'~!RY.1~SDAT, SEPT. lut, TM CANADYAN WUMM4% DOWVBZ^ ,OHAUM Cross Water Safety Cammittee and Alex Hendry, Newcastle ewcadle9 rodRerato Cmite mmHog rdcr n lkeIV mee#ue# Attends Presentcation The instructors, MssPtkfgBar were introduced to the gath- M ark Gordon Agnew, Edifor OfSwum C riiae rn yM.Bee n poe3621 commended for thei ie e c g e m n Newcaste- A large crowd was Master of Ceremonies work; Mr. Marsden co( au lated the class on itsachive- e c of parents and friends were and weicomed everyone say- ment, the Recreation Comm- lind wth reishdlih ad aon hand an Friday evenlg t ing it was most encourag ing ittee on formulating and car- Foliowlng aseisomettotuyraprtto.ot 'F 'arew ell P resen ta tio n s the couple by Mrs. P. F. Hare sented ta the variaus classes bath ta the people who con- succhppy te conCioses So-d stying xsin maktnmretgo!hepdut adMr. Perrin. Mr. and Mrs. for their accamplishme nts ducted the classes and th etowhapyth e aRe Coss Sa-theisaio F paeue, Te amPout akt - ~~Fisher each replied ta the ad- during the six week course childrepi who worked so hard cooiet wat er aleta helpMaktienal am out g Board fe xmnn 'v a e c ir wrsunder the auspices of the New- weii. He said the total enrol- this distrit.xIn peking f gBadi t in Ma e t ev., i , F s e ndlvl it.Marlow Han- csl erainCommittee m42 f hadrped outses avig 12sn3eoderlsdfomQen cock, Sunday School superin the 100%pig rcrdM. s ar, s-keindBar tatti. eQuc Newcatie..... embes o! ilin The aste o! eremo- onthe patfom, whch ws tenentspoktonebhaîfltat heParkonpParkp.ob.butsomewereeaonga he wagBtgeel aso rminde thedicaed tht ageemen hadcharg shoid b.set y ai the United Church Congrega.. les, Ai! Perrin, announced a beautifully decorated with the Sunday School, bidding The commlttee is most piea- a total of 81 ta be examined parents that Newcastle naw been reached a eea nai ogPouesMr tian and friends filed the aud- miscellaneaus prograxn con- gailsadcou lwr. odfrwllt h ih rses with tevrery chiofdte-wlth ae thssn40 cents per hogar,.on Thepines Itorium and gallery af the sisting o! piano accordian sel-.idousadohr wr.a fnd rwii othe Fidsheeorsses withee rsui ! tealasithemost modemn and cen- Followlng discsinn Sunday Schooî hall on Thurs- ectians by Tina Kozub, plana The honored guests were re- in their new charge. He pre- amined passing his on hier Other officiais at the edge tainly one o! the healthiest present methodo!slo oslaeriecrgwU day evening ta honour the selections by Fred Graham, galed with corsage and bout- sented a lovely bouquet a! test. This la indeed a credit o! the pool inciuded Mr. Don swimming pools in this vic- It was decided ta o-bbyb fetv o. u Bey. and Mns. M. C. Fisher bass trombone selections by onniere by Candy Storks and roses ta Mrs. Fisher. ta the fine teaching abllity Marsden, Pres. Bowmanville inity. He congratulated the mittee o! four pras w 2 and make a fareweil present- Douglas Jase and vocal tria Beth Powell and Mns. Garnet Following the benediction, shown by Miss Pat Frost o!, and District Red Cross Sa- instructors on their efforts from each board enmd Tejitmeigare ation ta them before their de- selections by Mrs. Helen Bas- Rickard nead a iovely address deliclous refreshments were Port Hope and Mr. Alex Wise- ciety; Bill Bagneli Red Cross and the Recreation Comrnittee ta make a detaie td !ta h eredo h n parture ta their new charge in kerville, Barbara Min Ail- o! farewell ta Mr. and Mrs. served toalal present and a mani o! Bawmanville who Water Safety Chaimman, *Mrs. on its fine work. selling methodaadttataiHgPrucsMakt Feneion Falls. dread and Mrs. Gien Alln, ac- Fishen, praising the work they social time spentt in which weme in charge o! the classes. Wm. Rudeli, Newcastle's Re- Each a! the classes demon- progress report b umte n or n h ooea With the church organiat, companied at the piano by had done here and wishing members o! the congregation Mr. Foagood of Toronto was presentative on the District strated its uwlmming abililty each month. It wsfi httv ea h aedt;ta Mr. Narman Williams at the Mise Helen Aluin. them wel l i thein new charge. were given an opportunity ta the Examiner. Red Cross Society, R. B. Rick- with the Learn to Swim class the method O!faesol eoeanulmeigb e piano, the evening opened Mr. Pernin then invited Mn. Presentations o! a five-piece bld farewell ta thein pastar The Newcastle Recreation a rd, Newcastle Recreation and the beginnries swimming one which woulprvdthan onfnnclstemn with a ulng-song led by Jack and Min. Fisher ta take seats, silver tea service, a silver tray1 and his wife.i chairman, Mr. Sam Breretan, Conimitte. delegate to the Bed the width a! the pool, the Jun- best possible retr ateiudsoigbt i.pea lors swimming the length of praducer; thatitsudpa-ios!thMrkin a4 the. pool showing different vide a system hrb i a ndteC-oeaNe.I d H uge S'wim Class at Newyca stle Has Perfect Passing Record and thir lses xiteniedae eemingetbd e tha hhg- iin trelengths o! the pool us- that the methodo ae iaigteto aea i igadi! fement stroke each should give assurac !pa-coigo h iclya a time. tical application.etabeecd. U L O îPA KThe certificates wcre pre- L. Dickleson adC ry h on etn gedt sented ta the Learn ta Swim class by Miss Frost; the Be- members o! theHoPrucareitbton !elcru ginr yMn. Wiemn;the ers Marketing Ba1 n .zns A rsn hr r ~ ~'-'./$ Junior Awards by Mn. Mars-BaGogMcgusve eetoaznswhc ginen bisemn, ee and the OtnaFm iib nnae denite Intenmediate by Mrs. peetn auhe Rudeli, the Senior by Mn.PxousMaktn Bondadionheum ro!dr Bagneli. Mention was madewîlfmth cmmte taetsatare ilbeed- of Miss Lynda Eiibeck and suytemto !si dfo ort w.Alzn noA committeeo!toxindictrwilbeicdlile Master Love who received ex-BP.Tadlo!teFmznspiota heaua celient marks for their sno test but who are bath tooPoucs MreigBadmeigwtthdrcos a and Ben SteersothHolagbeneiceathel- young ta neccive their jawards. PouesBadwn aidna etn.Tebudre Award Wlnnerso!znswib.demnd Folowing, is a list o!f those who successfully campieted lene Atchison 23 tMakA..bthHoPoucrMnk- their classes; dread 20 ft. ShannBrhrEn or nareetwt Learn ta Swim- (6 ft me- 26 ft. Lois Bachr20t.he namaFn roui Markeing oardrThezone quired) Jane Allin 20 ft. PhClipBaca183 t.Kct whlb.bscKn agpodc fi. Heathen Hoarfi. ge Knaay 36 ft. Bethlee ~adgarpi oain Preaches Jim Lees 36 ft. LodMthll I aI.loucdta i 23 ft. Keinceth 1Caku 8OiaiaHgPouesC-p - ~~~~~~~ I ~ ~~f.Glen McLarcn1e t o-eaiewudb eanda Far[ewell dy McLanx ft aren L14h aktngaec ihu .........Parker 15 ft. JimyPt18caglxitpwrsadur ~~." .~~~ermon ~~~ft. Douglas Rickar2f.e ste o xs. Sermon*~ ** ~ .-.' Rudman 14 t1 """," '" ~~~~~~~~36 ft. Wendy Wisn21t aktn or ad Ie 4 _ _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- - - - N e w c a s tle - T h e U n ite d W ils o n B r a d le y o i i a i n o ! t e n m e i g _____________ ____________ ____________ ____________Church was wel fiied on Sun- W aton 36 ft. T i . us n oud b se t a li Fa n ________________ _______________ _______________day mo ning ta b d fareweii ta 33 ft. Kathy IN m atx r d ct a k tn o r thein pastan o! the. hast six Patricia Younig 5 t years, the Rev. M. C. Fisher Beginners- KihAln ersnaieo h nai flew castle ~ ~~~~~~~who wili be taking up hus rew Judy Alldread,AlcBin-badtst noaymet duties i the.Fenehon Falls mani, Brenda BrowPtBl nsle adsrd n e c steUnited Church n.xt Sunday. sey, Jim DarmochBbDn Mn. Fisher wa dasiste lrmch, Ida DeJonSee is final service hem. by the Gould, Sandra Goud rne UOD Rev. Mr. Woodland Of Ep- Hoar, JeanetteJabsnI- Bay, Nova Scotia, wh l8o Mary Lave, Dorei anatr -, holidays la Oxtario. Robent Mitchell, SehnMt His many friexids will b. recently holidaying in the Five childrcn received the cheli, Caroline er, lai sorny ta leann that Mn. Fred north. rite o! infant baptism at tuis on McCnackcn, Harl oel Lovekin is a patient i Mcm- Mm. Ezzie Xnight o! Ot- , service. They weme Nancy Beth PwhJd Powell, criai Hospital in Bowman- tawa, visited on Sunday with . '- Ruth Lake, daughter O! Mr~. Henry Tendani,MaaxeT- ville anid wihl wish hlm a uis cousin Mrs. Cari Selby. and Mms. Donald Lake; Sandra dam, Jean Webb xdJxl apeedy recovery. Mr. and Mns. Henry Bowen 'mLyrixiParker, daughten o! Mr. Zwier. anWllim Seehn, on ! M. HndntGorg Les, ete ar n r.Her oe nd vDarlene settheMr week- s.and Mns. Seldoxi Parker; Stev- Juniors- CathyMded .4, nd Ms. HxiryBawe endvisiing ith n. ad Mr. ex Kyle Dost, son o! Mr. anid Bruce Aluin, HughAnau qkan i arene spent a fcw days Harold Crawford and child- Mm.GnyDst; William Camh lin. Brnxkman, Daix1 o- reninBlcktok;an ated-exSelby, son o! Mn. and Mrs. en,. Elizabeth CarEtMr ed tii. fair an Saturday. Newton Sehby, anid Daniel Dean, Wayne HaxccFai 41Mr. and Mrs. Hartley How- ad Mns. Murray Sheehan o culuh an icel ard o! Toronto visited with awmfaxivihi..Wa. Mrs. adr iSehby onW edneMs-. T ii. Rev. Mr. Fisher took Beverley Rickanda d c drayk an ited i the St for his text Psalm 43, verse 3, Storks, Teddy W lo n Hank Rntonmte Sot . "Snd forth Thy light and Grant Williams. Haven Rest Home.Thy faith, let them lead me". Intermediate - Chrot Mn. and Ms. W A iter r yH . preached a flac gospel ser- Austin, Tim G ny Da y and daughter Dorothy o!m on a ound thus text pointing H arris, G eorge H en r , T r y% , C Schrieber, spent the weekend out the necd for people ta Walton anid Ruth ery ~*~ visiting with Mr. and Mrs. knock upon the door and con- Senior - Nanc atn r .- M r.Gar d gne . L o d D v ytinue t a knock u xtil it 15 open- G eorge R ic lard a d L n a '. h o d g v s u ~ Mn.C o aurd , M s. Lld w Daveyr.d t a them . H . a so stressed R oberts. b e .i S ta b l n um j , -on theo! Cobfourg, visited with Mss. the importance o knocking on The Recreation C m ite> and Mrs. J. H. Jose and Doug- Last Friday evening was a big night in New- nteeg fW oaPr ol asdtheîr tests. the right door. lI closing bis is mast appreciativ !ti isftadtesok e Mrs. Vera Deck o! Lake- castie. Ail of the youngsters who had practised In the lower photo, iRed Cross President Don Marsden sermon the. ministen lssued a complet. ca-operatoi!Me-lvrth bbes waY -~field, spent Sunday visiting swimming ail summer flot oniy received their awards, of Bowmanvile is presenting some of the crests to Pica that people be ca-operative srs. George and M1 ryWl i ifh.igDd~ with Mrs. Florence Fergusan. but wer. also given an opportunity to show their the winens and express co-operation li ton during the clasean x- the Christian work and grawth presses sincere thak a i ta lrean ats. loye ledi. parents what they could do. This entire group, pois.d1thpelebin tolanta r.LodAl n ClrUlsan YéIlowshp 1.popebeidli cee. A DURO PUMp dread has returned home foll. Memn Better Living!! Memorial Hospital li Bow-M r. Hie V ns r p y I OlUR DURO Water Sys- Mms. 0. A. Parker, Mrs. LCUI gives us fresh, pur e' water when and where we need it .. . adds to our con- Bowliïng At Horticultural Show if e. . Newcastle- A large crowd of the Newcastle Horticultur- the flower section each hav-' DURO Pumps are avail- VYilI I tiO I of local and district citizens1 ai Society on Wednesday, Aug. ing 49 points and in a draw able ini ail sizes to meet in- viewed the large and beauti- 126. conducted by the society, Miss dividual needs. See your fui display of fiowers andOutedwsdcad th Plumber or DURO dealer O n M onday vegetables at the annual show After considerable difficult winnte of this p re the t for full information or write1 work in judging the display chne ti p ie T he eMai- for FREE folder, «URunning Newcastle- tarcn ar ihr isCeet the Rev. V. E. R. Zufeit the itor winnîng the highest num- Water, the Fara Necessity". meeting of the Community and Mrs. Florence Ferguson judge of the show and the bro onsi h eeal BowingComitte i wa atendd te Backtoc Far pints added up Mrs. J. Hillier section went to Mrs. Hillier decided to open the alleys for on Saturday. Iwith 90 points was declared with 41 points and the second open bowling for a two week Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ag- the winner of the Wellington prize to Mr. Farrow with 30 period commencing at 6 p.m. new, accompanîed Mr. and Foster Cup, presented for the points. on September 5th, Labour Day. Mrs. W. A. Siater and Dor- person with the highest num- AIl leagues wiii commence othy of Schrieber, visited wîth ber of points in the show. Mr. The Massey Cup given for bowling two weeks later on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mosley Wellington Farrow won the the best display of house September l9th. and every- and Brenda in Port Hope on prize for the exhibitor with plants, inot exceeding eight, Ithing will be off to a good Sunday evenîng. the second highest numnber of was won by Mr. W. Farrow j start for the fail and winter M.adMs uryPtr ons 0 and the second prize went to MrsadasonurayPae heoln g mttehv son and family, Mr. and M.rs. Mrs. Hillier and Miss Donna Mrs. J. Curson. bee busyuing mtthe s Tracy Embley and family, Oughtred were tied for the Winner of the Newcastle con uple of weeks eîîng Mrs. H. J. Toms and KathY highest number of points in Lions Club Plaque for the thue ofal kleyselut ing heptad Tommy Wallace spent highest numnber of points in cushiosnshpsrtng the weekend in Niagara Falls. the Junior section of the show the bi raetun rn tc. Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- II I~îs was Ann Clark with fine the ailretrn unwa et. ad M. an Mr. H C.fia points. With Rosemary Mai- ious leagues are urged to get Bonathan were in Trenton on kei nscn lc n Monday attending the funer-L Arlene Aluin, Wayne Hancock thirtam indup frteai of the late Mr. Norman Bell-Aten s eet and John Cunningham tied .UMPS & F ENERS openo the arinus schedules you. 1 odcigterrg-nash~~ for thîrd place. Complete LIMITE» P a nte eko Septemnber l9th. The sigma-C Boys Group prize list will be published LONDON - CA ADA as it is the wish of the bowl- wiîîb odcigterrgu n W s ig o nx ek L ON D N - CANA ing committee that ail leagues lar monthly collection o! pa- tnnx ek should start and finish their forn tte ae ie per in the village next Mon- Newcastle - Mr. E. R. Love- O IU R JAC-11 saoucif day evening, Labour Day. kmn, local lawyer, has just e PLUMBNG an HEATNG an th bus seasong on thecommencîng at six p.m. The turned from te anuai eet PLUMBING~aley and EA N aohr Bih Hsarson on ith group leader, Mr. Jim Barnes ing of the National Association Division Street South beepcigt e i informs us the group will be of Defense Lawyers in Crimninal MRS. JOHN CAMPBELL MA 3-5615 RoWMAL4NVILL4B friends at the alleys again this srting to hold their regular Cases held in the Willard Entered into rest in Whitby, __________________________and_____________ meetings again within the Hotel in Washington, D.C. Aug. 22nd, 1960, Elizabeth -he--e-. M C. and r. The theme of the meeting Ellen Campbell, beloved wife Fisher and family left on was "How the expert practices of Mr. John Camipbell, age NEW A STLECOMM NI- Tuesday for their new home law". The objectives of the 89. in Fenelon Falls. association are to provide an She was the former Elizabeth M The President of the Cham- appropriate national organiza- Clemence, dautro!heat ber of Commerce has just re- tion representing those lawyers ivx, and rs. o hle B O W LIN G A LLEYc~eived officiai confirmation who are actively engaged in The deceased i uvvdb from Mr. John Wilson of Mos- the defense Of criminai cases. her husband, a son Roy of OPEN BOWLII! DEGINSport Limited that a represent- To foster periodic meetings of Toronlto, addugtrMs * tie fth cman wl b dfns lwer adpresent at an open meeting provide a forum for hereby Eric Pearson (Faye), Ste An- of the chamber to be held o xhne !fraion re- Mar eel nsLIatrs, Mrs. NONDAT, SEPT. 5 li 6Pm Sepitember i 4th, when ail the garigthpdinsrtino caJwlladMn .J FORTWO WEKS etalsof thje car raceway crini j usa a tice. To protect ccBwevle FOR T O WEESbeing built near Pontypool ivi duai ights and to pro. The funeral was held froni wIl be explained toanIn mote the improvement 01 crim- W. C. Townx Funerai Chapel, tested.- inal lkw and practice. Whitby, on Wednesday, Aug. ALL Loqgues Begin Mon, Sept. 19 Du to the Labour Day Mr. Lovekin said the organ 2 - Intermentint sa w Holiday next week, news and ization has been in existenceUnon Cemnetery. EMCUIVE LEAS NMEadvertising items will be ac- for 24 years and the meetings Palîbearers were four ne- EXECTIV PLESE OTEcep ed for <publication which ja a great heiP to awyers in; phews, Bort Jeweli, John &sh_ Tuesday. dioJa-~ton onld Capbll ad CARVETH MOTORS Ltd. Phone 3251 Newcastle - - - ..-...........*4...~**------ 'Ir 'l 1 1 PAM ý i&Aý ýý a Newcastle