P'~G TWIVXTECANADIAN SrATESMAN. SOWMSAN#Vn.L&ONTAUKO A Macduff Ottawa Report Sô*turday's C Unsung and un]oved. the thrd sesFiort of Canada's 24th 1 I Xin-'t bas passed into 1 bo atter 146 da.v- and ii ghts of sound and fury a;bout nothing very muclh t al]. The time has arrived for Prime Minister Diefenbaker and the voters of Canada ta take stock. If there is to be a Fed-i eral election somnetfixe next year- and the signs continue to point to such a likelihood- Canada's fir-st Conservative gov- i ernment since the thirties is going to have to put on a new face. Even sonîe of the staunc'h-, est Government supporters bave joined a grow-ing char- us af criticism of some Dief-' enîbaker ministers, andi begun to call more ar less openly for a major cabinet shuffle., The bettlng in Ottawa is that Mr. Diefenbaker will move shortly to grant their wish. He stili must make goad on a long-standing pramise tol appoint another cabinet min-ý inster ta represent eastern 1 Quebec. He has spoken vaig-! ueiy at other times of beefing, up the representation of ancî other province, populariy pre- sumed ta be Alberta. And at least two of fihe grcyer grey-beards in the present cabinet llneup are patlently waiting for fthe cail thcy know will corne- to fthe Senate, or other lusix green pastures of retirement. The rumors persist that Mr. 'Diefenbaker is about ready ta find another assignment for Trade Minister Gardon Chur- FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANDI) MARKERSice aFSTAFFORD n ~E V BROS. t !chili, whose performancE ithe Governi-ent's star sz man has been unimpjresý The Governnient-loving' onto Telegrarn ha, sugge tha* iMr. Chur'chi]ll îîay gi the peacetul surrounciing, the veteran's affairs citi) men- if he dûes flot IE political life altogether. Noue of this specul tion assumes tha! a chai ge in the '-abinet linci %%ould detrinif-ntally a 1fect the acknowtledge istrong men of the Goi ernment- Finance Nift ister Donald Fleming, E: terrai .Af airs. 3Ministt floward Green, Transpoi Minister Gerrge Hee>.f Justice Miîîister D. Fulto Mr. Hees and MNr. Ful might, how evor. be in bigger and better things. The men most likely t go are Defence 3inisth George Pearkes, an ol, soldier and loyal support er of 31r. Diefcnbal-ct 1ncaring the end of hi political u'oefulncss at thi age of -,2. Vtereans Ai fairs Nlinisfer Alfrd Br oks, an tinassuming Nýem Brunswic k e r- wlo i! rcady for the Se nati when the Prime Ministei gives the word: Mineý Minister Paul Comntois,. 65-year-old qualified ag. rononîist who seems tc lack the interest and abil. ity required for bis grow. ing portfolio of minerais and New-foundland Minis- ter without portfolio %Vil- liam Browne, who pre. sumably has held on this long onl3' becausc of the Governiment Partys we- akness in his part of the country. The people who advisc iý Diefenbaker- sometimes su essfully-- have already su. gested ta hlmn that Agrici ture Minister Douglas Har ess would be an acceptab uccessor for ',\r. Pearkes te fast-spending defence d artment. Mr. Harkness, forme-r lieutenant - colonc mouid probably welcorne tl riange, since lie finds agir .lture an uninspiring i :o a politician. MNr. Fulton's name has also been nxcntioned, ai- thougix he is believed to drcad thxe assignm e n t. Public Works Minister David Walker, a new boy in the Cabinet and a close friend of the Prime Mýinis- daAoud1 Stafford Eros. f Monumental Works 318 flundas St. E. Whltby Phone Whltbiy MOhawk 8-3552 vants who wish fa enter muni- cipal politics lias been ap- proved by the Government. Previously, they were limited' tn d l r d F r e 1h. Idrehn $1.500 a year. NoODY l il r ntelmtbas been removed. , ' SA btteCivil Servant must AND 15 YEARS AGO ýeas f er, is a logîcal man to either take leave without pay, ;ales-I folloxw Mr. Fulfon ln fthe or e~nvince bis Dcputy Min- -* xýie. exacting role of M-înîsfer ister that autside office willi .A.MR S Tor-,ý of Justice- fthe Govern - not interfere with his Fed- J.A M RI sted ±-nent's top îawyer. eral Government duties. cdMor. Preooi Jour"a o0 a Revenue Minister George **write. fromn -Notvian, who once îvas re- For thxe first tm nERP N t)r-ported on s'baky ground witîî more than 30 Years, Can- i C»zA eave the Prime 11inister, seems ta ada wilI be olficiilly re-TM U TRD WGO have proved bis abilitv f0 Mr. prcscnted ut the Inter- a- Diefenbaker's satisfaction and Parliamentary Union con- !n- blas an assured career ahead- fercuce lu Tokyo, Septem This weck's story about aur "shopping cart" ta carry thel uP eîther in bis present portfolio ber 29 to October 7. Par- 4tb Caniadian lnfantrv Bni- groceries ta the Brigade pani-1 or in finance. should Mr. ,uetbsapoe e gade is addrcsse-d ta tlie bouse- try. For instance, ln anc or-! Flemiing move elsewbere.- nwl0 aaasmm ie. We wandcr tîaw sue, de-r we checked there were 'v-- bcrship in flhc 72-year-old would like ta go "shioppiing"1 1800 paunds of preserved, a- The Prime Minister iS Union. Ica ding fthe Can- ta feed 3500 me-n every day., meat, 5500 pounds of flour, istili badzered by the faet adian Paz-ia m e n t a r y1 andi ove-r 5,00(1 wlien selbernes' 6700 pounds of canned meat, er that he lacks an accept- Group is Vancvuver C'on- 'corne up*' And hiow would she- 5400 pounds of canned fruit; rt ahe strong man from servative M.I.. Ernest like ta forecast up ta six 6,000 ibs. of sugar and 2,000 r Quebee. The Liberals cau Broome, %iho attended an weeks ber re-quireme-nts ini paunds af cfree. BrougminI m bc depended on, with thxe IW conference at Rio de meats and frozen roods, weekly. on a six weeks fore- willig hel of Qebee' castwere over a ton of bcn ton wlnghlof uees Janeiro in 1958 as an We visite-d Staff Sergeant i bcn 1~r n e w Liberal Premier, observer. L. E. Ellis af Long Branchi five tons af beef. over two Jean Lesage, to capitalize -'n..wodosth sopi 1 tons of chiekens, more tban a r o~thi iiianyelecionfor the Brigade. Hie took us ton and a haîf af park cuts. to campaign, to fthe embarr- W SE IL througb bis Royal Canadiani over a ton of liver, and 900 dr asmnf of fthe Conserva- ArmESevic Stresat aL'pounds of cheddar cheese. ',Qtbcbsalaieîu- Percy Snell, Arnold Thorn - Cbambly where stocks aof! In addition, supplies are. ýr, ;Qudvc kisd M- E B-lou- foods were awaiting the break- purchased from NAAFI, and' s ]y demanded its share of at- dyke, and Mis. . arrow-~ down for daily deIivqry ta in- a Iwo wceks "grocery' 1s' e teittion in the Federal Gov- ciougb attended the quarterlydidulni.icldd90pnsaik- f rnirnent, and previaus g o armein Ilheeur at eii-eishave alw\avs ee Welcome last usi eve-ning.1 Canada's Brigade is a part; chup, seven and a bahf tons1 iareful ta sec dhat the due ýThis %vas the first imeeting af the Blritish Armiy of the- af juices. 2700 pounds of tin- shae a atenionwasgivn.under the chairmanhip of th'e imicu so ail stores corne J'rom i ned ham, 600 pints of salad le1Rev. E. Norman. their stores. Fresb food is i il, 2600 pounds of cannect 1 Mr. Diefenbaker badl an Anatro'sqiig s drawn tbrce times a wek, tomatoes, 156 pints af vinegar. 1 rola Anxateseon'fquitingwaand twa weeks supply ai' 48 pounds of pepper, 400j r ihrond becfo nt h ed aytoE. Barw alo u iltl0V"dry" foods core ne tue RCA 1poulids af sait, 770 paunds af showserng Queec i' th Teda a rpreaqul1SC i.tntrucks every other tea. and a tan af cofice. - Miniters rior 0 ~he for a former resident whoseý week. A hita aseilda 198 letin-he had 1A hita pca i O only nine members from home lias been destroyeci byl I takes an awfuly big I fe-ris s- edtbemn n l - the Province, and tiree fire. It xvas finished and Mrs. j-sîvd en--- ndai ofthm er pt nf fic P. Holdaway took it home ta nme fte aaincid regardless of wbether the-y cabnet bu th exuse bin it Ile 'r d ive in the Permanent Marid cabnet bu th ecus bid i. eZIs league for good conduet, Quarters, with German cýivil- - disappeared w he n 50 A wiener roast and evening and I promise not ta destroylno ncmcrei o - Conservatives turned up ofgie a edis en--anytbing useful or beautîful h el maIehvn h - fromn French Canada in day evening at Part Britain nat ta throw waste paper- on11 <elivery man bring in five! S the landsiide victory that shores and proved a happy the streets ori-in the parks; la' tons of eviscerated furke-ys, 1 e ear. occasion. There were about 80 roteci trees andi flowers and, 2500 pounds of Christmas prsn n uryPayne and1pud He ubsquntl bjitQu- Allan Clarke arran.ged a baller ad h same. 1 alsooen- herry sauce, 2600 paunds of bee's number af Cabinet pasts gaine whieb Iasted as long as cl ofîecnsorteCr-rutokai,50pudsf 4.ta six, later reduced it to the- davliglit. The tiny tatS lune La Rose fund, and hope'iruit cake. 3700 paunds of c-five Sith tbe departure ai 1played several games that kept that you e acta oent n 80 onso1al 'Serear a Sat Hnr Cu-them occupied while .tiîeir hundî-ed dollars. Beatrix , u rternanche ta the Senate. But i Joness, raisinis. il.j .seniors were catcbing flies or age 13. Imagine fthe panfry space~ k- noue lbas be-en given a senior just enjaying the privilege of - ___________- - b , part folio, or shown the abilityi good conversation and tbe lux- in ta handle anc. ury of folded bauds. Whiie le- If ixe hopes ta main- flic wieuers were being 'hott- a taha his sfrcngfh in Que- cd" Allan and Murray assisted_______________________________ el, bec next fime ut fthc polis, by other strong vaices conduet- ,h lic must move soon to dis- cd a sing-song. The glowNing ri tribute tlic favors more fire cast light in ail directions fe, widely. and in ifs glow only ane or two i large stars could be se-en, but iAs tbe opposition lias fre- Eh h is aeaslni quently, and mereiles s 1 yEh h is aeaslni paîtedout th taentisappearance as it seemed ta slowlycosteznt n there an the Conservativeds- ycosteznt n back benches. The Prime Min- ppa nth at ister's problem is tainuove A silver collection defrayed t h e-in forward gracefully, flic expenses and those re- without stepping on taa many sponsible foi- fli evening wereA -ipolitical tacs in the process. vcry grateful ta Mr. and Mrs. I Hector Darke- for their hospi- Thxe reward, in terms of tality in nîaking available their young biood ln a Cabinet lavcîy grounds and facilities. wlîichî offen sceins bereft of new ideas, could be a Congratulations ta Bill Bar- substantial anc if Mr. rowclougb who lias conplete-d Diefenbaker hopes fo test. successfully the 10 subjeets bie flic feelings of thxe people studîed in Grade 13, and also next year. to the other two travellers, Jim Capital Hill' Capsules Calvin Brown ai Port Hope; A ncw de-ai for Civil Scr- and ta Bannie and Marie Aust- in wba are Grade 12 studentsl * ks and were succe-ssful in one' Cana a Ba Grade 13 subjeet.i Last Tuesday Donna Ought- Tîr «F rcd attende-d the Inteeiîation- ýAmong a ge ta gladioli exhibition hield at St. Catherines, and as sz.wa The very fine property, home Banks in the United States, ai Mrs. L. Toppin, bias beeni ýBritaîn and Canada filail ai, uold fa a Scarboro farniiy. ra lA l s o the first 15 places in a lst of- mnercial banks. in, Muriel Austin and herl Ifriend Doreen MilI son le-ff n iThe U.S. places seven banksî Saturday rnorning by jet for -iueluding tlhc three larget-IVanicou,,er. The gir-ls will be 'among the top 15. Englandistaying for f wo wee-ks but M. bhas five anici Canada three, a, and Mrs. Austin are retueniiiig tabulalion hy the niagazineinexf week. F) Amercan anke shosCiara Darke le-it hast ThuI,ý-- The large-st Canadian bank1day, also by 'plane, for \'oir4-qu is tlhc Royal Bank ai Canada,len, Manitoba, whee -sle '-ill sixth large-stinl the woeld with! spe-nd an extended holidlayvith du a deposits ai $3,893,888,138. he- ber cousin, Mes. Shii-!ey Ise ý .a Bank ai Montre-ai is the i lth. Last Manday atternooîi. r. l arge-st and the Canadian Bank d nd Mes. E. Baerow-ciough v -rieje 'ai Commerce. Toronto, places delighted ta have Mirs. M. - te- TOI 14th. Holî-n and Miss INîrnie Be -:u t PARENTS - YOUNG PEOPLE Registrations are now bcing acccpted for the FALL TERM OPENING TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 6, 1960 at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Eight Day Schoal Courses from which ta choose Modern Equipmenf and Methçùds Personal, Individual Instruction in M1ajor Subjects - Over 100 Graduates placed in 196U EVENING CLASSES: Tuesday and Thursday Ev-eniixgs 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Tuition $15.00 Per Mlonth Acf Now ! Get the Facfs! Clip anîd NMail thc Coupon below foday! -a - - - -.. . . . . 1 amn inferested in the Specialized Business gTraining offered hy the Oshawa Business Callege. Day School Evening Classes Please send full parficulars ta: Name ----------- Tel. No. -- Address à I Age Grade aftained at High School .-- - -- - - - i gSigned--------- BUY NOW... AND SAVE Summe r Pf NOW EFFECTIVE ON Famous Reading Ai (LOWEST PRICES IN VEAI You can be sure you are getting the world'si Remernber there is economy in quality. A: STOVE - NUT CLOSED FOR HOLI OUR YARD AND OFFICE WILL BI AIJGUST 261h TO SEPTENI INCLUSIVE Stephen Fuels1 CALL US TO-DAY TELLk .ONE OFFICE AT MA 3-«10 CNJL YARDS to store all this foodI At the week; and beef from Austra- RCASC Composite Platoon a lia. huge warehousc complete with Staff Sergeant Enis, from cooling and freezing rooms ng Branch, Ont., was at Iep vt the Royal Regi- take care of the supplies. Each ment of Canada, and startedi1 day's supplies is I'broken toward his present job wheni1 down" according to thec "or- he remustcred with thc Corps der" of the unit quartermas- of Military Clerks. Mfter the ters, placed on flats, and- a war, with thc corps disban- power fork-lift takes the "or- ,dcd, lic came to the Royal der"' to the loading platform. Canadian Army Service Corps, Each morning at 8:30 the! and in December, after three unit trucks arrives for the years of service in Germany, "groceries". lice will return f0 Canada with A walk through the great Mrs. Ellis and their thrce piles of food is like a quick chiîdren, Shirley, 15; Mar- worid tour. There was tomato garet Anne. 13, and David sauce from Italy. coffcc from George, 4. England, American corn, Aus- As the soldiers wvent about tralian peas, currants and their ioa ding wc mingled wvith beef; dried fruit from Tur- fbem to sec if we could find i<ey, Spain and California, any Ontario men. With the liams from Copenhagen, juices Composite Plafoon we found from Israel, whole sides ofj Sgt. R. H. Pratt of Brighton, park cured inta bacon. from CpI. C. J. Butterfield, Toron- Hollanid as weil as butter; to; Cpi. P. R. Cooper, London; Polish hens supplicd eggs this Pte. A. M. McKinley, Cap opening exercîses condticted byf Clarence Nieliais.i rithr citeRev. E. Normîan ri-ad the' 'îthraci e ory oChr*sordeal iu the~ Garde-n and tised as ýis text RIS) ý"hnH etfartlier" ad offered tbe lufe af Je-sus as a' finesthard oal! uee guide ta the satisfyi ng' finet had col! ýChristian ie ai service. Ani ýsk for it today uwrange-ment ai gladiolu and I iaried flowers in the brassI j containers at thîe front ai the! - ~ FÂ jchurcb brought welcomc beauty, PEA ta the servie-e. iLast week's news gave the wogfamily a holiday in - iai.Mes. Toppin's daught- lu A ~ JBiB ad hat leaur1 ID A Y *S'er Mary and ber husband, Mr. E CLSED Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Toppin. Eli In looking over samne aid 611'R papers, we found anc the other day whicb liad be-en preserv- ýed for flic accaunt of General Gordon's belated funeral serv- ice in 1898. On the back of I the clipping werc letters feala "Chldren's Circle". Most of tbhem concerned a child w hoi raflkIfthad be-en last and a collection R tRWNUwas being taken for lier. The Ipaper was evidentiy the ~Globe" and anc letter miglit UmrUsomu' ntcresf Bowmanville people: ýE o,.amville" (ne doulit a mis-* i'r;nt) Oc:. 1: De-ar Pliaros- i wigh tf0 becouxe a workingi reol; Cpl. R. Crawford, Fair- 'o0t each; Pte. J. R. Badge- y, Bancroft, Pte. W. R. Hough Brighton;ý Pte. G . R. Beirose, Tobermory, Pte. O. J. Bois- vert, Belleville; Pte. K. H. Mattig, Renabie, Pte. D. H. Cox, Smith Falls; Pte. J. C. Y. Strasbourg, Sturgeon Fails. m'O 19E'y AVAUABLE FOI DALPH S. JONES Barrister and Solicitor 130 King st E. Oshawa, RA 8-624(i Opening of Flower Shop Coro nation 55 KING ST. W, BOWMANVILLE (formerly Cale Plumbing) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Znd -IEE DonE PEIES GIFT CORSAGES WEDDING BOUQUETS AND) FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS OUR SPECIALTY LICONARD KOENDER!bi.I Prop. c'eatker aliciza'.. ock ofsparkling ~weppes oa lb )NIC LTER e e w e a e e e e e ,/7nnancing i r "Bubbles -may look petvbu-rý.et'711 a glass," says Commander Whiteheau -"-e distinguished Schweppesm an, "bu t linît doesn't really do a thing for keen enjoyrmc nt of your drink." Truc! The Cominander &nows his carbonation. Schweppes unique forai of locked-in, carbonation, Schwepper- vecoenoe, doesn't waste itself in the glass or bottle. Schweppes bubbles reserve themselves for a special performance on your tangue... bursting there delightfully to heighten the Rs- of each delicious sip. Sé milSchweppei-vescendy through thirsty eaerwith this world-faxnous rhirst- quenching Twosome - UCHIUEPE DRY GINGER ALE, known ta oranoisueurs as the 'EFmperor" of ginger a les *. . buoyant mort piquant, more «"gingery". 8CRWEPPES TONIO WA11M, the esse n ti1al delicoosly bittermswt ingedient of the au- dutc ai diI Schwme»ervescencè, lasts th& who/e drzuk through Retailers myobtain supplies by calling MA 3m5530 - > - Uý ý , . , , ý -. -L McC7 -7z ýýl PAGr, THURSDAY, AUG. 25th, 1960