Wr,. TI CANADIAN STATEMANX DOWMAUNYILX .ONTAR!O AtAGE SDt Evenings ai 8 p.m. ROSSANO DRAlI -MnTLIAYNOR -IOHN O<RR- FRANCE NUYEN hwtq RAY WALSTON -juANiTA HAu .4.~ Scr mplay by %Cfld> AER (- wLOANPAULOýSBORN AIIRJOSHIJA 2a CA n .Adult Plus 20 minute color feature "WEDDING IN SPRINGTINE" of Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones In the part of the Marine lieutenant who is sent ta the island on a secret mission is John Kerr. He f'aîls in lave with a native girl, France Nu- yen, daughtec of the deliciaus- ly bold and outrageaus Bloady Mary, the latter portrayed by Juanita Hall, the f ilm's sole star who was la the original play. The beautiful use of color and the flexible command of the cameras under the direct- ion of Leon Shamcoy are somnethiag for viewers ta be- hold. Cooking Comments Da't add lettuce ta sand-I wiches tub joust before serving, so il will be ccisp, suggests the Home Economies Service of the Ontario Deparîment of Agriculture. When sandwiches are made ahead of lime, wrap them in waxed paper or aluminum foib and cefrigerale, advises the Home Economies Service of the Ontario Deparîmeat of 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daihy <Closed Wdnesday - SudaysI DR. C. F. CATTRAN. 1.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanvîlie: Office Hours:j 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daîly Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 _L e gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 10 King St. W. - Bowinanvillei, Tehephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, .A Barrisier, Solicitor I Noiary Public King Sit W. - Bowmaaville, Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MUIS APHA L HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Publie Temperance St. - Bowmanville; E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E, BA., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle PLmae Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appainimneni, only. Agrcuture.* W. KAT LYCE'rr, B.A. * * Barrister and Solicitor Tomatoes are high in vit- In the offices of amins A and C as well as con- &. R. Waddell, Q.C. taîning small amounts of other Main Sreet, Orono, Onaro vitamins and minerals, accord- ing ta the Home Economies Service of the Ontario Depari-o t a e ment of Agriculture. -ig-ge * *SADIE HAMILTON ' ORONOI Pure sali gives the besi re- Phone 1 r l6 soîts when making pickles. First Mortgage Funds Free-fhowing table sait xvas Residences - Farinsr neyer meant ta be used for Busins Properiies pickling, the Home Econamies ____________ Service of the Ontario Depari- fl ment o! Agriculture points omet r out. * * * KEITH A. BILLE'rr, O.». Skill in planning meals, Optometrisi buymng and prcparing food 141 King St. E. - Bowmanviile thai will be nutritiaus, oftea Office Hours: By appointmentt, results in much greater value Telephone MArkei 3-3252 for the dollar, report.s the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 Home Economies Service of Moaday ta Saturday r the Ontario Departimeni of Thursdav evenings Agriculture. Wednesdaysi 9 10 1i r 40 W u BUY 2 TINS, GET 1 TIN FREE COTTAGE BRAND Toilet Tissue 7Crol ORl 5 rmis $1e GOLDEN ]RIME i Oclb. ROSE BRAND 24 oz. jar AlSPBERRY 3 5 JAR ROSE BRAND M4 oz. jar STRAWDERRY 2.7 JAN 7 CYPRESS GARDENS FLORIDA JICES Orange Blended Grapefruit . 48 OZ. tins s'.0 FEATURE Fly Tox INSECTICIDE BOND Regular Size Large Size 89C $139 PRESERVING SUPPLIES Bernardin Mason Caps & Lids -Do.39c Supremie - 3 oz. cello Pickling Spice 2 j'r25c Pickling Salit3lb. ba 2 1c Certo Pectin bottie 31c KRAFT CRACKER BARREL 12 oz. wedge NîId Cheese - 53c FROZEN Dragon Brand Frozen Chinese Foods CHICKEN CIIOP SUEY, 14 oz. pkg. CHICKEN FRIED RICE, 12 oz. pkg. SHRIMP EGG ROLLS, 8 oz. pkg. Your Choice - -49C ORANGES 59c Fresh - No. 1 Per head GREEN CARBAGE - 8c Salmnon'Flesb - No. 1 Grade CANTALOUPE - kit. 25c Mild, Sweet - No. 1 Grade SIPANIISH ONIONS 2/25c Fresh Rosebud - Cello pkg. RADISHES 2 For17c FOQDS Birds Eye Frozen Foods GREEN PEAS 12 oz. pkg. 2 for 43c FRENCH FRIES 9 oz. pkg. 2 for 39c MIXED VEGETABLESîl oz. pkg.27c STRAWBERRIES 15 oz- pkg. 39C RED & WHITE - BONUS BUY! 54" x 54" TABLE COURSWITH $5.00 ORDER 39 BQWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE ORONO BLACKSTOCK McQuinn's Market Maple Grove Groceteria CornisFh Marketeria Blyth's Market ROYAL G30WMAN VILLE MA 3-5589 THURS., AUG. 25 Io WED. AUG. 31 Sat. Matinee 2 p.m. '4 * 44 0 t, 4. O w. Aduits 75c Students 50c Children 25e THIS THURS. TO SAT., AUGO 18 - 20 J'MIEN CGMEDY WAS RKNG" and "Bohbikins" m 14M alhrsadltrdp-Couneil and those exnployees Ijof the trouble in Afre- it ventually were used as]I directly connected, to attend! B TH N man-made,.the mworsLLik>' B illency ETrateseBank 'sDirtsgfl e a picnic at the Cadmus Hunt- the unequality of h 't"iv Bih B rk T aces ank ::: ed. ad ae eo. Car'tw right C un iling and Fishing Park, now .Lrs. Edgar Beer w i,,su- according to man'.Yid(* ~h "As civilization s p r e a d udrnwmngmn.Mv esfrteAgs )9'sa eiini ru thouhot edtera-ed by Lawrence Malcolm and of the Women's Mission'ary: ter than christianity. P ' i M e ho s o R ta yean countries, temples became Regular meeting of Cart-1 ing, remnoval or repair o! cer- seconded by Merrili Van Camp Society of the United Church lis essential in the \v t-~'lî M ethods f r Rotarynhroughot. Modierran wright Council was held in the1 tain buildings or structures that the tenders for the sale with Mrs. Winnifred Spencer day. if cîristianhis~î~î v deposited and loans made. In evening of Tuesday, August, when warranted due to their; of top soit as advertised be presiding. its place in the \wrld.?l ivn.\ ~ î~ lvi A t F id y L nc e n400 B.C. private, state, and 2nd, 1960, with ail members hazardous or dilapidated con- opened. Moved by Fred Tre- Mrs. Herb. Coppins hadj lowing the benedict ion I " A t Friclay Luncheon ~reigious banks operated inpresent. 'dition was given the first two wi and seconded by Merrili hr:fhevoilaer!OtdSseedlziian ii» ee'r MrI .Sewn fCeae readings. Van Camp that the tender of id giving adecitoofhejsia hour wvas enjryc.r'Tun ,.t Banknosgrtod rfleîsthe PsoiceOnChie!fErimCi it afkig ndWainWigtheorSe- cre- HrryVanCamp $d.11 Canadian economy and the in- Constable of the Bowmanville1 He explained that during:1 questlng action with regards wright Agricultural Society Bills of $16,000.00 for determine our destiny and1 Mr. and Mrs, lloyd3 p ' ft I creased use of cheques by the r Police Departiment, was a i the Middle Ages churches and1 to the erectian of a pier at a was present requesting their schoabs, $9,329.09 roads, andi are a symbal of the ways of stick and their childireî hr r n v,~ o aî~ pbiBill Burk told the'guestat the luncheon meet- Monasteries became the safest Public right of way which ad- usual fair grant and advising $1,610.49 general, ta be paidr God". Mrs. W. Rowland read on and Robert of Uxhig, nitereide n l~ Buwnill aayClbîsng he th is a member places ta keep money and joined his property. Town- Counicil that August 27th, was 1 on motion of Councillors Mal- the stary of the Damascus setieweed~ihM'.IaPlc eeg~t Friday. Mr. Burk was the of the executive of the Pre'5- valuables. The receipts from ship solicitor T. Harris advis- the Bbackstock Fair date.icobm and Van Camp. road. with coînments; Mrs.lMilton Weathcrilt and, hr C.adMr.G .Mae special speaker at the lunch- cott Rotarv Club. Other guests these institutions came into ed the parties that authority Moved by Bert Gibson and1 On motion of Merrili Van'Hny kenn hesoyofle atri. eon meeting of the club held -ai the luncheon meeting were: use as a form of currency, hie in this case and ather cases seconded by Fred Trewîn that C amp and Bert Gibson, ad- the Jericho road and the para- The Rev. Shirley Woo n rad Ms rihoi theFlyng uthma Mo rTom Dobbie, Oshawa, Cuth-r added. dealing with water rights was, a grant of $250 be approved j journed until the next Regu- bic of The Good Samaritan;Mr.Wd of akton tor ane. et Md onld.owanile private bn was omdhl byth Superintendent o i for payment at this meeting lar Meeting date of Tuesday. Mrs. Mervyn Parteous, the Sask., are visiting wihM-nr n o~ Cr iie Hndotel. ________r____196,___730_try f heformedBehl adBryant Robinson, Smith in Genoa in 1140, A.D. and the the Trent Canal System at ad ps1d wt cretSepternber t,16,a :0sor ftera oBti- and Mis. Noei Wood, ihMs etuePsa Falls. A. H. Srk wasth Bank of Venice wvas started Peterboro and the Federal i manths bilis; Carried. p.m. Carried. hem. Mrs. Coppins concludedaiGle Lk drn th leader of the rousing sing- not long afterwards. In Eng- Department of Transport. h Als fcmlîtmsb _________ wt TeWyo h rs" Mrs. Harold Sandrsonwend song. The pianist was Mur- land the goîdsmiths became was also stated that permits connected with the surplus of 1 and the road ta Emmanus. spent a few days h astwe nSna feio~ h caretakersr er i Suogcol b rhin Toronto with Mr. ai Ms nulDeoainDy~a doch Beaon. ai retlatter parf money during r o ir nSutgcudb anfall tis past spring was Everything is dangerous ta Mrs. IJames Somervîble of Lewis Sanderson.hl iFli' eeeY vt Morley Vanstonie, atpethlterat of the l7th cen- procured from these, sources. registered and brought ta the hlm that is afraid of it.-Ben- Janetvile led the study per- sident of the club, introduced tury,hle stated. The ather matter of a rate- attention of counicil and road îamin Whîchcote. bid. Using the map of Africa, Guests during the we e.Gog ihrsn i the speaker. He said that Mr. "hBn f nln a payer claiming a part of the superintendent. It is neyes safe ta look into she gave information concern- wîth Mrs. Ina Palmerwr hreoh evc n h Burk was educated in Ontario founded in 1694. It was the twsi.ra loac n Reeve reported that an in- the future with eyes of fear. ing all the different counitries brother Morton Wake o c-Btay Cmtliy Bn adsatdhsbnigcareer fr ne fmaybns'bildn b. uso sievitatian had been extended to -Edward H. Harriman and their government. "Much roit, Mich., and her isrsup3igte ui. in 1937 in Thornberry, Ont. cîuding those in the Unitediwhile posting samne as piae He joined the RCAF and serv- States and Canada," the property, was discussed, and1 ed in Newfoundland and over- speaker remarked. He tald of on motion of Fred Trewin and seas during World War II, Mr.th inein afCerg seconded by Bert Gibson, sol-, i asoesaid.thoes. n kstin o thCearith icitor Harris was instructed,! th rMr CnursesBntksngerseac8h tawrite the offending parties ADTOA "Following tgivingM. thcmtunoticemesta haveac rBurk joined the staff of the day ta ather banks ta collec ivioathemoieoto he:r * IToronto-Dominion Bank and the rooney for cheques which bahue oe noter becamne accountant in its they had cashed. These clerks own property by Augusi 20, Brockville Branch ini 1953.: eventîallv decîdcd ta save 6, orctioSwoudbetak Xhen the Bowmanvible 1their steps and meet in oanc1esrse . oDwsnadJ Branch of t h e Toronto- central place ta transaci their Gibson of the Communiy " E UW Dominion was opened in 19581 business, hie stated. Memorial Hospital Board at F AUE" BI DA E~ Mr. Burk was appointed man- The firsi Canadian Bank Port Perry were present. and m g told theeRo- was started in Montreal 'I requested council to appoint% Alui Vanstone tl h o 1792 and others were opened a newr representative to the tarians that Mr. Burk is mar-, within the next 25 years, Mr. sad board. After discussion, Available Aug. 181h - 19ih - 201h GINUu< ALE ried and has one son. His wife, Bock statcd. The largest nom- council did register someSv l- ntoof2»-PParB nd is an English girl who was' ber of baijks in Canada at one change of l-eart and on m- AT Sv 1 atno '0-'oua rnaBNSBY O RANGE scrviflg ini the ATS when Mr. time was 10 1. Today thece. tion of Lawrence Malcolmn se- 'q$ .9Tno e ht Bock, met hier in England dur- are *in with 5,100 branches'rcne yFe rwn IG R1t E E A.M L ing the war. thcoughout the country and n il Van Camp, was appointed Mr. Burk's interesting ad- 180 in other lands. as Cartwvright representative- CO Adress on "The History of Tali Tin - OnU' Bakig n Ceaig oue The Canadian banks have ta the Port PryMmra LA ankîng tad te o.in of earned a fine reputation for Hospital Board. C EM O A banking back ta early times. stability and fficiency, hie A by-law ta permit the raz- BEST BUY - SAVE 9c l CRA O A He siated that in early Egypt'rpoiinîed oui. He expîained theDîeOr Libby's - New Pack - 15 oz. tiwt h ucae f5o.jr a man's wealth xvas counted internal clearing system used Business- DrecIr by the number of caille hie b each bank, and also out- ________Rd&Wht oCLdUB SenOforpuchas- lîned the reliable and skilfulFr es in those days was made procedures used in the opera- AccounE 'c FANCY PEAS --4 Fi 69c ISA TC FE Always Avoulable with cattle. This proved cum- tien of Clearing H1ouses. - - __ Wherever-You Shop bersoire, and caille ranches I A vote of thanks w'as mov- RAT J. DiLLING -BSB Y A Eea eua rc were instituted for people ta c d by Ian Smith on behalf of C 93 Chd ublerchStrtan RK deposit their cattle. The re- b is 1ellow Rotarians ta Mr. FEATURE61BSTBU SVE4 ceipts given them for their 1Buck. The president of the 1- club, R. P. Rickaby, also exx- WM J . H. COGGINS BOWMANVILLE Quaker - New King Size- 21 Biscuit Pkg.Helans-1oz a ___________________________________________ ipressed his appreciation of thc Chartered Accountant admirable addrcss given by Second Floor SPECIAL PIRICES SPECIAL PRICES 1 Mr. Burk, and presented him New Library Building NuAYONNA-ISE - 25 IÎ 1 ~~~wth a gift as a souvenir Of Cor. King and Tempecance Sts. rpgsCOPI lhis visit to the Bowmanville Phone MArket 3-3612 _ _ ___ 9 98c Colgates Faste 79e Vacuum Bottleq 7e' l Rotary Club. YALE, FRIFDLANDER. 63o Colgates Faste -- 53c 1.00 sîze Vitasis, now 89e __________&_CO._ 35e sîze Pepsodent Faste 195 size HIala Shampoo 1.29 IW O R oT H 2 8 c BEST BUY - SAVE 6cFET E 2 fo 59 79 sîz I rn------ 6e O I EAccountanis and Auditors 2 fo 59e oz7ieNxz .5 98e size Brî--------- 14eM O V Licensed Trustee in Bankruptey ON TUE PURCHASE OF Salada - 60 per pkg. 1oz zeNxea15,98 zeBik-----__79e 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621:ALE ICLSO -- -------- Oshawa, Ontario Trig r eHalth B. L. Yale, C.A. W 1.or LeveA *UWUWW F. Frîcdlander, B. Coin., C.P.A.C r nSweMidPiks Royal Theatre, Aug. 25-31 ai MNTB a y e r swee Mstrd icle 79e Dristan Tablets - 1 lM. 59e 8 p.rn RIEHL & CO.SweResh CrReh 1.25 - 2.25 - 375 SOUTH PACIFIC wîth Ras- 135 Simcoc St. N., Oshawa 100 per bottie BEST BIJY - SAVE Se . zJr sana Bcazzi, Mitzi Gaynor, Chartcced Accoujntants I Mennen DitnSry12 n' John Kerr. A532 Red & White - Homogenized - 16 oz. jar4 fo $1 O * Deodorant Prbnaie 6c .5(Todd AO and Technicolor) CBowmni4550wcIouo Pyrienzmin fic, .35 Saîts The fabulous Broadway ail ZEnih 570 1.74 value C-yoi ----- .5 7e-11 musical shines with new Han. J. W. Monteithi, F.C.A. 5 9 ~ PEAN'ÈUT BUTTER - 29c Cs f1 as$8 1.25 C-yai .5 7e-11 splendor ia Todd-AO and A. B. Manteilb, B. Coin.,C.A.1 _________Privine Draps _ 95e Tecchnicolor. Spetacular en- G.W RihCARIA Pyrthe Copoud -65e At tertainiment. ... .(Lîeenscd Trustee) W " R N W F ' R - UIB U R N Roll-On Super Anahisi ----- 1.00 Trap s a2t Century-Fox filmiza- R. F. Lightfoat. C.A. 1 i BLADE BONE REMOVED Stopete yrthe Cmponti e frde 5jj5ad ast er f Eartce O UAL E R N W FTSE D O L EDR N E F.3 1.25 Bayer's Nose Drops _ 99e 25e stein's beloved Broadway mu- C h i r o D r a c tic __ _ ___s__ i _ sical. The impression thal _ _ _-t~ aeKat CorgaRad pry 169 stamps itseif lastingly on the G. EDWIN MANNPD.e oder 43aid Sp7a, 1.6 senses is anc of enchanting Chiropractor 10 oz. tin Kan Kil 4omb 89c, 1839 sights and lavable melodies. Office, Werneis KnKlBm 9,13 Contributîng argely ta the 15 El gin St., cor of Horsey St, i, LEAN AND MEATY Powder- 39c, 67c, 98e Fly Tox Bomb 98e, 1.49 former is the photography nii Phone MA 3-5509 r ~ Fasech 4e, 7e 113Todd-AO and color by Tech- Office Hours: By ADpoinimentr Poli Grip-_ 45c,79e.1 Off Insect Repellent .- 89e nicolor; whihc meritîng credit -__4~8h -2Rplet6e fcteltentcly r S H O RT RIB RO A ST b19 ___Messrs. Rodgers and Ham- SWIFT'S SWEET CURED -½ Cryo _________________Logan,________ mestein DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. -OL Josha Loan, ho aîgin Office: Jur> Jubilce Bldgs. V NC M I I AE R L Sl. ally staged the musical foc 40 King St. W. Bowmanville'ýV NC M " T Àý% One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins - 1.49, 2.75, 4.49, 8.75 R. and H., has stunningly dir- Office Hours: ectcd this sereen story deal- 9 a.m. ta 6 r.m. daily 20 oz. tin ing with a young Navy nurse Closed Saturday and Sunday r* A I & I I E who falîs in love with a Office Phone - MA 3-5790 - E I m u ~ E FI .9 French plantation owner in House Phone - Newca>thc 3551"'L A N M IN ED BE C W IG Sthe South Pacifie during the _________&__________ lsland-hopping phase of World DR. E. W. SIS SON i - ETR War II. Mitzi Gaynar and L.D.S., D.D.S. FAIR PHONE .JI~~NL ~RIJSSES es made famous on Bcoadway,1 100 Liberty St. N., Bewmanviller-frc Éîc/ e _______________________________bv Ezia Pinza and Mary Mar--__ Phone MA 3-5604ir . - me