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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1960, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEENT CANAT>IAN WAtNRMAN, IICIWtAfl1U. ONTAIUO THURSDAY, S"P. l5th, 19W reminiscing. The class mnembers, shown above, are f rom left 1<> right: Elmer Herrirtg, Russell MeLauglilin, Russell Gilbert, Russell Ormiston, Hoskin Smith, Rev. Milton Sandcrsoil, Adlam Sharp, iFrank Bray, Herb McLaughlin, Cecil Rahm, Lloyd Ashitoni, Arthur Brunt, Francis Werry, Edwin Ormiston, Roy McGill, F. Dorland, Fred Preston, Cordon Werry, Russell Griffin, Harvey MecGill and Wilfrid Sanderson. Seated in the foreground are Dr. C. W. Sienion, 1Mrs. Slemon and James A. Werry. The Orono News Peterboog ru Wins Drama Award Mrs. James E. Richards, EditorAt rno F sia Rev. ai-d Mrs. T. W. F. G. Elaine and Nancy, Mr. and, Bowmanville: Tony Mitchell,1 Andrews, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton, Carol'Ke2rne, spent the weekend: The Orono Fair Draina Fes-1 es without meaning are dis- Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Mrs. P. and David, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mit.I tival wvas officially opened onr tracting. R. Mallory and Miss Maxine Carmnan, Michael and Mark, cheil. Thursday evening, Sept. 8th. The Draina Festival was Mallory, Cobourg; Mrs. H. spent Sunday with Mr. andl, Miss Marilyn King, Toron-!r by Mr. Francis Jose. First climaxed by the presentation Barlow and Mrs. F. B. White,1 Mrs. Bill Reid and family at to, is spending ber holidays Vice-President of the Durham! of awards. Mr. Herb Duvail, attended the funera'l of Mr. their cottage, Clear Lake. 1 with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Central Agricultural Society. 1 President of the Orono Cham- James McRoberts of Peter-' Mrs. M. Sberwin and son, W L. King. Aften the plays were pre-i ber of Commerce, pnesented' borouigh at Centerton Cbunch. Laurence attended the 3tb r n rs u oe sne r amsDa on the first prize trophy to Knoxj MVr. T. Stephenson, Toronto, wedd'ing anniversary of Mr. and family visited Mr. and 'plimented Orono on its hall,:!Theatre Group, Peterborough, visïtcd bis siter Mrs. Chas.[ and IMrs. Chas. Reesor at ther Mrs. Carman Cornish and: calling it "A little gem" for for their presentation of "Sun- Harrs an thy atendd Or hoe ofther so Mr andý frnil. iit bias chiaracter that modernm day Costs Five Pesos". The }Ia ri an thy atened r home of teirso n Mr. adamily auditoriums lack.- He tben ex- dinectbr, Mr. Roger Davis, re- ono Fair.Mr.LnResriMaka Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper; lie i ehdo dui ceived bis award for best dir- Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, iofl Saturday. were Sunday supper guests of pandhsmto fa ui co ri isMdln Mrs. Les Samis and Mrs. Jim Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith,!I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry,, cating the plays. Fîrst, be etrfo is Mdln Middleton attended the Mc- Pefferlaw, visited ber sister Tyoe mer.tioned tecbnicalities suclÏ Tooley and a cheque for $40 Mullen- Wilon Mr.inani Mrs. Roy Beatty,! as costume, setting, make-up was presented to him by Mrs. Mulnrh aWisn wedding ino rs. Lcetsaios yrone. ;and the placing of players on Samuel. Dnofonth B y.apitC rcT n MRsent.viits wt ev rs erî eat,!oonothe stage. Secondly, the sn-; The Knox Theatre Group ont, o Saurdy. ndMrs S.Litlewodat were Sunday guests of Mrs. Mr. Arthur McKay, Stark- i Baysville- were Mn. and Mrs. Howard Walsh. cerity of presentation and, are now eligible to enter the ville; Donna Cowan, Bowman- Victor Hancock and son, Bow- rs.Ca.Hri pn choice of play. Projection was Ontario one-act play festival ville, Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence manville, Miss Audrey Bill- wr Mrs. Ch sristspent a mentioned next as being very held at Hart House. Harris and family, Mr. andr ings, Oshawa; Mrs. M. Mor-! Randaîl Elliott, Mr. Elliott' important. Funny lines are Tbe best actress award, pre- Mrs.BobMorton and family ris, Mrs. Neil Porter, Mrs. H. and ±ainily, Brougham. missed by the audience and: sented by Mr. Bill Riddell were supper guests of Mn. and Murray, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mn. and Mns. Geo. B owers, 1 theiateio sltwhn ett Fd otrK xi Mrs. Geo. Morton on Fair Day. I Riddell.I Nestleton; Mn. and Mns. Ken - yc1tha i h ns TeteGop eebnuh Mr.andMrs Ro Foreser, Mn. and Mrs. Colin Taylor,.nedy Gray and son, David, This is not entirely the ac- 'l The best actor award, pre-i Mn. nd rs.Roy orrste, _ _ Cdm, wne suprget tor's fault for poor directingi sented by Mr. Bill Riddell was of Mr. and Mns RergSuetton witb regard to thein position î received by Jack Vickers, Osh- ~ ' Fair Day. on stage would handicap them: awa Little Theatre. LU 'LV I V III £1Il MnSadMnlieLatn the beginning. The pacing The award for diction, pre- 1, Il K iU AI l ~Mran r.lLen and i also very important and! sented by Mn. E. J. Morley' U IMr usl Van Hre ht finally the impact the play bas went ta Norma Clarke, Pick- toby: Mns. Carl Selby, Mr. and on the audience. ering Twsp. Little Theatre. tr Mns. Percy Tamblyn, New-i On Friday evening aften the: Second pnize a chelque for castie: Mrs. G. Tyrnill, Wooler;' plays, Mn. Dean discussed the $30 was pnesented by Mns. W~A. K. NOWTAICMn. and Mrs. Arthur Tamblyn,1 problenis of directing and,: Samuel ta Art Elliott, direct-i Cambnay, wene Faim Day Saturday evening he presented or of "The Valiant" Prest- of guests of Mns. Fred Tamblyn. some things the actor mustedbthOsaaLteTe- i Mr. Wm. Moffatt is a pat-1 con sider. When speakirig, n tre. ient in Memorial Hospital,î sufficient breath is a prbem laThe complete cast of this NOWAK'S CHICKEN FARM Bowmanville, as the resuit of: dnopping tbe ends of senten- r py was given honounable r an accident at bis fanm. Mn.I ces, pon diction and not eni- j mention by Mn. Dean. He also FROM and Mrs. Aleck Moffat and; phasizing the important lines mentioned Gladys Aslett and i family are staying with Mns. The actor's body movemenÏ Roma Glanvîlle of Onono. Ken 'Wm. Moffatt. shou]d correspond with the Hocli of Bowmanville, Bill DURH M F RME S CO NTYCO-P WDr. Ross S. Lang of Chicago,r facial expression and gestur- Boyd and Don Endicott of » UNHANIllRERSCOUNTY CO-OPin _____________iPeterborough and Sally Ann d issitingf M.nandrono and M r Garrat ltegi)Whby on winning Six First Prizes on Six Crates of Eggs r.HryMr e att, (ultid il)Wîb Mrs. James Bail, Mrs. Wm. on Fair Day. Mrhean Guild. tepo entered at theCochrane. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Miss Kate Foster, Oshîawa,! p ea rnoo thake the peo- entredat heMercer, Mn. and Mrs. D. G.r attended Orono riair and was: ality and interest and remank- Hooper attended the Decora- a weekend guest of Mns. T.edhatefsivlsawoe TORONTO EXHIBITION ~tion Day Service at Bethesda, Wilson and lVrs. E. Grad. ws2%btehnls on Sunda3'. Rev. Douglas R. Pîlkey,r _________ Mn. and Mrs. Reg Bell, Osh- BAo oa, ubc n awa; Mn. and Mns. Norman AI- l Eastern Secretary for The M r . o w a k i s di r ct o of h e D rh a F a r e rs lin , Jo an a n d S h a ron w ere r i s o a y a d M i t n [ ce 0 o o B n Mr. Nwak s a irecor ofthe urha Fariers supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. Department and Mintenanhuce r n B n Co-op at Orono and bas fed Co-op Feeds exclus- R. E. Logan on Fair Day. was ofe U it edaCeunc Mr. alp Vrtu, noUnited Church on Sun i ively _for a number of 3'ears. Laryad JulieB r Crowd, vnsiller.n.CoMrsa -__________________son_____eid, . 4e supper guestsi Nej1letn iStation At Port Perry _____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___M Orono Brass Band under! Mn. and Mrs. Albert Greig the direction of M. J. Tamblyn, and Sandra of Toronto, wene furnished music for the large: recent guests with Mn. ai-d: crowd at Port Penny Fair, Fa l C e a c n eMrs. J. Harris. Monday, Labon Day. slipwereweekend visitors. entrance by the president and with M. and Mns. Wylie: members of the executive and 0 F MKeowd of Mono Rouad. ' ýofficialy eced.e~ ]and toak ber parents. Mn. dered in hanmony with the' and Mns. Wm. McCabe, ta vis- emcee in change and at the, it Mrs. Jean MeCabe and El-' close of the pnognam, the band eanor and Mn. and Mrs. A.; was complimented and prais- U S E D C A R S Hickson of Janetville on Sun-. ed for the music iendered. X Continues at Guests of Mn. and Mrs. Ce- Ieieo wen.e Mn. and Mns. Clifford Hetzad aiyo Ere Penn. Mrs. Ethel Emerson of Nest- Mr. ai'd Mrs. Mike Boycbvn Jeton attended the 50th anni- R (m Y W N ICO LS nd fmilyof Tront vistýdvsry celebration of the 1959 VAUXHALL DELUXE 4-DR. weekend.i Wedniesdav hast. Mrs NomanLyons, nee Gwe- visited with the Emersons ftrî 198VAUXHALL 4-DR. ndolyn Wilson. who wvere a few days. Mr. and Mrs. mannied in Nestieton Presbv-i Malcolm Emerson Sunday ev-ý 198 ON IC -D .tenii19Chonclb on ESattirday'. ilenilng Iota kintawelicome' Low mieage. ne ownr car.Roger aand Kevin were in Ehla- home f roni a semi r's c- Lominilnge.One wnercar.milton over the weekend at- ployî,Inenit at Banfl, Altc. 1lendinig a wedding. Mn. and Mr. and lVrs. Ralplh Salle:' 195 BUICIK 2-DIR. HARDTOP Mrs. J. Mclîîtosh, a tollege w.ere for Ilie past xveek at fniciid of Mn. Herron's, con- Shlaxvville. Qu..i eeRaipi: - ducted service in Nestleton judged sanie classes of ponies. IV57 FORD uELUXE COACH Presbyterian Chorcb, an d> Gloria Sadler started today One owner car with Iow mileage. members of Bail.ld congre- (Monday) at Peterbnroulkh gation were also in attend- Teachers' College. 1957 PONTIAC 2-DIR. Mad Mr.Hrod Elît fri. Pat Cheatet the 1954 PONTIAC ELUXE SEDAN ted the Carl Elliot farnily'family here. hmsse n 1954PON IAC BELU E S DANand helped David celebrate Mn. and Mrs. Sid Staples and Custom buit radio. his third birthdlay on Sun- Guy MeGill and famuly weme BEL IR ~ DANday.. SundaY evening supper guestis 1953 CHEVOB L I S D NMn. and Mrs. Wm. Fournier, wit.h Mr. and Mrs. Grant of Tampia. Florida, were on a --elAdfmi1 Sunday School Class Honors Former Teacher on 84th Birthday "Quali*ty-First" LAUNDRY TWINS DRYER MXodel D126 *3 Drying Temperatures *Direct Air Flow, *Handy Loading Door *Recessed Top FALL SALE ---------- - 1-$189 LAUNDROMAT Model L126 *multi-Speed Revolving Agitator *Automatie Lint Ejector F our Rinses 'Self Cleaning FALL SALE.........- $249 OTHER WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 1 ONLY - Il CU. FT. AUTONATIC REFRIGERATOR 1 ONLY - 12 CU. FT. DELUXE AUTOMATIC ZERO FREPiZER-REFRIGEEATOR - 1 ONLY - DELUXE 30" ELECTRIC RANGE - - - - 1 ONLY - DELUXE 12 CU. FT. - 400 LB. CAPACITY UPEIGHT FREEZER-- - REG. $369.9â -SALE $279.00 REG. $459.95- SALE - » . -. -$369-00 REG. $339.95 - SALE - - -- - -$269.00 REG.- $369.95 - SALE -~ . . $299.00 1 SEE TEESE AT TOUR AUTHORIZED WESTINGHGUSE DEALER LA DER HAR DWAR E ' MA 35774 AND ELECTRIC si McN SIT. E. W.A, to the Polntypool choiriand Mrs. W. H. Stinson on a a . ~and their friends.1 Sunday. Ia i tr t ' Courté'd oe LfiW' We were Porry to see in lasi 1 Mrs. Bruce Hawkins, Mr. * ~ ~ week's issue of the passing! and Mrs. Lloyd Hawkins andi I 0of Mr. Lewis Wood of Bow-1 family of Little Britain; Mr. Jolli M.Tyroie, o nt beievethe ccusd manville. Deeeased for manv! and Mrs. Art Hylalid of *lhnM.'ihîîîlew, lyoic1 d ltbleeteacs years farmed in the Marsh tieton with the Wmnt McCae wslx f<filvfIrsfil,< twio cll&trUe,4 Th- Pol ice in Bowmanville do! distric and wa w, ik w f Yelverton. (I ilii leiW lt- l< nlîa cosrîîPlot ciii wth people in the there. Mr. and MeCabe 'I*nx liic> a i, r l'uiu iit y mtjaner that you state in your :Mr. and Mrs. Hyland were wal lw.i iteiiii or Il) dcluyx vidg.rîu-(. Youi decidcd to cause' Mr. Clif ford Fallis basz com- sundav evening guests of Mrs. ils <ju<fe, .tlîc'n as rnuch trouble as you menred his new homne west of Jean McCabe and Eleanor *>aaiti Vwuila"i t, 24, floilî could<. Yiî hadl to be nekiriy the village. Jean. lVia(ait,<iiiý #iiwHh îîîî*î ctauried otêt of your mother- ly gaitlii iiri t~ iîN <* m .Idevslit)Church Street. 1 matole l i bi furI wo) wa'ckm ("'Pltake that into considiera- Y L ERIO itvi ilm '.ii liuti utîiltIiti:lion wîher. i 1impose the pen- E V R O Mssu«itlle teuei'i'd e <<*< alt.y. Yotir liccnse is suspend-1 ~i<et.]cdfor thirec months and don't Yelverton garage was the ssver <OITIQ back in front of centre of added excitment I>uivitd .1. niaiît,2', 1tte chargecd wi'th an offence.", when the service station own-' Wye.lwtîaiulSI., (Jatllîîwii, W. îi,î<iMî'î1î cd by Mr. anîd Mrs. Morris ~ LI U O reiîaulidecl i i u wevk on a Dnl asal 24, 172 Mandie as broken into dur- W RWR 4.11441R4. (if Illiliiiut-t.l IîhîsviligCl>urtSt 1hw ,qad aing fthe night early in the JLYS _ fiail wli iel~t $1 ,000. total of $28 folr.aingl9ufr week. Cigarettes, pop and, Vilîîa(ùîl~î, '1 2> <** in a place other than a resi- other incidentais were re- I ED 1,aa ~ 17 218 Ciiîwz, d.euîîîîtdeuîce. ported missing. Entry was' ed of iti>iig tel ail I. 13 other charges under the forced through a back win- At 3: 1 îsi«a ihay Traffic Act paid dow. Moe promises a warmer* OE P.C. 1Piips I».4 ~nifie $2.,0.50 .13meter Violations- reception to self-invited guests & 811 ac~dit lap.'s 13.A. St- $20; 1 Liquor-- $18. Another, in the future. tion, I<illg lit. West;. A g,><»>charges werc adjourned a1 Mr Howard Malcolm is cur- puiînp Iblid>beil tiuIrcloîwn .wek, as time did flot permit rentiy enjoying a tour in Eur- Dirnage wils a bolt $40() t their airing. Ioe the drinaolisherd ;plil n $300' Mr.Cmbl to the 11) oChcvruolet. Penalty tefr.d, visted Cwth bella was $1:3.P N Y O L Hurnphries and family of Cas- Edward Proslkin, :31 Elginl Robinsons recently. Mr. and' St. Oshawa, was charged withl A large congregation was Mrs. Gordon Robinson are having liqtot' in a place other preseut at the Anniversarv spending a few days with Ray than a residience. This« charge Ser-vices of Manvers United. Robinson baby sitting. Glad E EC Kf was adjùurned until Oct. 4th. 1 Chiireh on Sunday Eveningj to see Gordon in improved EE MCLD Bruce Lidster, 30, 77 Har- with the pastor, Rev. Richard"1 health. :1 IKuoau« mntiRo.Osaaapar soi]. preaching. The rneri's Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson. m__m ed on a charge of impaired choir with Mrs. Lily Richard- Dale and Pamela enjoyed a R M Driving. lie was convicted son as organist supplied the motor trip tbrough Algonquin-LETI and fined $10o plus costs of service of song. Tiie churcri Park and district this week- M - SkLESSERVICE $15 or 1 month. H-e was cas- xvas decorated beautifully wiih end. tigated by the Magistrate for many flowers. A dainty lunch Mn. and Mrs. Gannet BrownI a bis actions on "2" Beers. "11 was served bv the Manvers of Peterborough calted on Mr. A wish Dr. C. W. Siemon had harboured for a long time wvas realized on his 84th birthday, September 7, when his Sunday School Class of 40 years ago - when lie res ided at Enniskillen - held a get- together at his home, Church Street, Bowmanville. At 6:30 a delicious buffet turkey dinner was enjoyed after which Rev. Milton 'Sanderson addressed the gathering. The class presented their Iormer teacher with a Parker pen, suitably engraved, and a travelling dlock, and the remainder of the social evening was spent in fond ia. s I PAGE FOLTRTEE14

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