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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1960, p. 9

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THUTtSDAY, AU. 251h. 1960T CANADIAN STATIAN, DOw EANTILL. OwA.vUAl i Game Here Saturday Western Juvs. Rouf Merrit ton 18-m4 lnIr Playdown Opener Last Sunday Bowmanviile Western Tire and two singles. John James1 trailed 1-0 after two frames,I cracked a triple for the onlyl è tied the score in the tbird and other extra base blow, while I àhen turned the game into a Terry Black collected three reut as they smashed out an, singles, as everyone but Jim 18-4 victory over Merriton in Moorcraft bagged at least one the opener of a juvenile O.B.A. safety. series, Sunday afternoon, inl Moorcraft, however, was blerriton. most effective in stopping A seven run fourth and five Merriton's batters on eight ini the seventh, were the big bits good for singles ini the innings for the locals. BillOs- second and sixth and a pair of borne, moved from dlean-up markers in the ninth. te third spot in the order, Craig was the pick cf the led tbe 18 bit assault with a losers, with their only extra home-run, a pair of doubles base knock- a three-bagger, __________tutan a single. We would accomplish manyi Second game in the series more things if we did not!will be playcd Saturday af- think of them as impossible. 1 ternoon, 2:30, at Vincent Mas- -C. Maesherbes. sey Park. " TEXT BOOKS " LOOSE LEAF FORMS " ALL FORMS 0F STAI BINDER NAME ENGRAVED F Sheaffer Pen Free with purchase GIFTS 0F ALL KIN ROTARY ANNUAL SATURDAY, SI ""BIG 20" 27 King Street West Fou r Run Third Inning Puts Ba>ntams Behind In Opening Playoffs EA four run third inningi with a pair of sixth inning provided Newmarket with tallies, before Gerald Har- their margin, as Bowman- ness put out the tire. ville Legionnaires dropped a The Legionnaires ended the 7-3 decision in the first game scoring with a pair in the bot- of a best of three atmtmofhesxth on Irv Col- O.B.A. series. The second con- welIs single, a base on balls test in Newmarket last night. and two infield outs. The Monday nlght tilt at Smallery allowed five hits the Memorial Park here saw and clouted a triple and a the Legionnaires open the single to lead the winners. scoring in the second with a Johnson was best for the le- single run on a hit by Mike cals With a double and a single Johnson, a walk and an er- while Colweil poked a couple ror. The visitors chased star- of singles. ter Gary Akey with a four run The combined Legionnaire rally inthe third, picked up a pitching gave up only six saf- single off reliefer Johnson in eties, but walks led te their the fourth and wrapped it up'downf ail. HAMPTON Mrs. J. Verney, Toronto, Mr. Merrick Foster, Bloom- was a guest of her cousin, field, spent a few days last Mrs. Eliner Wilbur for a few week with his daughter, Mrs. days last week. B. Killens, Mr. Killens and Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKnight family. !IONERY and children, Toronto; Mrs. Miss Ruth Shackleton and G. TrevailOw, visited at David Shackleton, Salem, the Wilbur home on Wednes- spent a few days last week day. Mr. Ralph Tbompson, with their grandparents Mr. Brooklin, Miss Mary Peters, and Mrs. Roland Shackleton. Bowmanville, also visited Mr. Mr .and Mrs. Joseph Mar- rREEand Mrs. Wilbur at the week- tin et Streetsville, and Mr. end. and Mrs. Gordon Shackleton of each binder Miss Anita Pbillips, Osh- and son Bill et Salem, were awa, spent a couple days with Sunday guests et Mr. and Ms her aunt Mrs. J. A. Burrows Mrs. R. Shackleton. and iMr. Burrows. Miss Olive Waterman, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with CAR WASH Danish Delight m" EPT. l7th aAInd Miss Jean Rundle, Bew- vvins rrizes manville, were at T. Wa' on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, Atf Two Fa inr Toronto, are visiting teSl i ters wbile on holidays. Mrs. A horse, Danish Delight, Theo. Salter leturned home owned by Lloyd Atchison, on Sunday after spending sev- Newtonville, won two firsts at eral weeks with Uicm i the Peterborough Exhibition. Toronto. Danish Delight ridden by Miss Miss Linda Lee Killens has P. Ireland took first place in returned atter a visil with both the Open Saddle Class her uncle and aunt Mr. and, and the Ladies Saddle Class Mrs. Arnold Fester of Bloom- here. field. Master Glen Killens LIMITED At the Oshawa Fair on Sat- is now enjoying a visit with rday, August 2tb, Mr. At- relatives there. Bruce Foster1 hisen's Danish Delight won cf Bloomfield is visitipg his1 the first in the Open Saddle cousins the Killens children Class. Mr. Atchison's pony here. ifr«3,5m5 Prince Cha.rles, ridden by bis Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Caver- daughter, Arlene, came first ly attended a family gather- in the Pony Class. ing at the home of their son - -. - - - - - - Bill Slaght whose photo has appeared quite regularly ini these columns for his fishing prowess, came through with this big but ugly beauty this week. Hie caught it at Campbellford, and the vital statisticas are. channel cat, 12 pounds and 30 inches long. Douglas, Bownianville, on Sunday, on the occasion ef his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wake- ly, Emnie, Dorothy and John, Toronto, were Sunday visit- ors with lier sister Mrs. Luth- er Allin. Master George Allin spent the weekend at Pidgeon ]River with Mr. and Mrs. McPhail cf Salem. Callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgsons hast week were hier niece Mrs. E. Y. Towers and Mr. Towers cf Chicago, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley cf Bowmanville and Mr. Harold Macklin of Osh- awa. Sunday visitors at S. Ker- sey's were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pocher and family, Oshawa; Rev. Ted Kersey, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Len Play- er and son, Tommy, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mns. Walter Law- son and son, Steven, Long Branch, were weekend guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bar- ron aI Ibeir cottage at Wil- liams' Point. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truil at their cottage, Williams' Point. Mr. and Mrs. B. Killens and family enjoyed a picnic at Brigbton on Si nday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon and fam- ily, Mrs. G. Adcock and Harry attended a gathering at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Enniskillen, on Sat- urday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rackham of Bewmanville, were the hion- ored guests and their 2Oth wedding anniversary was cehe- braled. A pleasant evening was spent. Hampton friends extend Best Wishes and hear- ty Congratulations le Doug and Florence who were form- er residents cf Hampton and a pepular yeung couple. A very pleasant day was spent- on Tuesday hast by inembers of the Women's In- stitute (and a number of friends) who sponsored a bus trip te Toronto, where th*.y spent a few hours at bhe beau- lîful Edward's Gardens, strol- ling through the park and viewing tbe beautiful llowers and artistic flower bcd de- signs, which was a delight ta ail. A picnic dinner was en- joyed and haler lhey pro- ceeded to High Park where they enjoyed a couple of heurs in a similar way- bobh parks being very dlean and lîdy and Edwards Park is an ideal spot for a quiet enjoyable pic- nic. Forty pensons werc af- forded thc pîcasune et the outing. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Allun, Fort William; Mrs. R. Stocker. Bowmanvillc; Mr. and Mrs. L. Clemens, Ron and Barry, Hampton; Missi Carol Wrighb, Enniskilcn; Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruthven. Port Hope; Mrs. Laura Robson, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hoy and son, Courtice, were Sunday visit- ors witb Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Blanchard at their cottage at Willams' Point. Deputy Reeve and Mrs. Blanchard attended the War- den's Picnic at Little Lake on Wednesday. Mrs. Ken Caverly and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard spent a few days recently with Mrs. Ah- bert Cole at Hawke Lake, Haliburten. Kilpatrick Girls Edge Orono 13 -7 Kilpatrick Plumbers came from bebind a 13-7 deficit te edgc Orono 16-15 in a juven- i1e girls sofîbail attraction playe'd in Bowmanville,-Mon- day nigbt. The locals scored two in Uic fifth, four in the sixth, and won il with three seventh inning markers, atter Orono had picked up n pair in Iheir hall cf the sixth. Carol Smith's third hit of the game, scored bhe winn- ig rua. Deane Ormisten and Pat Carter aIso had three saf- elles fcr the Kilpatrick crew. Nicholson and Tyrcîl had Uiree hits apicce for Orono. The wcek before, the locals lest 17-11 te league-leading Port Hope, atter leading 10-4 i the fourth. In the phayoffs, Bowman- ville meets Port Hope wbile Orono wihl hock-up with New- castle. Juvenlie GirWs Standings W L Pts. Port Hope - 10 1 20 Orono 6 5 12 Bowmanville - 4 7 8 Newcastle ____2 B 4 SPORTOPICS LADIES'MFNAL MONDAY NIGHT Bowmanviill ladies' sottbail entry - Pearson's Smoke Shop, wll meet the winner of Port Hope and Miilbrook, Monday night, 6:30, at the Central School in the first game of the league final sertes. t t 'jt t MEN'S CHAMP GOLFER For the second consecutive year, Bob Jamieson, 16- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson, recently won the men's golf championship at the Peterborough Golf Club. PORT PERRY I la LABOUR DAY BORSE RACING MIDWAY UIVESTOCK SHOW GO-KART RIDES SATIfAT NIGT SHOW l NENOHIAL GAIDENS EDefeat 61o5 Pearson 's 1 Newcastle To Win Ch A wdfl-played Ladies semi- final series ended Menday night in Newcastle when Bow- manville Pearson's Smoke Shop cdged Newcastle 6-5 to take the best of three set, three games te one. With the exception ef one, alicegani- es were close, as Pearson's took lhree straight afler lo- ing Uic opener. Each club scored oce nes the first inning, Bowmanviile on a walk te Edith Nimnigon and a single by Dot Bond, and Newcastle on Glikes' tri- p le and Couch's single, Sig- les by Baskerviile and Gar- rod gave the homesters a 2.1 cdge in the second. A double bY Barbara Hugh- es foilowed by Dot Kellys single, tied the score in the fifth and Uic locals look a 3-2 edge in Uic next frame as Sandra Chaskavitch, Helen Nicholson, Shirley Brock and Ninigon sigled. Il is neyer sale t o look int the future with eyes ef fear. -Edward H. Harriman. The dignity cf man is vin. dicated as mucb by the tbink. er and peet as by the states. man and soldier.-James B. Conant. Orono Fair Ontario's fastèst growing agricultural fair FRIDAY- SATURDAY SEPT. 9th m lOth HARNESS RACING HORSE SHOW HORSE SHOE PITCHING SQUARE DANCING CHORAL GROUPS j GO-KART EACIN EXHIBITS: Livestock, Farm Products, Needle- craft, Domestic Science, Junior Department, Farm Machiner>', Cars and Trucks, Building Materials DRAMATIC CONTEST Orono Town Hall Sept. 8-9-10 at 8:15 sharp Nine plays from Whitby, Pickering, Oshawa, Orono, Bowmanville, Lindsay and. Peterborough MIDWAY -Fun and Rides for Kiddies ADMISSION Friday: Aduits 50e Saturday: Adults 75c - Children Free - Children 25ç CANDIAN NATIONAL &£UMAN 3-D~e&dan. Approed-byenthusiastic owners, designers and people e~ vcrywhere as a superb expression cf lime' and form. Shars îheir cnthusiasm for Pontiac-the year's goimgest cart ()Acpted--as the word fora Pontiac fact. Supple ahl-coil sus- pension, bail-racesteering and foam-padded scats help maki: Pontiac one cf the smoothest ridig cars on the road. Enjoyed by admurirerathe littie things that mean so muchl Dual suesades, cigarette ihter. crank opcrated ventipane 1PA. VMTA au mof e e otras tbat arc standard on eve (MduM m ff up 4w e .tCoda x' .) .A UNERAL MOU Portttac Boey lest Ponio Da 166 King St. E. veay Pontiac. rom VALUE "laIc Phone MA 3m3321 EXHIBIIIO Leavmng Read Down A.M.L 7:30 7:40 7:45 7:55 8:00 8:10 *8:45 Janetville Ballyduf Pontypool Enterprise Kirby Orono BOWJMANVI=L Arrve Read Up A.K2 1:25 1:15 1:05 12:55 12:45 12:35 12:15 RIn. Fare 4.40 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.35 3.00 $ PECIALS Leavimg Read Down A.K 7:40 Nestieton 7:50 Blackstock 8:00 Burketon 8: 10 Enniskilen 8:20 Hcampton 18:45 BOWMNANVIIIL Arrive Read Up Rtu.1 Faro 1:05 4.00 12:55 3.75 12:45 3.50 12:35 3.35 12:25 12:15 Arrive 10:15 a.m t Toronto Exhibition Fcres Include Admission mbt Toronto Exhibition Grounds Sat., September 3rd only - Special Extra Bus will leave C.N.E. Grounds for Bowmanville Only at 6:30 p.m. Children . Haif Faire BURLEY BUS LIMES LMMITED Going Daily from August I'7th RId& on th. Bus and avoi"d wrrg about duiving in hecavy traffic. pcirki!nq or crowding for street cars Buses take passengers into E xhibition Grounds and remamn there for the con- venience of passengers until 15 minutes after evening grandstand performance. Reserve grandstand tickets now at Burley Bus Lines Ltd. office. BUSES D AILY FROM BOWMANVILLE- August 2É7th to September lOth FIROM - AUL OTMM POINTS SCHEDULED. AUG. 29 - SEPT. 5 INCLUSIVE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 1 Iliyhlights ofQulty. f-fFEATURED ON EVERV PONTIAC o, I. 4. 4, 'G 44 4~ ROBSON MOT ORS Ltd.o 3.25 3100 FORINFORMATION PHONE BOWIMANVIIIIE MArket 3-3811a OSHAWA RAndolph "-171 irýMXjb «4»wý ose Series Alter Uic first two batters had been retired in the sev- enth, Bond was hit by a pitch, Nicholson walked and Delor- is Davey belted a Uirec-bag. ger. Davcy scored on Peggy Haynes' single and Brock ad- ded another hit before Uic third out. With elmnhation staring them in Uic face, Newcastle rallied for three runs, alter two were eut in the final trame, only te f4i1 one short. Wagar and Gray singled to keep Uic rally alive and Gil- kes connectcd for a home run. THMMAY, ATJG. 25th. 1960 PACM - . Fý à 1 Children under sehoal aLra Pren éýý>

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