expenienîce tuat Mr. Hugh Loweî'y. ago.d 82 Ubig-et 8 they are neyer troubled by years. dicd in Rosa Memorial - water coî'e and take no pie-i Hospital. Lindsay, on Satur-1 4IXa.i's yIbisday July 23rd, foi ig ai PE aelychanc ine att no fn euing iffo e bol n -R thisteaborax spra y or dua mixuî-. b sggets.Tr ta yrsAlicy a Cburch ai] do mil whenotIhe tumaareig Hi fe inwas ne sed by h' ice tSpra sao is d'filepet[bepite.niing re bs both Parens lei behid, aadtheappliationi 'on1 talr. es any; village was -just auotbeî "Don't, bother appiying bo- Thomas Loweny, Chesiey: andST R G Hanilin Town". but wbcui the rax with fertilizer," advises his sisters, Mrs. Wilîned Mol-, T RG train xvas due back, the quiet, the Ontario Depatnent aif ligan (Neli) of Lindsay, Mis. aimost deserted dormutory Agriculture bolanist. "[t hasn't Cepbas Staples (May) aI UROUSEHOLD AND cammunuty canme alive. Cars been effective in maruy ameasý Bethany, and Mrs. Arthur' Mc- wene packed irto the station possibly because of the higb Quade (Lcna) ai Omemee. OFFICE FURNITURE STORAGE parkig lot like sardines, tbc lime content of the sali.' Rev. Walter Evanîs of Beth- station platforno was a mill-' If o havent ,got a dusîcu' any coniducled the [uneral sel- - 'i ing mass ai hurmanliy arîd bte or spmayer. broadcasl grauiu- vice which was held [rom ntphelzig in al spir'it tuf ueigbbourinîess wns iatcd borax with a cyelauie Mackey Funerai I-lme in pcaiigi al, ils highesl peak inu*yeai's sceder aller thinruing 'ratber Lindsay on Tuesday. anionîg [ho gossiping. laugiing Ihacu beforec sowing. Appiy 20' Palîbearers were four nephu- ST R A W Y V LI Y T M groLIp Of parenbs, waiting ta te30 paunds per acr'e ews; Thomas MuliiganrîBiuce TO --W Y V U T S TE welcorne home [heur adven- MGlLwec tpeA- turing youngsîeî's. iawcr'isgMîlLa r.,eSandes, Ar-, FOR VOUR VALUABLE POSSESSIONS Raymand Burt is TTTTAPV close neighbas. Percy Sargiu-' a ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o and oRatiiacmou bee oJ.IJa.LL ALSO COMMON INDUSTRIAL STORAGE days for he is alneady. ai lue THOMAS PAinSt.GEr' relqucat or tparenits,.ecesTOA RDRC ;F aînd tbe btindreds of kiddies, Cei-neteny, Manvers Township. planning next year's train trip Aller a shor't periad of [l1 ________________- tNiagara Falls. lile us parti- nucas. the deallu occuu'ned oi PIROIE It rke 3-2493 cularly happy because he Juiy 24. 1960 al Memorial, CtY r ic beîped Io provide a men HsptaBowmanville, Ont,,',tTorrrc wh'icu rmade il possible for i- ai ofTbomas Frederick Page. FrFe sintso l those sniall[c'y (o ei.oy Ille Mur. Page was boni Septcm- o eur LîvesiockFeeEtnasonU [hlui cx-erx- Iiîld iiiûu Id n- ber- 8. 1872., aud apeuit most of through Local and Nation-wide Movunz th(, l)opponi uiit.Nc-of expenmienc luis ie farmng in tbe Bur-ke- Ui în ardeou tto.fn. Euîfield anud Boxvnîiavitle! %"T A T E 'S 3,1 N N rj»IlalAttention Given Al] Vouir Vahtables igard01a rn.distric-ts. f-is ife pu'edeceîcs- C L A 8 8 1 F 1 E D 9 ed lh uruî ln Jaiiuarv 27,1945. AiGosFjl nue lie was foi, mauiy yeai's anl Phone MArket 3-03AlG ds uIynurdH A ~rrnri ur~ Jactive minbei' of (lue Orange'- PAGE TWO

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