?RmSDAT, AUJG. 18th, 198 'o -___ - .----. - W P M~ ~ ~A~ AII~MDPAGESEE MÜm. Chas. M. Carruthers isi and sons Rick and Put, Winni- vstng friendsaiatPeinte peg, have been bolidaying foir Claire, Que.I a week with their uncle and Miss Sheila Fitchettî Moni- aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Brumu real, bas been holidaving witb j meli. St. George Street, and Aher aunts. Misses 'Elizabethljother relatives and friends inj and Carneé Painton. towfl. Miss Allie Bragg, St. Catha- ýMrs. Mabel Thickson andi rines, and Mrs. E. W Rundle,i Mrs. Chas. F. Rice attendedl TeOnýto, are visiting Mr'. and the Memoriai1 Service onSun- Mrs. P. E. Greenfied. day ut Betbesda Churcb, Har Mr'. and Mrs. L. Cassel, Pen- waod, and enj oyed lunch al fer- ny and Sundra, Gaît, Ont., are 1ward uithde home of the foin, holidaying witb ber mother,j er's aunt, Mrs. Christenai Mrs. M. E. Leask. j Noble, Baltimore, Ont.j Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Harding' Two sisters whom be hant were guests last week of hJ seen for years, Mrs. Jame Mrs. Pal erj-!Rankin and son Jin 0.1? Est son Mr. and Mrs alS- mens, St. Catharines. Yorkshire, Engl'and, and IM r s ,Harrv Oudof and duaugiitert Mi'. and Mrs. Jack Asdî aif Sandra of River Edge, Ne .yI Belleville have been ý;pendinga Jersey, U.S.A., are visiting Mr., a few days with Mr. and Mrs.* Fred Griffin and Gary. JuinNewanSilvr S. jTrooper Brian Cox ot the Miss Barbvra Aiken. Miii- jOntaria Regiment xvas recent- brook, is spending this wcek . iy seiected as top trooper ut with Mr. and Mrs. Jo. il M.!Itdue completian ai the Ontario Killeen. Kin-g Street East. 1 Regiment's Student Militia Lust Friday afternoonMirs i Summrer Course. Bian is the P. E. Greenfielci, Libertv Place son of Mr'. and Mrs. W. T.I enterta4ned several formrei Cox af R.R. 4, Bo)wmanville. school churns from Newton-! ueîscf Mr'. and MIs.; ville,.j Alvin Dowson ai-id Arnoldci Misses Heataci' and Jermîferi Saturdat ut their cot-tage. Seu- James, Montr'eai. Que., arceigag Island, were Mr. and Mrs.I holidaying with their grand-j Sain Olver and Douglas. Mrs. parents, Dr. and Mrs. Gea. W. 1 Herb Galbraith and Mrs. Se- James.t ward Do-%san, ail af Bowrnan- Mrs.B. .. itne Sr, ýville. Arnold is filling in bis Niagara Falls. Ontario. is visiit-1 spare tm uligasl ing ber son. Police Chief Ber-i1 boat. nard Kitney. Mre. Kisney andý On Monday ai last week, family. Police Chief Bernard Kitney,~ Mrs. Lawrie CrI derrnaii andAMrs.. Kitney and fumily were Mrs. Vera Acieî' are visitingj nui Niagara Falls, Ont., attend- tie latter's, daiixlter, Mrý. -rng tbe funeral ai bis aunt,i John Cai-penter and tam l M1rjs. Win. Rainier. During91 Guelph. their stay in Niagara Falls they -t Mi'.anaMes Juh. M ICl -were guests of Chief Kitne-y's Mr.andfrIrs Jon ,*11-brother.. Mr. and Mrs. Paul (, motared ta, Manitoulin ieye and last week aiter spenling e a few duys ut Almonte and, Among the girls attendiangl y Milibrook. Camp Pretoria from Trinty Mr.andMrs Je Klparici:United Clîurch Explorers are:a Mi' un Ms. ae ilatrcuMerridy Hately, jan Webster, t and famiiy vacationed last Sue Kelly, Mary Jane Walters, C week witb bei' giandparents, Mn. nd Ms. osep Dea'o, Lorraine White, Susan Mit- Mr. nd Ms. osep Dea ofchell, Julia Bell, Catherine and Smitbs Falls. Susan Etcher, Barbara Cromb-d Mr. and Mrs. Hi. R. Srrîale, le, Pat Chant, Susan Quinton Ottawa, visited their nuther, and Linda PeVherick. Mrs. C. J. Smale this past week f and aise attended the Shukes- Recently visitng A. W. Pick- a pearean plays in Strutford. ard atibris summer cottage. Mis. Vernon Joyce, Perîy, Williamîs' Peint, Lake Scugog, a wei'e his brother Russell and h Steven and Christine of Mon- Mrs. Pickurd, Kingsville, Ont., E roe, Washington. are visitingj n lobscuis n n hei' parents, Mn. and Mrs. aMis RusecouPark, MrClave-L Frank Crwe.Elgi Stret. land, Ohio. At present visit- Mýr. Bud Petbick, Toronto, ing hini are bis son Jira and Cý is visiting bis sîster, Mu's. Ina family of 18 Harltaci Cresc., ej MeNaughton, Queen St., and Toronto. g his father, Mr. F. C. Pethick, Mir. and Mirs. Bob 'Lonckhart es W'ho is a patient i Strathaven and John have returned from M Rest Home. two weeiks' vacation witlu bis ci1 Mm. Mina Calwell accorn- sister, Mr'. and Mrs. J. Zachier 0 panied byt Mrs. A. J. Lymer. of Walthan,, Mass., near B3os- fr Bill and Douglas Lymer, ail tan. They aise visited Ply- to yý Oshawa, spent the weekend mouth Rock and Marblehead. cc rwith ber sister, Mrs. A. Brad. returning thîaugh the Adiron- n ley and funuly, Bond Head. dacks arid via Cor'nwall and W- S. Joes an da ue Hydro project. They were in TLawton Blvd., Toron tnecenof aise in Niagara Fansl, Ont., for Fi ly called on Mrs. L. B. 'Willianms th 'as wlhen thev wei'e passim, Mn. and Mrs. Fritz Marti thougfh tow-n an their yearly gave a farewell d'ance at their motor trip te Vermont, U.S.A. home recently for Mr. Murti's a" Dr. nd ca.Keio Semeu ucle, Mr'. Ernst Tuscher, wbo ed à rtumd t Switzeriund by w' Virginia. Laurie. Paul and 'plane on Fi'iday last. Mr'. Mark returned last week frOfl Tuscher lied been staying with W] a visit witb Dr. Sicmon's sis- the Marti's for a year and o ter, Air Marsitai and Me1s. C. i'euned homn ime for th F R. Sienuan and family, Celer- Diamcnd Wedding Anniiversary ' ad Springs, Calaorado. celebrations of bis parents, on Mir. A. J. Clarke, M.rs. Cora Sunday, l4th inst.E Allin aind Mes. Ross Clark, ail Lat niglit we, along withB of Bowinanville, Mr. Bi--,ce probably hundreds oi etibers Cla'rke and Mrs. Clarence Yeo, in town, peered skyward about botuh of Hampton. attenctecsthe 9.30 te watch the newest U.S. S funera] o-f the late Norman satellite pass ever oui' town. Scotït. Rochester, -N.Y., iast It was net long belore we saw week.i what seesned ta be a steadily T, i-. andis. Toril HohbsiTniOvin4g star appear in the; i-i(9hurch_(9h uckles bY CARTWRIGHT *4 I mliii "A fine topic the very Swiday they vote on your ,alary HIreasel" REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street. Bowmauvifl Stated Supply - MR. J. S. BIELEMA, B.A., B.. * 10 A.M. - SERVICE IN ENGLISH 7:30 P.M. - SERVICE IN DUTCH Sunday School inunediately after Sunday morng servce ""Back To God Houx"" Broadcast * CKLB. Oshawa. at 3 P.m. every Sunday I s fIc ai h( D: i ar Vi il ýn vil st iln stiÂ.î. uentý,hlin Atwaodi 3; Zoo. 2; Chenu. C; Geog. C.i Robert Imlach, Alg. C; Stadiium.i Flint, à.ich., on Fni- Dan Cattruîu, Eng. Camnp. Trig. 2; Zoo. C: Phys. 3; uay eveîuing, August 12tLb. C; Eng. Lit. 2: Alg. 1; Geonu. Geog. C. ilion their sons, Kennetb 1, Trig. 2; Phys, 2-, Chenu. 1; ,John James, Eng. Camp. Brooks and Don Leask, afterj Fr. A. 1: Fr. C. 2. 3 n.Lt ;Hs.C Cour .Years aitendance were! Roy Chant, Eîîg. Lit. C;, Terry Joyce, Zoa. C; Chem. iniig the gradluates. Mrs. W. Geoni. C: Tnig. C.* C. TBagnell accornpuiuied theni Greg Cooper, Eng. Comp. ti Marie Kent, Eng. Camp. C; ind spent thue tveekend witii!2; Eng. Lit. 2; Mig. C; (zoom. Trig. C; Zoo. C; Phys. C;' ler ister-inlaw M,rs. Stan 3; Trîg. 3:-Phys. 3: Chen. C;ICbem. C; Fn. A. 2; Fr. C. C. e:avey. \Vhile in Flint, Mis,j Lut. A. C; Lut. . C. Helen Knox, Eng. Comp.! eask was aise a guest oi Mrs. EdC; r Cornisb, Eng. Lit. C; Bat. C; Zoo. C; Fr. A. C., îuvey. C AI. C:, Geai,. C; Bot. 2. B. Knudsen, Gen. A. 1; Gen. On Aug. loti-, r. iiutBriuîî Cox, Eîug. Camp. C; C. 2. 1 Mrs MinaLit. 2; Trig. C; Fr. A. 3; Fr. Wilbert Lemon, Eng. Comp. .olwel of 6 Carlisle Ave. was C. C; Geog. C. C.; Zoo. C. itertained on the occasion of Gary Cox, Eng. Lit. C; Tnug. Phil Long, Hist. C. r 80ti birthday. The hast- C. Bot. C: Zoo. C; Cluem. C. Peter Loucks, Eng. Camp. sses were lier daughter-in-îuw. J. Crydernuan, Fr. A. C: Fr. 2 n.Lt ;Hs.2 o.2 lns Beht Clih n e .C Chenu. C; Fr. A. 2; Fr. C. C; 'ugîen, Mrs. A. J. Lynuer ai A DeWith, Ger. A. 1, Ger. Geag. C. )Sawan. During thue day many C. 3. rienids and neighbours called E. Down, Eng. Camp C~ C. Lyncb, Mus. 2. Doffer thieir best whshes and Geag. C.' C. Maurtense, Eng. Camp. C; ongrutulatiop.s. Amiong the Gardon D u dle y, Eng. Eng. Lit. 3; Geoin. C; Trig. 3; iany loveiy gîtl.s she received Camp. C: Eng. Lit. C; Hist. Zoo. 1; Phys. 2; Chein. C; Fn. Tas a long distance "phone eall 3; Pbys. C. 2; Fr. C. C. 1the evelling iran, Sun joyce Fisher, Eîug. Camp. Jim Mastenson, Geoin. C;t raiuc.isce tram. ber grasudson C; Eng. Lit. C; Hist. C: Tnig. Trig. C. .d and his 'bride who are on, C; Chenu. C; Lut. A. 3; Lut. Gar.y MèCullough, Englis eir luoneymoon. C. C; Fr. A. 3; Fr. C. 2. CapS;Ag C ei.3 Mr~. and Mis. Jamtes Spicen V ena Faran, Bat. 3. ZOO. Trig.* 3; Zoo. C; Phys. 2; id -son Keith of Toronto i <1- C Chenu. C; Geog. 3. jon Meils. W. Rickard oncale- 'A. Geboens, Ger. A. C: Ger. L caoEg ap . îy o Troîteaitr m~'îICCarol Gaheeîî, Gen. C'; Karen McMunter, Eng. Camp., eith's fiancee, Tlueresu Braird, Zoo. 3; Fr. A. 2; Fr. C. 3. i3; Eng.Lt ;Hs.1 l.3 hO arrived in Moartreai on, g.Lt3;Hs.1Al.; a lhe Homeric irom Paris, 00osemary Goheen, E Il . Geoin. C; Tnig. 2; Bot. 1; Zoo. ranc. Cop. 2; Bot. C; Zoo. 3; Lut. 2; Fr. A. 1; Fr. C. 2. nc. Theresa and Keith A. C; Lut. C. 3; Fr. A. C: Fi'. Don Meehun, Eng. Camp. C. t t the Srbonne, f whicb C: C. Jan Moore, Eng. Camp. 3; IRuth Gobeen, Hist. C; Bot. Eng. Lit. 3; Geoin. C; Phys. C; Chenu. 2; Lut. A. 3; Lut. C. 1. iiBresin's 2- M. Grahamn, Eng. Camp. 3-, L. Mornison, Eng. Camp. C; Eng. Lit. 3; Aig. 2; Geonu2 Eg Lit. 2; Bat. 2; Zoo. 2; fl f 1 Tria. 2; Phys. 2; Chenu 2; Lut. Chenu. 3; Lut. A. C; Lut. C. 3; ;ofl Paul 3ets A.2; Latin C. 2. Fr. A. 2; Fi'. C. 3. Robent Hannah, Geoin. C. Linda Mutton, Bot. 3; Zoo. 3. uniares Hester, Eng. Camp. William Osborne, Eng. Camp. welve Fists ; oo. Lit. C; Hist. C; Trig. C.; Eng. Lit. C; Hist. 3; Zoo. 3Zo.3; Phys. 2; Chenui. C; 3; Cluei. C.; Lut. A. 2Y Lut. C.1 Whiie Bowmanvilie's top Geog. C. 1; Fr. A. 2; Fr. C. 2. student took seven firsts G. Hogeterp, Ger. A. 2; E. Phiilips, Bat. 3;Zo.C in the Grade 13 examns, Ger. C. 3. Lut. A. 3; Lut. C. C. this is far below the W. Hooper, En . Connu. C; Eleanor Pichurd, Eng. Camp. ~crsset by Toronto Alg. C; Geonu. C Tiig. C;- C; Eng. Lit. C; Zoo. 2; Lut. A. itudents this yean.1 Zoo. C. 3; Lut. C. C; Fn. A. C; Fn. C. 2: Paul Bresliu, son of Dr. Elenor Heard. Bot. C; Lut. A. Greek A. C; Gneek C. 3. id Mrs. W. Wi. -ýBîît C; Lut. C. C; Mus. C. Lunny Piper, Trig. C. reslin formeriy af this Marilyn Housiander. Eng. Lînda Purdy, Bot. C; Zao. C; krea. was one of the high- Camp. C: Eng. Lit. C; Hîst. Fr. C. C. ,st ith12 frst. Heis 2;Trig. 2; Chein. 2; Lat A. 1; Margot Rankine, Zoo. C; Bot. d wth 12 f ir- is. -- Ha. Ci.:FrA. .s- 1- Fr .,,,.n- si an Br aiý nepew f 3rs. MV. Unes- linl of Brestiln's-Laies 1. Ina Beryl Read, Eng. Lit, C; Wearanda stden at Barbara Brown, Eng. Comp. Bot. 2; Zoo. 3; Fr. A. C; Fr. C., Forest Hill Collegiate Insti- 1:Eg i.2 Hs.2 o.ç tute., Zoo. 1; Chem. 2; Lat. A. David .Reynolds, Trig. C; Zoo.. Paui's father is a States- C; Chein. C; Fr. A. 3; Fr. C. C;i man subscrjber and on Theresa is et graduate, five Geog. C. several occasions has writ.. years ago. Keith is doing post Howard Rundie, Eng. Comp.i ten enlightening articles graduate work at the Univer- 3; Eng. Lit. 3; Alg. 1; Geom. l; on the eariy days in this sity of Toronto and expects to Trig. 1; Phys. 1; Chem. 1; Fr. jpart of the country. obtain bis PhD. in Political A. 1: Fr. C. i. -____________ Science in the Sprin.g. They Owen Scott, Eng. Camp. C; j plan to be married in Deer Bot. C; Zoo. C; Fr. A. C. Park Church, Toronto, early Beverly Smith, Eng. Comp.1 ILCCIUOfl in Septemiber. C; Eng. Lit. C; Hist. C; Bot. 1; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graharn, Zdo. 2; Fr. A. 2; Fr. C. 3; Geog. (Catiiited froin page one) Georgeann and Susanne have C.1 enberg, age 30, R.R. 4. Picton, returinedý, from an enjoyable Rosemary Smith, Eng. Camp. sustained a brised right knee two-week camping vacation at 2; Eng. Lit. C; Hist. 1; Geom. in the accident. Both the Mor- Lak<e St. Peter in Northern C; Trig. 3; Phys. C; Chem.i. C; risCopn and Northcutt Ontario. Whlle there they met Fr. A. 3; Fr. C. 3.I and Smith ambulances xvere i theI following, amnong others, Ed. Slk.Hs.C rg I called to the scene. Coroner from. Bowmnanvifle who were Bot. 3; ZOO. C. Dr. J. A. McArthur, Black. aiso va*ationing in that area: L. Stapleton, Geog. C. stock, 'vas also in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tice and Richard Strikwerda, Trig. 3; Mrs. Dorenberg died about family, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bot. 2; Phyrs. 2; Chem. 3; Fr.! 45 minutes after her admit- Bridges and family, Mr. and A. C; Fr. C. 3. tance to Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Wallace Munday and fam- W. Tamblyn, Eng. Comp. C' Mrs. Lemieux and littie Keith ilY, Mi'. and Mrs. Elwood Alg. 2; Geom. 1; Trig. 1; Phys, A. Lemieux were almost in- Shackleton and family, Mr. and 1; Chem. 2; Lat. A. C; Lat. C:'ý stantly killed by the colli- Mrs. Dick Patfield and family TylrEg.Cap sion. Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompsor Garth TyoEg op ; Sergeant Gordon Keast, of- and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Eng. Lit. 3; Hist. 2; Bot. 1; ficer commanding the Bow- Rowe and faniily and Mr.' and Zoo. 1; Lat. A. 2; Lat. C. 1; manville Detachment of the Mrs. Mel Burgess and family. er.A. e rtg. C.;1 Ontario Provincial Police, Miss Gloria Purdy, Camp- Geon 3; Trig. C. and Constable L. R. James, beilville, Ont., and Miss Carole -o tTie1re, hs invetigted the ccide t.Vermette. Victoriaville, Que., Chem. C, Fr. A. 2; Fr. C. 3. Other OPP and Bowmanvil e were Sund.av guests of the Charles Trim, Bot. 2; Zoo.1 *police officers kept the heavy former's grandmother, Mrs. L. 3; Mus. 2. trafcmvngaogth ih B. Williams. It is interesting Joan Turner, Eng. Camp. C rThe Lemieux family had t note that. bhese ihsOI Geom. 2; Trig. ;Cen ;F beenspedin a acaionattyoung ladies are spending a C. C; Geog. C. C Cedar Cest Bea acatndwer at each other's home Ross Turner, Eng. Camp. 2;i' enroute ta Bowmanville ta do on the student exchange plan Eng. Lit. 3; Alg. 2; Geom.î92,, some shopping at the time of ta take practical refresher Trig. 1; Phys. 3; Chemn. 2; Fr.' the accident. The Lemnieux' language courses in English A.- 2; Fr. C. C. carwasstrck t aouttheanid French. ln eac.h case they Jim VanDyk, Eng. Camp. C; cere of sthrig t side.tthe wee noying the experiences Hist. C; Bot. C; Zoo. C; Geag' two vehicles careened into th e Of their first visit ta the C. narth ditch of the highway. other's native province, which Marg. Vanstone, Ger. A. 2; Mr. and Mrs. Dorenberg were in itself is additional educa- Ger. C. 1. on their way ta Toronto ta at- tin and also the study of hu- Barbara Vermeulen, Eng (tend a wedding when the ac. m-an nature by travelling. Last Camp. 3; Eng. Lit. 2; AIg. 2;! cident happened. week they visited Niagara Geomn. 2; Trig. 2; Lat. A. 1; Lat.i The accident ivas the eighth Falls and this week they are C. 1; Fr. A. 1; Fr. C. 1. traffic fatalitY this year in the spending a few days at the Reather Webb, Bot. 1. area covered by the Bowman- Williams' cottage at the pop- Harold Yellowlees, English; ville Detachmeni of the OPP.I ular Diiirnam County suinmer Camp. C: Eng. Lit. C; Alg. C: Thjjis is haîf the number killed, resort, C'aesarea, on the shores 1Trig. 3; Bot. 2; Zoo. 2; Phys. 3; in the same area last year. J f Lake SCUgog. lChem. C; Fr. A. 2; Fr. C. C. ' z - * Raise Funds for B rned ut Yo ng Fa ily Ioverseas in World War 1. JI Wi s ,rk and tank for this p>r werervt oie at Oakcod Kn n apose. only mathematis. AccordingI.. It was pointed out that this to the report in The OracleieIi summer there have flot been the school publication, whichiS mi Fnl aycmli bu h detailed the parties, presenta- odany complaihetslug abu ti tions and dinners given in îis[Rdrfa h ldehue honor, hie was school treasurer Rurali kZis this year in contrast ta the for 23 years and was instructor1hI the Durham Rural Ba-e-- manvf that bave been received of the Oakwood Cadet Corpsibail League, Kendal defeatedi during the previaus Summers. for over 20 years. These add- Newtonville Tuesday night,! Electric Accounts for June eu responsibiities, the report 5-2, ta win the semi-finalý amaunted ta $25,550.29. The ~4 ;t~states. kept him away a gaad series in the fifth game. Water Department accounts dofom aor ite ora hobistm Welcome defeated Newcastle, for the m o nth totalled co ectia nd htorpy, apalso on Tuesday, ta tie u , 523-57. .......-- colecingandwoodworking. their 4~~,During his vacations hie and and es at two games each able travelling, inciuding visits oeC e toMst hersnhdid cas- te.ners of North America.T s. The retirement presentatian T n e s O e e te Mr. Henderson by the (Continued from Page one) breubt ut tacbng saff It was moved by Commis- W the rd eacharacterf sioner Ross Strike. Q.C., sec- W itby Plant af this able and devoted teacb- onded by Mayor Wilfrid Car- s erta bis profession. Some ofj ruthers, that the specifications EdadCrLeith them, eulogistic expressians 0f1i for the sewage disposai plant popular proprietors of esteem from bis feliow teach- be rewritten and tenders cali- Bowmanviiie Cleaners, are ers bear repeating here: ed on February 15tb. 1961. holding the Officiai OPen "He acquitted himself wvith 1 The work ta commenice on Bouse of their new Plant ...... .. . .success, hionor and distinction April 15tb. This motion car- jele Cardinal Cleaners, in his busy life, and bas earn- ried. today aud tomoirrow. The ed tbe right ta boast af bis patwl coe l a achievements and bis triumphs j Mr. Van Bridger, the PUC pant wii be pen il 9a nature bestowed on himl manager. and ecnsltn ad vniga uti a ge erou end wmen ofeng mneers, D R. Redfern and oco k a generus tadmuke ao ~ ~ patenc, netnesorgnizngSean O'Rafirty, wee asked The Cardinal Cleaning p'aient, navnes, gne af keail ph c tu f plant is located on No. 2 -M aum n tentua b l phases of the requirments Highway. about 200 yards M ~t rnmthskaldea and t o keep the cost down eist of the town limita of s . ~~ttaherit . . k ldgebas ae witbout affecting the effic- wxt. most fortunate bie bas used lus inya h rpsdswg dispoai pant.There w~ill be guits for tentsi sa1sig an ipsipat the first 500 visitors and Whien the home of Arthur Priestley and hisl obtain a stove. From left to right: Robert llicks, Who eacntainceing th reputation for Mi. Vnrdgerfloodcon- îof PSmi-Cola oesyO anile-ron aea te enofth cmmniyaie Pwstell GorgieMcr and oeTr asreSd Lancasterltraditional heritage ai the ditions experienced during Bow'manville. fa ily wa ur e t he g ou d e enl i he C w-1school." storms this spring. He sugges- ' bv their wives, undertook ta canvuss everyone in thei Other collectors flot shown in the photo were Alan aTo top off sstheystaff dner ted itbae buldnginspeco vtheissue a ecia iend area for finiancial help. Last week, at a special presen-1 Clarke and Bill Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Priestley and ad Mt.He adrss.th reenut- o t po per t uesaispectin fvoitato thir feand tation. they were able ta present them with a iewý their three children are in the foreground. fui grey Samsonite lugguge and the number af cases in wbich, district to attend this gala wasîngmacin an rerieraor nd op laer aia letter bîllfoid, ail of which roof water is discharged ta open house. w a sh n g a c h n e n d ef r g e r a o r n d o p e l at r t i - w a s g ra c io u siy a c k n o w le d g e d th e s a n ita ry se w e r. H e a d v is- seut-wet ad uaveacrssin a fine, reminiscent address ed that the owners be given soth ws andyWl toe a southile MKsuls by the recipient. .a iimited tinue ta eoeFrOl pla a lgiilynrt-aselydr1- This report would flot be these connections ta tbe sani asho. y otl.-as t'ly rear-!<ot e rmpg n)2 u.C ;Fr .1 r .(otne rmpg n)complete witbout mentianing tary sewer. o l A pine able. prat cal s tia of the r e-(oiiek A2 r e oe a.2.2;Fr .1Fr . ma nle Hî Som aonve that Mr. Hendersan gave out-I An expenditure af $4.240 Cet Cash Toila able prctical exli11 Grek A. 2:Greek . 2. 1 manvilestandingooieadeilessipntag lheerDur-towuseDautborîzedthr taereplacelcepre- exÉraorclînary udvan'e inid Glen Blackburn, Bot.C. Phyllis I{owells, Eng. Coin. took the honor course in hbam Caunty Club cf Toronto sently overloaded water heu t- hog err, science in the lais fewi Bruce Bowinn Eng. Camp.'C, Eng. Lit. C; Alg. C; Bot. mathematics ut Queen's Uni- as President er equipinent. Mr. Van Brid- thog ye'tr. C: Lng. Lit.3; Alg 2; Geom C; Zoo. 3; Cbem. 3; Fr. A. 2; versity, Kingston, then diedicat- Mr. and Mrs. Henderson often ger reported an the cast af 8 T A T E S M A N Mi'. uid Ms 1-larvey &aiioijks 2;' Trig. 1; Phys. 2: Chem. 3* Fr. C. 3. ed most ai his lufe ta the spend weekends in Bowinan- the disposa] of sludge froîn C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8 and Mrs. MV. E. Leak atiendedj Fr. A. 1; Fr. C. 3. ' 1 PDavid Imlacb, Eng. Lit. C; teaching profession, with the ville ut their attractive stone the sewer plant. He was giv- Fhmm MArket 3-3303 the graduation exerci ses of - Eric Carleton. Trig. C: Bot. Tri. C. exception of active service cottame on ManesR2 nuPthe l tI or t + fin h*v a - Tm 1 v r. %-Omp. 12