IIIMRSDAY, AUG. i8th, 1960 ~J Plant Bu unday guests el Mr. and Mrs.an Ca TarniUUed la t ugnM. and Mrs. Leslie Mount- !ornan Co *ftrikes During August ý\frs Cecil Ferguson, Mn .Say Summers ladMrs. S. Ferguson and Eveny August, the tarnish- When the injury is first tonls Newcastle, and Mr. Mil- One sure sign of the ad- ness cl ed Plant bug sets to workin1en tpytora hes.tn Payne, Montreal, were vneo umri h p ua see, t ay t tratth sr-Sunday guests of Mrnard vneo umri h p ua 1farnnst. Thý2 home gardon is nounding plants as well as Mr-. Russell Mountjoy. pearance of local sweet corn starch. his wonkshnp and few, veget- those affccted. Use eitbcr IMn. and Mrs. R-ichard Bow- and cantaloupe. Not only is conn c( / ales fritson lowrs pry o dut ad rpea ,,,.sweet corn in season now but ated,f abesh fuisor.lwesescapelsratre-imn seytean d rays. les. Kirkland L.ake, visited histhere are large quantities of And ti in. tretmets eeryten a fa The aduit is a fragile, brow- Entomologists with the On- fthon, Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrid it, most of which is of excel- cornnw r~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bts u ibmtldrdo ai oatet0 giu- oivles and Richard remadned le'nt quality, reports the Mar- ing it r yeilow markings. Not evory ture suggest the following con- in aldo te ned et nnho h nai en grdener bas heen able to find 'trois: ilst woek. Depaniment of Agriculture. Alti( tho a tb bg i oiya 5~-DT us.1 The O.N.O. sponsored a Cantaloupes are in normal large 1 fira h u sol ' 1DTds.ýBowling Party at Port Pernvtisya. h .à-rter inch long and it makes 150%7DDT v.ettable powdcr!aly ndynihwe 8sweelythcor fomphctcaly o u wVasYretrcat wvben distunb- -3 tablespoons per gallon of, led. waton; the groxing tips and; pensons enjoyod it. High lady, ail the langer pnoducing aneas ported Soailyoucanse usthehud shul bewei coene1 Donothy Fonder; hîgh gent, of Ontario is now bydro-cool- long di Soamagemou can eMi es, ban- lahous aiswll o necom eii Werry, low lady, Rena ed and the system is working beenl rd iaf e-mto l and dcr- mond, btthi requiesorcm-Butt; low gent, Harold Kyte. weil. This method uses water develol red buds. Teinseetandchioves montsen two oequresthee The ovening's ententainment to remove the field beat frorn wbsch thisby sucThein te ap fnorn as Mala tio orl thewas topped of with lunch âcn eoe tithpodTetnt ilr Haugen's shppd.Thetcht the plants and injecting a poi- I bugs. pnovided that they are Hagnscicken banhecue. practice preserves the sweet- market son that; causes sreo h pao ietywt h a A greait many friends and soie o te sried iretl wih he a-relatives of Mn. and Mns. Unusual symptoms. terial. Lloyd Hunten, Port Penny, M A P I E G ___caloed Sunday afternoon or MP E G *evoning to congratulate them.1 B LAK s r C KMn. and Mns. Menili Van Mn. and Mns. Roy Colliss, nv Camp ontentained in thoir Kim and Michael, Minden, ebr TeCommunity Hall wvaslveals His Presenco." Rev. P. honour on Saturday evening. wene weekend guests of his wben pakdon Mýonday evening Romrerîl gave a fine sermon (See silver wedding in ano- brother, Ennie Coiliss. Ann w -wben Dr. and Mns. Douglasi*on Fneedom. ther column. Miss Mildred Snowden and.lBaton ..13ilbey showed beautiful col- A splendid crowd gathencd! Isabel and Betty Henry,, ber nephew John Pnitchard,' yearsa - ored pictures of various pla- at the Union Cemetcry, Cad- Boxvmanvillo, spent wek bc-.lMaliotick, spent the weekend teamn, ces they visited on their trip l mus, Sunday aftennoon forr fore last and Manjonie and with D.and Mns. L. H. Coat- Bowm;in tbnougb U.S.A. and Canada1 Decoration Service wbicb xvas John Henry last week with es ini Brantfond. well,v also a few local scenes and. conducted by Rev. P. Romeril Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Honr -v. Mns. L. C. Snowden was a cevrest smre of Peari's (\Irs. Bilbey) but bad to he eut short duel Mný. and1s Mrs. Undenhili, guest of bier cousin, Mrs. El- with hi trip to Englind thneo yeans 10 a thunder storm. The corne- Oshaa vste n.ad r. e Wiun amtno -,ago. Aftern Ibe pictures h'd lteny xvas beautifuly decona-IJohn Beacock, Sunday. Friciay evenung.pnzf been shown Rev. P. R<5mcril: ted. Most of the Surîday visýit- Mrs. Raymond Anthes and Mn. and Mns. Jim Laventy Mn.a * Malled Dr. and iVIs. Bilhey ors listed beloxv attenicd the chilc;.ien, Dundas, were Wed Fndrarkfee una dn -40to the front nnd expres-Ecd service ind lilkelv many more! nesEleNv guosts of Mn. and Mrs and faiMwr Sna i Joi raiun nSfml. ner guests of Mn. and Mns. aeted the congratulatimns and good whicb we did not see in the JeBaitrn aiy Ernest Enyles at Wallace ieîte wiFbes of the cornmunitv and rush for slter from the Weekend visitors with Mns. Point nean Peterborough. ig 1-"14rs. Cecii Hill, nnesented bcavy shower. lWesleIv Bnadburn and Mn. Mr n r.Fe o, Abot themn wilh ai cifi of mýoney Mr. and Mns. John Canna-,and Mns. Lpwis Henry wenr n.rdMn.FedGw to dinr, from thoin friends. A houn-1 ghan and famiiy spent five Mn-ý.1. and Mrs. Lorne BradI Janet and Ken Baker enjoyed iga tcous lbnrucoMn. and Mrs. Jaek ia fishing tnip at Stungeon ing atu teou lunheon topped offý'days last woek in the Georg-1Urn Mrs with wedding cake wa-, thon 1ian Bay anea. Webb and lfamily. Tonnntoe- Lake on Sunday. . urdaye Dr.andMrs Dugls Bl-Mr. and Miss Powell and MUi-s IM. and Ms. Norman Gim- M. anÈ îjerve.andtasocialhour o-lDr..ndMr.saDougls Bu-Georgel joo.bey flew fnom Malton, Tues- Seh'îon, Oshawa, Mn. and ilrot.M and ons. Gef orge als1 * Tho August meeting of the' day to Ncwfoundîand and La- Mns. Meriii Henry and film- buGily and on,lo olm-bailsY «W.M.S. was heiti at the home brador whene ho wil ho doing ily, 1Bowmanville, and Mn. bs Bly1oiad Bokinsn. of Mns. Ernest Larmer Wed- medical wonk befone going to iind Mn.Fank Carter andi wone guests of Mn. and Mns. roneo ~igh ebitire atnuîn. Pr- faiil, Mape Grve.' Ruseil Gimbiett on Mondaybrda nesday with 18 ladies andi'vEgland. Mn pati nsGohn anin eenig.îi prl sident onencti the rneetin~ Mn. and Mrs.Go of d n niMs. Sam Mann, sietocid te meig!M.adMs e.WleEn'g1chart, wvere Saturi bail ali ieft Malton by piano Wed- flsts of the iatten's bnothon arot) a d i ni h v .r- of those apo,"Life, Tirne andinsa o holiicays in Eng-M.an Ms.HcoSot turimeti home after a boiiday Wler VWright gave a iand' ndr.rean.nd MseHeto hot-prsd very fine devotional papen on- ln n rln.rde rpt gnaadtr hthe cou titlet- "Are voit missing the Mn. and Mns. John Ballin- Mn. and Mrs. Frank Butt the Alleghen.y Mountainsan rti( best of life'?" 'In nent g gai, Davi and Joanne and and Lyncla are camping at other points n the U.S.A. waf te the best from life one shouiti M1rs. Eileen Snooks spent last Lakleo of Bays. ar.EihDveTutn fbbc t look fonw7rnd, exneetin g great week at a cottage on Lake Mn. anti Mns. Blake Gun- spncusa ihhnpr eived ti thmncýs and forÉctti ng what is Innis. ton and farniiy and Miss M'îi- onts, Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Cook- ment. bebinti. Be cheerful and give Naney Dorreil and Helen hie VanCm are camping i son. -eheerfulne,-s, plus Urne, talent Swain are attontiing Explor- Alaoý,nqun nPark. M.adMr.SeeDoyle Mna arnd helpfulness to othens. or's Camp at Pretoriq. Mn. andi Mns. Cecil Noals wene among those fnom Maple enham Avoid mental and spiritual Mn. Joe Rutietige, Oakville, and famnily, Peterborougb, - New Y! $tagnation. If you woulti build visited Mn. and Mnrs. Howardi woro Saturday guosts of Mrs. Thompson and onjoyed a Pic- including » good character, "It is ail UP Fonder and Mn. and Mns. Carl John McKee. nie at Prescuu'ile Point and Park wh to- you". Wright Wednesday night and Miss R o sta he Bna, ari e ig Foliowing ber addness Mrs. Tbunýsday morning. tonPaedta sctSeaways. W.seeing Wimtht offened prayor. Dian- Mn. and Mrs. Carl Wright HAYDON Thbis w G e N ne Taylor received the offr pnt Thunstiay to Satunday to . n dae vst Mrs. W.tur Twirnln Ing anti Mrs. F. Butt gave the with Norman McCally in Coi- Mn. and Mrs. James Ash- andi Ina Beryl at Mn. and Mns. spent th offeratory prayer. I borne and caliing on Mrs. ton Fort Erie, calied on Mn. Clayton Read's on Wednes- Michigan Duri.ng bbe business. perîod1 McNýaily in Cobourg hospitai.HeyAsonatwek 'dy.tth a nice letton of appreciation Mn. and Mrs. Nortonn Rov. and Mns. Norman (nee i W.A. August meeting w as tube gra, for a bale neciveti by the Wo- Camp anti Jirn were gust Miss Ha.y) a former Haydon held at the home of Mns. J.niia men's Welfare League, Osb- of Mn. and Mns. Poey Van Isehýool eachen, and daughters, Pot nIusa eeig rdae awa, was neati. Camp and Aileen for a four Wel corne, cailed on Mn. and Pots n thrsdayJoev opng. rant Mns. Gordon Strong neati days anti ealied on al the Mns. Arthur Reati on Friday. edntmretJ.gJoncs opn- Mff n.a êécellent address on Christ- othor relatives. M.ad c.W.Frcead bb e eti wib hnn o ff Jan Stewardship which \vas Mn. and Mrs. Bort Wanna- TMrntM. and Ms. IvaFnemen, and pren. evotionalonro- wedr w gi-von by Mirs Doris Edwadxv krandBly egae Sharp and Linda. Enniskiiien; A. Thompson and a p&pen on Mn. and1 et the Conference Bnanch were Suntiay suppen guosts Mn. Ray Ashton, Mn. and Mns. "Sarah, lihe Mothen of Na- Oshawa, 4j.i ' ting in Belleville. Mrs. E. M. and Ms et yr.Rs Ashton and family aI tions" by Mrs. A. Thompson. ing guor, 'armer conduted two Bible Beian and John Wolfe are Mnrand Mns. Lloyd Ashton. Solo, Mary Potts; anti piano oebntesbs wbich urere very in- boiidaying with Mn. and Mns. Mn. Cooen, Toronto, spent solo, Lynda Potts. Meeting9 ton is s tereting anti heipful. Hanny McLaugbiin. bbc ureekenti wibb Mn. anti closeti anti lunch was serveti wiîimber ~eting closedtixih a hyrnn Mn. anti Mrs. Keitb Johns- iMns. J. Aikenheati at thein by YMns. A. ThomDson's gnouP. Kulinke. a rîèpnraver by the president, ton, Belleville, anti Mn. anci cottage. Hayclon W.A. are invitedti 10 Mn. ai ater which a tielicious lunch Mns. J. A. Johnston spent Mn. Roy Tbompson, Les- Ennifzkillen for Septemben Kemble; wç5as senveti by pnou!p 3 anti a the woekend in bbc village on- kanti, visitoti bis mother Mns. meeting. Hunhut, 4cial half boun enjoyeti. route homo frorn Brandon, W. Tbompson, Suntiay. Vacation Sebool will stant Mn. and -Theno xvas a veny gooti at- Mn. anti Mns. Lloyd Wni hb Mns. George Ferguson anti on MVonday at Tynone Chunch loy' anti ttUndance at the Unitedi Chuncb ant i fmily spent Sunday Dorothy. Oshawa, were Sat- fnom 9 ar.. tolb a.m.. H-ay- Wetinesde S.ind!ay rnorning. Mns. Lamne witb Mn. and Mns. Grant Fen- urdaydne us aMrdo chle reivt o M.ai Ttîorpson, Mrs. Haroldi Kyte eguson antifarnily at Lake d inner gucsots ataMn. d.blnn reiniot t nda ddtiMns. Ha'rold McLaughlin' Chandios. atiMrs. Thro1.n jo yts. atsevictnd. l- weoy n a lvey tio "GdPe- Mn. anti Mrs. George Dun- Ms hrn Mutjoy hnhsrieSna v eka han aati girlsrScanhorouRe- Hampton, was supper guest eonmg at 7:30. on Lake barMn ant irlns, Nocioronh of Mn. anti Mrs. D. Cameran, Farmers bave starteti to Gond1 ~ ' sMadwerse udayviston, Fritiay. combine their faîl rbeat. in Memro t ipnl Ofshoyanti Bih Fngu vso Mn. Bort Ashton is vaca- infecteti1 Mn.Royant illMrheone hioning witb bis famiiy at ~...........iMns. Le MrIn r.Tedr thoir cottage for a week. * ~~'"'~~~ Watson, Lynn anti Bradley, M niMsCaleGr ada A il l"es Nonianti, wene Sat., guests, ranci acconipaniedthebb House- o irp - , anti Mn. anti Mns. Maurice mn arillativiittiMn Bradburn, Brenda anti Lenna, Bruce Gannard, Keswick, on ..*-oono o' ~j) Toronto, urere Sunday guosîs Wednesday.le rg dm i1:of Mn. anti Mrs. Wiil Fonder. Mr. anti Mrs. James Heath, . e ng I4EAT~ ~ ~L ~Mn. anti Mrs. Chas. Smnith Douglas, Susan anti Robent, e- lifr 14EAT£ UCi:are visiting in Ottawra anti Ottawa, visibeti ber uncie antilffr MAG~! SbrbrokeQtmoec.aunt, Mn. anti Mns. C. Gar- Mn.ani Ms.Bor Sniî anti' on Fnitia. Mn. anti Mns..... . .Toronto, anti Marlyn Archer, tn a Frank Denby, Bourmanvilie, Whibby, urere urcekenti guests urere Satunday evening visit- adMs of Mn'I. anti Mns. W. Archer, ors anti Mns M ns. A Ritche antiMissors. H.SvesEnii- V~i %M U nPr Ferno oob,*setbc eýM.at n.Sabn < T L , an Norman Avery, Sa*lem, Thurs- miik lbm] ,.1959 STUDEBAKER 2-DR. STANDARD day evening. I'henmrake the jam. Add sugar life can inf Les thn 2000mils, ir-ondtioing iMn. anti Mns. W. Blackburn o fruit in saucepan anti mix weli. at market anti famiiy anti Mrs. K. Coxv- Place aven high heoat, bring ta a D. Clark 1952 STUDEBAKER 4-DR. SEDAN ling attentiet te Cowiing pic- full rallia g boit, anti boit hard 1 partmentc Overrive clen, eonomcal.nie at Cneam of Bariey Park, minute, stîrrîng constantly. searcb Sti~ Ovcdî'veden, conmicl.Bowrnanviile on Saturday. Remove fnom heat anti at once stir Aita. 195 STDEBKER2-D. HRDTP jMn. anti Mrs. Clayton Roati in Conta. Skirn off foam witlî motal Ho nopa: 1952STUEBA ER 2DR.HARTOPanti Robbie, Peterborough. spoon. Thon stir anti skirn by turns two-year p Twoboo ree, adospoliht diceioal Mn. anti Mns. Bort AMhtan ai-ti for 5 minutes, to cool slighitly to of sbeep i Tw-oton gren, adi, sotlghtdirctinal Eddy at Mn. Arthur Reeti's 'provont flaating fruit. Latile singles and signa is, white xvall tires, chrome wheel fan supper Suntiay. qickly into glasses. Caver jam at anti conclué dises, air-conditioning. Dolores Marchant, Lynne once with Y inchb bot paraffia. of mik pr( iReid anti Lea Ashton attend- determines 1951 STUDEBAKER 4-DR. SEDAN eti Campn Pretoria for a weeok. Puzzlcd about pectin? It's the offspni Automatie, fully equipped. Blc KnnCawling anti Dale i ubtance faund in uIt fruits ini tory- In most Blakbun wre e Lipetas a mounls. Conta is pectin maximum 1947 ODGE2-DR Mn.anti Mrs. J. Li xtractednt from fruits rich inii his asrah A-i condition. Murstayd. RyGahmýnaturat substanmc, fierefiiaed and atrbrî Mn. ntiMrs RoyGraam oncentrated. When you fallow the as rnuch m anti arniy, M. ani Mn. estcd Certt recipes, your jaam.s anîd i thbb fir Clem Rabrn anti farniiy sruent 'lellies atways set just right. nursing twi Many older niodel Used Cars to choose front Suniday witb Mn. anti Mrs. eigbîh wee Priced $50.00o p Wa lter Rahm at Four-Mile the eighth Lake. M'ore recipes-more hints. Walch for production Visitons with Mn. anti Mrs. !hem! If yau have any problcms ivith turmns antis iWaiter Lovenitige were, «Mrs. 'Jour jam or jdlly, do write us. We'1t1 imateiy the' J. BaIl, Orono; Mn. and Mrs. 15e glad to hctp. Canadian, Graham's Garage 1 Douglias Stnawbrid.ge a n cid:hsi famiy, amptn; Ir.and onsfn STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Mrs. Howrard Stevens, Ennis 11 - first eight Cla 3-23Ikillen; Mn. anti Mns. Eunoifr f wihtw CIa 3-23Edmonton, Aberta; Mn. Hcnb a~ --y difference1 a onR.R. 1, Bowmanvrille Scott, Misses Anna Manie and in ail the rRuth Scott, Orono, Miss Pat,. single lambi Ail Studebaker Parts and Accessories Rucicll, New~castle. gof3pi M1rs. W. Thomp~son accam- age of 32 p panied Mn. and Mns. Earl' poumd of me 'TESMAN, BOWMANVILL, OINTARIO italoupe ,Waning, of corn and prevents the ,from turning into .à Retailers too must keep cool, preferably refriger- for it to be at its peak. he consumer should use as soon as possible, keep- it in the refrigerator vhile. hough Ontario is flot a producer of cantaloupes, ocally grown product is nsurpassed flavour. Im- dcantaloupes shipped distances are apt to have picked green and don't op the flavour of those ican be picked at ma- and rushed right to the at. who attentiet the Pet- )ugb Fair on Friday thein daughter Mary wan finst prize in bbc. solo, compotition, 10 anti unden, anti hon "The Bluettes"' from ianville came first as winning a tropby anti Victor Cookson uwon J prizos aI bbc sarne fair .is hanses inclutiing bbe and Mns. Ernest Chard anti, ure guests of Mn ns. Ken Kuhnke anc Elien on Fritiay even ut 40 relatives set tiowr n at a family gatber. bbc home ai Mn. anc tuseil Gimbbebt on Sat- evening in bonour ai ti Mrs. Robent Barra- 151h wedtiing anniver- Mr. Roy Bernebali ai actoti as MC anti thc and groom ai 15 yearnî noesenteti wibh a tri- imp by Mns. Siti Barra- Iso of Orono, on behaît se present, anti ail ex- their gooti wisbes. As ipie were marrieti at ne in Englanti anti none gram's relatives were hob present, tbey ne- the fuil wotiding broat- and Mrs. Charles Gre- antiCarole boured nok State anti stoppeti .y points ai intenost ng Wabkins Glen State jhich is uroîl worth Carole is spontiing 2k at Smetzlen's Baton ig Camp et Wetkins ow York. id Mrs. Harvey Brooks te weekend at Flint, in, anti uere presont Genenal Matons Insti- mtiuation exorcises on urben thein son, Ken, 2d as an engineer. in Mns. HowrartiWal- in famiiy, Trenton, rekenti guosts oi Mn. S. Ken Kuhnke anti 1Mrs. Miles Stougbîon, irene Sunday evon- ýsts. <anen Waldroif, Tren- spending Ibis week ýr cousin, Bette Elien id Mns. Eti Johnston, Mn. anti Mns. Fred Owren Soundi, visiteti 1Mns. Clifford Sural- 1Mrs. F. Ashton last .ay. md Mrs. James Bray- i hmlays ata cottag We are sorry to report that Eries. ta ota Mrs. Clifford Curtis is con- Finney is a patient fined to, her home due to 111- rial Hospital with an ness. knee. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young- ,orne Heard, Gail and mnan and family recently en- raunton. wene guests joyed a vacation in the U.S.A. )arents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Worn, mother of Mrs. iey, on Tuesday. Alvin Olan recently celebra- id Mns. Allan Parker, ted bier 8Oth birthday. A pan- Mr. and Mrs. Char- ty was held in bier honor at Sand family, Osh- e rnduhes Mrs. ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngman. Many happy Swallow on Thuns- returns. Mr. Maurice Bradley spent G. Niddery, Hamp- a few days recently in Sun- a tea guest of Mr. nybrook Hospital. sClifford Swallow Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc- ;Ashton on Sunday. Neil are spending a week with d Mrs. Mervin Wis. friends at the beach. 'ston, have returned Mr. and Mrs. Bart Pyle er bolidaying at the neturned home by plane after Mr. and Mns. Tom seeal xveoks visit with their :.Kathy retunned parents in Britain. Their chil- in for a holiday. dren remained wîth their id Mrs. S. S. Morton grandj arents there. Mn. Pyle rove; Mr. and Mrs: bas sold bis home here(J nove, Windsor, went- Malley residence) to Mr. La- guests of Mn. and vern Curtis. Mr. Pyle bas pur- n McGuirk. chased a Fisb and Chip busi-, rom McGuirk, John ness in Great Britain and' bara Lee, Mrs. T. will be going back there right, Margaret and Jo- aften bis sale. Our very best ited at Lake Joseph wishes go witb you. e's Bay, Muskoka, Decoration Services are the ýnesday.order of the day at local îesday.cer\eteries. Services were held at McCnae's on Sunday, Aug. ~, 7th,' Fallis on l4th, and Pon- > ~ rov I-i typool to bc held on Aug. 2lst. G rowth The Verdun Latban g u e family are holidaying in the U.S.A. ýed to Mrs. H. M. Richardson bas retunned after a m otor ti Supp through the Western Provin- ppIy ceSeveral from bene attended -The amount of Derry Day Celebrations in I às get during eanly Orillia on Saturday. fluence their weigbt Wedding belis will ringý ýtime, says Dr. R. again on Sat., Aug. 20th, for! of the Canada De- the Preston-Mitchell cbunch, of Agriculture Re- wedding. Our best wisbes. i ation at Lethbridge, Trce pruning is almost: completed and several local! )rted on tests over a people are now employed in peniod of five breeds the tohacco harvest. We sin- involving ewes witb cercly hope tbat tbe goodý id ewes with twins, crop will be barvested with-: ded that the amount out bail or frost damage. roduced by the ewe Ronnie Van Werningen, Stbe growth rate of, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. ng. Harny Van Werningen rie- icases under test turned home after spending inilk production: several weeks on Cîvic Hos-! ed in the finst week pital. bing. Almost twice milk was given dur- rst week by ewes vis than during the 2k. By the end of h week the milk Lof mothens of M singles was approx- MA3 30 esame. Corriedale ewes for lsaveraged 2.8 330 milk daily oven the WFAD weeks and those ý4.3 pounds, this being the greatest breeds tested. Tbe bs gained an aven- oundf; and tbe twins eacb. l'or each ieat gain 4.9 pounds of mrilk was available to the singles anti 4.6 to each of the twins. The twins therefore utilizeti their milk supply Sligbtiy more efficiently than idid the singles. Suffolk ewes with single lambs averageti 3.5 pauntis of ni'k per day, more than those of any breeti with singe lambs; those with twins aven- ageti 4 pountis. The single lambs ai this breeti gaineti an average of 37 pountis by eigbt, weeks, andtihbbctwins 23 pauntis this difference being greater than in any otheri breeti. For each paunti ai gain, 5.3 pauntis of milk wene available la single lambs anti 4.9 ta eacb turmn. The tbree athen breetis test- ed wene. Hampshire, Ram- bouitilet anti Ramnelet. The pountis of milk avaiable per paunti gain of single andti uin lambs nespectiveiy wone:1 Hampshire, 5.3 anti 4.6, Ram- bouillet, 5.6 anti 4.7; anti Romnebet, 6.2 anti 5.0. 0f sin- gle lambs, Canadian Con- niedabes therefare matie the most efficient use af the miik available. 0f turmns, Canadian Corniedalos anti Hampshiros nanketi first. Bath single anti turmn larnbs ai Romnebet rank- eti last. Mn.w7Herb Johnston, North Bayurs a guest of bis sister Mns. Wm. Axfond anti Mn. Axiord lest week anti was ac- companieti by bis son Rich- ard,- uife anti son ai Ottaura. Mr. Bruce Killens bas been visitîng wibb relatives et Bloomfieldi. Mn. anti Mrs. Tom Pale oi Blythe, visiteti wibh Mn. anti Mns. James Smaies. Mrs. T. M. Mountjoy bas netunneti irom visiting bon frienti Mrs. C. M. Love at Ha.milton anti also enjoyeti a motor trip ta Niagara-on-the- Mn. anti Mns. Raymond Clapp, Tyrone, urere Suntiay boa guests of Mn. anti Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Mnr.and Mrs. Sam Keane, Douglas anti Peuh, Oshawra, visiteti ber parents Mn. anti Mrs. T. Wray on Suntiay. Mn. anti Mns. Harolti Bal- son, Gene Guiger, Tony anti Grog spent sevenal days at West Lake. Barry Ciemens aceompaniedti hem. Mn. anti Mrs. Sam Dewelb anti Mn. anti Mns. Poney Deur- cil attentiet the funeral ai thein aunt, Mrs. Elmen Wiii- îamson in Toronto on Wed- nestiay oailast week. Douglas Deureil was a vis- itan with bis cousins Neil anti Hetibie Tink, Saline, last week. Mn. anti Mns. W. Harrison anti Kim, Coibonne, spent bbe ureokenti with lhon parents, Mn. anti Mrs. G. Adcock. Recont calions at A. W. Prescatt's urere Mrs. Mac Washburn, Miss Alice Brab- azon anti Mn. Gea. Brabazon of Toronto, Mrs. Moore anti Miss Stevens, Tyrone; Mn. Edigar Preciott, Mns. Donald Prescott anti Miss Janîce Prescott, Enfielti; Mrs. Gar- don Van Camp, Base Lino, anti Miss MarjrinoCle, Bour- manville. PONTYPOOL 1 - .-- Solina W.I. Enjoys Tours 1 SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lang. ýmaid, Mr. and Mrs. CharleE Langmaid and famlly attend- ed a family gathering in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Squair at the home of Mr. L. Squair, Salem, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruinsma of Holland are enjoying a visit with the former's brother Mr. Jan Bruinsma and family here a~fter a pleasant trip through the Western Provin- ces to the Rockies. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hock- aday visited friends in West- ern Ontario and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Marriott, St. Mary's. The Yellowlees family pic- nlic was held at Solina on Sunday when over fifty gath- ered for the noon meal. The lively sports program was conducted by Wes and Ada Yellowlees and Bud anid Marie Moses. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink anid family, attended the Tink family picnic at Hampton on Saturday. Mrs. Roy Langmaid assisted by pouring tea at the recept- ion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Squair on their silver wedding anniversary. Harold Yellowlees and Roy Chant, Hamptoni, spent the weekend at Windermere Lod- ge. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Shackleton and Barry, Bow- manville, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink's. Mrs. Irene Stephens, Bal- carres, Sask., Miss Florence Werry, Hampton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lang- maid. Karen Lunn, Peterborough, holidayed with the R. and C. Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes His'and famuly visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fisher, Bailieboro. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil .ainey at Sunderland. Mr. Ross Kossatz, Enfield, and P'at Davis visited the for- mer's relatives at Elliott Lake. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and cbildren, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mfel Morgan, Oshawa. Mr. Jim Thompson, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. L. Barra- ball, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barra- Bal, Orono, visited at Mr. J. Xivells. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer and Elizabeth, Mr. xtnd Mrs. E. H. Peever, Oshawa, and Mrs. M'ary Barsted, Ingersoll; Mr. nd Mrs. A. Beevor and sons, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and family. Mr. Wesley Powell, Miss Mahel Powell, Miss Ella Ste- phens, Oshawa, were visitons with Mr. and Mns. N. Wotten. Mrs. W. Parinder and Relen visited relatives at Dearborn, Michigan. Reverend Victor Bowins and Mrs. Elizabeth Bowins. Gainsborough, Sask., visited Mrr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Mtrs. Hiarvey Yellowlees and' ýhildren attended a birthday Dinty for Shairon Larmer at %r. and Mrs. Eben Snowden's mttage at William's Point,. 7aesarea. Mr. anid Mrs. Harry Grooms, oronto; Miss Susan Parker,1 3elleville, visited the Werry's tRoselandvale. Anne Werry is spendingi everal days with ber grand-ý mornts, Mr. and Mrs. N. Met- alf, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vice, Vinchester; Mn. and Mrs. ohn Thompson, Leslie and ;annon, Hamilton; Mr. and rs. Leo Racicot, Oshawa, Ir. and Mrs. Stan McCorm- k, Gregory and Kenneth, !dumbus, wpre guests of Mn.. nd Mrs. Ruseli Vice. Laura Lee and-David Smna-ý OPENING r les, Oshawa, holidayed at Tom Baken's. Jean Baker -spent the week- endi with Sandra Taylor, Scarborough. Gail Baker spent the week- endi with ber aunt, Helen Ba- ker, Toronto. Mr. anti Mrs. Charles Mil- steti anti Charbene,-Gormicy; Mrs. H. Malcolm, Brougham, visiteti Mr. anti Mr. John Knox anti famiiy. Mn. anti Mrs. George Knox, Canal anti Marilyn are on a mator tnip ta New Bruns- wick. Ronnie is staying with bbc John Knox's, while they are away. Mn. anti Mrs. Glenn Lar- mer anti Douglas, Bieckstock: Mn. anti Mns. Don Taylor anti chiltinen enjayeti a picnic at the Senpnt Mountis, near Pet- erborough, on Suntiay. Mrs. Don Taylor anti chilti- non visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. F. Abennethy, Manilla. Mr. anti Mrs. Keith Crytien- man visiteti at Mn. anti Mns. L. Stainton's, Enniskillen. Mn. anti Mrs. Hanry Knox anti sons are at a cottage at Baisain Lake ion several days. Mn. anti Mrs. Stan Mibîson anti sons visîteti Mn. anti Mrs. Chuck Wisan andfamily at a cottage at Caesanea. Mn. anti Mrs. F. Westlake Jr. anti famîiy attentiet the Jordan-Cook famiby reunion on Suniday at Coder Park. Mn. anti Mrs. Ron Cook anti Shelley Anne, Prairie Sitiing; Mr, anti Mrs. F. R. Cook, Mn. and Mns. F. E. Cook, Frank and Susan, Bourmanville; Mn. and Mns. C. Jordian, Mn. anti VIns. Ran Phiiiips anti Sandira, Mrn. Hanry Jondon, Miss Marie renkins, Cambnay, visiteti at Frank Westbake's Jr. Joan anti Shirley Westake isiteti thein cousin Susan Cook, Bourmanvible. M. anti Mrs. Tom West- lake, Miilbrook; Mn. anti Mrs. George Cochrane, Oshawa; Keith anti Douglas Fiee, Tau- nton, visiteti M. anti Mrs. Frank Westbake Sr. Julie, Sarnia, are spentiing a 'Auto Body 24 HOUR -TOWING No. 2 Highway, East Bowmanville Phono MA 3-m3073 Conplete Collision Repairs Portable Electrie and Acetylene Welding Refinishing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED YOUR AD IN Qb aûÎn2dtiu PAYS OFF FOR EVERYONE! 'Yes, any way you figure it, the local nierchant draws dividends from his ad in this paper. A low-cast ad in this paper's columns adds up to increased interest and buying in local stores . . . i hometown shopper's good will . . . in more ail 'round prosperity at home! That's why a word to the wise is.. IT ALWAYS PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN Mye ç!awubxiim ateoman Eead by 25,000 Prospective Customers Weekly PAGE THIRTEM Tffl CANADIAlq STA The Juiy meeting ai Sobini& W.I. was in bbe form ai a bus trip ta Cobourg ta visit the "Golden Plough Lotige" and "Genenal Footis Limiteti". Ail enjciyod a pienic dînner at the park in Cobourg. The August meeting was a canducteti tour ai the Bay's T=anigSchool. Aiter which a bsnss meeting was hebti in tihe Comrnunity Hall. The Millineny course will be helti on November 301h, andte bcIst anti 2nti aiDec- emben. The rail caîl was answened by a verse inom an aid sehoal book. The motta "A uriso wo- man is like a pin, ber head keeps ber irom gaing boa fan" was commenteti on by Mrs. G. Hoal. The September meeting will be in change ai tbc vill- age gnaup wbon Bawmanvibie W.I. wiii heoaur guests. The meeting cboseti with The Queen, aiten which Mrs. C. Langmaiti anti ber graup senveti a doudcous lunch. STARK VILLE Mrs. R. Lowery anti Grant, Toronto, visiteti recentiy at Mn. A. Dobson's. Miss Amy Carson, Oshawa, visiteti ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. Carson. Mn. anti Mns. Jack Eiliott, Dunsfanti, were recent guosts at Mn. Lieur l-alioweii's. Mns. Jim Stark anti Mns. Abf Dobson are patients in Momrnoial Hospital, Bourman- ville. Mn. anti Mrs. Clifford Reidi anti daughber, Bourmanvibie at Mn. Henb Reiti's. Mrs. NMcCulach, Orono, was a necent dinnen guest at Mn. orme Falls. Mn. anti Mrs. Llew Habla- well, Jim anti Misses Norma adi Beulah Hallourebi are on- jaying a holiday in eastern Canada. Mrs. Grant Sylvester and Human rights rest on bu- man tignity. The tignity ai man is an idel woth figt- ing for anti worth tiying for.- HAMPTON Lune