Prouci Young Showman and His Caif Durvham Couuty's Great FamaiJoral VOLUME 106 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THIJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 196M 10e Per Coy NUMBER 37 Report No Pro gress On Plan ta Reduce Size of School Area Bowmanville Towvn Coune 1 dition ta the Port Hope Higi iwill apply to the Depax tme nî School. of Municipal Af fairs foi per- Couincillor Ken Nicks statec m ission ta construct the board before the vote was taken tha ofworks garage i nder the he is against the present se winter works program. This up of on~e large area Higl was decided at the meeting' School Board, but that if ther( held in the Council Chamber is delay in building the pro. on Monday evening. The mo- posed sehools the student tian was made by Couincillor themsclves will be the lasers O. J. Presson, seeonded by On a motion by Councilloi Councillor Keith Lathanigîî. Nicks. scconded by Councillk ITwo By-Laws were pi.:sed We 'icy Fiee, approval W by council. Oine as a capital given to debentures and inr expenditure borrowing .By- terest amounting ta $125,00( 4 Lw o $80N9,an hflor the Port Hope addition, .~ ~~other. was the final By-La\w Couneillor Fiee, seconded Proabl th yonget sowmn a Orno airon atuday far-yar-ldregarding debentures for Bo\v- by Doputy Reeve Ivan Hobbs Probblytheyouges shomanat ron Far o Satrda, fur-earol ma îille's share, of the con- moved that council approve Warren Johnston was as proud as punch of his five-week-old Jersey caif. He and strctnv o h ilro h iigo rhtesa , is three sisters, Sharon 7, Carol il and Sandra 13, gave the judge a bad time 'High Sehool. the' pîrehase of the site fi in he aifclas, utthe cetaily on A communication was rc- the Clarke High Sehool. Thi 7"sthey exhibited their young Jerseys intecl lsbtte etilwncived by council fromi the 'Cont]nîî o- ag ee the hearts of the spectators. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Durham County District Hi -iLgh'n-p g sv Johnston,_R.R. North, Orono.. Sehool Board making appli- MAPLE GROVE WINS TITLI -cation for approval of two * *building projects. One is a The finals of the West M150 pupil addition ta the Port Darlington Pee Wee base- ,'iiî i D aHope High Sehool, and the ball leag ue were played fl her the construction of aý last Thursday niglit at C o u nc Li*ts B n nw 400 pupil High School to Zion with Maple Grove be situated in Clarke Town- taking the title from Zion sion the east side of No. 17-16, for the second 35Highway haif way between straighit iin for the Gro- Newcastle and Orono. V~S os M ay R oa... Onrmoion:of ouneillor ani:Li7:Zery iY :':: ,Rss Stevens, seconded hy cd and Barry Con,%ay Couricillor Presson, council ap- caught for Maple Grave a rchitects and build the ad-1 to C. Chamberlin of Zion. 4W'inter Months!57 - Rece iv eW elfore At the meeting of Bowman- said. He explained that there1 present Dog Contrai regula e ville Town Cauncil held in might be occasions when it'tions iiîz farce duîîng the en- L C ý the Council Chamber an Mon- might be necessary, as for in-1 tire yeak are too strîngent, he b*3 8.1 day evening it was decided te stance if there were complaints assertedý, Reeve Sîdnevb ith. a u Srelax the Dog Contrai By-Law about dogs in sehool yards, the'stated 'Ilat would leaxve Dgu r n ~~~ ~ during December, January,, frant street, or înterfering, Control ' n the t tas t is ! ur ng Mnt o A Februai-; and March. Durîng wîth neîghbours. 1 unless .4h Do« Contrai offîcer theýe four inonths da4ý&t Wlll Dog owners feel -that' the1 (CoÏtnal.t , ... pae seen> Th« -.1tport- Qf, the XVWellane,, i 14ve ' rtew app1lieaidon% r- be allowed ta run at large, 1 Officer, R. J. Welsh, submittediwelfare were accepted dlttring 4,.dthe Dog Contrai Officer l i j a f Ota the Town Coîincil at theithe month. The welfare re- wilI anly act in regard ta cam- fl 5JJ %T m" IIll meeting held in the CouncillI ipients were compased of 1i plaints. 1 iber y S . UavinU Chamber on Monday evening'familles, four single persans Countci lior Ross Stevensj shawed that there were 57 four persans in nursing home. chaiî'man of the Dog Contrat if) welfare recipients in the town ýand four deserted cases. Conîmittee, gave a report onl j owv n svie w riirm during August. The indigent There were eight unemploy- the tratter in accordance wilih y days numbered 279. !ced heads of famnilles with ]I a icquest made at the Aiîguslt --- -idependants. The four deseri. meeting af the Town Council l bl i. /I t WINS CONTINENT TITLE oit cases had 13 dependants lic stated that Dartington 5 l C o t $ 6 ,2 0 Dean McLaughlin, the 'and the four single persans re Municipal Coîîncil had amend-l. famous horse-shoe pitch- ceivecd wclfare for medicai and ed ils Dag Controt By-Law 1 Six tenders for the paving,i Ontario Munici pal1 Board. 1 ing expert wlxa originally unemploynient reasons.- fectt i fram the en ofNo- curbing, sodding and gutters This was moved by Couneil- i came from Durham Coun-1 The Welfare Department ex- fecivefro te ed o No-!of Liberty Street South, and'lor Ross Stevens, seconded by ty, won bis ninth Canad- pen1ditiire for August amouni- ember until the beginning of ta replace the necessary side- Councillor Glenholme Hughes. i an charnpionship and bis 'cd to S1,398.18 for direct \vel April. walks there, were received by'Oertnrs ecived first North American titie fare; S813 for Nursing Home5 "Perhaps xve could agree 1 Bowmanville Tawn Council werv: Raponi Eastwood Pav- r last week at the Carnadian land $41 for excess and mcd.- not ta enforce our Dog Cn on Monday evening. The low-, iîg Company, Limi-ited, Scar- National Exhibition. lie cines; a total of $2,252.18. tirol By-Law dîiring this onr s edr ta fteCos org,$Iý3.0 il£ defeated a field of 23, 12 Expected recoveries through mnoith period. If we. amended Town Paving C o m p a n y,1 Paving Company, Trn o f whom were fromn the 'provincial sub s i di es and it the same as Darlington hasirDownsview, of S64,207, was $6.75; arenrav no,- United States. (Continued on page seven) done there %vould not. be ait- r aceepted subjeet ta a favOr- 1 pany, Toronto $73.152; W. B. thority ta use contrai at an'y! able report from the engin-i Bennett, Oshawa, $74,2 18.60;,I time " Councillor _Stevens_1,eers, and theapproval of the and the George Bac Construc- r -tionLCompanydWellandP$eces ion Compani, etlan di$77, 10«ý4 Sta ting Them Youn lýIt was pointed ouît by' Ian BURNED TO GROUND - Arthur Walker, we Butter, representatîve of the! fWle prnetKn t et ufrda -~ town's consulting cogineers, ofle prnetKn t et ufrda Proctor and Rcdfern, that' extensive loss on Sept. i lth when his cottage while their original estimate burned to the ground. It is located an an island was S66,000, the actîîal cost in the Thousand Islandi chain, near Brackville. will be a bit highier hecause the lowest bld was $64,207. Hei Everything, including clotbing was burned, but cxplaincd that. 10 per cent in I we have been unable ta contact Mr. Walker ta addition mnust be allowed for End if he suffered any injury. engineering and contingeri-** ** d~s. statcd that the co- SPRF0 i atn, 85 Iligh St., has tracz calîs for the Liberty St' been carrying a big glass jar around ail week, Iwork to start within seveni containing a most unusual frog. Instead of the days after reeeipt of the ten- csoaytofotl der,and for completion of th- usoar wofon s and two back ones, this work within six weeks of re- freak bas a couple of extr-a ones located midway *'ceipt of notification. Mr. But- an its body, making six in ail. Jim bas been ~ er said that the engincers' scratcbing bis bead wonclering bow be can find . report will bc ready within the frog's mate and start raising the peculiar Sa day or two. T -----fr- Finds Lost Wallet But $45 Missing A $45 Ioss was sustained by MissEline ,,Bennett, age 18, last Friday e.ter- Inoon, %%,lien she acc-idently dropped lier wailet bel- ween the (Coronation Cafe and King's Taxi office. Although she retraced bier steps at once the mwallet had already been picked Up. Later the wallet w~as found in a wastepaper nbasket in the lobby of the post-office by an emphoy- ce. Miss BennetU's hosp- S italization, PSI, and allier p-.pers including a Bow- manville H i g h Sclîool identification tard f o r 1958-59 were stili in the * "'~Vi;. ""~ '~ wallet. but the S45 (two $20 buis and a five> plus some smali change and a Inthe 1960 foal class at Orono Fair, Wan< photograph had been tak- v e n. '"Yocrane and "Comet bhis hackney put on a xvondei Iîis enee i1ada- Sfui dîsplay of show mansbip for the grandstand ghter of Mr. an~d Mrs. occupants.Titis w as a lairgo class of v oungsters w ho Harold Bennett, 106 Fliin 01deserve groat ctedît foi their efforts.' Wayne is the Street Slip is. eîplnyrd in aId on f \r an Mr. Ry Cohiae RR ~ the office of Roy Nichols il xeai l o fM-adMs.RyCcrnRR , Garage, ('nurtice, as a Enniskillil. J atenotrapher. sptxwes. Lovers ai irog's legs for a ctînner deflcacY rnigbt pay good money and the six-legged variety would certainly increase production considerably. .1. .. .2 - MORE IMPROVEMENTS- Paint brushes have been busy alang the main shopping section this week. Tbe borne of Carter Family bakery bias been rgiven a fresb look, tbe work on tbe A & P and Cbartran's bias been completed. Sand-blasters or building cleaners mnade a trial run on the Bank of Montreal building and made a big impravement whieh probablv will persuade the bank ta com- plote the entire front. BillEs billiard parlor across from the badminton club bias also had its front repainted and we are informcd that Fred Kramp is just about ready ta start on a new front far bis furniture store. Murphy's furniture and appli- ances bave also made major changes ta the interior of their King St. West store. An entirely new layout for botter displav was made after the entire store wvas repaintcd. So, the town is cet'tainlv showing progress which is ail ta the good and should 'keep shoppers at home. NEW BUILDING- With the exit of the final tenant from the bouse on Cburch St. whicb xii be tbe site af the new liquor store, an advertise- ment appears in this issue for tenders ta tear the building down. We understand there is still some delav concerning just where the new store will be located on this lot. due ta the bv-laxv which states there must be '25 foot at the rear of the store. Once this complication is cleared it is lVjie\ved the provincial authorities are aIl set ta '§-tart con- struction and have the building completed in time àfor the Christmas trade. (Iarke Hugh Town School: Cou nculi Minister of Agriculture Opens Orono Fair gti! 'ed ;tý g'0 re isi Es Following conipletion of the official opening of1 here in front of the exhibit entered %by the Durham"j Orono Fair on Saturday, Hon. W. A. Goadfellaw,l County Federation of Agriculture, flanked on the left Ontario Minister of Agriculture, toured the displays i by Aif Perrin and Clarence Allin and on the rgh4 which were the largest in recent history. H1e is showni George Black. Port Hiope's Work HasBegun g»i falFair -urne Car l '.., e- Tme Crý- Racin 12 This Weekend 1n M This, weekend wiII see one of the iast fairs of the Cornes Here Nex! May season when Port Hope jq area will i splay its war- t!es for the vîsiting public.. On September 2nd. Mosport , been placed and work begun JonWlnCOrnao 'S This fair has always bail Park. Canada's new sports, on excavation and grading for of Deveiopment, descî-ibeed the ýýa good reputatian ivith car track, took anc more giant the 2.4 mile hard-surface track as "a real Europeaa id gaod entertainment bath step forward ta the day when' course. Mosport Park is 7 Grand Prix" type of course. fý Friday evening and Sat- 1 expert drivers and swift ma- miles northwest of Orana, C. A. Bunting of Toronto, I urday, an excellent num- jcI4ines xill meet in duels of, about 50 miles from Toronto. Chairman of Mosport Limited, tIber of exhibits and a large skilt and power. The cantract'. The opening meet will be said the cost of construction [-I showing of livestock. for the new track has now held in May, 1961, and aI-;r wiil be ini the neighibourhood M p p ready Mosport Park has re- af $250.000; th, tr,,ek atone 1-1ceived international attention will cast around $70,t000t. 1from the racing fraternity. The asphalted trac]< wilt b. ,hR equest Local M P With the completion of Mos- 2 etwd logt.isrt 28 f td32fetwiealn idprPak have setinwrivrs1yhecorners. He estimnated that E'xert I-ls Influence ther sport and famous Eur- cr ol h onr oenaces wili have a chai- (Continued on page seven) skill. Twa of the warld's most NEW McEWEN SCI1OOL -IlTo Sp eed C love leaf celebrated drivers, Oliver Gen Oshawa Board of Educa- debien ai-d Stirling MOStoson Monday officiali.) MyrWilfrid Carruthers, se- $200,000 for equipping and professionals agree that it iSsehool the "T. R. MeEwen" coddby Deputy-Reeve Ivan furnishing the new wing, as finie a track as any on eith- sehool. This was ln recogni- Hobthat Alex Carruthers, would amaunt ta a total cost! er side of the Atlantic. Ito fIsetrMEe' forDurambe e-of 1.26,03.The track is in the centre autstanding service to that quested ta exert hi.s influence' The communication pointed' of '450) acres of land and the munt drng hs 1 the aveleyRoa au tht fist aymnît bvthesite has many natural advan-l years as school inspector there. claverleaf built as soon as pas- rhaspital for the work will bc tages as weîl as a setting of Mr. McEwen is now 1rî'spector sible. This motion was passed: (Continued an page seven) great beauty. of Public Sehools for this area. at a recent Board of Works meetinig. rA nmotion by Councillor- Wele Fce scode b Free for Lontest Vinners 'Kiîîgsway Nurseries be re- '< quested ta rcmove the barbed wire fence now erected on the south side af the Base - ' Line, east of Liberty Street. ~ The quçstion of retirement. ' age for town employees was! referrcd to the Fire Commit-! tee on motion of Reeve Sid- ney Little, seconded by Count- i rchaor O. J. Presson. i Hospital Construction A letter from the Board of, ; Directors af Memorial Hosp- taI informing cauncil of te awarding of contracts for the building of the new wing of the hospital xvas received. It ~ stated that the construction " work would start immediately ' Delay Camera' V -ýý, *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M f '<' fJan«lr40é Last week's Home of. the Week Contest winners were Mr. and Mrs. Hlenry Mulder, 44 Brown St., Bowmanville. Their beautîful new borne was shown in the contest page and they sooited it very qliuckly. Robson Motors' envelope was the une they picked, su The Statesman again wratc a cheque for- $5.00 payable ta Robson's. Here, the' lueky w inners are arranging with Proprietor BmU Steven, lef t, how they wili spend the nioney. .1 ~tatem4aI '4. $67 5,000 GeIV e n Approval by Draw Until Next Week The Home of the Week draw for two Poiaroid caiperas was planned so the resuits would appear in this issue. tTnfartunately some ai the partichpating merch- anti, have flot returned the coupons to The Sta- tesman office, so the draw willI fot take place until Monday, Sept. l9th. Look for the photos of the inners in next weck's edition. In the meantime, we ask al merchants who are taking part in tI'is contest ta rush thîe coupons to the Statesman ofice as quick- Ir au uble. 0 'c. -i ng -e- Lé is e.c y- ts 'e. it- ý1- e5 li-