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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1960, p. 6

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VAGESl~ - CANADIAN WTAT~MAN. EOWMANVILLEI, ONTA~ TRURSDAY, SEPT. lut, 1900 Do 1n't Be AMied Homne of the Week Winner l Tremendous Influence ca mi da Wielded by Advertising ha ToId tb Rotary Membersrui . he tremendous scope of laimed again and again. Ana- For instance the guarantee on edil ln4ene ieledbyth ad teristhe personality ap- same aluminum ware may veuigprfsso wsou-proach whereby people are only guarantee that it is made - proesionwa ou- nduedta buy because o! of alumînum. The Rotary ........h Enêd ini two interesting and personality appeal li the ad- vice-presîdent also mentioned ...... informative addresses given vertising copy. A third is that the so-called 'Life Time d at the luncheon meeting of tbrough empathy which !n- Guarantee is ambiguous". The d bues customners with the be- product is guaranteed for the the Bowmanville Rotary Club lie! that the product bas been lie-time o! wba or what? g at ebe Flying Dutchman Mo- specially designed for their Does it mean the life-tme o! U ton B Iotel on Friday. Tbe upe- needs by a company fully cog- the customer, o! the manu- *~- , akiir were James Stutt, chair- rusant a! their requirements, facturer, or o! the praduct," . W f~ a the Vocational Service Mr. tutt poînted out. bie asked. e.N Cnmittee and a director aor..S the club, and K. N. Morris, the ne also dealt with adver- He spoke o! another dlaim - tising calculated ta avercome sometimes made that an ar- vice-president. a certain section o! the public ticle is triple strength, but of~.............................W The chairman o! the spec- tbat is sceptical and not im- does not state tbe original. . ... . . .. w................_ lai Events Cammittee, Bll presed wîth unproven dlaims, specific strength. He advocated %%Itesburger, presented his re- and bargain deals. that people beware o! adver- ' pbrt ai tbe work accomplished M.Sutas andta tising that in an indefinîted o#, the club's Christmas treepcai nd radse way avers that certain mer- ~ pepject this surnmer. He pre- preseain asbeecn mis- chandise is the finest, purest,' presentatiworld'seebests sénted awards ta Walter Rey- leading in certain instances. or te Marri'sdesctio.!. nblds and Rex Walters, a past He said that in Canada there beM.forei'desctrptirswa pesident o! the club, for their !ortunately is the Weights and meost aing. fThricts ae excellent efforts at pruning Measures Act wbich gives Pro-? n xlotth atei u Mr. Tbiesburger also made a tection, but added tbat in ger of plin wten ata etcomen s:cial presentation ta Wal- other countries buyers are gaoos esi.Ter toernoGr,fo arpast istrpict- eslymsd verse of this is the "tear-tbem- dovenor fo arangng ic- A rebellion is grawing to-bits" scbooi, wbich plays ' nies or te pruers.among consumers and con-! on inferiority complexes by ' 1ýfDuring 1959 il billion, and sumner organizatians against such remnarks as "Even bier ~ f011 million dollars were spent improper packaging Mr. Stutt best friend will not tel ber; Tis week's winner of the Home of the Week Contest was Mrs. H. M. ifi-the United States alone on stated. He told of many Jet- Wby is bie avoiding me? When àfdvertising, Mr. Stutt told the ters that bad been publisbed did you last make an under- Bell, Prospect Street, Bowmanviile, whose home was shown in the advertise- notarians. The vast sum of li trade periodicals in wbicb arm test," and son on. He also ment. She identified it, with the help of some neighbors who telephoned befare 8B billion. dollars was spent people bad stated tbat tbey mentioned the false use o! 'their Statesmnan arrived, and is shown here visiting Coiliss Electrie whose q±i advertising in that country wanted ta bave the truth prin- superlatives, eneo s d w.JmCli revdth $50Saera cqu fo M . #1' the last 10 years, bie said. ted on every package. The president, R. P. Rick- neoeshdrw Ji Coisrceedte5.OSasmn hqefomM. ---A tremendous amaunt of He added that customers are aby, commended Mr. Stutt and Bell who exchanged it for a beautiful electric dlock. There are only a couple uîaney Is spent annually by becoming inci'easingly alert. Mr. Morris for the splendid of weeks left befare the first big draw for the two Polaroid cameras, so f iii out the great advertising fîrms on He urged ail ta become adver- addiresses tbey bad given, and those coupons available at participating stores. You may be the lucky one. psyboigiel rd ocilog- ising and consumer consciaus. tbe fascinating insight they 1 ocaj. research, he pointed out. The public can force tbe manu- bad provided by revealing B sns ietr 'l'fe research is aimed at find- facturers ta contrai packag- valuable information. 1ng rew ways ta createaan en- Ing properly and clear up mis- Guests present were Char- E A 4 omous demand anda sus- leading advertising by refus- les Inmes, St. Johns, New- A cc o un ian cY The service in Kendal Uni- in Cobourg Sunday. Mrs. ieptible market for certain ing ta buy tbeir produets, Mr. foundiard, Fred Adsett, Bel-te Curbwsaen S-Sitiseairgwhbr products, the speaker explain- Stutt stated empbatically. leville; Dr. Percy Vivian, RAY .3. DILLING day morning by Mr. 0. Rob-autnd ncewieMs In an incomparably witty M.P., Port Hope, Ron Ricb- CetifedPubicAccunantbis, ssste blbi sn, on He dscused arius tpespresentation, K. N. Morris ardson and Doug Jobns, botb 93 Ched urlech r t baid o! Rseneab. DsonlDtondBrahtks- oia n He icusto e arlochtbatsgave effective advice regard- ai Oshawa, and Rex Wynn, 93Ankeh tre8enît do eetg o"Halept Braht es hlia ti custmer pprach hating customer defense against Brantford. Akt 6 trsigsoy"esett h et used in ail advertising med- false advertising. If a pro- wuw. J. ]EL COGGINS well on a windy night". Miss Guests with Mr. and Mrs. 1*. ne is the sledge-hammer duct is claimed ta be larger, Chartered Accountant Marie Rabbins sang "The Old Gog ecrSna ee $iwhicb the desireability of better, or newer, one sbould Second Floor Rugged Cross" very sweetîy. Gog ecrSna ee qprtain merchandise is pro- ask the merchant if it is bet- MORRJLAIL.L New Library Building The Rev. R. C. White will be Mr. and Mrs. Cy Elsey and ter, or newer than wbat? Tbis Cor. King and Temperance Sts in charge o! the services next daughters, Oshawa, and Mr. " eah he hidrenk early type o! advertising is the in- Te annul Suday School Phone MArket 3-3612 Suiday Martin and daughter Aleen, *if-government, and teach cevt1 e* omplete comparative and im- picnic was beld on Thursday, AE RELN Mr. and Mrs. George Clark Toronto. * t~emnoting tbat us wnong.- plies qualities ta a product Avgust 25th, at the West TLFRELNE were at their summer home JePpvth vra b t[r akrEdy. that it does rot passess, Mr. Beach, Port Hope, there was HUNTER & CO. for the weekend. Clare-ope o u, rary, the ayBMorris asserted. a good attendance, uniortun- Accountants and Auditors Miss Mary Stevens has been Clae-Hi peortun a av toai Children stand more in need He also dealt with the in- ately the evening was quite Llcensed Trustee ini Bankruptcy li Ottawa taking a summer bis tobacco kilns burnt Jast example tban criticism- tentional misuse ai guaran- cool and the warmer shelter of 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 course prior ta going ta Port Tuesday nigbt. This is quite: seph Joubert. tees that sometimes occurs. aur cars proveci much better Oshawa, Ontario Chimo on Ungava Bay, where a hold-up in thîs busy sea- _____________ ___________ -than sitting by tbe Jake. B. L. Yale, C.A. she plans teaching li an Es- son, but luckily hie was able agi At 7 p.m. the caîl came for P. Friedlander, B. Com., C.P.A. kimo scbool. Her parents, Mr. ta secure tbe use o! kilns an Sue GleteBaes6e Hazel Bshop supper and as usual was ane MONTEITH - MONTEITH and Mrs. Tom Stevens bave John Baîley's Sixth Line' Sue1ile oBfe 6ea the best with an abundance RIEUL & CO. spent the bolidays in England farm until Orley Mercer rush- Gillette Double Edge Lipstick 1.00 - 1.50 ai good things ta eat and also 135 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa and alsa took a trip ta_ Non- es the, erection o! two new Razars 59c, 1.29, 1.95, 5.00 Hazel Bishop Polish 59e tea and soit drinks and the Chartered Accountants way ta visit tbeir son-in-iaw's ares. coolness of the evening did HA 5-3527 family, the Heilabusts. Old Spice Ater Shave Cutex Sllpstlck - --- 69e rot are bit diminisb tbe ap- Bowmanville Mrs. Chas. Thompson, Ar- Tobacco bas been maturing Lotion - -- - 1.35 - 2.00 Pond'. Llpstlck 49e, 1.00 petite fan libenal servings ai Cail ZEnith 45750 thur, Mrs. Mabel Smith and very rapidly and evenly this, Vam -» tube or bottle 64e ,Yardley Lipstlck __ 1.75 ice cream of which there was Partnries: Mrs. G. Catbcart visited tbe year and bas been keepirg plenty. Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. McBride's and Mré. Burwash a step ahead o! the primers. There were games, racing A. B-'Mornteith, 'B. Coin., C.A. Allen Foster must have set a vauu ayFee 9e aue an onessfo alagswith G. *W. ïiehl ..ERIA record last week wben bis Vacum le er 8e Vlue good prizes for winners, can- <Lcersd Trstee gang put in 9 kilns in seven' Bottles Rm de Colgate dy and peanuts were scram-~ G. E. Tethewey, C.A. Cnrtlton o Dnacorsecutive days. * - - 79e aem oieu cbted fradwas chld and ed ___________P.______ CogrtultiosCt.Dona Last weekendi Kendal resi- Paute tbed foranas ld and esf R.F igtot-CA Oughtred wbose nineteen en- dents were minus telephane Dristan Spray - 1.25 ______ and happy cbîldnen were del- C h- r op r a c 1 i c tries o! gladioli arrrangements, serVice due ta the telephonei 1.16' Value Pnîvine Drops 95e vndbon ie a very h- rdsie oo ih iS pale at the eastern corner 1 Wildroot Bayer's Spray 99e Ipana pIeasant outing. G. EDWIN MANN, .C. and rire seconds at the Hon-, being broken off by *Kenny 73e Dnistan Plus ~Tharks of the Sunday Scbool Chiropractor ticultural show and tea at;Mriels cr Strday 73et .2,22, .5 12 are due ta Mrs. Helen McHolm Office: Newcastle on Wednesday of night as hie tried ta turn the Talt .5 .2,37m.9 ad Mrs. Harry Beckett con- 15 Elgin St., cana!f Rorsey St last week. cre.H evrbte the Pyribezamine 65e, 2.35 veners for arranging this hap- Phone MA 3-5509 Thene was a very happy pale than the lufe o! anc of 1.26 Value Co-Pyronil 2.25 1.95 siz py event. Office Hours: By Appaintment gathering in Utterson on Aug- the mary little folks wl-l play Corcîdn _____ 100Miss Elaine Anderson spent ust 2ist, when Mr. and Mrs. around. The screechîmg o! Pepsodent CrcdnD10 Halo a iew days this past week vis-Denta C. Beighton bad a ne-union bae r ie ntesre 89e TzieDas -10 1.29 ting with Mr. ard Mrs. Hicks _______________ with their six daughters and' this summer must nearly give Super Anahlat Tabs. 1.00 at Foxboro. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Most ai their 18 grandchildren the parents heart failure. The applique quilt was fin- Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. and six great grandchildren. Dee Tee Math Killer - 59c, TAKE EXTRA VITAMINS ished at Mrs. Lloyd Manvîns 40 Kýing St. W. Bowmanville Mrs. Reg Bee, Part Hope; B. B. !Poster o! Texin., Rad payBob 1.9NOW! on Wednesday, August 24tb, Office Hours: Mrs. Shirley MacKenzie, Ut- U.S.A., a founth year medical Rai SrayBob _ 169that ta know Christ the cru- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily tersor; Mns. Elsie Clanke, Ut- student, bas been visiting bis Orge-A-Day Multiple and this Mrs. William Man- Closed Saturday and Sunday terson; Mns. Ruth Clanke, Ut- uncles and their families li Kan Kil for files 89c, 1.39 Vitamins 1.49, 2.75, 4.49,8.25 vin ai Part Hope bas prom- Office Phare - MA 3-5790 terson; Mns. Lorraine Helms, the Kerdal area. Fly Tox Bomb 98c, 1.49 Genitol - MineraIs and ised ta do. House Phare - NewcasUte 3551 Sonoma, Caliiornia, and Mrs. Aiten a great demi of con- Larvex Spray - 1.29, 1.9Q Vitamins 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 Mrs. Crocken ai New Bruns- DR. E. W. S--O Leora Czabo, Burlington, met troversy the finst set ai play- ____________________________________ wick is spendimg a short vaca-.ISO with their parents at Mr. and I afs o! the South Durham, tion with ber sister iVrs. L.D.S., D.D.S. Mns. Mervyn Clanke's "Sun- Rural handball league between 1 lodMavi.Office ini bis home set Lodge". It was the 2th n Welcome and Newcastle were igai. size Picnic Jug - 2.99 .1Lloydt t.N. ewaManvin.say ofMr nd1 1Miss Minnie Beckett is vis- 10-LertMS. N. emavll ieny.! Ms.hrnAut --and arothes th t kowChis te ru XSSAPA HD INS T nwîhitad hitiy managed ta dodge tbe bat thfedtandkmow ihristepcru- Bmnister, Solicitor j To kmow his the aond hitswung at him or there might "Life Begins at 17" f tibe srf;l inW Hi s tepsd Notary Public needful, was the theme have been a fatal ending ta mîhmdTemperance S omn i fi.Atr things quietened whMakD oncarry the message o! Peace in S.- omnvleMn. Norman's good sermonIndownabthecrrukws with ark DmonRis marne is infinitely better IL RICHARD LOVEKIN Sunday evemimg. A lovely mn- opened amd there, ta the sur-' " LL S"AT 7 & 10 - "SEVENTEEN" AT 8-30 than li the riches oi tbis U.E., B.A., LL.B. rangement oý red glads with prise and consternation o! WoBox.9,hiteccentremary ai the Newcastle folks, The service closed witb o 9 ecate made a ioveiy bright spot o!f m h al Rtre aKn bymn 100 "For the Cross ai Ponslaine Newaptle 224 colour as did the basket Oail ,i was in use for thehBan- Consultation byChist adpaforhtmndprat white, yellow and dmrk cal-ta gme audy ih.t SUND Y NI.NIT Chrst ad Glry md pmy-oniy. oued dahlias. week's a ueysam thmnk you" AIso iNON. & TUES. EVENING SudySho a ed at W. KAT LYCE'FW.HA. Mn. mmd Mrs. Arnold Aus- ta tender Kerdal for thein, 1l a.m. it was conducted by Barrister and Solicitor tim returred fo their bak' hspitality. SEP. t othe supeintendent Mr. Gear- In the offices o! fling visit ta Vancouver on SEHPTes.thr wre34R.R Wddll QC Saturdmy evening, the pre- Saturdmy at 5 p.m. Sunder- present, it was a great plea- Main Street, Ororo, Ontario viaus weekend the Trumamn lard mnd Kerdal Bmntams Lindr tus big top ... spectacular fûts ot Ide anid ath 1 sure ta bave Mrs. Haines join A IUstim's bolidayed in Quebec plmyed bere, their !irst play- 19us again mter several y'em M o r f g a g e s City and this week the Car- off o! the best 2 out o! 3 gam-- ofsickress and iability ____________roll___ Nichais' fmmily take a es in C Class under 'O.B.A.- present mnd sit ion the length RADIE HAMLTON -OON few dmys a! farm wark, ta rulings. wbich call for 9 in- a! the session. rest, mmd see how some a! the rings. On the moumd for Sun- A rumber ai yaung people Phone 1 r 16 rest of the worid lives. derlard for most ai the game along No. 2 Higbway were First Mortgage Funds Recent visitons with Mrs. was Stan Dunward, formerly busy on Morday evenimg sol- Residences - Farrms Idm Toppin were, Mrs. A. Mc- af Elizbethville amd mgainst à. Iicitîng autogrmphs o! the Business Properties GlennnaifCaîborne; Mrs. P., him for Kendal wms bis cbum, *mmarathon walkers mnd again Marshall mmd daughter Glad-- John Quantnill. Kendal got V on Wedmesday on the 401. u P fo0M eI r y ys of Toronto.j runs in each o! their 8 i- Mn. amd Mrs. Warnrno! Mr. Ralpb Thompsor ai rings for a score o! 24 with; Toronto, visited Mrs. William 331TH A. BILLETT. O.». Brookiin called in the com- Sunderland gettlng l runs.' McHoini on Sunday, August Optometrist niunity last week. He is at- 28th. 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville tempting ta trace bis famiîy Ail books will becomne light The rame plate o! the church Office Haurs: By appointment in Hope and Clarke and came 'n proportion as you fird light Notice Board is in place with Telephone MAnket 3-3252 here seekimg information fol- in thexi.-Mortimer J. Adler. A" tranfetthe rame ai the Reve. E. K. 9 a.m. ta 5 pa.. owing the publication a! this A book introduces new Adut Etetalmen -Norman instead o! Rev. A. W. Mronday fa Sturday churcb bistory which tells o! thougbts, but it cannot make -j Harding wbo is row retired Thursday evenings the bunial of somne by that tbema speedily understood.- and living in Bowrnanville. Wednudayu,'9 to 12 naine here. Mary Baker Eddy. )o ou EEAMBMEple ln Bowmanville on Thuru.. day evening. Tobacco loss in hi tr Just O n Year rgo may amount ta $400,000- crop worth over $3 milliopt (Sept. 3, 1959) mer T. Banting of Bowman- Newcastle. Installation of a A surprise announcement ville, John E. Chester and four-Jane Comnunnty Bowl- ame on Tuesday when Nor- Ian H. Smith, bath of Toronto. ing Alley ini the basement af ian J. Scott, owner of Brook- Bernice Cochrane, 16-year- the Newcastle. Commun i ty ile-ingway Nurseries of, aid Bowmanvllle High School' Hall was unanimouslyapo lwmanville, announced he! student, was chosen "Summer: ved by a public meeting helàà ad sold the company to, El- Queen" for 1959 at Black- in the hall on Monday even, ludEllottis gan t beco a o Mr. and Mns. Russell Coch- Orona: Mrs. Eva Quantrill, ratulated on securing a home rane, R.R. 2, Burketon. Kirby, fell and brake her un. It was certainly a very: Don Welsh of Bowmanville, shoulder and is a patient in iferent game ta those play- 1 received the hi ghest Memorg,ý ial Hsa, omn d wvith Courtice. Kendal was 965 points in the 4HSin rville eutn fýh icky in hitting many ground-'Club at Blackstock Fair. electrical storm last week _j~ rs which Sunderland found Last Thursday evening, an Adam Stec lost his barni by> ird ta pick up. The next etuisi ru fBw ie ime is being played Satur-menhuiastimchopants, mee ir e Go ogaua îy in Sunderland and Ken-invîteh e rcwnHats, meedtn; MpeGoe ogaua al fans are being asked ta o h onHlvtdt tions ta, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. t behindterta nd stage a ca-apertiv "Town- Metcalf who celebrated their ther tam ndWide Fesia ofa Values" on 39th wedding annlversary on .ppot tem.Thursday, Friday and Satur- Tuesday, Sept. 1. Mr. Hubbard spent the we- day, September 24, 25 and 26. Bethany: Lloyd Kennedy kend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack A demonstration of mutual held an auction sale of bis eal. aid by the Bowmanville, Ca- household furniture on Wed- Miss Kathleen Jackson, R.N. bourg, Orono and Port Hopei nesday afternoon. Mr. and fOttawa, was home for the Fire Departments was watch- Mr. Hr e have pur- reeknd.ed by a large number of peo- chased his boume r I tIEST BUY- SAVE 4c MET IY «-»AVi 9c York -ZO0oz. tin IE..Smith% - 20 oz. tin CHOICE PEAS -2 For 35< Cherry PI FILLER 2 For BEST BUY - SAVE 13e BEST BUY - SAVE 60 Rose -i1lb. pkgs. B.d Bose - 60 Bags NAIGAINE 4 ngs. 89C TEA ]SACS * -- BEST BUY - SAVE 5e - 5 Flavors DEST BIJY - SAVE 9c -.2e Off Monarch - Pouch Pak - 10 oz. pkg. Ballet - White or Coloured CAKE MMES - 3 lor 39c: TOILET TISUE 4Rei BEST BUY- SAVE 4ec0 Snowflake- 1 lb. pkg. SHOETENING - Xf Pack BEST BUY - SAVE lic Javex - 3c Off Pack - 32 oz. 1 2 For 49<: LIGUIDBLEUCS 2For SWIVTS PREMIUM - 2 - 3 lb. average Trender-Grown lb.' CHICKENS1 SWIFT'S PREM[UM - Short Shank, Fully Skinned Cooked SMOKED HAMS 1.51 SWIFT'S - Cello 1I L pkg. PREMIUM FRANKS swiFTÉs éPREmium BUTTERBALL TURKEYS ON DISPLAY - A1TRACTIVELY PRICED FEATURE - SAVE 10e Combination Pack - 8 oz. jar GATTUSO OLIVES FEATURE - SAVE 10e Supreme - 48 oz. jar 19c: Sweel Nixed Pic:kles FEATURE - SAVE 17e FEATURE - SAVE 10a BURNS - 15 oz. tin Grimsby - 48 oz. jar CRICKEN STEW 3 For $1000 SWEET GHERKINS FEATURE - SAVE 7c McLaren's - 15 oz. jar CORN RELISE ýc "100,000 LB. BISCUIT SALE» r Fresh Froni The Ovens - 2 For 67c: Supreme - 5 Varieties FANCY BISCUITS 31Pkcgo. MEATURE - SAVE 19e Simoniz - 10e Off Pack - 6% oz. bot. SAVE - Circus Pail - 4 IL Pail TONE PGLISH *79c PEANUT BUTTER $1 9roluce Famous Chiquita Baina3nas IL 1oc Ontario No. 1's - 3 lM. poly bat C-RISP FIRlM CARROTS 15C Ontario No. 1 - Jumbo Stalks CRISP CELERY 15C No. 1 - Cello bat ROSEDUD RADISHRES 2 forl15C Creamy Rich Kraft Miracle Whip - 32 oz. jar Many Flavors - Pint Brick SALAD DDESSING - Sup remeBan- - -l25c Supremfe SPICES 2 Pkgs. SupemeBrnd 7 z.Celo Pg- Whole Pickling - Celery » 43C Whole Cloves Mustard WALNUT PIECES 43 Tumeric Cossia Budi lairds Eye - 6 oz. Uinlairds Eye - 9 oz. pkt. ORANGE JUICE 3 For 65c FEECE FIlES 2F- NO WNAN VILLE NAULE GIOVE 1b.4 69C 73c: Pack 45c bottle 39c: 59C: 69C 1.45 69c: - u - clinan's Narkel - - - apie Grave Groceteriai OIRONO -------Coraish Narketeria NLACKSTOCK »- --Blyth's Naket 1 ... - ý-, VIAGE Mx TMMSDAY, SEPT. lst 1960 IM CAIqADIAlq As. Dow WAWVIIJLZ OUTAIM 1

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