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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1960, p. 1

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Statesman ?7i Telephone MA 3-3303 ta Classifieci Deadline Tuesday. 4:3 0 Durham Ceunty's Great Fau.Iy Jeu 14~~~~~~~~5n imbua BOMNTLE NTcPeTrRTIV~'PWfW CoPY1 NUMBER 36 81 -More Pupils Enrol Inu'blic Schools Here For'Big Total of 1,454 There are 1,454 pupils en-1this morning that the list bas rolled in the four Bowmanvilîe I fot been taken Sa far, as the Publie Sehools this autumn, 811 students are stili being moved more than last year, when thelabout. botal enroliment was 1,373. 1 Courtice High School pupils Central School bas 429 stu- attend ini the morning shift dents from Kindergarten Uplfrom eight o'clock until 12:40 to and including Grade 8.1p.m. Bowmanville students go Lord Elgin has 209 childrenIto the afternoon shift at theý from Kindergarten up ta and High School from one o'clock including Grade 5. Ontaria until 5:40. There is a- 15 Street Sehool has 403 PuPils'minute break once during each from Kindergarten up ta, andishift The cafeteria opens at including Grade 8. The num-i 12:40) p.m. for meals. ber of children attendin g Vin. ________ cent Massey School from Kind- ergarten Up to and includingý Grade 7 numbers 413. K n a ly The total enroliment is not! e d l ly nonyet at Bowmanvi1e~, High School. It was reported v eic r eo Graduates Salurday 1:30 Kendal and Welcome bail clubs wiii meet in the finals of the Rural Base- bail League on Saturday - afternoon at 1:30 in Ken- dai. This ivili be a double- header ini the best-of-five series. It is understood that on Monday evening Newcastle was eliirinated by the ex- ecutive in their series with Welcorne by faiiing ta field a team by 6:15 in Kendai earlier, thus award- ing that semi-final to IVel- e . . .. . . .corne. Two KiIIed MutoiiIn Accidents I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. On Wieekend Robert Mutton, Bowmanville,. was a member of the graduat- Mrs. Helen Robinson, R.R. ing class of Peterborough Civic: 1, Pontypool, died instantly Hospital. Miss Mutton, who from a fractured neck when The first sod is shown being turned for the construction of was winner of the prize for' she was struck by a car in Psychiatrie Nursing, was pre- Pontypool on Friday evening, the addition to Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, at a ceremony on sented with her award at the September 2nd at 10 o'clock. ýTuesday afternoon by Ivan Hobbs, Chairman of the Board of graduation exercises beld in Mrs. Robinson was pushing a!Directors of the hospital. Also pictured are the members of the St. Peter's School Auditorium, lawn mower east alang John l uilding omteherpsnaiv ftefur uicalis Peterborough, on Wednesday, Street, when she was bit by iomteterpeettvso h ormncphte August 31, 1960. a car driven by Herbert Cur-!un the hospîtal area, and two members of the hospital staff. Reading -Pot by Parks (Continued on page seven) Ifrom lef t to right: Glenholme Hughes, Reeve Douglas Cunningham, Work Starts Immediately khairman Turns First Sod Me morial Hospital Wîng On Tuesday afternoon at part in the sod turning cere- five-thirty 'clock Ivan Hobbs, mony were: Mayor Wilfrid chairman of the Board af Carruthers, Bowman v il11 e; Directors of Memorial Hos- Reeve Garnet Rickard, Dar- pital, Bawmanville, turned 'lington Township, Reeve Earl the fiîrst sad in preparation Walkey, Clarke Township, and Ïar the building of the new Reeve Douglas Cunningham, tlirce storied addition ta the Newcastle. haspital. Work Starts Wednesday Harry V. Cryderman, chair- "The work of building the man of the Building Cominit- new wing of the hospital wil tee was in charge of the im- start tomorrow", Mr. Cryder- pressive ceremany and repre- man told those present. Heý sentatives. of the four muni- welcomned ail attending the cipalities in the baspital dis- ceremany, and said he was trict participated. pleased because the large The weather was sunny for, turn-aut was an indication of the happy occasion, ai-d in ad-, interest in the bospital's wel- * nta the members of the fare. of Directors, of the Wo- He stated that it is more sHospital Auxiliary, and, than two years since the build- the hospital staff, quite a;i ing committee was farmed, crowd hart gathered ta watch and said he felt proud that the proceedings. I the plans and efforts afi ah The representatives of the i concerned had reached the fourmunicipalities wha taok (Continued on page thirteen). Th ieves Atlem pi Break-mns Two more atteînptedl break-mns occurred this week, according to Chief of Police Bernard Kitney. Back doors at bath the Library and McNulty's Sports & Cycle hadl been tampered with, but the would-be thieves did flot enter the buildings. It wili be recalled that. the Nich- olas - Martyn barber shop in the sanie area ivas broken into the previous weekend. Newcastle Woman Wins Prize I . For the second time i.n the "Home of the Week" contest, a Newcastle ) me was shown in last week's advertisemcnt. The winncr who rccognized photo and appeared at The Statesman office early Thursday afternoon was f M sLawrence Gaines, formcriy Grace Woodward of Bownianvillc. She select- qthe envelope containig a copy of A. H. Sturrock & Sons' advertiscmcnt, ,*<~.titling her to a cheque for $5 payable ta that firm. Mrs. Gaines and Howard 'Sturrock were photographed aftcr they had completed their transactioni for a - delîvery af $5 worth of furnace ou. Incidentally, the big prize draw for the two Polaroid cýmeras is coming up fast. Ail merchants should send in their coupons before the l2th of September so the draw can take place on the lSth. O/3ts and1 ()ieces ' WHAT RESULTS - Last week we Iàýkd if any- one had information concerning the Royal Arcan- um organîzation. Our enquiry certainly brought resuits. Bill Quick telephoned Thursday evenlng, John Hynes of Tyrone brought us some more data on Friday and also showed us a pin of the group. E. W. Berrili provided stili further material. This organization functioned here as an insurance lodge sometime around the turn of the century. It is stili going strong in the United States and there is ani office in Montreal and Toronto. There were many local members. We suspect it may have met in ane of the rooms- over The Statesman t ~- j t t CLOCK AVAILABLE- With the changeover from borses to battery aperated trucks, the Glen Rae Dairy takes another major step forward this week. On Church St. we shall miss Sandy and Mr. Abernethy because our two-year-old fed the horse brcad every morning, but progress is pro- gress and costs are costs. Glen Rae had hoped ta have a photo of driver Clarence Devries wîth a hand cart on which he helped his father deliver milk in I-oland some years ago, but the photo didn't arrive in time. As a result of the new set- up, Glren Rae now has a special alarm dlock devîce available for someone. R. R. Stevens rigged it up 'way back about 1929 when they moved into town. The dlock wcnt off at 3:30 a.m. and triggered a catch which dumpcd the horses' food into their trough. As they take about an hour to cat, it saved a man f rom being on duty. Now, the electric carts don't necd it so long as the power stays on to recharge their batteries. 1- t j- t BUZZING IN THIE TREES - Mel Dale of Mason & Dale has a real problem. While he and his wife were holidaying up north during August, a hor- of hornets buit a tremendous nest in the h -a--- nut trcc outsidc their kitchen door on George St. A quick look an Wcdncsday showed a structure over a foot wide and much deeper than that. Bec expert A] Fletcher cstimated there would be over 10,000 hornets in residence. He suggcstcd Me] leave thcm alone until the cold weathct- sets in, otherwise there could b considerable trouble. Thc Dales are making more extensive use of their fr-ont door these days. t t~ j NEW ORGANIZATION - Last Thursday even- ing, a group of business, professional and agri- cultural men, tcntativcly callcd Bowmanville Devclopment Association, met with council at the Flying Dutchman Hotel. Thcy outlîncd a proposai on which 'theSr have been working quîetly for some time, to set up a fully-scrviced area of good land available for ncw industry. They have been able ta obtain cammitmcnts from two local owncrs for set prices on the land which is east on thc Base Line near the old brick works. They also propose ta follow through by farming a company which would be able to finance construction of a factory bujilding should the nccd arise'. The group realîzes that the town must have industry or face ever-increasing taxes as residential growth con- tinus wihoutit. It could be the f irst positive step in a program toward rcvcrsing the taxation trend which lias been dcvcloping in recent years. RIGIIT IN CLOVER - Isaac Hardy of Solina had The Statesman staff flabbergastcd on Tuesday when he displayed a fuil-house of many-leaved claver. He hiad the complete set, ranging from four-leaved clover to eight-leaved. Thcy wcre located on his cousin's (Arthur Knight) farm at Goodwood. COUNCIL, To APPROVES SERVIC'E INDUSTI PROPOSAL. tIAL LAND Property Owners Pledge Fuir Prices on Good Land To Attract Industry Here A special meeting o Bow-lstated that ail members of manville Town Councl was c ouncîl believe that Bowman- held an Tuesday evening iniville needs more commercial the Town Hall ta consider ai and industrial development. request received from the Bow- Even with the Industrial Com- manville Development Associa- mission there has not been to tion. Ail members of council1 much progress as serviced land were present except Councillor is needed ta compete for in- Ken Nicks, chairman of the dustry with other centres, he Industrial Committee. pointed out. He showed a Fixed Prices for Land map of the area containing the A letter from the Bowman- (Cofltllued on page seven) ville Development Association was read. It informed council that the association had re- O o o F i ceived a letter from Bowbrook O o o F i Investment Limited offering to Th-is e k seli 20 acres of land east of, Simpson Avenue and south of sv ek d teBase Line ta industry a ta i * fixed price of $ 1,500 an acre L O tI~c t for three years. D ntM s t The BDA communication This weekend, the fair- also stated that an agreement goers of this area wili be is forthcoming from Glen Rae eonverging on Orono for Dairy ta seli 20 acres af land the annual Durham Cen- north of the Base Line and tral Agricultural Society's east of Simpson avenue at Fair. $1,000 an acre ta industry for There are rny new five years. features this year as well Wiii Forrn Comnpany as an extension of the Council was told by the tried and true attractions BDA that if the town will pro- such as horse racing, the vide services including sewer, drama, festival and the water, a new bridge and im- rnidway. This evening, provement ta the Base Line the drarnatic artists froni Road, the BDA has indicated Bowmainville will be in by a show of hands that it will action, presenting their form a company ta finance and one-act play "O0veriaid" construct factory buildings for which will bc directed by approved industries., Mrs. Robert Sheridan. Town Needs Industry Players include J e a n Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers Darch, Ken Hockin, Helen Neiles, Ted Farrow and Gregory Cooper. ee nsJack Reid tells us ta Puff'< race on Saturday when lady drivers wilI F or Ricflards' put their horses around the track la an unusual Speedy Bird Tej.-nly a e Newcastle; Harry Jase, Newcastle; Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, Mr .s. W. M. Morrison, Directress of Nursing; Reeve Earl Walkey, Clarke Township; Mrs. Charles Warren, Darlington; Mrs. Harold Gibson, Clarke; Harry V. Cryderman, Chairman of the Building Committee; ]Reeve Garnet Rickard, Darlington Township, and Stanley Wilkins, the Hospital Administrator. Fue fers Even Series VV ii L V V iiev <j ri Len Richard's pigeon won, tures. Thuyierenwilla-sb the third race in a row on the usual livestock judg- Saturday, leading the fieldl Ing, inside and outside from Burwash, a distance of1 displays, rnachinery ex- Fina G a m Ton ght 195 miles. This is five races hibits te keep every eus- Town League Softball play- whitewashed Surplus Sales'been first ta return ta his lotft. day afternoon. offs are ail tied up at two'8-0 with George Stephen go- Resuits were as follows: 1, Those pesky littie bnzz games apiece, with the end- ing the distance on the mound L. Richards; 2, C. Lemon; 3, bomb Go-Karts will also ail finals siated for Thursday for his team, handing out anly Mavin Bras.; 4, Bill White; put on a thrilliiig show night at 6:15 at Central School. five bits.i 5, G. White and 6. R. Fred- on Saturday in front of On Tuesday, Stephen Fuels Highîights of the game in-1 ericks. the Grandstand. cluded Ted Dadson's home run M o eC1s r o n and Laurie Garbe's homer' Midgets Play hog a window. Walkerton oSursdycaue teiAtCost of $200000 mirid ne te oseaut afteî' bigtwo Up at the start of Satu rday 2:30 the iadStpesh Requ ired i n Darlington itsed iesantephens behavd itaseeitaywl behar Eight additional classroomsj in readiness for- the opening Bowrnanville's unspon- _________ at an estimated cast of $200,1I of the sehools in the autumn sored Midget Basebail 000 will be needed ta accom-1 of next year. Club took off early Wcd- WINS GOLF TITLE modate Darlington students' To accede ta this request ncsday morning for Wal- Bob Jamieson, son of Mr. and by September 1961, Darling- wou]d mean a raise of about kerton where they were Mrs. Oscar Jamieson, Peter- ton Municipal Council was six or seven milîs in the school to play the first game of borough, and grandson af Mrs., informed at the meeting held taxes, Reeve Garnet Rickard the plibydown series yes- Herb Jamiesan, Bowmanville,! in the Township Hall, Hamp- stated. He also asserted that terday afternoon. icelebrated bis i7th birthday on! ton, on Thursday, September he dîd not think the board The Walkerton club ýSundaY and gave himsclf the- ist. This information was re- would be able ta build and will returni here on Sat- nicest birthday present ever".i ceived in a letter from the furnish eight classrooms for urday afternoon at 2:30 He won the eity golf champion- South Darlington Area Public $200,000. It was decided ta for the second garne at ship. Schoal Board. have the finance cammittee Vincent Massey grounds. It was pointed out that check into the matter and re- This group of young- I'RESENT ROADEO AWARDSý three mare raoms are needed'port ta council before the in- sters have displayed ex- Due ta the large number ofl at the Hampton Public Schaol, troductian of a By-Law for cellent ball ail seasan entries in the Kinsmen Bicycle three at the Salem School, and' such debentures. under Coach Bill Nichol- Roadea recently there were two by the Zion (Mitchell" son. They deserve a con- not enough crests and trophiesi Corners) Public Sehool. 1 PRIZE LIST NEXT WEEK siderable amount of sup- ta go around.i The letter contained a capy' Due ta receiving the prize part frorn Bowmaviile Those children who partici.! of a resolution asking the list of Blackstock Fair too late fans. Let's bc on hand îpated but did net receive their municipal cauncil ta sell de-:for this issue, it will appear Satiirday toe heer themu awards are requested ta bc at, bentures for $200,000 as soon in full in ncxt issue. It would along. The word is that Ithe Lions Centre at 10 a.m. as passible for $200,000 as soon be appreciated if exhibitors Wall-erton is also a very ]on Saturday, Septembci- 1Oth building of the required class- wauld advise us of any awards hot club. when they will be presented. roams may beginin time ta ee they have won at 'ther fairs. Cobourg Team Wins Nichols' Trophy There was a large turnout at the Lawn Bowling Foxhall of Cobourg shown here in the centre, flanked Club here last Wednesday evening when -the localqclub on the left by danor Luther Nichais whose son Doug sponsorcd a men's doubles tournament for the Luther 1came up from Kingston for the. tournamqn a.nd liichols' trophy. Winners were Bill Jiolmes and Viec sited ini the presentation. - - ~ ~ À n Chairman Turns Sod for New Hospital Wing lwLKualjiý 14 Paites l In- IM-- "--- BOWMANVILLL ONTARIO THURSDAY SIRPTFMRir 1 -11 a -ca

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