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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1960, p. 5

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THL'RSDAVY. AUIG. '251h. 1960 THE CANADIAN STATESM. BOWMANVILL.ONTARTO odHmodadMsDoMaring of Irondequirt, on the 1 second SundyI u-vnaeo it Many Friends Visit ald Hamond an Mr. Dn!HoId Reteption for and Gulf Port, Florida. Mrs. H o FRamily or ex egae ow a The guests were airected inmM sllddd I and Hih Park two cf Ua the evening to the tea room A. Hatherly, Monday they vis-1 orIlme M r. and M rs. R. Squair byrsRW. Rundle ofWin- ýM r. and M rs. J. H opps, ited relatives in Toronto. iod eunion as darkness fe1, a fu et nsbat A ~~Found was in charge of the r.Leoniard Coat- AIoic si ur relatives onschaapysrdasotbuiese- O n 2 tn A nnuversary guest book. srrsMpeet- r. an~dhMrs.John E. Hopps their home ini Sacramento. es, Sunderland, were Suriday t N w a t eoccasion.sonfloe.t adeie îPeiusupiepeet-1rcnl eda reception in The guests numbered over1 supper guests of Mr. and M.1________ __ tion~~~swen very lovely and!I their home at 4140 Mvulbrytwvo hundred. Decorati o n s K avey and Elaîne. I On Sunday, August 21, after ta h etme etn le inark Ille occasi o f gueýit_ to the tea room. uepeedgfs erpr-I acaeo.Ciorawecrreouinpkad Mr. and Mrs. H. Hatlierly, lapse of many years, the ~I their nexper er . ftK.wSqua-r in! onouSaramno ai okwie.anpunwchee s, r -'drHaau Iksper oudb saer ilvr. wedding anniver-: The tea table îooked attrac- sented to the couple at tîheir Ln, o hi onadwie acysnwce cShirley an~d Carol, Aldaer po- oudb faiynglt .l d..4 ordvle eetive with a centre piece of ihome and taken completely nlwhi onadoisadpuc eesre.wood, Mr. Jack Hatherly. FatWCaton ark, Nhe cstle. serve ub ofoe a (nee Myra evasswhitedhrbyatheirm andH1therly a 81ii1tedace dau1 SGhern-law. eMyaasitd ytei aghter and friend. Newtonville, vis- IK USigteixehaniray ii Saturdav. Aug. 13. 1960. pink carnations and white Home and Sehool Club f Cr) who have moved!anti son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs ited on Sunday with Mrs. A. Ronald and Jack Crago con-'o h itit r ntemk cnisitsiertimnsvery ]ovely BrmCe;f o foper) nilet ae di W erf o hcg rnanv'friends and rela- Barometer; from cm Bowmanville to niake EdwinWreDaGives. Ch Hatherly. ducted games and races. Some ,tail in Silver holders. Mrs. G. Mrs ofairs rlatveswa rin. Te Ocason s t behel t.. ho called were greedB.RkadMr.WK.ip painting of the artist's garden Mr.hesa*ee: ovig prce 'AttB. Roor bytheirMrsc. W. MK.nd 1MVrs. H. Bagley, Mr. y 4jLeaJcsnToor toOt.adtobmredb 1' heJoan Cy heir ier o Nrth Iey of Bowmanville: Mrs. Jam-' done by Mr. Drummond of Yw çganpton by Mihe tif-ckon es Stephens o! Balcarrey, a very lovely floor am- andi Mrs. Frank Colbary. Et- Oldest Person won by Mrs. TeAgutmtig fatrkydnrfoledb Oa.e tpeso acrelm ro eatvsof:. obîcoke, visited Sunday with" Albert Crago; Youn g le s t Hampton Womensnsiuefet nttesothdsri. Bay. Sask., and Mrs. Roy Lang- lm rmrltvso r Mr. andi Mrs. K. Colbary. pro oktefr fadlgtu brida! groupetWnmai of Haptn ouedte Squair; a beautiful hammeredi Mr. andi Mrs. Will Young,îanti Mr. James Park, Peter-1 eM -wo b fivvar Ms.Geo Hllof Heapternoo and Missaluiu ryfoMhi 0 oono n r.Bn oogrs. K. J. Fergtison, Ot-Dorî Birthday Closest to this bus trip and pilenr.xiib ai iiona ae Club;l oft tnMster ruceWelshBow-tawa- is visiting ber daugh- a.Ms brCao e- Tit ielde eka- ae Tronto as Matron of honour MryYoung of Toronto served MandefrorucMrs.lMorrison- son Dunn, Oshawa, cae a t Mr. and Mre lH andi Mis. 'Marjorie Grace Fer- Mary. ndNursing Staff of Memor- Mr. 7int Mrs. A. HuIs lastj manville, is holidaying with ter, Mr ad r. M. Hamilton. ding Annîversary closest te punch.saýa wo a ial Hospital a very lovely f lor- week. his aunt anti uncle Mr. and!tivlrs. W. Rahm received a this day, Mr. anti Mrs. Alvin f!owr r gir1. met and greeteti In the evening Mrs. Stev- ai china piece. and from the Misses Carot anti Anne His Mrs. G. Alidreati. letter frein C.N.E.. Toronto, Metealfe; Person coming far- the frientis. ens. Miss Young, Mrs. Alun, 3-11 staff a beautiful cut glass' Solina, are spentiing this week' Mr. and Mrs. Herb Yeo and atwesyigh onl hsMssBrc G. Mýr, Marie Founti of Bow-: Penfounti of Oshawa and Mrs.i vase. iihtergadaet n family, Prince Albert, Sask., prize on ber braideti rug antij After a bountiful supper, rnp.nville and Mrs. Dorothy M. H. Staples of Or~i't on ureti Numerous individua, and attentiing Vacation School. ýa former Tyrone boy, visited xvoulti be on display in Queen officers elected fer next yearNw Durnontelle of Sudbury. sis coffee and Mrs. R. Langmaiti, perseiial gifts were receiveti M. niMr.A.MlsTr with relatives anti friends Elizabeth Building. were as follows: President,i puc-M n r.A IlTr here. Fritiay eeig uut1' ters of Mrs. Squair. welcomed pnc.froni neighbors, relatives and ente: »Mr. anti Mrs. J. McQuinn eenn,1uus 9.'Jack Crago; Vice Presitient, , the guests and Miss Margaret Those serving in the dining frientis. at MriScgg sani ayandeti thW. Hskin all was0. the place e n fr1- W Bil es;wnanti Hon Crae:'W oI, erywas in charge of the- roem afternoon anti evening Oi01 Sunday. Aug. 14, the Miss Patti Page. Hampton ant il ted heHsiHalw hepcehnfr- guest book durine the after- iwere- Mrs. Alan Strike, Miss1 actual anniversary day. Mrs.!Randy Mulder. Bowmanville, Picnic at Cream of Barley, entis anti relatives gathereti Secretary. Haze] Crago. AENWI TC noon. Mrs. Winnitred Werrv Sylvia Runtile. Miss Yeung, Suirssitrbr ubat wr SundavitrstthSuiay., te honour Mr. ai Mrs. La rry twste icteita h ef Newcastle dîrecteti th;,. Mrs. S. C. Rundie, Mrs. Har- and famnily of Sudbury anti McQuînn home. vChrespetin e amels ow an Rosevear.gWaslk e an M raopei ulb hd Mr. ntiMrs.C. . Mcuin I er grantiparents. Mr. anti (Lorraine Rosevear) of Salern4 tWloaPrNwate r ii ~U aoSntira erernîng jfe Mr.s J. Mitchell. Miss Betty Phillips reati the_______________ hom Sntayevein ate IMr. anti Mrs. A. Knlowlton, address to both couples whcn Coinein yieteslcio sa t et te tnhe bus htier d îesap- anti famulv visited ber father! Larrv anti wifre was presen tecl o D ue to hebus %he a ee lep-Mr K.Siler Bllvile.onwith' a card table anti chair..Fo r OdA pîn e -ovr the fence anti lantied Suntiay. aniaforap.Lrie O 'K E ,, i o! useilWigts vnMnewt ergatauhe ! r rani a cuhoo îî. pLrrana e as on front o! the car, just north Mrs. W. Miller spent a week anti Douglas. a platlorni rock:I GlCs TdyJ. If A be r eth s vers Roati, south o! here. anti Mrs. C. English, Peter- 1 Douglas made fine speeches thrugb Police Investigateti, some dam- borough. of pncato.Ms D ae ______ ~age was tiene te the car, but Mr. anti Mrs. Dennis Kemp, wspaitfrdnig À S T A T ES M A NPan adV'I e Str ne one was hurt, the Poo17 Oshawa, were dinner guests tielicieus lunch was serveti CLASSIFIE i t . cke isbelevti eat. ast Fritiay evening e! Mr. bringing a fine social even- Phoe MArket 3-3303 Mr. anti Mrs. James Swin- anti Mrs. Dennis Ferguson, ing te a close. ___________________________ 0F son, Columbus, Mr. anti Mrs. Suntiay. Miss Betty Brown OF Frank Wilson anti Hector, and John Keys, Oshawa, were Oshawa, visiteti on Suntiay Suniday visitors o! the Fer- iwth Mr. anti Mrs. J. Wilson. guson's. Anne anti Debbie spent a joyeti Suntiay with Miss Ruth week at their cottage at Hawk Parker o! Toronto, at bier berJ Furn tur ovr, a.,spen a ew ays Mr.andMrs. T. Pleasaiice CONTINUES WITH with hm attendeti the Davitison-Ste- Mr. anti Mrs. W. Park, Ce- phenson wetiting on Saturdayý cille anti Douglas visiteti Mr. at Bracebritige. i GREAT REDUCTIONS Mr. and Mrs. H. Wornnacott, ON ALL THREE FLOORS! Kot-a aetepesna pn udywihM.adB& ..TO-SCHOOL tien o 5sle olr n Mrs. E. A. Virtue. the same evening at the home Mr. anti Mrs. G. Milîson anti F. A 4K A I ~ r LI ITEDo thei boter at S ale , eMr. anti Mrs. Douglas Mr L A Suar tSaen, elne.Miss Betty Phillip V -A L U E 9:4 A . R À&p L M IT D 1their sister Mrs. W. S. Mo!- anti Harolti Mutton visiteti at (SUCESOR O F F.MORIS O.)fat anti family anti ail the Canning Lake. (SUCESSO TOF. F MORIS O.)Squair cousins were present. Gary anti Gail Scott return- 37 KING ST. E. MA 3-7071 anti matie the presentation o!ftihome fter holitiaying with a silver compote anti 25 silver thdeir grantiparents, Mr. anti dollars.. Mrs. A. V. Etiwards, Well- and. Mr. anti Mrs. Leon Moore.! ___GOLDEN RIPE Imrs. V. E. Milîson attendeti _ AOR RPCLFAO Simcoe St. Pentecostal Church ___ ____Saturtiay. Reception at Whit-i by. - S Friday evening ail parentu B o n ain al are invitedti t attend the clos- ing o! the Vacation School. 65 chiltiren registereti on Mon- day.i Mr. and mrs. G. Willis antid Ibs.C boys, Cannington, visiteti Mr. Price Effetiveanti Mrs. F. L. Byam. Pric s E feciveboys, visiteti frientis at Det- Augustroit, Londoen anti Hamilton. 27t -;Delicious and Refreshing The last Junior Football ~i' o. iGrad gam is eing helti Fritiay ev- À GR P ES 2Ls 2c M. rhrBarber, Miss Eleanor -Francis, Mrs. Fern We Rserv Brooks, Toronto, visiteti Sun- the Right to Garden Fresh - Hard and Crisp day with Mrs. F. Scott, Mrs. Barber returneti home after the Rigt No. 1 Grade - Head spenciing a week with Mrs. , PrlseCao7u M de ewFsie Knt Qîîatites. BAL NCE TOU B>U GETC AB BA GE - * lC Scrt. anti Mrs. J. A. Rose- Qatte," g eradEsther Anne visiteti*1 WITH TH EaEa..Mr. anti Mrs. H. Brackenritige, Bo s hl ris s oiet au " Swift -os ulv Tender, Bradford Grown South Monaghan. "" t I9 ~ J I I 1 L ' . Grde- l. elo agMrs. J. A. R.-sevear is at- At Atued Wlkrs UC No rd .clobgtentiing the annual meeting of W lkaè eWS à At* s Immz 1C the F.W.T.A.O. at the Royal *Log Sleeves Wzkes migWalkerps By'clo tl ulvr ades o E A R RC TSYork. Toronto. a Coller Strynlesa youknowj? wgoume IV ASMr. andi Mrs. Henry Wilan leSiCts tye 6xf 1W02 9 WosnEfforwshng.. hos IGA - Save 9c - 15 oz. tins Kent - Choice - 20 oz. tins YELVEtRTON 2Ifor2.50 e FUv49 WIe,.c29 A F SE 2 fr4C TGNATOES 2 For 37c Mr, Ken Lemnay of H-amilton Bys2 fo sye T -hrts2 50 Sturdy and PlaeatuWctforical n Ra o bsoen s tisumhe long sîceves ...Knit ef soft Noural stand-up coler styling and the *~,' Brea andButtr - 6 or jas Aymer 10 r. tn has Robsnt hime ated cornbet cotton ...guaranteeti oew subdued prnts . . Conodian mode *UidA ý abs' cane mp - a n fiJ wasîhable ..Choose tîon placquet of wash 'n wear cotton doeskmn .. fr- t ale's !C pyr -10 o .tnace, s as -awehegejo fi or knitteti coilar styles from r olors Blues, Gld or Green. Sires 3 ta 6x, .m aat o osodm te~ a MisEia Hnese 6x. SOcia, a Wgrer. e or ta6 ach .98 IGA PICKLES L Cideor Wte -Save 10c ai.Jea attheArnoi o! Janetvilleka .12 o o .0 Goid elWe-7oz. tin i A O 'i: IEIA E. r To.lernhaaf ni t' IURDU ITIHUM 45c L. an1 sd Play on Saturtiay evening two f '1t aKla WCH8an events of somne local interest Table Rite - 6 oz. Ck. occurreti simultaneously, the pkg. ZlqlS presentatien o! a TV set from Macaroni & Cheese, Pickle & Pimelito,W Pontypool, Bethany, Devitt's! Duth o Chcke Lof Kaftpopular newlywetis, Mr. anti SLJED OOKD EAT - 5c SPIE rf Mrs. Calvin McKee at Devitt's' SLCDCOE AS2cPlain Philadeiphia 8 Soz. pkg. Hall ai a tance lhelti in tiieir FaçiMons Fonvie! 'isuafauzwdmliio PadCu honour. Mr. Clarke Williams *,1s Orlo Mil Cre, wet.Pieiei,2- l. v.For FREE Food CREAN 9 was the genial MC. Messrs uvnkwus'SpsB 'Jmes Mild Cued, Swet. Picked, 2-3lb. Av.Harvey Johnson anti Lloyd hgUt c SE CI Wilson were mem berb o! the IqALELEA BCEBACN b. 9c Cetifcaescommittee responsible for the1 *lu.m AV WALKEW%,,Ait NAPE EA BCKBAONLb.7k C&ifcaes CH ESE2 9 social evening. the Malcolm *Weikwtse ' WIes O! interest to he alcom!* BW clan was a social evening helti<.-17 a at the home of Mr. and Mrs. , a"Frzc1 u79 SHOP AND SAVE AT . .MerriU Van Camp of! Black-, w'%= a*5" sokouring MT. anti Mrs. *Mm 4 t.2ui8 L oyd H unter (ne e Eunice!P et n r d r dn e 0 e- S Malcolm) on the occasion o! 1 Orlin*SbogSweaters Who waittfa*> rtyebodr vme weto ttegrs edNgroefo o's their 25th wetding anniver- ion's newest ,- ýstyld especially for polished cotton slips, for Back-to)-SdsoM~ gsr nlmeswt woeso lue Bow m anvilfle IG A& M arket sary. An enjoyable evenn.~g gils weoring sires 6, tIJe smrt'neath ber ne* skirt, <loess or Jumper ..Teei li rpo odry BOWNANVILLE - ONTAIJO ~~~~~~~~~~~f iends anti relatives seltiorn Choose f rom Frosted blue, or Frosted* Snoredtakp erssaeprcclfrscoo.hosfomRd y~~BWAT= -OTM gathereti together. red and Gold. Long-sleeve Pullaver or- White oeily. Sire 4, 6, 6x - RolorodnSie3te6.t M.anti Mrs. Ralph Mal- aordigan. At Walkcr'a, -ch 2-91. L At W ~%,.am* h1.» fl coom andi famuly of Toronto, DuansRaWd T.M. spent the weekenti with the! Toms' IGA M rkét IEWCASLED OUTAIJORoyRobinsof'Judy and ClareWakrso Bwmnil To m s' IG A arke t au it nz onjuo 111oR.b.nson returning with thern ler om u

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