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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1960, p. 13

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!!!~ D.~ Y~sE erj th, 96CTRI ANA IAN STAT M AN EO W AIY L!z. OIq APA Counties e-or New ' k scarcely 30 min- uteoad $450 in attendance feslast week fer 44 mem- bers cf the United Counties Council ta approve tbree by- Iaws. The prinicipal by-law was ta athorize the issue cf deben îes in the amount of $700,OV for the Durham Cou- nty High Sebool Board ta er- ect a new collegiate at Cour-. tice, balf-way between Bow- mnanville and Oshawa. Second was ta 'sanction the borrowing of manies not in excess of $700,000 from the Toronto-Dominion Bank at 6 Per cent interest until such tîmes as prcgress grants could be made. Third by-law was passed -at the request cf the department of bighways autborizing cer- tain signs on county roads ta be changed from Stop Signs ta Yeld Right cf Way. Earlier in the year, the counties cauncil bad approv- ed the expendîture of $145,- 000 for the erection of a new four-reomed high sehool for Millbrook and now furtber educationai requests wiil be mnade, possiblv at the next rer'ular session. Tbe two new reouests will, 0K Debenture Courtice School the Ontario Municipal Assoc- village cf Brighton, Bowman. iation. Reeve HaJoton was ap- ville, Murray, Cartwright anÉ pointed a vice-president in Newcastle. the elections wbicb termina- There seemed ta be soni ted the convention, confusion as to where sucl Reeve Hooton mentioned names could be located foi the round table discussion the United Counties Book « which was held as ta wbether Remembrance but Warden E ceunty councils should be re- Nelson suggested that th( erganized and eliminated en- Canadian Legion wouid It tirely. able ta supply ail particulars He mentiened the opinion Questianed by Reeve R of a representative from AI- Dingwali, Cramahe, why tht berta wbo said that the pro- map of tbe United Countieý vince bad fowid that net only was net ready for the cour. were caunty ceuncils necess- cil chamber, preperty chair ary but it was found by the man. Reeve J. A. Heenan, Co- gevernment that their scope bourg. said that mucb prelini and numbers sbould be ex- inary work bad been done and tended. Tbere were, of course, that seme progress payments cantrary opinions expressed. bad been made ta the carto- Requests by tbe counties ta grapher but he was the oni: the varieus municipalit ie s ene in the area and this-caus- from ail municipalities ta ed him ta be somewhat in- submit the names of those dependent. The map was or- wbo died in World Wars I dered in 1959. and Il and in the Korean cam- After approving bills far paign bave met with anly a $341,000, including bis far measure of success. Replies the roads account of $239,000, bave been received from Port tbe meeting adjaurned, one Hope, Cavan, Hastings, Percy, bour and tbirty minutes afte: Cramahe, Brigbton towvnship, opening.-Examiner. BETHANY inclde a adition _'- -- Mr. Wesley Davey, Del Port Hope Collegiate and pos Mich., bas been visiting sibiy for one ta be erected in Thomnas and Offa Stan3le, Clarke Township. Thomas Currie, Tor( After the by-laws were pas- spent the weekend with sed, the council beard a short and Mrs. Oroe Wright. report from Reeve Lloyd Hoo- Eardiey Maicolrnson ton Of Cavan Townshiro. of- bas. been employed at ficial delegate fromn the Unitedl quais Jct., for the sunr Caunties ta the convention of rmonths returned home Thursday. Garry DeGeer, White Ri BURKETON spent last weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. E A most cardial invitation DeGeer. Is extended tealal next Sun- Mr. Robert Morton, whc day morning, September I8thý been a patient in Civic1 . Q:0a.rn. when a number pitai for many weeks, un Of Yioung People's from Osh- went further surgery on Y awa Presbytery wiil take nesday. charge of the morning wor- Mrs. Ralinh Connor and ship. children, Billy and Beth, Plans have been made ta Scarborougb, are visiting1 hold aur Tbank-offering Ser- ber father, Mr. Roy Jarvi vice at Il a.m. on Suinday, Friends will be pleaseé October 16tb.' know that Mrs. Clarence R Sorry to report that Mrs jr an is borne again from Pe Gatchel is on the sick ïist: borougb Hospital. We hope ber condition wiîj Miss Marie Carr snent sonn be imDroved. weekend in Peterboroi Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Harve with Miss Amy Aiken. and family, saa ere At the Evensong serviCE Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. St. Paul's Anglican Churci J. A. Turnbull and famiiy. Sunday, the address wasj A number from here attend- en by tbe Rev. Ian Scott E ed Orono Fair on Saturday. cleugb of St. Barnabas Chu: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard Peterborough, and assisi and Janice, Trenton, were at St. John's Cburcb. The:i Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. mic was led by men of B. Hubbard.- Toranto Georgian Assaciatý Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vander- Ala lph Rowland, Calg. ley, Goderich; Mr. Lee Van- hom .,is bolidaying at derley, Miss Greta Geerstma, hoe of bis parents, Mr. Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mrs. Walter Rowland. Devetynand famiiy, Mr.I Sunday guests with b~ ve MsyRnal WIs n a Palmer were Mrq. Dore Mrs. Ronald bWersma ndyPalmer, Mr. and Mrs. li fa~lyWbibywer SudayPalmer, Toronto; Mrs. Gec: gu-of Mr. and Mrs. Wytze Boorne and ber daughl ea'n4dgerey nd amiy. Judy, Scarborou«b: Chai Mr d Mrs. John Myri r wer., unday ouests of err.d faidy, eter Mrs. Jasper VandenEos. ogh Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoskins, W.A. Meeting Cobourg-, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- Foilowing summer vacati ray McSigg«in, Cobourg, were tbe nien'hers of the Uni Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Cburch Women's Associai: Jack Sinclair and family. were entertained on Tu Our choir bas been invited &"y afternoon nt the home te Rae!lan on Sunday, Septen,- Mrs. Arthur Wright. Mrs.. ber 25th, ta assist them in their mes Fraser, vice-preside Thank-offering Service. presîded. Mrs. Maud Smith, Mrs. R. Mrs. Henry Jakeman gt Horwaod, Toronto; Mrs. R. a talk on Christian Stewai flukes. Miss Gerte Harris, sbip. Miss Mary MeKer Part Credit; Miss Hazel Kee, read a noem, "A Hymn: Cooksville, were Wednesday Every Diay". Mrs. Thon guests of Mrs. Florence Caug- Jennings read an artic bill. "Busy Here and Tbere". Mv Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker, T. J. Jackson gave "Thoug] and family, Willowdale, wprelOn Conscience. The gro Sunclay guestq af Mr. and Mrs. mem bers sang "My Task". Peter Gatcheli and family. Mrs. Harry Ryley read1 .Fa cIIClean-Up AT Palme er Motor Sales 1 New 1960 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. 1 New 1960 VALIANT 4-Dr. 2 New 1960 SIMCA 4-Drs. VA I1960 PLYMOUTH Demonstrator, 4-Dr., like new 1 1260 VALIANT Demonstrator 4-Dr. Station Wagon, like new. 1960 FARf3O 'A-ton Pickup, long ivheelbase and box. Only 700 miles, like new. Ail Priced for Quick Sale 1959 CHEV. 2-Dr., automatic 1958 PLYMOUTH "6" 2-Dr. 1955 MERCURY 2-Dr. 1955 PONTIAC 4-Dr., radio 1955 PLYMOUTH "V" Suburban, radio. 1955 PLYMOUTHT "6" 4-Dr., radio. 1953 WINDSOR 2-Dr. Hardtop, automatic 1953 METEOR 4-Dr. 1952 PONTIAC "6" 4-Dr. 1951 FORD 4-Dr. 1951 CHEV. 2-Dr. ARl above cars guaranteed .. ready to go.. at Sacrifice Prices! St APALMER SMOTOR SALES ýyCHRYSLER PLYMOUTH- - VALIANT FARGO - SIMCA DEALERS 20> KingSt. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5487 trait, with 'S. ,onto, iMr. who Par- nmer on tiver, ïugb i bas Hos- ider- Fed- 1ber c, f witb Js. d ta Low- eter- the mgb, ýe in h on giv- Buc- irch, ;tant mu- the ion. :ary, the and W'rs. th-, Reg. rge ter, rles or-s on. ited ion ,ies- of Ja- ent, scripture lesson and thaught on the lesson were given b3 Mrs. James Fraser. During the business sessior it was agreed to donate $20( towards improvements at th( Parsonage. Five dollars wa! donated ta a bursary ta heir a boy or girl from the Con. ference area wba is in train. ing for fuli time United Cburch work. A request was reccived foi Bethany graup ta supply spe. cial music in the afternoon session of the Peterborough Pres;bytery Faîl Rally ta be held at Bensfort in October. The date for the annual fowl supper was set for Nov- ember. Information was re- ceived and read by the Sec- retary, Mrs. T. Jennings, con- cenning courses at Five Oaks Training Centre in October. It was agreed ta send a dele- gate. Members were asked ta bring ta the next meeting an article of infant's wear, ndw or used, ta be sent ta the Un- itarian Services of Canada for overseas relief. Mrs. 0. Spencer read a letten from this group thanking the members for previaus donations. Trea- suner Mrs. Walter Neals ne- norted a balance on band of $323.89. Following the closing deva- tions, lunch was senved by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Earl Weathenilt, Mrs. Harry Ry- Iey and Mrs. T. Jennings. Mrs. Carl Porteous expresscd the thanks of the members ta the hîostess and members cf ber group. Ladies Guild The first meeting of the fail season of the Ladies Guild cf St. Paul's Anglican Church was heîd at the home of Mrs. Carl Smith on Tuesday night with Mrs. Morgan Bigelow presiding and leading in pray- ers. Members were asked ta turn in their courions which wil providc a coffce urn for the church kitchen. Mrs. John iDarlington Ratepayers Rain Fails to Dampen lCrowd at Corn Roast provided bath the Junior and Reserve Junior champ i e buils, the Junior champion- sbip going ta the joint entry of Roy Ormiston and Rass Parks, Bdookfield, named Roy. brook Count, while the Reser- ve Junior cbampionsbip went ta the Dunrobin and Elmcrolt i- entry, Elmcroft Rag Apple id Eddy. The Grand Champion cow, e Balsam Brae Pluto Sovereign, !h bas had a long distinguish- r ed show career, including the of winning cf the Ail-Canadia: E. aged cow awardý in 1956. AI- e tbough showing dry, she was e full value for ber champion- S. sbip win Judge Rathweli pra- R. ising ber generai balance and .e quality together with a good s set of feet and legs and a well 'i- attacbed, weil balanced udder. r- The Reserve Senior and Re- 3serve Grand Cbampionship iaward for females went to ýd Elmcroft Hartog Jean Ona, ts wbo headed the dry four-year- )olds for Dunrobin and Eim- ýY croft Farm. She is an eut- -standing heifer, large in size -yet smooth throughout witha -deep body, well biended shou- lder and a loveiy dry udder. r Hugh Ormiston, Brooklin, r took the Juniar cbamopionship , for females on bis winning e Senior Yearling heifer, Orms- ýr dale Queen Ollie, wbo is ar -outstanding individuai, large, strong in the loin and with good legs. The Reserve Junior award went ta the winning Junior Yearling, Eimcroft Inka 'S Sylvia Nancy, shown by Dun- robin and Elmcroft Farms. She too was an excellent in- dividual, strang on top witb plenty of dairy quality. e T. Robert Fiett, Oshawa, Shad bath the first and second prize winners in the ciass for best uddered female cf the show. In first fflace wvas Flett- dale Duchette Lassie, who also stood third in a strang class of r aged cows in milk, wbile in second place for best udder was Plainview Relfection Jean, tbe fourtb prize milking three- ye-'r-old beifer. Ormiston won the Progeny of Dam ciass on a pair of dau- gbters of tbe Grand Champion cow. Individually, tbese stood second in the milking two- year-old and third in the milk- ing tbree-year-old classes. Dunrobin and Elmocroft won both tbe Junior and Senior Get-of-Sire awards, taking tbe Junior Get on a group by Ho- safe Preceptor and încluded tbe first, third and fifth Jun- ior Yearling heifers while the winning Senior Get-of-sire by Ravenglen Hartog Triune con- sisted of the Reserve Grand Champion female, tbe first prize milking four-year-old, the seventh prize milkîng three-year-old and the fourtb prize aged cow in milk. Other first prize winners included: Harold Page, Ux- bridge; H. Werry and Son, Oshawa, Smith Bras., Port Perry. Cecil Humm cf Canterbury, New Zealand, a visitor at the show, expressed bimself as much impressed by tbe quaI- ity of the cattie. in generei and the udders of the millçing fe- males in particular. Mr. Hunm is a noted New Zeaiand judge and a former president of New Zealand Friesian Assodiation. Indicative of the excellent quality of this show was the fact tbat in the two aged cow classes of the fîfteen entrieg, three were officiaily ciassi*- fied Excellent, eleven Very Gead and one Good Plus. Pv talmer gave the funanciai ne-I oae ort, stî.ting a substantial H Y O o R c e to ird- bank balance. T e r a in I fore PotLuck decided ta bave a R Y O At a meeting cf Brancb 178 fo o ukSupper foilowed by rolytnRa, ee f the Canadian Legion beld progressive cuchre in the Par- boroubh spent the weekend'i h einHl nTus oIle, ish HFall in September. with Mr n Ms rtu day evenigSpebr8h /Irs. A discsMronand trs.urAnthur1it was dning, Sepoteber5t0 rhts Redecîded ta donates $500 ors a dssio n neorthe prhas H dRbie a sallying ta the Bowmanville Recrea- btsofa toe or hePais Hllwith bis grandparents, Mr, tion Department ta assist the' 1up was left witb Mrs. Glen W n r. rhr e worlh to looknduMrs.r Arthutheed. rrwwinter minor sports pnogram th ot abokfrbrit he Mr. and Mrs. Davd oro of the town. This was moved matter of prices etc. and Alexander, Toronto, vis- by Bill Wallis, seconded by The meeting closed with ited Mr.and Mrs. Walter Love- Ted Sheehan. prayen, followed by a social nîdge. President Ed Rundie assist-I hour, witb lunch served by Mn. and Mns. Earl Thomp3- c lt iePeidn1rn the bostess assisted by Mrs. son, LarrPtyadCnae yltVc-rsdn rn Charles Smith and Mrs. John , ry as n id Burns and Sergeant-At-Arms I Paler.Thenet metig wîîand Patsy Carter, Bowman- Jim Woodward initiated John' Paler.ed The homeetingMrs. ville, visited Mrs. W. Thomp- Johnston, Toronto, and Thom- IMongan sonlo. as A. Rowan, Bowmanville Bigeow.Several from Haydon at- into membersbip cf Brancb tended the Decoration Service 178 of the Canadian Legion. at Bethesda on Sunday after- William A. White, Bowman- noon. ville, rejoined the brancb. Al Black & \W hite Mr. Jack Potts, Linda, Tom- thrae men were eriywl Ch m p Nk/~ weekend at ilingwo ami sastrerJack Rice gave a Bille were Sunday suioper which was adopted. rnert guss at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur tainment chairman Jim Firtl- At Port Perry Tr e wi n's.Gramsetfc announced tbat the first regu- Back in 1937, the first Black weekend witb Mr. and Mns. son would take place on Sat- and Wbite Day in Canada Walter Rabm at Four-Mile urday evening, Septem b e r was iîeld at Port Perry. Black Lake. 7hiteL.goHal and Wbite Day is essentially Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wil- l7th in th eiomn ra Holstein show for competi. son, Lakefield, and Mrs. Mel- Buoppy o-ced haan fan tion within a County or dis- ville Jones of Omemee were the branch's sprays will be trict. This type of show bas Sunday calIers at Mr. and Mrs. used for the December Decor- become popular throughout Clenu Rabm's. toDacemnyiBth the Dominion and there are Mr.and Mrs. Alfred Garrard esationDay eremonyhin Betha- now 45 of them in Ontario and Barry were Sunday ev- ranged by Don Cameron and alone. ening visitons of Mn. and Mns. Dave Malcolm. This year's Ontario County Stuart Dorreli and Dancy, Black and White Day held at Nestîcton. Port Perry on September 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham bnougbt eut a total cf 169 attended Orono Fair on Sat-Ye ero shown by 35 different exhib- urday. ev ro hoars, the largest entry in its Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton 24 yean bhistory. The weatber and family and Mrs. EdnaF lr asdeal, there was a big McLaughlin, Bunketon, visit- F lsT crawd of spectators an band ed Mn. and Mns. Ted McL' hu-e cu and the quality of the cattlc ghin, Columbus, on Sundiny. wasotsnin. udeSam Mrs. K. Cowling rcceived a T e R s u Ratwel o NaanOn., adTelephone caîl from ber dau- This summen when a bus nianycls decisions to make. gbten Mrs. Rd. Anderson, Flan- carrying 26 London, Ont., Boy, Dunno b i n and Eîmcroft ida, saying they came tbrougb Scouts and leaders broke down Farm, Beaverton, won bath witbout toa much damage be- on the outskirts of the bamlet tue Premier Breeder and Pre- ing donc from hurricane Don- cf Yelverton, the tiny coin- mien Exhibitor awards witb na. munity with a big heart wvent F. Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Cowiing al eut ta lessen the great dis- runner-up in eacb case. Orm- and Roy, Biackstock; Mr. appaintment of the lads wbo; iston aise showed the Grand Kenneth Graham visited Mrs. wene booking forward' toala Champion female, Bal s a m Rd. MeNeil and Mrs. H. Cross- campingq exnedition an Snow, Brae Pluto Soveneign, wba ne- man, Sunday. Lake, Coe Hill, severai miles peated ber bonour cf this Sebool opened for the fali nonth of Peterborough. samne win a year ago. term on Tuesday, Mn. M. Rai- Very often thoughtful kind Anothen repeat winnen was ney teaching with anc beain- assistance is too soon forgotten. the Senior and Grand Cham- ner; number on roll, 25; four But flot in this instance. Ap- pion, bull, Flettdale Supreme pupils from public scbool parently the boys were so im- Anchior, shown jointly by Ro- starting Higb Sehool, Birdie pressed with tbe aid afforded bert T. Flett, Oshawa, and Bertrim. Rena Graham. Bon- tbem by the small populace of William Stone, Blackwaten, nie McQuinn, Lyle Milîson. tue village, they retold the who won similar benaurs a Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskii- story ta a London newspaper. year ago. The Reserve Senior len, invited the Haydon W.A. Subsequently a long article, and Resenve Grand Champion- to ber home which was held appeared in the paper lauding sbip went ta Honcyvale Nero, Tbursday evening. Mrs. J. the efforts made by the vill- shcwn by Christie Bros., Port Potts epened tue meeting with age. For once a municipalityi Penny. He staod next ta the bymn and prayer. Devotional was given a deserving boost Grand Champion in the aged was presented by two Ennis- rather than a kn'ock. bull class. The Grand Cham- killen ladies, Mns. M. Hobbs The tiny black dot marking pion is a well proportioned'and Mrs. Fred Toms. Mns. Ar- Yclverton on the map must' bull, very difficult ta fault, thun Tnewin bad the prognam- s5urely bave stature, with a strong top and walking me: piano duet, Betty Jane in the eyes of the stranded 'x'ell. The Reýerve Grand, Wenry and Susan Wearn; Mrs. scouts and leaders and ail whn JChampion typed in well. 1 O.K. Osborne, Bowminville, read about the great haspital- q *The Junior Yearling clau 1 gave a talk on Buttons; Read., ity sbown themn.--. guests, for which we express Our sincere thanks. As be did at the time cf the Ratelpayers Picnic, again Mr. bot ogs nd 5 printed adver- tisng ostrsail the butter usedforthecorn, which he baught wholesale from Hamp- tan Creamery. Prizes for the couples bave nat been awarded, because the Sound system engaged for the occasion failed ta show up and that is sametbing we did nat foresee. Lacking the loud speaker, efficient communication in sucb a crawd is very difficuit, especially sa since no plans were made ta de without it. The prizes are beld over for PTON tW. E. Stevens and Mrs. Stev- rens on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooks, 1Osihawa, spent the weekenc with Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo -Trull at their cottage at Wil- Sliams' Point. 3 Mrs. S. Kersey accompaniec ber dauzihter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Len Player, Bowman- ville, to Toronto on Sunday and visited ber sons, Rev. Ted Kersey and famrily, Scarboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kersey and sons, Weston. Mrs. Lorenzo Truil and Mrs, Harold Salter accompanied their sisters, Mrs. W. R. Young cf Bridgenorth and Mrs. Chas. Wood of Orono, te Toronto on Thursday and spent the day with Mrs. Hi-lton Peters. Mrs. N. Horn visited Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray and daugh- ters, Oshawa, on Friday. Mr. Lockwood (Sr.) and Mr. and Mvrs. Ross Lane cf Lindsay were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Pearn Lockwood and faniily. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hart, Mrs. Mabel Stevens, Palmerston and Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevens were entertained to, dinner at the home cf their cousin, Mrs. T. M. Mountjoy on Friday on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Stev- ens' 57th wedding anniversary and Bert's 82nd birthday. Hampton friends extend con- gratulations they may be spared ta, enjoy many more happy aniversary occasions. A nunuber from Hampton at.. tend8d Oro-no Fair on Satur- dey. Hamiptoh friends are glad to welcome aur pastor and wife, Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Reed back fronu bhidays after spendingel twa mionths pleasantly touring and visiting in Ireiand, Eng- laild and Scotland. He ccu- Pied the pulpît again on Sun- day morniniZ. A representative of the G-ideon Society from Oshawa will be present and take part in the service of which will appear in the Com- Events" of local papers. We would like to take this opportunity ta stress the im- portance of the Rate- payers Meetings, where the general public has the privil- ege of asking pertinent ques- tions. No meeting was called for the last couple of montbs, due ta the busy season and too many events taking place, but the next reguiar meeting wili be called in the near future. Watch for the date in the "Statesman". Thanks are extended ta al who assisted in any way in aur1 latest effort ta bring the peo-1 pie together.j Remember, there is strength in unity, divided we fail. worsbip next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigai who are on vacation, enjoyeda *motor trip ta Boston, Mass. wbere they visited relatives. >' Miss Marie Presoot.t, Toron- d to, is spending a few days' vacation at bomne. She then * baves for a 10 day conductec tour t'hrough New York state. Pennsylvanla and West Vir. gin:a. Recent calhIers at the Prescoti home were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearce and chiidnen, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Donal' d Prescott and Diane, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gil- bert and Mrs. Gordon MeLean, *Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, Blackst.ock, and Mr Milton Saemon, Hay- don, were Sunday tea guests of Mrs. Theron Mountjoy. Congratulations ta Hampton sebool pupils and teacbers who 1had the hionor of winning 10 firsts, 6 second prizes and 3 third prizes at Orono Fair. Her many Hampton friend.s are sonry to leann that Mrs. May Johns, Long Sault, form- erly of Hampton, received painful injuries when involved in an accident while attendingr DecoratiOn service at BethesdaR cerneteny on sunday. She is a Patient at Memorial Hospitai, Bowmanville. We hope for ber a speedy necavery. Dart Team Cornes Close To CNE Titie n Mr.andHAMI M.adMrs. Gea. Gilbert hspent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Marshall and 9sons, Brampton. 1- Mrs. Gea. Davidson, Picker- ing, was a recent visiter witb ber sister, Mrs. James Smales hand Mr. Smales. Mn. and Mrs. Elmer JaLmie- tson and girls, Toronto, were 1recent visitors witb Mrs. T. rSalter and Mn. and Mrs. Han- eold Salter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deweli cf Thistletown visited bis bro- ft bers Sam and Percy Deweil, h ast week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray were evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray and daugh'ters. Mr. and Mrs. Wil Hart and iMu-s. Mabel Stevens of Palmer- 1ston are spenling this week with their sister and brother- in- law, Mnr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens. 1 Mrs. R. Burgess and daugh- ter, Mrs. Wes Taylor, Tynone, visited the former's brother, ing, Mrs. J. Potts. Meeting closed and a social time and lunch was enjoyed. October W.A. meeting wîhl be held at the home of Mrs. Charlie Gar- rard. Mr. Milton Slemon was Sun. day supper guest at Mrs. Theron Mountjoy's, Hampton. Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon's were Miss Nancy Johns, Mrs. W. White, Hamoton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Singer, Swansea; Hrs. Martynuk, Mi- mica, were Sundayv Isitors at Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron's. Sunday Schoal at 10:30. Sunday Schooi Rally Service Sunday evening at 7:30. Glad ta bear that Mr. A. Millson Is doing niceiy a pat- ient at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Legion Gives $500 Donation I Ross McKnight wasthe cap- spring. day, September 22. IDE TRIEtTEMl ln Safe Driving Described at Lions Howard Gîbsan, lst vice- Speaklng on the tapic 'Safety president cf the club, presided in Driving" Mr. Barnes cm- at the dinner meeting cf the phasized the important raie Bowmanville Lions Club in' brake fluid plays in ensuring the Lioni Community ÇentreI freedom from danger when on Monday cvening In the driving a mater vehicle. absence cf thc President, Walt- An amazingly high propor- er Rundle. tien cf traffic accidents are There were two guests at the caused by faulty brake systems, dinner meeting, Gordon Mac- Mr. Barnes painted out. Hé Neill, the new manager cf the told cf reading statistical re- Goodyear plant, Bowmanville, ports that sbowed it would and F. Strutlewcrtb, London, take the United States 178 Ont. years of wars ta lose 1,000,000 Leonard Lucas, the member- men, but 1,000,000 people bave ship chaîrman, announced the been killed by traffie accidents names, and the lst vice-presi- during the last 50 years there. dent, Mr. Gibson, made the presentatians cf 100 per cent Mr- Barnes spake cf the Perfect Attendance Pns asigrowmng number cf problems foliows: Ross Steveans, 241 due ta the increasing conges. yeahs; S. R. James, 20 years; tien cf roads and bigbways. He Byron Vanstone, 19 years, and advocated careful driving pract- Jack Brough, Robert Kent and lices, and stressed tbe vital Ïm- Nelson Osborne, 18 years. partance ta the drivers and Lloyd Ciifton introduced the their passengers' safety of ai- guest speaker, "Barney" Barnes1 askeig asi o of Toronto. He told the club, shape. that Mr. Barnes bad been as- H. A. Cutbbertson maved a sociated with the R. M. Hol- vote cf thanks on bebaîf cf bis lingshead of Canada, Limited, feiiow Liens ta Mr. Barnes for, for 32 years, and is an expert Ibis interesting and thaught- in automotive products.I provoking address. Dram a Workshop Plans First Meeting Next Thursday,8 Pm The Bowmanviile Drama l ight of the programme. Workshop wili hold its first' This year the club wili con- meeting for this season next centrate mare on the practical Tbursday, Sept. 22 at 8 p.m. work of play production, but in the Lions Community thene will alse be three or four Centre. A cordial welcome ta speakers thnaugbout the seas- attend this meeting îs extendedIan. The first of these is ta b. ta ail of thase in Bowmanviile j Murray Davis, producer of the, and district wbo arc lnterested Cnest Theatre, Toronto, who in amateur dramaties. will speak ta the group on This drama group was form- Thursday evening, Nov. 3rd. ed last yean. Most cf the' The Drama Club members meetings were spent studying plan ta produce thrcc cne-act- Thorton Wilder's "Our Town". plays before Christmas. They Vaniaus scenes fram this play anc boping that there will b. - were dramatized, giving the a good attendance at their finst membars a chance ta try their meeting on Tbursday evening, band bath at acting and direct- September 22 as they plan to ing. cast the plays at this time. Np Last seasan the club aise expenience is required, na tai- invited guest speakers ta dis- ent cxpected, no age limit set. cuss sucb aspects of the "Bowmanville is cverflowing theatre as acting, directing, with dnamatic talent, flot ony iighting, fiat construction, and in the field of acting, but in makeup. A demonstratien cf that ef directing and back- puppetry was another bigh-j stage work. Here is a chantýe ta cultivate that talent and hep. tain cf the local, Legion Teans the growth of what we hope and the other memib2rs were: wili be the fuli-fledged drarna Jim Fair, Ernie Perfect, Cliff club, whicb this district bas sa Andenso)n, Eric Stzncer, Bihl long lacked and 50 sorely need- Bates and Tom Westover. cd," Mrs. Robert W. Sheridan It wihl be recallcd that a the Secrctary-Treasurer saic< four-menuber Branch 178, Can- yesterday. adian Legion Dant Team cons- Funther information can b. ncsed of Ross McKni,.ght, Ji:m cbtained fnom Mrs. Sheridan, Fair, Ernie Perfect and Cliff MA 3-3588. The registration Anderson, won the Chanmpion- fee will be $5.00. If you ane sbip Tounnamenit at the Sports- at ail intcnested, go ta the men's Show in Tenante last Lions Centre at 8 p.m. Thurs- NOW US THE TIME TrO BUILD YOUR EW GARAGE OUI HOME IMPIOVENENT DIVISION WILL LOOK AFTEI THE CON- PLETE JOB FOR YOE. IF YOlE WISE . . . oR YGU Cil DO-lT- YOUBSELF! A SBESTO S SIDING SQUARIE Covers 100 sq. ft. IMITE FINE BEVEL 8-incli $190 * $19 lO-înch . .*.-.$220 1Plus al PER M other materials at similar -savings ALL-STEEL OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS 8 ' x 7 " - - Other sizesalbe $59.50 at similar savings Payments as Low as $10.00 per month No Money. Down Oshaàw'a Wood Products Ltd. DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM 84 SIMCOE ST. S. - RA 8-1617 91 BOWJMANVILLE MA 3-2130 MAIN OFFICE AND SHOWROOM COURTICE - RA 8-1611 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU DOWNTOWN SHOWRFOOM OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. 'd td ar le In n. e. 'il in le y 'I By Mrm Bert Budal Secretary Darlington Rate- payers' Assoc. Rami n the early part of last Friday did not dampen the spirit of the people who attend- ed the Darlington Ratepayers Corn Roast. The crowd was large en- ough to consume 25 lbs. of wieners, along with corn, caf- fee and cantaloupes. Silver collection was taken which amounted ta $8.75. As there was lots of corn left over, a few people wished to buy some, and this netted $10.60. Profit on refreshments catne to $13.10, making a grand total cf $32.45. A generous cash donation was receîved from one of the Uic next occasion, date of .«.i TRUPMAT, SEPT Uth 1960 TUE CANADL« STATWIM, BOVJU«Vffjý& (MAIUO Ift A ý The Dart Teanu cf Brancb 178 of the Canad-Jan Lcgi)nz made a fine showing in tue Canadian National Exhibition Championship Dant Tourna- ment. More than 40 dart teams fronu al aven Ontario conuoeted in the tounnament, and Bowmanvifle Legion Tcam came tbnough as runnen-up tc the champonqhip. 18rake Fluids Rote il

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