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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1960, p. 12

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THE CANADIAN STATRRMA1% IbOWMANVit-L-I 0ONTARIO NEW DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED T uesday. 4:30 p.m.' ADÃM5 MoickEvnt Noie rticles - or Sale Articles for Sale 1 For Rent Auction Sale Reacl Estat o ae elEttefrŠi ariai roud t o keyano M are n ekrt rndtrpTe Bu e tý i ant. an. T h9 eo y In sru -C OLEM A N space heater.37CO OIL space eter, 20. 60 Lib- M A IL -s f- -ntii ed r- A Co m nityS r y O tna 9SaRled ho e Wayne on Friday. Septemiber 3-3265. 36-2!Phonte MA 3-7246. 37-1 ýONE teeter-totter. Telephone!ONE Quaker space heater wvith,7- srngHaPotpo' 5 Room brickbnaoe ulsiebsmn.PoC 9, Mmoral Hspial.MA 3-3755. 37-1*,fan. Phone MA 3-3756. 37-1 * TWO rooms, suitable forioulea 1 Anyone wishing to. 325 B ow m anville. A brother for S p c 19B le C a, ' ib it , C-lin om e ng S pt 1 thvhoeeT rW ¯f r sa e32c pe -b 1 A E o t sr w , t re heaho e M A 3 2J7avnicklm rc a di Pof ye kiP n d tcaped lt. 1220raagan-e,_- Jaro.ine, Marlene, Debbie anda eerul S P ossible ohnsoreveoomnJac CO 3-2665. 3-125c baie. Tyrone, CO 3-24196. - n '6 Room ranchuglw t ewl elEÍÍ thi.1a e nver who- 1 ca;ll 36 h-LDu nn, CeMA r 3-5866.Ja37- D Sadenso-uniue3---2 -b h-ursedbd ol. Etislitdb ep1tce grg, 2 fielcs BISHOP onald ad BettyCanndin Orderof8Foreters PoDD ndA3-504. 37-f BATLET an Clpwothvsitting roon. MA 3Î-7201·. 1t ilh u nsl il Irec. room, hot wtrhaig26ars 0 okbe (nee McLeaon),areapp y to HadTimDancro e Si2t Msc rVca)- r,. .ON-agebd ihgodopears. E. lPassant, Duke St.:17-1 36-2 with oil, $17,00.Trs omfamCosbn an anne he ,arivapof LoiLeion Hi allBrce G.rrow 24atBeaton. L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M.,srn. hn A -77 Phone MA 3-3527. 3-*TilI•E: - roomeqd apartment.- - ehv os ouebna obegaae mlmn hd Jnoc te, .3osataMem oril Oestrn a. RBreshents will L.T.C.L., lhas a few vacancie's71 OUE -trailer 33' x 8', exce l..Pone MA 3-2115 or Oshiawa Furniture Sale--Property ofùos toMErostit coet aevi1,$600 HosptalBowmnvile, n Sa- b sered. 7-2for students. MA 3-7283. Glent condition, no reasoniable A5o 5 71S. O. ow anud, Sm mieeM. E.aLEAKraoal onpyet m Hordia,.Septmber 10t, o 196b0. -v.37237-2 GRL'S coat, with -Lr rcollar, fe rfsd hn ew1 imtomapartmnent u S. rnStraSetm elEtt rke eit ossin urAy siste orLary1. 316F0 t e+n o oma- FRCOPEE size 8. Phone MA 3-3400.7_ caste 2566e. Ph 37Ne- TIrwopeht.lh br17a :5.medo,65OaroS.BmnvleraecescoetoNcst, siserfo Laryale Drma Wi!zorfshop rnthis NewcPL 7If asl 26. 37 atle 26 71living-roomi, kitchen furniture, MArket3-99-uebakaraea LAMB--Donld an Jen ie aonDrdayrSeop tmeWTR o sl addeierdQUAKER space heater, in id- Nargeaquantity of carpenter's - bargam at $8,500. Terms (nee Beckett) are happy to -n- 22nd, Lions Centre. 8 p.m. All Cl lifPticC -2 131 ayck t oe water ftaIn-h<rom aatw Tetools be solfrs.m e.Jn10 ace nar Pntpol nounce the ar-rival of thýeir nterested are invited. 37-11-1M"' .' "f""" nnns ah orsre Jc lDRa EÍl rm os, otypatdi chosen son, William Charles. The Woman !is Society froni1SeBl rsn CRIB, good condition, usedc Phone MArt3-287.37-Vle oradlt. A3-tfieidarrisioneer Oono La-id6 i .Acrsln Ith7ro-Crsms]e550 3-*the R hlChristian Ri-- 26 CONCESSION ST. W. Sveears. lhalf price. .MArke ULeeerfoi-OW iinterti , lEATED apartmnent, 1threvrneIars lr. 3- dh e Lcadd sctsoehue a m, nu MAC LI -Cifor ad ety ome hre> flow aa ile M33-0482res evry7r ytom toe orronkiceett at t. Mr. A. Bcevan, Lot 21. Con. 3,1 Bowm-anville. O e o fe.gre ol donn col Mae happy tor anune the are planning to havec bazaar )ný ALSCO doors and windows, canning, $1.5 por bushel. . Apply Apt. 4, 63: King SIt WÀe4.te. Whith.'V Township, 1 mile east, 100 Acre farm oae er$,50 aytrs brt hapof tei snBarryEde aturday ine «- h day of Septi).'Fire - Theft - Auitomobile ,awnmiigs and sidings. Lorne C. VnBle mile vast of :m-iliof WhiIlby, is giv\ing up farm -Bethany, 80 acrs w ka e 6romhu .cla.grg, wrd, 7f heibs. %oz, B ony S at vile Onons Centre, Bowm Trvel - LfeAllin, MA 3-3871. 37-1* Bowmlanlle Ioe o.dFW -o s i- m ing, will sell by public auction, (excellent soi],1 ce h-N e, 1mienrho urday, September 10th, at Me- - - - 22-tf CORN slag-e at Stokely Van -7fiween.mai'Saudy et. 24 at 1 p.m.,iwood, 105' x35hi-ofd15 SlesetHgwa moriliHspialBowanvite.Spotsmn:mhenLonsClue _amppCaap Witb.aCntat LNDEL foageharostrahatedAAdltspreerrd. 1 eFegusn tactr an Fegusnabrndrie shd, tc. 9aoomneaster-avevnpayent A brother for Marlene. 37-1 of Newcastle will hold a Tur- Lin MemOr n DnBygo.3-* ihAx 5hp icninLbryS.Nrh 72ein pen, eesd sier,:l iied home,0trudr0rsue03 so ne key Shoot at Waltona Park, SEVEN aluminumn storms and motor, for use in forage or 1-Tgy-sensrnesadmlesAkn 1,0 ih$,0 AOD0 EWL MÚRPHY--Albert and Maur-iNewcastle, Ont., on Saturday, BONE--In loving memory Of screens, 2' 4" x 4' 4%j".like also shreddinlg stalks,iwheat, ill , huemeow ntr, aleth.Jc.Seills. cTiers down.reBroker een are grateful for the safe 8th October, 1960, at 2:00 p.m. ,my dear husband, Wilbert ROY new. MA 3-3394. 34-tf straw, etc, $000 or best offer. vnn able r.ltcneniceso. JaRi, ctione7-er. 92celfr,87arslokeNwatlnhne35 arrival of their son Brif-t Wil.. Shotguns and rifles. Ammuin- Bone, who passed away Sept.- - Edgar Wright, Enniiskillen. Ivai > et.1) I. Na col a rec ars lr. 37-21be1xclet sil 1am aemn son Murphy who arrived, at 8 ition will be supplied. 37-1,112.. 1959. GIRL'S nylon car coat wt hn CO 3-248'6. 37-1)ionei( Newcase2l. 3- ponds, L-shaped akbrJhcetiNwate33 lbs.1 onceon 3rd uch d t d o yur raveI otenwanerparka, excellent condition. Sizel HEIATED, 4-room apartmei(nt Mr. Evan Quantrill, Lot 26, water on tap, siloaaeec03 Memorial Hospital. 37-1* Sept. 20 acar8 p.m., Menorial n Ish thatyou culd ·PoeTEMAc3-3435. 37-* egistere o 1 wt 4pec ahnwlre-.o. .ark onhp is ooeioe ae ne Park Cubhous 1 ibety St peak, COMPLTE Scut uniorm, SED WHE5T5oni * nt no"" pply 10farm west of Kirby, hias sold his pressure. Asking ,00wt PICEL--ennan Aa S, wa nvillboue.LunchtywiliiBut I stand alone in silence, pairma' skates, size 7lý. Division St., Bowmianville. far ad will sell by publicl$5,000 down. E 0 (nCe AnisGaenhapy toa-.,be served . oornprize. Ad-And I picture you asleep. Pho10nemMA13 -3119 af ter 6. 37-1 and No. 1 37-1* auctiOn) on Thursday, Septem-; 40 Acre farm n N.15RATR nounice the birth ,of their son mission 50c. Proceeds forN n btGd ygie !ilCHINA cabinet¯--dininig-room THREE irooms and bath room, bet r15acto pm., Jhn Dere Higayr, aldrkairevebref sa &D at Memnorial Hospital on Wed-,CerebrlPlySho n know.. table, 4 chairs and iron bediGenesee Fall Wheaf all conveniences: ground floor, rator, trcPor thmachnry, bank bndrvshgrgeRaEtawBdtrict iesday, September 7th. Also 'Clinic. 37-1 ol adJýNor the loneliness that 1s and springs. Best offer. MA private entranices, ga r a M e.ýb2-ton t rk, Plymothcar, 9 tromed riack osrunna welcomed by Rae and Shirley. 1 - ---- -___ _mmne 3-3072. 37 1 Available October 1st Phone bledhyursrec.SewtefraeecTsin(0;cr amnrt fB w 3-*Woodview Commumity Centre As with the years I older grow, - A N IK R A334 il.Trmns cash. Jack Reid, $11,000 with 3,00 ow. -mniltutsrapd 37 -Monster B in go. Twenty My love will not lessen, or KEYS cut automatically, whi e actonerRaweneTari, 00AreCcaylomlad,63om1om4wt READ-Clayton and Audrey] games-twenty dollars; five decline. you wait, at Mason & Dale R.R. 4, BOWMUANVIIII iiAIARtMent, 3rosged.cek.3-lwtipinsvariokal.nuncgndrnin-ae (nee Hay) are happy to an-1games-thirty dollars: $150 --Lovingly remembered by his Hardware, 36 King St. E.,_ookiceetellreliig---Located near BEtay AkGodbr.$80.Tem noune th birh ofthei sonjackpoadtw akots at wife Elda. 37-1 Bowmanville. 46-if' MArket 3-7150rom modern bath, shower. Auction sale of household ing $6,500. Termsn1 cefr ih2sras on Saturday, September 10th i, $250). Door prizes. Nexti SAVE on lumber. direct fro 3-2 23 Temperance. do wntown f urrature,aniuscrel90Aesftieadwthtoeose ihctyo- 1960, at Civic Hospital, Peter- Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, BOUGHEN-In loving memory mill to you. PhilpLubr US ARVE! wmnille. 22-tf estate.T have receivedIstreami, approximaey5acsvnicsarean.Akg borouigh. A brother for .Robbie. -Oshawa. 46-tf of our dear husband and fath-ICo., Kinmount. Ont. Phone ýCLEAN. furnished apartmntt:: structionis fromn the executorstworkable, located2mlsls hn$1oe ce 37-1 The Beehive Rebekah Lodge er who passed away Septemn- 17 r 11.1-t HOLLAND BULBS bedroomi, sitting-room, kitchenýt of the estate of the late Walteri'north Taunton. Seu o n 0arswt ero Penny Sale will be held Fri-lber 12, 1956. aÖl eIo sdT e nd bath. Touchers or busý- Coombe to sel] by public auc-iformation. hmalmdr ovnecs SHARP-Ivan and marie areday, Sept. 23rd at Lions Com-!We have only your memory, fGor resonle prTcesTesmieýsspeople preferred. Apply tion, all hiouseý(hold effects1, 5 Roomed, well etbna:an2 0 od ae od to announce the birth of' munity Centre at 2:30. Salle dear father, Dutch ecant. 171 n SL The "e."-"vl.37-Plimany antiques, 1948 Chevroletilowwth attached aae l utbeVLA sig$100 their daughter Janet Irene on of home-cooking and candly. To remember our whole life Easut, Osehaa 11-t FURNISI ED or unfurnished sedan mn excellent shape, and modern convenienelctd$00do. September 7, 1960, at Memorial Door prizes. Afternoon tea,; through, the-omt--ayohe-rilsa---at- rn.Prc n ersa-Oon om rc os Hospital, Bowmanville. A sister,25c, served from 3 o'clock. But your memory will linger GIRL'S Fall clothes, size I0: EEG ES contaied Suibe"for Sl eiec mteVlaeofMl-rne.wihetabidiglt eta for Linda. 3- Draw at .8:00 for prizes on dis. forever !jacket. coat, dresses. s3weate,,ridcou Re or h b ar- brook, on Wednesday. Sept.1 5 Roomied homeaal oain,.1,0 ih$,0 -play from September 16 ati As we treasure the image of etc., also figure skates, size 3. gri r! .79 KirgiW.r u n1es 28th t 1:30.m.Rerm s ash. Groeb, sptlssodito,4von ngaCJenl.ents 14 King Street East( formerlyl you. iPhone MA 3-5718. 37-1*1 ROSES MA 3.3801. " 7INore iasee. R eEse-- priecebt, hrdwon tl omavleMoenbn Maher's). 3- -ieand Family. 37-1 COËFFEE -table, -electric blanket. HE-omdofc o eThýaersec t also eofere dior floomodrnkitn. ls ao ih aae ,0 Mr. and Mrs. MÝaurice J.;_never used: Oil-O-Mvatic oil el THRE-ra omedofiefohent, ghýasl subec t0 ooresere id, o scol. Akn 950wt esnbedw amn Conway of Bowmanville an- d -i cS of Thaniks COYLE-In loving memory ofi burner, good running condition. VnBel ard igcnllyloaed-et lighatdbrch 0romhue 200donaotaeanesdec noune th enggemnt o ther __ a ear ifeand othe ElzadPone A 35924 37-1 Hihw 2incldedde resonane rnt.withbathandfurnce, a ace 71oome hoe inNew-$1,00 fll pice eldest duherngridAdelia, he fmiy fhelae adeawCoyean w hsed awiay L e A -52. 3-* ha. 2MA 3-5757 Write Advertiser 69, c/o Theland. This excellent propertycastle with aillmdrco-Whaeaagesetinf to Robert Fairbairn Love, son'May Hamer would like to ex- September 16, 1954.AW Grass Seed--Start Fall BOWMAANVILLE ICanadian Statesman, P.O. Box on the corner of Ann andiveniences, immaclt o-frs cegs os oe of r. nd rs.Ros Loepress appreciation of the manyLooking back with memories atantmng now.. Buy the best 37-21190, Bowmnanville. .37-1iPrincess St. can be bought!dition, garage. Costomianbunee. Hensr.all n.Tewdigknnsç finds. nigh-RponsteLpatyou rod' edso est price at Stewart's SOR -frrent: 20 King Str-et worth the money. Terms 10% street. Price $9,00 itsml will take place in Ottawa, Ont., bors and relatives during their !I bless the hours I had with vavle 3--et(owNrhut&-mt)-dteo-ae-blnei 0 as onpamn.Cl en October 8th, 1960. 37-1 recent bereavement. 37* you GREEN chesterfield, opens as: - Ample storage with floor above le fra saeaot3pm omdbnao n1WLE RN iAnd leave the rest to God. bed, nearly new. Apply ati. and garage space and parking.. AndArmtong, cler2k; . cenlotwitpaahd grg,17Cuc t A339 wis t anonc te ngge wshtothnkthir many bad James and Coyle family. Newcastle. Phone 3606. 37-1*4-tre.-oseso January ¯---¯ d rc 500wt 1003- ment of their only daughter.friends, neighibors and rela- . LETRrÃieafs.o C ed 1st, 1961 L SeowneL.C TendesW ne down. Mary Anne Pearl, to Mr. Maur. tives for- the be-autifuil cards, GRAHAIM--In lovmng memory service to electrical appliances RPARE-OIVason, 30 King St. W. Phone --- 25 Roomed apartetbidiiy gdg !ce Grant Richards, son of Mr. flowers and ;its nd also all Of ia dear son and brother large and small. Lander Hard- COV R Office MA 3-5688; house 3-5553.: OnSHIPfof Ceatwreqightallsingsiablefr fmlislag andd rs.Ros Rihars.sheRtosehhoasss.e inany ayRobrt ame wh pased waywar.bPoneMA 3577eCOVERED 5-t tenersforheaingequpmen, olhfrnaeMAbahroos7i-4.AL STAE BOKE miarriage to take place on Sat ýon the occasion of the-ir 40th ýSeptember 17, 1959. 43-tf - nt n saltofrCrt tleec rc n em urday, October 8th, 1960. at wecdding anniversary. 37-1,One year has passed since that S kW td rgtTwshpHl taragd 20ar ar fr,6ro two o'clock in Triity, United'- day ýGÉÀDIOLUS and cut flowerspgcigl WOr anted Blackstock. Tender bids forl 11 Roomed brickhm nhue an an te tn Church. Bowmanville. 37-1 We wish to take this oppor- When one we loved wasifor all occasions. Daily hos- PR-ITE RCE B àÑr Pnl, igas orelectric heating units Bethany with furn, 3peecln,40ls ikqa tunity to thank the Enniskillený called away. 'pital delivery. Mrs. E. Passant, 72 Elgin St.. Phone MA 3-5518. ilb eevdu o1pm. ah unn'aeec; da e sfrifrain Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lapham Comnmunity for the gift of'God took him home, it was His omnil.Phn Aktg2-t:coe ,160 xhnea-house for nursinghoeHa 10acs-7romo of aml Cut, ntaio frm-moeyandpe ad pncl ets wil,3-3527. 37-2*1 TV andDUTCH lowance on present heating 'double garage. Asknç 1, 0x6,6 ce ok erl o Bomavileannounce given to Martha and Gordon. Within our hearts lhe liveth, FOR best in Aluminum__ oorsok by om an wihesAos-297umtn ispeqeso ted.n FRor eal emared. be.Pie 950.0 Trs the engagement of their on our departure from Ennis sil Wnos Riig adAn $150 off lisi o dy A3-0.anipe l ctocllatTon 5 Rom e lotnwhm 5ace ihflymdr daughter Margaret Emma. to kiIlen. !-Greatly mnissed by Mother,ý ing. Call Bowmnill oe3-1si alBaktcknNwoville, l odromebr33x8,ncstem Mr. Edward John Blake, ne.' Jean and Alvin Boyd 'Dad and Family. 37-1 Improvements. P h one M2 EXPERIENCED practical nurse Clerk, V. Malcolm. conveniences, hardodad2,0 hismstespatd phew of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- 371 ---- -253 -t BARRY LUCNE wul.ikmpoment. Phone 3- iofor.Grgeco rcdt el man Pinch. Bowmanville. Thle-- HACKSHAW--In loving me- t------i MA 3-3591. 37-1* ---15 acres land. Askn$05057ardiyfrm-2soe wedding will take place on We would Uke o- othank mory of our daughter Violet INSULTI oN, bl.Wo-lowneet M kGroeTV NW and repaiïrTENERS re igýhedmltino rueste oi with$3,500d own rm ose akbr,7 Saturday, October 15, 1960. infriends. neighbouirs and rela- who passed awa.y Sept. 13,od, with urck wol. ork- stŸ Brick and Mason co rac thOle demo ndaxlitiyofbiickgrs ig7 Roomed hoeo o2cnml ut.Ol 1500 Albert Street United Church, tives for their acts of kindness 19--8. mrsi aated reet-MA 3-2312 MA 3-5820 L.TurdneadaxiirnuligsHgwyeatrecslwthta on ---w, --:0 'lok.3- tri special tk tt PauPs mtIýeorieus btlaigpone Clarke 242.0. 99-tf RELIABLE middle-aged--mothi St., Bowmanville, Ont. Speci- Asking $6,000.mavle Alcoennes Deaths WA. ev al trner St ad Dr. Deh an eve aeaa OKbos n he tbr 71er desires afternoon or evening fications may be obtained from rce$250.0 HubbsiWa.,rdv .Trrad.iMeoes thcat will alwaysgin ricbo nie adback,7-1baby-sitting. Phone MA 3-5653. the office of Herbert G. Cole, Jh eWt ombnao ihgr DA-VIE--At Oshawa- General Tom and Effie Stewart. linger aillsizes. Bowmanville Sh o1 e 37.1 Achitct,111Simce S. S. • ge,3 acesnfdlad.ric Hospital o usaSp.1,3 *Wieuon this earth we Re,! pair, 80 King St. W., Bow- PLUMBING, heating. Fe Oshawa. Tenders are calledRelranGnraIsunc$70.0.Dw,1000. 1960, Anmie Gardner, in heri stay. mavile-EstofBomavileGNERAL estimates. Beatty Sales and o 'lc et 3 16,NwatePoe341SvrlhmsmOoo 90th year; wife of the late 1 take this oppor.tunlity, ofi-Sadly missed by mother andi Cleaners. 12t Service. Harvey Pýirtner. Oronlo and lowest or any tender will Donald Mountjoy, M -90Pie eyraoalvr Charles Davie, Toronto, and thanking my neighbors, friendls father. Mr. and Mrs. Udell. JHEARIÑG aid service. Tésig F R E E Z E R S 2723-tf o eesrlyb cetd Ross Davidson, BEtay323owdnpymts dear mother of Lorramne (Mvrs. andic relatives, also the Baptist ---service and complete stockz of, FANCY e mbroiderv, work donel ¯ L. A. PerraultCak 234ihay o Harol Wotten), Whitby: Mar- C-hurch for their acts onf kinid- IVES--In memory of our dear batteries and cords at Higgon w %ithl automiatic interior light on Huck Towelli1g. Christ-, PerSOnal"EatoBwmnie R st n 1IMu ray N e bigin a ndco nv lm i g an ome a 10 pa d d w o a S et 5a a ow a nLi ed 8 K ing t . A ja t m tie pStr o troE.,as li rtop ie rn.o ed p ap n PLUM B ER va ntd C e h n A k t 3 2 4 Funeral Home, 733 Mountmy operation. March 18, 1952. Fiberglass Insulationwmnie 37-2*isealed envelope with price list. w GaBylvenePon3MA3-3. Pleasant Road, Toronto. Serv-1 Mrs. Douglas Curl. iLovingly remembered by the BODOM-walt-alUnit and Food linsurance Six ape 5,2 apes te43.3-,.R Lvkn ecsl,30 ice to be held Friday, Sept. 16,1 37-1:: family. 37-1 or room size. Free esum2î_ mate a n De $.0BaeOre et -8 SNL on a, ultm'3- at -1:30 p.m. Interment Mount on wall-to-w7all Samples tk- M;de in Canada GENERAL CONTRACTOR Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- for shoe store. AplMae- - Pleasant Cemetery, Yonge St. ih to express mny thank-s MOORiE--nmeoyfVitrnout to your honme for colour 12 eu. ft. Chest - ----,39.0ik lc.Cnrt n lo, n -2So tr.3l 08 oa 37-1 to Doctors -Miklos and Slem1onj, Moore, who passed away Sept. ra td 71iStF17 cu. ft. Chest S'269.00, Carpentry M S A KITCHEN help, fl ie and the nurses and staff of 17,71956.giew.Work d R. NApply Fireside Bar-BQ ih ELO HARWELJaet .-Suanemoia Hsp tafrthirAdfhesttlyshpoesorM93701.3-t.2 c.ft es 31.0 POErketnd epairs Poesoa amRae a 1.1 ie ot fBx87 omnilO denly at the home of her sister kind care during nmy stay. To the Haven under tehGT t hejm nodmn2 c.f.Cet 8.07 Mill La -69CadRdeanAvie Nwcse.3-Ofcs Church St., Bowmanville, and get weillwishs vamished hand mates on 'Carhae lui-i1¾•- lditg . MA356 WedesdySeptemiber 7tSehe1oll And the sound of a voice that!'umi Doors and Windcows. You O lf OPNDrpan NAY anigontupuonee5KngS.W MA325 1960, Janet M. Hartwell, wio_w 37-1 is stilled. will be amnazed howr ecotinlmilW aR le nsVrrm1a..tap.. n Bowmanville wt h ag aro rc uglwi of Wiham artwll, herArt. Dad, Mom Morris and lthey are fo CwnEquip- . - awleigh l1 .Stmelcto.Fl aeet 60Oth year. Resedz Noth- I would liket- xrs maiv 7-1mn o,1 34 Ki S. E.ý, Bol- I Ly"@4-S 1mSTU7CCO AND NEW lWORPK PmeiteArie eQl eaig.Hrdod n s . jl PHOE A -74137tfrevrs cares 3-1 -49-tf step tables and continentalj King St. E. MA 3-72,181nw uidm, ode r e.tos. i beds at Laverty's B37-1 ýPHONE CLARKE 4721 welcome.Resnbertsdus.Hgcomsinadg$3,0..Trs OS-- ALL kinds of live poultry'1 REPA RSand rewinding, arm- Centre, 59 King St. W.,a a OWANILE EWONHL Poe ewasle441.8-f ons FmiexPrduts Dpt|0eerl ot a vrinl pics Lotfathers, new goose and du(c.kaucestr mdo to 11l makes of manville. MA 3-7231. 37-1 1959 BUICK ,3,195 16-al|..7.10 eoiir ot euiu ombnao LAD'YS gold wristlet watch 00f ai rtk at *tre 38 King East.Phone MA$39,9dv nWanedRE -1atNetovll. nbae Tuesday,on King'sStruReward. BgetnyR.Rs . 11'P ione 7 rie-3. 7-ti 1959 PONTIAC $2,295 OH WA1DEAD and crippled farm stoec RPESNAWk.a sbcne 37-1*th collect.n oad 21-tf REPAIRÉý to all makes of sew- See the new German 1956 BUICK Hard Top $1,245 TELEVISION AERIAL SALES picked up promptly. Telephone REOUIRED 9.0 sig 1,0.Hl WOUD hepeso senlod-HIGHEST prices paid for live ing machines. Free pickup and STEREO 1957 METEOR .._ $1,345 INSTALLATION & REPAIRS COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur We have a much needdsrv on ing 1 yood on road west of, poultry, goose feathers, feath- delivery. Laverty's Bargain 1956 CHEV. - S1,1751 Phone Farm, Tvrone. 37-tf ice for farmers as wella on Wn iteFr mè.barn about 12:15 noon last er ticks, scrap iron, rags, Centre, 59 King W. Telephone 1-FI SETS 1956 CHEV. 2-Dr. Bowmanville Oshawa and City dwellers. WerqieTiV-omhm n5ar Thursday please returnsae metals and raw furs. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf Beautiful Hard Top, automatic, MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 Pets for Scle a representative in yorae., utrgtfrtect an .G.Pwrsa'RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect radio----- - $1,35 BILL AND BOB LEASK A car is essential and h a r os a l oencn E. . oer.37-1* 48-tfîREPAIRS to all makes of re- Swedish Walnut - ,5 39-ti PN and saddle for sale. selected will have thopr-vnecsicldgfrpae n --rieatr,-oesi ndcm- LWETPRCS 1955 BUICK S 875!-- MA 3-2412. 37-1 tunity to establish hisl1n2crgrae hce os OOD1 nQ Gd BarerWate 'ercial: milking coolers. Hig- THE 11953 DeSOTO ._.- S 550'AENS EVEN months old Spaniel a business that pays wl n oeocad ls osha RQi and boa rd - available eseaâe gon Electric Limited, 38 King195 STUEBAER S385pup.PoeMA337.37-1 has repeat businesscongnadbuseve.Araby PhneNecatl 326 3-1ROOMU and board av-aila-ble for'St E Phone MA 3-3305. 7-1;tf c B c hntCR 191PYOT 38 ELECTRIC MOTORS- regularly. This is afultmat$20.SuabeorVLA 15or20me. Art3-347. -- -- 171 S Bondash St. Eastis'Help Wanted Position but we will tr ene itnsfranm 'Poud¡3 LvsckfrSl HAA A -l *" -Trd -Trm REPAIRS and REWINDING tol man on a part time"erasbrogoduyr• OUD OARDRS dal your Electrical Equipment!WAITRESSES, full or part ý you learn" plan. Wiea SAN kittein, gray. MA NMrs. Carl S e]b r TU l NG -ý ult ets, Gr , y w-,R cks Hay s B A & -'ervicetedMAr)3-3I058 t Applyùlets-Firesideëk.:Bar-B-Q,, ;;once for -30full information to Salesmen.r fll lfor 3.? 71Nwasl.Poe286 71 ate.Poe1 6*43 Third St. Bowmanville way 115, 1% miles north'Sales Manager, Box81,LnCSoe - MA-22 tr 3- Nwcsle hoe 46.371 cte.Phn 21a 6-011-ti mArket 3-3703 19-tt, o. Newcastle. 37-2 don, Canada"44J .Bro A339 PAGE' TELVE THURSDA, SECPT. 1.5th, 1960

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