IAGESIXEEw - EE CANDIAN HTTIEAN.DowuAzw&mufflTIUJWpal Aagb. 31h Gabbers Have Fun at Girls' Day Camp Last week, the day camps under the Summer one of the items, a çontest for "gabbers" when girlsi Playground Program were held north of Bowman- had to continue talking about anything as long as they! ville on Les Coombes' property. Parents were invited could. From left to right: Jili iNichols, Janice Mosesi to the finale of the girls' camp Friday evening when winner Shawn Leddy, second Rosemary Merkley, a special program was arranged. This photo showsl Avelyn Lycett and Marillynn Bebee.- The Orono News Mrs.. James E. Richards, Editor ited Rev. and Mrs. Basil E. Long at their cottage, Nor-1 way Bay, Quebec.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Madison Ar- dron, Welland, were over- nîght guests Friday of Mrs. Madison Hall and Mrs. Frank Ardron. Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kitt-' mer ad sos.YS. %Ma vI' . M Mrs. Wm. McKay, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. Patterson the former Miss Mary Ann and Mrïs. Jiohn Trner and Mrs. Harry Carter, Harriston, and »son, Michael, Toronto, Armstrong on their marriage, sons, Bretida and Tony Mit- were weekend guests of Mr. spent Sunday with Mr. and Saturday, August l3th, in chell, Keene, spent Sunday and Mrs. Geo. Morton and Mrs. G. L. Mecee. Orono Uýnited Churcb. Rev. with Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Mit- Mr. Arthur McKay, Stark- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamn- Basii E. Long, officîated. chell. ville, spent Sunday with Mr. blyn spent Sunday with Mr. Miss Carolyn Jones is vis- Mrs. Milton Tamblyn wasý and Mrs. Morton. and Mrs. Russell Rosborough iting in Montreal this week.j among the former classmates' Mrs. Mac Gould bas e- at their Red Wing Cabins, Mrs. Tom Harcy and fam- of Newtonville School who turned to ber home in Wood- Selwin. ily spent Saturday wîth Mr. weme entertained by Mrs.P stock, accompanied by hem Congratulations Mr. and and Mrs. Bruce McArtbur, E. Greenfield at ber homen father Mr. Herb Burgess. Mms. Richard Preston Baxter, Oshawa- Bowmanville on Friday af-1 Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best ternoon. and family spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs. Marshall Kimkfield. Catron, r n VMrs.Or NOW AV ILA LE ATMrs. Wm. Riddell spent a ville Chatterton, Carol andî few days last week with Dr. David attended the Chatter- fr and Mrs. J. H. Leslie and1 ton picnic at Cobourg Park on daughter Susan, Peterbor- Sunday. ough. Michael Rollins, Belleville, B u v irtu e s Mr. and Mrs. Win. Miller is visiting Terry Hardy this TEXACO STATION with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon week. Ki rk, Pontypool, are on a mo- Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bow anvlle tor trip to the East Coast. Tamblyn and family, Hamil- 218 King St. E. omnil Mr. Micheal Carrigan Of ton, visited Mm. and Mrs. Jim SHamilton, is at the . Omono Tamblyn and family. MA 3-3432 Branch o! The Canadian Mrs. John Morris, Mr. and ~Bank of Commerce for six Mrs. Chas. Stapleton and son, weeks. Douglas are on a motor trip TUE Ail~ UE AIMrs. Phyllis Murray, North to the Western Provinces. TH L E Bay, visited ber daughter, Congratulations to Mrs. Jim Mrs. Jim Bruton, Mr. Bruton Bruton and Miss Marilyn C Mand son, Clifford. Quantrill who passed on their Miss Marjorie Hoidge, Tor- second year Teachers course rn ~ yonto, spent the weekend with I at summer schooî in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. without wmiting exams and F o rn e 5 1Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones 1 to Miss Marilyn Cobbledick 1 and family, Bowmanville, vi1 on ber fimst yeam. COMBINATION REPAIR UNIT ited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones Mrs. H. McGowan, Scarbor- and family.. ough, visited bier mother Mrs. Mrs. Wmn. Cobbledick is Robt. Allin, last week. visiting in Leamington.. Mrs. D. R. Bamnes and son, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Reid vis-~ Oshawa, visited ber aunt, Mms. Cecil Power. BR~WMr. Roy Patton, Kingston, '~aOn Tbursday evening Iast, Ms. ME. Stutt spent the and Mrs. Art Priestley and Delbert Hallowell of Toronto famfly gathered at Brown's1 at their cottage and attended School to preetthmwt the Decomation Service at a Frigidaire and washing Newtonville Cemet le r y on machine to belp them along Sunday. with their new home which Mm. and Mrs. Fred Pamish - is undem construction, follow- and daughter Heather Jane, '~ing the unfortunate loss of Oshawa; Mrs. Geo. Crowther their bouse and contents by and son Jamie, Newcastle, S fire a few weeks ago. visited Mm. and Mrs. Chas. i A short programme pre- Wood on Sunday. -, ceded the presentation, con- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mer- sisting o! accordian selections; cer, Valemie and Bruce Jr., by Miss T. Kozub piano selec- spent a few days last week tions by Misses D. Lancaster at a cottage at Kirkied and Carol Nîcholîs. Mr. Rus- Miss Marion Browni and seli Powell acted as chaimman Mrs. James T. Brown of New- and the addmess containing castle are on a train trip to the names of the donors was the West Coast. read by Mrs. Sidney Lancas- Mms. Robt. McHolmn is vis- S ter. The balance o! the even- iting hem daugbtem Mrs. Cecil S ing was spent in dancing to Jones, Mr. Jones and family. ~srecords. Lunch was served. Mrs. J. E. Richards is at Miss Judy Stephenson en- Laumdic Lodge, Minden. tertained a few of hem friends Mms. T. Findlay, Thornhill; last Friday on the occasion!Mrs. O. Virtue, Tyrone, spent Sof hcr sixtb birtbday. a few days with Mrs. Jim Bal Mr. Wm. Morley and Miss last week. Jean Perrin, Mm. and Mrs. Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Pollard, Stan Allun and family bave Leskamd, have purchased the just etumned fmom an enjoy- Fletcher bouse on Churcb able trip to the east coast.1 Street South. Mr. and Mrs. Thev retumned via the States. Herbert Fletcher are muving Misses Linda and Joan C al near Bobcaygeon. WE ARE NOW EQUIPPED TO DO: lhave ecently spent a few Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Idays with Mr. and Mrs. M. Bowmanville, spent Saturdayý i Payne.1 witb Mm. and Mms. Chas. WELDING Mmrand Mrs. R. Simpson' Wood. Make a erfet jb! and family bave spent the Allan Amdmon spent last Makesa pefectjob!last two weeks camping at week at Picton with bis fa- Burleigh Falls. Mm. and Mrs.! ther Mr. Frank Ardmon. W. Cali and family reently Mrs. M. E. Stutt visited ber * SOLDERING holidaycd also at a cottage at niece Mrs. Lawrence Jamie- the saine place, son, Bewdley. Instant soldering for light radio work Mrs. A. W. McLeod, Tom- Mm. and Mrs. Albet Mit-ý up t heay coper.onto, ecently spent a week's cheil and family spent the up t ~~avycoper.holiday with Mm. and Mms. weekend at their cottage, Wilson. Mm. McLeod and Aud near Picton. * DR ZINGrey came down on Monday Mm. and Mrs. A. J. Jake- BIBAZING itn returo home with Mms. man,- Blain Moffatt, Mm. Ev-' Brazes ail ferrous and non-ferrous McLeod Monday evening. emette Couvier, Donna and Mr. and Mrs. A. Langloisi Wayne, Mm. and Mrs. Orville' metals. and Jeffemy bave retumned i Chatterton, Carol and David from a trip to Gaspe' Penin- spent Satumday witb Mr. and sula, wbeme tbey weme vîsit- Mrs. Ed. Henderson and fam- * ARD-FACING ing witb bis parents. Mr. ily, Lake Scugog. Langlois' brother returned Mrs. Wm. Lawmenson, Tom- Unit will hard face ail parts of with them in the bopes of, onto, visited Mms. Ginn, Mr. finding employment bere. i and Mrs. Glen Tennant and Industrial and Agricultural Equipment Miss Wendy Wilson spent'family on Tuesday. subject to abrasion and hard wear. la counole o! days last week Mr. and Mms. R. E. Logan, with Mr. ind Mrs. Sid Brown Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun Newtonville. and Sharon visited on Sun- mPPET' rU i nMm. H. MbIlroy has begun day with Mms. Alex Elliot. PIF. AIII LIIwork as a capenter at Good-; Mrs. Ross Elliott and cbildren Thw pps nafew minutes *year, Bowmanville. The fam- at Milton. Thas ppesin ily are moving back to their Mm. and Mrs. Joe Smith,, nio flame or danger. 1 home this week from their1 Buffalo; Mm. and Mrs. L. j cottage at Rice Lake where1 Virtue Osbawa; Mms. T. Find- they bave been staying this! lay, Tbornhill; Mrs. O. Vir- For fast, efficient service corne to summer. 1 ture, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mr. and Mms. Bowen, Bow-,Mms. Hammy Mercer on Satur- Virtue's Texaca Station 1dm avete rcheoehof day. Leo Hadder and son Mr. Curson's bouses and will Bri,'n. Toronto, visited Mm.% ____________________________ be znoving down shortly. _ and Mrâ. Jim Middleton. L FIRST TIME. ON BIOWMAN VILLE CANADA'S NEWEST SPORT STARTS 6:00 O'CLOCK Bring the entire family and watch the exciting. . . . ihrilling . . . races as drivers circle the Irack at terrific speed in these small cars. SPECIAL ATTRACTION - Service Club Race wilh members of Lions - Rotary - Legion competing will fMature Bowmanville Kinsmen al MEMORIAL PARK LIBERTY STREET SOUTE, BD WAN VILLE t; MAlT NEW EDOTES WITH TE ACK-TO-THE-CARNIVAL THENE PLUS REFRESEENT BINGO - UNKES 0F CHANCE - RIDES FOR THE KIDDIES An Evening of Entertainment for the Entire Family SI flf~~OOMME SPECIAL DRAWlu LUT-BOY CHAIR 'If I KINETTE DRAW PROCEEDS FOR KINSMEN COMMUNITY PROJECTS .-«% AqqjýW I authority. You are courteous. r7-. Iit will help you as you go làn (Hope TDwflshlp)i "If ou can rink ou c Mrs. Ralph Gerow sent S M agistraüte"s C ourt tIf ou ice." dilnyo caTuesd:: ::h Mrs. Fred Cor- Tuesday, August lOth, 1960 were bald and he had t the warrant until August 3th, nih Prt Hope.i atedac The Regnt B ÎIpump his brakes to get a 4 t lectured Magistrate R. B. Bax- at Sunday School, Sunday, Th Rget attery Company fl ter as he convicted Jack Mar-ug14Ms.Ca. ab pai $16 or wochage ofpedl" Hepad $4. tel, 17, 445 Bruce St., Oshawa. acted in the absence of Supt. overloading within 22 days. Bruce Burgess, 18, R.R. 6, You are flot allowed to drink Mr.N. Gerow. Our next They were hauling scrap bat- Bowmanvile, was fined a total untîl you are 21. Penalty Wl hrh evc will bexl teries from Montreal and said Of $24 and was warned that if be a fine of $25 and costs Of $3., Aug. 2lst, at Il a.m. they couldn't get the trucks he drove again he would be Tome wh stedhy ThAust etigfte weîghed. John Thoms paid sent to gaol for as long as the w en holi s ad pnaties WomhensAgssociatinofas e $3300fo ovrladngand section will allow. He is0c1orbvn cr n cnrlofr cancelled. They will meet aryMoore $22.00 for no cording to medical evidence, a motor vebicle while abilityj P.C.V. permit. mentally defective and subject was impaired. The driver, owmanville. offered to sur- Elmer Marshall of Oshawa to epilepsy and should not beWireAbosWosy,80rndrtthcutbsdr- was further remanded for four diîg Queen Street, Toronto, and ing license. He failed to stopý weeks as restitution hadn't Norman Renouf, 17, Caes- William A. O'Neil, of 286 Sher- at the stop sign before enter- been made of $177 in a number area, was involved in an acci- boumne St. had a Sergeantiling 401 Highway. The Crown of cheque deals. He was prom- dent and was cbarged witb Major from the Salvationl1Attorney agreed, "It is an ex- ised a term if restitution careless driving and drivingjArmy Clinic - Harbour Light - cellent suggestion". wasn t made, because the court with a temporary instruction give evidence on their b ehaîf . Wîlfred George Hawke, 49,j has been most patient witb permit. The officer bad stated They bad been sober for nine R.R. 2, Orono. was convicted of;1 bim. that the boy was one of the months and then bought a case speeding on the Manvers Road Ronald O'Neil, 17, R.R. 3, finest types he bas ever met. of wine to go on a fishing and paid $17 for 65 m.p.h. Bowmanville, pleaded n ot Said the magistrate: "You trip. Police seized three full Thirty-six other chargesi guilty to driving an unsafe are to be commended, you bottles and four part full under the Highway Traffic IAc motor vehicle. He was con- have been most frank. Toobotties. The other five bottles brought penalties totalling victed after evidence that a few people your age show thelhad been consumed. 8S539.60. Four liquor charges,ý tire blew and two other tires respect you do for those in1 Louis Csap, 34, R R. 2, $162.00. again Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merr. eilley and Douglas were viP, iting Mr. and Mrs. Chný- Raby Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best ana Heather spent Friday in Tor. onto. (Intended for last week) Mrs. Norman Gerow andil Davd returned from hou- days spent with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mordon at their cottage, Well. inigton. Mrs. Chas. Raby bas retur. ned from a pleasant we spent with relatives at * wick. Mr. and Mrs. C. La'prade and Debbie, Cornwall, were visiting their relatives, Mr. Fred and Hilda Raby, Thurs. day'. Mrs. R. Gerow visited with relatives and friends in Osh- awa last Thursday. Regular church serv ic e was held Sunday at il a.m. Reverend E. K. Norman, our new minister of the Welcome circuit, was in charge. 1 .1 -il m mm MXTEM "mo«- TIM CA6NADL« STATZBUAIt BOW CMAMD -"ý e lei
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