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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1960, p. 11

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TRrnu 1TAY, ATG. loth, 1980 TME CARADIAN STAT£SmM , OWILANVULU, ONARTO <Ih< Glordon Âgnew, Edifor Phone 3621 Reeve Opens New Barber Shop Opened on Monday new building. On enfermegl the building, Jimnuie Basker-I ville was thse first person tei occupy thse chair and Mir. Co'ncl, haro er sss! Quinney caiied upon Hret Toms his 81 year old pre- t(:Ounci, C ambe Assst ecessor in barbering lu Nexw castle te guve the frst baîrci in the modemn new sbop. The new building is locut At Barber Shop Opening Sfee ontise firthstdo e cdreonthe norstbsidre e of in ,Mil St an isa brick anud' Newcaste- Amid a repre- j Mr Q.uinuey (plus a word eof the ribbon strung across the block structure of two storcys sentative greup of citizens, appreciation te Howards wife front entrance. and basement, a isandsome members of the village coun- Kay and bis parents) for their 1Mr. Quiuney tbaîsked bis! addition te tiis- block of the cil and cisamber of commerce, many hours of liard work te friends for their good wrishes village's business sections and Reeve D. J. Cunninughams eut heln compiete the building. and preceeded teo usiock the! the fourth f0 be adIded f0 ilis the ribbon and deciared Howv- May I aise add as a neighbour,i door te thse prettiiy decorated i block in as many years. ard Quînney's ne-w barber my owîs personai good wish-__ __ ,hpopen on Monday mor- es." --I "I As secretary treasurer ol the Newcastie Chamnocr of Commerce, Lorne Johnson, the local druggist opened the ceremonies saying "it is in- deed a pleasure to welcome .Yet another new acklition toý Our business section. hitis, we believe, evidence of a stcady - and firmn growth in ouir vil-,, lage.1 Theretore it is my orivi-, lege to extend best wishes to1 Cofl grat To Newcastle's Pro HOWARD QUINNE Y ON' NEW BARI It was our privilege tg for the new P. G. NewelI Lui 'REWCASTLE Conçjra tuka to Howard Quinney on NEW BARE It was our privilege and p masonry work on ti MURDOCHe MA 3-5409 Maor o GCongra iL To Howard ( on the openin NEV Modern Bai We were pleased aie heating system in1 GOULD HE NEWCASTLE Cong91atuL To Howard Quinneyt of his NEW BARBI We were Pleased to inst in the new 'bt R. B. RICI Plunibiîîg - Heating and E NEWCASTLE CO -a t u, TO NEWCASTLE'S PROGI Howard Quinney on the NEW CARBI It was our privileget cernent blocks for this NEWCASTLE BL IE WCASTLE Conigratu fati to Howvard Quinney of his NEW BARBE was our privijege and pleasi and building materlals for th SHE.PPARD & Lumber Co. i A3-33n8 Mr. Johunsen said neoson- ing of a new building would bc complete winout the at- y IL, V I.". [ Ll r~. tendance of a representative of the civic Governmment and ( 1I /called upon Reeve Douglas ,II (i C unn ingham. cloal ana t J ersonal Rceve Cunn îîighain coigrat- led Mrof. Qneý unildngthandP1 Miss irene AMb of Cobourg îmarket visited i ,th NMr.and w eni~ f is ewbuldig ndhas returned home after spen- Mlrs. C. G. Cotild and famîlv on chaf o th ciizes o iding a week with bier cousin, last xveek. the village wished him the Mr. and Mrs. Sain Brereton, Thu Rev. adMvr . 1.C. x'erv best of success for bisiChl- idM. busnes i te utue nd Cut arlotte Mary and Airmee. Fisher returnied home Listj business__inthe________and__ I Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Forbes Thursday fo]Iowing a tvo~ of Mimico, visited with Mr. week holiday in Y'ork, Pennai Brighit and early on Monday morning, civic off and Mrs. Gordon Agnew on and surrounding terrîîorv. Newcastle Chamber of Commerce, other businessmen Sunday. Mr. James Towvnsend of Re-: wornen and. children from the village gathered in1 ,tud a tîo)fiS Mr. and Mr.s. H. S. Brit-, gina spent the weelzend vis-brbrshp for -the officiai opening. This photo show~ ton enjoyed a week's holiday, iting with the Re\,. M. . andbre lo last week touring in Ontario., Mrs. Fisher and famnily. ham cu tting the ribbon with Howard Quinney, the pr( -ogressive Barber Mrs. Marjorie Cunningham' Mrs. F. L. Agncw of Peter-i Imrnediatcly to, his ieft is 81-year-old Iierb Toms whc THE OPENING 0F BIS is visiting with Mrs. No-manî borough spent Saturday visit-1 thevillage.____________________ James at lber cottage at Gond- ing r iti irs Gordon Agnew. 1 __ erham. Mr . and Mrs. Johin VouitI Mr. Gordon Agnew accoîr- Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard B ER SH O P panying bis brother, MIr. F. L.' and Mrs. Peari Hutchinson M c utR pr Aganew of Peterb o r o g hi visited xwith Mr B<Bor) Camer- l A MaQuf ttawa R p r spent Saturdav in Orillia. on in Cambray on Sunday. o supply materials Messrs. Douglas Jose and iMr. iqnd Mrs. P. F. [lare1 Wendel] Fisher visited with and Mr. and MVrs. J. S. Amies I ibuilding Mr. John Patterson in Lake- of Bownianville. visited with fieodon Nnda- friends at Presqu*ille Point on ~ r o e v i e , P i e .nber Company S1nay ___-OT'TAWA Wthn a ew 1iation of Conisumers) iad PHONE 3456 P a nr u nA R no t I ick su t a nîcq5 iiie abetheir say, that Justice Minis-1 PlyrudRprt tod tcnsutiewl ebe ter Davie Fulton and his col-I Newcastla-- This week on ear-hing sets wbicb eepe the merchandising of ail leagues realized just how1 the playground vie learned sented to us by Mrs. S. Bre-1 fornis of consumer goods. much opposition there is te, many new games. In Arts and reton on behaif of the mothers The housewife wili find the changes. itUions * . Krafts we made wastepaper of the plavground childrcn.i that lier super-market no To bc fair, the goverti- baskets from 2½ý gallon ice We ivisli also to say a ferîtures as many ment lbas flot repeaIed ï cream cartons and (,'corated, thank you to Mr. and Mrs. S.] "sjýecials". that furniture the prohibition of resale met ai shelves. Wc ivish to Brereton and Miss Irene Ash, and appliance stores no price m-.intenance. Il, is n opening of his thank Mrs. H. J. Toms for _ifrs. G. Darling and Mrs. Gord I oîirer advertise selected StRil liegal for a mnatn- donaiing. these along wilh the Gray for their assistance in, ardries ali below-rost pri- faiturer or wholesale.r tu decorations. The children also; supcrvising the chiidren on ces. So-catlled discount dictate the relail price of ~ H P worked bard this week on the1 Friday. A great deal of credit b Iouses %%ill find it tough- his gonds. But the amend- 3ER H O P scrapbooks which we sent toi goes to the parents who co-j er to stay in business. mneits bha ve provided ~h ik h]reisHopslopernted so willingly w'vith us, priee coinpetit i o n on themn with a mnmber of t pleasure to have dono in Toronto. and made the playçground ac- imme braîsd articles will defences. lu other words, lis new building. O Frdyxeblour last tîvîties sucli a success this slowly lessen. tbey now have excuses day of playground in the form year. Words cannot express Tihe cause of these changes for catting off supplies of a "Special Event" a picnic Ouîr grai itude Io Mvr. Brereton i-. a gýox'rnmenI act arnend- to retail outiets. If these &WELSH at Waltona Park. Eacb child wllo 'was always w]iig to ing C nY Anti-Combines excuses are uscd in, flie wastol tobring bis or ber-he]p us with an £ fciii es. legatioj-., the subiect of thue full, many retailers wiII ntractors s1migsi n atx-l Rceuo bimnsF-'o. iiî dbtes heard find themselves unable te~ BOWMANVILLE for swimrning in the creek; otnote: Another successful this ýessioni in Parliament. For ten cents for admission to the Jplayground bas corne to a tbrti',:' in the House --park and bis or ber own lunch close with tic largesi. ntmber and in the PEi-king Commit- whîch was to be eaten under enrolled silice lis inception. f ce, tÊe Lithct-als and the CCP the shade of the treeq.Be As Susan bas sala in this fine four-ýst the iamendrnents every !a to 'i d resh swimming there reportthse parýents, by their inich of flic wa.t co-operlation for any event ifpoaltoex ila lt()faS foilows: plain races- Tim- have been largely responsi- f amne he lic nedînents, my Wallace ana Ken M\,cCra- bie for the success of the Play- because betiveeîî noiv and Quinney ckcn; Waiking race-- Harold, ground. but the fine leader- 1tlii iiext Federal election,1 ng of his Powell; Sboe kick-- Kims De- ' ship. u nderstanding ansd pat-; ttW xoier i- going to hear Goyer and Nornsan TPilîson:. lence exisibited by Our lead- I îmanisisorted versions Lucky spot on thse picnie ta- crs, Susan and Sharon, bave! froii Lpoliti<ians ont bot bic- Betty Piersma. indeed been a prominent fac-'i sies of the fence, and be- We wish f0 thank Mrs. NM.Ifor ini this year's ottanding! in uprartise they ivili Paterson for tise lovely prizes succcss. Trhe Recreation Coin- affect every voter. irber SIiopf for these races. The children mittee bave been very pleas- The aiscmeists fal jte, Ubad looked forward to thse cd iîsdeed with tise work and1 two main caiegories. The first pîcniîch whole we and onresuits of Sharonan Susai deal with com-bines themsei- A to instali Friday, if was a whole lsesrt- and with tise fine enrollmest ves. Tisey allow a group of thi nw uidig d succes witb approximately for the six weeks and we ean.1 coîsupanics tIo form "bencfic- 60 in attendance. only bope tbings xii] work ial- combincs for the exehan- Sharon ansd I siiscereîx' ap-' oui as wvell for lis anlother ge of statiqtica] information,, ~ATINGpreciate tise daintv trln year. Thaîsk you onue and ail tbe establifisment of stansd- PHONE 4331 silver and gold neekiace and for your support. ard",, and the pooling of re- * fi ssearch. On a long-range basis, Favorabe rpors hvelu s pss!- these changes avourble eport hav - lie act could bave a ser- Pee \S ees Sta rt be rcvdonte w tm ous inmpact on ftse consumner. ~ ~ rlat ions Here sesbeing held in the! ar ~tescn Playoffs Fratoncharoaiao th fc- l mmediaite ef te ct. y un the Opening Cls5itee as r- Ti scanuendments affect f- O0 n Satu rda y port o h ut o f tise cas- thatsredio thealet se-, llbepublîiled wben p - antnac. he _ tise clas'sshaxve been ci- j~emitnne h Newcastle -- Tise New castle leted around the end t o ecf o ia1iisrtd y' E R SH O P Pee Wee Baseball Cluo stal t Auguist in Vie face o: the most ther BA pladonsher 1viet ConLi ervatkin 19p- baIl thePiumbîngSaturday afternoon xx ien tiîey -- jvitn osevtv meetthe ethesgîoutea un position. Te Liherals i met te Welinton ean intook tise iew tbat no )uilding the local Park at 2 pan.iente uîît3trr rwoe jThe local kzids have been lu e ie i iuaeue r woe playing pxetty good baseib ,il l saler shon1!d bave the MR t ins m r angod fans w O p ni jiouser to dirtate the re- Elcrc otatos J e osca odbseal1-p nn tail prit-e of bis gonds, gam soud etou I spand tvrote it into the ______ noon and cheer thons oos theirIn W lington imemhahpend ___________________wav to an Ontario tîtie. , Thiey fouind there was Netvca. tic- B. Oshorîse pr',ec competi t i o n ln pitc'sed tieh cîîe I n ý.;,I~ie brand produets. I 'Club ,lux'e!)iic'teaîss bo nh ii Iîlistead of a fixcd price N E U fl vicicry is thse first of tht ir 0 a jiiricular shirt, or iO.B.A. Plavdowns wýith d isvsnirn alerd10b RESV ABE o o r ington. on Saturday wlses the ai retaîlers, titere Ivasa N e c s l . c ,'rRSSIV BARER ýlocals out.-,corýed the Xeîiigt" variety of priees. Manu- ton isovs bv a score of 7 to2 fac»urers stouped adver- e pnn ofbs1in M cîliîsfton. tisiiig the retail price of Aue o tmoxs lM Tise ecoîd gae 1ftis tîcr goods, and the terni seireswas scîedtuied for New- c "sî intoste rei rce" E R SH O P. Newcaste- The Newe.itic a iconWenedavevîsus <ret itotie necbnd cati n ededa ee ing isiing vorabula;ry. 7N Junior team ofthtie Lakesiiore: rhe loi-ais outhit Wellington 1]i coi b ouses opened upl mMd o Sly Minor Baisebail Associations 9 to 0 xx'iile pia-iîsg error-less alh over tise country, sellingj te supply the e!iminsated the Cobourg club' bai] wbile piîcising otherxvise iname b-arsd goods at cut-ratei lin txvo straigist ganses in tlhe perfect bail, Osborîse's cois- prices. StpiIoa n i new building ic lague piaýyoffs ti1efeat b îi g trol vias not Ion good and he lT here are two sides R-azbe-iO yer i them 6 to 2 at homse Iast Wed- gaveup a total of 10 waiks., to Ibis coin. Siîall bî,sln- LOCK CO.1 nesday and taking the second' - -.-----ss__' lIenf-" ndthe . air largeprov ficials, representatives of and a large group of men, frotst of Quinnev's new us IReeve Douglas Cunning- nd Votes Purchase furtiier suppies of the produets they arle Dow selling below the nxantifacturer's suggested QppsitonLeader Pearson daims the issueisatdton ai separation between the Liberal and Conservative par- ties. aîd, fought it on that basis. However. his stand mras wveakened somewhat by the Liberal - dominated Senate. The Senaiors decided they mwere opposed to the amend- nients, said so publiclv, and Now the issue goes to the c'ountry. Constiuer organizations say the act bas been wcakeed. aMd STRI Miat cSupetition wvili lesi- sen and prices to th e 1>n I ( 't K &Me grent - b M irt- mbet cor ousMandingz a - w a uîperbly Mr uh.noie .eeds. = the tred-settÏng 1960 ahcad mn compact car hy 25 billion ownct- Poeoefrein10Oy=uei lmg the kind of car Dd-the compact car. Mew Standard of Basic only compact car that bin= of vahm . - -. bility, performance, ie, and cconomy of consumer will rise. Lead- ig economnists say it wilI lnevitably lead to higher prices, and lowered mer- chandising effie i e n e y. Manufacturers and smnali businessmen s a y tbh changes were essential to their continued welI- being. If tise %orst fears of the epponents te the ameîsdments are reaiized. this couid be- corne one of the major issues in the îsext Federal election. !nt any event, if xviii be an issue. one in xvhielu every voter bar an interes, be-1 cause ifbuvolves bis pocket- book. Ilt s up to the nianu- facturers and tbe distri- butors. Too tnuch greed on their part, and fou mucli fear o0f healthy price coniupefibion, aîîd price competition ln cou-. suiner goods cuuld disap- pear, to ail iutenfs and Purposes. The saine inaî- ufacturers and distribu- tors are th'e first to up- pose govertinuent interfer- ence la thte "free enter- prise w-a- of lite." If they seek to iaîr.od free enter- prise, and wipe out prive competitlun. thiey wil) bave to answer to thue consuniers. whoinolthue end, are the voters. Cptl [EH Capsules As MP hezirled isonse at the ensd of IsleSessions. ssa11vý beiîexed liseY' xiiibe coloris- 1 ing befon Ile ensd of thel ycar. Priîuse Ihiister Diefen- baker told bis cau-us soise' weeks ago lise sas coîssider- iîug a fai]. sessions, ansd se gave a furîher iîst in tise House, wisen lise said be didri'l tiik the nexf sessioîs %vas very far off. If ail depeîsds on bow - ~ ~ W w ' W W W w W Mr. Tobacco Farmer we are nowv building KILNSI BARNS AND GREENHOUSES4 in the PORT OPE OBACC AB 4 also have No. 1 Spruce Tohacco Slis for sale. Prices start at er thousand pieces, picked up off car, or me Seaway Motel, Cobourg, Collect SOPER'S LUNDER YARD AriFRD)VILLE, ONT. PHONE 4 Phone 2671 Tési drive Rainbler 1960. Step in... not sioop in . . . to Rambler's spacious six pmsenger intcrior. Ram bler gives you the best of botb - . big car room and comfort, sinai car handbng cms! Wc're proud of' our 1960 Ramblers. We're proud of our ncw deaer. Wc know you'il b. Sroud in bcing scrved by both. WE NNEW STANDARD <W BASIC EXCELLBNCR ma~m.mmm- m~AI*m . utgmJTlm - 0 à Anf P4~aoe S.~ CASTLE 'wmeurýMrnv'mw ý qw ý,mrmwiïiwý F' k-M MM 1 - - - - -- 1 omic picture shapes up in th* next two months. If jobless figures rise more than .Se&- sonably, look for drastic 4ov.ý ernment action. The Iength et th.eas.q. slon, and the tact %LY." were forced te stay in Oê""- tawa during the sweter,,. Ing heat of the summer, i eft Most M.P.'s cxhaust- ted. They left an estima. ted 8,000,000 words en- shrined on the pates of i Hansard, a record of spe- 7 eches tbat weigha 3U pounds, five ounces. Next session. the business of the House should go much faster. A Rules Committee Report has recommen de d changes to streamline Parlia- ment, one of the most lneffic. ient operations known te rnankind. and one of the Most important. Goodness attains the dem. onstration of truth. - Mary Baker Eddy. "I can't do it"' neyer yet ac- complished anything: 'II wiil try" bas performed wondera. -George P. Burnham. The man who has accom- plished ail that he thini worth while, has begun ta die.-E. T._Trigg. FAIM SERVICE 1DEAD. OLD & CRIPPLED FARM STOCK ftenoved Free of Charge Immediate 24-Hr. Service Ask Your Operator For ZEnith 66550 Ne Toil Charge ý)f PAGE UMM 1 là9iÀlt-fl-ç , t I/ào lil GARAGE )nt

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