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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1960, p. 11

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Y, S E P T. athr i %;96£ n dS LT~JJ U A T E S U A I . 5 0W M AN V IL L E, i Hammning Men, Bill Pow- lies soiCly with thaf anc en- - cl; Ladies- Ethel Attridge; dal nbn whose 'il-temp _r Neck Tie Confsf- Rets and caused him ta acf befone lie Cliii Flintoif; Shoe Kicking-. ieanned flie trufli ai the mat- Ladies, Jean Galiogley; Men, fer. Ran Powell; BaIl Throw- ANwateFn Ladies, Gloria Flintofi: Men ANwateFn lIon Powell; Shoe Scramble... S IJC E S S exta mozey 0 seze at OportuityfGirls, Judy Powell; Boys,S L M SUCC SS i exra MPWYtO eiZeMt ppotuniy! ackand Hazel Craga wce chose tliead flic picnic RAVE YOU ENOUGH EXTRA MONEY? Men who are earnmng no Mare than yauhaenext year. If was decided fa A number af aur youngi u havhld if again on tflifunt h people accampanied the bus" the means ta take advantage af opportunity. Thcy have if because their savings, Sunday ai August af Waltana load ai Junior Farmens to Ta- I the educatian of their children. their future financial security and the security ao Park at 3:00 Pm aranto fa sec '"Ben Hur", last' tlieir families have already been Iooked after by unconditionazly guaranleed L1E Friday evening. INSURANCE. These men can afford ta seize oppotunity. And, if for some reasan Mn. and Mrs. Farewell Black-j they need even more money, they can borrow on th&i insuranoe. ... and 8till knaw burn and family wene Suncliay that the family's future is seue visitons wîth Mn. and Mrs.l flow about you? If yau don't have enogh extra money . .. maybe it's because Mn. Ronald Welsli is attend- you don't awn enou g/ LIFE INSURANCE witb valuable savingfl feature. Look into t ing Provincial Junior Farm- YoUn LIFE INSURANCE man is a moot important person to talk ta on yaur road ito A330 n'Cm fLk oci UC e sbsitt.cbing, this week. tu We weloemne Dr. and Mns. Ther isno ubsitue fo Uf InurecelNavotny ta aur community. .~ uer .or 1hjT hey h av e p u rch as d flic p ro- Ifyou w;ant success you need EXTRA MONEY to seize opportun iy... CONFIDENCE inIL perty ai Mn. and Mrs. O., yourself and your future . .. SECURITY to gitie You freedoms of mind. And in the laler Hertzberg who have taken up, years, tihen vou'Il appreciate it the mos!. LEISI'RE to enjoy the rewlards of YouracJzieve-SE residence in Port Hope. 1 ment. These are the ingredients of success. These are te things tai LIFE INSURANcE School oPened an Tuesday - con help to gire you. Wifh Miss Ruby Bragg in A charge oi senior room and. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Mrs. Abraham in charge af, junior room.L There were 14, beginners. Mosport E J To Specaki Goron gne, Eilo w....Uv'...On Ambi'i ii Grdo Agnw, difr Phne 621 Newcastle- Next Wednt dyening, citizens of Ne, il Age sye castie are invited to the Lic Room at the communîty h îJ F0rptas tic Electronic Machines Erl 1 ta ear P dtaiols fteh F or S IioolSpeaker will be John W For Sch olson, xutv secretary of I' Demonstrated at Lions Club Oenngbganwor on ihls e organizatianhihelastoie By Bell Telephone Speaker baNewcasteTwo hundred WESLI Newcastle-. The Newcastle can do, no machine has been when the programming a off ta school inth village o Lions Club held their first built which can think, or take been completed. Tuesday morning to fi the At a meeting of the sessio: e dînner meeting of the fall the initiative itself. Machines seven roomns in the school. of this church on the la season in the Lions raom of are stili dependent an man's Mr. Forester had two mach- There was an increase over Monday evening in August the community hall on Thurs- brain for creative thinking. mnes with him ta demonstrate the number of pupils who left the home of E. Barrowcloui day evening with Vice Presi- He said once memory and la what cou]d be done with a the school in June but was the the following were preser det Lion Frank Hoar open-1 gic are built into a machine- machine. With one hie dem- samne number as those enrolled Mesdames L. Holdaway,, img the meeting.! it can do the work in much onstrated a card trick where in September of 1959. Thorndyke, E. Barrowclouj After a delicîous dînner; less time that a human being. hie asked one of the members The anly new teacher an and Messrs. Percy Snell ai served by members af the I The speaker said there are ta draw a card from a pack the staff this year is Mrs. Clarence Nichols, with tl Evening Branch of St. Geor-j now more than 60 million tele- sa that neither the aperator George Patton who is teach- Rev. E. K. Norman presidir ges' Woman's Auxiliary, Lion ' phones on the North Amner- or the machine could sec the- ing the pupils in grade 7. Mr. As the annîversary service Ken Stephenson introduced; can continent. When the pre- card wvhich was shown ta the and Mrs. Patton have moved for this year were hcldi the guest speaker, E. C. Forc- sent long distance dialing' members ai the club. Aften ta the village recently and June, a Thankoffering on]ý sten, ai the Bell Telephonef system is completcd. a persan feeding certain numbers ta are living in the apartment is planned for Thanksgivi Company in Toronto. z-ic told; will be able ta dial any num- the machine, it came up with above Quinney's new barber Sunday. Activities for t, the members af the many ad-î ber, anywhene on the contin-i the name of the card. In ana- shop on King Street. Mr. Pat- young people were discusse vances in clectronics in this cnt, and within 15 second-, the ther case hie had a machinei ton is a teacher in Part Hope. and tentative plans made. modern age and how thcy are, phone caled wili be ringing with a hand and when hie Following is the ennolment Many changes greet th affecting lufe in business and and this without any operator pressed the button the lid O of a students by rooms. Room school apening an Sept.i the home. help. He said it takies manths the case lifted, the hand came 1, 35 pupils, teachen, Mrs. For the first time in mar Mr. Forester said though for men to program the rues'ou, reachcd dawn and pressed Munno; Room 2, 31 pupils, years, Wcsleyvilie wiil hav machines had been buiit ta do! in a machine which the mach-' the button, again returned in-1 teachen Mrs. Nesbitt; om3 eiettahr r.Fe almost everything that man i ime will handle in seconds ta the case and the lid closed. 26 pupils, teacher Roam 3, - anresident e hers. Frhe The speaker told af an cI- idan; Room 4, 30 pupils, tea- Jean will be living in agpar ectoni ktchnnow in thelcher Mrs. Martin; Room 5, 32 ai the Thorndyke home. Thi expeimental stage which, pupils, Mrs. Stapleton teachen; bouse was divided for th~ Iwhen completed and the but- Room 6, 33 pupils, Mrs. Pat- same purpase about 1912 wvhc recipe, prepare the ingned- pupils, teacher Mr. Munro. lived there. 1 ents, put themn in the aven, Mns. Murray Payne will b LJ>eronal1 tunn on the stove until the Fie teaching at Port Granby. ineal is cooked, turn off the Ir In hs daysofr*-ho 1. o ; l a d 9 e s n l stove and put the fod on theW e nd F activities away frope-scoc S ocia anc1table. He said this machine Hels .theal finst day af schoîisn Friends ai Mrs. Envin At- Mns. Hoskin. still in the experimental stage. th e fearsome adventure it ancý Jcdnson wîu nbe gIaa ta itnol w Mvrs. Winnifred Rowe ai Mr. Foresten said odr H 1sC e nUPw, nevertheless it is quiti iihe is home fromn a success- London was a recent guest1 fui Machines are coming in a fonward step aiong life: ful apenation in Bowmanville with Miss B. S. McIntosh. 1 the future and nothing seems te ir road and Robert Dinner anc Memonial ospital.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hillierlimpossible. He said sa far, MasaWie retet Mns. Paul Shetier, Cheryl, spent last week at the cottage1 man is in contrai of the mach- happy littie folk hene thi! Wendy and Lînda of Oshawa:, ai Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ste- ine but hie hates ta think what Newcastle-. The local vol- year. Gien Clarke and Pau spent a few days with her I phenson near 'Belleville. might happen if electronîc unteer firemen were called' Austin leave the home schoc, parents, Mn. and Mns. Ed. Mr. Stanley Otton of Ton- machines wene able ta do1 out on Satunday evening and begin eventful higli scho Pwel and with Mn. and Mns. onto was a weekend guest creative thinking and were na around 7 p.m. ta cnriady.BniMreadPa Cliii Flintaif and Mr. and with Miss. Olive Thonne. longer under man's contraI. blaze ai unknown onigin on Austin are entering thein lasi Mr. ta Pwel.the Department af Highways year at school, and we wish Mrs. tan Pwell.Harold and Dale Powelli The thanks ai the club was property between the CNR everyone the success thai Mn. and Mns. H. C. Dennis spent a few days visiting with1 expnessed ta Mn. Farester fanr tnacks and highway 401, cames from happy work. spent the weekend in Oshawa Mrs. Paul Shetler and Wendy 'bis most interesting and in- known as the old Dudley Bill Barrawclough who haq visiting with Mn. and Mrs. AI- in Oshawa. formative talk by Lion George farm where the old barn and grauated, is considering en- den Pollard. Mn. Alan Lockhart spent Walton who presented a small hcen house were campleteîy tening the world of industn3 Mrs. R. G. Wright of Ton- the weekend visiting with his gift ta the speaker as a mem- destroyed, and the fine trav- for a time at Ieast. Donna onto, is visiting with hen sis- sister Miss Ethel Lockhart. enta ai his visit ta the club. elling thraugh the long dry Oughtred begins training for teMrs. P.F.ordo s]ey Mr.tand h r.dnenaie osha wcre Lion President Harny Jase grass and weeds threatened a a cancer in nursing at the Ton. Wednsday. Fo r hlidy einducts 0 f n. a aMns. DIk conducted a short business field ai ripe grain owncd by onto Genenal hospital on Sep- Winipcg hcreashe wyi be AnderonfatrPioncer Ctg. i meeting during which reports Newton Selby. tember l4th. We wish them Wising whert he cv. J. AndrS orn iontePerstan .were given by the members It will be remembered the bath succcss too. visiingwit th Re. J anýSo e ihositale er ai fthe barbecue committe bouse an thîs prapenty was On Thunsday aitennoon, - drînedMn.Jahnton' ga thecanivai amite 'n bumned last spring by district Sharon and Linda Thorndyke, tan wMi.e thne n' the n omite n tankATLE rs. R B. niscereai Ren- report aiflthc last directons' firemen in a practice exercise, Gwennie Ford, Barbara Dmn- Mrs.-Rmeetingiwhichofccommended but the aid barn and hien- nen, Cheryl and Robyn Clan- jum le ircw visiting with lier dau- the club conduct a Thanks- bouse wcne leit standing until ke, Gloria, Joan and Rut h NEMORIAL ghter andl son-in-law, Mr. and 1iigTre ho nSt Saturday. The barn bad last Nichais, Jennifen Payne. spent NE O TL Mrs. Gardon Agnew. fýdy Actomo-8hliAs noof samne years aga in a a iew hours playing withi Lau- LM.adMsS.Simpson ai una ctobr.iîh Bratirdand Mn Grne tonwa passed by the club1 windstormn and has neyer rel and Danys Hill ai Port LIBRARY n M. are accepting the recammendation been touched since, the hay Hope who are visiting thein LIB AR i CawekenofisTirnth Mpn. ane ai the dinectars and a cam- was stili in the lait. The whole aunt, Mrs. E. B,1rrowc1nu'ýh. weeknd isiing ithMr.andmittee wiîî stant preparations propenty including the large Affer iinding almost ail the HOURS Mrs. Jesse Allen and Isabel. ion this shoot ta be licld solid home, had been allowcd freasurers named in a scavan- IMn. and Mrs. Chas. Megit Thanksgivin g wcekend. ta go ta rack and ruin during gen hunt, flic girls made card- Commencing Sept. 6 t h visited in Oshawa on Sunday tlic past several years. board -holders for coins and witli Mn. and Mrs. Robent Wil- Lion President Harry Jase Firemen wonked fon mare TUESDAY 4 ta 6 p.m. Iliams and family. lreparted that on request ai than two houns bringing the TH R D Y 4 t p m ess ay e M gt a dI h u lc H aih N re h Sfn8n e o tri a d w r THURDAY to 6p.m.Peter Lake spent the weekend had supplied transportation on 1 called back again ion anothen v 8 o 1 P in T oron to v isifin g w ith M n. b eh ali ai th e clu b fan a local h o u r n ear m id n igh f w h en tlic SATURDAY 8 to 10 and Mns. Nina Martina and m ran ta Oshawa for medical fine broke out again. family and attended lie CNE. 1 xamination. The firemen had previausiy been called ta this pnoperty Newcautle Fans ObJeet on Friday, August 26th, ta ex- tinguish a blaze and the cause Dean Editor: hs nat been detenmined in In regard ta the write-up' either case. in the Kendal column ai the Statesman last wcek about thec fracas that took place ai- fer the game, the Newcastle Powell"Sfans would like ta sec the facts printed instead of the mnisin- To begiin with, the water, Ï111,pai, which caused the ouf- At W altona break was given ta a New castle player by the we', The descen dents ai Thomas son ta use ta fill up his car and Elizabeth Powell held a whichi had broken down en- family picnic at Waltona route fa the game. This boy Park, Newcastle, Ont., Sun. cither didn't get s chance ta Aug. 28. Abaut 110 sat down explain ta his Dad w uhy ifws Specials! Save 17c! Ideal for Sandwiches, Salads, etc. Boston - Corned - 12 oz. tin Outstanding Value! Delicious on Toast! Kraft - Pure - Orange - 9 oz. jar New Season's Pack! Ideal for Children's Lunches Aylmer - Condensed - 10 oz. tin Tomato Soup lic Orange - Pineapple - ExcePtional Value! Crisp and Crunchy Aylmer - 16 oz. jar Sweet Gherkins Children Love It In Sandwiches! Club House - 16 oz. Ice Box Jar Peainut Butter 48 oz. tin Greeni Giant Brand Fancy- 14 oz. tini Niblets Coirn 2 for 3.5c Makes a Delicious Cup of Tea! Salada - Orange Pekoe Tea Bugs pkg.of 60 75c Handy for Cold Plate, Sandwiches Lunchean Meat - 12 oz. tin Kam, KIik & Prem 4 forl.00 Add Variety to Your Table Gattuso - Large - 8 oz. jar 29 c Manzanilla Olives 13c Maca roons -mi> 11)E (IFIlmLW TN SOHOOL à% .4w E duid to Mo eyahd l ge 0115 lm bg 3"9cl BUY A BOOK-A-WEEKI LU merchandise sold nt your Doisninomî STortLd. is unconditin-ai~v guaranteed to give 100% Satisfaction Beans with Pork I2 for 3,5c New Low Price! Bake a Raisin Pie Australian Seedless 2 lb. cello bag Sultana Raisins 49c BAKERY FEATURES Always Fresh! Only at Dominion Country Girl - 20 oz. pie th PrtRoAebad t h exhibition on Tliursday. PtheoPr Exec tiveThere' has been mucli corn- * l in, and going this atweP nso in N ew castl before everYne settes down Pe so Plan r. ad Ms.ForrllFarh OSand famnilY returned on 'o a mers :ious .'ro ec'E Wednesday evening from a Toronto, Aug. 30- Ontario: ie - p e ar n h t a k f rm afor trip fa flic U nited Sta.. F d at o ai A r c l u e e - pnac ing flcthae or auto tes; W anda F rd spent som e me mer t a ayf rios ldta e !I w - r a c i n g , f f i i s t s t e p i n t h e t i m e w i t h M r . a n d M s . W l i e m b e r t o a n y p l a n f o r 1 ons ambitius plan. b i Pat H p. a h i cf anden, a a emb r mee îl This m eeting on W dn sday tage a f Rice Lake; M rs. Cla - ing in To nt. he p p s d u g e a t 8 : 1 5 h a s b e e n a n a n g d b y e n c e N i h o l s a n d s o n s w c e nl f y p ls, a t a n i s d e s e ,.ta f 1 1 int N ew castle Cham ber af Com - n W sf eToan fi as lc r o m nto.nTeds ai man merce and will be a golden weekend in August, V he mar emewhn tne astfave 'i p.o p p r t u n t y f o r v i l l a g e r e s i - A u s t i n w a s w i t h l e r s s e a l a n e n i n o e e - lic dents ta hean an up-to-date Helen, Mrs. Doug Jarvîs iflernt pa yns ionlp flein 'ck repart on wliaf wiil happen Cobourg ionrflic week; Mn. thein advanced ycans. If iarm- 'cf. in flic ares during flic nexf and Mrs. H. Barnowclougli ens give full support fa thisý aobh few yeans. visifed with sevenal members pragram, promotion and seli- ai licMcKy imii attheing casf s will likely be veury; ~" * Ehome ai Mr. and Mns. Gea. low and the annuity will be an Morton, Orono, on Sunday: exfremely attractive savings E Y V IL L Mn. and Mrs. E. Barrawclough plan. osbegan a collection of one cent at Mn. Chas. Huntingtan's Tepooa si hei 'ns ~~~~~Whitehead's corners also on Th prosil nfrc ast pieces wifli a view fa brînging Sun day aitennoon; Mn. and parts: one, an unnegisteredIý af if back next year complefed M ns. Grenville Flett ai Fene- plan whicli a farmer cnbri gl fom100191 Ian Falls visited with flic raw against, on convert fa cash 'f: Aten living in Wesleyville Thorndyke iamily on Manday; if the need arises. The un-: A. 1 ion 22 years, Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and Mns. Ernest Sîsyton regîstercd plan wîll be prefer- 1 ig Clem Parnell have moved fa ai Avoca, New York, spent able ta most farmers, but a I rid a hause nearen tawn. Seven a couple ai days last week higli incarne farmer may pre-, te ai flic ciglf childrcn camplefed wifli Mn. and Mrs. R. Best. ng. their public sehool educat ion There was a mucli betten by the W.A. group led by es here and flic youngest, Jim- affendance af Sunday Schoal Mns. Clarence Nichais and by in mie, will be atfending Part on Sunday marning, with fthc Leonard Oughtned. Y, Bnitain this yean. Miss Perret supenintendent in change. Su- 'ig is retunring fa that school for sanne Eyden nead flic monning Mn. Hincock ai Nelson, B.C., he anothen year. scriptune. Rev. E. K. Nonman's lias maonoed ta Ontariaiono md Donna Oughtned was the sermon was in honour ai some weeks' holidays and lias guest ai hanaun at a ging Canada's wokers and workers been visiting witli is daugl- heaway party held at the home flic world ve. A man's pride fer, Mrs. John Walter. ailo Marie Austin an Thursday mn wonk well dane is a tanice Muriel Austin arrived home' ny aitennoon, and those present ion himseli. There was a good by plane irom a fwa weeks' ve wlio are members aiflien Sun- affendance fa join in tfel-'vacation in British Columbia. e- day School class pnesented lowsbip ai wanship. fa hean a wliere she thoraughly enjoyed mnr lier witli a travelling dlock. gad sermon and enjay the flic sceneny, including fliat af rt Bull Barowelaugl was with very ovely iowers supplied iovly Vancouver Island. lis le ni rdi FADE SERVICE DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Eemoved Free ct Charge lannediate 24-Ht. Service Ask Tour Operator For ZEnilh 66550 No ToU Charge' Nih Peceni - Peterborougb Everyday Low Price, Makes a Delicious Cake! New! Country Kitchen Style - Betty Crockcr White, Devil's Food, Honey Spice, Yellow, Marble or Chocolate - Malt - 19 oz. pkg. Cut Bread Costs! White - Sliced - 24 oz. loaf ;c c Ec c Delicious Dessert! 1 Horsey - SECTIONS - 15 o& Utn Just Heat and Serve! Clark's - 15 oz. tini Irish Stew Bee Rive - For Extra Energy - 2 lb. tini Evaporated MiIk - 16 oz. tin Carnation ldeal for Quick Lunches! Heinz - Cooked - 15 oz. tUn Spaghetti 33 3 for 44g S 20o3 Fra asin ieat3-9c Foracstcreat- ns -Pkg. of 18 Fresh ro39c Frcsh Daily - U's - Ileaping 6 qt. basket Ontailo Grown - 4 qt. basket Tomatoes 45c Potatees 'Values effective in Bowrnanville until cloglug tius Saturday, September lOth, *1960 DOMINION STORES UMITED 1~ . ONTAIUO SI I '1 'I f 'r c t.. i Jate H-atInd Serveauc '.5 .5 's -f PAGIRELEVEMM fer a registered plan. Under a registered plan, it- farmer can save 10 per cent af hia grass taxable incarne up fa a maximum ai $2,500.00 per year, and deducf it froni lis grass incarne for fax purposes. If lic dies befane lis annuitv begins, lis estafe will psy only 15 per cent tax and flic death benefit. Even though hle may have saved a mucli greater r >.e aif tax on lis contributions. ;e cannat bornow an bis savings or convent fliem ta cash except under a severe fax penalty. The third part is ta have ane - registcned plan and onc un- regisfcred plan. Prermu n anflicannulty will ,vary accarding ta âge and ftle ramaunt taken ouf. OFA mcm- !bers appravcd a motion asking !Ca-operatons Insurance As- sociation fa set up fthc plan and give full support fa if in en- couraging farmers ta partici- pate. Members alIs o discussed- membership pnablems aý n d. iplans for flic OFA annual- meeting fa lic beld October 31, m 5 SEPT. 8th, 1960 9mm eAlgArffain MpAumeo»àm 19C 19 si obi slio391

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