F. t a ccer Highligbts Debbie and Steven spent the Score 4 to 3 edge in the best of fivesre.sf na ro tsot fe ___________________weekend with Mr. and Mrs. __________Bowrnanville look ai- edtefrt atrhdbe e W. Brown, Caesarea. In the second on Deoe a ie.C'skvtharotdd A family gathering was . vey's two run horner.Hlnn e rdtfraUesnl held on Saturday. Sept.. 3, at f r Panas led off with atil vrscnwe ete >14oth Sertes Ext en ded te otag f r.an MsWesternEETire uv niesand Dot Bond w.)lkedPo ile uhi an WBrwCeae.Mmesbase-running doubied aa n he oscn nUn fthWikn aiygte-ofthird on Helen Nicosnsfrtefre h al~a ete honour Mr. and Mrs. i l 0 short fly ta left. butDiyjre aeb aessie Harry Gay and Mr. and I5 W a ~ came through withhetobtonheetpicDay sig G a m H ere S fu rd ay celebrated their 2th wedding ~~ ~' ~ Millbrook reallv tedof n aenedoulstl.* Owmanville Hooper's Jew- the Jewellers a 3-1 bulge. Just before the haif ended, a short address in verse and'rI..tid~'e hysoe I ace.SilyBokhta rs withstood trernen dous'rge a e- H snk Hoogt amp evened the Wendy Brown and Trud Wi- IEve rin away frorn the halifDressure, after build 1cr.an ohclb ated1n reetdthi ut wti lo e Fu h t Sm i ala upwarded rnîd-wav through the screan bthclbsbate, knsprsete thirautswih IE Up3lledto edge final haîf on a goal by Char- throLt"h a well-played but crystal vases. Pictures were UI.ýUNE pie. eletele idtrwt is was wid. eab .pFI3-,STe Jeweihleswr hrmd B sd~îecoreless second hall The taken of the event and every- with nnerou t Hudso ms-toktokoe h on Hamptn. Th Jewllersllie e insr onostoftîe, sucdden-death fourth game one sat down to laden tables A pair of unearned runs in Saturday to put Bowmanville Merriton came right back dedlcedte et ftinea tehoeclbtre tooX place last night in Zion. ta enjoy supper together. In- the eighth inning gave Mer- out of the running. ta even the score in the next, ed a base-cleaning tipl n uisi h eet.srkn te series at one vic tory Solina and Courtice quali- cluded in the gathering wvere riton a 4-3 win over Bow- Jin- Moorcraft tossed a fine-frnonawktaHo-scrdnAmso&ssge.uttesdadgttg ce and a tie. forcin despe ~~hitter and fanned e i g h t 1 huck, Gear's single and an After Powell doubled i th in o d r i t e ei tto e - clsh ng a! rtl age U y ficd l'or the junior finals, after Mr. and Mrs. Balson and five manville Western Tire, in the aantDdmnstre tie1nfedot ien-death cah nBow- mrer h . wul ae eininating their semi-final cidenadMiss Pat Me- aintDd n' hesrk- ifelou.fifth run. coach AlfSaelsitrth in erge Feyer opened the Wednesday night, Zion and' ganes. Sauina truned Maple Mrs. Harold Wilkins and five eto he eie O.B.A. runners n base in every in- winining runs in the eighth,1 settled her away. as îeet Gthiwtharplana I and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ss.Saturday afternoon at ning but the second and thirsaigbtuernd ar-tr atr wnotinr-snladlsngpchrP - ing at the ten minute Caurtice battled ta a 1-1 draw Grove 8-0 and Courtice edged children, Hampton: Mr. a n eri trd Masse Park Th thak- Ile attrswet ,dlok mae it2-0 Heis atCourice Couticeopend Dtail of heajnio i eocascoudntiame p I rs arerthe irsttwthattrs dr. e tvih adoube an adsng. )k aditslat-. er oin a ketie.lycantiest ed atch ilsofth unorfnas-1. . n Ms. HrryGayRic y andlocals twice took a one run with the big blow.habenrtedBacfud Dvesseodom uin aey aedPrsnswt ten shaved the margin, 'the scaring early in the gamne j poarinFrnk fialnJyneeM. ndMr. obBr-Blackte es fr ihbrok ing after a corner kick,, on a shot by Ken Coverly. Spoerainscorumn Mohun'S ans, Patti and Gardie, islaal a e h iios Bowranville opened the Fuller's smash tao hot ta hand-, the taurth made it 5-.Nc-tohm rnswhePaa ____ May Wikin, OswaMi. tie the score in the fourth and scoring with a single arnple le, Ward doubled in the tie-; oison singled and ihtohdatileadasnl n Hank De Jong countedadrWls.oh Nrri, Stevieagain in the fifth. te pening frame an a rip eaean ihpsigliouSdrCakv ire the half ended ta give 'M LN A £ and Debbie, and Mr. and Ms Bowmanville were favoured by Alex Wisemnan ndBiaeae adiihp'file out, Sandr havthdrîCakvthcletdapi IvIII.urooft WVIflS f - ~~~~Brown and family, Bob Fair- ta \vin the series easily, after 1 Osborne's sacrifice hoist tta nprodcdteeeta.i- e urwihtergt fsnls ey, Bowmanville.7 - 6racking 18 hits for a lop-sided; centre. The visîtors evened the ner. fiefdr aour bhl. n i 2y18-4 wvin in the opener. Pitch-'score in the faurth, when After stopping a Merriton tae theforeforin e tio U orh n eh To Even Ladies' Final ~ ~~~er Ernie Dodrnan and the Mer- Dando was safe on third-base- rally in the ninth, Bawrnan- tIe the se i tUe'îxhfna ane Dai ilba T v n L d e 'F n lriton tcamn displaying a comn- man Terry Black's error and ville carne back ta score a I U îhh ae a atngt __ Most of the scoring was donc score for the second time an I E.Fi ing Western Tire 9-2 last Sat-1 Western Tire wvent one up but il wasn't enough. Grant V nth out inng day i singes byHogg and ilis, 1pleta revesaihoe forn, .Down- scrain in e by Fumhalefr.ihngled un ith a otto bhlf Inightin Milbrorigasttleda offthwithala doublele ine PON iUE - ereis another poem Missura trev i ensraiDodthagin ingte ottor hk aîfofWis-adsoe stenx h KitRD FR 1 home team rallied for five front on singles by Shirley Emma Werry, 3'44 Spadina a vn -ter hseclondsrigttheanandtinpo al taisre- band scare s hnextdthree '-SAV WE - runs ta win 7-6, af ter Bow- Brock. Barbara Hughes and Rd., Toronto, 10, has sent th,.ee 0ite Roclaigmn n rpl yObrn.btes eeifel us UU~TR-~IQ manville Pearson's Srnoke Dorothy Kelly. ' editor in the hope lie il w OUS R V- ' j Shop had scred four in the Brock's three-bagger was 1 uls t i U tts a ' . nai' ats r w i gi ut rl fi OUR FUE top haîf. The tearns traded the big blow in the fourth,i ta create a srnile and cheer ~ '-'~ single markers in the second following consecutive singlesj up a bit af humor in the minds i E D Yiing m a n Cmmi t ý*oicPaF£ and third and went scoreleSS by Helen Nicholson, Sandra of the sick and shut-ins. F I A WC after the fourth. The best of Chaskavitch and Delores Da- lui Fine Vfive series for the Ladies' vey *I.fHuhes' two-out singleImFn lcearnponeipin aw cad- scored Brock ta make the There is nothing whatever r y cl S cr m b l lokd toe i pic. score 6-2. A walk, two errors the matter with me SEPII JI ~ f ~ I The Smoke-Shoppers outhit and hits by Hogg, Gillis and in just as healthy as I the winners 14-9, but four er-: Powell accounted for five can be A A rors allowed Millbrook ta runs in Millbrook's half1 tap~hv rhii i ahm I~ HARNESS RA(IGHRESO score the saine number af send the homne team in frn ne A e oDo t P oe unearned runs. 7-6, and that's the way itlnes, , EW W V yJU E J IJHORS SOEPTHN _________________ Bowmanville look an early ended. And when 1 talk 1 speak 1-0 lead in the second on a! Pearson's appeared ta have with a wheeze By Ed Youngman ing af the ratute ta the proper- a trophy for championship, SQUARE DAN(IN single by Dot Bond and Pow- 1 a rally going in the sixth, My pulse is weak and my ty, net enough advertising, tao but just ta see who could xvilii HRLGO HATING OILS el's error. A single by Mc- when Davey and Chaskavitch bload is thin Thie first time I travelled rnany local fall fairs, plus - a junior or an expert, as, SISOINEMOTOOI and a double by Arrn- led off with singles. Hard-- But in awfully well for the Leskard road was almnosi Toronto Exhibition. Clarke any rider was free ta take stagmid U coeinte itrî hilyBrc fid h taeI' n forty-oîue years ago, ta attend Township Council can be af part. It was also their way of: bottam half. Each club had a to riglhe. but Edith Nirni- a uto ae hr a- great help by making a nîce saying "thank you" ta the, pair of errors in the third,! gan diew a base on halls ta I think my liver is out aIkU sone"ern"a rsre i elgaeldra pcaos n ce as a sorti ______________________________the_______fruit, and a klicen dock. lodtebss uhe ose hcfrom Highway No. 35, along af grand finale ta the after-i EXHIBITS: LietcFr rdcs ede wihMbakeeig te'hote bases.Hugeslyhop-te d 1haaerilepanate thxe fruit, and ane ife the tenth concession, and cutt- naon's entertainment. ca tiomsi ped ta third ta end the threat. in my back est child demoisled the dock. ChurcU, west ta Newpark confsed whp te t wh Machinery, Cars n rcs aeil Both itchrs, illi and y heringis por an My n Lonurlittie beor inochprovocation.agin. DRAMATICih tCONTESTwh PO R T H O PE t'A i R , bit the bal well. Gl- sot ft is s: a geeus o o n an Bt~ ch o su n wsgang up on defenceless peopleBidn !sinles whie Bockhad beout f tim.After lunch ive decîded ta la- called the "Grand Prix", when These boys are taugh compet- sing!e and a triple. Davey cal- cate the new Mospart Race- 1 thîrty riders had a free for itars, but decent, law-abidingOroTwnHl lectecf three singles in the las- The way I stagger sure is way, wliere we haped ta see îail, gaing fifteen laps araund citizens, who love the thrills' Frîday Night Sept. 16 ing cause crime thnsmtan motor cyclists perforrn. For a hall mile course. This wasa of the spart and give af their Sept.891at85shr Friay ig t S pt 161!- te eneitof hoe wovon- handicap race, ihfivebs for fun, maney or marb- COURTICE I' lketafalms n der wbere it is, please go northi classes cmpeting, for neitherles. Nn ly rm WibPceig saa 8:30 P.M. I ÙTCEtme on Highway No. 35 ta Mc- ___ ___________________ But altig considered Crea's Church, turn west ta rnBwa RODEO aid MIDWAY Everyone is back fram bhl- Im feeling fine. Newpark School, then south Second O vertim e W i n Ooo omnilLnsyadPtr og das nd chldenhae Arch supports 1 have for each paid a buck, and were MIDWAY -Fu an RiefoKide returned ta sehool. Mrs. Greer, bath my feet aîîowcd ta park aur car, meet ~ v s P a s n q a teaching at the highway wl ontesre e m xcigmtryle u op*a Saturday Sept. 17 ~schooi. New teachers at ti adw the sre c oeectn oocce~e D ISO North Courtice School are Mr. Comolexion is bad, due ta contests, which lasted from A LusU, Principal, and Miss RO- dry skin about 1:30 p.rn. ta 5 p.m. geEU Friday: Aduitl 0 hlrnFe Igers in Grade 4. But inm awfuly well for Another route is north an audy At Genera! Exhibition' Miss Eaton is staying with the shape I'm in. the Manvers Road ta Leskard,. Three iinfiehd errors in the, Ladies' final, Monday nigîit then nrthwes, throgh eith inning nbe Pear-1 at the Central School dia- Sard : Auts7chlre25 ilarnes Eacin - N'1Mr. and Mrs. Grant Herran Dentures drive me crazy, big gravel pit ta the Raceway. son's Srnoke Shop ta score a i mond. The vîctory, second in i Children r e colaeFe garnss acin Miway accornpanied by Mr'. and Mrs. I'm restless at night There is also a route fromn the single run ta defeat Millbrook overtime on borne grounds, Francis Johbnston, Enniskillen, And in the morning I sure Tyrone direction. 6-5 in te thrd game of the gave the Pearson club. a 2-1 spent their bolîdays tauring am a sight, In October, il is planned ____________ .1 *the United States down thro- Memory's failing, heads in to have the first motarcycle ~ Satur ay Nign ~>ance ugh te Mini. sena e a spin, patchylvn road race on this praperty, Saur ay N gh D nc rs A ilin setI fw I'm atcl iigOthe track is being bulldozed days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Aspirin, out, now. AT SKEENA Osborne, Hamilton.Rbrtn But I'm awfully well for Apparently, what we saw an Mr.an Mrs. 0 oeto the shape I'm in. Labour Day, was not matai'- ADMISSION - $1.50 COUPLE and Carabe spent their hall- yl aig u rm- ONE-STOP BANK N days at Stoney Lake. The moral is, as this tale cl" elcig, bt "sramb- Mr.an Mr. .Thats, u for auad ewacal] il, it is a dangerous pas- Thatfor ou ad me whotime, punishing ta the riders, are growing aid,' and tUeir machines and tUrili- It is better ta say "I'm fine" ing for tUe spectatars. The .....wthaernB won't be long. In one bEfvito slca M.n t tl v ry n I course" w a lid ot over Thanta tl] eeryoe ofsharp knolls and hollows, with Ah hpew rei.haîr-pin turns, rigbt in the t~G # ÎCS av e mdde af a cow pasture, and ftE.onby defined by a single strand vle edn moncy roud hewold -~ of rope on stakes, with a few D C a sh M ixed - gu colorcd pennants at the worst He can handie oema corners. Nobody got seriaus- I y hurt although there were ein way because only O pensnicnta a chartereaddmabanka Opens H re ne pad amayer provides a ful range of Lnigsrvcs i lus a ride in an ambulance, Sept. 9th Eut appeared ta just have a under one roof. -------Executive: President-Duke occasions, cantest a n t s got Da-n day-out, in more thn480bacs Brunt; Vice-Pres.--Art Spicer; stranded on a low stane pile, yî,~ ySecretary-Hilda Brock; Treas. decorated with pine stumps. inanaabtk c' koindr -Gard Wilcox; Trustee-Dorci At present, there is no grand- aa utuesaemîgeaîs Mutton.i stand- you just park yaur ptigvlalsit aeydpstbxs Luxton, Marg. WelsU, Mel werv crya ayrdr,~~ ~IUIf~ft umWiseman. and officiais as cash cur;tor UULV K D NI ANo. 8-Capt. Pat Yeo, Narmi ers, perhaps due ta poor mark- O'Rourke, Fred Luxton. Ess'iel auebsgvnu w OAST lb ~ ( KU~I l ( x, Aura Trewin, Helen Park. eartoeyes, aivndust arÂku Tbompon, Doe Muttr, w o d Ucarand eemor t4 SANSS LC/IRMATc No. 9-Capt. Doue Brunt, anc tangue, ta tUe en d thati1 4 W obt. Glanville, Marie Yea, than we speak.--Socrates. Iav*. frying, roasting and broiling Marion Wiseman. I ~No. 10-Capt. Joe Nowlan' There are books af which EN Oven-Ready, Graé& A lb3I 9 Matt Harrisg, Madge Hodgson, the backs and cavers are by * Ji(ENS 39<y Teton, Uoeen fartheesesparts. Charles 10-M Pkg Chrls.Dickens. .a Ch 45c IFîrst Sehedule . i A Aunn - ' - - sept. P 16 23 30 Oct. 7 14 21 28 Nov. 4 il 18 25 Dec. 2 9 , S u p e MN a rk e ts- '11Ivys i . 3;-4 5-6 1-8 -2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 4- 7 6- 9 8- 1 10- 3 3- 6 à- 7-10 2- 9 10- 5 2- 7 9- 4 1- 6 6- 8 10- 1 3- 5 9- 7 5- 4 9- 3 1- 7 8- 2 7- 3 1- 5 6- 2 4-10 2-10 7- 6 4- 8 9- 5 9- 1 8-10 23 6- 4 8- 7 6- 5 10- 9 2 -1 3-10 1- 8 2- 5 7- 4 9- 2 10- 7 1 -4 6- 3 6- 1 4- 9 8- 3 5-10 7- 9 ô-3 4- 2 8- 6 9-W0 9-10 5- 2, 4- 1 3- 8 2- 4 10- 6 8- 9 7- 5 4- 3 9- 6 8- 5 1 w RUESAy~ EPT.Sth, 1960 - Tm CANADIAN STATESMAX, BowitANVRJ.& ONTARIO - PAGI NIN