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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1960, p. 13

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* TSMPT, lt,10 TiM CAIADIANSTATBUIAN, DOUMANYHIA ONTAMI AETITD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t i__ _ _ a n I a n tbl mh ed W on m e p' n t t t i l b l o e t r a n d t e J n o A MacDuff Ottawa Rep rtte snrn.ecesltUMa if o l mhI et~' euu in ort stead of Sept t ndwUBbBasadtefmter e p ort ssii~~~~an parliamnt resume, N ext to national defence, the m ost 1954 _ _ __ _5.4 m illion 4.2 fature am ily i h.h h a k r c nl ih a pc "the trne 1for ction Inih gent problem in Canada today is f ind- 1955s 5___ .5 muuon Very heavy hnesoeunclnh now!" 4.1 were prevalenthr nMn r.Kesy iepeiet * * * ~ ig work for the unemployed, states a 19568 ____ 5.7 million 3.1 da ateno.opedtem tngyair- T hNwar y____ atrote wthscndegtmthediorâlinThrdpae Psts1576 ilio,43ar.and -Ottawa - Deterxnxned to of the New Prt was between the fermer~ and la- andyment situatyeio s this -thscountry th reocsal s 198.miin 36Study Th e Ne w P art y stuatonfr;nted de- TheolèiThNpaepet 157IUfo £ out ,mreas one of the two. spelled ont here by Stan- bor supporters of the New ter there are strong possibil- bursting out of the ground is suffering EhepWotan's Mssloandy chage o! the wSrcipetShe rea athe New Party wil hold the National Commîttee a. rift that theNe at'ermn might have a snap whegratitude. She afgusoschose the itsfounding convention in for the New Party at a iprime movers are promoting' election. There is speculation erte, on to fiurte frmt met8 tndanolNo thereasons fthbyahmloaprero c a p t a n x t s u m e p e s c n f r e c e A s o a t T m m D u g a s T e y a r e t h a t t h e P r i e M i n i s t e r M i h e p.m n t o a byt h r p8 a a d t ia n a n o a l y . o g p s o t i i n o 3 d P a r a if o h * from JUIY 31 to Aug. And tedin the conference convinced he would be accept- s mo parimcnt for a lau people unemployed today for evey any ilt Ugs ilas nte opsto Aug. 5 it will be *in busi- were Claude Jodoin, Pres.. able to the farmer and labor session, introduce a sweeping thousand inembers of the wrigfre h xeto oilscrt esrs ' cieysengsupport' ident of the Canadian La- j mem bers and would solidifY new legisiative program i-1Gowhowheueporking foe. th ex ate th sol surt measurs t ,the lectorate j bour Congress and Donald the support of those groups cluding economic reforms and trouble iformative on thia or eu i The hoped for future C. MacDonald, Ontario bchind the New Party. measures to combat unem- lem is well illustrated by the follow- tr oblgt tat unmn ont wan t rk otaneaigmayvr C.C.F. leader. Mr. Knowles emphaslz- ployment, then go to the ing statistics -from the Department of a log suerpo et nr Anc Ha am t nlam.hogt *< They made il. cicar that cd that Mr. Artue's man- country on that program as Labour. benefits approach the wages they canAtravcyeoabelnh there is only one man for the1 date as C.C.F. national its platform. MrsHTeocetv t cathad ul ____________ Pr Cet ern. he nceniveto srath an buld O Sa., Ag.,2Otha fmi . Imenwie o.Rev Mu r ~~~~~~leadership o! the New Party edrwsfrtedra a --ý "Tw and that man is Premier Tom-, tion of the C.C.P. party's Year.Labour force witnout work a substantial livelUihoo on a solid bas reunlon was hec tteHleHroywoI ed. my oula te CC.. eaer existence as a national v î'. 1946 _____ 4.8 million 2.9 has been destroyed by high industrial ship Hall. Hampo.Toea:OsaaBnao h in ogasathean.C.SadeMr. political cntlty. It wlII bec 194 4.9 mllion pay, supported by hg benefits if the tending wereth faiy oPrstetodaer fohighI onh po Mrs. BerthaYe fo elyoineetn str hecl- Knewles, "There will be anfrol lmnh r-14 _____49mllr markets for industrial production be-T'. enaoannfrtieak overwhel'ming draft for Tom- vldlng the founding con- Mr. Gordon Yeo, coach of yrninw0 omnsl Smy Douglas to take the job". vention lu called accord- the Enniskillen Jr, Football!1949 5 mlillhion 2.6 corne saturated. and thc late RcadJ e o i dis aiga fe. As e ut t,"Mype- ng to plan. But the na- Club was pleasantly surpris- 1950 _____ 5.1 million 3.2 Tornn ofu hvetsdt h isfte was th frttm i ont .rmmee.Ag Ash u t M e- tional C.C.F. party mlght cd at the conclusion o! the 11951 ____ . ilo tand a of vig so hhav e wld 3deghite r n i sn n s. onal conviction la that have even a shorter l11e scason's schedule last Thurs-5.milo 2stnad flvngo hhwe ou 3duhera If the need for choosîng hld Pie Mnsr day, when the boys held a 1952 -____ 5.3 million 2.4lketbeon acutrdaddnt their familieshaebnto leader la delayed (ountil John Diefenbaker cal a weiner roast at the home of 1953 5.3 million 2.5 want to part with it. gether. Aroun eet atVN ULT draft wll br sncb that he general clectîon next sum- Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater's. down to a dicîu upr OIMW N F I S g l d af Il b u c t a h m r D ri g th e e i n a p es n .M i s E lv a O rch a rd a n d M r . D u rirîg th e su p r h r M r A E R K~"L il epn t t an mr urn h eeigaprsn-r ihopeful that he wiîî leed Confronted with such a de- ation of a fountain pen was Dick Clarke, Bwavle bY SENEAL FOODS KITCHuNS the chalenge f this velopment the National Com- 1 made f0 Gordon with thanks YO N werc visitors with Mr. and ily from PrinceAbrt a Plu Ja i ~ erenil f'~oit thng. jmittee for the New Party will from the Club for his work as A large gathering uttcnded spent Uic weekend with Mr. Mrs. Sam Dewell last week. were pleasanly upie But newsmen at the presslHoweve rashd r Defe- TAFOR launchm i a "crash pravoitegram". 1 oach. the Vacation School closing and Mrs. Gordon Wernham, Misses Laura Lee and Murtha the presentationo ito with adults and children alike-a conference were weîî aware' oeesol r ifn Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo, pregram on Friday evening, Barry's Bay. Smales, Oshawa, spent the money, this beigertwn RS wonderful stand-by in your pre- that Premier Douglas has said'baker caîl a snap election and family have spent 2 collection over $30. Mr n r.H a t-. weekend with their grand- ticth wedding anvrayr servs Hre' ourver hefeel hehasa madat tothis fall or winter the C.C.F. weeks ut Sturgeon Lake. Mrs. V. E. Millson, Mr. Wir and on Mrs. al t arents, Mr. and Mrs. James presented by M.JmsCl acesu ep.cryotd!igbenr-l would contcst the various Miss Ruth Pethick, spent a Leon Moore, Paul and Grace Edith Walker spent last week Cmles.vilo! owaile ith ecarryi ou tch ean. reel constituencies with the sup- few days at Mrs. J. Flem- spent the weekend with Mr- ut a cottage at North Bay, Mr. anid Mrs. Douglas White eveniüng, m'anycuis"ut pontd uttatMr Duga port o organized labor. Mr. ing'sç, Unionville. and Mrs. A. E. Moffatt a hi Mrs. . Spragg, Bill and and children, Mrs. W. G. White party. The eveinwa pn IHr 4 icuVa prepared fruit (about 2 qts. might decline the proffered conKnwes tad company arbe Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin cot age mbOter lake.Ohaa friend, Hamilton, visitcd the and Miss Nancy Johns visited in dancing wm usesp ripeplumUe) job o! new national leader. cnicdta hr ilb and Carol, Mimîco, were with JyCabran saa Halls ut their cottage, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Mc- plied y shd by the8U UIODU f % CuVa (S4 lls.) augar What then? no general election this year Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, MseR.nt a ekwth. adSrg eundhm nSn rd tCe gLk nsocial bte f l n U ..a.. ok SboUle Certo fruit pecti,, "Anyone who uuggests after July, 1961. or next year, at least not until Miss Doreen Trewin, returneciMsd.Myad day with Mr. Spraggc who Sunday. Relatives werc rsntfo alternatives ls weakenlng 31r. Knowles sai the homwe witî, Carol for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coîbary, was a Sunady visitor ut the Mr. and Mrs. Merwi Mount- Oshawa, Bowmavîe ap 1Dna t . Wib Flaut1jrepare the fruit. Fit (do the draft for Tommy anid at wne h Rodney Irwin is hoîîdayiilg Brookîin; Mr. and Mrs. Har Halls. loy spelit Suiiday ut Centre toni, NewtoiivillTr'e n Oot535 Do el bot2qatsflyrpe 1a o waeigth NwPry atdte with Bob Scott, Kedron. old Bagley, Etobicoke visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam Island, Toronto. nlskillen and'Pic letPooWlb not a q ara ull rpe I ni not we ke in tat support of "îîberaîîy-m in- M . a d rs K . Colbary. .. , , ,,. Pluma. Cut in small pieces and draft," atoutly declared dd erciiteetdI Mr. and Mrs. Herb Yeo and Mise enRbeto, -vissted Mr. und Mrs. Jamnes Mvr. anud Mrs. Car viuur, Sask. chop. Add M~ cup water; bring toi a Mr. Knowles. He made social progress throul family, Prince Albert, Sask., iseJanRbtonUd Murdoch, Bowmanvillc, Sun- Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Ray boil and sim mer, covered, 5 the same unswer when the democratic system.i. have been visiting his bro- 1 n neMrlnGn a veig ibr ebeadMcal minutes. Meusure 4,V2 cups into a asked If he woul be a wouîd be a party of the ther, Gordon and other rela- anoque, visited Mrs. Florence Renu Graham is spending a Miss Marjory Wilbur, Miss Very large saucepan. (Sour dling- candidate for the leader- 11democratic Icît"' consist- tives here. Scott last week. few days with her grandpar- June Wilbur and !riend, Toron-H OD A atone pluma give the best color and ship. His colleagues Mr. ing o! people who believ- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis- Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent, ents Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. to, were Sunday callers on y flavor. If sweet plumas or freestone MueDonald and Mr. Jod- e ncag hog h owr udy dne David and Christine, Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilbur and prune pluma are used, substitute oin indcated that they democrtie proc e s e s. guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ross Badour, Mrs. L. D. Sykes t- lrs. J esn Y2 cup lemnon juioe for ý4 cup o! too supported Mr. Douglas "This lu a group that wîîî Ashton, Haydon. tended the furieral of Mr. H M Tl~Mrs. K. aelacopnd the prepared fruit.) foJh edrhpo h eiv h eo r.WSih r n . George Sykes, Warkworth on HA P O Mr. and Mii. J. R. Reynolds to Ne at.sol cplunned to get AI! Graham, Fred and Janet, Sunduy. Belleville on Thursday and Thon make the juam. Add sugar They claimed to have no the benefits directly to the Newcastle, were visitors at Mrs. Gertrude Stephens, Mirs. Nuthan Hodges, Bow- spent thc weekend with them LO fruit in saucepan. Mix welI. ambition to head the New people". Mr. and Mrs. S. R. ei's Willowdale, spent a week manville, spent hast Tuesday there. Place over high heat, bring to a full Party. But should Premier Pilb pry o!r- M.adMs .E Jhncston ith her sister, Mrs. A. Bur- with Mrs. Ken Caverly and Mr. andMr.FeHory rolling boit, and boil hard 1 minute, Douglas decline the race will form" as oppossed to a "Iparty Elizabeth and Ainslie, Toronto' gess. visited old fricnds I the vil- (Jr.), were very surprised and tirring constantly. Remnove from be on. Clearly Hazen Argue of capitalism," he suggested. were visitors at Mr. and Mrs' Mr. and Mms. E. Dceley re- luge. pleased when Cpi. and Mrs. R. b s oc heut; stir in Certo at once. Skim oSi the new national leader o! the "We contend planning o! the 0. C. Ashton's. turned home Monduy after Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynold, B. H-enderson and family o!fU founi with metal spoan. Then stir C.C.F. and Stanley Knowles, eonm should have as its Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry spendiiig two weeks with rel- Belleville, spent a fcw days Calgary, Alberta, (who have ff and akin for 5 in s o clf or e . pwruitd now m an purpose getting decent and B etty Jane, spent the M ani s t ry, enry.ere last wfeMr. ander e reKen îy ropeur nd from e r-wS slightly, ta preventfoaigrut a vice-president o! the Cana. prices for the furmers and wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. MradMs.HnyM-gussoMradMs.Kn ay) rpedhfrafw Ladie into glasses. Caver ut oncE diari Labor Congress, will be decent wages for the workers. Brock Olde and Nanny ut îng left Tuesday morning ac- Caverly. They also visitcd days' visit prior to, returning with Y inch hot parafran. Makein the forefront o! the fight These things are not produced Clinton and saw the Shakes- companied by Mrs. A. Hath- with relatives un the village, home. Cpl. and Mrs. Hender- about il medium glassea. for the top job. Already Mr. und er capitalistie manage- peare play "Mid - Summer erly and were dinner guests umong them Miss Lulu Reyn-ison, while away, were in Eng- Argue has an edge by hav- ment," Mr. Knowles declared, Nights Dream" at Strat!ord O! Mr. and Mrs. R. Mowers, olds, on the occasion of her land, Scotland, Paris, Rome, îng captured the national The New Party aims and were Monday dinnei' Osh~awa. Mrs. Hatherly re- bfrthduy on Tuesday, to whomn Vienna, Austria; Liechtenstlen Proservlng Poiter: fl's a goo leadership o! the C.C.P. group. to inerge us one o! the two guests o! Mr. and Mms. Bob maîned for a visit. Mr. and we exterid congratulations anid and Switzerland.1 sdea to temper aU new glas ars Mr. Knew 1 e s, ulong great parties in Canada. Emberson, Guelph. Mrs. Maring le!t for Roches- best wishes. Mrs.Lei Crvder- befre sin inply plac e t e n a with some othiers In the Which o! the present two Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay, ter before returning to their Miss Florence Werry spent man Who have for several bral n.a iplpaceL4jas oit ar hierarchy o! the C.C.P. national parties will It Mr. Bill Kay, Miss Jean Ed- hom in Florida.EmeBod a few duys i Toronto last yeurs lived in the Harold Sait- i rak n pncoerwih ol wle, hoped that the C.C.F. lea- aupplant? Mr. Knowies wards, Toronto; Cuptain and- Mr and Mrs. leBod week. er home In Uic west aide o! andt/eshea gadall i fic WLLYdership would bc let va.- was fot prepared to say Mrs. Harry Gregg, Donald and Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Mr. Don White, Oakvill, the village have taken up reç.- . K & <.u A ' C point. cant outil the New Party's "They can toss a coin and Michael Glenburnie, Mary- Taylor and children, Bowman- visited his mother, Mrs. W. G. dence i their home in the 0 0 . v.' ~L founding convention, be- decide," he decla r e i. land, Mr. and Mrs. Adamn ville, were recent visitors o! White and aunt Miss Nancy south end, which they recently --i 1...I.i If you have any problemes with Vour cause they !eared that "lThere la no dIfference Sharp and Linda were Sun- Mrs. R. Burgess. Johns last week. purchased. iGN E L OA IIO A G jam and jelly makinq, ive'll be giad whoever won the national between theni now". day guests ut Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Jack Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Beut and Church service will be held L......J L........ ................... usa .' General Foods Kitchens, would have enhanced his Holding o! the New Party Mrs. Geo. A. Scott, Osh- Mrs. Nellie Westluke and Bill shire, Scotland; Mr. Mark Rev. Colin Rudd o! Toronto CREAM S D k g'Eginf Ave.W, Toronto. chances o! winning the convention in Ottawa next awa, was a Sunday guest o! Wcstlake, Bowmanville, were Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Roger will be the speclal speaker. We L ..... *ý.:2..~ leadership o! the New summer wîll mean an influx Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin. Sunday callers o! Mr. and Crook, Mrs. Lottie MeCutcheon, trust there may b. a good ut-.ii. Party. o! about 4,000 visitors te the 'Mr. anld Mrs. N. E. Wright Mrs. C. Bigeldw. Oshawa; Mrs. Nelson Chapin, tendance.__________________________ SI ilcl the national lead- capital city. It will ulso meun ini company with Mr. and Mrs Mv .r. and Mrs. G. Alldread, Astoria, Long Island, N.y;- The Septnibcr meeting of~ .'er of the C.C.P. be rejected the spending o! about $500, P. Tresise, Oshawa, visiteci Mr. and Mrs. L. Aildread and for the leadership o! the Newi 000 and the staging o! unother Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Keith, Muxine, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. __ Pat-Mr. Argue is a fr poltical "spectaculur". A t Toronto. Vîrtue attended the 25th wed- **MI leadership, it would mean a servatives and Liberuls held Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Ber dread, Bowmanville. breach from the begînnîng their national conventions in Stevens, Hamp t on, w er e Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread MU I - - -Ottawa's Coliseum. Thtirsday evening tea guests spent Sunday with Mr. and * * * a r and Mrs. H. Stevens. Mrs. Harvey Hardy ut Fine LE SO SThe Canadian Labor Mrs. V. MeMulen, Bow: Point. Con7ress did net mince mnanv.iîle, spent Wedî f-,iy Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Dowfl IN YOUR OWN HOME words when the Conserv- with her cousin, Mrs. M.-Stu- and Carolyn, Miss Joan Craw- ative goverrnment ut Ot- inton. ford, Lakefield, visited Mrs. TOW o RUALshowng that the number manville, spent a couple of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hils andj TOWNor RRALo! persons wlthout Jobs days with her grundparents, sons, Hannon, visited his Dur- Over 3,000 Students Throughout Eastern Ontario adseigwr nra- M.adMs .But ents Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs, INSTRUMENTS INCLUDED IF NECESS ART cd by 11,000 te 311,000 Mrs. Len Phîllips and girls, Bert and Harold remalned for between Jâne and Jîîly. Essex, Ont., Mr. C. W. Wood- a week's holiday. Anyonc from 8 to 80 can learn to ffIay It said the figures were ley were Sat.. evening tea Mrs. Robert Murray, Tor- BRE U IE~ "levidence o! o shockîng guests at Gordon Yeo's. onto; Mrs. Ronald Abbott and BRE u W Y N T E R L N Wcondition. Mr. and Mrs. Ambros'e Rob- Dougie, Mrs. Ace Abbott, M*s WRITE BOX 65, c/o CANADIAN STATESMAN It said the situation de- inson, Port Hope. were Sut. Clive Abbott, Oshawa, vis- ITE munded "immediate and dinner guests o! Mr. und MrE. ited ut Hardy's and Prescott. P .Bo 19,BwavleOn.argent" goverment ac- Fred Toms, who ahl attended Mrs. John Home, Grimsby, _________________ tion. It sai it wouli flot Blackstock Pair in the tfer- is visiting her duughter Mr. 0-CYL witn rower Gina. transmission. Suntan copper. L. slemon, Huydon-, were caîl-i_ oss Pooley attended- theé cn w ercr rs t Russell Steele's, Purple Brent Picnic t Port erry on Leaving Arrive Leaving Arv O n. o w n r car.1 H ill and tea guests o S ndy Sund y. R e dDu on p R n R ead D ow R ed U p R tn . 195 PNTIC -DR. DELUXCE SEDAN Mre' !Sily r.R ugsM.. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis(Steph ens visited their broth. AM.AM Faro A.M.AM. Fr 1958 ]PNTIAC 4ton were Sunday cvening crs, 1r. and Mns. Il. Stevens V-8 with Power Glide transmission, radio, windshield washers, callers ut W. J. Bowman's, EnnîskileadMr. and Mrs. 7:30 Janetville 1:25 4.40 7:40 NEsteo :5 40 two-tone. Enfield. W. E. Stevens, Hampton. Miss Elsie Oke is spending ,r and Mrs. L. Pattyson, 7:40 Ballyduff 1:15 4.257:0Rli.î-,'j a week i Toronto with fri- Shila and Geoffrey o! Ati 1:5 1955 PLYNU TE 4-DR. SEDAN ends. kokan is visiting her sîster und 7:45 Pontypool 1:05 4.00 75 I Complet. motor job. A dlean car in A-i shape. Miss Joan Adams, Bowmun. husband Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ~. ~. 8:00 Burktn1:5 35 ville, is visiting with Miss Annis.. 7:55 Ent..erprlse 12:55 37 RuthPethick. Mr. Howard Steele, Mis 1955 OLDS. 2-DR. HARDTOP Charlene Murney, Peterbor- 8:00j Kirby124 3.0810E eav RELIEF ~ough, visited on Sunday with 1:5 35 :0Ensiln1:5 33 White with red trim. One owner car. FAST ELIE FOIMr. and Mrs. W. Park Jr. 8:10 Orono 12:35 3.35 8:20 Hamtn1:5 32 so[MAICMr .and Mrs. Russell Lu *,,- May thr odlsfomwhchb hose.IFI RUU lmier, Cadmus, visited M~r. and *o:45 BOWMANVILIL 12:15 3.00 *:5B Man ohe mdes romwhch ochseMrs. Arthur Rahm.845BW AVLE1:5 30 1950 up ...All Maires. i* ia r Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman - WVand family visited Mr. John; Arfi. 10:15 a"M- at Toronto Exhiition Kieland Miss Pearl Leach, .1î * a Ail the above cars have been checked and reconditioned in our shops *Sauina. 1 Fares into Exhibition Grounorotos an r ed o an aeremlsofsme rvn.Mr. James Woodley who, iau MUIUMf Ofu PAIR Bowmanviîîc, for an oea a. September rony-SeilEfaBsw tien, is expected te returi' Oldsusbio - Chevrolol Corvair he o Wdcsa t for Bowmanville Only at 6:30pm Mr. and Mms. D. Stevenson ,itl and Envoi (Driflsh luift) Cars and Kathy, Cobourg, visited CWdjrefl - Hrlf Faro VO WNVILE Chovrolot Trauk COURTICE M and'~ Mrs. T. Janczyn and fmily recently visited M 133Pon I33 with riends t Burlngton. FOIR INFORMATION PHONE 333Mr. and Mrs. A. Knewi'tonl O M NIL Akt331 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~an d fa iily , A r en . H a n, B W A V L E M r k t 3 3 1 S A A A d l h 3 7 7

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